HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-11-09, Page 4r :'ala le tet 111=1:sty tit e \we.i. a ("Onset ;tot.\tt; and .1 111ctuTS. R t1ya Smith. taxa Peet:. g a i 1' til,. t t'nit mbia fitAliait n rat n 111:114 Iif tilt ^t 3t mho 114 1:au„n In the East as a labor aleticate. 1.0i\' ;'011': I ASI IES 1•MAND. • Con. Lib. Sir ''.rilfrid Laurier Still Molds g� Oomi;liol'1 POWer. ()ntar`lo ..... .... .•.' ,...... 'tS vii) C,1e (' c, ... : .... ...... a 9 :�e\\ i'rnns\\rck ,r, 1G Nova :`'c(:tta .... .. ., SIR. CHARLES TUPPER DEFEATED, rr:rice '' rti lstaul .,.. 1 4 Britt01 Xrtttwett 't'e'rritories ........ 1 i Manitoba ••.• . Viso Liberals Qttn..t five Seats in (luobee, '1ajori tg Mot Three In } ire of , and Tbseu In New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and One in Prince Edward lt ( 1'en'1 el endcnt Island, While They Lose T\vmtty 1 10 e•leetion Ontario mut Seven to the West Major.ty Wilt Swing Between 40 and Niue 4e Aeeozaing to the Complexion of the CnnFtitttcitcy. 1Me't ]`catletktx and the Elections 'Not Addington . , , .. Tet Held. Algoma Nov. - (6 a.nt.)-..The I nth„ ell... , .. Toronto. nr et, 3 electoral battle in the I)onkinion of I3t•erlc,l;le...,. Canat:a h. s Leen fought and decided.Breen. 1:, .,,. a £::r, at present writing, the par ltt•rrn. N ties t erne in in relative strcntgttt in Brl,ee, 1Y.. • .. were,- but there the. ilot»•e "as tire;: would. '. e some very prominent face:, rarteton utissing in the ninth. Parliament of Cornwall and Can d � should it meet before bye- »ernas, election g could be held. Perham. F Of const, the first news here was Thnh r.1\' tw the returns be - 4 , r 4 1 • ilia Liberals, exclus- not including hide - ted te(1 as Stich •,•..,.. :i3 ONTARIO. ty-Two Members. Member, ,.,.J. 1V. Bell (Con....• 133 No election •...•••• .•' ..,,D. A. Garden (Lib... 109 C B. Heyt1 (Lib.)... 200 •:i, Culbert (Con.' . • • • J1. Cart;!11 (Con.) 23 J E. Campbell (x,). 0 ,...Tnttn'M'm'e (L.) THE WINGR .. VMS, NOVEMBER :�, WOO. t«t teles ,(), 1 estniitfta (ia;). • 0)) ;At i awnnee....1. 1;ltl.mdlSlte (1.J :i a(,''n • 11(n J.1. lar"'e (L) 5110 :\i/ olet George 1.3x111 (C'.) • r "1 1'n,tClne, , ..I0U 3s Murray (L) to 1'o tutuf....,...A. II, 1)ellsle (1,.) 3rai (n e bee Gentre..4 :laloutit (i.)......,11x1 Wotan. I tst.,..Slr 11. I,itut•Ser (inebee Count).110u• t'. 1'itzpatittl 1: 90 1l+db•lieu ......A. A. 13runenn.. , Rielven rad .0 \Yolfel�:, \V Tobin (L) .12.6 1;0 lthnousk? .J. A. Moss (L.).. .. LA) i.:nnipr ,,...,L. P. Brodeur (L.).• • St. li,•aetntlte...11ot).1LE. Bernier (L.) 500 St. Johns and. lber. vine... l'. Demers (14b.)... S11e1lotd ....('.11. Parmelee (Ll. 000 Sherbroo) e..,.'.,..,110 i. J. McIntosh (Gan.) • 2 Soulattges.., ... • ...Dr, Bourbonnais . ti0 250 5t:tnst(at1... ,. X114 Lovell(TAD.) (L ), 4:'0 'feniiscnuatn ' Terrebmine . ,..„B. Vrefontaine (L.). 820 Three ]Rivers and St. Maumee .1, Doreen (Lib,).. 441. Two Mountains J. A C. Butler (L.) 1•x1 Vaudreu[1 H, S. Harwood (L.) 3)0 Wright .N. Champagne (L.) 10 Youtasica B,iM,S• lllgtitttilt (L,) 102 LOVA SCOTIA. lt. Snitnsten (C.) . 100 I•.. 'Mae (t'.) ...... ..1000 Stnr- .P., A. Pringle (C) 130 .A. Broder (C.1. ... 14.5 237 IT. :t. \wart (C.)..... ....,R. Reith (Lib.),.•.. 413 A. B. Ingrain (C.). • 92 that of Oar u\wn ci . , K•n 41 made t`Ig'n. \Y J, IRnhinsrn (Teti.... tag in earl)• and their nature St:tberl•t.tut(I,.). 500 the local Conservatives Jubilant while F., x, R. F. 1I I the. local Liberals were correspond- t sse�, S i Cowen (Lib... :i4, ... rein r. , t.0one.. C ..H. ;lt,•in (C 1 000 ingly c':ei r sMe(1• lest carate the news r?et rtriw.........T. T. 3rhett (I tb) •' , .. Of l.r. \i . F. Maclean's victory in i 7, D. S be (Con.), , followed b�' T:Tamilton, nre'*ri' e, S .T. S iletil t( on.), . • ... xtst Tork, rel:,"...; 83 T. N. IInrQrr (L.)• • 80 which gained fwo seats. from the cite•• 3 M. It!chardon (C•)•• Liberals for iht conservatives. The te'egrarh, thoroughly impar- • TT,,l•lin,ahl and ug01 i 1 A. T rl,nrttPa"' (t.). 1 100 tial in its distribution of n\c es, soon rT.,,te T''n" 1` D Render •-•••i C..••• broht word that Dr, Montague, a c, 7 ail;er (Con.)..... 773 TT.,.,,'iten r .. r.,.n . (Con.'... 707 tneutl=m of the last Conservative Cabi- TT , tt rail,,, 'Nerthr•(n (Coll 114 et had been en defe ttcd in Iialdimand T ..... 1l TT•= t!n^c, 1, W,Carscallett (C.)• roe H Corby (Cnn.)..... S00 •Tr ^n, P. P. ltaedonald (L.).. • *Te,.oe. 8......... (4. 1re1wen (In.). , ... 100 27 G. Wepirees (Lib) ... 150 „r. M. Britton (L.)• . 193 TP.ht^,ton.... , ... .00 (fl'btnn, E.,•..,•(1, Simmons tC.1.... T.am',trn, W T 3. Johnson (Lib.).. 500 T.•'•nark. N .B. Rosamond (C.) .... I•n m r1 . S .........J. IIa ggnrt (C.) ...... 37 Leeds and Gren- vilin J. R. Treves (Con.).: • 4x9 L eedg. SGen. Tayler ' (C.). • 107 onlyd (L.)••• T.en'itrx......... A. Lc L',•'eoln and Nia- 107 n„ra E. A. Lancaster (C.). London .0. 3. IFyman (L.) .... 146 Middlesex. 1;...... J. Gilmour (0.3...... 778 Middlesex, N,.....Jen. Sh^rritt (C.1.... 421 Middlesex.3...... M..Mefluttan (L.)•.• 500 150 \Tind'rcp 'Muskoka Fnt:ntl Niptr,in Norfolk, ]c 1 metal , Nnrtlium N nrtlttt Ontario 7.,000 Ontario Ontnrt Gttn\\ i Ottawa Oxford Ox'auti3 Peel . Perth, Perth. Peterb Peterb PreSee net, swan VONSl,ttl°.!.' XT,'a (1,'#113.. (int;)Flo llroek\ illo. (;;.r,11. ell. - Eronte nae, (ire,,, eolith. Hamilton.. l ctnultoo. Hastings. I,. 1.nntblon• East. Z.te;ls and Grenville, .Lincoln and 1'iagaru., 1llicid!esex, North. Ontario, :� . Ottawa, Prince Edward. Peel. S•tornuont and Cornwall. Toronto, ('entre, Victoria, S. WaterloO, S, Wellington, Centre. New Iiranstriek Twenty 31etnbers• ('aust(tuensy. Member. ilio, Annapolis ,F. D. Wade (L.).... 200 Antigamish McIstuaac (L.) Gape Breton (1)...Alex Jollktson (L.)2S0 Ctlpe Breton (2). •,Dr. Kendall (L.)• 203 ('oleltester S. E. Gourley (C.).. 230 Cumberland.H. J. Logan (L.).... 420 20 1)(8113" Copp (L.) • • 327 Guvsboro D. C. Fraser (L.)..., 40 Halifax (1) .11. L. Borden (C.)... 40 Halifax (2)........T. E. Kenny (C.). • •.. 1 Hants •B. Mussel (L ) Inverness King's I.uuenburg PietoO (1) Pleton (2) Richmond Shelburne and I,, 50:, Queen's.. ...... ..W. S. Fielding ( ). Yarmouth T. yx. Flint (L.)• •' •. =00 Victoria , W. Boss (L.) . NEW BBUNS)VIC7i, Fourteen Members. 'Member. 'Ia;l• Constituency. W 7. Lewis (L.).... 131 Albeit 315 Carleton F Hales (Con.) • •.. 000 Charlotte.........,(. W. Ganong (0.)• •. 0 Gloucester 't. Turgeon (L.) • . • .. , 00 Kent .0, J. T.ebane (L.).... King's (4. W. Fowler (C.) .. 108 Northuntberland3. llobinseet (C.).... 400 Restigonche ..J. Reid (L.). ... St. John City .11on.A.G. 131nir (L.3.1087 St. John City & Co.('o1.J.3. Tacker (L.). 071 Sunbury & Queens.R. D. Wilmot (0.)... .. 300 WestmorelandEnuner$on (L.) • (a OO Victoria Cc •stigan (L•) . • ' ... 100 York..... •........Gibson (L) ..... .. 1'$TNOB EDWARD ISLAND. Five Members. Constituency. Member. Mai. 7,... ,�hrs ) King's ,.,s J. J. Pring, P.......A. A. Lefargy (0.).. 200 Prinet', W13. D. McLellan (L.).. Queen's, F 1). Mcl'innon (L.)... SO Queen's, W ..Sir L. H. Davies (L.) 70e MANITOBA. Seven lientbers. ' m](t. idol:cit., and th t, Mr. NV. Gibson luta 1 e.n turiie.l down in 1.inco1 and Niagara. Sir A. P. (*axon's defeat in 111.a8TCino age by Mr. l.egris by 600 sua: orit; , sh, rt' ' paled into cote parathe in`;i�.,nt,.ctt.nce by the an- sion/i e:trent Sir (harks t lmrlrsamong Tui t ethe r. onthe -10.11cn were veteran leader of the Opposition, and ITon. t -ea. ?:. Foster, the Finance Mittistc r of the Conservative Adminis- tration •. Jb. 1, )1 tratian of c, were those Uth r notable de:tals \ of Mr, N. F. Davin. I_egiiia: Dr. Lln- tierkir.. South (trey, :air. W. Stubbs in. Car;l\\c':1. 11r. E. D. :,Martin in 'Win- nipeg. who fell be'ore Mr. Puttee (I abor\ to the tune of -1.,130 of a Majority. Mr. Henri i3onrassa, the Liberal Who opposed the sending of the con- tingents to South Africa, Was elected an Labelle, (hue., by over vMinisterr00ma- iorit:'• Hon. J. I. Tarte, St. of 1?ublic Works, Was elected in llfarv'z Division, Montreal, by over majority. Dr. McLennan (I,) . 700 ...F. 1V. Borden (L.).. 200 Kaulbach (0) •••• •• E. M. 'McDonald (L.) 23 Sir C. II. Tupper (C.) 1S Jos. Matheson (L.). • •. • Kings, N.B. Nol tt Scotia Colchester, N. S. Brine° Bawo •tt Island East Prince. 2tauttolra.. 'Macdonald, :Man. Selkirk, Mara. North-West 'territories. -Assiniboia. E. sol;': LIBERAL GAINS, Onttu io. Bothwell, Glengarry. Ila dinland and Monk. London. Nor thumterland, 1Y. l enfrc\v, S. Victoria, N. \Cella`C)d. \\e:11n:;to11, S. Quebec. x. 'W 'W. S. Calvert (L.)... and Parry err G. McCormick (C.) • • 55 , .No election. 8"""acel.) N.- J. Charlton (L.) S.. .Col.. Tisdale ..... .. " " " 150 L. ... heel d \Y J. 13. McColl ( ) mbe'rl•d t . E. Cochrane (0).•.. 300 , N... McLeod (C.) , ....... \i.linm Ross (L.)... OS THE ELECTION DT PROVLNCES. Ontario. The returns show 53 Conservatives elected in the banner Province of Ontario, with 34 straight Liberals, and 3 Independents (two o dust ith Liber- al leanings) the election Ontario had 40 Conser- vatives and 52 Liberals, so that the 'Conservatives have an aPParent g ain DI 12 seats in this province. There was no election in Algoma, where G. _ Bol•ce, Conservative, • and A. B. I)yment, Liberal, are running; nor in ipissing, where J. 33.. IClock. is the 'Conservative standard bearer and C. A.. McCool is the Liberal candidate., i„ nebee. In Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier's Province only $ Conservatives have been elect- ed, lected, hilt 50 Liberals will sit in the ..next house. Immediately prior to the elections there Were in the house 14 Conservatites and 51 Liberals front .this Province,a gain of 6 to the Liberals for the ninth Parlia- ment. Wow Brunswick. Five Conservatives to 0 Liberals will be the standing of the province in the next House. In the last there were 8 Conservatives to 6 Liberals. Nova Scotia. Fifteen Liberals will sit opposite to 5 Conservatives from this 'Province in The nese Parliament. When the last division was taken there Wtts a, mar iorityf four for the I.iherals: new NVill 10. i'rinee Edward Island. 'Phis little Province sends one Con•• $ervative and 4 Liberals to the next Parliament. In the last 3!o tse there ' is were 2 Conservatives antl Manitoba. In this PravinCe on:': Liberal, Icon. Clifford ;Tifton is elected. 'There are besides .4 Conservatives, and It. L. Bichurcison (Ind. Iib.) and Puttee (Labor). In the last Parliament there were ('i Liberals and a Conservatives. Norttk-'%'Vest Territories. aloe C send four members - three Liberals and one Conservative.- but one of the I.ibcrais is 11 Ir. Frani: ()livt:r, Alberta, who is also rated as independent. This is the :;ante- as in the last 1'arlianient. I)tivirt Is Defeated. In the Northwest Territories, Nicholas 'Welter r1Scott.in 'as wh1')tyearset tat at the ai:o was thhands oilike 1Yttlte boy in The 11ef;ina Lender, when NSe•htoias 10101i1 nihilfta3api speaking enuratlna+ theeditorials. valuable win m(dt'vd;.l.lfetl11srlernti 1enlbw. Dr. Douglas. t idee.9ve tor was T,wilt show l two i e.v fares In the T<•rri , t f It.1is , I kn s:ml St •lit-- ttinl the 'Houle t.,. „_.;nnt'21as nod Da1•i11. The party' ten. yl:r , . .• .. ,. tire• t'\ 1 • .,', d ttimt,tilla. 'rtty ;rat o has sleeted 2 I • t... r. ,.tit ti=t. 1 T SI.eral at.d 1. Inde.- : rhe.1 ions to Croute Oil ;n ll:;rrard and Yale and C'(tr'ibo0.. Ixt. , 3..... ... .\ •' S00 n. \F... •....I. J. Gould (L.) 7.00 • ....... Beicnurt (L.) 300 t. ......... ..Thomas 73irkett (C.) , N Jas. Sutherland (L)...2000 2000 . S..,:...... Sir B. Cnrtwrtght(L)..67 .R. Blain (C.) . ...... 'j0 N ..A. F. McLnxen (0.).. 5..........D. K. Erb (L.) 0 oro, E 3 Lang (L.) ..... 55000 oro, \V..•...James Ketdry (C.). 354' tt........,.1. Proulx (I.). ..... .. e Edward....G. 0. Alcorn (C.) ... 73 ew.,N T hackie (L.) 107 ew, S A A. Wright (L.)' 300 r11....... • • .,.1Y. C. Edwards (L.)500 e, I:..... .... W I1. Bennett (0.)35 .', T ....... . .L. McCarthy (I.) 40 e, S... ... . .. 11. Lennox (C.) to, C.. .... ..W. R. BrOCk (C.) .... 21r, oto, -FL.- ...A. E. Kemp, (C.)....1230 nte, W ......E. F. Clarke (C.) . • .294(1 nto, W........E. B. Osler (C.) 1073 Hughes C. 21 ria, ,1....:... S. Hug ( ) • • .. 200 aria, 3........A. Vrootnan (C.) nc 0 erloo, N.......J. E. Seagram (C.) ( ) erloo, 5.......G. A. Clare (0.)..... 304 land..... • • • W 11. German (L.) •• lington, C'......1. McGowan (C.) .... 106. IingtOn, N.....G. Tolton (C.) :... 40 Wigton, S. • . • •.H. Guthrie (L.) 31 itw0rth and N. 260 rant ....... . W. Paterson (L.) 250 nt,vortlt 8.....D. D. Smith (C) • • . T92 or E W P. :Maclean (C.),. 325 Tor v. ..r......3. Certs (C.) ..... 400 erk, W.......... , C. Wallace (C.).. 000 (IITr,133C. T3eauharnois. Montreal --St. Ann's. Pontiac. i-.tanstead. Three Rivers. 'rerrebonna. New Brunswick.. Gloucester, N. D. 1Cent,.N• :13, N. B. llcstigouche, \\'este arched. York, N. 13. • Nova Scotia. , Annapolis, X. a• Cape Breton. Richmond, N. S. Constituency. Member. _ - Mai. Brandon - Hon. C. Satan (10- 150 100 Llsgar .Richardson (In.) .. ',Macdonald X. Boyd (0.) • • •. • • • Marquette.. Dr. Roche (C.)'...... ... Provencher .Lanivie•e (C.) J. II. Bastion (C.).... ... 133 Selkirk illii' Winnipeg .......Puttee (Labor) NORTHWEST ST T1:I1IiIT0U1BS. _,,,.,_.. *,.»,1,,,..14..14.,.»..*..••. - The People's Popu.iar Store EVERY ,DAY BI RW AT THIS UNE. ..........nogase•ramraisocs.maiscuouarsvcooruaour maws A. Few Lines To Clear At Less Than Wholesale Prices. \ 4•••••••••••44...........****A44.1.**44•4, AAAAAAAAA.A••••=As•AAAAAA=4.4..AA*=AA*A.*.•oA*A.A.4• A d li': h F t. Shoe Blacking, leg. i oc box if 3C 5c • ,t a, •• 50 oC Enan1eli11(: Shoe Paste, ioc box for - -, 5C Eze Washing Compound, ioc pkge for - - 5c Eze Washing Compound, 5e pkge for Electric Soap,. reg, 2$C, now 14 bars for - - 25c Wonderful Soap, reg. 50, Flow 8 bars for - 25C Kerr's Pure Soap, reg. 5c, now 7 bars for - ' �5C Flaked Peas for Soup, reg, 15c, now . - . - 10c *Flaked 'Beans for Soup,' reg. 35c, now • - IOC Royal Salad Dressing, a super- ior dressing for 1' ash, Cold Meats, Cabbage, .tc., reg. 3oc bottle for - , hoc 3C THE LAST PARLIAMENT. • Conserv tive � 'Me ssrs,members Beattie, Bn ell gives: ton), Bell (Addington), Betmett, Bergeron, Blanchard, Borden (Halifax), Broder, Car- gill, Caroti, CnrsCallen, Casgrai11, 1 Chauvin, Clancy, Clarke, Coc)trttnc, Corby, Craig, Da- vin,. Dugas, Earle, Ferguson, Foster, Gan- ong, Gillies, Gilmour, Guillet, Hae4• rt, Hughes, .. Q IIx , HOtl 11x., g Hale, Henderson, e grain, Kanlbach, Keudr3', Klock, Klo^pfer. LaRtviere, Macdonald (King's, P 1 L), Mc- Intosh, 11acLaren, Maclean, McAlister, Mc- Cleary, McCermtelc, McDougall Heiner- • Bey, -McLennan (Glengarry), :McNeill, Mar- cotte, Martin, :1Mt1)s (Annapolis), 'd•ink' Montague, Moore, florin, Osier, Pope, l'ou- pore, Powell, Prior, Quinn, Reid, Robert- son, Robinson (Northumberland, 1.B.), Roche, Roddick, Rosamond, Seagram, Sproule, Tt.ytor, Tisdale, Sir .Charles Tup- per. Slr Hibbert Tapper, Tyr vhitt,. 1ViU. lace, 1\ LsCa-7i. Llbeials-Angers, - Areliatnbatkit, •) Bain, Bef- Bazinet. Keith, L'eleourt, Bell (Prince Bier, Bertram, Bethune, Blair, 3o:den (King's), Bostock, Bourassa, DOurbonn:ds, Britton, Brodeur, .Brown, Brttnean, Bur- nett, Calvert, Campbell, Carroll, ' Cart- wright, Case) Champagne, ('hariton; Chris- tie, Copp, Coatigan, Cowan, Davies, DAVIS, Dechene, Demers; Desmarais, Dobell, Dom - vine, Dougl,z Dupre, hymen:, Gould, Ed- -wards, Ellis, Erb, lathier, Featherston, Fielding, Fisher, Fitzpatrick, Flint, For- tin, Fortier, Fraser (Guy'sboro), ..'riser (Lambton), Frost, Gauthier, Gauvreau, Geoffrlon, Gibson, Godli011t, Grate, Gra- ham, Haley Harwood, Hurley, Hutchison, Johnston (Lewiston), Sir Henri ably, Lauderkiu, Lang, Laurier, Lavergne, Ledue, ',earls; Lemieux, Levis, Livingston, Logan, Mcisaac, Macdonald (Huron), Ma000110ll (Selkirk), Mackie, Mc- Pherson, McClure, McGregor; 'McCarthy, bMcGtigati, :McHugh, McInnes, McLellan;Sic• 11111an, McMullen, Motion, Motorail, Mar- ch, Mernnucau, Maxwell, Meigs, lilgntu lt, Monet, Morrison, Mulock, Oliver, Parma - lee, Paterson, I'enuy, l'ettet, Prefovtelne, Proulx,. puttee, Matz, Iticltardson,'-Rogers, 110ss, Russell, 'Rutherford, S.tvard, Searcy; Semple, l;ifton, Suetsinger, Somervi'le, Bteusol, Stubbs, Sutherland, 'Talbot, Tarte, Tolutle, 'Tucker, Turcot, Comstock, Wood - 136. JUST EE13'OIt1 THE ELECTION. Ou the clay of. the election the different provinces were thus represented: I.lbs. - 40 Cil Prier Renfr tenfr Russ Simco Sinmo 3in100 Toren Toro Toro Toro Victo Viet 1Vat War Wel Vel Wel Wel We B We 3:o Y Four Members. Constituency. Member. Isla Alberta • P. Oliver (L.) """' 22 Assintboln E.... Lake (Con,) ... •• Asslniboia W: Scott (L.) Saskatchew anDavis (Lib.) . • DILITISH.. COLUMBIA. • Six 'Members. Cinstituency, ;Member. Burrard .No election New Westminster.A. Morrison (Lib.)... 100 . Vancouver ... w Ralph Smith (I.)..... 300 Victoria (1).... T Earle (C.) 182: Victoria (2) . L. G. Prior (C.) 93 Yale and Cariboo........ ..No election. ..107 IKOW THE CITIES HAVE GONE. 1801. 1800. 1000. Con, 1,13. Con.iLib. Con. 1.13. In. Toronto . .' 2 •' Balaton.... .1 London . 1 . 1 .1 Kingston • .. 1. ' 1 1 3. Ottawa . Montreal .. 3 3 1 4 Quebec ' 3 3 1 Halifax St. John 1 1 1 . 2 Winnipeg . 1 . 1 Victoria. B.C. 2 2 2 - Sixty. File Members. Mai.'Member.Constituency r8entenii ...... I>r, Cttrlstte (L) ,.223 Bit got . • I. E. 11nre11� (L) 1«00 educe •, a. •. J, Godbottt (L.) L . ( ) sauharnois.. .(1. 1I. Loyd t•lleeliasse.. n Il. Talbot (r•) • •• 400 erthlJ i:.Arcbeinbault (L) 2;,0 onaventure ..C. 'larch (L) ..•..• 157 roo entero• • ..Iion 8.A. Fisher (L) • •• I3rome ltnmbly tC Vetch s 'Victor GeofYrlon (%) 500 hnntpinTtt..w.•,•••1 A. Rousseau (L).i 272 Charles Antlers (L). 18!) hireable . 430 Chateamgaay •.,.J. P. Brown (L) •• Chic0utimt•Sa1g'Y•..Joseph Gerard (C)...... • Compton...... ,...,11.13. Pone (C) .. • • 3500 l)orehester,.••..•••7•. B. Morin (0).•._..•' Ddummend and At, thabaska..... ...L. Lavergne �o...itto0n) 1033 1(12 • • 3' • A. C. Madore (L.). .. Runtingd W B. llaclaren (L.).... 7:Iuntiugdon . • •• 3ao(tueo Cartier .L+. D. Monk (C.). • • •• 40 Joliette...... ..•C. I3aSiriet (L.)..... 80 Kamouraska .. .Ii. G. Carroll. •) . r 1 '0 Labelle....w.......Ii. Eourassa ( )• Lapreirle and 1'a• plervilie D. 'Monet (L)••.. •• 118 L' Assontptlon ('• Laurier (L.).., ... yyT. Portia' (L.) ,i,»». *ow Laval+.'oak» •i. i. _ S. 1leliers (L•) 400 Legis•.•..ai..r..• 80 Deehene (L.).r Lothiniere..,...,,.E. 1'orttet' (L.,7000 IVtaieonnemve It. rrefontainep (L.). 2.81 Mask1n0nge 3. It. testis (ti.)... 1100 3f.lgantie...i0tergeTarcot (i..)•. ••. btlsl3tsgnci.....,1). B. ,tets>7 (14.... 600 114onteahm.......,.1•`• 0. lingua (L.)•••• 130 I+do(ttmasnl'. r.,,,I': G. 'Martineau. (L.) y5 1tontmorenet......T. C. Cnsgrain ((3.)...20 Idoiitt'attl ;'fit» Gaiter,. x01 e -n±.... �1w iL.'rax l w. 6E • • Total. ... .18 3 10 Toronto Goes Conservative. Toronto, Nov. G• --The Conserva- tives carried every seat in this city, thus leaking a, gain of Centre Tau ronto. The returns are: WEST TORONTO. E. F. Clarke, Conservative ... 7,075. E. B. Osler, Conservative ...... 6,403 Win. Burns, Liberal .... .... 4,717 ,T, D. Allan, Liberal .. .... 4,542 Tlues. Stevenson, tabor ...... 1,657 14 12 11 1• 26 dozen Lawn Handkerchiefs, drawn corner, regular price 700, now 5c each. 25o yards of Plaid Dress Goods at 5c a yard. Terms Spot Cash. Goods delivered promptly. work in .each JOHN Macdonald Block, WingEam. WINGHAM Ma; PUMP VYi C'larke's majority over Burns 2,354 Osler's majority over Allan..,. 1,776 COAST TORONTO 4,070 tine Conner\a A, B. Kemp, (leo. Anderson, Liberal 2,360 ➢ic1arren, Independent .... .... . 'Kemtp's Mai ority ••• 1,•�if) 13 rRIO ,TORONTO. `.37 n] n W. It. Brock, Conservative .. 2, 2,6622 Johett, Liberal .... -.... .... Dr. Hargrave, Labor 179 Br'oci:'s n1tfjority .... 215 Ambitions elty Eileeted Gonservattvbs. iTatnTlton, Nov. :.- flalntilton yes- terday returned to the Conservative fold, front Which: it strayed in1 6. rker and Bruce were elected over Wood and 'T'eetzel, and the ('onservn' tires last night had a highly hiInri- ot's time. 'file 'Vote UT rt'nrd5. The vot0 by Barker. ]3tiice. Ts as eel llw Weod 1..... 441 430 472 i68 Ontario Quebec 74Ova SCotia .New irunswiek British Columbia Manitobir Northwest ,....••• .......... 1 3 14 31 8 12 8 4 Uhtnlb (t 2 3 TNENEW ``NAY PA r ALLS�' utVrigItiLL MY!W A Coni Or THAT MILLIS • Having re -purchased our old stand, we are now prepared to supply the pub- lic with Wood find Iron Force and La t I Pumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders, Gal- vanized vanized Iron Tubing, Cisterns, 'Water Troughs, Sinks, Baths, Pipeg Fitting, Well, Digging nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmitlgfor power and pumping water. , We can do our work cheaper than others in the business as we have the steam polder. Repairing promptly aatttennd ldiecl to. All also do well digging guaranteed. ng.work is thoroughly gra Give us a call, D. SHOWERS & SON. G�* Suits i7 130 This gave the Government a majority of 50• , summary. Iilnt r e bt:s y 910 G37 '1 Toronto, 1 oV. 8. --The Globe sum - Unitizes the returns, thus :: . Lib. Con. 'Ind. Ontario .... .... .. 37 i)1 2 1 . • . .. 620 4 Oita too 2 1 4 • . • r ...., . 397 isS 121) 603 6903 0 '700 6 ...... . . • . 030 )24 047 023 10'311 1 O ..., 740 733 7 ......,. .... 1031 1003 'rain's .. ,..5476 3470 4830 4101 Ibis sj )Cats fa646 andt 0 over Terettel.and Weed. ity o At the Conservative headquarters there was jubilation of the warmest Bort and the sticetssful candidate* Were glvcfl 'a, `Erenion(loua ovation. Nova ,Cotia •, , 16 4 New Brunswick •,•• ,... 10 4 •..' I?. I:, Island ,. • 2 n •';; llianitatia 40.4 qT W fir .,..(, 13 1 .... i3ritish Columbia ....•• •2 2 A 't'ailor's Tall Totals •,,, •,,, ,,,. ....131 73 4 Liberal inajority ever all 5.1 Liberal majority offer Conser a tives 8 Flections to be held in ilurrard and iitale, Cariboo, British Columbia; Nip - 'lasing acid Algoma, Ontario, and I[#aspo, Quebe4. Total ill Douse, 213. • A Significant Ostler. Gibraltar, Nov. 7.• --An order•in•Coun_e iI empowering the Governor to expel any person from Gibraltar he Judges undesir- able,_ has been pronnuignted. British and other residents not employed in Iter baa. esty's service aro requested to register at tho pollee offices end must take out ;'rr- liiMteitiofaltbb deb* 'ilii orc•e, 'Condon, Nov.. "f.•.The Mdrehlotilss of An. k)eseil hag ben granted a divorce from her li sshand, Wise is hand of the Pifget tatr(it}, 'pa cult ll+rr lM'it4 11c Omura. Pants and Overcoats of the very latest material and cut can be .had at Robt. Maxwell's at lowest possible prices. Fancy Worsted. Suit- ings are taking the lead this season. See our new goods. Robt. Maxwell would be useless unless the fit, style and quality were apparent to back up every statement. We don't talk volumes, but our suits talk for us, and our prices will suit you. Leave your order for that new t'AILn SUIT of OVERCOAT High Art Tailor, Win ham. Photo raphs' Photos of every description made at M. E. Zurbrigg s in the downfloor gallery. Our photos, nothing but ''the best for all. Try us a'nd you will see, as the photos speak for' themselves. M. E. ZURBRIG(x'S. Down floor gallery, op. Presb• Chllxch. Er LAKE Irei Stanext Griffin's Grocery, GID AND JELL MILL. Take notice that the W1ngllama ciao and felly Mill has commenced operations (UR( \vil1 run EVERY Y' for the neat two weeks, 'llfttNG A osa 'It'C1.7.R= . PX.inS' and have thein Made into Scot Syr (1 or Ally Vithout extra exp0llte. DAVID E. HASTINGS. S.. 40e,, specif us an that 10c a