HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-11-16, Page 3Mw+l..4r.4.1..M..r!VRw.r.a,r.lrrw114.1. M.,rR'rMMMn tic•cldu;; Lite 11hi<'h SY ti¢ut. '1Tllnt•clitor ofawestern. pout ry u:irn:i1 says:�7t� t :r. the t'Yv ! r is •Il . t , a t 2 r,i,i a health of tho chicks." 1.1.11itit ir: all sight as far as it ,, i .n, butthis (;13 lotto 0, . tame Tit1 t f . 11Warmth is osplttio3 ill tint 11 st 1 iattl is not tete applied suit, 4t le better to hell) a eine!: to keep itself worm thaw() keep ip wan). Some it ,a , ,• o t tz c til licit ]s au'cusstrry for ,. lJrU + brooder It t.il.vlclt but tau .itself isworse , than none. A good many c•liir.; i are murdered -tenth y^ tar by keeping pntl, tl.clu to wartn and, eoddliug them. A healthy "well-bred, properly -fed cltielt; ought to supply a good deal (11: its warmth fr.3111 witltiai, I("arp rho c•.ltic!s ctomfurtab]e And well fed. Simply allillri<:ut heat to help thein to warm up when they Nvant to, taut'trariao n way to get awey from 11. it when they ;vent to, Keep your ayes on the cizi<sl:a twit not a0 the thermom- eter, Physiehtus say that grant) `cods have Trevor beau found to bo the cause of appcntlicitie, and tlott tooth -legal bristles bare boon the ciente) in to great rziauy oases. r�•4.•wv+...w.ww,.µ...«.,,,�.,mwrw...r�v+.r-,ww•w..wr C. AE MITY. Carters` Little Liver ll1s� Must Cc ere Silretteaturss of otf‘e-a-4e;fr Seo Pa /Simile Wrapper Calow. 'Paul ental, ;seta at$ oc„ �,rto take cm tinz,:an FOE IlEAi3aI1;�1E< rei3 EG70IIIF8!£55. FON OI6ltyiiSFB¢ SW. FOR TORPID LIVEsC, fat CFf1dSTIPd"tTION. RR SALLOW SKID.. FON 719E COMPLEXION A 11,4e6fr][:TY0.7,7ri= 141.15T it.Yts NATUN 6, 2S cogs I Z'uzeiy 4J+gc4aY,Ia rY✓ ,�cG CURE SICK HEADACHE, 1831 Sevea]�t4S! . Year. 1901 �UNTRT ENTLEMkN ,MIAN The Only Agricultural Newspaper and admittedly trio Leading A.grieultural Journal.of the World. Every department written by specialists, the highest authorities in their respective lines. No other paper pretends to compete with it In qualifeations of editorial staff. Gives the agricultural NEWS with a degree of fullness and completeness not even attempt- ed by others. Best Reviews of the. Crops, Best Market Reports, Blast Accounts of Meetings, Best Everything. TYMEIVNBAIMIITO .ill Country Residents who wish to SEEP DP wITIt THE TI1IES. Single Subscription, $2; Two Subscriptions, $8.50; Four Subscriptions, $6; Special inducements to Raisers of larger clubs. il'Write for particulars on this point. Club agents wanted everywhere. Four Months' Trial Trip 50 ents. SPECIMEN COPIES will be mailed free on request. It will pay any- body interested n n i any serf in country send for them. Address the publishr: life to LUTHER TUIcEa & SON, Albany, N. Y. FOR TIMES SUBSCRIBERS Tho Tett. has completed arrange- ments for the issue of a very handsome CHMST AS SUPPLEMENT to be delivered or mailed on or about Decornber 14th. The supplement will be iu book form, and will eontaitt from 35 to 40 pages. It Will be priutod oil good paper, well bound and profusely illustrated, The reading matter will be much above the ordinary,esti thework well worth pre- serving. Size of pages i:1.: ion inches, HOW TO GET IT Every subscriber who pays all arrears tend n year in advance, will receive u copy free. Evozy hhtiw subscriber who pays ayoter advance, will recoi' o a copy flop. The pried to non-pay-in•ndvaitco sub- seribors and the general public, 25 emits. Advance and note subscriptions will be received from this date forward. TIMES OT'PICE, WING IAM Til NOVEMBERI The d"lv,vltteltti Winter Vali.. iso have received a eopy of the lace whim t + ,. 1 33313 list s l.til~.tc ( the ,rtt1U, b.k't'la, i91Vin(atall.l avec` t1. I:uthltiy departments. of tin Ontario I'ruvlue]stl winter fair,. to be hold , , l ,d at(� , rift 1,b December Gtd -Guelph, l 4 L rt er 11tI3 to 1'6.13 amt. 1,o'lowitet is to tiummaty Boer Cr:attlta---kiltortlaorras, >590; I.Ierofor:is and Pelted Angus, a$250; Galloway` tied Devises, ty:Kut%; i;raclea and S;rt)}i;>i'S, SPX)();- best dressed orcats.s, 1a , x of the 131tee leveed clatteve iuclurtos x+100 offered foe <lrossed e,ait+assts. Sbectp (i.lts• wold, Lineultte, latieest.trs, Oxf'orcis, Sliropebires, tloutlttlo\v:(s, :;regia <laeh; Dorset home frail a'Ieritioe, and Tramp - Aires 1lulio1ks, :,110 cadre, kipeciitl pri::es for feltrotasitir.•s, Leieoat'ars :ect O.xtortls, L00, tf2 $ and ,50 respectively. (mule`s, fi,16 , Lesch of the above classes iuelitdos t46 for dr* Setl careaceees, tiwitte,---star`s hires, X orkslliros, Chester Whites, I'olaud Cruses, Essex, 'J,'atll- woettt, Dciroo Jerseys, $1219 men; grades, ses8. Export bacon hogs, same bt'oecle as above,•2r`0. Dressed carcasses, $410, Dairy.—Sltortlzorns, gt310; .A,yrsltires, $140; Holsteins, Jerseys, Gooruseys, grades, $00 each, Spooials t Holsteins, ,„25; Gticrnscys, $90. Other specials and sweepstakes in the, rations dopart talents above amoeut hi value to over $800. Dressed Poultry, Fowls, tur- keys, geese and ducks,. SUO. Competi- tion for tlzessiug poultry for the British market, prizes, ii 10. Poultry and Pet Stock. --Prize list cif over $1500, tunic classification as last year. Meetings will be held each day tend evening dur- rug the show and will be addressed by various speakers. DcwThcss of' 12 Years' Stand- !Neg.—Protracted Catarrh produces deaf- ness in many cases. Capt. Ben. Connor, of Toronto, Canada, was deaf for T2 years from Catarrh. All treatments failed to relieve, Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder gave him relief in ope day, and in a very short while the deafness left him.entirely. It will do as much for you. go cents. -33 Sold by A. L. Ran,urott. itewarcis for the Soldiers. The Ontario Government has doter - mined to give every voluziteor who join- ed the South African goutinoent in this Province 160 acres of land. This land shall be free of all settlement duties and Provincial and municipal taxation, ex- cept for school purposes, fora period of ton year's. If such laud is, however, transferred to any person within said period of ten years, then the exemption from settlement duties and Provin- cial and municipal taxation shall cease. Tho heirs or adininetr:ttors of any per- son enrolled who died while on service shall have the some right of selection of lauds as; the person so enrolled would have been entitled to if living. All claims shall be fled within two years from est of January, 1901. The Domin- ion Government has decided to allow each Canadian yelunteer to retain pos session of the rise which he carried in South Africa. =These rifles will make interesting mementos of the war and will bo handed clown from generation to generation of loyal Canadians. • For Over Fifty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years bymilliousof mothers for their children whine teething, with perfect success. It soothes the chile, softens the gums, allays all pant, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is Incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kiud. A Catnpaie Story. The candidates in an election cam- paign do not do all the lying. The free and enlightened unprejudiced and capable electorate are, sad to relate,. not as faithful to veracity as they ought to b' and d if the candidates , and dates are some- times guilty of gulling the people cer- tain people do their best to get back at there. A well known character about town, whose face and figure, tell of Many a bibulous incident alonthe avenues of time trundled into the Conservative club rooms at Zing street, "Hoorn for Tupper'gr ho sang out as he slarumed the doors behind him. "Whoever told you that yon had a vote Colonel” bantered someone. "Vote be jabers oi've tiro of thein, and that's more than yez kin say yer- self O'lI vote for Osler that's one, an Oil..vote for Clarke that's two. See. Aw, but osier's my man. Hees a fine spalpeen. Oi got ten votes for him to- day" he proclaimed with great S040118 - Doss and CanvictiOn. "So" said the busy clerk without look - bag up. There was eonrethilig in the atmos= pltere that the colonel didn't like, and he headed for the door. "Three cheers for Lorryer" he cried as ho matte his way into the Golden Lion building Lorryer, Burns and Allan; Thern's min after me own heart. Burns is Nue, 01 got fifteen votes for him to- day. Nobody seemed to pay thiCh attentionto this interesting annouucetnent, u:ul the Colonel's patience and lying capacity wero exhausted. "Seo here" he brake oat "if you dealt get me a job its constable or clerk of sonhothin' Oi'll see yez in h--- before Oi'II vote for eme, of yez" and lie Started of for the nearest b tr. e Torottt a Stxr. A 'O1t;D 'I) 'l' . .',. 1f 11• , ( ,.) a . SICK- LY -.L it OT Fite 1Paine5s Celery Corinotlnd 1'4111 1,111.A (E V+i . HAP. V ltlkaAL q1, Jaz G xou a s "New Life I to r. hat: wawa` or Ailing . Women a 3,d will Do The *ame Good. Work For You, The medicine that has given new health and, • fresh ,a 1 t,,atTe of life to thou - seeds of women in Canada, is surely: the kind you staucl ice need of, dear mother, It you are weal:, nervous, despondouc, have lletteaclte, sideache, backache truce caunot sleep well, Paine's Celery Com- ported will give you restful nights, geed appetite, freedom from aches and pains, aud restore lost strougth stud vitality. The. most successful family physicians are now freely prescribing' Paiue's Celery Coinpound /or sleepless, nervons and rundown women. Laura Garland, Crawford Street, Toronto, says; "Your Paine's Celery Compound liar; most wonderfully improved my health. Before using it my appetite was poor— almost, goue;. I was also weals, and debilitated, and suffered- severely from pains sir the head. Paiue's Celery Cour- pound certainly Glees all that is claimed for it, I have recommended it to toy friends, and they all speak highly of the results received from it. I wish. Paine's Celery C)outpound the Success it so rich- ly deserves." • Ocean. Teiegrapt,y.. It is only fifty years since the possi- bility of sending telegraphic messages under the eea was first established; and the engineer who directed the laying of the first ocean cable, from Dover to the French. cliffs on the other side of the English chanted, is' still living in Eng- land. The cable soon ceased.to work, bat it was the precursor of the Atlantic cable which was laid out from the "Great Eastern" in 1866, and of the one hundred and seventy thousaud miles of ocean cable now in operation. The discoveries of one generation be- come the indispensable conveniences of the nest. To realize how ocean tele- graphy has affected the conditions of modern life, we have only to try to imagine what the world would be like without it. If dealers in cotton or wheat at New York or Chicago knew nothing of the day's prices in London or Bombay, how timid and contracted their transactions would be! T.f all our news from Europe .were a week old, how slow would be those exchanges of opinion and sympathy which now make common in- terests among the national How per- plexing and interminable would be the adjustment of international questions, it such conferences among the govern- ments as those necessitated by the crisis in China had to wait the slow course of correspondence by mail! Like tnost discoverers and inventors, the first experimenters with ocean tele- graphy bnilded better than, they knew, and the world is vastly different from what jt would have been if ' they had not, pushed "their experiments, in the face of discouragements, and ridicule to n'successful conclusion. THE USEFULNESS OF Diamond Dyes In Country Homes is Beyond Circulation. Diainond Dyes are great blessings to every farmer's wife. No other article brotiglit into country homes can give such a return of profit, pleasure and happiness as the Diamond Dyes, A tett cent package of the world -fam- ed Diamond Dyes will give new life to any faded and dingy dress, skirt, jacket or cape. , From ten to twenty cents ex- pended on Diamond Dyes will enable any out to re -color a faders suit of cloth- es for any youth or man, and make theta look like new clothes :from the Tailor's hands. To get the best results from your work of home dyeing, do not allow any dealer to 8el1 you some Makes of dyes that he calls SUS'I AS GOOD. No other' pack- age dyes in. the world equal the I3iatatond Dyes itt parity, strength and brilliancy. 7iotti' milt;'` from Bath, Englaucl, is a ily*stetious auotutment known as the Three Shires Stone, Prom it yon can see parts of elontorsotslzire, Gloucester- shire :aid Wiltshire: tee fee blahs etoese CljlltOfC1 J +" w PROFIT IN CALVE;3, t3ruin (:soli ltuies ter i'u; ia!„ Ciro of SYiutue•aiorn Amster`, Those who conduct winter dairying en i1 truly i ly profltiable scale talsvaas'a have a portion uP their berd coming new null'h early in tree) winter months. 'What should be done with tete resulting calves that cohere to us in this iuolenient so,asoit ••� of .the yt.a, . It is not wise to recce tltet:a for their skins, winch will hardly pay fort the labor expended in removing the elides; neither is it txpctlit-n, to tattct:tpt ttlraise them a tegletatitity, The 44'rlttr has universally hied "good lack" with whiter -born calves by acilleiltg to the .followillsbelzerul plan: Mule calves net intended for mishit; either as steer or bulls,. I Lave, pl'elit- ably converted into veal. There is never a time when a good veal calf will not sail readily fur cosh or its equtvalc in. i Do out, however, lot them suckle ties cows, nor fed thele on whole Intik., This way of making veal i°s nev<,r truly profitable to a .dt;iiyinuu. )i ed on s!;i.mtued mak with the inkUtion of ecolted. corn meal or oil meta. If the skimmed milk is fed warns the animals will relish it'better and fatten enough faster to amply pay for the trouble in• volved. The place in which they areD housed will have vouch to do with a successful result. This .sbould always be apart from tho pinch curs and where the lat- ter cannot see or hear theca. The calves' clunr ters should be extra warm, as the young creatures cannot stand the same degree of cold that Moro mature cattle can. A too cold apartment is one reason why ntauy make a, failure with whiter - burn valves, Provide betiding liberally anti feed liberally and regularly. Choice heifer calves not detignod for fatteniug but for raising into future cows, tshoultt be kept separate from their veal brothers fence sisters, with of course less oleaginous and mare nitrogenous food provided. One's aim should be to keep them in a tinily, growing email - tion, which, by right management, ecu be as 'readily uceontldiehecl in winter as as in summer. Calves so reared, when warm weather conies will be in a posi- tion to go onto grass and develop into fine yearlings.—Ohio Fernier. ONE; GOOD Tuner DI;SI'l iag'.ES "% OTRE:D. Ladies of Canada—Sisters: Great Brxtain takes nearly all that ex- porte;l produce of Orma.cla. English Scotch and Irish boys produce the teas of Ceylon and India. Canada consumes 11,000,000 pounds of colored and doctored Japan Green Teas, Cr' reel). tens of pure, natural green leaf,. are being introduced from Ceylon mice Iudia, They are new on sale with all live grocers. Statesncau see obstacles to preferential trade within the Empire. You ladies can sweep aside all obstruction. Britt{; patriotic sentiment ore your breakfast table. Your grocer will get these pure teas if your only insist. The Salada Tea Company have placed theta in hundreds of stores, awl Blue Ribbon is also obtainable, Many other leadiug idrtns have ship- ments craning. Only laggards await the jnmpiva of the cat. Colieist. Jealous Rivals cannot turn back the tide, The demand for Dr. Agnew's little Pills is a marvel Cheap to buy, but diamonds in quality --banish nausea, coated tongue, water brash, pain after eating, sick headache, never gripe, operate pleasantly. zo cents, -37 Void by A. L. Flom tton. The statistics for the births, marriages and deaths in Ontario during the first half of the present year show a very considerable increase in the number of births and marriages ante a gratifying, decrease in the number. of deaths. The total increase in the number of births for the first halfof last year, is 496. The increase in the number of marriages is 069, which increase is attributed to the prevailing prosperity, The decrease in the number of deaths for the half year is S50, which is especially gratifying in the view of the increase in population. Stop the Pain but Destroy the Stomach.—This is sadly too often the case. So ninny nauseous nostrums purporting to cure, in the end do the patient immensely more harm than good. Dr, Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are a purely vegetabie pepsin preparation, as harmless as milk. One after eating prevents any disorder of the digestive organs, do in a box, 35 cents, -4o Sold by et. L.1Samttou, I't.ie'.h, warm, healthy blood is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla and thus coughs, holies, anti pneumonia are prevented, Tate it now. .. In the centro of tete pla..a iti Lima is a pretty bronze fouutahh that was erected in 11578, agift from some noblt.;Spaltitud, and is probably the oldest fouutaiu itt Aulerica. LLS`l GI li� tome the tor pill liver, Lind cure bilicnaness, sick heartache, Jaundice, nsusee, indigos,"' tests, etc. They are In* Valuable to prevent it co111 or break up ih Fever. Mild, goutte, certain, their are worthy ••••4-****""""*" cq, your confidence, Puro!y veuotable, the' ,,rnlin.tan eee26c tt by iiiuuiobineidceef,oymsi of 0. I. noon tilt Co., Lowell, Meet. Cymati Teshrno PQwPoyxs Llciultled Ozzono Save, ibe Luif of tho REV. DR. FAWCETT SAY, : "1 foal eo-:.i r that li ora taw life to drove^," 4.144.1 fi••f••k3--r ,s..x. I 1 r.c. ,y..;. x+34I i 2 • p I have used Ozone for stein- 4' ach trouble and .found it an excellentmedicine for this y weakness. I feel to -day that 1 awe my life to itsbeiug brought 4 - to my notice. I believe yotl have an excellent fenaily rentedy and wish you every success. - Years very respectfully. (Signed), - War. F.l.wcnr'r. 1).1).. + 103 lia•..(•Itoi a4 enter. Toro: to. ++l-4+ 4+45 +.++++++++,r++ t • •'• , The Rev. \V , -awcett, D.D., is of the most 1)llltl sons of tvholn �'•t t(ia can boast. The 'n of the late Rev. Michael !Fawcett, one Of the pioneer clertiyn1! it of Canada, he elrly digtin-- ti'.il_ 1 hints if in his C ;lei 1 l' "Fo-dav Dr. Fa':v- cett is pa -;tor of one of the l argrc'"t church -,:s in Chicago. Some time a ,o the reverend gentleman was `clef- fering so severely from stomach (ltt,cir.i.,r that he had t') resign his pas -orate. AftC'i- a vain attempt to find healt.i in the leading cities of the United States, after spending money lavishly for -the best advice of dietetic specialists, after traveliiwg half the world over to take in the noted health resorts, he came back to his father': house, 103 Hazelton avenue, Toronto, to die. But it was not ;et his time, H� had heard about Powleyy Liquified Ozone, and. bean taking it. In a few months he had recovered perfect health and resumed his duties in Chicago. Now he permits his testimon- ial to be published, that it may do good -to thost.: who may be suffering. Pawlev's Liquified Ozone kills the germs of disease. and supplies the blood with the oxygen which forms the red corpuscles of health. A great many people are unhealthy because their lungs do not extract the oxygen from the air they breathe. Now, Poi*leg's Liquified Ozone, being liquid oxygen, supplies; them' with this principle, and makes theun.' Iron:;. Ozone is the new method of treating disease. The instant suc- cess it has attained stamps it at once as a preparation. altogether different from any ever before placed at your disposal. Ozone is not a patent medicine. The prominent clergyman and citizens of Canada who have been cured by it of long-standing diseases do not lend their names to quack no jtrums. You would do well to consult them and gatisfy yourself as to its very great value. Powley's Liquified Ozone is $1.110 istrge size bottle; 500 sinall size. At. druggists', or from the laboratories of THIS Oiioxlt COMPANY Ob'' TORONTO* Limited, 4.5 Colborne Street, Toronto. ,.. M,.II.Yi.rY.Ww.M.,�.urn++aim,•M ...rireim4'emett ''iqMswo.rM.W.t+Y....1.1.....wW1..M4!.4UMVA,.iYiY,i1, The schooner Myra C. 'Weaver wont down in Vineyard Sound, Mass., and six persons on board were lost. rituals Salson, who ettenhpted to as- fassitia'te the 'Shah of Persia. at Paris. TO CZJ tR A COLD I'S ONE DAY Tithe L wets r Bromo Quinine Tablets. Alt dt•vat,i. t•s refund tett` money if it fn Cs to re. re. W. Grove :+ „ignaturo is on each acboa. WC. Owing to the smell Coesesva*ive torts wasseihtenco:l to imprisonment for life. joritie3 it is expected thus re-counts will be held itt ?!north 13ruoe d NortI, Lamers. Children Cry for CAST rr Tin.; Ostn elittu Artillery, y.d Clans adieu 1)r.t+;.tete cult (eerie, tet sf•tant.«l Tho :Kingston Whig reports that,, I3tiI s ,• +11 teat I our Oates .,y >,t tr 'Lk Deceit» et' 1. Conservative campaign fungi of $20d,O0J was raised by the Ottawa civil temente sirtvo• x''c,'i. a,(alum ir2 iii T.; .. ,, . W.H) Mr. Bryatl'la s deeliaed all eller of tilt •!t'ett•tt itt both iteeto,ateetee .tr..1 editorial position on n Denver afternoon °;", r. 3lt,tt.t;aist.,, last < ite;l„ . ; , paper ata ealar7 d $10,000 a year. tl:e latter constituency.