HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-11-23, Page 8I•
sly, THURSDAY,. 11.0verahari 30th•
a t
iirird (e�►ys that waists are
full, that you'l be
n}. you
he 6
' a$ interesting w, y ,
your back. All, the wanted
en ;for fall ... • . •. $3.93
You'll find in these frocks all
the vibrant new fall'colours and
youthful styles. Women 38 to
44. Half sizes • 10.Y to
24%. ..'.. $5.95
Here 'limy are, 'styles 'galore.'
Pretty up to the minute stylet.„
in` crepes and sheers .. $2.95 •
Beautiif rally tailored: in Swing .
or IA" atlea. The Materials
are rich. The furs carefully eel-
ecte4 & w:orinnanehip 'smooth.
Specially priced ° . $19.59
Georgeous garments.. Individar
ally styled.', Imported cloths. ,
Furs :of wolf •'fol; persian Iamb;
and. syquirrel. "
The' acw• shades $27.50
• SAMPLE 'COATS.' , ..
Orae -of -a -kin :beautifully fur-
' n
sell. • All -fully interlineda
eliamoise ' lined • .:.< .$1,2.5.
. • ,AY1 L
Reeve N. E. Bushell is in Hamilton
1, Mrs. Ida Barbour, -wife of James this .week attending :the CL L con
I Barbour, Quebec -Street, Goderich, re- vention.
ceives• $2950 and court costs for an in h
le visitedthe
n ,
a k
Mrs. Fr Co
kne ca s an resultant
juf fe pair ofr s p is art week 'with friends` in 'Unless.
suffering from traumatic , arthritis past
contracted as'the molt of a:fall on s
sidewalk o Wellington street,Mr. Hopper, high school inspector.
n Stnear .
• West at midnight on November'17th, paid an 'the local,
school 1 last week. visit to
After seven hours of t'estimofiy, and Mrs: Wm. Martin of St.,
much of it medical, Justice Kelly sus - Mary's were week -end guests of • Mr.
gested to counsel, Frank 'Donnelly for and Mrs.; R.' J. ,Cameron.
Mrs: Barbour and R. C. 'Hays,' K G,
andD. R. Nairn,for the Town of God- •Mr,. and :Mrs: Harold Treleaven,
erch; dist they .get t4getltier. and en- Margaret and 'With spent the week -
'end with friends, at C ••ga:
deavonr tot reach a settlement''Iialf , s "
uounc ng : the opening • of
IT 'IS OUJI DESIRE;to serve the Dungannon' district with the choic-
est of meats and meat "products, After . eleven and a half years in
the Baking . industry in Dungannon and three and one . half years in
Grocery we feet that we can give a moth needed service in meats
mt mDrL t�Y , , i 4•5'.v a'�•v,�liiEh tri •na7C•U I' u '
cuatomed to in BREAD &.GROCERIES will be; eaed to meats.
ressonable prices.- Our Meat: Market Phone . No. is 35.. Make . use of
it and . try our service.
THANKING• our hundreds ,of "customers who havehelped us build
our Bakery and .,Grocery: trade and anticipating yourfuture needs
we .extend a 'continuance of our services.
:Brace United. Cy ujreh Presbytery
met • Is Walkerton on November 14,
Rev,, G. W. ,Moore presiding. Rev:.•R.
C, . Todd led , the devotional period,
preaching on •Faith. Presbytery ans.,
wered "No" to the Remit proposing
a- term of only one .year for, the Mod-
eratorship.'MX T. E. Plewman, F•R.-
_GG:S., of, West Chinn, ate' Rev. W. A.
Burbridge;.B,A.; B.D., of Korea,`spoke
on Missions: Most ` of the afternoon
was devoted to Evangelises and Social
Life by Rev. A. L. Sanderson, : Pat-
riotism by Rev. R. C. Todd, Temper-
ance by Rev. H. D. ':McCulloch,,
Session by, Mr. S R. Davey, and -the
Sunday School' by -Rear. G.'.' Kersey
44 ,route :wa
- when co• �. reell ne . .Mica'. Mar.` ..M R rn �of s .
an•_hour`. later, w ort , Y Discussion followed. Rev, C. D: pre -
Hays announced that a settle- • a week -end visitor with,her parepts,• Per was appointed supply for.Tara,
ea d' been agreed. upon. ; :. Mr: and Mrs. ,A E:. McNim.. P p�
meat had , b aSr p � - • „ .. , �• the `minister, Rev:. L. G. L�wsgn, hay-: •,
Darin the trial .Mr., ;Donnelly .Was mo ed to :.Kitchener. �:St;
g, Mrs: Jas• R • Hackett � •is the
ing keen v
Viaitors with Meesrs. Edgar and
Harry • Carr and. Miss Iva Carr on
• Sunday mete their. uncles, Robt.
shields,: Palmerston and Messrs. Geo.;
Alfred and James Carr„ Winglram.
Mr. Leo. Kelly,` Belmore, has just
completed ditching for . Mr. W. A.
`Culbert, having dug -1700' rods. Mr.
Wm. Elliott of •Glennanon had the
eontraot of drawing the stile ' which
numbered 26,000:
- .Little Tot Scalded
Mr, and Mrs. John •Chisohn's little
baby boy, Raymond, who is just learn-
• big to walk was seveaely. scalded, a
week . ago . Monday when ' at supper
time a tea pot of hot tea was accident-
ly up's'et off the starve, onto the little
fellow. Ile received . very bad burns
on the 'legs and one arm' and a spot
on the chest. •His condition did not•
seem to be improving after a, fen.
days and he was taken to Godericl:
Hospital where dose attention was
ven. Mrs, Chisohn remained -ante.`
hiin and they returned • home Sunday
night and it is thought now he is
-on the road Co recovery after a close
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dickson, • Sr..
'attended on Friday, the funeral of
Mr. John Dyer, Eden Mills, whose
son, Mr. Murray Dyer, Eden . Mills,
is 'thei'r son-in-law.
The Women's Institute meeting thi>•
month is • red • ember 30th.
which, will be el. ., the home of
Mrs. Robt. Davidson with the • Dis-
trict president, Mas. • Fred' Oster.
Blyth, present, who will tell of the
given leave to increase' the amount of
damages asked to $5000, the prepon-
derance of evidence having shown that
hi : Dundas ' with her "daughter Mrs. Niagara Falls. Rev G 1) Petrie was
Wilson Woods and Mr. Woods,
Mrs.. Barbour's .present physical con ' Mrs. Wm. Murdie returned on •Mon -
dition was of a more serious and per- day, after an extended visit in Lon_-
'Tnanent nature than had Drat :been don with her sister, who has ;been in
supposed.' The original claim was for poor health:
$2350. • • Mr.. and Mrs. Harold Dawson and
For nearly a Year; :or ever sincelittle son DonaldBarry, . of Toronto;
the accident; Mrs; Barbour has been were week -end visitors with Mr; and
an invalid, unable to walk without as- Mrs. Edward McQuillin.
, sistance.She gave her testimony from Week ends visitors in- Toronto in
a wheel . chair. Her fall was caused by•
a misplaced iron drainage cover, of:cluded Mrs:' W. "1L: .MacKenzie ' and
which there are 150 on the :sidewalks. Miss Jessie MacKenzie, Miss Belle
• of Goderich, and on which she tripped, Robertson and Mrs: Clair Agnew,
going ' down heavily on both knees. THE FIRST TWO CHILDREN, under
y hile she was returning' to her ome ten years, ' . come . • if 1
froin a visit with a .neighbor. • ° nex after 10 o'clock Saturday morning
By the settlement the 7'own..of God :will get a good, Toy for lc: THE
erich was held to be negligent. It is MARKET ANNEX:
insured against •.such accidents. with .Buyyour Suit and Overcoat this' sea
_eon, nit the,;Old: Prices. You wslf save
money. We have , a large range of.
samples • .to choose frons:. TEMPLE
C1ARKE, Merchant Tailor.
area convention at London. Mrs. Chas.
Alton is giving a •paper amu' "The
Twentieth PCentury Parmer's Wife"'
and the roll call is to be answered
by the name of a grain product. The
Institute this Friday afternoon is ser-
ving dinner to the Teacher's Com en -
tion, which will number around forty,
in the basement of,:the United chureh,
Miss Ina Campbell, teacher at S. S.
No. 17, :Cedar.. Valley,' is holding the
School's Christmas concert. on Thurs-
day, Deceannber, 21st. -
•Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Young had all
the members, of their family home In-
cluding Mr. and •Mrs. Marshall Gib-
son and family, west of Lucknow, Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Orser anti two lit-
tle daughters, Mr. and • Mrs. Robt.
Henderson and family, Wingham, and
Miss Viola Young, Blyth.
,Mr. Norman Hagerdern, Paisley,
and his men are doing quite ' a lot
of ditching with their ditching ma-
chine In this district and are at pres-
ent filling a contract. for Carr Bros.
Miss Marion -, ,impson, Wingharn,
spent the week -end with her friend,
Miss Bernice Blake. Mrs. Nm. Slake,
Mafelcing,' is visiting a while with her
son, Mr. John Blake.
Mrs. Wm. ' Campbell spent a few
days recently .:with Mr. and Mrs. John
Moss • and on )Monday returned to
spend the winter at her home • in Mit-
In a recent letter from Miss Eva
Killough, R.N., Connaught Labrator
ies, Toronto to her parents, Mr.,and
Mrs. Jos. Killough, she mentioned
because of the number of specimens
of rabies sent in from all over -the
province• she 'was advised to take the
serum for prevention of the disease:
We gather from this • that the dis-
ease .is widespread throughout the
province. . .'•-
The Dungannon short courses be
gan Tuesday morning • as scheduled.
It was reported about twenty young
menattended the classes and the
same number of women, I,t was quite
certain more ,were 'coming later.. This
seems like a wonderful opportunity
for those wase- can attend:
Mrs. Jos. Killough is remaining for
a visitwith her 'sister, Mrs. Kenny
Cameron; Lucknow.
Death •came asa happy release
from illness to Mrs. Godfrey Hall at
noon on Saturday November 18th.
Mrs. Hall, who was ' in failing health
for two. years has with Mr. Hall; been
cared for by, Mrs. W. R. Andrews,
in the village; at whose bonne death
occurred. She was formerly . Miss
'Charlotte Wiggins, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Wiggins, and was
married to Mr. Godfrey Hall 40 years
ago I and lived their married life on
the farm of Mr. Hall between the
i th and IOth Concession of Ashfield.
She was in. her. 74th year. She • leaves
to mourn besides her husband,' her
brother, Mr. Thos. Wiggins. The last
few days • her nephew, • Mr. Ernest
Hall and. •family were by her bedside..
She' will be saklly missed by relatives
'•and.a host of neighbours and friends.
• ••The 'funeral service was conducted
by Rev. C. H. MacDonald, Lucknow,
and Rev: J. Wilkins, 'Ashfield, With
a private service • at the house and
church services ,at Erskine Presby-
terian church on Monday afternoon.
The floral tributes were many and
beautiful, 'speaking well of the high
esteem in Which .she was held. The
pallbearer's were . Messrs. Ja, Web-
ster, Wm. Irvin; Norman, Shackleton,
Ernest Blake; George Saunders' and
Elmer Phillips. Interment took place.
in Dungannon cemetery. We extend•
sincere sympathy to the bereaved
Mrs. R. H. Thompson, Mrs. Campbell
Thompson and Donald spent the Week-
end in. Toronto, andon their return
were accompanied by : R. H. Thome-
son, who spent the past week in the
Notice is hereby given that
disposal Of all garbage and ,xe-
fuse, is requited to be made at
the Village Dumping Grounds
north of the. C.N.R.' yards.
AND FURTHER'' take notice
that disposal of such matter on
any other private , or, village
property, leaves the offender
subject to . prosecution.
Conformity to theseregula-
tions is requested.
N. E. BUSHELL, Reeve.
appointed - missionary Education con-
vener it . Rev. L. C. Lawson's place.
Rev, G: W. Moore was re=appointed
T141URSDAY, NOVEMBER 234, 11999
o da your Christmas Shopping
- "reat variety. of new
gifts .for Ladies and Men end 'best'of all at U
the Oil.
' NOW IS THE TIME to do.your shopping when
• there is a full stock to cheese from.
A .SMALL DEPOSIT• .will hold any article, until it
is . desired.
'PHONE 85.,
m f ; r
,4 .a x in Safe'
Mrssronar and Maintenance conven-
r- Thanks were. eladie sty a to
a "You didn't carry" out:..your 'plans
rt . church and ladies; and, to the to elope?"
e an. '
speakers. Next meeting. will he; next °• "No. I found father was planning
May in •Teeswater. to' move, and l didn't known (where
A. C. S. Smith, secretary. we'd find him when we: get back." .
Walk -
Notice lk
A • •
Revx It. . C. Todd.
11 a.m.-••-Morning Worship. Sub-
Jeet-"LIFE and LIGHT"
3 p.m.—Sunday School.
7 p.m.—Evening Worship. Sub-
MOpD'. '
'We meet for prayer every Wed-
nesdajr at 8 p.m. All who believe
in prayer are invited to attend.
Ioi. .13: to Nov..
500.00 is the quota
For Lucknow and Vicinity
Thecanvassers are calling this'
week for your - share in this
national money -raising effort,
on which so much depends
'Our soldiers' will be di in.::in, over there. Surely we can dig down
gg s
i our pockets, over ,here; so that they will know that our digging
.down has assured them' of the manifold services which- the Red.' Cross
provides and which are essential to the welfare of our fighting forces
Contribution to this campaign ,may be paid
over 1a six Month's period, with pledges
payable by. May. 31st, 1940 :
V. N. , Prest, Treas.
- Marion' MacDougall, Sec..
Christmas Sale of boys and Novelties at
nex! door to
Market Anne7L, MtTRDIE'S
Bring The Children To See The Santa Claus Shop - THE MARKET: ANNEX