HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-11-02, Page 73w • ,a Maginot Line Impregnable The• Maginot Line appeared "as impregnable as the Rock of "'ib- of British newspapermen, •visited France's defence fortification sys. • tent. • Camouflaged' "A fort I 'triaged 'ls'.built inside 'a small hill Scooped out hbllo'w for the purpose.."At the:summit is an, observation • post' guarded b"y'a ,big steel cupola weighing 36:tons• set in „a great block of concrete," ' he rote. .( "At another 'point on a hflI I saw -oneof several gun.' turrets, Alb that'. was visible was a eamouflltged,cup: ol'a•'of•-steee, shaped nye-a British soldier's s.teei ',helmet. This cupola wei,glrs •'1.25 • tons.' and. rests •on' a wide",steel• "collar of the sante. weight, the whole being set •in a vast block .of• concrete 58 •feet in • --diameter. . "They Shalt 'Not Pass" The cori•esii'ondent- described the wide :passages throughout, the forts •.withminiature. railways, barracks 200 feet below ground, bakery„ kit- chens;• power station and 41)4o -date 'hospital, "In front of the , fort:; ,'stretches, anile. after mile •orbarbed wire sand' lines' of anti-tank rails which even the. heaviest French,• tanli cannot 'burst through. ' "I left the Maginot Line convinc- ed that the garrison's motto. "On. Ne Passe Pas,'• is fully •ju tif�ed." Grant. Mufti Flees Exile •Accurding.to 'a.report free Lon don; the farmer grand mufti; of ., Jerusalem,.'klaj Amin ,EI. Husseini,.• recently ' escaped from exlie in ' , Lebanon,' where he is pictured in the ABOVE. It is.understood that: .he arrived- in Iran. The British government holds the. mufti re spons.ible for organiztng'the'Arabs' 'terrorist campaign and.had exclud ed him indefinitely fronj Palestine: It"i s. feared that he may Start a hew, anti-British campaigp ; now that than Empire • is engaged' in • European .war: Cod•lLiver••Oil • May -Run' Short Effect ,of War in North Sea AI ready :Felt in Canada Shortage inn the supply .of Cod live a oil depended on for the "s.un- -shine":: ,itaxn' N 1dd.. tore •e11•ild.fieai, • _1e9"ti been felt acutely by the' Child Wel fare Association at Montreal Ex ecutive-Directdr . Esther M. ' Beith • •.last week. Unless a new source is found for the cod , liver oil, 75 per • cent, of which' formerly ' was supplied by trawlers operating in the now' war. torn North Sea, the ,, Dominion's supply, may become exhausted, she said. Many Zrders made early in 'the year havenot yet been filled. Mrs. Beath said. the price already has advanced .25 per cent., meaning an increased cost of about $3,560 a year'for the 4,600 'babies the Child • Welfare Association has in 'Hsi' care. She predicted a'eti11 farther advance. • Autos'Affect Realty Value The phenomenal growt• h in the 'Use of ,motor cars Is becoming' an increasingly ireportaiit factor:111 etei'rnining real estate. Values, ac- . heeding to ' Walter . Ray, president of the Detroit Mortgage, Bankers' Association: "The stationary 'character of real estate tends to slow Op change," Ray said, "but the, autenrobile in recent years has "stepped in .to nett- Ilateeth;reeeeffeet-Acteheteetteki generally believed. Up until 1330, leee„hractierelty all amueetnent •and re- . 11, . tail centres, and Most industrial ' centres, were located close to mass' transpo,tntion But that is not true • today: " Real Est,ete Not Stationary • "Mass• transportation is tieing ig- iiored la scores'of cases. 'Proximity ' to heavy triofor traffic is .almost. as • • pertatlou Important as mass- trans - thele dn-•:e4tiniiiiii ..•iotrie teethe' - --sllil,4a: , 10 year are already showing signs 6f decline. Other. centres' inroad• vantageous to .;motor' traffic have taken their -trade.", ' • ,pPii,t,), l�nliii'l,�l'rl 1,1 X t , Il ullll� 11 unday esson LESSON IV: R:IGHTE.0(ISNE.SS !IN Thr K LNGDQM (For. Ateniatii.e Sunday) : Matthew 5.17-6:18. • f anted•' Text, Matt; 5:1740; , ' 38-45, 6=1..4. Golgleii. Tett.—Ye eterefore, ,shall he perfect, as ybt r heavenly Father is -perfect. ,Matt. 5':4$:. • '1'11E 'LESSON IN ITS .SETTING. Time:.=Spring of A.D: 27... ,Place. -04 a'°mountain, the, ex- act lbciiti.on'•of which we do not know. There was never a church nor' a creed• which put a man's :fife to' such a severe ,test as does this sec- ' tion -o£.. the 'Sermon of Christ '(Matt. 5:17-20). The Perfect Law Think not that. I came to destroy the law or the prophets 1 came not to destroy, but to. fulfil. Christ fulfilled the law by his obe- dience to lit in.aanore perfect way than any other than -obeyed the w; •he fulfilled, i•t. •by giving it eich•eis, deeper, nobler meaning •than, was leecenmonly ascribed to 'it -by the teachers of Israel. Most • of all, Christ revealed 'the. perfect law, which is .the: law of love. T8 •For verily i say.unto yeu,' Till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or. one tittle shall •in, li.o. wise pass •avay • from the law, '.till all `things be accom•i1ished, 191.•Who- .soever therefore shall• break one of these least ooInn1andrnents; and shall' teach winen, shall . be called, ` least . in 'the kingdom •of heaven: but whosee,er shall do and teach them, he ' shell. be , called great in the kingdom of .heaven.. 20. For: I' say unto you, that e -- cepa your r'ighteo•usness' shall ex- ceed the rig^hteousriess'.:of the scribes:. and. Pharisees,,.ye• shall in ,no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven. The righteousness 'of the scribes and .Pliarisees was an ex- ternal righteotisress. The :right- eousness•'of which Jesus speaks in ' the following .verses is one that includes all. the external righteous. acts. insisted upon by .the Jewish leaders of.his day, but also implies a heart -of••purity, sincerity, truth- - fulness, and real love for others; even for One's .. enemies: • Such, . righteousness •has been livedfor tt"s inJesus Christ. Christ, through out his entire life and' through ., his teachings, perfectly reveals. what God desires of men. . The Christian staan. Spirit' .38. Ye have heeed that it was said, eye foran eye, •and a, tooth for a tooth: 39. but 1. say'un•to you, Resist not him that ' itevil; but whosoever smiteth• thee. on thy , right cheek; tu.r. to hint the•,other also. What Chi ist condemns is notthe prosecution of those who are guilty of robbery and violence, 'but the spirit, of revenge, 40. And if any man ivozsld go' • to l!,I w with thee, and take away thy . coat,' let him have thy cloak also.' The fact that • it is' going to ' be a .case at lew;unpl.ies that, there is -soinetni+tg 'to 'be. said •on both skies. Jesus• says: k'erestall..your opponent, do more than he actual- ly demands; give .what .he could not demand: • 41. 'And whosoever shall compel thee togo one Mile, go . with him two. Whatever we `. find : o.ursel'vcs' compelled to • •do, ' 'We 'should do ,not with a grudging 'spirit,. 'hut vi illingly., , and indeed, do more than we 'are 'asked, to 'do, 'to' go the 'mile • and then toe go the second mile. • Be :generous as, .well as honest. • •Love Your F,ne►nies 42. Give to him that asketh thee; and from him that Would borrow of thee,'turn not' thou away'.' We arc to be generous• with those who come 'to us in •need, but we are td• exercise discretion and wisdom in these matters. 43. Ye have heard that it was•said, Thou shaft love thy neighbor, arid• hate thine enemy.. '44. But I say..uilto' you, Love your enemies, and' pray for them that persecute, you; 45. that ye may he sons of , 'hour Father who is, in, :heaven: for' he maketh his 'sun to riiie on.the evil"-• and the good,. and sendeth rain eh the just and the unjust. Towards your•en'emy, there must be no fiery retaliation, no more chilling 'tol- eration, no• proud and lofty corn - nand. •• -eeteI;b,f,, •ya' g -^eco. Matt. 0:1. Take heed that ye o not your righteousness, before men, td be seen of theft): else ye lave nh reward with your Fathe- who is in heaven. 2, When there- . OTC thou doesti alms, sound not a '� rutnfiet before thee, as ,the hypo - rites do in he synagogues •and in he streets, that they may have 'Tory of men. Verily 1 say unto: ou�,.�.,7 They have received their 're - 11414 ' _.3:;..:-131,1t• !heel :t'honhtitleetee'.. titl,e t i h4.4. vitae. thy right hand doeth: 4. hat thine alms May be in secret: nd thy Father whdtiseest in secret hall .recompense •thee. Britain's Air Chief Attends Allied General $taf f Yleettng In France Sir Cyril Louis Newall,' chief of the Royal Air'Force; is shown, LEFT, with. one. of his aides after attending a meeting of the Allied general •staffs in France. ; Il Duce Keeps lis-Age.Secret Italian. Press Is Forbidden To •Refe'r to the Subject -T"he -purr p-="a-ntieehher'e nteff l}y" e- y ." • which ,the' Fuehrer ,celebrated his fiftieth 'birthday: in April and the modest' manner. in.'whicli 11 Duce ;celebrated his identical •annive.r- sary' on July 29, 1932, have inspired 'the' Columnist, of::the' Daily; Tele graph of London, to compare other traits• of• the two leaders with em= phasis.on'.the Italian's symbolism: Symbol of Perpetual Youth "The reason .is -that for 'Good .Fascists the Duce: is • the 'embodi- neent. of perpetual youth. Nothing' whicli ggests u • that s • time • ea r ever touch. him is allhe-ed to app�at• in. the press's: • "When his '• daughter, Countess Ciano, had a- son, the Department of Propaganda sent. rqurid • a Secret notice to the .Italian, newspapers warning them .' that the word 'grandfather'was taboo.' Would Eliminate Entrance Exams Chief. Inspector . of Ontario's Public: and 'Separata Schools ' Recommends Step —Would Save Schools Money , .If .written .high school entrance • examinatiops are eliminated by the Ontario Department of•Education, as •forecast •by T. E: Greer, of .Ter, onto, chief inspector of public .rid' •separate schools .in the province: willesaxe a considerable enhountlof worry to pupils in. the entrance . classes of the public and separate . bohools of the province. It vein mean also a saving to Col 3 ,. _.j' p .. ... ega'at•`e - Ial's+ti�twt%•e 1�1'oa2?d5 ata tnCq�et'l� es in conizection with the examine- etion of the, written papers. . . ' System of Recommendation 'The present system of recoin- mending pupilsh by the • teachers; would be ei:tended ,Somewhat. The, recommendations are based on the . year's work 'of the pupil's. • This is considered by 'many educa'tion- ists• to' be preferable to a, single' written,test.. 'In Effect .This Years• • . The 'system .bf promotion b� -re. ecommendatior,. from 'grade to grade In the elementary schools has been in -vogue for some years. Whether the• eliminations o,f written ,, en. trance 'examinations will gointo ef- ' fect during the current school year is nose. yet known. Chief Inspector Greer intimated- it would take ' place "in the near future," , • M. Louisa Alien of London.. has • washed and polished 1,000,:000 : show ,pieces. of"'pottery and dhina,' worth $15h000,000; without..break- ing 'one. Real Ptomaine Declared Rare , Nevertheless Every, Housewife ,Should Guard Against Pos- • sible Food 'Poisoning' , •. The use of the .term "ptomaine . poisoning" in' respect of illness caused by • bad food is 'mi•sldading,• at least.technieally,' it was pointed out .recently at the offices' of the" Montreal. City Health D pertment. in point, of fact, -very; 'Me,'" people ever die of real• ptomaine poison- ing. ' It •was, .explained., iowever, tiret'e are • other poisons that develop 'in • foodstuffs: There .are the' ea'imon- eila and the dysentery organisms, some of which produee specific • diseases .when consumed in food. Thea there is the botulinus group of•organisms which does'not itself preclude any infection,: but. does produce atoxin which could Make the . patient i1I,, producing a condition medically, known as' bot- ta•lisn,. The .hotizj_i11,tts,.toein is vr3ry dead•le, has a high mortality to its debit; hut the organism is destroy - r .ed when,exposed.to`a. temperature of ,175; 'd'egrees Fahrenheit for 13,4.5 minutes' of more ' e•, We -n •In Doubt Throw 1t Out • To avoid the risk of such pois- onings, all foods should either be cooked at once, .or, pu't,in; refriger- ' ation, under,• conuitigns of .cold that wzI pre!ent the multtplytnz of'the spores or orgehisrns • with 2 which 'the Rood has; been • con.tainiilated. 'Food• inmetal containers shouldn't be `en if there isny bulge' iii., the can. Spoilageis often 'accom- ponied, by formation of •gas, which- . would produce bulges:. "Left -overs" must be • kept strictly,. cold until ready to be cooked. again, "Pres- sure cooking". should . be used in •canning or {reserving . non-acid foods, as mere 'boiling will not `ki.11 botulinus speres , . •Andlastly, t'' Health Depai•t- ., ;zt<3ent was" unanimous' that R hien in doubt, it throw '.it out," should be the.final rule in regard to all . foodstuffs. Diamond drill operators in Cane ada werking'ender• "contract on• minerals deposits during 1938 drill= ed a footage of 2,29.6,773'= almost 435 miles;' RADIO. A .N,D By .M'ADGE PLAYS,.ANCIENT AND MODERN Much may be: expected, of NBC's "Great Plays'e. series. •to judge by . ' the . quality of Sophocles' "Anti - 'gone". Euripides' "Alcestis" ', and 'the'great morality play of the• -six- teenth century "Everyman" which have • been .• heard. for the last three , Sundays fiver• the NBC -Blue ' :1•ietwoi•Itbeginning'at 2 p m The present series .has been pre - .pared with the' active co-operation of the'•American Library Associa, tion and will present four.to five representative' plays .of each cent= my up'•to the present day., A .study manual has been prepared by 'Die - ,vies Davis; the. producer, hovering the entire Season. ,Future plays' in, order ,are; Nov. 5,. "Dr.: Faustus," Nov. 12, "Romeo and Juliet," Nov. • 19, "Much Ado' About Nothing,"' Nov.' 26, "Macbeth," Dec.; 3, "Vol- . :pone," Dee. 10, "Tartuffe," Dec: 17,. "The Beggar's . Opera." The series will he resumed oh Sunday, Janu any 7th, with Sh,eridan's "The Riv-. al's"; The' series is being presented over the blue network of the NBC and scan be tuned In •from• Buffalo's station_ WENR. NOTES AND NEWS Nov. 3, 9 p.m., CBL, Unusual 'ac- tivity broadcast on.. a fast freight train' running - between ' Toronto and Montreal ,', •. Nov. 4; 2:10 tem., NOTES .N E W.,S ARCHER •'• CBI, CRY, .Football order of 'after-. 'noon . . ', 9:00 • p.m., CBL, I'; :ter Hewittinaugurates first 'hockey, • • broadcast of' season, from Toronto Maple Leaf Gardens, game, ""aple . Leafs vs. Boston Bruins . 10:00 p.m., CBY, Arturo , Toscanini con - :ducts NBC' orchestra in • '•doAld „Beethoven concert ...,Noy .p;iri ; `NBC -Blue, •Great -Playa. . e. 3 ' p.m.; CFRB, John Barbirolii con ducts N. •Y.•Philharmonic . . 6:30 p.m., CBL. Commentaries on week's news ... 8 p.m.; CBL, Nelson' Ed- dy's final appearance on Chase le Sanborn, Hour ... 8:30 p.m,, "nL, Richard Creeks returns to the Fire-' stone Hour as eioloist - 10 o.ni„ • • CBL, 'Contented Hour .•' Nov,•,7, 8 p.111., CFRB, Big 'Town '... , 9:00 p.m. CBL, Malcolm , and Godden, duo -pianists ., . 10„pan. CBL, Tor- onto' Symphony under Sir Ernest MacMillan ... Nov. 8, .9 p.m., CBL, Labour Relations di ussion . 9:30 p.m.; prom Musical Com -de ie modern' modern rhythm by Percy Faith . . Nov, 9, 8 p,m., . CIBL, One :Man's Family :. 8:30 .p.m., CBL, Songs 'from the Boulevards of Pa::. 9 p.m., CBL,•Fanny•(Baby Snooks) Brice and Hanley (Daddy) Stafford on.. Good. News . . 12;30 on Mon- days through to Fridays, CEL, the Ontario. Far"m Broadcasts Markets, ,producer information, agriculti.ra.l news, specialized ti, eviler' forecast for farm regions. POP—Memories Can't Check mow UN twrc 1 H DO THESE FORGERS MANAGE To GET. RID OF FIVE SPOTS Byrd Is Taking Ice -Bot To Pole •'' A "floating ice box" ••to pre- serve fresh meats for the. .U, S,, , as. it ploughs theon 't r;+uirxe-arhehje -- e . 'ere, en. route — is the trim motor - ship North Star-wb,ich with. the , old"barkentine• Bear, makes up the fleet of I.. - tion eomntanat, • Richard E. Byrd, wu. this month,' Lieut. Commander..Itsak navigator of the North • Star, 'self" the craft has 12,000 etiis feet o� refrigeration space with "ice, boa 1V 48a 9 voyage through the warm, sou*. sea areas is one of the chief probe, lems of Peter expeditions. • • . " . a CURIOUS .WORLD Fe gason i Pr PACK' • RAT. WEIGHS ABOUT ` OA/E HA`LI PO h%'O, BUT 1-115 HOME MAY WEiGH ' ONE.i,ALF to/4Z COPR. 1977 SY NEA SERVICE;INe. • . BOOKS PUBLISHED' BEFORE •I$70•- NO LONGER ARE. PROTECTED BY CQPYRiHTS. • (a • g -i2 .`pie SW(VE c btNS, • USED ON THE ISLAND OF Y.AP, HAVE HOLES .THEappoH. THE• CENTERS;, SO THAT THEY : . MAY, BE -CARRIED ABOUT . .MORE EASILY. THE; island of Yap, in the south• Pacific, is famous for its Curious Slone money. Some of the coins are more than a dozenfeet in ' • diameter, and are displayed' in theya1•d of the. owner. Since they, hardly could be .concealed, •there is. little dangerof their being stolen, VIVACIOUS. , V C OIJS .ACTRESS HORIZONTAL.. • l Claudette —=, pictured actress. • ". 7 She stars. in motion ---s: 12 Piece of poetry:• 13 Eggs of: fishes. 15 Woven string. •'16Penny. 17 To cover with • clay. 19 Military shell. 21 Gold quartz. 22 Spangle. • 24 Neither. 25 Parent: 26• Broth: 2`1 To percolate. Answer to :Previous Puzzle ©►O�1T A NOD®►1 I�L�7►�11�7 F�I(;�"��1.1�©�jj rr ATOMS AWMA ME EILMEN IS©® LUTHER: _.1E 1l _1i ANI �I�ti-� [I[e71� , � BURBAHK vac �d IrIMPOAu .: Ai!r -U IWNSARIAUSMNEWE ENN 1 MWOg NOM WEB I.I"7® f ®U_ (�Uf!�U1�@1LaJL��i[Ji7i Pas 42 Intended slight. 44 Neuter; pronoun. 45,To drink 29 Measure. 30 Accompanies. 4 32 Opposed to; 4 odd. 4 84 Branch • of 5 learning. 5 35 Pahn lily tree 5 :�3'96 VirMetgvp ricami foot: 5 41 Noun • termination. 61, She Works in S. ,A. ' • VERTICAL 2 Musicat. ,dramas. lowly: 3 Solitary. 7 TO do wrong 4 Wager. 8 To observe. 5 Measure of 9 Drunkard. . type. 1 Yawns. ' ' 6 To wander 4 Nothing: idly. 5 Tales. 1 ' ' • 7 Beasts''skins.. 7 Thin layer. • 8 Court. 6 0 -She `was.bor:S Small psi in ----, 10 On. France,' '11 Far. 14 Opposedto in. 16.S1e gained fame in •—.,-� . 17 To satiate. 18 Golf. term. ' 20 She is a 22 Prosperity. 23 Of l he thing, 26 wool . service trees: 28 Trivial. 31 Eccentric wheel: 33 To emulate. 37 Awn. 38 Rolling swell~#• of water. 40 Decorated metal. 43 Impudent. 46 Needy. • 48 Fodder vat. 50 Three. ' 52 Measure of cloth: 53 Salt.' 54 Modern. �5�5+'Spain. 56 L• xis ,r .... tS, 58 Forin o! "me" 59 Publicity. • ' 12'• 13 16 Z 25 30, 26., 37 38 60 n61 J. MILLAR WATT E`�ERYfOD'3 cgEAR=_ r. rc i_ ---.-- "mac-��•�- s�� ,-�-....�. � WHAT THEY LOOK ;LIKE! • 1, t'" • iAl :lit ,11 , I 01\ 1t1,1,�1�'li• • •'41 " • l'.\ Il • $i ' \\\\ $\ \\ \‘ • i_1 •qA \ \ \1,1' \ m