HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-10-26, Page 3efr May Find An Important Place in Future ,:Canadia> ,' Agricul. lure — Gives Better Aera- tion and Drainage_ Subsoiling has been practised sxx zeas •;sc`�,etawa5n•#b�aIl:,.kr +t,.:.;:1 `,°�°'-.... ^..cA •y,, x :.: 3>t• t. ..+m,�r .µ •lwi+y:'.. cz .,• ,fv.-sc•Str 'It may find 'an important place in Vanadian. agriculture .of rho future. So far its application hair been lim- lted -chiefly to orchards wand • yards, but its merits warrant its extension to other: fields. Subsoil= tug performs .several useful tune-. tions. 'It breaks up hand span or itri-. pervious 'soil layers...and thus' per-, , *nits .better , aeration and irai:.xge. This in' turn acee1eratc soil' actin- ;tics sand: plant food pregai ation: by. baetei ia: - It • allows 'rain water til. • penertate the soil more quickly and, prevents loss of- needed moisture . by evapoi ationor by :run oft from the surface The `spots;are• induced • to• go deeper; thus givipg"the ;,dry •plants • a better water supply ' in dry weather, and the. feeding area. •of the root system his increased, In short,' it helps us• make use of + a greater depth of. soil, 'virtually add • - -ing to the'size of the'.field. • 'Effects• Last for .Years The'effects of, stibsoiliiig, 'espec- tally in heavy land,' will - last -for years. In. Europe subsoil'ers of yes-, 'ions types,,are used, but iii Canada most interest, has been shown in a machine .which opens •up the sub- soil and. at the sa•tne time, .c1 ae its fertiliz2l' in' the furrow? 'whey, .t is • �r-ithi:n.reach of the :deeper'• plant roots.• 4 4 He Paddled From ,Timmins To New . York. Peter Spence,, of Timmins, Ont., who paddled to New York to see the Worldl"s Fair, is pictured as he arrived at Battery Park, ' New York city:. The trip took him 101 days. 4, Time To Send Hen to Market When She His Accumulated A Certain Amount of. Firm Fat • Anyone who has dressed hens will have noticed a• large accum- ulation of ' fat in the abdomen of some birds. This accumulation can -: he: determined while • the hen is., living by handling the flesh in'the eggs. Sack. The fat, if present,- will ,be hard 'and firm: .This IS a .sign. that ovulation 'has 'ceased and. that' ,• the hen is now using her food sup-. ply to lay . up •body fat instead of for n• the productio:of eggs: It a hen .'has accumulated a .quantity of hard,' fat in the abdomen it is an almott ' certain indication that her laying days are about ,over. It Is 'about. time that her stay in the ;flock it ,term.inated,and that she should be ••sent to •the market. • A 'Cross Family In The Morning. How do 'ybuaken your .family in the morning To most people this is one of the most delicate in- cidents of the day and as such should be handled with understand- ing and tact by Ilia' breakfast call- er. There are," of course, as many •methods for arising as there are .petsenalities, and it is the home- maker's job to discover her own s, family's peculiarities. Don't thank because you like to f ,run the •blind to the top ,of the,' window fiat' thing In the morning that eveyryo�ne likes his. room toodb�e light. Some people require to e,ase themselves'out Of sleep jutt as one might use every caution in remov- ing, a shoe from a painful foot, so that no 5n deli jarring may 'add to the misery'. To there, a noisy sum-, moils to get up.ie like a slap• in the' fac'e..A gentle; yen Whiapered call, will probably rn ail the :difference • of having a gool natures break - ..fast .fellnw instead_ of Something €lrll -400. s....1- t ria 1 tour .inial. -1.,.,.G.O. r,•v;'.ayts^+�+:.r:•,uR++:•-1. .^r....,cty .xT•hc' 0„ BEVERAG ALCOHOL' ,AND' . • SOCIAL PROGRESS • (International Temperance Sunda) Micah 29.1•i, Luke '21:2841, • .34.36.; I Cor. 6:9.11. • - Golden Text.— Knew .ye not that the .unrighteous..shall trot inherit the.:kingdom of God? 'I `Cor: '6:'. T iE L $ Q,N IN ITS. SETTING. Tirane —Micah prophesied .be= tween •: The. • Olivet discourse -*as given on Tuesday of • Passion Week, April 4, either A.D. 29 '.or A ». 3Qr•Tete " Firsts". Epistle • tp, •theCorinthians: visas written.' about' A.P. 5.6. Place. -Micah primarily. pro- .pliesied regarding .conditions in the city 'of Jerusalem:' The Olivet discourse was deliver.'ed on the . Mount of. Olives, opposite and east 'of the •city, of Jerusalem. The city'of Corinth ,was . located- in southern .Greece. , • • ' 9.. The women • of my people,ye cast out from 'their pleasant hou ses from their young children ye. • take away;myygloryler ever. The... -'unrigliteous men of Israel are here d.eiiounced who hae appressed the ,,• , widows t;ncl, the orphans. , • .Arise ye, ,and , depart, for -.this is not'your:res�tng place; because of uncleanness hat destrpyeth,..even with a •grievous destruetipn.., • The '• ' 'passage .is, based. upon -idea eon- tained in. Lev. 18: 25, 28, that the land is' defiled.' by the, sins of its Inhabitants r.nd will vomit: them , out because •of this 'defilement 11. • If a': man . walking in al spirit of faitehond ' clb, lice, • strytng, ' 'prophesy, unto thee• of wine and of • ' strong . drink he shall even be the prophet .of this people.' .• W -i,n'.e • 'and strong' • • drink ' here are .figures used .to denote' ' earthly blessings and peed. 'en- j.oynienta, • promise . of which was .held'. out • to the people by .these. false .prophets • Budding Fig -Tree Luke: 21:29. And he • spalie to them •.a' :parable: `B'ehold the% fig' tree, and all the.trees: 30. when they now, shoot • forth, ye see' it knew, of your own selves. that ' ,the summer is now nigh., 31. Even. • so ye' also,. when ye see' these things coming to pass; know ye• that the kingdom of, God is ni'gh.,The ,fig - and olive -trees,: are' ': symbols pe- - euliar to Israel,' F,nd with the vine represent the' whole earthly his- .tory 'of the' covenant people A:vith-' . in the times of redemp"tion, Trees; . like. men, have their•youth, matur- itx, old age. They change'.with the'. seasons: .Israel. misused her first •netigqnal • summer,'( and;'' being un-, srvetl., entered: into a long,.dread-� ful.3vinter. '..Here are given signs that' a•. great change approaches in the, liistory,•of Israel. The. fig -tree • .is putting forth. its leaves. • • Peril.. of. Worldliness • '34. But take heed to yourselves lest. haply your 'hearts be - over • - ch,argpd with surfeiting, and drunk enness, and care of this life,' and '-' that day come on you suddenly .as a -snare. - Surfeiting may • b .taken to mean the nausea which follows • debauch. „Neither the Oid nor the New Testament explicitly teaches what we all total abstinence from all intoxicating liquor, but we must •ernptrasize--the-' fact that '`drunk- enness ,•throughout the Bible ,is ab- . solutely cdiidemned as' one.:of the • gravest 'forms:. of. sin, and, more' than ence • we are reminded 'that • • drunkards will have no.part at all • in the kingdom of •God. Th.e'•tlay that is' here' referred to is othe day ' when the Lord Jesus Christ is, com- ing,back again. ',Our Lord- is warn- ' ing of the danger ,that inen and 'fvomen will be to occupied with in- dulgences of . the flesh or the ,care . of business that they will not be ready for the Lord when' he. comes back. 35.,Fpr so sli'all it'conie'upcn all .them. that, dwell on the face •of the • earth. • 36. But watch ye at 'every' season; making supplication, that ye, may prevail to escape all these things that shall come to 'pass, and to stand before . the Son' of man. • He Wants Peace:' Joins The Array Domestic ,troubles Drive Clin- ton Man to' Enlist • • Alleging that -his wife' gave him' a :found beating, Arthur. Parry, 're- siding on highway No. 4, a short 'MAIM sbutiri, of 'u'`fnrtdn, ., 'has preferred a 'charge of assault, oc- casioning actual harm. Pary said his wife threw atones ' at him, and 'broke three of his ribs. When Ithe cases" Was tailed Crown Attorney Holmes Bald . he waa in recelpt of a letter. froth Parry, in" '. Which he intimated a desire to try Mid .Withdraw the.' charge, if poa- sible, and that he was going to join the army, "so that he -"might. -,,haat ,,ittl • Rulers of 'Scandinavian Countries Hold Conference ' Miss s Drowning , 'In Waive 0. Milk • Velalo Maki,. 18, ;. was .atroost drowned in •naillt When' 'truck in 'vs'bieh he was riding was in colli- . sign with a freight train on the Sudbury -Sault .Ste. Marie highway • • near Worthington:. ' • Maid :said', from his • hospital bed :Pict ed -as the . ]met in Stockholm' to cele'brate..'t.he.'81)th birthday of king Gustav of Sweden are the rulers' rix -Y_ � ,_ _-.._ .. _ • of the four Scandinavian .eouiitries 'w'h'o ca'ine'-together again' this week -to confer on What :action to .take to..: protect their countries against the threat •of aggression:' From LEFT 'to, RIGHT; President Kyosti 1 allio of Finland, King ,Haakonof Norway, ding Gustav -of Sweden and.:King Christian_ of Denmark. • ' Today's Meals More Varied 47'• Varieties 'Fruit • And Vege- tables Found. on , Modern Dinner Table As .•hAgainst Old•tinne' Four ' Forty=seven varieties of;,, fruits• and vegetables are in -common `use today on everybody's dinner fables as against a choice o1 four that • were available to the people of ''12th ,Century England, 'according to an exhIbit at the New York. Mus - earn of Science and Industry' in the, Roockefelle'r 'Center. Exalt • repro- , : ductions,` in 'wax,' of the Plump and • luscious products of modern, farms, ..shown in ,the exhibit, • offs a 'strik- ,itig: contrast to. the' .reproductions of the. ,dwarfed and puny spe-o mens of .peas,'beans, leeks.and the beets of eight centuries' ago: N -By MADGE ARCHER ' • NELSON EDDY GOES OFF AIR The biggest radio news of .the. past•week,.'i.s. that Nelson Eddy has handed in his• resignation to the sponsors' of ,the Chase and • San- born Hour., Eddy will bow himself, Out.on Sunday, ,Noveinb.er 5th, :and" a substitute, • not. yet, named will take his,•place. ' •• 1 In' parting With Charlie . thy,''Edgar 'Bergen; Don Annelle. and other meriihers •'of •the Chase & . ,SanbornHour, Eddy pleads as ,his .reason the heavy commitments he has .made in concerts,, films and •re= cording activ'itieA this winter. It• se4ms that Mrs, Eddy hats 'been Nazi Bombers Raid Scottish Coast 5(404 FLOC' OUNDEF /O t' 7 /L _CO C7 hypcicKt/I7//NG . 80 ,FII 'f/RTR OFFORT/ EO/NBUR6 ossa IY ' Striking at the. Scottish coast for the seeend. time .within two 'days, Ger- man, bombers damaged the -training ship Iron Duke at Scapa Flow naval base. „Air raid sirens screamed warnings at Edinburgh 'and other centres on the Scottish coast, but no raids resulted., .. b' • Earliest Watches' Were' Egg -Shaped Introduce .In' Germany, They.' Becam • Fashionable, Articles in Sixteenth•Century Peter' Henlein, a .mechanic. and locksmith; of •Nureirtberg, Germany is generally credited with being the ,firstman to make watches. About 1,500 he set himself to pro- duce a small pocket clock. For the motive power he introduced the main spring. and with this as a basis produced • little blocks ' - • 'swatches" as they •came to be known. — which would fit in the pocket or the purse. , • We call an old-fashioned watch a "'turnip" because it is'so thick, but that is nothing compared to Peter 'Henlein's products, says "The Rocky • Mountain Herald." They were almost round, and when they' were sold throughout Europe, they. becanie known as "Nurem- berg e.ggs•" • ° urging her: famous husband' .to: de- vote more tine to hard ' recital, work, at least' that is the gossip, of the studios. In any event' .the baritone's voice , has much improv- ed . of late and his singing ,gives every evid'ene. cof long' and. ardu- ous 'Practice, OUTATANDING MUSICAL ARTISTS .. , Tuesday evening, at 1000 p.m.,, the CBC will present the second broadcast- of its' stewsymphonic hour, .Wilfrid.Pelletier wilt conduct ,' orchestra' of Les. Concerts Symphoniques from Montreal, This. orchestra ,with thatof the:.Toronto Symphony will alternate every Tuesday in giving 'concerts until the third week of December. The series will resume the beginning of January and continue until the end. of the concert season. Guest con- ductors,will be heard with -bottl orchestrs together with. some of -the most outstanding artists in 'the music' world. • • • NOTES AND, NEWS 'Saturday, Oct. 28, Football on both American .and Canadian net- . 'works •Will be the order„ of the af- ternoon .. . f0• p.m., CBL .. : Tos- canini• will conduct Beethoven's First and Third. Symphonies in the first in 'the' series Beethoven • 'Festival •concerts' by the NBC orch- estra .'.Oct'. 29, CBL,' H.enriette Schumann plays Third Rachmanin-, off Concerto •on it'dio. Music Hall : program ;:3 p m.;;+ FRBr,3ohai; Bar.7irolli conducts IQ'. .F, Philhar- monic orchestra.. . 7 .m., CBL,' Jack Benny arrives a • another broadcast in his Maxwell .. ):00 p.m., CFRB, Grace Moore guest •on Sunday evening' hour , Oct. 30, `12:.30 p:m., CBL; Farm ,broadcasts ,of interest t ,farmers in• the Prov- ince • of Ontario , .. 8 •p,in.,' CFRB,' Andre • Kostalanetz an:' Tune' Up Tinie .1: . j p,.m.; CFRB, Cecil B, •DeMille's Radio Theatre ,' 10:00 p.m„ CBL, Carnation Contented Hour'. . , Oct. 31, 8:30 p.m., CBL,. Information Plea . . ..10 p.m., CBL, 'Les Concerts Symphoniques Nov. ,1, . $:30 p'.m., CFRB, M▪ usic Box' Revue - .. 9 p.m., CBL, Serenade' for Strings . . . Nov. 2, • .: '8:30 p.m., I CBL, Boulevard songs from Montreal 9':00 p:m. CBL, Good News .... 19 p,m.. CBL. Bing Crosby. • he was in .,the back of the truck with •the milk can's and when the crasli'catne he was blinded by the milk. He "gasped. and choked" until he thought he would drown, he said. , Approximately 24.0 gallons ,'of milli poured over' the road and roost, of the 30 milk cans were de- stroyed. • • • tsa (A141 ar et: Ferguso, n ,1 is CANADA .•4AY .. LAYS ..ITS. EGGS . DLt2LNG so osorZEir,S BELowY'ZER0 WEATHER. ER. ,r�/-n.. i✓ce* ,� i AFRICA, THERE ARE. GOLF c URSE WHERE RULES PERMIT THE LIFTING OF A BALL FROM H/PPOPOTAMi. Ti .AUKS: >.c THE MEAN DISTANCE FRAM rwE £14.RTi4 TO Tl-iE SLIM • 9S K.NoWN AS THE. 'AST,20NOM/CAL • U%V/T” OF THE 'SOLAR SYSTEM 1 ' IT PROVIDES U5. WITH A SCALE''OF.DIST,ANE� TO' THE oTHEYZ. PLANETS: " . ^ORP 937 qY NEA SERVICE. INC. u,,C�\W k "'' • THE meatidistance from the earth to the sun, a'Iso, is .used as the base: line for the nteasurement oR. the distances of the stars and othercelestial objects. outside our own 'solar systetii, 'For this reason, great care has been taken. to 'see that , this ,measure; ,aient,is very accurate. • • • NOTED NATURALIST :• •HORiiZONTAL 1 Pictured American naturalist. 12 Roof edge. • 13 Viol instrument: '14 To harvest. 16 Christmas 17'Arabian commander., 18 lviasculine. 19 One that annoys. 20 One who runs away. 22 Russian ruler, 23 Thing. . . 26 To recover. 29 To pester. 30 Paid publicity. 31" Small memorial. - ? 32: Fifth' month. 33 Hand firearm. 34 Geographical drawing. 35 Surfaces.' . 1 40 Horseback . ' 2 . Answer to Previous Puzzle VALEN I N� SA c M IN PS SS 0 DOWE VT R M M N A T T E G U ■ 15 He sueeeeded in a►any new flowers, and fruits; Flogs. " •22 To scatter. 24,Epod1:. • 25 Heaven. 26 Beam. 27 Deer. 28 To emulate. 33 God of war. 34 Vocal. composition. • 36 Measure of area , B7 F'ruit.: Saucy. Spain. Feather barb. Toilet cased ', Door rugs. Form of "n." Rumanian , coin, Musical note. Pair. I 21 44 Oak: 4 AIways. 45 Charts. • 5 Rubber tree. S8 Verse,. 47 Strong' taste. • 6 African farmer- ? • 8 Most ' • 39 uncommon. .: 40 9 Army drill 41. halls: 10 Low tide. . 42 11 Cabbage plant. 43 12 He conducted ' 46 ceimtless ---s with 49 Plants,' • . 51 48 Work of skill 50 Before. 51 To deposit' 52 He was a) world-fafnous — (Pt). VERTICAL Crippled. Pulpy fruits. rider. • 3 Trial. 2,.13 4 ,.5 6 '1 9 '• 10.' • 22 20 23 29. 32. 35 24 iL 5 27 33 ' 34 r 37 48 41 42 .7' 43 • POP—A Good Reason Why She's' Not Guilty I• i MY DESK'S BEEN -RIFLED ' 1A/E:L.y rr WASN'T ME it J. MILLAR''WATT NONE, OF MY K NS FIT IT • • • • -t like thunder terdss, ie, ate 11ie-case was a mirned sine die: • 4.; •, 11• 1\1 A $111 :,��,��1,1 . It \' f11\ • 1 111 t t. 11 14.4k,ty i, 1 a t. i (411 ,IS It f . .5i . ,IA .slat.. ...,�,,A. „ 15 Ov k,%1)111‘ 9 d `', No, „�1� , , `c� 1,,x,1 '- �� Iii• latilil' ., @h+l, r`, •tyll l'illa(„1, -: li,l �11t{1 N... 111 Ijl ,1 11 • • kh1 111'( t li'1!11 ' • .: 1 ,4111 1 ill t 1 1 u yi'(ght, r.930, by The R.11 • 11 it l ;1111'. 1