The Wingham Times, 1900-11-09, Page 6if rtl°'"n8 ristL. OQ' . n $184 MN In wtIs Jai sere tt A n a 3 4 , 4 ;r~ Q 9 110 11/2 13 04 15 It 21 ag 49 20 21 22 23 Voir ,252,5272,62.910 2o.sAi)I.1 tax) 1S72. .„ lyayl ?4lFNrty1;`emsp�R L Its.. . �„�' t. • TT MES H. Ps. Ed . Oi:rT. Pgnr:Ite.En Asp Pnernitema %lea aaagenareneneelea-ereireriarie eteer FRIDAY, Neil l7MIILR 0, 1300. Value o% Exp;w.ltnente. We Ina't often urged on our readers to eeperireent on a small scale in the var- ious Imes of their work. That many of therm hevc, fo,lowecl this suggestion wo have not the slightest doubt. Some of them have been testing varieties of fruits and vegetables for several successive years. Others have only recently begun such eeperina e nt.. And many who have not chosen these spocialties have been testing; different kinds of fertilizing material, dii overt breeds of live stock, variou,; methods of feedialg, or have been working experimentally in some of the other cT,e, ,Ions or subclivisious of farm bush; e. E . erts of this kind, whether immediately successful or not, axe al- ways easeful to the man by whom they are made. To the your; farmer they are a let c'tilly valuable. This not only on account of what is learned directly from their results, but also because the tendency of such work is to. make the worker more thoughtful and careful than he otherwise would be. We feel impelled to give this note of encouragement, because in some sections of considerable area the season that is now nearing its close has been very un- favorable for crops, and consequently the results of many of the -tests made in these localities will be of no positive value, though indirectly they may have some significance. Such is the case with some of the experiments undertaken by the writer of this paragraph. Though disappointing, the failures of this kind should not lead. to discouragement: There are other seasons coming, and it is probable that more satisfactoryresuits may then be obtained. It is certain that the persistent and faithful investigator will not wholly fall off his reward for the time spent.—Practical Farmer. Seep Yourself Strong. And you will ward at colds, pneumonia, (avers and other diseases. You need to have pure, rich blood and good diges- tion. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the blood rich and pure as no other medi- cine can cin. It tones the stomach, Creates an appetite and invigorates the whole system. You will be wise to begin taking it now, for • it will keep you strong and well, Hood's Pills are non-iritating. Price 25 cents, A. Strong Verdict. After sitting many hours to inquire into the death of Emeline Dunlop, daughter of Thomas Dunlop, Peterboro, the coroner's jury brought in the follow- ing verdict:— "That Francis Emeline Dunlop came to her death from typhoid fever, and the jury are of further opinion that if the deceased had had proper medical treat- ment by a physician she would have re- covered, and the jury consider that the parents are guilty of most inhuman con- duct in. allowing their daughter to die without making an intelligent effort to save her life, and they strongly condemn the Christian Scientists whoprofessed to treat the deceased, as theyhadno kuow- AFii edici e- •01 Unusual Merit, Known and Praised the World Owor, is Dr, Chase's Kitlney- Liver Pill& Having a dlreet and combined action on both the kidneys and liver, Dr. Cbase's Itidney-Liver Pills are the shoat valuable as a fainuly medicine, and positively cure constipation ens all iornls of stomach trouble. 1►ir. John White, 72 1 Irst avenue, (ate tawe, writes: --.'T (see Dr. Chase's Xidney-Liver P311s for deranged liver and pains in the back, with excellent results. "My wife :feel them for ntdmecilt trouble, d sni ns ah end ] out the heart anti la entirely cured. Ther are Invaluabiri its a fancily medicine." Scored of hunn edq of earnil1r'>x would ;tot think of being without 1)r. Chasm's l idney-Liver 1'111s in the house. They care purely vegetable in composition and; remarkably prompt and effective its tenon. t)ne pi11 a dose, 25 cent* a box, at alt dealers, or Edmanson, Bates attd Vo., Toronto. TUE .\V Sledge whatc•rar of the maitre of the die- e:aee, and teak no she::: to atl('t'rtein itc nature, anti sir we i their utter ig nor- a'tee of the nature of this or any other disease, or any proper Teethed et miring; Vie :fame, ou their own a lit, cion muter • oath. Tho jurors further wish to ex- Press their st.o:tgetit d!'testatiou oa tlw practices of these who ignorantly Clare to treat thus lightly with human life,auti we consider the paaetiees of so c.,lieti Christiun' tecicittis;t; a daltigerto the coiri- munity. , • "And the jurors further wish. to o: pretia their .opinion that for the safety of society b to further r -C a,1ltiUa isnRCA sate clet^.lieg with these people, and we would llduabl y submit tie itis fall tine that thn ir., itti Legislature should gin.' this matte: their mead eousidera- tion." Under the nerve G,2twh.—The torture and torment of the victim of nervous prostration and nervous debility no one can rightly estimate who has sot been under the ruthless 1 te 1 lash f the^ ee - 1 r Ientfieas human foes ? A Williams, of k ordwicb, Ont., was for four years a nervous wreck, Six betties of South American Nervine worked a miracle, and his doctor con- firmed it. -228 Sold. by A. L. ITnn'iltou. The following is the report of tho standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 0, East Wawancs:l, for the rnorith of Oct- ober:— V Claw.—Jimmie Slicill, .Alberta Bin- toul. Sr. V.—Roy Deacon, William Elliott. Jr, IV. --,David Johnston, Sr. III,^P,ella McDougall, ,Alexander Rintoul, Robert Mosstray, .Raymond Elliott. Jr, IIs. ---Willie Shoebottonx, Herbert Shiell, Alex Mowbray, Roy Anderson, i etta Hog;;. Sr. H.—Howard Shiell, Carrie Deacon, Stanley Elliott, Ida Abrallrlm Frank Casetuoro, Intermediate II. --Barbara Styles, Ella Walker, Cbristena lintoul,Mat:gi.e Case - :more, Wilburn Ferguson, John Abram, Harvey Linklater. Jr. II. --.Katie Shiell, Lillie Walker, James Ferguson, .Maggie Shiell, Laura Currie, Tessa Anderson. Sr. Pt. II.—Mable Mowbray, Earnest Linklater, Garfield Shoebottom, Wilfrid Pocock, Maxwell Abram. Jr. Pt. II. — Mabel Butcher. Willie Styles. Sr. Pt. I.—Ilearle Deacon, Earle El- liott, George Walker. Jr. Pt. I.—George Currie, Samuel Styles . AGNEs S. GRIEVE, Teacher. • Her Heart Into a Polluted Spring. —. Mrs. James Srigiey, Pelee Island, Ont., says : " I was for five years afflicted with dpspeplsia, constipation, heart disease and nervous prostration. I cured the heart trouble with Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, and the other ailments vanished like mist. IIad 'relief in half an hour after the first dose, "--27 Sold by A. L. Hamilton. AUTUMN. The summer sun that shone so soft Upon the verdant summer woods; Now beams aslant on every croft, Aud trees now wear their crimson hoods. I roam the fields where daisies grew, Where flowery perfumes filled the air; I see dead leaves, and grasses too, That now have lost their richness rare. I hear the rabbit trample o'er Dead leaves high -heaped in every vale ; And shivering gusts of wind blow o'er The land in melancholy wail. Still, as I gaze upon the scene That seems so grim, and sere, and cold; My dreary vision seems to glean Some thinly -scattered tints of gold. I see. the painted western sky In beauty shine upon the and; And, as this brightness meets my eye, I really cannot understated, Why God has made such'tints to glow O'er gloominess so drear and wide; Unless he wanted us to know That Autumn has a Sunny side. And when my Autumn crowds along, Commanding me this earth to leave; Where lives are lived so dark and wrong, I hope with gladness to perceive. Along the borders of bey sky, And in my"actions of the past; A flood of golden galaxy To drown Life's gloominess se vast, --Contributed. ONE GOOD TURN DESERVES ANOTHER. Ladiee of Canada :—Sisters Great Britain takes nearly all the ex - potted. produce of Canada. English, Scotch and Irish boys produce the teas of Ceylon and India. Canada consumes 11,000,000 pounds of colored and doctored Japan Green teas. Green tea of pure naturalreen leaf, are being introduced from Ceylon and. India. They are now on saki at all live grocers. Statesmen flee obstacles to preferential trade within the empire. You ladies can sweep aside all obstruction. Bring patrioticsentiment on yam'breakfast table. Your grocer will get these pure teas if you olds* insist. The Salada Tea Company have placed them in hundreds of stores. Many other leading firms have ship. invents coming. Only laggards await theJu nt pitlg of the cat, Colonist. Stnecess in most things depends. on knowing how long it takes to suceeed. Iktontesquiett, laIaria] eyer NGIIAM ti;,T[EtS, NOVEMBER; 9,, LOU(. AVT'~ ETT4�ZI TS LEAVE THE V1t TIM WEAK AND i EPI EZaa?,D. . MISS reeve sae td.INFON, A CAP"1' .IN IN T t envie 1'XO:r tee , Taus IIO SUP u tr+.11N:'F) Fi1r.tI 1'2} TIII:OC'lIll TFIC C: B n WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. 1''•e.'e the Sun, Orangeville., Out. .b'anong tite oldest :ma most highly r spectecl residents of Orangeville is M r a•. J<ah.t,.itls,.a ar y daughter us t Si l o. A ill e Fame r i g;pt t P -tit has fer a number of years been an acu suiter('r from tile after efaects of malars fever. A reporter of tho Sou izearing the wonderful effects wl:ieh Dr, Wil 'Urea' Pillk Pills have has on Miss ]sus rosea, ealletl at her Lome to inquire in the truth of the rumor, After statin the reason of his visit, he was kindly r ceivecl by Mrs. Huskinson, swan gal Irian the following facts of the cure: t °',L,Onie years ago," said Idea, XlltekinSUit, "My daughter mina, who is now cap- tain of the Newmarket corps of the Sal - 'cation Army, was attached by malarial fever, She eves. under, the doctor's care for a long time and although she recov- ered sui`ilciontly to go about, the afte effects of the fever loft her very wen and the doctor did not soem able to pa any life into her. She had frequen Iteaclaches, was very pale and the leas enertion would greatly fatigue her, W thought a chane might do her good and consequently she went on a visit t Toronto. While there she was advise to try Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills and ouee purchased a supply. Before sh had Finished the second box she noted _marked change for the better; her ap petite improved, her color returned, th f a d 122,1 or 0, 0, to al of 1• to 0- s•e r k t t t e 0 c! a e e eoling of exhaustion hacl disappeared, nd bh the time she had taken half a oxen boxes she was enjoying the best of health, and all her old-timejvigor had returned. Although her work in the Salvation Army is bard and exposes her to all kinds of weather, she has since .been able to do it without the least in- oonveuience.. Some time after my daughteo's cure I was myself completely run down, and to add to ray trouble was seized with a severe attack of rheumatism. Remem- bering the benefit my daughter had re- oeived front Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I decided to use them, and before I had taken half a dozen boxes I felt fully re- covered and haye been in the best of health ever since. My advice to an ail- ing is to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have re- stored more weak and ailing women and girls to robust health than any other medicine ever discovered,. which in part accounts for their popularity throughout the world. These pills are sold by all dealers or• may be had by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by ad- dressing the Dr, Williams' MediciueCo., Brockville, Ont. The Ideal Bed -Chamber. "The importance of the sleeping and bathing arrangements of a house is not half appreciated," writes Maria Parloa, in the November Ladies' Home Journal, giving some suggestions as to furnishing the house. "Every bedroom should be provided with the essentials for health- ful sleep and the daily sponge bath. As nearly as possible, the room should be kept free from anything that would tend to contaminate the air. It should be as large as one can afford, and the windows so arranged that they may be opened at the top and bottom. If possible the floor should be bare and the rugs so small that they can be taken outdoors with ease for cleaning and airing. Every- thing about the room should be wash- able, The bed should be light and fitted with strong castors so that it may be readily moved; the springs ought to be firm and strong, and'the mattress of a kind that will not allow the heaviest part of the body to sink, and so cause the sleeper to lie in a oramped position. My own preference is for a cheap hard mattress next the springs and a light one of hair on this, but any kind of a firth mattress is better than one that is too soft. Above all, do not overfernish the bed -room." HetlbleSS as a Etaby.--South Amer!. can Rheumatic Cute strikes the toot of the ailment and strikes it quick. R. W. Wright, 10 Daniel street, Brockville, Ont., for'tweiSe years a great sufferer from rheumatism, couldn't wash himself, feed himself or dress himself. After using Six bottles wes able to go to work, and Says r " T think pain has left me forever. "•--a6 Sold by A. L. Hain =ton, The Windsor Review notes that a' per- tain young lady named Partridge has been married three times. Her first husband's name was Robins, her second was Sparrow and the third Quail. There' are five children, two Ilabbins, ono Sparrow and two Quails. She certainly is a. bird. When times are good, the political grumbler has a rocky road to travel. CASTOR IA "or Wants Ana Chiidreaa. 514 We ittiane 0]t1l nret rc•lz a 4t catrcl Ca Non. If Fon want to nn ko your garden early next epriug„ protide good draivago no w. \'Viteitevt;r bleak haute are out off at any season, they should ell be collected tuna. bamed,. :t. "U01 t, applieatio» of manure should be given the rlieubarb :and tlspav„ us beds early in the fall, Burg ail the old wood that is out front blackberries and • raspberries to destroy the eggs of insects. A good dressing of xuanaue aroauid tho raspberries viuesuowwill give a better duality. 4f fruit neat season. This is one of the best times to kill out weeds, briers and All]'OutS, as nutay, if cut Oa clew to the ground at this tante will not sprout again. The plum tree does best whoa elosoly plume cl, le to 15 feet being fttr enough apart. Those naturally strong will help to fertilize the weaker ons. Tho growing of seed is the heavies): draft on the vitality of the, taco, so no 'more fruit should be allowed to mature than the tree eon grow to full size aucl porfection, 'There are certain hitttits iu which cross buckling; is successful. The peach, will succeed in tho plum, the plum, itt the peach, pear on quince, but the nearer alike the varieties are the bettor the obaneo of success; BOMB A OUBT. Thousand's Give Testimony Letter upon letter pours in from every point in Canada testifying; to the marvel- lous power of I)r. Pitcher's Backaclie Kidney Tablets to cure kidney and blad- der troubles both of the young, middle aged, and aged, and such other troubles as find their to origin in a faulty Y b It kidney action, and they are many. Such a mas of evidence puts its power t0 cure these afflictions boy oud a doubt, and shows that the Tablet is the right thing in the right place. 'This is what Mrs. J. W. Hutchins, 82 Portland St., Toronto has to say:—"I cannot say to much for Dr, Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets. Before using them I hada gnawing pain in my back all the time, and an acute lameness across the loins, I had not so much aching in my bead as between my shoulders and in the 'back of my neck. Since usiug the Tablets my back is as it used to bo, and the rheumatism in the shoulders has disappeared. Formerly when I did my washing I was utterly tired out, not having a hit of energy left • this moaning I diel my washing in two hours and I did not mind it. I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets and I never had anything to do me as pouch good." Any reader of this paper eau test the merits of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two cents postage for trial package to The Pitcher Tablet Co„ Termite), Ont. Regular size 50 cents per bottle. The body of all true religion; consists in obedience to the will of God, in a confidence in his declarations, and an imitation of .his perfections.—Burke. True religion teaches us to reverence what is under us, to recognize humility, poverty, wretchedness, suffering and death, and things divine.—Goeth. vb*. For Ye 4 rs Dominion inspector of SteamboatsCurod by Dr. Chase's Ointment. raise modesty and fear of the sur- geon's knife prevent most people from appealing to their physicians tor a cure for pike. Many people suffer, oa year' after year, robbed of their rest and sleep by the terrible itching, when they could be entirely cured by a single box of, Dr, Chase's Ointment. Mr. 0. P. St, John, Dominion Ins=pec- tor of steamboats, living at 246 Shaw street, Toronto, staters:—" I suffered for nine ;;ears from itching piles, at timers being unable to zest on acc,unt of the annoyance caused by there: .After trying' almost alt remedies in vain 1 vegan the use of Dr. Chase A Ointment, which entirely cured tne, 1 cannot speak too highly of it. 1 have recornmended it to several (Hondo, all of whom have been cured by its use." D. Chase's Ointment is recognised by physicians, drugglats, and the nub- llr, in general as the only absolute pure for piles; 60 cents a box, at all dealers, or ]Ctdmansen, Bates and Co., Toronto. DUNLOP SOLID RUBBER CARRACE B A new carriage tire that makes riding on all roads a pleasure—econoneical,•too, for it does away with the vibration that shakes and breaks the carriages. A Y shaped t space between the rubber tiro and the steel flange Ylrcvente the cropping and exit. ting which other tired are sub, Jett to. See the nthibit at the bigfairs, s, Send at once for I roe Tire Catalogue, giving prices of all sizes. THS Dunlop�y �r� y e Co., odettatew TORONTO. Lmttmn, isr, Jortia. WlentiPita, bloarita L r, TOWN ON P 3 E t i1I y. 1. it zsT C [ 11c,IF :+al)b.ttlt services at 11 a in and T li at. Sunday ;'epool at p )n. C;Aneral strayer ntetr.tirrg ata \V.otlneedtly :wvu.ving:a. lite'. 'W. Freed, patinae W. Ri, Chapman, 1, XI. Superittteiedent. Mamm/int• Cs xi.'1wxe--• abbathvervioes .at 11 to iu and 7 p lu. Sunday 802001 at 2;3011211. Epworth i-oa;;ue every You, day evt'Ililii,. C±eneral :prayer meeting '\� etlncstlay evenings. Rev. Itieliard Hoblz:i, pastor. .i)r. Towler, 1i. S. Sup- er inteudent. Pueser1I•IItIAN Cannon—Sabbath Aa ser- vieat 11 k a in and p ln. Sunday School lzt' 1 ,a. General .al �x. as p r meeting on We:Ines:ltay evenings, prayer D. Per>:ie, pastor and S. S. Superinten- dent, Ail 17.'1'x,' OiICInf'II, nisoorer—O5rab- bath s.aviees at 11 a m and 7 nay Su1t- (lay tarh0ol at 2:1,Op M. General, prayer meeting on Wothlesday avruiug5, Rev.. Wm. Lotwo, incumbent. P. Shore, S. S. Snpor'intentlent, Oo:,101/EUATioNAL CliUli< i(.—Sabbath services at 11 a DDI and 7 p In. Sunday School at 1e na, Midweek meeting:ea •Vdednesaty. evenings at.8 o'clock. Gavin \Nilson, S.t;. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor. Roma li C eernor.m OuIul:o2l --- Ev4rr y fourth Sunday. Mass at 10:30 a in, ser- mon and benediction at 7 p n1. Rev. D. P. Me]ilrnamin, P. P. Soave TR)N Arietx••-Service at 7 and 11 a in and 8 ante 8 p nl ell Sunda, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. °entwinedAND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE, —Meetings as follows: B. S. at 2.30 p, in. Fellowship at p, na., and evan- gelistic at 8 le m., every Sunday iu Ritchic's Hall, Victoria St. Pose Oyrxtl In Macdonald Block. Office Imre from. 8 a in to 0:30 p aa. Peter Fisher, postmaster. Ii�PCIL&NICs' INSTFTUTI—Library and free reading room in the Town Ilall, will bo open every afternoon from 2 to 5:45 o'clock and every evolliug front 7 to l):lib80rarian. o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, TOWN COUNCIL—Wan. Clegg. Mayor; Wm. Holmes; H.. O. I:ell, J. H: Chis- hoini, G. A. Newton, Rolland Beattie, Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Youhiil, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- lector, Board meets fust Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. Samoa Bo.i.rtn.—C, N. Griffin, (chair- man), Thos. Abraham, H. G. Leo, 3.'3. Homuth, Wm, Moore, II. Derr, Thos, Bell, Writ. Button. Secretary, War, Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each menth., PUBLIC SoltOOL. TEACHERS.—A. 1I, Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, MissIioynolds, Mise Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss Vous! one, Miss Matheson and Miss Reid. Bonin or Hn.:Lmrt—lt:Mayor Clegg, (chairman), C. J. Beading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. eeennecly, 3, B. Ferguson, Sec - rotary;; Dr. Towler, Medical Health Chicory ....,••••••••. .a...v..,.,,.,,, W NTD 9 AT ONCE. Two Coat Makers. Also Two Pant Makers. W EBSTEE & CO. Queen's Elock. Canute and 'I•radc•Tilarks obtained mid alt patent lousiness conducted for MODER 1•'EEii My office is in the immcdd, to vicinity of the Patent Oliiee and my facilities for :mewing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch of p autograph of invention wit:, description and Statement as toadvantagc, claimed. XStY-NO charge is mode foe an opinion rte to ,poteftfabillN, and Sly fee for prosecuting the application archly. vtot bi, ealte,L for watt the patent t aliowow. "Iteneeroas' Corns," con- taining felt information sent free. All Cdulintunl. tenons Considered as Strictly Coa11denttal. FRANI a° 0.F r fiC311151H CRC Do S. ',norm 51 Y./.StirtQGi`f'4rn. Y1.67 .1 50 V5G:MIS, ic3t:boEI'#IEWC,"'; TRADE MARKS Dtstoris; Copvratewe 3dGG`. Anyone sending a siteteh MIA description mar quickly nscertatn oar opinion free whether an invention is probably pnatentable. Communion. tto etricttyconfdential.fIandbookenPatentp tient free. oldest recency for securing atents. Pa its taken through Munn & Ld,red01,0 epccidt notice, without charge, in theme r e t� �r If scrim �A A,hanasornoly illatatreted tvee1cit. IArgost err. oblation of any seleittilie pearls), Terms, $3 4 �Vont ;frnlrmouths, $1, Bold by ell iloivnd�o Tod os]ortn,, tINN & Coi3Cicten1Ts^1, Row i )?ranch Ocdc(3 e, ... t, .. wb;•Il,,:.h(ll. I). 0. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE TIIE TiMES.1 .MT.A.111,10.104:1) 4.013. hes. 1ft rClllrr1;•1:111) EVERY I"Rlt, ". ' MORNING me Tidies Office, Beaver il1Q(l .. 'N‘INOILAZ.7, ONTARIO. iTartl,idtit hr n (t".• i I ti1S-v1.C(I per e:mime in at.vtux'•, :;•;1.r,0 ac nen e, pcl'iel. 1,4,„ intper discon• tioneri i1i tali 81121; t.:•c' Daid, oxuept tit the option of the pul,lieltee. Atr Itr'1strtt huts' - -•- Legal tn.1: tinter ei +11 dt 'ltiwt ata, meals per Vonptlrieliine for zee insertion, r,. p,,+' Eno ter ctacit subsequent , i 1511 f) I i z• Atle e: t'screc11t( i11 heal eolntmm•, are charged 10 c t.t. per lime tor lir: f in•ei do t, and 5 eeazts per lire 1'ca' tacit t,ul:t egnamt irr. c t t ton. Advertisements oPr,7,cit`t, 1:'uuncl, Strayed,m Farm; for Suit, oe , u .tu nt, and similar, 81.00 for Melt tanlrot anti (citta for tacit subsequent cent month. (' ws It.teu 2:,t't244-- I1t fetimvin.c; tt,ble Pl101 our tut• s fee that inserciom Of ativ4,1"tisernen s tor spe•e'tfit d periods :-- • sp.ton. 1 x12. 010. 81ao. 11;40. O': e Coli wit.... tite,00 ,„0.(x) $20,00 $0,50 IlalfCoirene 2;',.0018,00 10.00 4.00 <4u e e 1 Gehtnln 1'.&,00 10.00 2;.00 ::.00 Ads, 1t e •,;ecvtt.t without 111 'elite dit'ections• will be emeit d rill forbid tint' charged accord-. Ingle c ree„ee% ;tdv&•rtisc•nrcnrts meet be mid. for et ,.ch :stee d Till, Joe :Diem teriel;m Is stoeicedt With ata crsttnark t Mel t t •• t,ie tit„t a nil 1t'cp1dsitt,sfor print - in,, 11 a uii.trts not equalled in the eounty ter t t n I out tir,at eli:se work. Large tYls, al'u.e n, . ; rtttcl eels for all styles of Post - 1 nclkkiilr eta., taut the latest styles of choicei:lne3 typo for the bluer classes of print- • IT. B. ELLIOTT Pr Proprietor for andPublisher. avnEvn or tiusluvi d4 Wtl''GRA1, Capital. $'2,000,000. Rest, $1,234,120 PViesident—aouit serene. iee•Preeicient.A. C+,1Udais t.y, Jo:ir1 Preot or, Geo. poach, Wm, Gibson., M.P., A. T. Wood, M. P., A.B.:Leo (Toronto).. Ocwiiier—J. TU1R1\ l3•CTLL, Savings ant Hours 10 to 8; Saturday,10 to 1. Deposit~ of 51 and upwalyds received and, interest allowed. Special Deposits nLso received at current ratty of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States Bought end, sold. Travellers aro notified that tlio l3mI1 of Ham imten and its Brancbee issue Circular Bates o National Provincial redhout °ba ge or Limited, u- pile In any Bart of the world, WD. L,53YCI%1DT,50. COEBOTTLD, .tlgont A. E. SI �IvJ 1.3 !I IR, 11'IN0i1AM. General Banking Business transacted, Money advanced to tumors and business men On endorsed notes and collateral. Farmers' Sete Notes Ceske Canada remitted by draft to all parts of Canada anti the United States. Notes and accounts ,colleetcd on reasonable terms. eTP. It'ENNEDY M. D.. M. C. P. S. 0 . (Member of the British Meclical Associa- tion.) Gold Medallist in Medicine. 'Special attention plaid to diseases of Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. in.; 7 to 0p. rm. DTI. MACDONALD, entre Street Wingllnm, Ontar4 . `S''ANSTONE, -BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Priveteilnd Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No commissioncharged. Mort- gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block, Wingham.. ZJ A. MORTON, a BARRISTER, &e., Wingham, Ont, Ej L. DICKENSOIT, • BARRISTER, ETC. Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Miley to loan, Office—Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. DDental College Land Surgery of of t]ze Royapl College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. O1»ee over Post Office, Wingltam. UTT. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. Special attention to the care anct'regulation of children's teeth, Moderate prices and all work carefully and skilfully performed' . Office in Beaver Bloclr, Wingham. At Gerrie every Monday. JOHN 'RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANOE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. lop DEANS, Jxa. • LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Ettron, Sales attended In any part of the County. Charges moderate, JOHN CURRIE, WZNGHA1u', Ore. LICENSED M OTIONEER, hales of Perm "Stock and L'at'm Implements a specialty. All orders left at Tun Txstes office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETY 11'IEETINOS. ri+ „_ _Camy) Caledonia, No. 40, meets 0. r �.) 1101 first and third Monday in every month, in the dddfeilows Hall Visiting brethren welcome, D. SxliwAhfi, Chief; H. B. Elliott, Rec.- Sec, JOB PR1NTIIiU r ineliidin1 Boosts, Pamphlets, Poster,, 2311x1 Heads, Circulars, cyte., &c., cveentecl in the hest style of the art, at moderato prices, and on short notice I30o1£$INneitvG.--"ti)'"e ere lrleesed to nnnounc that nay Books or ltl.'agenta:y left with us foi, Muffing, will have out' proinnpt atten,i , Prices for Binding ill any style will be t ort application to g v otl/ THE TIMES i01tj1'ICE, i 'winghem. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GhAND TRt7N) RAILWAli' SYSTEM VU A lis 7 kA VD ii' ore 1?alm 1 e sten ,...• ld man a.in, .. g.KKa:nl, Lottcto1I T. 6.60 .nt.... 8.2151:m, Kincerdine..11.10 a a.m...8.28 p•ia..., 8.88p.m, Anatvl nom ltineardinc....0.'tUa.m.. l365'a,ni.,.. 8,23 p.nt London 11,10 a.m..., 7.66 tit Palmerston..... 2.43 pan.... 1 J. H. GORDON, Wiugh m.� JANADTAN "'AMMO I1AXLWAYr. Taikrzis LEA'VI. ron Toronto or tiro d Easta 8612.m.... 8.00 pm. 1,82 p,nt.,..T0.is p.ttt. Attnivn titoar 'se(eswater.,.... d 688 nt., 8pl m. Torentocnd i ar.t 181 p,tir....1O.d8 p.M, 131r1`RNER,Ageait, Wrotham. • 41 In Iia I'd 1pti. !in x lla, Ant T Thu 11 Strc Li A 3' from t and st and t eioudy hidden the ue diately tacit cd "Die she a. to got 4.ing w sary t he u• wisely "It can't no tt ) times sent t differ is 1001 bid << man. Ele h Surd that my p, l Sight+ good shall "But of th Sht "D ed. deal Th ..IJ ty s:i sort Of r very muel mor 117,2 .t man r the hoar W hotel thou re -w •orat less. 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