HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-11-16, Page 1kN
VOL, XX' THL NO. 149i,
for the purchase of fall and
winter Suits is at hand. We
have .a magnificent range of
Tweds, Worsteds, etc., Im-
pox'ted and Canadian goods
from, the ifest makers. Please
do `";has a. favor by looking
thrciugh our stock.
Do You Want an
or fall or winter Suit. If so,
1, J. Homuth & Sons is THE
Place where. Quality, Price
and satisfaction can be found
combined within reach of all.
Boots and Shoes
In this line our stock is
large, well -assorted, and com-
prised of goods from the best
makers. Our prices touch
rock -bottom.
Call and inspect our goods:
Bohemian 0
ala. Bowls'
a The Drainage fa'
1 of wilegham for
q many friends i
FruitBaskets t
we open SOW very
pretty lines of
Read 1L. E. Isarll & Co's adVertise-
meat on page five of this issue.
week eve suede an
f the town council
5. Howson, Ilarvey
to roeeive 6100 per
e of the dace, in
place at ,500 per y ar, as was reported
in our last issue.
FirliCIIASED A. TOT= —W. F. Dal -
maga, late of the ruuswick house, has
purchased the bion hotel at Gerrie
from Geo. Brown Mr. Dulmego lulls.
get possossioei on he 10th of December.
lily have beeniresidents
many years and their
Weighs= js' wish
sty geed winter
cot price paid.
excess—a, D. the first Canadian
Africa will give a,
perieuces in South
dist church, Wing -
ening next.. Mi. Mc -
f Wiughaln, leaving
w11 No doubt a
urn out nest Monday
give his version of
ppear in his khaki.
under the auspices
gue, Silver collee-
lefray expenses.
AN BRTtOR,--wLas$
error in our report
proeeetliegs. Mess
FW Brockelbank are
year for taking c
them prosperityliu their fie
We:inn. A quasi
apples. Highest 1
Apply to N, A. FAn
Laron, a member of
•coutin ,ent to South
boy 's talk on his e
Africa, in the Meth'
ham, on Monday e
Laren is a native
been born is this t
large number will
evening to hear hie
the war. He will
suit, and is eomluc
of the Epworth L
tion at the door to
. Also a find range of the most A
over displayed in Winghaeu.
These lines aro direet]y imported.
from Europe and are strictly
up-to-date. �a
N. A. FAt}ik� QJiA��3ON'S
(`.Che China House)
Seo Halsey Park's advertisement.
Dr. Butler, of London, willnbe at the the
Queen's Hotel, Wing ,
Friday of each month from 11.80 a.
m. till 3 o'clock p. m., for consultation
in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
Hoffluth & Solis
merchants of WiI
vertisements in the
ham merchants g
will pay our r
miles to secure.
tisements in this
normals left on
Goderich, and f
teed to Kingston
son, evho was red
penitentiary for
H. Mclndoo's s
from stores 1
other places.
W.4 TED. -4C0 bags of sweet apples at
the Wiugham Cider .and Jelly mill.
Good prices paid. 1'
Marriage Licerilses
Issued by-Tsx;A'NR P TERSON, ivo. 28 Victoria
street, Virin°tthara, Ont. No witnesses required.
�r.serrs.—Many of the
ham have new ad -
week's issue. Wing -
re extra value, which
dors to come many
Read all , e adver-
INGSTON. Chief Van-
eduesday morning for
oh1 there he will pro -
with the man, Patter-
ently sentenced to the
Stealing goods from M.
re in this town and
Clinton, Bayfield and
Sennteene 1 I)n.
members of the Tot
Dr, Macnonald, the
in East Huron, at 11
day evening. '3
=inhere of the
number of others i
tertained them. `I
very plerissint even'
Band .serenaded
•uccessful candidate
residence on Fri -
he Dr, invited the
band along e itli a
to his house cult en -
lose pres t spent a
BooeLlxd: Bossier.,
Button intend boon
business for the
Walker has moved
and the than has hat
rooms for the large
have on hand.
another column ai
they are offeriug for
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure heaclaohej
—We have had au tea taste:, of winter
this week.
--Five weeks. fro Taesdaynext will
bo Christmas.
—Plan of ball for
--Walker Dros. cS; at Douglass' drug s
ing their furniture -m-A Cavalier of Fx
,ist (]0 days. W. house on Monday ev
'e stock from Blyth .—A number of y
to rent extra store attended a ball at G
J. A, Morton, for He
nesday made his offie.
here m the presence
declared Dr, Mae&
majority of 140. T
3,864; Dr. Meadow
and Mr. Dickinson, 1
returns will bo founi
WANTED.—One Tub of choice Roll
Butter weekly—also Dried Apples and
Fowl. We don't handle old Tub Butter
made into Rolls. Our Dress Goods,
Furs, Ready made Clothing and Over-
coats are not surpassed. ' . E. KING
Lindsay, relict of tl.
Guire, died at the
James McGuire, inj
day. Mrs. MoGuir
livocl £or many yea
Morris. Deceased
The remains were
on Wednesday of
terred in the. Win
Central Business College ��
Stratford, Ont. • �r':
Our graduategget choice positions with Lr',
the best business firms, and many sure r'I
placedloes. as
oP our recent grar duates
IW. R. Crone, teacher, Rider Business ;i,
College Trenton, N. 3.
W. E. Brown, teacher, Metropolitan l
/Winos3E. Gillespie, teacher, Bay City Busi- N1
he* College, ay City,
W. J. Brownell, �ntedacher, ietroit Busi- G
late Arthur Me
home of her son,
it. Forest, on Mon -
with her husband,
s on the let lino of
was in her 79th year.
Brous ht to Wingliam
srnoon and we
ham comets
able bine was spent at
D. A. Campbell, I'r
Thursday afternoon of
her brothers and sister
few hours together a
photo taken. There
of the Casemore fa
two girls, all of .who
youngest oue being o
ago. They all live
of each other, which,
Miss MacPherson will ell
of her largo and well sel c
millinery and ready -t
cost and below. Call
DIED IN Howeoxe.
home in Hoevick to
day of last week,
Iltvain in her 36th y
had been ailing for
not expected to redo
hind a husband a
Mrs. M.cIlwain was
Adams of this town.
have the sympathy
their affliction.
ness University, College, Minneapolis, Minn.
G. A. Stone, teacher, Curtiss Business n
wh,,,i,,ir graduates occupS, positions r
like the above it is positive proof that our d
work is of the highest grad.e. Many posi-
tions of this kind had to go unfilled this [1-1
year as we had no ono to send. r
Send for beautiful catalogue, (4i.
W. J, ELLIOTT. Principal, rifl
B.5-1. ne.9S0-170=e- reire-aeszaele.-Lirers Wain
15 Cents
pays for the TIMES till
o balance
:,d trimmed
ear hats at
rly and secure
There died at her
Mrs. Charles Me-
an The deceased
me time and was
.er. She leaves be-
d litt daughter.
e of Joseph
niany friends in
ew stock they now evenings,
wend their advt in —John Scott, of
see the bargaius car load of lambs
the next GO days. Wednesday.
Returuiug Officer —The Teems is p
roe East, on Wed-
A very enjoy -
he home of Mrs.
GES street, o11
ast week, when
met to spend a
have a family
o eight members
ly, sic boys aucl
are living; the
r silty years of
�ithin a few'1 ' es
s a very u sual
thing with such a lar e family. Those
present at the gathe • ng were William
S„ Robert, George, John and James
Casemore and Mrs Belfour. Joseph
Casemore was unabl: to be present. The
company had a 1 ge family photo
taken. at M. E. Zurb gg's.photo.gallery,
when they returned ,• Mrs. Campbell's
home and had tea, Iter which a few
hours were pleasan y spent in talking
over by gone da and events, when
they were all yo ng together. The
many friends of • e Casemore family
will wish them many more happy
Mr. Wni. Holmes i
1count athis office recent illness.
f four electors, and _Cutters and sl
aald elected by a
e total vote cast, appearance for thi
lel receiving 2,002 streets MI Wedne
802. The coria' ed—;!.iliott paito4
in another . elfin, family from town
he has a situation
Losr,—On Josephine st bout two
weeks ago, a pair of lady old rimmed
spectacles. I'iuder will e rewarded by
leaving Them at the post office.
Tins PULLS'.—Bv. ryone in town by
this time has hea 1. about the Pulls,
who since Monde night have been
showing their pow+ , or their skill, or
both, as hypnotist in the opera house.
They have dons me wonderful things
which we will 1 . t try to enumerate
here. They are h: e under the auspices
of the town band and, will exhibit for
the remainder of the week and those
who have never s: n the manifestations
should certainly s e them.
man Lyceum Com
Cavalier of France,
House, Thursday nig
large and appreciativ
story surrounds the
III. of France, and tl e national °ha
teristics are well bro ght out. Th
royalty, and love, an treac
places, will& is quit in
the Englishman's i ea of
court inithose days.
handle lpy the coin
Grasse taking the
splendid dramatic eff
Wolfe. in the role of t
ft &Moult part, but he
excellent professional
Lillian Paige, as the
Miss Brain Steven, t
Queen of 'Navarre, in
Crozier, in the part
31101s, fianeo of Rene de
bnted in high degree
the play. The cosh
the scenery magnifice
appointment generall
pays for the Timzs and To.
font° Daily Star till Jan.
1st, 1901. All who ,sub-
seribe for the Star get a
handsome picture of the
Queen and Prinee
Iteave your orders early
At the TINMS office.
ny presented "IA
7 at the Opera
t, to an unusually
audience. The
urt of King Henry
ng Of
in high
nig with
se French.
'he play was well
any, Mr. Jos. de
art of Reue de
'of France, with
rt. Freeman de
se king, assumed
Bete evideece of
xperience, Miss
Queen mother,
e daughter. and
d Miss Blanche
f Gabrielle Du
o the 8110008S of
es were superb,
t, and the stage
Cavalier of Franc e
ince in the Opera
fining next.
,ung Winglianiitos
linters .on Monday
istowel, shipped a
airs Wingharn on
used to learn that
recovering from her
ighs made their first
season on Wingharn
last week moved lis
to Bracebridge, where
ea a saw hill.
Apprentices wanted at once. Tw
young ladies to learn tailoring.
tf WEBSTER & Co..
—H, F. Gordon, o London, formerly
of Wingl►am, hasleen appointed in -
spec or
n-speo)or for the Cana man Life Assurance
Co pang is that ci .
91►%.'v4w.• wAr l�fiscit
ham branch of t e Christian and Mis-
sionary Alliance it their regular busi-
ness meeting las week decided to com-
mence their Su ' lay evening meetings at
7 o'clock in the uture. Marvellous suc-
cess hes attend: d the efforts of the few
Christians, wh , four mouths ago band-
ed themselves ogether to promote the
Gospel of full
lization of the
and abroad.
profitable .has
work. We wi
that this is not
a fraternal unio
purpose of beer'
and His fullness.
reach the neglec
lands, and to sen
whole world in tl
14Soney for foreign
forwarded to any
of charge, Aare
contributed for for
a large amount for
been received from
Toronto, to the elf
to go on witli his p
in connection with
an iron and brass f
Tho town solicitor,
now prepairing th
tion as to when th
mitted to the rate
by the council.
Win€ham should
the ratepayers wi
when they have
on the by-law.
several days in t
into matters wi
a woollen mill a
will have a prop
to the Town Co
.proposes to orga
pally and build
cost of :12,000 a
class plant. He
hands and will a
of $10,000 for ten
back each year a
end of the term.
son of W. H. Kerr, C the Brussels Post
has been ill with ty hoid fever for some
three weeks. We pe tho yen g man
may have a speedy ecovery.
—People in this c saint who are hav-
ing auction sales s mkt see that their
sale bills are print at the TIMEs office.
A free notice is giv
bills are printed at
—Mrs. Halliday,
of WM. Halliday
purchased the hon
street, recently OW
She gets possessio
Now is the season for
sersous trouble to occur
with the lungs. Build up
the system and strength-
en the lungs with
of Cod Liver
Oil with
It is fresh and the best on the
Tlw old Williams stand.
This is place to get your furs at
right prices, all frilly guaranteed. Ladies'
fine A.stracein ,Tackets from $20 -to $85,
Ladies' Far Capes and lour heed Capes
from $S to $40. Caperines, Ruffs, Muffs
and. Gauntlets geed and cheap.
Men's 'Fur Coats, laege stock, best
quality, lowest prices. We are head
quarters for sleigh Robes, prices range
Lamer= stock of rubbers and over-
shoes, prices^frora 30 cents le pair to $1.
If you want the nicest goods and the
best value in Vutlerwear be sure that
his office.
n in. the Teen when
Ovocoats. The quality and
yon look through our stock.
Great stock of Children's, Boys' and.
lplicne'ss will surely please you.
of Howick, moth!!
of this town, nue
and lot on Minnie
ed by James levine.
op. the lst,ot Decem-
alvation and the evango-
eglected classes at home hens and. roosters and four good Barred
specielly interesting andiPlymouth Rock roosters. .Apply at
een the Sunday Sehooil Tarns office.
new religious sect, but rather over -loaded
of Christians for the sense interesting
crowded out.
council mi.:rates
the banks of the Av.
ing and. captured
Parties who seen
were the largest
brought into Wing
--The other even
A boon to the a
be in Wingham at,'
drag store on We
"one day only."
feet in your eye si
call and see him:
One day only. 0
most touching inci
Ohrisb was the se
eviler° as L1 boy of tt
in deep discussion
and sages of the Jen 'sh faith. is a
subject which has er appealed to the
poet and painter, an few episodes in t
career of our Stevie have been '•
reverently depicted pen and
The greatest of all th pieta es
the child Jesus is sho ri in
in disputation with
painted by Hoffman,
The colouring of this
and the drawing of th
cipals wonderful.
true of the face of J
mice is full of boyish
with a high and holy
more beautiful con
and figure a the M
placed on canvas.
shown the Rabbis,
men, whose astoni
of the youth is
The painting, "01
has been aceurat
most delicate col
subject, It is in
°tea; he is coming
, Eye Speoialist, will
olin A. Campbell's
uesday, Nov. 21st,
If you -have any cle-
t it will pay you to
Examinatiyn free.
early and. avoid the
1111.1,13.—One of the
ents. in the life of
ne in the Temple,
elve, he was found
the chief ' priests
e German master.
ainting is superb;
faces of the prin-
his is particularly
sus—the counten-
eauty, interfused
intelligence. No
ption of the face
ter has ever been
Around Him are
ave and thoughtful
mod at the wisdom
trikingly depicted.
t in the Temple,"
reproduced in the
hi keeping evith the
is a beautiful din y for every Christian
home. Oar read rs will be interested, in
knowing that th Family Herald and
Weekly Star, of ontreal, have secured
the right of thit mous picture for their
subsolbers thie yew!. They have idea
another intereeti
"Home from th
the happy rotur
soldiers from
e Temple
abbis, was
testimony to Christ
This society aims to
classet- in the home
the Gospel to the
'present generation.
missiou work will be
art of the world free
y $100.00 hes been
ign missions and also
nem -- Word has lier of France" •Wa
1 that he is prepared was crowded. V)
m, C. Bullock, of soli, wets could uo
rt of the egreement of tlie season. He
attending at the
he establislunent, of
E. L. Dickinson, is
by-law and the ques- SORDO
by-law will be eub- The regular mo,
yers will be settled. School Board was
eve and we feel sure
is is an industry that ing. All member
I consider it favorably of lest meeting re
u opportunity to vote The Principal
gentleman has been of October was ro
wn this week, lookieg Dept. Boys
a view of establishing 1 14
d. ready-made clothing 2 15
actory in town. He 23
sition ready to present
nail in a few days. He
ize a joint stock coin -
liftable buildings at a
d will put in a first
ill employ at least 75
the conneil foe a loan
ears, $500 to be paid
d the balance at the
have this week
our columns and.
ems of news are
been somewhat
s out hunting along
r ou Tuesday morn -
two wild clucks;
he ducks say they
wild ducks ever
ng when "A Cava -
presented at Iuger-
be had, The hall
best entertainment
the hockey boys by
ugh= Opera House
The Direct Importer.
tion of Miss Corn
that elle be engag
The following ac
Young & Paulin; s
Davidson, 25 loads
John Clegg & Ca as.
account be paid.—
else treasurer fo
officers' salaries
Board then adjou
g picture entitled
War," representing
one of our Canadian
th Africa. It. is a
ir of die late War, told
peny will appear in he Opera House appeals itt outer° every Canadian, It
here 011 IVIOlidaY OVelli lieNt, under the bag boon spooin painted for tb,0
atispices of the hockey itk. Plan of Herald and W.' obly Stine and will be
ball at Douglass' drug tore. sent along witl 'the picture, "Christ in
Temple," to ev ry Family Hernia sub-
scriber new or i newal. An interesting
lad will be sent free to
to the Family Hera
, Montreal.
MONEY TO IJOAIL—M011ey tO loon on
notes, and notes diseounted rea$011-
gagos, with privilege of paying at the
end of any year, IsiOtOS end Accounts
collected. Oillce---lieavor 13lock, Wing.
deseriptive pain
any of our read
it by postal eard
and Weekly Sta
The diploma
Optical • Institute of
guarantee our
we bold frOm the
Canada is a
of qualification to
give perfect satisfaction in the fitting
of glasses.
Our equipment tor this wm:k has
always been of the best, but to make
it still more complete and up to date
we have just added a "jebb Opto
meter," the latest invention in this
class of instruments.
DO not let Mite opticians mid
pedlers who have never studied the
oes, tamper with yours, and sell
you glasseS at double their value
when you can be properly fitted at
4 29
5 20
6 24
7 81
8 40
The school w.
teachers were pre
report as read be
Impeder Robb
note to Secretary
not think that th
posts between the
be an improvemen
The Inspector's
To the Board of Se
thly meeting of the
eld on Tuesday even-
preeent except H. G.
n the chair. Minutes
and approved.
eport for the month
d as follows
irls Total Avg.
28 87 811
20 85 82
23 52 50
28 62 46
21 52 46
be received and.
d for the ensuing
unts were read:—
plies, $1.70; John
t the ac.eounts of
John Davidson ba
it Young &
orders be rirawn
the teachers' and.
or the mouth of
'Take Laxative Bream Quinine TThiets. Ali .
clruegists refund the money it it to 'cure..
E. W. Grove's signature is on each bcr.a. 25e„
The Presbytery
Willis church, °nut
Rev. S. Young ha
twenty-fourth year
the Presbyterian ch
The new Catholi
is about completed
with imposing cere
Rev. Richard Ho
sary sermons in. th
church on Sancley
livered an aderees
helclin that place
Rev. D. Perri
special Sunday ev
character of the t'
and condemned
preached the first
8-2-30:56Pell 7:0258 (18Ys1-3-66:19nd Soeiety of the Pr
tch:euiirrleoht 110T1i; k:s10-;
:(1.1tsHeuNb:emirnytitsdtereadlyto; vE,
Principal. 'IN. Sodvers, of B
and delivered a
That the Principal s
ireoted the following
ohertson:—"Do you
removal of the old
wo school lots would
report was read es
tool Trustees,
'GENTLEMEN,—I eg leave to report
that I visited you school on October
was clean, warm a d comfortable, The
teachers are all do ig very satisfactory
work. You have n excellent staff. I
have no su,ggesti ns to offer.
traton—Bell— hat the Inspector's
report be receive and filed.—Cartiod.
An appliefltiO Was read from Miss
Mary Cornyn, eking to be appointed
teacher of the t ird department kr the
of Huron met in
u, oa Tuesday.
entered upon the ,
f his pastorate of
rch at Clifford.
nd will be dedicated
onies on November
Kippen Methodist
ast. He also de-
nt the tea meeting
Monday evening.
is taking ep three
ree judges who tried
of these sermons On
Foreign Zaiesionary-
ing meeting in the
neetield, was present
address on mission
Winghad s Popular. Shoe 'Store,
THAT Rubbers will not give satisfac-
tion if tided, too tight.
THAT Stem Rubbers fitteet tight over
the instep are liable to break.
fraism Greer sells the bcst rubbers in
town and for the least money.
THAT a short fit will ruin. any rubber.
fitters manufactured to day.
"MAT we replace all first qoality rub,
berg that do not gir satisfaction-
ensaiiig term.