HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-11-09, Page 1VOL. NVIII,---ATO. 1490,
nor �LY+ti'li� y,
$ Crockery
for the purchase of fall and
winter Suits is at hand, We
have a magnificent range of
Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., Im-
m -ported and Canadian goods
from the best makers. Please
-do us a favor by. looking,
through our stock.
Do yotvWant aa�
,or fall or winter Suit. If so,
J. J. Homuth & Son is THE
Place where Quality, Price
and. satisfaction can be found
.combined within reach of 'all.
and Toilet Sets,
New goods arriving daily.
Watch for bargains in all Hues
of Crockery,
(Tho China House)
Read H. E. Isa;rd & Oe's advertise-
ment ou page five of this issue,
Drl.it SitooT1NG.—Messrs, John Clegg,
Geo, W. Cline, G. 1 . Roe and 1!:, Skel-
ton left ou Wedues ay morning for a
few days deer si oting iu the Mus-
leoltte district, It i, reported that bout
deer and moose ar very plentifal this
season, and we ha to see these gentle-
men return to tow t with a couple of
deer or moose Gael
GO\ITo. Lame :T� -Alex 1oGrelitr
and wife loft tow this week to take
charge of the hot at ' . tkelet, which
Mr, McGregor pt 'chased a few weeks
ago. Mr. and A s. McGregor will be
missed in ie sham by their malty
friends. icha Delaney, of Hensel
will tans 2r. M 'regor's place as fore-
man of the Win am section of the G.
T: R. •
The Liberals of
j ebilant on 'Wedges
it was known that tl
sentative, Dr. Mace
turned by a substai
Liberals had scour
the purpose of he
elections and the
the doors, A lar
ing in attendaue
eoived through
of the 0. P. R.
.A.. Cline and Pe
malting the anis
WAS known d
donald had be
stautial majori
a speech. Wh
he was present
Gordon and err
sours minutes b
ing, owing to t
Dr, in a few wo
porters in Eas
work they had
well pleased w
things passed o
the opinion th
Suitable buildin
returns. The v
surprise to ou
They were con
from 80 to 100
Wiugham, and
only 48 it cams
is too short for
ment on the elec
the figures we
those in Wingha
the various m
given below:—
Any orders for soles left at the Trans
office will receive) prompt attention. J.
J. Currie, auctioneer.
Bros,' minstrels a peered iu the opera
house on. Thurscl y evening last to a
goodeaudience, wit a show entertaining
and refined. '.l company had many
new faces in it t 's year. Many parts
of the show wore t e same as in previous
years, and some of he boys tell its that
s" were not tI -to-
. WENZEL. Mrs.
her of Val. Wenzel,
ed at her home
oad, }sear Listow-
last week in her
used had been a re-
IIf Wallace township
dr. Wenzel attended
ow.el ou Wednesday
' many of the "jol
'DEATH er Ml�
Henry Wenzel, mo
See Halsev Park's advertisement. of this town
Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on the first on the Wallace
Friday of each. month from 11.80 a. el, on. Monday o:
m. till 8 o'clock p. m., for consultation este,. year. Dece
in diseases of the eye, oar, nose and spected residence
Boots and Shoes.':
In this line our stock is.
large, well -assorted, and com-
prised of goods from the best
:,makers. Our prices touch
rock -bottom.
Call and inspect our goods.
Graham has served
Council in which he"
The claim is put in f
nutting in connectio
this walks laid in
& Sons
ScoTTISti °meanie
Camp Caledonia, S
Mouday evening, it
the annual Soottis
in January next.
under the auspices
grand success and
been appointed to
the coming, concur
{ for many years.
the funeral at Lis
writ on the Town of last week.
claims some 900. 'last wee —One Tub of
r extra, fulling and
with the grano-
ngham this .year;
Wingham were
y evenieg 1S'1 e21
it respected repro -
mad had been re -
i 1 majority. The
1 the town 'hall' for
ing the result of the
fall was crowded to
o number of ladies be -
The returns were re -
lee:. Ross, local agent
legraph Co. and Jas.
r Dans took taros in
cements. When it
ntely that Dr. Mac- 1 council, was
returned by a sub- Bullock, of 1
, ho was called on for would estabi
the Dr. rose to his feet, foundry and
1 with a boquet by Babe
tta Carson, and it was
fore he could get a hear-
s loud cheering. The
ds thanked all his sup -
Huron for the noble
one, The Liberals were
th the way in which
in the hall, and are of
t its pays to secure a
in which to receive the
to in Wingham was a
Conservative' friends.
ting ou a majority of
for Mr. Dickinson in
hen the result, showed
s a hard blow. Time
to make much coin -
ion this week', and all
re able to secure are
and the majorities in
icipalities, which are
The regular moue
Town Council 'w
evening. Member
of last regular as
read and approv
number of go
ltuow what ind
them if they es
industries iu W
read from leen
factories for ti
autraobiles, b
machines, etc
'Tie only p
.—At a meeting of
s of Scotland, on
vas decided tohold
concert some time.
ho last concert held
of this society was a
good committee has
r after the details of
WANTSD —400 b
ant Ci
IB Now.
an the T
the Wing
Good price
ly Globe
any address one y
subscribers paying 1
copy of the Trues
all subscribers to
beautiful picture,
Paardeberg." No
neves and Globe f.
Licenses year free. Send i
Tissued by E'RA'rtit PAxnresoN, No. 28 'victoria now. Clubbing
•street, Winritam, Ont. No 7vituessesroquirect. Ianother column,
=ac t:Li tc - '911'4 ��- :stork of plow esti
fl Icash, or 30.e, trade.
to none. Twent
gs of sweet apples at
er and Jelly mill.
hoice Rai
Butter weekly—also Due Apples and
Fowl. We don't ha c old Tub Batter
made into Rolls, it Dress Goods,.;
Furs, Ready madeclothing and Over-
coats are not surpassed. , E. ZING
Tho Toronto Week-
es will bo sent to
ar for $1.60. All
i advan'e will get a
ristmas paper, and
ho Globe get the
'The Canadians at
subscribers get the
the balance of the
your subscriptions
list will be found iu
IT PAYS TO ATTEND [r balance of the seas
AWARDED A DIr F. 0, Sperling
received notice ,'s week from the
secretary of the P is Exposition stating B nssels
that he would r
No. 1
No. 2
No. 4......
Majority for
matte a s
ize tL compel'
x;50,000 an
put in a, plan
employ fron.
of whom w
From the to
of $20,000 fo
taxes for ten
back inside t
had been ne
after a pers
would prefer
tion of Wm.
ceived and t
aro hereby in
ntent drawn
named gentle
together wit
Thos. Gregor
council ou behalf
complained that li
street had been as
ly meeting of the
held on Monday
all present. Minutes
special nteetiugs were
s were react from a
lemen who wished to
cements would be given
Wished manufacturiug
nghaui. Letters were
vlto wished to establish
manufacture of corsets,
is and shoes, threshing
poral cousidered by the
the one from Wm. C.
route. This gentlemen
h a general iron and brass
malshine shop and would
Malty of manufacturing
pplies. He w.oukLorgan-
with a capital stock of
erect buildings and
at a cost of :$30,000 and
75 to 100 men, nearly all
ld be skilled mechanics.
n he wdtild ask for a loan
10 years and exemption of
years. Loan to be paid
e ten years. :1r. Bullock
dating with Wiarton, but
al visit to our town he
ocating here.
Bell.—That the applica-
Bullock be favorably re-
t the Mayor and Clerk
meted to have an agree -
up between the above
an and the corporation
Now is the Season. for
0 sersous trouble to occur 0
with the lungs. Build up
the system and strength,.
0 en the hums with
Do . Iass' s''r
$ 'Emulsion
$ of Cod Liver
Oil with
It is fresh and the best on the
market. •
The old Williams stand.
G. N. W. Office.
W ®RVA.."0,.'S, Z/evieW4+AVV4.•3
in Ladies Night Gowns, in plaiu and
fancy Flannelettes, very nicely made,.
quite natty in style, they would be son-
cousided splendid value iu some places at.
'NO bat our price while they last is 50c,
worthmore to make them up.
Fine fluffy all wool Blankets—direct
from the matters—as low as $2.75.
Best pure wool stoeltiug yarns all
u by-law as early as shades at cut prices.
zI. The Direct Importer.
appeared before the
of Mrs. Shorts, who
property on John
sled too high. Her
o building was not
ad brought irk no
Macdonald Dickinson
87 40
49 48
Diploma for the
Exposition by Me
Sperling. The
formed an impo
Canadian exhibit o
is the seemed cliplo
Young & Sperling
Paris this year.
silver model and a
Exposition held in
to bo congratulated
result of. the come e
calve a Grand Prix
alt . exhibited at the
rs. Grey, Young &
ilt sent by this' farm
taut part of the
minerals, etc,. Valet(
a that Messrs. Grey,
have received from
hey also received a
iploina'� the former
anis. This firm is
pen he successful
D.—To reduce my
gs I will sell for the
n plow points at 26c,
Warranted second
tons of cas wrap
j wanted at once. Jolter M
d their anniversary
gersoll on Monday
d of this tdstii took
me and the Chronicle
eland, of W ingham,
riotio solo which
e house and he
espond to an en-
c an exhibition of
ones" and his efforts
enthusiastic ap-
Central Business College t,
Stratford, Ont.
Our gracluateslget choice positions with
the best business firms, and many are
placed as teachers, in other Business col• e.
legfz�s. some of our recent graduates:— e
Vv. IL Crone, teacher, Rider Business
College Trenton, N. J.
W. E. Brown, teacher, Metropolitan Y
Business College, Ottawa, Ont.
R. B. Gillespie, teacher Bay City Busi-
ness College, BaY Oity, Mich. • t -
W. J. Brownell, teacher, Detroit Bust- u-
ness University, Detroit, Mich. ('
J q A Stone teacher, Curti Business ej
� College, Mtnrie p t u y'pogtttons C�i
Pride of
stock of plow casti
balance of the seas
cash, or 80c, trade.
to none. Tweet
wanted ab once.
Ourx NEw G.
Brussels. Post in s
Sutton's removal to
"It wee a matter of c
to el* townspeopl
ascertain that the
Station Agent, R. T.
promoted to a similar
ham and had gone
assume charge. Mr
Brussels from Drayto
almost an entire stray
courtesy, geniality a
performing his many`
became ageneral favo
grets.are expressed ov
�a blas, Minn.
when our gr`edua es,oeo p
like the above Atm positive proof that our ij
work is of the highest grade. Mair posi- ,I
tions of this kind had to go unfilled this r
year as we had no one to send. • r
Oxford, L. 0. L. h:
intertainment in.I
night. Lott. Irela
part in the progra
says :—"Mr. Lou.
contributed a. pa
brought down t
was forced to
core. Ho also ga
"chow to rattl
were reeve
Send for beautiful catalogue.
W. J. ELLIc1TT. Principal, V
15 Cents
pays:for the T/MES till
Jitnuary 1st, 1001,
MONEY To LOAN.—Motoy, to loan on
notes, and note$ discounted at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on mort-
gages, with privilege of paying at the
end of any. year. Notes and accounts
collected. Office—Beavee Block, Wing -
.—To reduce my
70 Cents
pays for the T/MES and To-
ronto Daily Star' till Jan.
1st, 1001. All who stab.
leribo for the Star get
Ilandsoine pieture of the.
and Prinee of
Leave your orders early
at, the Toms ate.
Grey ..
Howick •
Winghain ...
42 65 I claim being that t
74 t;8 completed and 1
202 "245 revenue this year.
ekinsole....43, The Council inf
ITULATIO . I that the only course
lacdonald Dickinson c was for her to get a
4 { Assessor to the effoc
44 . au error in assessing
194 that it was assessed t
40 ' Mr. Gregory also in
43 that the water was b
43 property on the B. Li
26 • promised to attend to
The agreement betel
tion and Messrs. H
Broekclbaulc for car
Maj; for Macclonal 140. surplus water for a
Apprentices wanted at once. Two was read. The co
young ladies to learn tailoring. per year for care o
11 WEBSTER & CO. $700 for use of surpl
rmed Mr. Gregory'
penfor Mrs. Shorts
ertificato from the
that he had inade
the property and
o high.
ormcd the council
eking ,up oat his
850 210
—Regular meeein of the School Board
on Tuesday evening ext. ,
—Wm. Gannett
had his imple-
Green, of this town 1 s printed his first
paper in Wellesly anc calls it the Maple
Leaf. We wish Mr. Green suce,ess in
his new venture.
J. H. Chisholm, evb
for the E. B. Shutt
week at his home in
holm likes his new po
anclehas et splendid
Toronto and MO1ltrea
A boon to the faded; he is coming
again. T. P. 'Smith, Eye Specialist, will
be in "Wingliatu at' CoLin A. Campbell's
deug store on Wednesday, Nov. 21st,
"One day only." If yen have any de-
fect in your eye sight it will pay you to
eall and see him. Extuninatiena free,
Oae day only. Call early and avoice the
wase held in the b
gregational church
who has been. $ esman Smieh. & en artier that the
Pethick's harcleva store far some. time I and. Mrs, Wm.
left town last,. Sabi rday foells home in opportunity of say
Arthur. Frope
Uxbridge, where 1
situation in a h
Awde wall a pop
had many filen
took an activo
League work of
and will be greed
rthur he • go to
.devare store. Mr.
lar young .inftii alld
s in Wiughaut who
of his departure. ,
rest in the Epeeorth
he Methodist church.
missed by his fel-
low wOrkers in th branch of churelt
Work. A. fereevel 'sociable was held. in
the Atetheclist thin h on Friday .even.
ceived Instructions front Rev. 3. W
Galin, 'who is leaviig town, tO sell at
parlor suite ti hol-
big residence, Petri
on Wednesday, 14t
a quantity of value
big One .11alul,80111e
(intent of the Con-.
1VIolIclay evening
friende of Mr.
owls, may have an
tg good-bye prior to
depertuee for
rge littnbee of the
members of the el argil and others ev ere
in attendance an
ing was spent. D
Robertaen read
preseette with
bowel.: he ina
theta leave hero
spared. enjo
THE jorzir
Tribune says of the
vill appear in the ope
night next week:—E
riston remembers the'
sengs of the Dierkt
WE -limey gives -th
Prof. Theodore Pall'S
hypnotism is even be
Joa Pull beats the
club swinging. Prof.
York creates roats of
jokes and comic eongs.
in the town hall drew
roller mangle, b se burner eoal stove
with oven, other stoves, lawn mower,
Armstrong road art, pictnres, cooking
utensils, and nui usefill articles too
numerous to me ion. A. logo titunttity
of bee hives,. etc Terms wall. Perenn
DEANS, auctione r.
a very sociable even -
ring the evening Wm.
welkwotded farewell
And LOWitk Were
halt dish anti sugar'
y Wends that Mr. and
is now travelling
ewerth Chemical
a few days this
between this carper,
Howson, Harvey &
care of cia.m and usci of
approved of. by this co
drafted aud submitted
its next meetinta—Car
The following ezeou
ed by the Finance Co
. The Council
f dam and use of
en the Corpora... the- famens eTolli
house here for one -ss
,son, Harvey & Vaudeville Co., will a.,
ration pays $500 I of the Town lean&
am. aud receives highly spoken of by
=Rory between John Huffman, wale
ro surplus water
. Hart & Riddell, mar
G T. R. drain perm
Tp. of Turuberry,
Alex. Porter; labor
—The Ilasriston
oily Pulls, who
anemia illustrated 1 Mrs. Hanna, suppl
n Swells. R. J I Town Band, epee.
ind reading
Hook and .Ladde
ter than before.
ayniond of New
ughter with his
These attractions
a good crowd.
hightail regeet to see
theY long he
the blessings of happi-
ueSs anti gooci alth in, their new home
will be the desire of ninny friends in
The Listowel) Collego end
Sherthand Institute opened ets fall term
with geed. sieccese. having received im-
plications front live ex -pupils of the
Central letisiness College, Stratford, for
the perpoite of perfecting their struliee in
Shorthand institute. loot illustrated DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN#
catalogue, terms, etc., apply to C. L.
eakE es
The diploma we hold from the
Optical insatato of Canada is a
guarantee of one qualification to
give perfeet satisfaction in the fitting
of glasses.
OUr.eqttipment tor this work has
al Ways been of the best, but to make
it still 11101.0 tom plete and up to date
we have jest added a "Jebb Opto
meter," the latest invention in this
class of iiistruitients.
Do not let fake epticians and
pedlers who have never studied the
eyes, tamper with yours, ond sell
you glassos at double their value
when you can be properly fitted at
Electric Light Co
Mayor, Clerk and
Dr. Kennedy, m
The Finance C
the payment of eh
cept those of Plows
bank, John Huift
Porter and Dr. K
fared te the Cou
the Finanee Coin
accounts of How
bank, John II
Band. be paid.—
Councillor I%
statement showi
'COulleil that he
the agreement °°mPn'Y' says —"As
on and Messrs. mine r, neer Prof. PM
ness. Ho has a tit sory, and perhaps
ockelbanle for
there is soutethi eg in it, that a matt
urplue water be
cil and that a
d agreement be I
o this council at 'brain uses whet( it el its to see things..
Night after Melt he . weeded. ie prov-
ied. l ing to the sittisetetio of the audience
PORT. that lie could see es i 1 a thick bandage
,mittee: were aelted to bide c. lects in different .
1 Go parts of the hall, wl le the Prof. stood.
rockelbank, with his iniek to the 1, end. with a taxa-
, 10 00 age over his eyee. . After hypnctising
lug streete.. 18 00 his suderts he conic make them do any -
thew let liked. 1 male them fight
under track 1 00 I
-axes on mill ; like (lone, kiek lien tiles, sing, dance,
, .. ..... , .„ , 1 37 I turn banci-eprings, ii fact there seemed.
hie i)never over them.
at box drain.. 1 75 I to be lin limit: te
es ee people to sleep at w' . Oue of his aa -
8 50
Co., attending
Palle Hypnotic., .
ia the opera
els, commencing.
der the auspices
This company is
ee press. The
Sneak -leg of the
&eine for Ed.
anuittee recommend
above acconnts, ex -
11, Harvey &13ruckel-
n, Town Band, Alex.1
nedy, which was re -
oil. -
Mt the report of 1,
ttee as read be adopt-
on Monday atterteoce
until 8 o'clock th
in the window of
, and there he ley
• same day sound
one dety. Care, no Pay.. Price 25 eents.
nzie-eThitt the referred
ffinan aud the Town
ig that he had realized
le of oldesid.ewalk plates,
Kenzie informed the
lad examined the place
run feom Centre street
Wingham's Popular Shoe NM.
on to Maple stre t and that there would ICSEP 1:014-cv
in another come . reeve trainee teen eee ear inr..t.:1,.... el:nog
ld daily.) fee' unit these elm., qe:111.1n1
Council then iv journed.
Sale Iteg,istor.
Ttleatlity, NOV. Oth.—Wm. Robert-
son will sell at lo
mile east of Blue
stoclt, including
o'clock. 3. Curti
How id). important *he'll.. AN 1:t1' :40.:ii
ale, a qoantity of earn We hew- the b nag is
iorses And weld -bred 't 1 0,-3 ro
meat, sot at 1 mu
electioneer. Alilends te: Treeeke eel v.; (ewe!,