The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-09-19, Page 2Pt
aracter Set.
hove Beauty
Mare PketoRraPhicaly Inter.
Stara Aro Far From, pret.
• ceMfertiog. to the
nonae*Inet plain girls to hear that,
,;esting than the perfect-heauty
Better Desserts
and he stepped back and' cut
through .the .snails, of Lis friends,
9.01 the. Professor, go. It's -a'1
right." .
Path at the_, table, tea .ba_v-s...
04 'e mean '-y,
top man•• in• the: patty? Drir,•'t h
ree ize the• `harm it could do •
t:e ni•
Freya.. broke in,' "%Tease. Fritz,
X *rsuaded..Martin to"- owe., _I
• hoped. you'.d •remember." . • '
"Keep out of this. 'Freya," : he
said. scatliingly.. "It's no woman's
Predve 9.-taiwence starch Co.
Who. getahead ,have. chap
`."They..hive qUalite above and
Many •ef the :great. pelt' ermere On .;
,\ • ;stage .and' screen are' fey froin the
verY feW of the hest. of them •who.,
• 'could be rated really beautiful :So ,
:Makeup •disn,:alwSks, give the Bins.' •
len Of facial heatitY,, se the. IMPort-
• personality, . and this: applies to ev.
sletetoegracethe7Stage el.
The mcci,utagMg iltineaboat this
perSOnality. Even the dell
beckward girl May. *seem. into a .
Yeffert. Juit remember that those
Who have; achieied .sucaeas had to
:tree and litesponsiplethey..niay act
°theta he the first principle in beilde
ing fine personalities.: We• Can't be .
aelfieb. and at the•sante time eel** ;
able. We, Must try to unclerStand
By. l'Irances:Le Barton
foe' 'eight servings. '• Half the
•qUantitiesi would take care of •
. eobbler for tette
except that Itour '
most invariably
,take • care of
Cobbler for eight
iniiistence on.
the .part of. the
.of those dialtes•
• :that makes "second helpings" the
PItim Cobbler
31/2 tahlespoone quick e cooking
tapioca:. .11,6 cups' sugar; 1/2 tea-
spoon salt; 2 tablespoons *melted
butter; cup's fresh red plains, •
6 tablespoons butter, Or othet short-
ening; eup intik (about). •
.butter, Aud• Plums; let Stand 15
• . minutes,. or while 'crust is being
made. Sift flour Once, measure, add
baldne powder and salt, and sift
milk gradually, •stirring until Oft
. dough is formed, Tern out• en
'slightly Soured board and' knead
• Boll ,of dough into strip, Inches,
wide and le Ineh thick; •line sides
of 8x8x2-inch', Pm; fitting closely
Into cOrners, Fill with plum mix-
, ture. Roll reirtaining.:14 dough. 14,
,' in& thick; With sharp. knife znake
slite to permit escaPe . of steam.
Fit over phut's, pressing edges of
dengh together with fork dipPed in •
Sour. Bake in hot oven (4504
16 minutes; then reduce heat to
30 minutes longer. SPrinkle pow.
'tiered sugar over top, If desired.
Serves 8.
New Parents
Are Puzzled
Canadians Who Took Child
War Guests Write in to Ot-
tawa For Guidance
,The ,business df being a good
father and moth,er g problem
that appears to hie auzzling grow-
, tog nunabers of Canadian foster Pan
enti.who lhave opened their homes
to British "gheet children. They've
beeno waking,: Dr'. -Tenet Lang 'of
Ottawa about it.
Dr. !Aug ks chargeOf =tern.
al and child 'hygiene at the `..,lanad-
tan welfare council headqu;rters
there and last week during an in-
tcevieee she exhibited a pile et
wriite0. requests for -the council's
aeries of letters to parents oh the.
care and.developmenit of children
age 61, 10 year&
°Our boOklet of 10 letters called
"'the first years at school' and coy,
ering, the agee• of •six• to 11 years,
is one of' the Most popular appal.-
' entlY.' Many foster parents want It
ftlifl we're getting request's froth
Are you a Pea
Fritz demand d 01
Adapted from the
In the little ilniverisity 'town
in Southern Germany, the Roth
lapin* is celebrating the sixtieth
birthday of Professor' Roth a sci-.
'ence • professor: At the festive
,board are his lovely Aryan wife,
Freya, :deisghter, the• young
*en, Rada and 'Mrs. Roth's.,
Otto and EriCli who look on the
'Professor as, their awn father.
Also , present are • Martin., and
Fritz The latter has just an-
nouriCed Isis engsigemerit to Freya
when over "the radio comes the
news that Hitler has just become
Dictater •of Germany. With the
young men are wilci with jubilia-
tion. ,They rush out to a Political ,
Party mersiing, .taking Martin
.with them.
High up on the slope .of the
mountain, the Breitner farm
house watched Wisely • over the
tetin. At the moment, all Was
excitement in the place, for Elsa,
the young hired girl :whom Mrs. ,
Breitner. regarded as a daughter.
had 'hist helped Martin bring a
.foal into the world. She, was
gurgling delightedly as she' ai-.
to its trembling legs.
Martin, busy with Ointinent and
hot water, barely heard her. Be
was thinking of many things --
of Freya, of her brother& of the
'meeting of the Student Bedy,'the'''
other night when thor had esked
him to: join the Piety and ke had
refused. SeverAl others had re-
fused too but since then they had
joined. The Party had found ways
;of making them' change their
mind& He thought • grimly,
"They'd better not: try to change
He heard voices and when. he
went Outside, the sun was truty
.shining for there was Freya
come to visit him. They talked
casually for a moment, then she
grasped _his arni. "Martin; come
dewn to the Inn' with me. Fritz
is there and my brothers. We've
been ski-ing. We'll driek wine
and sing and have ourselves a
A: bit conatrained, he said,
"You're avoiding us," she ac-
cused., He nodded.' "But the hoys
Are friendly. They went fo see
you." She smiled. "They hope to.
conVert you."
on unall
n sof irgia
alloy* you 81.00 .0a MY old fron'toward
the purchase of a new Cohialan. It
,,zinakei and barns oast ea& NO istrde,
whits Ltellts
sts Voll* beams de teats le ate
ISSUE 38-00 .
He Shook his head gravely,
"They're mistaken, Freya. They
stand fer violence' and, coercion."
Then he pulled hhnself up short.
"I'm sorry.. Naturally, you think
Distressed, she , broke in, "I
don't knoW what to think. I don't
knew this new GerMany. It's like.
a strange Country. •Sontetinies
I feel I don't even knal Fritz.
Ab Martin," she 'pleaded, "don't
desert us. We ; all need yen.
You're 'se sane.. Come down to
the Inn ivith me. JuSt to langh
and sing and be foolish as • we,
used to. you eomt just
'because. I ask yeti?"
A • smile flickered. "I hope Ws
"Well ski down ever Langer-,
leach.' The' snOw's perfect" He
nodded and started for the shed.
"OhHI'M so glad Martin. I've
missed you so dreadfully."
were &weeping down the white
was just , a shoft flight and then
they' were at the rustic inn with
its peasant orchestra • and its
large mein room filled with mid-
dle elasS families and singing stu-
' But. the atmosphere was dif-
ferent,. Martin sensed it the me-
ment he came in . Not that the'
boys weren't . • cordial enough,
They seized Martiree hand in
hearty' welcoMe, 'ordered' wine for'
him and when Freya firmly de-•:
dared; "No politics," theY
Promptly obeyed and talked of.
skiing and the weather.
Ihd their eyes were watchfal.
They seemed tense, as if they
were waiting to spring. And all,
at once, they stiffeaed as Prc-
fessor •Werner came past. Martin
and FreYa shook hande with -him
Mit the others ignored his • pre-
sence. :Martin sat back. So this
was • the "party line." A good
Nazi no longer even spoke to a
The door opened and, a grou$
of Storm Troopers entered,
shouting their "HeR Htilers."
Wetter looked at them and
slowly made. his *ay to a far
corner. Immediately Otto voiced
his indignatibn. Why did Martm
talk to a man like Werner? What
if he was an old friend .of theirs?
He was a radical; a Pacifist. And
he spoke out of' turn. From how
on, that would not he allowed.
EaCh citizen must sacrifice his
Sfate„ even his personal' liberty.
And if Werner's pupils repotted
unfavorably on hint, he would
be kicked mit.
The • next thiqk that happened
was like the 'shock of a collision.
The Storm Troope began to
Sing their Horst Wessel song and
suddenly One of thepounced
on Werner. Why wasn't,,he sing-
ing too? Was be dumb? Couldn't
he make Winds .cbme oilt of his
Mouth? Han fist Was raised
ebove Werner's head .when Mir;
tin junmed uo and intervened,
Holl turned on* hitt • ittriotaly,
put then his ahger seemed to die
Slow Burolog
Wad crumbs tossed • ih butter.
Place enough water to' cover. the
'bottom in baking pan • in which
the peppers are• to be cooked.
Last week I had twO' requests
for "Stuffed ,Fepners", and, since
ane mark any mean as "differ-
Liver -Staffed Peispers
For this (PA Any ether cooked
meat Might .be used, --chicken .or
2 elms ground cooked liver
One-third cep soft • breadcrumbs
1 tablespoon butter '
cup milk or stock
1 cuP cooked Cern
2 teaspoons. salt •
6 'green peppers .
'Cut a slice frem the top of
the peppers, remove the -seede
led steam for 8 minutes.
onion and melted 'fat seasenings
and Mille „ or: stock together. Fill
the 'steamed pepper shells with
the mixture and cover the tops
-.with buttered crumbs and a little
spr-nik& -Of --grated scheme,:
Place in baking dieh and bake
. far 30 minutes in a Moderate .
over until peppers are tender' ,
And the top a golden browne
Stuffed Pepper Salad
3 medium sized green peppers
cheese •
1/2 cup grated cheese
Cs1/2areitacump chopped p. imento
Lettuce and mayonnaise
Remeve the tops frOm the pep-
pers, ecoap out the seeds and
steam for 6 minutes or parboil°
•(in salted water). DraM and
'ehMillix 'cream \ cheese, the Other'
cheese and pimentos and moisten
veith cream. Seasoe with salt
and paprika. StUff peppers with
-Mixture, chill; then slice and
serve on lettuce leaves with
, Stuffed Peppers with Rice and
Peppers with Spaghetti ,
6 green peppers
Wash peppers, cut ,a,ff .the taps
and remove the seeds:: Place
peppers •in steamer for 8 minutes.
Drain and cool,' filling with Oa-
• ghetti. Dust lightlY With salt, and
. Place in 4s.$6roile end add a
small imeunt of; water,- '.Balce: pre,
,E1%A.P4_40DPEer:tt.seraF.Av%itvelciner. ;a:n t:
actual 1 letters from ::interesied
readers. She is: pleased to rceeiVe
suggestions, on topics for her
column, and even reedy to lir
tee tio your "pet peeves." Re-
euesti, for recipes, or special
men* are in order. Address Your
letters to. "Miss Sadie B. Chem-
ers, 73. West Adelaide Street,
addressid envelope if you wish
Get several cartogs of Wrigley's
P.K. teday—orAn assorted bok
of 20 cartons.. Include several
packagee in your Overseas
parcels. P.K. helps relieve tension
and fatigue. 12 delicious candy--
coated'P.K. in each 50 carton:
There is a destiny which Makes
us brothers; None goes his way
alone. win Markham.
Of 'a ,truth, men are mystically
Ito : a Mysterious bond Of
brotherhOod Makes -all Inett One.
DoWn in theft hearts, Wise •tnet
kite* this truth: the only *Ay ,
'help yourself. ia to help others.
—Elbert :Hubbard.
Love feir mankind lir the elevator
end relied -A divine tave:-•'`'
, 1 do, ImpAindb,ungor for a weft -stored.
only., whin to live my lite; and
` find
My heart in unison with all man-
\\ \\\
Naturalness Is
1940 Keynote ,
6 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons finely chopped
11/2 cups dooked chopped veal
.1 cup boiled, rice
• One-third cup fine
1/2 teaspoon salt •
d. tablespoon melted butter' ,
Remove the „seeds and mem-
brane from .mediupt-sized well -
shaped peppers. Steam for ten
minutPS or parboil for 'the 'same.
butter and sante onion in it:
Reniove from the heat and coin-
hine with the • rice, meat and
stewed' tomato; Sprinkle .salt in
peppers and then stuff with the .
rice mixture. Sprinkle 'top with
• Passing Up '"Sophisticated"..
In Favot
2, The smartest girl --fall 440 style
looking beauty with shorter hair,
shorter nails and . shorter skirts.
Long bobs are not so long. Claw-
like, pointed nails ire considered
old hat. Pinafores and the knee-
length sports skirt, worn with long- '
er socks' and requiring emooth,;
white, knee& are. style news of the
Both, the shorter skirts and the
.pinafores give their wearers a'
fresh, unspoiled ,look with, which ,
heavily Nmacl.e tip eyes and siren •
nails would be ineongruous.; This
", debutaete will try to look like
like a movie Star er her senhisti-
She'll consider Soap and water
, her best friends, using them to
. Clean her hair once,i week as well
as for a daily, tub or -Shower and
twice daily face:,and neck clean-
. Ultra chic is the new "cep" 'coif-.
fure Which one ef the hest hair-
dressers recommends especially for
college. The ,hair is cut quite short,—
the Crown left sraceith and. straight,
with the ends all the way around
finished in. little ringlets.
------ ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''
' •• ••••••• '''''''''''''' ••• .........................
COM 1.40, nuottceisr SWIM INC
Filet cc -edict, ,doilies tan add to the -beauty' nf buffet- oreyeetree•-'-e-:
dresser your tlining table or your serving tray. They measure 18x36 • '
and 12,x24 inches in string, and 32)(1.8 and 8x12 inches in finer cbt-
ton, Pattern 2613 contains eharts and directions for making doilies;
illustrations of them and'stitches materials required • • '
• Send twenty cents in -coins (stamps eannot be accepted) for this
pattern to Wilson Needlecraft' Dept., -73 West Adelaide St., •Toronto.
Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS.
'Wigs las awe MN FOOD mats
Over 1Vvo Nabisco Shredded Wheat slke a Leading Canadian• health authorities agree
banana, pour a 6upful or Morriof milk, sugar that "whole grain cereals" are ars essenticil
to taste—and you haVe a breakfast made 16 "protective" fOod in peace and war.
order for a lazy merning-appetitel But that's Nabisco Shredded Wheat, is a "wholo grain
,only haff the story. In this one delicious dish- , cereal"-10%,Pure,whoie Wheat—with pll'
ful, you actually get eight vital food valUes: the rich, Inner flavor of Nature's finest cereal
Three Vitamins (A, Be ancl*C);Iron, ealcium, - grain. Serve this nourishing, lew cost, main -
Phosphorus; Carbohydrates' and Proteins. int, meal ta your fcimily regularly.