HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-11-23, Page 57•1
„Vs..77.1777,7,777' 6
„ esr's„ • „» esseie
. , . . .
yceurn Theatre
Thurso, trio, Sat. Nov. 23, 24; 2
Mon., Tues., Wed. Nov. 27-28-29
— in —
"Paris Honeymoon"
A musical comedy featuring the coinedra-iid song-ofelitireresbyes
the favourite 4 the screen and radio. •
ELT" -L-77m
• Mrs. J. B. Hodgkinson was called,
to Dutton awing to the serious ill
ness . of her brother, Mr. T. Haw-
CongratulationS to Mr.. and Mrs.
E. Stanley on the arrival pf a baby
Mr. Wm. Pinnell returned from his
hunting trip in Bruce Peninstila with
a nice big deer. •
Mrs. Lavine Hodgkinson entertain-
ed a few friends on Thursday evening
, last, it being her. 81st birthday,
Mrs. Wes.. Thompson was hostess
to the W. M. S. meeting on. Wednes-
day of last week. •.
• Mr.• and 'Mrs. Jiminie HcAgins Of
A, number from ghis community
were to the dance lest Tuesday even -
Sing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Grirnollsye, 4th concession, o0u1noss.
On 'Tuesday evening knit the White:
church Red Cross held a meeting.
All joined in singing "0 Canada".
The report of the nominating eon:
mittee resulted in the following of-
ficers •being elected: President, Mrs.
Rev. J.. Pollock; lst vice, Mrs. John
A. ltennedy. sec., Mrs. A. Coultes;
treas., James Wilstn; work commit-
tee convener, Mrs, Lance Orem,-with
•Mrs. J. G. Gillespie assistant; press.
sec., Mrs. J. D. :Beecroft, Mrs. V.
Person. The, next meeting is to be
„called when the charter has, been se,
eured.„The meeting aimed by singing
tbe National Anthem. '•
„The WhitechttrehWomen's Insti-
tute mei last Tuesday . afternoon" in
the Hall with the president Mies
GI:ace ..Richardson „presiding! .The
meeting opened •A& singing the In-
•stitute ode • followed by the Lord's
prayer ip • unison. The roll -call was
answered. by a "Peace quotation" by
an attendance of 21. It was decided
to let ; the.. Red 'Cross 'be'e the use
of. the Hall for $1 an evening. The
losing side. in. the contest is to put
on a • programme and dance on Dec-
ember lat. A paper on Peace prepared
by Mrs. Russell Gaunt .was read by
„Miss Ardyss Brown. An insturmental
was given by. Miss Agnes Gillespie:
The rest of the !fleeting was a dem-
onstration in ,the cooking of cheap
meats. The example was liver: Re
closed with the National Anthem.
• Miss Betty Donaldson is recovering
from pneumonia but we are soty
to report he twin sister, Marie, has
Tile* been laid up with it also.
• The ladies of the United W. M. S.
of the2nd arid. 4th beld s navy sue.
ceesful tea on Wednesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Harold Pollock.
• Mr. and Mrs. R. Stuart and Velma
and Mr. and Mrs; Henb Laidlaw iA
Wawanosh spent Thursday with .Mr.
and Mrs. Dobie of Listowel.
Miss •Elizabeth MirehOnse of the
West is visiting :with her aunt and
uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ross..
Mr. Wm. Moffat has engaged with
Mr. Walter Ferguson. of 4th conces-
aion tulross. for the. Winter inonths.
to make their home irr Preston in the
Mr. and WS. Peter sCoolt and child-
ren • visited with friends in Clinton
on Sunday.
Mrs. C. E. McDonagh returned
home Sunday after spending the past
week with het slaugher in London.
' Miss M. Gihneree R.N., of Welland
accompanied by Mr. d.eorge Hellortin
of Buffalo spent „the week -end. with
the former's parents. • • •
• Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hunter and fam-
ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. Her-
man Phillips on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrso Ed. McKenzie • of
Glamis, Mr. and Mrs. R. White and London spent the week -end with C.
Mrs. Maude Hodgkinson. of Kingarfs E. McDonagh's. ,
were Sunday visitors at Mr. Isaac Messrs. „ Mike, Pat, Will and Con
Pinnell'S. •Hogan and Mrs. Will Hogan motored
• Mrs. Ada Hodgins visited SUndby to Strathroy Sunday where they vis-
• with Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgins. °• ited with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Pinnell, Dorothy Mrs. Gordon Ritchie' and Mervin
and Mildred *ere Sunday visitors spent last Thursday with Mrs.-Ritch-
with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradley, Kin- ie' s mother in Du-ngannon.
' garf.
Miss Lorena Hogan of Riversdale
Mr. and_Mrs. Wan. Jackson and Ed -spent the week -end ether home here.
na visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ' M. and Mrs. Will.Ritchie spent
• T. Hockley, ICincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday with Mr. and Min. Les Rit-
Heasley and Pearl leave this week chie.,
N" is
the time to order year supply of -these
delightful, tree -ripened Canadian apples I Theere
FRESH from Canada's orchards . . . and they're et
their best --they're tastiest—for eating and cooking!
Serve Canadian apples often for the whole family
to enjoy — with meals rind between)mealn. They're
easy to cook . . . simple to serve . . . and mighty
appetizingd, Watch everyOne ask for more!
Order your Canadian apples today . . . buy them by
grade --- with confidence! •
"No. -1" includes °mind, handpicked apples of good colour
for the variety, free from insect pests and practimpy free
from diiease and minor blemishes. Tho envies tire shied
• according to varicey:
"DOMESTIC" &chides sound, handpicked' apples of fair
colour for the iniriety and practically free from disease and
other injury. The apples are sized aecordIng to vetslety.
• tifsrk!Jting &nese
4.0 M. Watt.
\ ;Too / Honourable G. Gardiner:Minister,
• • .
. '
• f
Recent visitors in the community
Published every Thursday morning included Miss Inane Woods and OF%
at Lucknowt. Ontario. • • Brown of Waterton with Mr. and Mrs.
R. Woods; Mr, Nelly Todd, of. Strat-
ford with Mr. and. Mrs. D. Todd; Miss
Mary Wallace, Mr. and. Mrsee'llines
of Walkerton with Mr. and Mrs. E.
J. Thom and Mr. and WS. W. A.
Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Ward Shickluna
with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Gaunt.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Salkeld and Mr.
and Mrs. W. 1. Miller were recent
guests of Mr. and Mess Wm. Dialing
at Monkton.
A'sioeial evening under the auspices
of the Sunday School will be held in
the United Church on Friday even-
ing; A silver collection Will be token.
About $13 Was realized for pat-
riotic • Purposes, at the Women's In-
stitute "At ',genie" held in the Cain-
muisity Hall 'on 'Friday evening. Mrs.
Ewart McPherson presided bier e
short ,prOgramme, which included nom -
triunity: singing, a solo by Jackie AitL,
3hison, a duetiyi Dorothy Webb and
Marie Swan, a chorus by Florence
and Margaret McPherson, Shirley
ars. A. D. Mac.Kenzie—Peoprieto
'Campbell Thorapson—Puldishexf
ritulisDAy, NOVEMBER /3rd, 1939
• (By Murdie McDonald>
With the announcement that thE
6ntario Legislature will be reonvened
m January 1.0th, the big question
in Ontario political circlet! this .weel
Concerns • Premier Hepburn and, hiF
plan to cloge smunicipal booths for the
iuratien .the .war. Cloee 'Observer:
realize More. imd more as time goes'
on, that the proposal is one of the
moat impoPular steps that Mr. Hen'.
bete •has taken' to date. -Oppositioe
throughout the province is being cop -
uslidateod in such a big way, individual
members in the government ranks are
already wearing _an anxious expres-
sion in anticipation of the decision
they Will have to make in the House
if their leader insists on carrying
through to the bitter. end.
As one prominent executive of the
Liberal party pointed out, Mr. Hep-
burn apparently felt so sure of his
ground that he. neglected to keep 'a
•bridge open, for _a retreat With the
assistance of his lieutenant, Eris
Cross, the premier inade a flat, un -
Compromising statement that elect-
nensesneuse_niseliehas_Thene wee
"Ift; worked into the announcement
To back down now would require a
great deal of courage on the pert of
the government leader. Nei. has Mr.
Cross Made it any easier as a result
of his antagonism -to those munici-
nalitiee who are seeking .to nage a ,3hort course in agriculture at Dur
local plebiscite on the question in gennon. .
the forthcoming municipal elections. •
He unhesitatingly declared that such
plebiscites would be a waste of money
because' the Ontario Governmeet was
determined to force ;the necessary leg-
islation through the •House. .
The effect of Mr. Cross' statement
has served only to fan the flame of
general resentment higher and high -
Bannister and Dorothy Swan, a song
by Florence and Eddie Abretehs a duet
by Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Mee and a
seeding by Mrs. Ball. Music for the
iffrice that followed was supplied by •
of Y. P. S. Meeting
the McCharles' 4 -piece orchestra
Mrs. Allister litighei is a ,,visitor Young
regular meeting of Olivet
at McKenzie Webb's. Isteung Peoplea' was held Wednesday
• evening, November '15th. It being
Miss Dorothy Welds, winner of the Christian Missions night, the ineetitna
•public speaking contest at St. Hel- was in charge of Misses Norine Wel
en's fair, „went to Goderich Wednes- den and Jessie MeC'harles. After the
...'day to compete, in the Huron County (opening hymn Rev. C. N. MacKenzie
nubile speaking contest. led in prayer. e cripture I eno
Mrs. Ramage was a week -end vis- was stalten• by Sandy McCinteles, Mrs.
itor 'with friends in Toronto. • (Rey.) •McKenzie gave us a splendid
• Gordon °Morrison, Frank McQuil- topic on "Thanksgiving" explaining
lin, Russell Webb, Dick Weatherhead reasons feir Thanksgiving, and reas
and Allan Miller are attending the ons wily we should be thankful to
God. We were then favoured With a
duet by Misses Wilda Osberrie and
Jean MeGillvary. After the business
part of the evening, our meeting
was brought to close by the hymn
"These Things Shall Be: A Loftier
Race", end everyorie, repeating in un-
ison Mizpah benediction. •' The next
eeting will be in charge of Jean Mc-
Guire as convener and Willie Stewart
as assistant. At the close of our meet-
ing all enjoyed two good contests
conducted. by Jessie McCbarles. There
were 28 present.
On Sunday the Wonien's Missionary
ext Fowl • Stspiser
Monday, November 27th /.
6-9 PX.
• Kingsbridge Hall
Concert Troupe 'From London
1VicKenzie's Orchestra_Will Play
Keno. Will Be „Available ,
This Should Be Very Good. It's A Goose •.
At this date. it appears likely that
the fate of the proposed provincial
The Presbyterian W. M. S. held
legislation may be settled at apeety
milieus just before or im,mechately.af-
ter the opening `of the 'legislature.
In spite of Mr. Hephurri's firm:;grip
on the individual members on his side
of the House, -he may find for the
first time that he has a' minor re-
volt on his hands. That is; if the tem-
per of the electorate remains as it is
now. Members have already been
hearing froin their constituents, and
they may' not dare to act the part
of rubber stamps when they go into
their November meeting Thursday af-
ternoon in the Church. The Scripture
reading wee read by the president,
Mrs. R. Mowbray. The topic was giv-
en by Mks.. H. ,Godkin and Mrs. Fred
Davison. Miss _Annie 'Laidlaw ' gave
the Glad 'Tiding prayer; Mrs. Rev.
Pollock also led :in prayer.
This community extends their
sympathy Us Mr. • J: Johnson in the
los,s Of his sister, Mrs. Ellis, whose
funeral was held on Saturday front
Wingham. Burial' was in the Wing -
ham cemetery. • : •
Quite a number from this commun-
ity attended the dance at Mr. Albert
Walters on :.Fridey evening.
The United Church Mission 'Band
held a social evening last Friday
when the 'follOwing programme was
given: Readingsn-Misies Genevieve
Watt, Florence Beecroft, Velma Ste -
art and Mrs. V. Emerson. Miss Agnes
Gillespie gave an instrumental. Pic-
tures of India were then shown by
Clarence Medleneghan while Mrs. D.
Beecroft read the aecornpa.nying story.
The meeting closed with prayer by
Rev. Barnard. GameS were then en,
joyed under the supervision of Mr.
Harold enjoyed the lunch served by the
• Mission Band scholars. Proceeds $4.
Miss Jean Osborree spent the week •
end with Mr. and Mts. Harold Pol-
lock, 2nd'concessione •
•Little Miss -Margaret sMcNeil Of
East Wawanosh is spending this week
with her aunt, Mrs. R. Stuart
• Miss Tereasa Caskinette returned
home on Saturday after spending a
few weeks with Mrs. Robert Moffat,
qth eoncesSion.
Mr. and Mr. Herb Pettypiece and
Mrs. T. Hill spent a day recently
with Mr. H. Pitmen and Mil's. Hod-
gkinsen of Kinlougb.
Mr. Sam McQuillan has completed
the fall ploughing on Mr. Alex Cam-
eron's farm which ,he has rented fot
next year. •
Mr. and Mrs., 3. Richardson, Bob
and Jim and Mr. Blake Gaunt spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. Wendel
Taylor who left the hospital Saturday
and was takeis to the hoene of his
sister, Mrs. Perry Pennington of Cul -
roes and her son • Russell Penning-
ton also in hospital for appendicitis
has developed a' cold and is not pro-
gressing as rapidly toward recovery.
Mn and Mrs. Orville Tiffin, .The and
Dan, Mr. and Mes. George Tiffin, Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin spent Wed-
nesday last with Mr. and Mrs. El-
mer Alton of neat Belfast. • •
Mr. George Wraith who celebrated
his 80th birthday on Saturday is mak-
ing a favourable recovery, from the
Mr: and Mrs. Sam. Emerson and
family spent last Sunday at Mr. Stu-
art Hunter'.
Mrs. Dan McDonald visited with
her daughter Mrs. Wilfred Hackett
of Belfast
Mr. and Mrs: Orland Richards and
son and Mrs. McDougal and Babe_
visited atDonald MocCosit's ort
Sunday •
Rev: and Mrst. Young visited at
Mr. Jack Emerson's recently.
Mrs. John Collins and fainify spent
Sunday at Mr. James Needham's.
Miss Harriet Whitley of Crewe
Spent a few days with her aunt Mrs.
John Emerson.
'rhe Ladies' Aid of Purple Grove
was held at the home of Miss Mar-
ville Stott on Wednesday..
Mrs. ' Rantoul of Fordyce spent last
week with Mr. and Mrs. ROA Cam-
eron. •
• Mr. George Lane returned home
from a hunting trip in Parry Sound
district. •
Mrs. Kenneth Weaver and son Billy
A Sudbury are visiting With Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Alton. Mr. and Mrs. D. liciCinnon vis-
• 'Jur. and Mrs. J. Lawson spent Sat, l'ejety held their Autumn Thank-
ited friends in Blyth on Sunday.
tirday evening with Mr. and Mrs. °fleeing' - Service having Rev. C. N.
e McKenzie as their guest speaker. Dur- We are
D•nes Campbell. sorry to report the illness
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lane and' chil- the service Mrs. C.N. McKenzie of Mr. Austin Martin who underwent
dren were Sunday visitors with Mr.rendered a beautiful solo. an operation for bowel trouble in the
Kincardine Hospital on Sunday night..
Ind Mre. Wilfred Hackett.. - s •
The sympathy of the eommunity
Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Alton are spen- is extended to Mrs. William Hooey Mr. and Mrs. R. Middleton and
ding a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
and family.
glad that Gordon McGuire the
funeral on Thursday of the late
Miss Christeria Robertson. attended
P. Graham of Port Albert. We are
is improving after being off work Mr. Archie McArthur of Embro.
with blood poisoning. •'
W. M. S. Meeting •
The Women's Missionary Society
meting for the month of November
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stewart mor- was held in the church on Thursday,
ed to Listowel last week. Miss Eunice November 16th. There were 15 mem-,
Carter went with them for a week bers present. The meeting was opened
by the hymn "From Greenland's' Icy
The communitY, Was shocked on Mountains". After the roll calli Mrs.
Saturday to hear of the sedden death O. MeChaeles read our Scripture les -
A the late Alex Gollan. Mr. Gollan's
home for many years was near South
Kinloss • Church.
• Mr. Oliver White of Toronto called
on Mr. W. G. Reed Sunday.
• Misses Eunice .and Ma'y -Carley
were recent ggests of Miss Freda Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McInnes have
moved to town.
Harold Stewart is taking a two
weeks' • course in cooking at Lon-
and Mrs. Rose McMillan, Mary
and Hugh Allan 'visited with Mrs.
McKenzie, Sunday. s
• Mr. Allan McConnell was home a
day. from Toronto. •
Eunice Carter is spending h week
or two with Mrs. Harold Stewart
who has moved to Lintowel to be
with her husband while the 97th Bat-
tery is there.
Mr. and •Mrs. P. T. Carter Visited
with friends in Ripley on Sunday.
Lloyd Elliott of .Ripley, formerly
:A Rapid City has gone out West with
his uncle.
Mrs. Joe England was visiting in
Wingham& dayisor two.
The 97th Batte•ry aneved, to Listowel
son entitled "The Bible in India". Mrs.
M. Coiling was in charge of our Study
Beak "The World in Canada", and she
gave a very interesting account of the
chapter or part entitled "Learning to
Live Together." After the second
hymn we were fayoured by a read-
ing "The Unknown Soldier's Brother"
by Min. G., Brooks. "Present War is
Teemed Tragedy" was an interesting
reading by Min. 0. Brooks. Our clos-
ing hymn was "Ne7ai.er selr-Geeedn'To
Thee" with Mrs. J. Macintosh leading
is! pyayer. This meeting was in charge
of Mrs. J. McIntosh as Convener, and
her helpers, Mrs. M. Colling,'Rao
'Walden; Mrs. 0. Brooks, Mrs. R.
•Finmillon, 'and Mrs. R. Blank. The
next meeting will be' in charge of
Mrt. D. Stewart as convener and her
helpers, Mrs. W. S. McGeire, Mrs. J.
Colling, Man. O. Brooks, Mrs. G. Bark -
well, and Mrs. W.: T. Roulaton. There •
will be a slate of officers drawn up
for the ,fleist meeting as there was a
committee chosen for this at this
The Presbyterian W. M. S. ,met at
the home of Mrs. John sCoran on
Wednesday, November 15th, Mrs.
Howes occupying the chair.
The Yonng People's Society held
their regular meeting on Sunday ev-
ening with Mrs. Robert Andrew as
guest speaker. •
• The newly organized Women's In-
stitute held their first meeting on
Thaeriday of last week at the home
of Mrs. R. Dalton: Mrs. Oster of
Blyth, district president, was present
and installed afieers.
This -community was very sorry to
hear of, the severe foiel cuts which
„ S.-sees-6es 6.-
Mrs.. Frank Tout (formerly. Elora
Crowaton of this - locality) received
in a motor. accident 'last Ttiesday.
Latest reports, are that the sight of
an eye is doubtful as to its recov-
ery and also that its removal May -be
necessary. •
et Red Cross meeting will be 'held
in Langside Forrester's Hall Thurs-
day evening November 23rd_ at 830
for the purpose of organizing for Red
Cross work. 'All are invited in this
Ideality to be present and aid this
neeeenneeyeekes _
Rol----ITTROme.• as na
the "Reid" 'farm on the 4th Concess-
ion of Culross.
" •,7- • ' •
Miss. Dorothy. Grahain of Toronto -
is spending ter vacation at her home..
Mr. and Mrs. B. McCienaghan of
Whitechurch visited at the home of.
Mr. R. Ge Martin the first ol the
week. .
Mr. and Mrs.S.MacDoneld of Strat-
ford visited at the home of Mr. J..
S. MacDonald recently.
The St. Augustine Wornen's Insti-
tute will be "At Home".to their fam-
ilies and friends on Friday evening,
November 24th in the Parish Hall at
St. Augustine.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Ringler of St.
Helens were Sunday visitors with
Donnybrook friends:
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills of Toronto
were Sunday visitors with his sister,
gra,. Norman Thompson.
Gordon were Heneall visitors oresSatf
urdey with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Doerr
SN T coNviNcEp
Till 's he tested five flours
Mrs.Cyri1 Hughes discovered for
herself which gave best results
The stories Mrs. Hughes had read
• of the great success other women
were having 'with Robin. Hood
Flour sounded good to her. And
success in baking means a lot to.
• Mrs. Hughes, because she is hostess
of Pahquana Lodge, Shanty Bay,
Ontario. The meals there have al-
ways been a special attraction for
visitors and •Mrs. Hughes does the
baking 'herself. But, to make the
meals still better if possible, she
was ready to try the Robin Hood
Flour other, women were telling
about. So4she decided to test it in
comparison with other flours. She picked out her best recipe
for bread and baked five batches, using a different flour each
• time but making no other change.
Robin Hood gave 15 extra buns with one cup less flour
Now when mixing the dough, Mrs. Hughes uses Robin
Mrs. Hughes found it took Hood 'Flour for all her bak-
• only 6 cups .of Robin Hood, ing. If you will test Robin
whereas it took 7 cups of Hood , Flour alongside the
• another kind and 'even metre brand you are now. using, I
• of the other three flours. But am confident that you, .too,
that isift all! Her recipe when wili. 'get such a pleasant sur-
Hdbin Hood flour was used prise that you will want to
• made the regular number of keep on baking with this
loaves and fifteen buns extra!
• Then to her delight the bread
-was so much better in flavour,
• whiter and smoother in ter.
ture,.that the. guests were en- Bola BAKING SERVICE
thusiastiC about it. Today, •ROBIN HOOD, IlLOUR HELLS LTD.
extraordinary flour.
Robin Hood Flour.