HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-11-09, Page 8WINGI i. L TIMES, NO ''El EJt t , 1900 M. FI. MCJNDOO No'r .5.2% AND Vaitslwtorr t. )i. itiactiolortid is Om ni,'tn u>l� ';ia�tt 111111'unt. t1 imani.eaet NAlgeelete Itt•:P(ntTte. Willghaud,Nev. 8, 1.900. new per 100 lbs,, ..,.., 1 25 to 4 00 V:all'9Cheat , ., „,, 0 63 to 0 tie i4peing Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, 0213 to 022 iitxioy ... ..... 0 35 to 0 33 Peas ... , , . 0 ti0 to 0 Iia Ttil]t(3ys, drawn,.., ..., 0 OR to .0 09 G 'iso, " , ... ..... • 0 05 to 0 CO. Dllcl; s, Dor pair ......... 0 {)0 to 0 60 Butt,3r 0 18 to 0 IS E..,;., leer. doe„.... ,0 15 to 0 15 Wool per cor, . , 2 00 to 2 tee Hey 1101 tern.. , , , . , 7 00 to 3 00 Potatoes per bushel 0 90 to 0 20 Tallow per 1b ......... , 0 05 to 0 00 beret .• 0 13 to 0 1%i Dried Apples per lb . 0 02 to 0 02 Woo' col . ... 0 1'i to 0 20 Live Ii gs, per cwt. 4 00 to 4 25 Cilie 1..21 s , .. 0 30 t:1. 0 40 11leetiola returns will he found on page four oaf thdc Witte. The advice from theTnote, to let even Luton i alone, \gas heeded. The much abused Mr. Tarte had aver 1000lunjcrity ie. Ids constituency. The editor of the Tots did nut Ileo to teke oto his coat for this oamptigu, p,anrzeree majority in leis OW11 con. stitaaeucy, 2,: oe, Wile, deserve it bet. ter? TIIm people • likes) prosperity S.xeverru- tuent well enough t,1 Rask fie y ears lu.+re of it. '\Vo diel. Imt see a Co;fse:•vutive pt'o• e tis:on ii( \riringluu.t on Wet:Weedily uil;llt. By: the way, where ie the 100 renjo ity t'utt DlOkiIisult Wt1d going to llama in Wie le 1., The many Wiughanl friends of Dr. Ilorsa•y wer pletlsed to hear of Itis elec- tion iu Nl:rtil Grey. i Ti3E TO C4 Er3iTO i . FB A guaranteed cure for sor sweating and swollen FIE3ET JIT Coiin A. CamphalN In the rtr+ter of the , sta:te caf .'tames Laidlaw the ,flet•, late of the Oo,:lash:ip 01' :•tt Wan imosli.in thuV.ai. t3 t,i natio' {it1111. ti,a,ee11:t'd. 7,i'c•1•!eo'41•era•l'1' given pr mar 147, Chap. 15.), that all person against t st t, t. r tate of the salt Lt, <Mee, who 1p111,1.Iia, me la qui •. el, e 11 .t ' 0c mil.•,•,j.(,tr .Dieluusou's Dredge, bitter known as en ('e Ifce1 ro J, .A. tet of the Town of ++ \Yat hello. �ultcitor r Y\iiiliana Puiatu,tnazel the '4Viui;l'atu Advance did nut shovel Andrew w Fos, executors of the said deceased, their Christian and su1'nalneti, addresses and enough dirt in East Huron. Ceseriptions, the full particulais of their claims, the the of thew aeootiuts and The Conservatives could not expert to the naa;are of the socaritfe s, if any, held by Wthem anti diet af11 tlut s,lzd last l- tlerig win on such cries as h a binder twine, clt,te t�i<+ swirl ece<+ttf H will itrolaeeAl t0 Cl stt'ib- a coal u,1, eutergenev rations, etc.” ate the assets of the deceased tnlongthoparties entitled neecxo, 1.0 tfa. * re;lud only tri the c' , Y' 'The culupai ;n literature prepared b3' Ovine: of which they shall then have notice, Dated thus writ day or November, A.D. h.00. " tiro Mall \Vitll LIS Coat 0t" drel much .T. A. eice220N, gaud fur the Liberals of East .Huron. Solicitor for the Execrators of Jaines Laidlaw, toe carer, deceased. 1lES Roza. HOLiu West Huron hada -_.- , _- close run, but we are pleased to hear � _. ROME TO CREDITOIIS, from latest returns that he has 27 majority. • Where, 0 where, is the campaign lit- erature that \was prepared in the Ad- vance sanctum. What good diol it do ie East Huron? We are sorry to hens of Jas. McMullen's defeat iu North Wellington. Mr. Mc- Mullen was one of the ablest men in the the said 11)?) ed, their Christiain aucl sur- name:, -detour, sur- n r:, ad cs e, and descriptions, the full par - Fashion Cavo:sFlannel Waists Liberal ranks, tennth.n2 claims, the statements of their au ve:tut's and the nature of the securities, it and t` e)rave a splendid assortment of all The last meeting of the clow sign iu arty. held by them; end that after the said last P rug tlene(1 date the said executors will r oeee the diVereut colors and combinations of the to\ad n hall on Tuesday evening tyles 1 to chsrrihnte' the asset'of the. d( :(ascd itmong rho parrie entitled. thereto, haaviaa regard Flannels. largely attended. Dr, Macdonald gaol , only to tin, claims or witch they shall then have ClClothing t g £ �f p� ed many votes at that meeting, no let•. Otlil1 fat Man and Boys 'n.rt:ethe,ethda or November, A. D. 1000• The only leader left to the Conserv-T. A. MORTON, Gond °loaning. This s`oreguarantees ative party. ie Sir Mackenzie Bowel;, iolieltor forthe Exeeutorof William Everett, pure wool fabrics, faultless styles and The material to form a cabinet out or ; deceased. workunanship, bat holds them right the Conservative members has not been down to the lowest price, Will sell on Saturday 50 chid snits ranging from elected. I $7.00 to $10.00. Choice on Saturday, Bogus Globes, ernergeuey rations, Non 1.S": , G'nnt LADIES' M.A. TLES-Geed Mantles sample copies of file Mail and Eliipire cta•.nts'••,,: to R. F, O., it Lying claims antes Laidlacw r the 1''.)11I day of o, before the Ctit nal 1.y roust prepaid Jdckots and Dress Goods. The Best Tiwo to Choose is ;':ow. At no other time will it be quite So easy for yon to get just what you want as right now, as people are getting their Coats, Dreeses and Furs as rapidly as possible. In the matter of the estate of Willie t ti creta, Ia1te of the Township of'East ' awanosh, in the County of Huron,Yeom, deceased. Netter,' is hereby given put pu t to R. S. 0,, 1st14 Ohm). 133 that all perl.ui having claims against the estate of the sou 'Pillion' Everett, who died on or about the 12. 1 day of October, 1009, are required. on or ba ore the Oth day of Oetober,1S141, aro r • uir • on or before Oth day or December, 11)00, o d by post prepaid or deliver to J A. Mor •n of the Toivn of Wiug- ham, Solicitor for Archibald Clow executor or NOTICE TO CREDI rOB is hereby given poem . t to R.S.O., 8(1, See. 31, that all ersons having the estate of 1. ertLinton, late to clear at $1:.75, worth $0, $,7 and $3. and Montreal Star, pamphlet No. 6 and ti reeown. mata trhTc`clieb nn or thea t u in f CHILDREN'S COATS -- Children's other such heats, helped to elect Dr. (Lilly!:r,et s,+pc., nbe A• 0, aro required to send. n i. by leo t prep a or to deliver to Richard Coats in whiten and colors, reg. $3 and $4, Macdonald in 'Last Huron. cranaeroae of the i of Wingham, Solicitor choice for x2.75. 1 tea allot Ec:duto .; un • before the lith day of C20 yds.of Fancy t' There are 2lu House of Commons you- No - e mbei A . 11 00 .1• names, addresses Larga,s lrtnLFsnt to clear worth Sem, 10c, stitnencies in Canada. All o£ these vet- ani 1Iir1'o l' her' cumin» an the the nature o Pthe 15o, Saturday 5c. ed Wednesday, cacept live, The Lil)- st< aiixv 12 coy) held 1/.131.11y ,i duly eertifletl „ ,, 'Incl t1. taitat oho said l. t ceoutors will 50 pairs of :hue shoes, odd sizes, J. D. erals do not heed any machine in pi'' Oa to (hatriimte the ass s of the de - King's make, good -styles, reg. $1.50, . these ridings, brother _advance. .et regard the parties entitle, hereto, lmv- $$1.7ra 'm 2.00 for ,x1.25. Shoe early at 1donly +o the claims o t hich they "Howick will probably lead in the tell then havenotzce. L'.iredthisla,hday04October,A. • a101 FM a� tt p ocession by a big majority for E. L. p. VAN -STONE; wingha�m . O., r i i, .' C t'„tt o o Oar Dickinson. Advance. , boinnto for the Exec tors. Yes, brother, Mr. Dickinson got out) _.._ 3 more of a majority in Howick than he had in 1600. MiNOR LOCALS. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. -The Toronto Globe collected $87,G50 for the Patriotic Fund. -The Jolly Palls in the opera house here every evening next week. -The Dbisley House has . bean re - shingled and otherwise improved. -An Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. gave a performance in the torn hall last night. -Court Maitland, C. 0. F. will hold its regular meeting this (Friday) even- ing. -The election returns in this issue have crowded out considerable local news. --The Presbytery of Maitland will meet in Wingham, on Tuesday, Novem- ber 20th. -A Mcltague shipped a car load of lambs from: Wingham on Thursday of last week. ., -This is the season for hoi`se clipping and mealy aro being shorn of their sum- mer coats. --The Wingham Electric Light Co., are having a number of new poles put up on Josephine street. -Tho jolly Pails will entertain the people of Wingham in the opera house every evening next week. -If you do not receive your paper regularly every week kindly leave word atthe Trues office.atonee: -Many of the Ontario Salvation Arley Officers were in Toronto last week atter'ing their annual meeting. -Geo. FT 10IEon removed from townte, Wroxete not week. Mr. Nicholson purchased S. 13. McL elvie's reek enoe in Wroxeter. .-One of Beattie Bros., horses died, at the O. P. R. station on Saturday last. This is the second horse l,tessrs. Scat- tie have lost lately. -The young people of town held) a hbp in the Council Chamber on Mon . DUTTON Mon- day night. The lrn't'pers front Londono WALKER furnishe1t the music. UNocRM,A teats, %INGHAM, -14ir.1'reetaornr, the Teeawi1t(:r barber. Night earns at Dutton 13106k, or F'i€t1l is a.Wvavon la bunting eXpOditiOu. 1tobt. door 5021tb of School' 11.oase. Shopo 1 Mobotlogll of town has charge of his I ,. 3 Docile Macdonald „block. shop during his abSenOe• Igor C)ver' x'li'ty Veers. --'.. J. Sullivan is baying rr neat (ver- An Old and Wel1.Tried Remedy $yrs andab erected at his residence oil Frau' j Winslow's SoothiilgSyrn lies been used oea strret. Mr. Sullivan will now have i for over fifty, cars by nlil1onsef mother:4 t, a very )lent, comfortable home. for their ehlld'lren while teethzzrr_, with -W. C. Morrow, of Blyth, has ire. perfect �luecess. It soothes' the child, oomo n. resident of'Wingbnn . Ile will act as general agent for pianos, organs. etc. Tk will hale his shoWroalns in Halsey I'ark'e jewelery store. Wo wel- collll. Mr. Morrow. as it resident of our ton. "Letters such as the cue as ap- peared in last week's Advance, ' from Pat O'Hooligan does not cut much figure with East Huron electors" - Wingham Titres, Oct. 12th. Our little friend. across .the way has found fault with the grammar in the above, but we think East Huron electors paid little attention to Pat O'Heoligau's letter, Astounding Discovery.. From Coopersville, Mieh., conies wort) of a wonderful discovery of a pleasant tasting liquid that when used before retiring by auy one troubled with a bad cough always ensures a good night's. rest. "It will soon cure the cough too" writes Mrs. S. Himelberger, "for throe generations of our family have used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and never found it's equal for Coughs and Colds." It's an unrivaled life-saver when used for desperate lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50e and $1.00 at Cutin A. Campbell's. Trial bottles free. BI;LGIIAVE. The Orangemen, r t,eld their usual annual fifth of Noe'rerilber supper "Mon- day night. Mr. Brace prepared the .a snpper,which was everything that could be desired. After teathey went to the Fo_rosters' Hall, where a lecture wan j given by the Ha' Win. Lowe of Wi11g- ham along with other items of interest Miss Ise Morrison has moved her dreSS making shop 4e theshae shop lately 'va. eeuted. by Mr. Trott, Armstrong and Clegg shipped a ear of hogs on Monday last. Mr. Dow spent Sunday with friends in Auburn. Mr: Bruce gave a social hoii to the boys of the village on Tttesday, where a very enjoyable time wets spent till the wee email hours when the company re- tired to- their several halms' wishing Mr. and Mrs. Bruce prosperity in their new home.. ?MC ID In every cough there lurks, like a crouching tiger, the probabilities o f consumption. The throat a n d lungs become rough ' and in- flamed f r Om coughing a n d t h e germs of consumption find an easy entrance. Take 44, no chances \ with the den gerous foe. For 60 years there has been a per- t feet cure. What•a rec- ord! Sixty years of cures. 9 g. 1, soothes and heals the wounded throat and lungs. You escape an at- tack of consumption with all its terrible suffering and uncertain results. There is nothing so bad for the throat and lungs as coughing. A 25c. bottle will cure an ordinary cough; hard- er toughs will need a 50c. size; the dollar bottle is Cheapest in the long runt went° of ' my sorra teas Spitting bleed with ahigh fever and Was Very ilL • We coultl hardly Ste any Signs Of life in him. The doctors fled him no good. Bet one bottle n' Year Cheer eetoralt'nred:himal.•d saved his li o:' O. G,Axx,lertso~s, NOV.10,1398. Pukwarri, S.Dak. nihteaeisire any complaint d't best seediest advice, Write the Doe.toe freely, Address Dr. J. O. Ayta21, Lowell, llfaxo, DRUG ,Taal l?.. So closely are we connected with the business that one would think we were intended for one another, No humbugging with us. Oak. is Oak and Elm is Elm, if the goods are not as we represent we will exchange them, (providing they have never been. used,) Remember our guarantee counts We are still selling common Chairs at til., 5 per half doz. All kinds of Upholstering neatly done, Undertakillg 1. S. Seot.t'„ ;;ale Register, P. 11. It, nue deliver, Bet -ea els, iv; - conduct the follow! • sales or fano stook ' Thos Bielby, 8, con 11, C,• , riov.0 Albert Oakley,'11, cam Grey. Nov 12. 'Wm Fisher, lot 1,, •oa (x1 c 1.t, Nov 1.1, Diary E Lynn and Ranee, s 1 io- 5, coal 0 "Morris, Nov 13. Wln. Shortrc s x. , ' 17, eo'.t 11, Morris, Nov 15. David r ne. lot 10, ecu 1 (:, •v, Nov t0, Jam Villtintson, s i lot 10, a 4, Morris Nov 8. ;cies guaranteed without resat requires careful and prompt attention, Ten years of practical work in this line enables us to speak with confidence. Having graduated from Toronto School of Embalming, the public may depend on receiv- ing satisfaction, Night calls receive prompt attention. Residence—Patrick'St., Mr. Graeey's former residence.. The undersigned ''obi notifies the Public that he has sole $ ho 1,atrlu(:ss at White- olrnt•(•h to Jo a tDonald 1 e of Listowel, anti after the . day of Novem m •r the business will b 21121 1(113 name. TIlO?. AlONC+•. e '��rR,�"�D%99.''�b�'�T••"43�"�✓�'S3�C'D•'@"'e!+'49y'�"@,rt�1LQ-"�•�K:�'�Y"•p,''�'�'✓'Qr�Or`ilr Dueber an cn atch BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep on his premise#, Korth half of lot 2, 1st line of Morns. a thor- ough bred Berkshire Boar for service, Tc•2'ms as usual. J, G.1+'YFE. TPi 1ER WANT Applications wZ bo gees' , by the under- signed for a female .nal for Union School, No. 8, Ttunberry 1111 • : orris, (Junction) up to November 15th, ) its to state salary and experience. • 1es to co, once first of Jan., 1901. W. J.. HENDT N, Sec'y, Wi -lam P. O. ! OM13VG1 COMING! COMING!• • T. P. SMITH, SOiENTIFIC EVE SPECIALIST Graduate New York, Philadelphia, and Toronto Optical Colleges, Call early and avail yourself of hie valuable services, as this is arare opportunity to have your eyes proper- ly tested, free of charge. No guess work but a scientific certainty. Diffi- cult cases accurately fitted. Ariz; WORK GUARANTEED. afrI never call at private house* He has also added a large assortment of arti- ficial eyes to his stock. Will be at Colin A. Calnrllaen Drug Store Wingham, one day only, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 21. We use the "J ebb )of London Conservatory of Music, will ho pre- pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num- ber of pupils for instrttction on Violin and Guitar. Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. WE KEEP--- NOTICE EEP"- THE WORLD'S BEST. We also keep the Waltham and Elgin Watches, Our Jewellery is all new and of the lt.teet designs. Our line of Spectacles is now complete. We can suitny eye. Don't forget the stand, now in the Stone Block. W. G. PATTERSON $ The Watch Doctor, Wingham. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over S. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. VIOLIN AND CU(TAD. MISS CARRIE lilOORE PIANO 'AND THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. ;' and member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num- ber of pupils for instruction on Piano and in Theory. Special attention given to pupils preparing for examinations. Residence -opposite 10. 0• Church, Wingham. fk AMY 0 tometer" IT WILL PAY an instrument for the immediate detection and quick correction• of Errors in the Eye and Sight. This instrument is made on 'the latest and most scientific prin- ciples rimciples and insures ab- solute precision. vVe test tile eyesight free and guarantee the best possible results. • HALSEY PARK Jeweler and Optician Macdonald liiock.. Easy Lessens in We Assurance. The 11lutual Life. Assurance Co. 'of Canada, has 1-30 years successful experience, • 2•-A large surplus. 3-A low death and expense rate. 4-4.11 the best plans. Enquire rates of ABLEit COSZT S Agt. The Mutual Life Assurance Com- pany of Canada, formerly the Ontario 006161 t IVlutoalLifo G`0 �Oli x,00$ lrrl�pl"�0'��}, 1I duaeessfully used monthly ` L,. by ower 10,o00Ledles. Sate, effectinal. Ladis atalk, �r"' your dru gist for Cook'e Colton goal Coag' softens tllo gums, allays all pain, Cures imit.atio a arO di ager ndupii ures,,pins 1a a wind colic told is the best reined for r Llss anti anyone Narita,, live stock or other + y bot ]fe.14 SC degrees altronger,ES per articles they wish to distaosea of, sneak). navel.- dfarrlxx'a. It is pleasant to the MSC.'. i or3',,nbllednn recei t of price and tWr E•4cnt -tiro the Sarno for solo ill the Toms, Oar largo sold ey, ereggf.rts lt1 every part of 'elle tamps 'lata ElOOk OoMpnny \viltdeor, Ont. cirealntlon tolls and it wilt ba strange indeed it pse•lion.l vac ��2so;danarecommended bybll oudonot getacustomer, We can'tguttratttee world. T"wente- ive e01133 a bottle. Iia recpsnaibls Drt gists tit (:made, that Ott win 13(11 bre'ause you may ask mora va1(Las is 11YCalOLllalaltl. a sore "00 121411 Yat' thy, article or stork than it is worth, Send for hard. Wins— Soothing lyrttip,•tract moir,.I,ind No.2tire, sold in \Vl'I'rh;ara by A. T. 4#your Advertisement to the Tistareand try'this take no otherin kind. lisimilro,t,.1.1C. Davis, 11,, A. Morrow, (;oho h I plan of disltotting of your stock and other i (atraulx11, Drug8is.,r• artteleft, ydu to attend the Forest City Business and Shorthand -..College, Lou- don, Ont. Practical instruction in practical subjects: For o\cer fifteen years we have been in touch with young people and their needs, and the business world and its requirements. Every facility at cowman' for aiding young people both before and . after graduation. We are doing superior work; results prove it. JoSurnenal.d for our Catalogue and College J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. WINGHAM MACHINE SHOP The undersigned wishes to thank the public for past favors and asks for a eontintltdn0e of their patronage in all kinds of srchine Work, Forging, Pattern 1i/faking, iron mid Wood Pu11eyr . Babbit Metal at low prices. I want 25 tons of good east scrap in exchange for Plow Pints. Plow Points 80 cents cash r SS tents trade. Castings in iron or brass on hand and to older. I have now extra help in my shop and can attend to all work prom try, Works near G.T,I.i., on Josephine street. J. M A .fir ., IT PAYS TO CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. furnishes the best testimony which proves its claim to this proud distinction. Here itis: 280 of our pupils secured positions in ten months ending July 1st, 1050. 42 pupils were placed daring the months of Ally and Angttst,1000. 40 others have since been placed in about as marry days, A grand total in a trifle over thirteen months of 342. What do you thinly of it? Here is the first half of the 40 pineed; the other half will appear i21 an early issue: Ben Burgess, steno, Pulp and Paper Co„ Sault Ste Mame, Ont. Maggie Haviand, steno, Banking Office, Sault ,S'te Marie, Mich. M. 5. Walker, steno and biter, Graham & Ca, Chatham, Ont. F.. Kelly, steno, Shaw Advertising Co, Grand, Rapids, Mich. Harriet Walker, steno, Commercial Credit 'Co., Grand Rapids, Mieh. Stanley Bogart, Bitpr, A. Hervey & Sous, Detroit, ,Mich. Herbert Parkinson, Bkpr, Wm. Gird & Co., London, Ont.. Luella Jessup, steno, Commercial Credit Co, Grand Ratai�ds, Mich. Lonise Melts steno, McCormick Harvester Co,Grand Rapids, Mich, tta McLachlan, .cashier and steno, firm in. Seattle, Wash. Mayne Harris, bkpr, Poreman & Co.,. Chat- ham, Ont. Frank Sheppard, bkpr, W. S. Duggan, Oil Springs. Ont. lsie Wlusburg steno, Smith Premier Type- writer Co, Grand' Rapids, Mich. Bertha Hat ens, steno, Wolverine Motor Works, Grand Rapids, Mich Comae Lum, steno, A. d. Graham, Grant. Rapids, Mich. Emma Hardeastle, Consumers' Tobacco Co., Leamington, Ont. Ella Behukie, blcpr, Grand Raapid:: Electro- type Co. Lauren Snow, steno, W. E. Barrett Lumber Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Rossnnel Meyerang, asst. bkpr and steno, Heystek & C:anfleld, Grand Rapids, and W3ltiam Drucke asst bkpr, Daniel Lynch, Grand Rapids, Mich, if you -want even more convincing evidence. than this, Write for catalogue of eithor.depart- me nt to D. McLACIILAN & 00., Chatham, Ont. OPEN TO. INSPECTION, Perhaps the finest Bile of ° PURNITT:TRE ever seen in this town. is now 012 saki here. Every piece has solnothing �vhielll specially recommends it. Some will at- tract by reason of design, come bar beauty of the wood, 501110 by therm unlit(. All prove well made, strong a,zd durable at WALX1M & BUTTON EurnitI1 81 Donlon and Undertakers, '