HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-11-16, Page 4DIP THE \ INGII 4 TIMES, . O \TF, IlaER NI 1900, Tan l '.l,ta iltls:zni; polls in ;1,11.2 :,, Mina! EAST HURON IN 1900. have been heard from, and maw.) 1 '4V'. 7.'110 follow ilir arta the ofiit'ial returns e it l`1'eti0tt i ILiteralltlo ltll:el` l for this ridaug Q1 November 7th 'by about 10 ula jenty. Tl tIT PRA:=. OLw nig the Liberal .who Vas 0. 1 . , . elected for Alberta. N. W. T., by °vera ,*Q. 1 , , ....... 1000 majority, is a former Wiughtunite. Macdonald Dickins,on 54 44 32 38 A guaranteed cure for sore, M. (Niger spant his boyhood daya zzz $ Majarits for Macdonald .,..1. this town. Brussels-- Sweating tend S1i'tzllell TM: Newfoundland Liberal Cavern:. No. 1 33 Thursday's elections ` No. �...• 56. F ^-4 Ft 1.. ccaliOnt3I at;A.]liii�iT Bgrou'ri• i' Wiugizazu, Nev. 15, 1004. p t r 100 lbs.... • 1 .5 to 13 50 Fall Wheat ...... • . • . 0 62 t0 0 (i'• Swing 'Wheat...... + ,. 0 00 to 0 00 Oat j . 0 23 to 0 33 1 Barley .... ..... ..... ,• 0 )5 to 0 55 leas , 1 Turkeys, drawn.......... • 0 0S to 0 0E o 1 ''. ...., Ducks, pa pair 0 .. to 0 fi0 I. Butter. .... ....,0 18 to 0 18 .. 15 to 0 lu 1 Wood per cord* .. 7 00 to 8 00 4 Hay per ton... • !Potatoes per bushel .. 0 '23 to, 0 30 Tallow per lb ... 0 05 to 0 t)(! Lard .. 0 13 to 0 13 Dried ',.pplee per lb 0 03 to 0 33 37 37 Eggs per doe 0 00 to ,a 00 mezt also won in. aur. a 50 30 Mr. Morine. a former Canadian Con- i N0. 3.... n c d J ' 1 l G 3 zs az .., t.l. 1..0 Mr • who S,t n to z i� e Servat , i to show them how to rim things, had 1 Majority for Macdonald ....13. the mortification of seeing his party 1 Grey- 1 44 -' hopelessly clefoote d. IT is rumored that the threshing mach- r 6l n i*ze rot in some fine though clumsy work C �� t� i ���� � 1 zn"�4xuthan t n i i -Gerrie Vidette: 'We eau inform bro. 'Nash that we did not need iany threshing machine or any other DRUG STORE. Ikind ofamachine inWin'aamto reduce` 1 the Conservative majority. m.. Dr '1T�mp:Na.LD and E. L. Dickinson, LgTAELI~FUD 1E.72.the two candidates in East Haron had a1 No. 2.... . : l No. il,...••. rut,.ch better campaign than was the case No, 0 'r ut 1r��g����'r�, t�rg mat:y Tidings. They held eighteen No, 5 . , U.R.ILLLIOTT,PUBLtsa li AVD PROPRIETOR point meetings and each dt"livered their1 ;.4o. e, .. �- "'=-"'• addresses from the same platform and I FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 1000. TO ADVERTISERS. 04 t No, 2.......,.. 52 27 00 44 74 34 01 55 1`x0. a........... No, 4 ....... No. 5, ...... , No. 7.... .,.... 1 Wool .. 0 17 to 0 20 ILive Hogs, per ewt 4 00 to 4 25 Chickens...........0 30 to 0 40 a 44 Easy lessons in Lite fissurafoe. 1 '� 493 290 Majority fdr Macdonald ....104. Howick- No. 1.... 53 89 55 84 5'' 113 Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday evening.. Casual noon Thursdayadvertisements of each weuted p ek. CARD OF THANKS. To the Liberal electors of East Huron:- GmNTLF•' :-vow that the election is over I take this opportunity of •rdial- Iy thanking you for yoar vot: .nd influ- ence on my behalf. Yoh ave again 'fought a noble bat e an secured anoth- er victory on belied •' honest Govern intention of retiring from political life. relent. I thank, es ecially my commit• 1In the case of a man 80 years, this deci- tee men and the public speakers who so • sion will not be a surprise, especially ably assisted me during the contest anti l after the result of the recent general who iucleet1,a. ided so largely to my sue election. While we cannot uphold the cess.*+. methods of Sir Charles Tupper, his ut- The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada, has 1-30 years successful experience. 2-A largo siuplus. 73 116 3-A low death and expense rate. Oz '" 69 , 4- All the best plans. 45 875 5.12 parted at the close of the campaign as' Majority for Dickinson.. -107. Morris- r 43 ed. This is as it should be, as no good . No. 1 ... 2 is done for the causal of either party by 1 No. 2 68 40No, 3. , 45 46 dirty personalities. No. 4.... 48 44 Wn.ar under the sou was the matter ' No. 5 with our � ' � � No. G ---- --- hari? Some said Mr, Dickinson might 1 358 318 have as high as 130 majority seeing he Majority for Macdonald .. . . 40. had 71 in 180G. All the ballot boxes Turnberry- showed was 43 however. -Brussels Post. Your Liberal friends in Wingham -were never better organized and in a better shape for a contest. before, Bro. Kerr. The Liberals here said from the open- ing of the campaign that the Conser- vative majority in Wingham would be below fifty. Sir Cnannua Tuai.E1: announces his good friends as when the campaign open - 01 tiConservati`efriends iu Wing-...•. 66 75 My thanks are (i'titt, and are hereby ter defeat both in the country and in tendered to everyone sii�o contributed in his own constituency renders it v ane - any way to the success Qf the Liberal 1 cessary at this time to dwell on his po- party in East Huron. a I litical defects. Fighting hard and stub - Yours very gratefAy, bornly, traversing our wide Canadian P. MacDoxD• I continent and speaking constantly, he Wingham, Nov. 12, 1900. has shown a vim and vigor quite unus- ual in a man of his age. The daily press have been doing considerable guess- ing as to who will be Sir Charles Tup- per's successor. No. No. No. No. 1 2.... 3 4.... 64 90 72 63 70 • 40 (i3 67 280 246 Majority for Macdonald ....43, Wingham- 49 No. 1 3 37 7 49 No. 2 No. 3• 42 65 No. 474 88 NOTES AND CO3I1IJEYTS. Prc.'PERITY is popular with the- elec- tors of Canada. Mr. DY?IENT, Liberal .Algoma on Monday. SPUMES of Sir John! per party has gone to Gillicaddy. Hox. W. Mum= was elected in North York by a large majority, and not J. Curry, Conservative, as reported in our last issue. Mu. McNEIL Conservative, has been re-elected in North Bruce by a majority of three. His opponent, Mr. Campbell, will request a recount. ONLY a few changes have been made in the later election returns. The par- ties will stand about the same as report- ed in last week's issue. "What happened, Wingham?" Brus- sels Herald. Wingham is alright, Bro. Irwin. The Conservative majority was reduced from '72 to 43. THE country is waiting for Mr. Cook to produce evidence that the Govern- ment demanded that he should put up $10,000 for a Senatorship. IT is a notable thing that not a single Liberal Cabinet Minister was defeated, 'while nearly every one of the Conserva- tive leaders are left without seats. HON. Dr. MONTAGUE, formerly Domin- ionManister of Agriculture, and defeated Conservative candidate in Haldimand, bas been appointed Canadian organizer for the Independent Order of Foresters. He has a contract for three years at an annual. salary of of $4,000. was elected in The whole Tap - bust -Dan Mc - As was to be expected, some Ontario Conservative papers raise the cry that Sir Wilfred Laurier holds his power by the French vote. Even if he did, we cannot see why that should make any difference. The French are as good - Canadians as any of the rest of us. But the Globe clearly disproves the assertion that the balance of power is in their hands. It adds up the number of Eng- lish-speaking Liberals in the new House. In Ontario there are 32 English and 2 French, in Quebec 14 English and 42 French and in New Brunswick 7 Eng- lish and 2 French. Altogether in the House there are 81 English speaking Liberals and 44 French speaking. If all the French declined to vote the govern- ment would still have a majority of seven over the Englih-speaking Conser- vatives. Tint fact should not be lost sight of that the great majority which Sir Wil- fred Laurier has secured in Quebec Province, equivalent, as it is, to "a solid Quebec," is not by any means a solid French majority, as some opponents, of the Government are implying. No fewer than sixteen of the Liberals elected in Quebec are English-speaking. This means that nearly one-third of the Liberal representation is not French and shows how far raoial prejudice are our French-Canadian fellow citizens when they vote for English candidates, in some cases, as in Beanharnois, Rich- mond and Wolfe, Missisquoi, and Que- bec County, voting against men of their own race. Sir Witfred will have in the next Parlament English-speaking sup- porters to the number of 82, according to yesterday's vote. If he secure the majority of the elections yet to be held, and if the Independents support firm as they have in the past, he will have at least 00 English-speaking followers, as against 76 English-speaking Conser- vatives. Sir Wilfred could carry on the Government, if that were necessary, Without that French majority which some people profess to fear so greatly. •1VIontreal Witness. Enquire rates of ABNER COSENS, .A;t. The Mutual Life Assurance Com - 1 pony of Canada, formerly the Ontario Mutual Life - -�-- ��� WEST HURON. Below are the figures of the West Huron election for East and West Wawanosh, also the majorities in the various municipalities of fWestHos McLean East Wawanosh- No. 1 202 245 Majority for Dickinson.... 43. Wroxeter- • 60 3 t No. 1 ' Majority for Macdonald.... 26. • itECAPITULAT1ON. Macdonald Dickinson Blyth 4 Brussels 43 Grey 194 Howick .... • Morris 40 Turnberry43 Wiugham Wroxeter26 107 43 350 210 210 Maj. for Macdonald 140. The total vote polled was 3864 of which Dr. Macdonald received 2,002 and Mr. Dickinson 1,862. There were 26 reject- ed and 11 spoiled. ballots. We use the "Jebb Optometer 99 - an instrument for the immediate detection and quick correction of Errors in the 'dye and Sight. This instrument is made un the latest and most scientific prin- ciples andinsures ab- solute precision. We test the eyesight free and guarantee the best possible results, .14ALSEY PARK SOUTH HURON.. The following are the majorities in. South Ituron:- jeweler and Optician Macdonald Block. .z.. ;. EA FOR CDT PRICES 76 . 50 77 68 58 41 1.u. .... .....- No. 4 .. ...... $.11 40 272 1.99 West Wawanosh- No.1 ..• ...• No. 2 .'�.. No. 3 ...... No.4 ...... No. 5 ...... 57 65 41 72 86 59 78 37 52 29 201 263 ]IA3oniT1ES. Holmes 23 50 63 Ashfield . Colborne Clinton • • Goderich Tp. .. 25 Goderioh E. Wawanosh13 W. Wawanosh2 . 236 211 Probable majority for Holmes -25. Stops the Cough aud works off the Cold. Laxative cureet in no ayNu no Pay. Prine ice 25 ns. The Peop1es Popular `i�6re ltE111aMBEli.-T'herc's only One P,eople'6 Popular Store in \\Ingham. EME1IBERt---Our claims, and then see how carefully we' incite to I ,nits are them. Your money refunded al faetct'y. We'd sooner lose our profit than have you, go away dissatisfied. IT'S 1ZIE NOW -That home made Candy e\, waiting L for so long. Walnut MapleCiul,Walnut non 'Create, Walnut Orange Cream, Plain Maple Ctedtn, French Cream (made from Jersey Cream) Maple Walnut Loaf, Almond. Cream Loaf, Nut Taffies, Cream Caramels, Chocolate Cara well, ac, ICING SUGAR --Delicately flavored, in colors, 10e to 15s pkge. COCOA -Walter Baker tt, Co's half lb tin 35A; Il"nsttorn's Boyne Dutch 25e; Epps 120. Webb's 100, Imperial Datch Cocoa 10c. SALMON -Good fresh stock -at 10e, 130 and 15e a tin, e. SARDINES-InFrench Sardines, large tin,auce 50, Itegular arge tin in a e,enowt 0 15e to clear. All fresh stock. STARCH -We have tht's best 1 lb 50 pkge etarch Se a pkge. CLOTHING -We are offering splendid value in Overcoats and Suits for Boys and Men. "Your money's worth or your money back." LUE in jJNDEItiCLOTIIING' `lr men's oro give the BEST Mil Misses UTnderwear., A large stock Boys', Women's to select from. No matter how much or how little you pay you are bound to get your money's worth at this store. McLean 211 on the market. Corn will offer a Reduction e .. tire stock Tomatoes, Corn and P Raisins, 1oc per Ib. Canned Mackerel, 2 for Canned Fresh Herrin Fresh Herring in s Best 4oc Coffee Good Coffee in Baking Powd Brooms, Br reduced prices, 6 Bars of to lbs. of fresh Oatmeal for 25c. Yeast Cakes, fresh in at 4c. Lemons, large new stock, 3oc do�.en• Fresh Figs 5c. Lamps and lamp goods below cost. We will also give currants in large quantities,at a bargain or Raisins by the box, Flour by the cwt. Lard by pail, &c. McEwen McMillan, 297 138 81 28 Henson Stanley .., Bayfteld.... , Seaforth , Tt ckersmith McKillop Hallett 16 21 103 544 20.3 141a3ority for MCEWeti 251. 'jSTA is It -tomato le' on every -be t et tit° tamablet�r�e Brt►�Ic Quinirlt L North End . Grocery. 'banewly eol lam s 5C. Tins for 200. , i lb. tin and Steel ' icture, i 5c. es, Whisks, Shoe and °‘Stove Polish, all at omfort Soap, Eclipse and Searchligh n nay 5C. doz. Cod Fish Sc per lb. A WO 1 1i D TO FARECiRS Bring your Turkeys, Geese, Chickens and Ducks to us. We pay the highest markt( price and sell you goods at lowest prices. Poultry must be STARVED' for 24 hours before killing. Must NOT he drawn. Must be DRY plucked and plucked clean. Leave tips of wings on if you wish. I3ring to us as early in the week as possible. j Terms -Scoot Cash. Macdonald Block, RR Wingha .. WI E T AM PE ME � MY! WHAT CoMRol�� Txe" "' MILL 1S Having repurchased our old stand, I we aro now prepared to supply the pub- lic with 'Wood and Iron Force and Lift Pumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders, Gal- vanized iron Tubing, Cisterns, Water Troughs; Sinks, Baths, Pipe Fitting, Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water. We can do our work cheaper than others in the business' as we have the steam power. Repairing promptly attended to. We also do well digging and drilling. All work is thoroughly guaranteed. Give us a call, Call and see us. We will sell everything at a low price. Youwill save money by buying here now. 111111,mS SPOT CASH. D. SHOWERS & SOH. A Tailor's Talk .uW would be useless unless the fit, style and quality were apparent to back up every statement. We don't talk volumes, but our suits talk for us, and our prices will suit you. Leave your order for that new ALL STIIT Ole OV1I1,COAT 3. Pants and Overcoats, of the very latest material and cut can be had at. Robt. Maxwell's at lowest possible prices. Fancy Worsted Suit- ings are taking the lead this season. See our new goods. Robt. Maxwell Iiigh Art Tailor, Wingham. E. -L OLARKE Stand next Griffin's Grocery, Photographs Photos of every description made at M. E.Zurbrigg's in ). the down floor gallery. Our photos, nothing but the best for all. Try us and you will see, as the photos speak for themselves. AL E. ZT.JRBEIG -'s Down floor gallery, opp. ?resb. Church. CID.Eli AND JELL' MILL. Take notice that the Wingiham Cider and Jelly Mill has commenced operations and will run EVERY DAY for the next two weeks. Il%t 1�1C:k .A.LO.610'3t0f3lt iliilPx..E'S ani' have theism made into Sweet Syrup or Jelly without extra expense. DAVID ''r. HASTINGS.