HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-09-19, Page 4.SAW IT W • . P., few miles north of Callander as North Bay, : and here • we stropped may Thea publisher committed himself to writing this .article in last week's issue, otherwise our ' readers : would 11kely . have forgone the' "pleasure" Of what," is to. 'follow. ' A 1200 mile motor trip in a''very limited time, and with few and brief atops does not permit much descrip- tion' of the aetuall motor, trip, so our oanMenta wilrbe-eitiefd Al alriiqu•E , %little island of .Siscoe where we .spent r two da s with• .Mr. and :Airs Wei► Hewat. Leaving here early T,hii'raday' morn long enough to "fill'er up" •for a des- olate 90 -,mile "jaunt" to Cobalt: This stretch of read is through continuous bushland broketereinly by numerous little lakes that skirt the edge of thehighway with steep em- bankments to the water's edge, but whichare being protected with guard rails as quickly as, construction work Progresses. \Except for a• few;.' miles, this .is all gravel ' highway,' nick - THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL from Kirkland take to Larder Lake•. and thence eergss the Quebec border, from where we continued for over a hundred miles easterly through several mining towns, some in the •boom .stages and others not sopros- perous. Rouyn, Malartic and Val D Or, Sul- livan and then Siscoe found us at our destination, and which until only a few short years ago wasonly aceess- ,ible by air. of many of u9 "down here in civil- iation. ness places surpass anything the small town in Western .Ontario can. boast. Siscoe is 'itself something set -apart ;his hinterland. It is an island of some 1000 acres, sceniely located and' surrounded by' a, picturesque lake, where \boating, fishing and bathing would. make it a popular summer re-, The ' , comparatively liew Quebec sort were it converted_ to such a pur ._ •�eform oad. -4¢beegaSe 'it -sod -eve 'fou unex pettedly Wide, _armed .the fit... Acme, .: -- , a s, • , nd•. 1? aid _pose. • .. _ ' i , ou . of-. •• ou" And s a in shakes the - devil t Y, but ,al o a P •r• perchance • it doesn't; just continue on ortherQuebec and here +tke. into N • n lob' will certainly be';accomplished. ze of corns, and: many . It is an, island, .formerly .onlytae- o. a `� cesamblc by alewater, ,. or butt d. y it can be reached, by.motor. car as a:' result , of a causeway that has been built by filling in a' roadway ar roes lake the narrowest Point of the e with Waste reek from the mine: ' sharp hills," but particularly were we "jolted'; by their roughness. Miles .of wash -board, 'road, with king, stretches a la hr u h this '90- i1e wilderness of \solid bushland,. nihde us secretly • 'n hat w considered the •first p T a g g, w. e a 'and contemplate: "'our - dilema should seine "o • was over`fainliar roads there is not • a single crossroad, p. of the 1 urney to .Qrillia, via Hanover, Durham,' Temagami and Latchford,near the vital' 'part` of our gas buggy shake Fieshertpn. and Barrie. . northern end, are the -only two ,settle- loose from beneath us. Incidentally Through the Muskoka district and ments where a sign of habitation is to ,wee returned home without' so much as . on to North Bay was. the .most scenic part of the road with• a good highway winding and rolling through this rug- ged country. At Callander we branched off to nearby Corbell to see the afternoon "Performance" of the Quints; and to meander through the souvenir shops while' awaiting their three o'clock' ap- pearance. Although the holiday seas- on wasofficially over, a 'long _line of visitors formed; awaiting admittance lieabaik 1 meg-act secs t. c- five--litte sisters at play. - be seen along the, route.' a flat tire Cobalt was. the most disappointing At other points along the route, and "down at the heel" spot we struck. between towns, this wilderness is be-. Hailebury and New Liskeard are not ing openedup as here and there with= far distant north of Cobalt: and be- in a few ,miles .can be seennumerous tween these two closely located towns loghouses and the evidences of little we spent Thursday night in :a roomy clearings being made around the cabin overlooking a' picturesque lake, rough- buildings. . Oddly enough 'a car Friday morning . we set out for -cam be seen at almost every settler's Kirkland Lake over the finest piece .cabin. of asphalt highway we drove en dur- While log houses are typical, in the ing the trip. The highway is ? traight, . towns, these first rough structures ..e.meoth-andeeelee•.:,bee_as-yet...,not_cou a e being replaced b modern homes pletedall theway to Kirkland Lake.and buildings that would be the envy , Calling out men of certain age classes for medical examination, and if fit, to undergo -military train- ing for a period • of 30 days within Canada, or the territorial waters thereof." PROCLAMATION. ATHLONE . CANADA [L.S.]• GEORGE THE'SIXTH; by the Grace of God of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas KING. Defender of the Faith. ; Emperor of India. . To ALL To WHOM these Presents shall come or whom the same may in anywise concern, - t REETINo: PROCLAMATION E. MIALL, 'i '[ A T HEREAS it is provided by The National Acting Deputy Minister V y Resources Mobilization Act, 1940, that the of Justice; Canada Governor in Council may make from time to time such orders and reggilatior.s requiring persons to place themselves, their services•and their property at the disposal of His Majesty in the right of Canada for the use within Canada Or the territorial waters thereof, as may , be deemed necessary or expedient for securing the public safety, the defence ' • of Canada, -the maintenance of publjlr order, or the efficient prosecution of the war, or.for maintaining supplies or services essential to the -life of the community; r` AND WHEREAS pursuant to the powers therein contained; and the pro- - visions of The War Measures Act, our Governor in Council did on the ;•,:.:27th day of. August. 1940,•make: regulations to provide a system for calling out men for tnilttare training within Canada and the territorial waters thereof, suc:; regulations being known as the National War Services Regu- lations, '1940; ^ AND WHEREAS'pursuant to and in accordance with 'the said Regula- tions, it hes been decided to call out for military training, as aforesaid, every male British Subject who is or. has been at any time subsequent to • the first day of September, 1939, ordinarily resident in Canada and who, on , the first day of July. 1940. had reached the age of twenty-one years but • had not yet reached the age on that date of twenty-two years or had reached the age of twenty-two years but t hail not yet reached the age on thatelate of twenty -:three years, or who had reached the age of twenty-three yeare but had not yet reached the 'age on that date of twenty-four years. or who had reached the age of ^twenty-four years: but had not yet reached the age , on that dote Of twenty-five years and who was on the fifteenth day of July, 1940. unm trrOed or a widower 4vithout child or children: • Now TI -1:1? -:Feat RI KNOW YE that pursuant to The National Resource$ Moblization 'Act. 1940, and the War Measures Act, and pursuant to and - in' acoordan.ce w:'th the Nat'onal 'War Services Reg,olations, 1940, promul- gated under the provis;ons of the said Acts.. we do hereby call, out the ' aiore:.aid classes of men to submit themselves far medical :examination and to undergo m l'tary training for a period of thirty days within Canada or the terrtarial waters thereof. and to report at.such places and times and in such manner and to \such authorities or persons as may be notified to thews respect:va ly by a Divis onal Registrar of an Administrative. Divi- sionappointed b> the Governor in Council pursuant to the above igen- • tiorted regulations . •, . OF ALL OF WHICH Our Loving Subjects and all others whom these Presents trial' concern. are hereby "required to take. notice: Iri TESTrMr.,Isv W'i PRECIF, We have caused these Our Letters to be -made 'Pate -t, an:. tee 3reat Sear of -Canada to be hereunto affixed. 'Winless,: ass•: O.ii- Dear I.Jeale Our .Richt Trtih.sty and Right Well Beloved Cousin and Collas F.. -. A.L.EXAT:212R ALG sr:s P'REDERICK,. GEORGE, Earl of Athlone. e. Knight of Our Most Noble Order.of the Garter. Member of Oar Most Honourable Privy Council, Fright Grand Cross of Out . Most Ho:loufable Order of the Bath, Grand Master of •Our Most D is- bragu-s;ed Gres of Scint Michael and Saint George, Knight Cross of O r P. = ci Victotirn Order. Companion of Our Distinguished Sctvlce 0. `ser Colonel-, in Our Army (retired), having the honol"ary rank of Major-General. One df Our Personal Aides -de -Camp, Giver- tor General and Cortr..a:.der in Chief of Our Dominion of Canada. At Ouroverrimerit House, in Our, City 6f Cttawa; this eleventh day of • tens] er. atsaarear of Our Lord one thousand nine. hundred and forty, and iti, the fourth year of Our Reign. - , • $yr Cgni tend, E. H. COLEMAN, Ug ler-Secretary of State', - �. lie above is E+erbatir» trey o1 P roclarna- Ga Zette t7 a .in. h ' anaci� , z �'�rd.th �e be 3 5Vol fy e Published'for the infornifition of those concerned by the authority and courtesy of mi \INE H OURAB, f SAM S G. GR, T 5ervcef 1 d O r. 1 off, •Ni • On this island, is located the Siscoe Gold Mines, Limited, mine and mill, and modern buildings to accomodate this "exclusive" colony of some six'. or seven hundred persons, all of whom are mine employees and executive of ficials' and their families. All services areowned and' operated by the Company. Electricity and .steam heating is generated and furn- iahed from the - Mine's plants.. The grocery store, butcher Shop,, poolroom; bowling alley and soda fountain are all operated by the Company. -Prr-"the-sunnetey_;far^_r he is a ' golf course and tennis courts, men's and ladies' softball teams, and an idegl bathing beach made. .from the rock sludge, piped froin the mill after the nroeess;•or removing the gold has been completed. - In the winter there's a toboggan slide, open air skating, and hockey arena, , and a .closed in curling rifik. These are some of the things that tend to make' life pleasant on this "far away" island. Our ;host works in the mill where the ore from the mine • is . processed and Thus we had the ,privilege of be= ing shown through the mill and the, entire process explained in detail, but more interesting' still, • we were fort- unate in having Bill - arrange for a trip underground into the mine, with a guide who did his best to give us a general, idea of mining and an ex- planation of the operations we .wat- nessed. The shaft of the Siscoe Mine has been sunk to somewhat over 2400 feet, but at this level drilling has not yet, commenced. Togged out in rubber boots, . coat, helmet and lamp we de- scended to the 1850 foot level. At each depth of- from 125 to 175 feet there is'a level. .One steps out of the cage and proceedsalong a cross cut, which is simply a passage way cut, through the rock. It is blasted out to allow sufficient head room and ,to a width, if we recollected correctly, of possibly six feet. At intervals a- long • this •cross" cut; other tunnelsrun out at various angles. - These are known as drifts, and as they imply. drift off to follow the vein. Froin these drifts, Stopes• either descend or ascend sharply. Along one of ,these. drifts • we wit nessed a mucking -Machine at work. This 'power .operated : shovel ,scooped up the blasted rock and loaded it into hand cars, which are run along a min- iature ' railway track and dumped down an ore shoot, to then be hoisted up the shaft in two ton skips. These skips are located just above the pass- enger cage, which has accomodation for ten men. Too see drilling operations carried out we •ascended to the 1350 level, where we proceeded along the cross cut and drifts to 'a stope. Here we clanimered down rough ladders into a "hole in the ground" forty feet be - tow. , Conversation in the stope was drowned Out by the deafening -roar of the power drills as nine foot hole" were sunk into the rock on either side - of - a wide quartz vein. These drill holes are then packed with dyn- amite charges to blast loose probably 25 tons of gold containing ruck. This particular vein contained high-grade, as it is termed, :which is the best grade of ore, this particular vein hav- ing gold deposits actually visible in While in this .stope a blast was set off on the level above and as d+e eIammered back up the ladders to :the drift, the smoke 'eras chokingly thick ae that the ',ray of the helmet lamp scarcely •penetrated• it, as'we el .a. heels aloe tthe stunibled blindl g e Y of our guide. The ore is raised to the surface, to the crushing mill, where first it passes along a belt as pickers sort out arid discard tbe waste rock which is readilat apparent to the, experienced: eye, The Bore of value is crushed and .• t' the rate of 'about 600 tons 'a day is carried by an I aeric] tramway to the mill bins several hundred yards away. We would not presume to explain intelligently how this ore is- proces- sed'to the point of 'betorning a nearly , � o e r gold`� rlC` r. • ` ash' nt P h Ito ie min' • t 1 4 '�,1i �toi "tion premix, t THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, ' 1940` WW'ITEEHUR.CH BOBXev,O i,,,S:eptnnabe 12th to Mr. BORN—On September 13 in Wing - hien Hospital to. Mr. and Mrs,. Rhys Pollock, a son. Congratulations.. ".Miss: Doris Furblur of Northern Ontario' is visiting with her stint, Mrs. Gibson Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin and - family of St. Belen'seand'oMr. and Mrs.,,Dtn*cae Kennedy , of Wingham visited 'en ._Sunday evithr.,their mother,' °' ned . .._.._ �V[rs: `Dav3t1 e n • y the. United church ".The W.:11!t..s. "ot had a�"mnissonary tea et the hone of; Mr and Mrs: Ezra Sholtz last. Thurs. - day:.. ' • Mr. Sandy Gibbs, soldier -.of Camp. "c and ' ssrs. Jack Pollock Borden=and Me k Tom Morrison, soldiers - of London spent'• the week -end at their homes here. - Mr. Morrison was presented With a wrist watch on Tuesday as he expects to leave • this week - for> overseas . as a mechanic.. Mrs. Frank Henry of Kitchener 'and formerly of this community visited with Mrs. Mac. Rosa and other old friends here. Mr. and�Irs:; Ab. McQuillin visited on Sunday with her brother Mr. and Mrs. James . MacIntosh of Langside. Miss R'ozella, Phillips, of . Fordyce and .Mrs: Carruthers of Holyrodd are. assisting at the latter's daughter's, h_u _ M Geergde sires!.. ' „rrc,.+��r.-ten-.- . 2ND. CON. WEST FOR SALE -;Dry cordwood and short NOTICE TO CREDITORS wood. Apply Alex McIntosh; Lucknow. �a.. • AND OTHERS ak Estate MoorehouMitch, FOR SALE -We have a Bret ..'class deceIntheased. All personsof hayseing claimsell used hand washer 'at a bargain. Wm• against the Estate of Moorehouse Mnraie m San -- Mitchell 'late of Villege of Lucknow Mr. and Mrs. Orville.: Finlayson vis- ited wiOp Tar,. enri ..Mrs• P; Snaeltzer.- Sunday Miss Dorothy. 'McKinnon returned to herhome at Dundas after spending a'feW weeks visiting with friends here. Miss G. Hurlbert of _Toronto, now on the .teaching staff in .Lucknow spent the week -end .with Mr.l and Mrs.. W. J. Roulston.' Mr. James Murray had the 'misfor- tune to lose his barn by fire Monday m,orning, also Mr. A. Cook's crop of• wheat. . •' Robert' Barkwell spent •Sunday at his home on the . Second.... The ladies are' to commence' their :Red Cross work at Ward 5 again this w eek. FOR`. SALE Davenport. outfit, .;elec'- ric washer,,. beds,- - dresser,' kitchen table, chairs, 'etc. Apply - at Sentinel Office.. r.r T---125 acres, FARM TO REiV 3 miles west of Lucknow. Possession this fall if- desired. Apply to . John A, Mur- doch, Lucknow. " FOR RENT OR SALFEeaComfoitable frame house, $5 per month, suitable for small family. Possession October lst. Apply Ilerb Miller, Lucknow. ZION BORN—In Windsor to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Gardner, September llth, .a son, Robert •Edmund. , - BORN -At Zion to Mrs and. Mrs. Warden Howell, September 16th, a son. Congratulations. ' -Mr. John Miller of Lucknow is as- sisting W. T. Gardner with cement. work. • Mrs. Jas. Cooke returned • to Tor- onto on Tuesday after sending the past few weeks with friends here. ' Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas. McKay.and son Jack of Paisley visited with . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon on Sunday pail. Service next; Sunday will be at 7:30 p.m.; Sunday School 11 a.m. Visitors 'over the_ week -end with. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gardner • were Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Hinton and Misses Ina and Irene Hinton of Oak- ville and Mrt, and Mgrs. W. Nixon Of Lucknow. •- -^ • Mr, and . Mrs. Richard Gardner spent Sunday with friends.' ' The monthly . meeting of Clinton.he W. M.. S. - met at the .home of • Mrs. Ernest Gardner on Th'ur'sday. last. - Mrs. Will Gardeer spent Sunday with Wingham friends, • \1. ' TEMPORARY CORN 'SILOS We sell_"Frest.,Fibreen Silos". If in- terested, callnd get prices on the different sizes' at', W. G. Andrew's, Lucknow. AUCTION SALE of farm stock, at Lot --7, Con, -B, -Ashfield (PY/s miles' west of Lucknow-Dungannon - road) en Thursday, Sept. 19th at one clock. See 'bills for list. 'Terms cash. Cecil Johnston, prop.; Matt. Gaynor, Awe.. AI , EXECUTORS' SALE of household furniture and effects, the property of. the Estate pf Mae Davison, • at the home of George • T. 'Burgess, Havelock St:,: Lucknow .on Saturday, September 21st at •2 o'clock. See _hills for list. Terms cash. Well. Henderson, Auc. h i died telt of about the 13th -clay of :1y ember 1939, . are hereby_ not- ice, ified to send particulars.of. same to �v the'. undersigned on.or before the 12th ;day of October, 1940, after which date' the Estate. will•be. distributed, with •regard only to the : claims ;:of. whieli the' undersigned shall then ,have not- ice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim theyshall not .then have ,notice. DATED at -Toronto this 'September. 5, 1940. - - J. N. Bicknell, 67 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. .. Solicitor for 'the Estate. AUCTION SALE of 80 headof good beef cattle. 25 head of yearlings, re-•• mainder feeder steers and heifers,' at Lot 40, Durham . Road, 11/4 miles west of B:ervie on Monday Sept. '23rd at 1:30. ,`Cattle :purchased will .be trucked at half' price. Sam . McLelland, Prop.; Matt. Gaynor,.- Atte. - FARM FOR SALE --100 acres, , Lot 34, Con. 7, Culross Twp., 4' miles west of. Teeswater on County ' high- way. Excellent soil, clay loam; no waste.land.; 12 acres fall' wheat; 40, acres seeded,; remainder open. Large bank barn; comfortable brick -sided house; basement cistern, 2_ good wells. Apply to owner on the premises. Mrs. Kenneth McKenzie, RR. 3, Teeswater, Ont. NOTICE All accounts owing to the firm of Rathwell & Reed_nust be paid on or before Octo er 15th, 1940. After that date any account owing will be placed in, other hands for collection: The ore however passes from the bins to ball mills where it is pul- verized and becomes a liquid solution treated with cyanide. In huge vats this solution is agitated'and by -a process of agitation, amalgamation and filtration, through vats, , ever blankets and through specially de- signed cloth cones, the minutest, par: tides of gold .are extracted and a pregnant solution is obtained. It was a most interesting exper- ience combined with a pleasant, though hurried trip. Sunday after- noon found us homeward bound a- gain. The night was: spent in a cosy cabin near Englehart and the remain- der of the'journey completed on Mon- day, when we , resichpd Home in a tor- rential rain, that we had run into intermittently all along from Barrie,. Office Girl Wanted Otte Capable with typewrit- ing rP� rid - ing , and shorthend,>Apply sin how n handwritiiiig to thee. - CIRCLE 13Att KCNITT'ING CO., LisitryiED, Kincardine, rintario. FARMERS If you raise hogs and poultry, why not grin d some of that alfalfa or. clover, •nowbefore the,roads get had. .There is no better or cheaper conditioner. $5.00 per ton. If , inter- ested enquire at Sentinel Office. Geo. Mawhinney, Kincardine, R.R. 4. - NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Veters' List .Act, , at the Clerk's Office on Monday the Thirtieth day of Septem- ber 1940 at Two o'clock P.M. for hear- ing all complaints made against the First and Secpnd Parts of the Voters' List for the Municipality of the Vill- age of Lucknow for the year 1040. Joseph Agnew, Clerk of the: Village of Lucknow. TIME TABLE CHANGES EFFII;GrrvE Sunday, Sept. 29th, 1940 Pull iarm ttturi frena A 6 encs 1 ail di 14 4'1-41 I Iiv! A T. E. Convay Barrister, Solicitor,; Etc. - Kincardine,' ° Ontario,. Is-oPeninl AT P'•reetise•-11.T-h:c---' Connell Block, Lucknow. Will Be • I-lere Each Wednesday, Morning and Afternoon And Friday Afternoon., Dien Wednesday, .:September 25th FOR SALE The home - of the ;date Moorehouse Mitchell at Lucknow, Ontario, Will be offered for sale, together with furni- ture and furnishings to the highest bidder on or before the 10th. of Oct-. ober, 1940. The premises may be in- spected by appttication to Miss Lillian Mitchell who resides at the premises. All offers should be muffled to J. N. Bicknell, 67 Yonge Street,' Toronto, .Ontario, solicitor for the estate. SALE BY TENDER .Music Class ALMA HOWELL, A.T.C:M. Teacher of Piano Voice and . Theory CLASSES WEDNESDAY at Mrs: Wry.' R•obb's, Lucknow. , (Across from the School) • Also at Goderich, 'Phone 213 - Property of the late Joseph P. Dalton SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned Mrs. Alice Dalton for the sale of the farm property of the late Joseph; P. Dalton, being composed of the North part of Lot seven in the Seventh concessionand the South East quarter of Lot Seven in the Eighth Concession of'the Township of Ashfieldin the County•of Huron, con- Mining 05 acres -inar_e .or less,. irzil received until .5 o'clock in the -after- noon on the 23rd day of September, - 1940.. Conditions of sale and terms of sale can be had on application. The highest Or any other tender not nec- essarily accepted: Dated this 3rd day ' of September:, 1940, 0, 1 . 1t 1,\ ,\ si : 'dry ! 1't11 , ` al 1n, 1.,1 lit.or I,a tt ... R i, t m on, bint, A. E. COOK PIANO, VOICE & THEORY, FOR APPOINTMENTS: CaII At Bills Store or Alex Mowbray's ' 'Phone 145-j F. -T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST WILL BE N LUCKNOW EACH WEDNESDAY 1:30 to 9 o'clock AT WM.' SCHMID'S STORE Western Ontario Motirways, BUS SERVICE from LUCKKO'W LEAVES .LUCKNOW, twice daily except Sundays and holi- days at 7 • a.m. and 3:30 p.m. for Wingham; Clinton, London, Detroit,' S a r n i' a,, Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Hamilton. SUNDAYS & ,Holiday's --3:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. TO RIPLEY and. Kincardine, leaves twice daily except Sun- days and Holidays at 2:55 and 9:10 p.m. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS—' '2:55 p.m, and 10:50 p.m. For further information • see Local „Agent . Te W. Smith Central Garage , Lucknow 33/4 On Guaranteed Trust Cerhflcntes A legal investment• for -- W Trust Funds Unconditionally Guaranteed' STERLING TRUSTS il ,1 Ri!PR it ,.1, , 1 1 1 1 �tl'� � .w 1 1 r 1JN M�OW�Ii T�OItON •