The Wingham Times, 1900-11-16, Page 5OF YO TIME DRESS It will just take that long to convince you that our prices are right. UNDERCLOTHING,h Pretty silk and Wool Plaids. special, 55e ; Heavy French Surges, suitable for coats and capes, special at (i0t. Figured l.tistres, pretty goods, special at 850 and 50e. Stylish Plaids at 12,e and 18e, Ken's Fleeced Lined 'Underwear, extra value, at $1.00.a suit Ladies' Fleeced Lined Vests, special t 25e, See our higher priced goods— every garment solid value. WINGIIA.M 'TIRES NOVEMBER -1G 1UG , I9!QOi. 1'IEWS FROM OUR IdEIGHE4RS EVEIIT$ OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. What V,Fideawt ke Times Gorr eepona erste Communseate -- Other Items Clipped From Our Txehnn,es. READY-MADE CLOTHING Men's working Pants, special at 90e. Men's English Nigger Head Tweed Suits, double breasted, well made, heavy linings, our special price $8 00. Men's blue Overalls, special at 75e. Canadian Tweed Suits from $8.00 ea $11,00—every one a fitter, Your money back if not satisfied. We want your produce and will pay the highest prices fur it. North End General Store,. avrst>Tvrierm. Miss M. MoOlinton has returned from atwo weeks visit with friends in Gode- rich. Geo. Emerson, of Goderich, made a business Trip to V3 estflpld last Saturday. Speoiel evangcelistic services are being conducted in the Methodist churls here by the pastor, Rev. J. Kennedy. 1tobt. and Miss Hattie Wightinau are siekwith typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. hoover and family visited with Mrs. Hoover's parents at tho Nile last Friday. Fine off stalk Valencia Raisins, 15c lb Trenor's Choice selected Raisins i itc lb Trenor's Choice Sultana Raisins 15c lb 5 Black Basket Table Raisins, 20c lb California Seeded Muscatel Raisins in pkgs, 15c lb Choice Patras Currants, 15c lb Extra choice Vostezza Currants, 20C lb 41 Cooking Figs in Tapnets, 5c lb - Layer Figs in Boxes 20C lb LI California Prunes, all sizes Shelled Almonds and Walnuts Aylmer Brand Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, Beans and kins. Buy none other ; 3 cans for 25c � at IFFI ducted the services. We all sympathize with the bereaved family. Mr. Walter Iiuggans gave the young people a party last Thursday evening at hone of David Moffat in honor of him taking his departure with Mr, Cornell and family to Mantesso. Ho will to greatly missed as ho was. a popular young man. We all wish. Wat success, in his new undertaking and a safe journey. Mr. and Mrs, Riohard Millar held party last Friday evening. A large number were present and. enjoyed thein - selves by danoing, games and music. The musie was furnished by the Misses Stachan and Taylor and Messrs, Bryaus and Rattan, They tipped the light fantastic to the wee sma hours. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used` Dr, King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferer); have proved their inutohless merit for Sick. and Nervous headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents,. Money bark if not cared, Sold by Colin A. Campbell, druggist. 'WEST lvn\V ANO$1Y. Tho following is report of standing of pupils of S. S. No. 15, for month of Oet- ober:— Class V.—Goa Jefferson, 84. Pump - Great Lilaof an Editor. "For two years all efforts to cure Ec- zema in the palms of my hands failed," writes Edttori-I._N. Lester, of Syracuse, Kan., "then I was-whelly-_-.C) Xed_ by t l3ucklen's Arnica Salve." It's the world's best for Eruptions, Sores and all skin diseases. Only 25e at Colin A. Campbell's. Class IV.—Mina •Chamney, 1;)4; Rebecca Chalnney, 83. WItONETER. Class III. Sr.— Edie Nixon, 78; Mar- tha Wallace, 130, , Ii ClassIII. Jr.—Cameron Jeffersoii, 2C0; Norman Thompson, 105; Ethel Brooks, 71., Class II. Sr.—Annie Chamuey, '185; Gladys Jefferson, 138; Harry Champion, 1.27. Class U. Jr.—Sandy Nixon, 95. Part II.—Joseph Thompson, 65. Part'I. Sr.—Hattie Champion, 40. Part 1. Tr._ -Earnest Thompson, 175; Gordon Jefferson, 160; Willie Champion, 134. 0 Tho following promotions have also been. made:— From Jr. rv. to Sr. IV.— Mina Clhainnoy.• - From Sr. III. to Jr. IV.—Edict Nixon. From Jr. IIt. to Sr. III.—Cameron Jefferson; Ethel Brooks. Frain Sr. II. to Jr. III.—Gladys Jef- ferson; Annie Chamuey. From Jr. II. to Sr. II.—Sandy Nixon. FroniPartII. to Jr. U.—Joseph Thom- pson. From, Sr. Part L to Part II.—Hattie Champion. • T. P. SWITZE t, Teacher. 0 Su crier : ewelry. We pride ourselves in always keeping in stock the very best of everything in the jewelry line and although we do not make as high a percentage of profit as an cheaper lines, we have the satisfaction of knowing that we give good value, and that is what we want. A satisfied customer is the best. ad- vertisement. We expect to have you for one. OPTICIAN AND JEWELER At 1be November meeting of the quarterly Official Board of Wroxeter Oii'euit, it was moved by W. C. Hazle- weed,. seconded by Jas. Higgins and re- solved, that. this Quarterly Board has Beard with deep regret of the removal of Bro. Wm. Lucas from this circuit. We desire to express our appreciation of the splendid services rendered by Bro. Lucas for so many years. We beg to aoaire hien that our best wishes follow him and we pray that he may be long spared to help ou the good work. THE NEW STORE THE l 3EA.F ST l WANTED Five IIundrod Men aK d Boyei, Bay Clothing. Our .Clothing Department appeals speoiaally v the Mnea's and Boys' needs who want line, reliable clothing well exit Wild fiaidhot at KOD1%RATD PRI,JJES, without an exhorbitaUt prtflt townie out of their pockets. Men's Fine .Beaver Winter Overcoats, rdat k navy .shade, vel- vet eollnr, Italian cloth lining, well made, sizer; 34 to 44. Sie'.ittl at $6,00. :den's extra heavy Pea Jackets, well ,made tweed lined, dark nava shade. 400 111 at u3.95, Boys' Heavy Blue Nap Reefers, cltzuble-breasted, high c.,,ttar, cheek: tweed lining and perfect fitting. Special $2.75 Boys' fine heavy 3 piece Tweed Suits single or double. breasted, well lined and btylish. Special 68.50• __- Men's Heavy Misters, Brown or Grey Frieze t'1 ;. ii, Tave-at lined well finished. Special, "5.00. Men's heavy dnuble.breasted Suits, nicely lined, late sty tGr. Our special price, $5.00. Astounding Discovery. From Coopersville, Mich., comes word of a wonderful discovery ox a pleasant tasting liquid that when used before retiring by any one troubled with a bacl cough always ensures a good night's rest. "It will soon cure the cough ton" writes Mrs. S. Himelbarger, "for three generations of our family have used Dr, King's New Discovery for Consumption and never found it's equal for Coughs and Colds," It's au unrivaled life-saver when used for desperate lung diseases. Guaraneed bottlesColin. A. Campbell's. 50 Trial bottleOfree. N • P:dll:Y. Spreads Like Wildfire. When thing, are "rho best" they become "the best selling." Abraham Hare, a. leading druggist, of Belleville, 0., writes:"Electrio Bitters are the best selling bitters I have handled in 20 years." Yon know why? Most diseases being in dii.orderi; of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves. Eleetric Bitters tones usp the stomach, rega]ates liver, kidneys and bowels, purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves, hence cures multitudes of mala- dies. It builds up the system. lents new life and -vigor into any weak. sickly. rniulown man and woman. Price 50 ,cones. Sold by Colin A. Campbell, cling- gist. JA1MESTOWN. Get your cutter ready boys and give the girls a drive. Miss Maggie Walsh has returned home to Mr ,Sabi Snell's after visiting her friends in Toronto. Mr. Walter Breckenridge has return- ed home after spending the scanner mouths with Mr. Robert Messer. Miss Rosena Wheeler has returned to her home after staying with her brother Geo forthepast months Having just opened up our new stock of Fall Goods, we quote a few bargains. In Fall Dress Goods we show a full range of .Plaids, Home-Spuns, Tweeds and Ladies'Cloth Suiting ranging from 4oc yard and upwards. See our new per allies' Jac-ets to Boys' strong Tweed Pants, lined, special price 50e. Men's extra strong Pants, well made, to clear, 75e, ---'srar4iu'an .jackets at eut prices.. A large heti _ at , latest styles, all sizes, i'iom 3f5 to 46, ranging in price frgtn SLt 5 to : . UNDERWAR A complete stock of Men's and Boys' Underwear, all kinds, all sizes, all prices, 25c, 35c, 45e, 50e, 65e, 75e, 51,00, $1.•15, $1 50. WINTER. CAPS. A fine assortment of Winter Caps for Men and Boys at eat prices. BOOTS AND SHOES Men's good strong Boots, solid leather. special 51.00. Men's Long Felt Boots, GUARANTEED, SPECIAL, 52,00. Men's Long Boots, SOLID LE?.THER at cut prices. Boys' strong School Boots, our special price 90e. Girls' Boots, buttoned or laced, t 0e. 51.00, 51.225, 51 51.A large stock of Men's and Boys' Heavy. Rubbers, ane or two • buckle. See them before you buy. Ladies' Misses' and Children's Rubbers and' Cvershoes at special cut prices. Farm Produce taken in exchange. 1iLUL4-,ALE. ""Macdonald! Macdonald! We hail thee a:taiu. East Hnrou's great chief oil her Liberal men." Dr. Toole, of Brussels, formerly of Bluevale, was here to vote on the 7th. Miss Ruby Duff went to St. Cathar- ines on Saturday last, eviiero she has a situation. Messrs Caseniore and Diff are buying turkeys. Miss May Ross, of 13rucefiele, has been visiting relatives in this vicinity for some weeks past. Mr. Thomas I l:is, of Maris, had his new barn raised on Friday last. Pretty cold for a barn raising. Win. L. Fraser, of the first line of Morris, was ill last week. Mrs, . Henderson has returned home after visiting in Brantford, Hamilton and London. Mrs. Joseph Pugh and soar Chester were both ill last week but aro now re- rge re- covered. 'w hat's the .natter, Will? You look Miss Eva McCracken, of l;rtissels, was Ipiible blue. An old and highly respected resident of this kigi,e1seelgewl passed to herheaveu- ly sore" at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mulligan, in the person of Mrs. Hammell,"at the ripe old age of seventy- seven. About six weeks ago she took a paralytic stroke of the brain causing her to lose her sense and sight. A week ago on Friday she took another stoke caus- ing her to be helpless and powerless together on her left side. She p away on Wednesday, Nov. 7theving bebindher, two daughters, Mrs. ulligan and. Mrs. McDona:d and one son, Thos. of Algoma, and ten grand children. She was a member of the Brethren church. The funeral took place t0 Brussels cemetery and Mr. John McAllister eon- " Give Him an Inch, He'll rake an Ell. The Cheap Cash Store. still urging the beast to,its utmost, rode on alone. Those who saw him first from the school house say he was stand- ing up in the buggy beating the horse and doing a 1 he could to make it At last the brute refused, from sheer ex- haustion, to move, so Mr. Jacidth. jump- ed out and ran the rest of the way, just casting his vote in the nick of time, a- mid the ()beers from the little orowd. Wm. Thornton, formerly of the first line of Morris, but more recently of the vicinity of In ' :soli, was in the village: this weep Death. Mrs. Andrew Holmes led on Monday night after several evks ill- ness. She leaves, besides her sorrowing lutsbaud, four young children. sympathy of the community goe them in their bereavement. sect atest New York styles, finn Black, Fawn and Brae Colors, L Perfect fits at $5.00 and up. Also a full stockes of Fur Goods in Ladies'Jackets, Capes, Muffs and Ruffs at prices to suit the purchaser. See these goods before purchasing elsewhere. pairs Union €' See our special value in Blankets ; 40 Blankets at $7.65 per pair and up. Also a full stock of All - Wool Wool Blankets at $4.00 per pair and upward. A full stock of yarns always on hand. T. A. MILL visiting Miss Burdette McCracken, of She Bluevale road, this week. Mr. Daniel Macdonald, of Palmers- ton, visited at Mr. George Macdonald's over Sunday. Mr. Macdonald had just returned from Kingston hospital, where lie had been, lying ill of typhoid fever for several weeks, which disease he con- tracted on a visit to the Limestone City. Mr - Macdonald is book-keeper for a merston carriage firm. Mr. Pope, sr., of Turnberry, is an old man who can walk two utiles in consid- erably less than two weeks. On election day he started to walk to Bluevale to vote, which was five utiles from his Lome, and lie is eighty-one years old. Some one caught up to him. and gave him lift before his j limey was end- ed. Mr. Pope's a fir' is willing and his Li •h isn't weak. W in. Jaoklin, of Grey, formerly of Bluevale, had. the most exciting race to get voting in time that we have yet heardof hi connection with the recent 'election. Mr. Jiteldiu until lately lived on tho third line of 141orris, where ho still hos a farm, but bast winter movedto another farm, its Grey, On the after- noon of election day he went to McGin- nis' school house, cm the first line of Grey, to east his ballot, thinking his Vote was there, but learned at inn 03111- tits% past four that lie must vote on last yam's assesoinient, rct tho stones whoa;53conc'1 line of Morris, ten miles away, and the roads not in the best conclitiwt. Mr. Edward Bryans undertook to drive hint. When.the horse showed sighs of 'slowing tip, Mr. Bryant, who is a luau of some WO lniudred pounds weight,got out to lighten the load acid Mr. J`acklin, Let fhe smallest microbe gain lodgment in your body and your .whole system quill be diseased. The microbe is microscopic. ,but the germs become inches And Mends of pain. Hood's Sarsaparilla destroys the microbe, prevents the pain, purifies the blood and effects a permanent cure. Rei i Dow11-411 had severe head- aches and my constitution ;01a5 generatty tun daunt. Had read about !Plods Sar- saparilla,tried it, and after using Ivobottles etuas entirety cured." Miss elate)Flanattgan, i i'anning AVON, r'oronio; Ont. e ut ie to Any orders for sales left at the Vanes office will receive prompt attention. J. J. Currie, auctioneer. The council met iu tlu, Council Roma, Nov. 0 in,eteaal of Thursday, the Sth, as as agreed upon .tit last meeting; mem- bers all pre3ettt; niimites of Sept 24th meeting read and confirmed. Communication. from R. Va.istoue, Barrister, Wingliam, on behalf Of Henry Deacon, S34 lot 30, con 10 received, noti- fying the contemn not to put a culvert 'across sideline 39 and 40, con 10 opposite lus.property then, as be nnaintaius that the same would be an injury by flooding Ins land in that locality, with an extra quantity of water occasionally. ---Filed Tho Treasurer reported cash on hand at date, 584.20. The following acoonnts were received and ordered to be paid: — Mrs. Bradnock, gravel, 55.40; George Daley, gravel, 60cts; Wm: Symington, Auburn, cutting hill, 562; Geo. Shinn, clearing and ditching in swamp, 571; P. Porterfield, services rendered revising voters' lists, 1000, 513.25; Alex Porter- field, services rendered serving notices, revising voters' list, 00; Wm. Robin - Opp. Pank of IIamiltor hill, 53; Wm. McL• rty, gravelling, „3;-• Edward McD, ieil, filling in roadway, 81.50; Robert M'G nwau, ditching, 53 60e Alex Doig.vall,iv het d.313 ea Dtag.e tll's rn•td, 55; Mark Mtse'1, ditohi:t;. 832; Wm. Paten, gravelling, 533; Wm. Pat on, g. avaLia:;. alis J )4i t e 113:., bal- ance of gravel, :1.53. The coauoil t'1.3.1 ljoar lel til_'. See ars clay, 15th Dec. nes`. P. Par,:au:;:.n,... .. reeese If/ Never Disappoints sol., assessar,atteudiag voterslift emu t, 52.50; Wm. Robinson, tit'leetiag jurors, 52; George Mains, cleaning oat Culvert. 51; John Brace, gravelling, 510.26; Alex 13race, jr., gravel, 51x10; 'David chow, 1 filo, 64cts; G30, 1M%, t, etc a.tinig Glitch, 73e; Andrew 1 ax, gravel, 70.:; Owen Donnelly, building calvtrt, Slots; O:vett Donnelly, ditohing, grading oust gilavel- l.ug, 814.60; Ctt'en Donnelly, part 00 teaot gravelling, $5.CO; OWen 1) ritual:,,, cutting hill, $$5; Isaac Wall r, conning oat creels, 151 heut'v Deaeoo. gravel- ling. 518; Jossph Ruddy, cls 'ming dite•h, $1.25; henry Edwards, luinbnr and Oitohing, $1.35; Win. Nethery, grav3l- ling, ,2.G0; ' `m. MoTarty, gravelling, $20.40; Wins. McCarty, work on Toll's This picture is the trade mark. of SCOTT'S EMULSION, and is on, every bottle of SCOTT'S tMi3L- SION in the World, which now amounts to many millions yearly. This great business has grown to such vast proportions,. First•=Because the proprietors have always been most careful in selecting the various ingredients used in its composition, namely; the finest Cott Liver 011, and the purest *wypophosp1 ites, Second`:=Bccatise they have so sltilifttlly combined the various ingredients that the best possible results are obtained by its use. a far.:.Because it has made so many sickly, delicate chi1dr t1 strong and healthy, given. health and rosy cheeks to ro many Baler atiS.31t1C girls, and healed the lungs and restored to full hearth, so snarly thou:0.11(1s in the first stages of Consumption. 1t you l,nve ret tiled it, *tend for free sittart Err Di ngreenete That, a it1 rurpriaeu. SCOTT Etc n0ivrea♦, c1 erutetr, Detour,.• sic aid 0.T04oto; altatut Lists.