The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-11-23, Page 4•„„
1000100 _IrstOWW:=01
' • „
• '•-•••I;
!students. • I A. A. Perkins of l'ore'Elgin reV
The first [mane of the softball -finals
A tee -rim blast in'tbe0th turned comMends that. the W.0,1i,A. execil. SPLIT'INTO THREEGROUPS
the tables and gave t he, ucky e a
L Nine ltiv call meeting to discuss the mat -
the win by a nos%• Ihefore any definite staterne,nt
H A will operate this year.
With the announcement that the
W.O.H.A. would not operate, the Kin-
cardine News last week proposed the
revamping and expansion of -the Bruce
Lucky Nine—J. K. McKenzie, 2nd; *made as to whether or not, the W. 0.
Bud Thompson, e; Harold Greer, P.
Fred MeQuillin, 1st; Fred •Steward,
3rd; R. McKim, If; Armstrong'Wil-
son -if; Mac Stewart. and Bill LloYd,
centre fieldr G.ordon Fisher, ss.
High School—W. Phir,tell, If; N. S. Hockey League as the hoOkey solu-
Calvert,.:3rd. Doug. Aitkhison, c; J.ition for the district. The Bruce Lee-
Cook,'13; R. Richards, rf; G. S. MC-
Intyre; let; J. Leith, 2nd; Lloyd Wylds
•Ss ; AtIgUS McKinnon; d.
Score by Innings .
Lucky':bline „.. 093 ft14) 123—.11
played last Theraday night, was a,
it there ever was one , 7 gh School 340 101 010,—,,10 ing winter: An. intermediate 0. , .
r„± „ , „
cans 3111e,b9nald?s Lucky. Nine-a/wee uolPiree"-L,a.cD0UOld and Flakdr• quad and a juVenile team: will be
• The 'jia:rrarkilea, are" la* expeeted
gu'e has operated in the interests of
smell centres during recent years._
The News also adds: .•
"Lucknow expects to enter twohoc-
key teams in league: 'cliariog the Hicom-
• • the fixture .10 aver -the High
• •ee"-hool;With .athree-run attack in the
•9th haling: The Second game was, play -
last night' (We(likeday.). bat thi
the press ibefore the re -
salt was knoWn. A. thirdgame, if
• required, will be.played Friday night,
•Off a bad Start,' the Lucky Nine
saw the High Scheel leading 7 to
0, at the end of the second inning.
• , Freon, there on they settled down be-
hindseine good pitching by Toblay
Greer, and kept •pectriug away each
inning ,until the end of the 8th, 'found
the score standing 10 to 8 for the
, •
• he..reeent anneunientent • by. Jack
MacDonald of Chesley, that the Wes-
tern Ontario Hockey Association will
not operate this year, is not received
favorably in. some soie centres.
Lack of interest and but few en-
tries, a year age; resulted in this
league folding up, but this' season,
with some team's weakened by hockey'
players, enlisting, the W1.0,H.A. is
favOred rather 'than the O.H.A.
to, be the potent' 'squad which went
• The Ontario .3nvenlle Hockey Aa-
soctation, at Its annual -meeting Sat-
urday, divided .the Association into
three gro,ups,hin the interests of areal-
Itapentres. The 4A'!. group includes
,ci ies of 10,000 or more PoPdation;
"B" centres with populations Of from
1500 to 10,000 and the group for
points with less than 1500i
An interlocking schedule will be
played, ;where necessary, to arrange
proper groupings.- but•the higher class
teams, must win Over those of lower
rating in order to qualify for the
'playoffs, „ •
We interpret thiS,,,waY, For exam.
ple, ,Lecknow a "c!,,„ club; might he
grouped livith Wihgliam and Kincer-
throagh te, the serni-finals last sea. 'dine; both "B" Clubs. Should Luckno*
son. •" •. win their groan, neither Of, the latter
. "The Sepoyrs Sre again ceunting on
drawing on Ripley for intennedirite
aid; ai'some of last year's Junior Red -
men are over the age limit for fur-
ther competition in that series, '
"Should the Bruce League get un-
der way on a large wide and lay down
regulations by which Bruce loop Play-
ers can not perform in any other lea-
LueknOw may not get the as-
sistance on 'whioa it is counting"..
.44,444 .• • .• •;' • • AO'
Mr. and Mre. Lorne arrlek• and
Lfamloyilld Rv.obbisiteciltt Pnkertron aisandterdaMrs.y.
lkonday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
meldivri.nart:trilfraar.diaaMt eaporikenrinamoui: aPent
Nfiss Ina Campbell teacher of Cedar
Valley spent the week -end witl? her
• Parents Mr. ndiMrs. C. Campbell.
at.B1whrs.itJecohhttriroxrAttle 4 visiting friends,
• Mr. Dave Farrish and son Ilill, left
for Saskatchewan, one day last' week.
Visitors ,Wjth Mr. and Mrs. David
Little and 'fluidly on Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Alf. Ar strong.Gordon
and Miss`ThePe of UM" ittr,
Waring of Perth County
Myrtle; Gordon and Mis.. E. Sher•-.
wood visited With Mr. 'and Mrs. C)ar-
ence Irwin of Kinloss one thy re-
• e
• linTRSDMic NOitrogarA prd;
FOR • SALE--,SixtVacre farm land]
with buildings; immediately south of it
Village. Apply Mrs. Wan. S.. Reid,
WANTED—Six head o you
feed by the month. Apply to Alvin
Hamilton,End Concession. •
AUCTION SALE—.4 'term stock, im-
plements, and household furniture at
Lot 22, Con. 2, caress on Tuesday,
November 28th. 6 months' credit,with •
5% par annum discount. No reserve
Bs the farm ie sold. W. Oise. Prop.;
Matt Gaynor, Auc.
tl •
teams *Odd nuallfy te continue in C Y.
the "fj,, playdowns. But regardless of 24r,, George -Lane ed tonne
Lu Imow ishea in last Thursday after open ing a va-
w 4 P ,
provided they *ere the only "C" club 1 cation in the North Country deer
in the group, they' would continue in hunting.
the "C" playdowns, John Mullin and Mrs. A. Nel,
, Mrs
lastfEildeaorn'giv-club weakened ufenHedbfyy son of Belfast - spent Sunday
1 .
i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson.
Harris, this year's entry • should be I • A number of young folk attended
decideillY"benefited by the new rul- the social •night held at St. Helene
ing. ,i
. i United Church Monday evening.
STRAYED—To premises of the an-
dersigned, about November" 17th, one
sheep. K. D. ; McLennan, R. 3, Goder-
ieh, 'Phone 6646 Dungannon.
ache, tubage are attacked at the ,
source by the eleenSing and antiseptic
action Uf.liiiinacaPs. McIKIM'S DRI.T0
STORE.. v. •
FOR SALE -45 heifene,Hereforde
Durhants; 700, to 803, pounds; also, .
team of •eolts. Credit` can be arranged.
Norman 0Connor, • R. 7, tacknow,
'Phone 66-22 Dungannon.
ore we soi
• , •
t a sty
rap o
• " •
Tested, riot against ordinary gasolines,
but against premium -priced motor fuels
. . .• by 1475 motorists in 14 cities.
e voted
lue unoco e ualle or
excelled remium- riced gasoline
in road performance.
Comparing this neva. gasoline d
to the premium -priced gasoline
you have been using:
In knoikless performance
• As good? Better? Net as good?
On pick-upt acceleration
As good? Better? Not as good?
Tor power, especially on hills
As good? Better? Notes good?
or all-around performance
ujetwilt,t's go!di
91.2 % said
As Itee4 ft Sotto
•93.7 % $Ul4
as toed Ili Better
94.9 74 said
As Geed et Setter
90.310 saw
AO Owl en *Ntst
During Septetnber and October, 1475 • of Nd -Blue Sunoco! 9 out of 10 pro-
' critical users of premium -priced gasolines claimed it equal or superior to premium.
were asked to test an unidentified, colorless priced gasolines they had used previously.,"
gasoline which I was in reality Nu -Blue 1
• Sunoco with .the coloring left out. From To make a fair test; don't (films,
Florida to Canada, these tests were con- Nu -Blue Sunoco with other gasoline.
ducted, not by us, but by independent, It your tank run practically empty. Then
unbiased iesearch authorides, and when put in Nu -Blue Sunoco. Compare ft par.
the returns were summarized, it was found ticularly with premium -priced gasolines.
that these motorists voted 9 to 1 in favor We'll' rest our cbse on your findings.
The quicker you start using Nu -Blue Sunoco
HOUSE FOR SALE --Comfortable
frame dwelling, all modern conveni-
ences, good garden, good garage. Will
sacrifice , for quick sale. Apply to
Sam Murehisen, Lueknow.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie:Eldon
and Harvey were in London on Mbn-
Mr. Charles Anderson is a dele-
. • -
I • I 4
9.30 A. M. To 6 P. M.
Peter Leaver. Ile was a brothel-ifl.
law of Mr. R. Carrick and a highly -
respected resident of the community.
We are sorry to report Mrs. Algin
-Purdon, to be seriously .ill inWing-
harehospital. We hope for a good re-
Toronto this week. A Red Cross Society is being star -
Mrs. Jobe Helm has gone to spend ted .here. President,. Mrs. (Rev.) John •
the winter wi,th her daughter Mrs. •
Pollock; vice ' president, Mrs. "elm
Lorne Woods and Mr. Woods of St.
Angus Kennedy and Mrs. Lance Grain
Helens. • ' and Mrs. • G. Gilliespie on work cora-
1 - The_W._ M. S. quilt was quilted at
inittee, •• •,
*the home -ef Min. 1. Andrew an Mau, _The vassfria amd zre „te meet at•
• day • last. • the -manse Saturday afternoon it 2:30
Mrs. Sam Reid is spending a few Ali the children are cordially invit-
days with ber daughter, Mrs. Chas. ed to attend. ' . •
MacDonald of • St. Helens who had . Mr. and Mrs, Lorne pernin and.
children of St. Helens' splint Sunday .
the misfortune to fall en the stairs
and sprain her ankle. 1 •- ,
ruternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Messra Harvey and Eldon Ritchie meQuillan.
while ploughind for Mr. Robt. And-
rew saw two wild animals along the
swamp resembling coyotes. Messrs.
Richard, , John, W. T. Gardner have.
had' sheep' killed recently by jogs.
• Mrs. McAuley and son Angus of
Ripley were guests. on Sunday with,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ritchie.
Miss Ella Hunter of -Laurier vis-
ited friends here over the week -end.
SundaY School will meet next- Sun-
day in the afternoon and church ser -
rice in the evening at the usual, hour.
A goodly number of young people
from Zion were at St. Helens on Mon-
day evening and enjoyed the religious
hour and social time in the • church
there., ,
Miss Hilda Twamley of Stratford
Normal spent the week -'end at her
home, ,
• Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Phillips and
Beth spent last week -in Detroit. •
Mr. and. Mrs. Jacob •Hunter and
family of -Zion" spent Sunda yg after-
noon with Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Phil-
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. ,Kilpatrick are
moving this week to theill ne,,e home
on the sixth. We are very sorry to
lose them from our coMmunity.. Our
beat 'wishes go with them.
It has been decided to held the
annual Sunday ,Sehool Christmas. con-
cert in Blake's Hall, Friday „evening
December 22nd. -
Mrs. Fitzsimmons of Arkona. is obi,
iting with her daughter Mrs. Cecil
'Johnston at present. -
We are very .sorry to hear of the
death of Mrs. Godfrey Hall, who -pass-
ed away on Saturday at the home of
Mrs. Wm. Andrews of Dungannon.
The sympathy Of. this community - is
extended to Mr. Hall in his bereave,
ment. •
The W. M. S. held a very enjoy-
able social in the hail Friday even-
ing. After a programme. of music.
readings, songs, a few interesting
contests were given. Follolving thio
lunch was served. •
Mrs. Richard Johnston is visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. Hiram Mof-
fatt of Watford. •
•Dir. and Mrs. Wesley Whytock and
Allan , of Teeswater spent Tuesday
at Mr. Richard Elliottar.
, • Mrs. Howard Robinson and Shirley
are spending a few -days at Tara with
Mr. Howard Robinson. ' 1
Miss Margaret Palmer of Kincar-
dine, MAL HoWard'Robinson and Shir-
ley were recent visitors at Mrs. Thos..
liallins.isl.'Plarmas Robb, Vera .and Wil-
mer of Laurier were recent visitors _
at Mr. Richard 'Elliott's.
• . Mr. and Mrs. Walter McKenzie and
Miss Elizabeth McKenzie of Kinzer.:
dine spent Saturday evening at Mr.
F..rn,est Ackert's.
Mrs. Rachel Culbert, Eva and Lone?)
were Sunday visitors at Mr. Wm, Ea -
dies. ..
Mrs., Thos. Harris, Mrs. Howard
Harris and Lorraine visited with Nibs •
S.. Purvis and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Baker
. Mrs. Heroer Houston, Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Ackert and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Congram and
family, 'Mrs. Thos. White were recent
visitors at Mr: Ernest Aelcert's. 1
•Mrs. Robert MacDonald and fam-
ily are spending a few days with
the fonner's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Turnbull of Underwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ackert and
Winnifred spentIVIonday at Toronto.
Miss „Gertrude Hamilton of Cliffor&
spent the week -end with her mother.
• Mrs. Andrew Hamilton.
Mrs. John Mitchell of ' Wifighan:
spent a few days, with her sister, Mrs
F.. Davidson last week. -
Miss Mirehouse from Saskatehewar
visited with her aunt, Mrs. Robert
Ross. Her father, Mr. Joe Mirehor the purpose of organizw a Red
Cross. All those interested pleriset-
will be remembered by many here.
tend. , ,
Mr. and Mrs. T: Jantzi o Wirer
,,Mr. and Mr. ban T. McKinnon,
• •• • , •
A ,
• • ,!ofiii,‘=.4,
4,4'..Z.,',‘44f04444"44,4: • r
Mr. Bill ' Lapp and his brother,
Clark of Saskatchevvan Called on
friends here thiS week.
Mr. Donald MacKenzie went to
Sudbury on Wednesday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller of Luck
flow spent Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs.
Parish .Moffat.
Miss Donal& MacCallurn spent the
week -end, with her parents Mr, and
Mrs. Neil' MacCallum.
We are sorry to report that the
twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Donaldson have pneumonia, and
Kenneth is also under the doctor's
Miss Jean Osborne spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Poll-
ock. •
viettiag is being held in the For-
rester's Hall on November 23rd for
ton visited last week with Hien&
Mac -
here. , arid Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mac-
•Kenzie and Bill, Mr., and Mrs. Parish
M. Donald Finlayson of Lochabit
s,.. Moffat, Miss Jean Osborne, Mr. and
spent Saturday with his aunt, mr
Mra. Neil MaeCallem and Mr. and ,
Reid of Br' rot Mrs. Ivan; Conley. and Betty spent
Mr. and Mrs. Russell
ford spent 'Sunday with his mother, Wednesday evening with Mr, and Mts.
C 1q0 -1:4k 401011i.n_JELI101.2/1r0Od.
spent Saturday with ber slater. .Mrs.
Robert Donaldson. -
Mr. Jim Nesbit of Toronto spent
Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Parish Mtiffat. •'
to spend the winter months there..'
A Mifti Agnes Wilson of Whitha epent,
raday with her mother, Mrs. J. Wil -
One of the old pioneers of East
Wawanosh passed away Sunday. Mr.
- • , 1,1 2.4