HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-11-09, Page 51
s a.�.,.„,.IN.Z1r ..,.......00,....
Low prices male business,
regardless of any con-
ditions that may prevail.
Cone and see the new Oc-
tober arrivals. Quick
selections advisable, as
they are being quickly
-encs' Furnishing Dept•
Heavy Canadian Tweed, just the kind for boys' suits, etc., reg. price
4.0e„ special at 38e.
Melt's. 50e Tweed Claps, slide band, special at 35e.
Men's Fleece lined Underwear, good quality, $1,00 a suit.
Men's heavy, all•wool fleeced underwear, with overlook seams, very
Special at $1.50 a suit..
Alen's wool seeks at 10e, 15e and 25c pair.
If you want a bargain in Heady -made or Ordered Clothing come to
us and we will give you the hest suit for the smallest amount of money
that you have ever purchased.
Ladies' Dept.
Ladies' fleeced lined vests, special at 25c.
ti ft Cashmere gloves, at 25c.
Fancy Plaids for Waists and Uhildren's dresses, special at 18e.
Ladies' print wrappers, were $1.35 and x1.50, clearing out at $1.00.
What \Vxcieawa'te Times Correspondents Coaaamxluieate --- Other
Items Clipped Trom Our Bxebnuges.
Hallowe'en passed off quietly.
Quite a number of peaplo are busily
bntployed by tatting in their turnips.
Mr. auci Mrs hdn.tr of Howiok were
renewing old aequaiutauces at Samos -
town on Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Joliitstoa of I'ordwieb,
formerly of Jamestown, were visiting
friends on the 1st of i,iorris.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wright of Brussels
wore visiting the formers parents last
Mr. Wm. Golf of Fordwieh sod John
Taylor of Gorrio was• visiting their
friends Mr. and Miss Wheeler.
Adtiml baelt to the old stand obi
Mr. Adam Simplon has purchased a
fine driver for the handsome figure of opening up a stock of general merohau-
;112 dise in the post -office store.
A shooting Match was held last Thurs. The very good price of l l% was what
the September and Ootober cheese
brought, part of the September make
was shipped and the rest will bo similar-
ily disposedof in due season. The cheese
maker is now making cheese for the con-
sumption of the patrons-aud when that
is finished good-bye to the cheese fac-
tory until the robins nest again.
Rev. W. J. West, M. A., exchanged
with Rev. W. T. Hall, of Belgrave, on
The quarterly meeting service in the
Methodist church, last Sabbath. morning
was largely attended. The quarterly
board in3t ou Monday afternoon, in, the
Nettie Mary the four year old daught-
er of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Nicholson,
of Toronto, died on October 25th, of dip-
theria. The little girl was a grand-
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Max-
well, of the Bluevale Toad.
Miss Nettie Maxwell. is in Toronto,
with her sister, Mrs. Nicholson.
Mr. Louis Duff, of Stratford, visited
over Sunday at his home here.
Mr. Hubbard Miller, of Tnrnberry, is
attending High School at Guelph.
Miss Eliza Diment is home from a
visit in Brantford.
Mr. Robt Musgrove went to Galt on
Monday to purchase machinery for a
opping mill.
Part of the roof of Mr. David Jewitt's
barn, Bluevale road. was blown o
the storm on Monday afternoon;
Mr. John Hall is the• water witch of
Bluevale. If he bolds the oretched twig
it is sure to "row1 over" when he stands
over water. ' If he holds it hard one can
hear it crack in its efforts to turn. There.
is something very peculiar' about this.
Everybody gets Mr. Hall when they
want a well dug at a good spring.
Hawilowe'eu had a rather quiet cele-
bration this year. Of course there was
a general migratiou'of gates and some
taffy stolen, bot no real damage was
done and there was no noise. Hallowe'en
practices are degenerating. Somopeo-
ple and papers' say very hard things a.
bout Boys who play wild tricks on Hal-
'eu. Also that any fool can carry
Tapioca 5e; Kippered Herring,. large tins, 100 ; Finnan H`ddie,
10c ; 1000 best matches 5c ; 1-1f lbs baking powder and 1. qt. gem
TR).. Gr.. G-'0_.E.11:DC:31q--
North End General Store,.
�r:.V�/•`V.�f\V'l :.,YT (i.M r:.W-(.`�V/".:� Yf:.dif'f..V 1:. �'��./)��: vJ' �� �vJ�•V.�4Y v..VJ v-. o1 �.•�±
There is nothing so delicious for the ap-
13 petite at this season of the year as Boston
Baked Beans. But to make them properly
you require a Bean Gan. We have them in
all sizes from two to eight quarts
and a half ago. His many friends about
here will deeply sympathize with him.
Clrippy colds were the order last
Guy Fawkes Day massed by without
any celebration.
Mrs. John Robertson, of Wroxeter,
was visiting old friends in, our village
last • week,
Mrs. Henry Robb, of Morris, has been
seriously ill since her return from Mani-
a, but is now ii iproviag.
Mrs. John, Feitoh, of the sixth eonees-
sion of Turuberry, fell froiu a beam in
the barn ,lite gathering eggs a couple
of wee ago and got a severe shaking
Mr. George Porter, of gingham, is
clay at T. M3Eore a's; t large numb 3r of
fowl wore disposed of.
Robert Simpson has been laid. up for
the past week but seems to be getting
around again as he is hunting.
Mr. aucl Mrs. Agar of Wiugham were
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wallace last Sun-
Spreads Like Wildfire.
When things aro "the best" they
become "tile best selling." Abraham
Hare, a leading druggist, 'of Belleville,
O„ writes:"Electric Bitters are the best
selling bitters I have handled in 20
years." Youknow why? Most diseases
kidneys, boin wels, of blood Oland 'nerves.
Electric Bitters tones up the stomach,
regulates liver, kidneys and bowels,
purifies the blood, strengthens the
nerves, hence cures multitudes of mala-
dies. It builds up the system. Puts
new life and vigor into any weak, sickly,
rundown mu and woman. Price 50
cents. Sold by Colin A. Campbell, drug-
John Barnard spent Saturday and
Sunday at his home here; while at home
he sold his Inci. house to Mrs. T. Miller.
Mr. Bernard expects to return 'inside
of three weeks and move his wife and
family to Liman.
Robt. Rae, of the N. W. Territory re-
turned home last week to attend the
funeral of his brother, Willie, who died
at his home here.
Mrs. Robt. Fos, of Brussels, formerly
of Wroxeter, is spending the week with
Mende here.
Rev. R. S. G. Anderson exchanged
pulpits -with the Rev. Mr. Ross of Bru-
ssels last Sabbath.'
Miss Davidson is visiting friends at St.
Miss Jean Davidson has gone to Galt
to bo a guest at the wedding of a friend
there. •
Miss Mary Sandisrson, who is taking
charge of the post office at Forst
with, spent Sunday at her home here.
We are doing our hotness on n, certain percentage.4 1'e'"dc
large enough to enable us to do well, and small titn3t3l„rI tt1 inai+ts
it to your advantage to.do More then look,
Special opportunities in buying make it pnsgihle for tis to offer
-BARGAINS wniot wonid otherwise ho ittlisu,i lhle.
This 1iR1ix1I 1', now store is tilled from one end rn rhe other
with NEW fashionelhle up•to-date trood4 Y INO Ol S A 1'001( N1)
SflOW YOU. NIXIE TRI s1O12,1.1 l3.
I'l�1CL5. CI1OTI .NG
We are showing the largest and mast •eomplete stork of
Men's and tieys" Ready to.wear Clothing' in town. !')very gar,
1nent is well tailored an 1 thoroughly up-to-date in r•tyle.
6'3.00 to $1'2 00
- 2 tX) to, 5 00
5 00 to 12 00
2 75 to 5.00
to 3.50
.r) to 1.50
1 00 to 1 60
Superior Jewelry.
' We pride ourselves in always keeping in stock the very
best of everything in the jewelry line and
s onalthough
hcu ere nes, we
make as high a percentage oprofit at we give good value, and,
have the satisfaction of knowing
that is what we want. A satisfied customeris the best ad-
vertiserr?ent. We expect to have you for one.
Great Luck of an Editor.'
"For two years tll.eiforts to cure Ec-
zema in the palms of my hands failed,"
writes Editor H. N. Lester, of Syracuse,
Kau., "thou I was ,wholly cured by
's the
world's best Itfor
Eruptions,m .Salve.
skin diseases. Only 25e at Colin A.
New Fail Goods
In the obituary.of the late late Robert
Duff, sr., a couple of weeks ago, we
made a mistake in says a Carnochan's
Corners, Hallett, whe
d Tuckersmitb.
Henry Caldbeck, eldest son of Mr.
Samuel Caldbeck, of the second line of
Morris, died at hishome near Boisse-
vain, Manitoba, on Wednesday of last
week. He had been ill all summer but
when his•father returned from visiting
him a few weeks ago he was somewhat
improved. He leaves a wife and one
child, His another, Mrs. Samuel C�tl
beck, was with him when be died.
The very. sad news reached hero on
Monday that Mr. Bert Bailey,son of Mrs.
M. Bailey o e, had his hand
taken off b threshing machine, in
Manitoba, a few days ago. He had
been one of Mr. William Gemmill's
(formerly of the et1i concession of Turn -
berry) threshing;; gang this fall. Mr.
Bailey went to Manitoba about a year
91c n's Suits ranging in price It
Boys' Suits, .11
Men's Overcoats,
Boys' Reefers, "
Men's J'ants, "
Bove' Pants, "
Men's Vests, "
rAi'nT Having just opened up .our new stock of Fall Goods, we
quote a few bargains.
In Fall Dress Goods d Ladies' ClothSutirag
w a l iranging
e from
Home-Spuns, Tweeds
from 40c per yard and upwards. See our neve
Ladies' Jackets
in Black, Fawn and Blue 'Coors.
Perfect fits at $5.o0 and up.
a full stock of Fur Goods in Ladies' Jackets, Capes.
Muffs s and Ruffs at prices to' suit the purchaser.See
oods before purchasing elsewhere.
See our special value in Blankets ; 40 pairs Union
Blankets at $r.6 per pair and up. Also a flail stock of on
l -
Wool Blankets at $4.00 per pair and ups arcl,
A full stock of yarns always on hag
it should have
away a gate, and, that those whose
practise it is to ,upset' small buildings
have rooms to• let in their upper story.
True, but, like Nicholas Flood Davin s,
they are often furnished 'rooms,
ll and
some boys who stole taffy
lows Eve have • grown into good hien.
What makes young folk like Hallowe'en
so much, is, that in this unromantic age
it is the only chance in the whole year
for a bit of adventure and wild freedom.
The only time a boy can approach in-
spirit a Doone, imagine himself a Buffalo
Bill, and picture vividly the capture of
nebee. An the 'girls , it is the only
Latest New York styles.
40 ,.
?cusses' .Jackets' in Frieze or heavy Beaver,
Ladies' Jackets in plain or curl Bluth,
Ladies' heavy cloth or curl Capes, -
5.2.03 ;i, 5! t}
ii.00 to 10.100
3:75 to 9,50'
Good strong Corsets well -made, regular price
25e. Other lines at 40e, 50e, 75e, $1.00, $1.25.
Ladies'. Misses and Children's Underwear in all sizes and
prices from lOe to $1.25. .
A 'arge stock to select from at prices0to5s it all buyers-
$1:00, $1.25, $1.75, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, • ,
We are sole agents for the eelebrated Florida Blankets,
We are showing a large stock of Ladies' 'Misses' and Child-
ren's close. Seo our leader, extra value at 25c.
18 lbs. best granulated Sugar, $1.00, large tin Sardines 10c,
Tapioca 5e, Sago 5c, Corn Starch 5c, 10 bars Launday Soap 25e
20 lb. Bright Coffee Sugar $1.00, Fresh Salmon,he, K Choi e
Herrings, 10e, Tomato Catsup 10c, Laundry
Japan Tea 20e, Matches 10c, Toilet Soap per box 10e,
A quantity of Feathers fur sale. Farm produce taken in exchange.
3!lc, our pries
ft E. LSJR
The Cheap Cash Store.
Wo shunhe glad to have contributions to
this column from nuy of our reader's. yourself,
Have visitors or purpose going away y
drop in tumd tell us, or.send us a note to that
F. Gutteridge, 'of Seaforth, spent a
few days in town this week.
Geo. H. Mooney, of the Ripley Ex-
press was in town on Saturday.
Miss Liddie Ramie of HPnsell is visit -
in„ with her sister, Mrs, E. P. Paulin.
rd pus Money
In Thy Purse."
111obody suffering from brain -fag, lack
of energy, or "that tired feeling" elver
puts money in his purse. Lassitude and
listlessness come from Impure, sluggish
Wood that simply oozes through the (reins.
good's Sarsaparilla makes the blood pure
and gives if life, 'vigor and viim.
to mples-" 9Vly face vas covered
(with pimptes and blackheads but after
taking good's .Sarsaparilla a short time, 1
.was entirely cured, and Tny 'skirt vias
smooth and ctear. may Rot . North
St., Chatham, Ont.
Q is
time they wish to be boys. Their part
of Hallowe'en, charms and forecasts of
the future, especially ,in the matter of
lovers, is slowly but surely dying out.
J. S. Jerome of Arthur spent a few
days wtt 1 his family in town this week.
Caleb ritfiin, Who has been visiting
with his ditughter hi Chatham, has re-
turned to Wingham.
Will. Watt of Elora is visiting with
his parents in town. We aro pleased to
note that he is improving after his severe
A. K. McAllister of Sault Sto Marie
was a visitor in y1liughtun on Saturday.
He was lifting a . car of potatoes at
TO CtThtt it COLD i OE DAY
Take Lu cativo gt•omo Qull
inine it tails to emu e.
& Ga.
Opp. Bank of Hamilton,
FOR SALE number of Brown Leg --
horn hens and roosters; Light Brahma-
hens and roosters and four gond Barred.
Piymouth Rock roosters. Apply at
35u S office.
That. Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and build up
your health, Only 25 cents. Money
bark if not cured. Sold by Colin A.
Campbell,, druggist.
druggists lc tunw ... .
B. W. Grove's signature is ou each box. -toe. you begin.
Hon... .T. G.trrow'of Goderieh spent What
Take Sco t'3 -Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil: take a little.
at first.
-Mrs. Alice :Matthews, daughter of
Mrs. Kincaid, of this town, died at To-
ronto on Monday. The remains were
brought from Toronto and the funeral
took place from the• C. P. R. station on
Wednesday,a%te noon to the Wiugham.
cemetery. f .
S 11011
is destruction of lung by a
growing germ, precisely as
mouldy cheese is destruction
of cheese by a growing germ.
If you kill the gerrn, you
stop the consumptiort. .You
can or can't, according to
The following is the report of S. S.
No.11, East Wawanosh, based on the
recent review and promotion examina-
tion; the names appear in the order of
Class. V. -Jennie Rintoul.
Sr. WV. -Eight . Currie, Greg Shiell,
Cora Currie,
From Jr. III to Sr. III. -Annie Mc -
Barney, Julia Naylor, Gordon. Shiell,
Allan Pattison, Robert McBnrnley,
Sr. II to 3r. 1II,--1;dna McBurney,
Elsio Shieil, Edmund Irwin, Alex Nay-
Jr. Ix to Sr. IT. -Mina, Carrie, Claronbe
Shiell, Alex. Side%L
Jr. Pt. II. -Olive Currie.
Sr. Pt. I,. -Pearl Paton. l3essio Walk-
Jr. Pt. X. --Luella Shiell,
LINDA Mirza, Teaeh er.
Mrs. It. C. McGowan is visiting her
parents, Mr, Mid Mrs. 3. G. Murdock of
Lttcltnow this week,
Itr. Chas. Stow.trt returnedd holo
from Manitoba last weelt.
Mi. Norman Patterson has removed
a few hours in town on Friday last. Ho
spoke in the iutorests of Mr. Commons
at Teoswater ou Thursday night.
Miss Delia Sparling, A. T. C. M., re -
tamed, hone on Tuesday frons New
York, where she has completed a teach-
er's course at the " Metropolitan School
of Music."
Mr. Tom. Dowling, anexpert mech-
anic who learned his trade inhis father's
factory here, has entered the service of
Bell & Co., Wiugham, with the idea of
perfecting himself in his handicraft.
Tom is the most mechanical of the
Dowling family -a veritable "chip of
the old block."--Harristoii Review.
v g ,
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bronco -Quinine Tablets
the remedy that Cases a coliktn one day
T301t N.
DGoIn Gerrie, on Oe 1. 21, the wife of Wm.
Ripley', an 'Oct, to , the wife of
ri'1•..1 K, M. t'ioLuun ora ..13114WS T,Tiii:.--On eoe ti, Turnbermfon Oat. 28,
t11.t wife of John Wvllie o: a son. I
PAssMettat.---lu �t'o".eVetot', Ce . 2 th, trio
w1'aof Alex. Ptas:miere of tt dattg..tc•r.
,u Blatta la
iikettl aC `leuVAX.-At the 1 ange,the Rev. ,Y7.
lidln. au Weil d'it•.sdny, 0
P'orrio, Mt •w;1lioin ,i. ii.o1:m'ss of a 'oss to
Mtn Mot M. Morton of llamilton,
Rat. InVroveter on Pet. 29th, Willinm f.
, son of 'flies, Bac, aged 17 years, 10 months
id 21 days.
Wrlsnr n, -In Wehner, on 00t. 20th, Anile C.
Wenzel, relies of the late Henry Wenzel, and
mother of Val. Wenzel, of Win; am, aged 07
r,11 months and 10 days.
MATtlrrws.--Its Toronto, on o'ember lith,
cl( Alinlgltn lth s. d btor of Mrs. tow
It wct3 - as a
food it is the
easiest food
Seems not to be
food.; makes you
hungry ; eating
--;- is comfortable.
Yougrow strong
The enuine has
this pfetm re on it, er. Take more;
take no other.
not too much; enough is as
much as• you like and agrees
with you. Satisfy hunger
with usual food ; whatever
you like and agrees with you.
When you are strong
again, have recovered your
strength -the germs ard
dead; you have killed them,.
If you have not tried it, sertd
for fres sample, its agreeable
taste will surprise you,.
8C011" & 0OWNE0
CYternlat Toronto.
600. and $1.401 all druattleW