HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-11-02, Page 8• w i e NI 0 .6 ;I Tfle JacAe and Dress Goods. 7 THE WINGTIAM TIMES,: NOVEMBER 2, NM .0011MUNICATION. A leauebio Artiete Meeniy meplithiett Whiteelturela Oet.110, 1000. To the Baiter or the TOMS. DBAlt $1161-e•The Mali owl Empire, a Saturday, Oct, •iaatie, coutains a some- what lengthy article tattler the item:lug: "Oar Farmers: anti the British, Market," and in this tirade tries to make the Cala adieu, farmer believe that the Americau \farmer is far outstrippaeg iiiin at the competition aye Great 7arittlin'e provision trade. l't rit;:., ii.utt th t Liberal orgau 'Pleads the ditlareure in population mut proauctive couditious, as the American trople are twelve times. as numerons as ethe Claes:Wien people,. and possess the i \\*belt) a the cern 'belt. If the Liberal i organ pleaas this. as ft reasou tor .the ex - 11 eeSS of Aniericau provision exports. to 1 reriteiu, above the Uteladian prevision 1 es.ports, it rightly pleads it, in spite of the coutradictory argameat in the cel - 1 wales of The Nail e,ua Empire, of Sat- urday last. Ia its. argument it asks whether B.:U- nita poseessing eight times this popula- doe. of Canada, ought to be able to ex- port eight times as much provieions ;and then says ; -"We know, of course that she does not, for her own home market absorbs euormous importations aver and above her own supply." It then views the 'Mated States in a similar manner, and venders bow elle can export . so nntch mora peovisioas than Canaaa, when, she has twelve times tlae popala.- tion to onetime her productions. This question is easily answered: Has Great Rrit au eight times the agriculture extent of Canada, a,s well as eight times the populatiou? (Does the Mail ead NOTUti Als1):1 001‘114V.NTS. Diekiesou's Dreags luteole beara this . week a full cargo of couuterfeit 01.01)e.13 Grov, 2.,/,,,,.... Mid Pepper's Paavehlets for distributiete glii1:1:ek(,:airt.V.Ii()P .11%,e()" among the faithaul. • Tees ieseitiy; ?otil,''•(')Ii`n.l, WI V, 17,10V 1, rOr • A paper thet .olaiiiis to be au! tesirlet•%'(lez'1,°13:)1't .0u(nItelAt'a(:ti:4:',e1'' Nter`Tei.2. authority on orthography,. syntax, ' eg/WIII.ag!Ill,nd ova IWIA.,", ti N lai a, ron etymology and doxology it looles eery, ITWIllIal 40rulysi. 14 ?a, lot le, art 9, Morris, v01/ btul to spell Christiaa with a Wall 1.)4,-64 0., Lot )0, eon 4, Grey, Nov 13. (,11. "7'-'--- QFF.T.. 1'. S. FivotVe Sale liegist V. S. Scott, unetioneer, Brass:. iu ewe:wet ICronter /Welsh., Intuber • lot 12, eon. 10, , Nov. 6. elorrse, Noe, S. Me following valee a fitrin mese 0. jamesWilkinsou, )0,.,; lot 10, eon d .Morvis 1 Nov. :413. Our cam, likes the name a Dieutw All sales guaranteed Wit11010 re sou's Dredge, but untortemately We i services are eat worth eighty cents, leD I alone eighty data's, a day tO any caudie Orva or government, The andersienea het, tlust he lees sold has he Waste!). to John MeDneak Our local eotent, by this USW. Iltnit WOek . utter the 1st day of Nc.vonber the beax.o. LICENSE The Best Time to Choose Is Now. Empire know, I. wonder.) It so, sb.e At no other time will it ho quite so could then eaport eight thnes the pro- vis4ons Now take the United States: She has twelve times the population that Canada has, and therefore, while it is true that she consumes intich more, it is also true that her agricultural extent is many times as great as that of Canada. Her agricltaral puesuits are carried on to a much larger extent, in all her ter- ritories, whil Canada cau not eatead h r be-aof foam laud farther north than the 53/eparallel of N. Lat., aud even raffles the nubile businese at 'White - Moot lasto me, and • IS will realize that it haS iwore•1 it seli, . be run in him astmrsAro.3, Altus • r.) 6 the enders( tied, the estimation of good eitieens of both partiee, nod 010 the promised ! 4113AV EolitE postmaStership is uot likely to material- I Co ne onto the remise. iZsie nortli halt at lot • , lst he a' Morrie, one nick lamb. Censer can have Knee by proving prop- reObally the saspleioas looking stran- ers.'"11"'Yjug''''"8"4 3-, a. , ger the Adatmee saw in town Wee the I Wi mit es, 0. stone nteu whe, at the lest Dorainiou I elechou, paid throe dollar bills to bay one vote for the Coeservative con- 1 The endereigned wil h ) half ot lot 2. ist aidate. . BOAR MR W easy fer yot to get east what you. wa • right now, as people are getting their Coats, Dresses and Foes as rapidly as possible. Fashion Favols Flannel Waists and wo have a splendid assortment of all the different colors and. cOmbinutiortS of Flannels. Clothing for Men and Boys Geol. Caothine. This store guaranteee here not with safety, for it is m constant danger a injury frOm s'11.01t a cold clim- ate. Take the United States for each squaxe mile of its agricultural area, ana Can- ada for each square mile of its same,and and. the Americau has not nearly ap- proached the Canadian farmer in his qrovision. exports to • Great Britain. Moreover, the right way to judge this pure wool fabrics, faultless styles and workmanship, but bolds them, eight down tO the lowest price. Will sell on Saturday 50 odd. suits rouging from $7.00 to $10.00. Choice on Stiturclay, $6,50. LADIES' MANTLES -Good Mantles to dear at $4.76. worth. $6, $7 and $8. • CHILDREN'S COATS - Children's Cioats in white and colors, reg. $3 and $4, choice'for $2.75. '50 yds. of Fancy Braid for Triraming. So closely are we connected with the busin,:ss chat one would think we were Intended for one another. No humbugging with us, Oak is Oak and Elm is Elm, If the goods are not as we represent we.will exchange them, (providing they have never been used.) Remember our guarantee counts We are still selling common Chairs at $1.35 per half doz. All kinds of Upholstering neatly done. es on Isis premises, 0 -of Norms, a tien- t' eugiehred Beikelare Boar for :wryly:. Terme The Tory Muck Reke Drip:tide has • .r, ce. avaa, been, pausually busy this week. For I ------- its servives in this line the Advanno deserves to be rewarded by its party, We leern that its editor hes been promised the postmastership of Ilog's Hollow if his party wins. If Emergency Rations develop wind, however appropriate they May bo for us, we certainly think it fortunate they were not dote:tont to our cotem. Had it been 49 years ago we miglet have pre- scribed "Nestle's Food" with afieh diet, but we fear his case is too late for pre- scriptions now. The editor of the Advance intimates tbat he has seeu signs of booclling in East Hnron. Yes, brother, next Wed- nesday a very strong induceraent will be given one Conservative to " stay at home," and that Coaservative will be Edmund Lindsay Dickinson, B. .A. Th Advance has done more than any Grit paper in East Huron IC prevent that gentleman from being elected. TE:,011Eli WANTED. ,Applieations will 1)0 received by, the under- signed fol., a female teaelser for Union School, No. e, Tereberry and Morris, (Junction) up to Nevem uer ietie Apetieaute to tame seta ry and experience. Duties to commence first of Jan., 11701. W. Z. EENDDEPON, See' W melees.). -1Large assortment to clear worth 80, , question is by examiumg the percentage 150„ Satarday 50. 50 p• iirS of Ben shoes, odd sizes, J. D. Magee make, good styles, reg. $1.50, $1.75 and $2,00 for $1.25. Shen early at crlaINDOO'S /PERSONALS. 'We shill be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you have visitore or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. • of increase in each country, rather than the amount of increase in each. The exports of provisions from the United States to Britain in 1896 were $158,336,- 795 and the iacrease on this amount iu 1899 was $63,141,898, or an, iacrease of 39.87 per cent. oa its exports of 1896. Now take Canada: Her exports of pro- visions to the mother country were $25 265,014 worth, and. the increase on The Etectiowb the matter of the Election oral Distriet of the East Riding be holden on the 81st day of 0s, Ith clay of November, 1000. I, Edmund Lindsay Dielcin of Wingham, in the Corty ter, a candidate at the bov declare thnt Caleb Ne n Town of Wingham, G me as my the said election, under section 43 of t said act. ,•• • Dated this 20th day of October, 1200 Witness. 0E0. PAYNE, E. L, DIC Witighern. , • 900 f the Elect - Huron to ber and the of the Town Heron, Barris - Section, hereby ,iffin, of the sada , is appointed by or tl e per oses a a .., ... .. Undertakri g ...„.......„.t, -,..,.;-,.:: t,---itt,,f :, .......„.:„..,.,....„...„,,,„,„:„..,,,,„,s, requires '1:k, ,ia.',s, ,,:.,/„..-';-.r)---i c,* ....!; .F,`,t careful and protnpt attention -,- -i'' .1. I 1\ il.'"%‘,1,g.-- . Ten years of practical work in this line. enables us to speak with confidence, Having graduated from Toronto School of Embalming, the public may depend on receiv- ing satisfaction. Night calls receive prompt attention. .. Residence—Patrick St., Mr. Gracey's former residence. 4$1.44.11/tANIVIti"/"Ilv"AlAlolt "v0,19/015/Itoca."2.11."1.410.WtylVeAteWlivlio $ WE KEEP---.' $ $ $ $ ueber lampdenWatches$ THE WORLD'S 33EST. $ our . Jewellery is all new and of the lateet 'designs. Our line of Spectacles is now complete. ...We can i We also keep the Waltham and Elgin Watches. suit any.eye. Don't forget the stand, now in the W. a PATTERSON 1 Stone Block. The' Watch Doctor, Wingham. , # 0 itinb,46,111.41"WbAWZI1.1V4AkilloCvihecl.-W4/4,102.4b.01,11.1101iAlte. jk,fite, - -...............-...,-........-.....-............. „..., _ Our cotem. drops into poetry? For country and Queen; for right against wrong. So rouse up like men and elect Dickinson. -Advance. The above destroys the last vestige of chauee Dickinson might have had. of carrying the riding. We are glad. for the sake of Advance readers that the Reign is nearly over. Its editor is Cevalindently becOrniug effected with soften- iug of the brain. License Inspector Paisley of Clinton was in town on Saturday last. Dr. Turnbull of Goderich was the guest of Dr. Agnew over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barber were visit- ing with Ripley friends last Week. Miss Wightman of Sault Ste Maxie is visiting her brother, Herb 'Wightman. Mx. and Mrs. Wm. Black of Durham were visiting Wingham friends last week. Mrs. Couttes was visiting with her mother, Mrs. Smith, at Gorrie, last week. Miss Nettie Maxwell of the Bluevale road left last week to visit with her sis- ter in Toronto, Tom Dowling has secured a position in Bell's furniture factory at Wingliam. -Harriston Review/ J'. Cassie, stationmaster here, has re- turned, after a pleas:tilt holiday among friends in Ingersoll, Vingham and other western points.-A.yr :News. .A. j. Sebastian was in Toronto thie Week. His mother has been ill for some time and Mr. Sebastian received word oieeeSundtey that she was not improving. Mr. Anderson and family, who 'Who latve been visiting with relatives in East Wawtmosh for seine time, left on Thursday last for their hoine hi Johan- ne tirg, Smith Africa'," „Ai"as Delia Sperling, A.. T. C. M., will return next week from Neve York where she has completed. a teacher's °Course at the "Mettopolitan School of Made." She hag alrealy boon offered a position VI Spokane, Washington Ter., which she may accept at the igew Year COMMUNICATION. To' the Editor of the Trans. DEAR STRi-I asked the editor of the Treers about that "boiler plate," and. he says he bought it from Archie Simmons, and paid foe it, and. that the Advance could, have had soma too, if it could have put np the price. The Advance doesn't improve any in this amount in. 1890 was to the extent of seelling. It spells Christian with a $15,005,531, which means an excess to the tune of 59.43 per cent. over its ex- ports in '96. Which couutryis doubling its trade the quicker, and how ranch quicker? "It is plain.," says the Conservative organ, "that onr farmers have been handicapped by a bad. Government." I ask you, Canadian farmer, do these fig- ures indicate that?" "No" you will an- swer, "they show directly the opposite." The Mail and Empire also states that Canada's producers have not been pro- vided with cold storage, but if it takes note of a statement made by the London Mail of October 3rd, it might learn differently. In speakmg of a a quantity of pears and peaches from LeamPue" small g, and water set with capitals and two t's in set. Isn't it awful. "The Laurier Government is the biggest exploiting organiza- tion any country has ever suffer- ed from.-Aclvauce. Probably "from" is also an Adverb, Mr. AdvanCe. JACK. Great Luek of an Editor. "roof two years all efforts to cure Ec- zema in the palms of my hands failed," writes Editor H. N. Lester, of Syracuse, Rau., "then I was wholly cured by Bucklen'e Arnica Salve." It's the world's best for Eruptions, Sores and all 1' es Only- 25c at Colin A. DR. AGNEW, iT DOES PAY TO Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over 3. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night CABS answered at the office. .4 ..-.;', VIOLIN AND MUM?. , .--..\,...-- — ....._,,N„., kN.N,',.. MISS CARRIE MOORE ees, 1 of London Conservatory of Music,. will be pre- -• • 1 pared after Oct. 1st to receive a hmited al1111. ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residence -opposite B. O. Church, Wingham. noivaNat .eoratNet T. 8101TH, SOIERTIFIG EVE SPECIALIST G,aeuate New Iteri, Philadelphia, and Toriait.) Optical Colleges. Call early and avail yourself °file v alu able service s, as this is a rare. opportunity to have your eyes proper- ly tested, free of charge. No guess work but a scientific certainty. Di.ffe cult cases ac cur ately fitted. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ite-1 never call at private houses. • He has also added a large assortment of arti- fieial eyes to his stock. Will be at • Canada receiving a ready sale in Man- chester on account of their superibr quality over otber fruits, tbe Mail says: -"They were packed in chambers re- gulated by mecbanical refrigerators. The system., which has revolutionized the fruit trade of the United labagdom, was inaugurated three years ago by the Hon. Syslney Fisher, Minister of Agri- culture for Canada, The conditions of of transit are now so faeltless that the most delicate Canadian fruits cau be de, delivered in Great Britain in perfect con- dition." Ts this reply effective enough to the Conservative mind? FACT ODSERV DZEDS ItA IFY SkINTIM 241. Ladies el Canada: The world never Of pati iotic sent' -war called forth. MILL .ATIS did ic nth of Nat with t el British and inoPt. Australia drin and While their Meek tea. should tly their tea rnetebants (t instatiol DOW Merit. ...Middle. ave suah sit ent as th African DELMORE. Miss Lydia Wock is visiting her sister Miss Gallagher this week, Miss Maggie Fleming of London. visit- ed her uncle of this village; she intends leaving for Manitoba next week to visit her email, Mrs, Williali114, Mrs. Hooey treated her friends to a iMpeer last Wednesday evening, The L. 0. Y. B. of this conamunity intend holding a tea meeting in the Methodist church on the 12th of llov. Miss Ida Chittiek went to Toronto last week where she intends spending the winter. She be greatly missed in Spreads Like Wildfire. Whbn things are "the best" theee become "the 'best selling." Abrahane Hare, a leeding druggist, of Belleville: 0., WriteS :"Eleetrie Bitters are the best selling. bitters I have handled it 20 years." You know why? Most diseases being in disOrderS of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves. Electrie Bitters tones ap the stomach, regulates liver, kidneys • and bowels, purifies the blood; strengthens the nerves, henee cures multitudes of mala- dies. It builds up the syetem. Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sicklt, rundown man aud woman. Price 50 eents. SOld by Colin A, Campbell, drug- gist. Colin A. Campbell's Brug Store Winghtnn, one day only, WEDNESDAY, NOV • 21. Cook's Cotton Boot Compound. Is successfully nsed raonthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per box; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps, The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. 1210 -Nos. 1 and 2 sold ana recoramended by all reep'ensible Druggists Su Canada. No.1 and No. 2 are sold in Winghem by A. L Hamilton, 3. 13. Davis, A. A. Morrow, Colin A Campbell, Druggists. 1 It Does not Pay to Go Elsewhere. Such. is the verdict of the graduates of the CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE *PIANO AND THEORY. CHATHAM, ONT. We stand unrivalled in Canada for thorough ness of course and miceess in getting graduates. MISS SARA LOU—ISE MOORE, L.C.IYI.' placed in choice positions. In a recent issue we furnished half of a list Or t forty placed. in. about as many days - and merabor oi the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num- ber of pepils for instruction on Piano and in Special attention given to pupils preparing Theory. for examinations. Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. _ ,POLIT AL eetiligs alittne an the epleile fought side by side a p ant Ts of Ceylon its of Ceylon already drinks Mrs. Davidson of Wrozeter visitedher rill of Jarwm tea, son, GaVill, W110 has been on the sick reen rag. ITp-to-date this wegt. BORN. Bresexwittte-At Glendale, Man., on Oetober 12th, the wife of G. IL BlackWell, formerly of Winghein; a son, 111AltRI131) RYAN-.BAterei,-At the Csitholie &Lerch, Brtuwels, 018 Monday, Oat. 22nd, by Rev. Father • MeCabe, Jos, arm, of Welton, Miss Eliza- beth Backer, of Craebrook. DIED , ELIE Come and 1 of the It has be Macdonald Kerr, of union mee Dickinson, contest an meeting-% b, at which Dickinson speak. Gerrie „ -Th Grey_ on Satercley, Oct. 20th, Mary' Jane niorden, Wife of Jas. Parr, aged Be yenta, d 18 day rORS ! ear the questions ay discussed. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOT1OE is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O., 187t, Chap. 139, Sec. (18, that all persons having claims against the estate ot Robert Linton, lute of the Township. of Turnberry hi the County of Iffsvon, Farmer, who died. on or about the 19th day of September, A.. D. 1900, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to Richard Vanstone of the Town of Wingliam, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the 16th day of November, A. D. Imo, their names, addresses and descriptions, and a full statement of par- ticulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any,)•held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executors will proceed. to distribute the aesets of the de- ceased. among the parties entitledthereto, hav- ing regard only to the claimp of which. they shall then have notice. Datedthis44.6th day a October, A. D. 1900. R. VANSTONE, Wingluen P. O., Sobeitor for the Executors. ens Fraser, (beloved daughter of Win. mid -eer• ItAttett.-In Itinloss, en Priddy Or& 10tit, ILtatelet „, ,, . ,, ji6Ohlr Vortro aged 22 years, 10 months mad , ingnam n arranged by Dr. through W. H. russels, toi, have ings with E sq., in the coming 1 the following ve been advertised . Macdonald, Mr. and others will Mice to Council' We have Wingham a sewer and cult, arches, bricks, e being extensivel and are givin other materi and. worl If tile a onea Til ened up a eem will :keep pipee reuoreett.--Ott Thersdely, October 2.51b, All the moo tile League. end .AgistetJaneNieliolson, formerly of Wittg• (100, Nettie 11(0. beleved daughter of o . end 5 menthe. lee MIN; Lizzie McKee treatea her little ham, aged, 4 Yeare AT.T.AN.-Oti Huron Road, Wilmot to yn him friends to a perty last Salttrdity after. rat Oetober 24th, Maleohn Ana% uncle Ntofialsit noon, They till report b avitt g a good. time , ratio, aged ea years, 8 month,s mid 3 days. ...e. Atettrit,-Iii gad W aPhilIoahr, Oh October th, Martha Jane S,I11.,B, Wife of Kliaha Walker, agec1116 yeara. 41,11"" Salada Company, for 1Viiss Maggie and Jessie Hooey visited 11 t lent entirely f-the-rettd men are Clifford friends fast week. only waiting for supplies. While - Mr, Sohn Hartley spent his Thanks- on.the.fonee met " aro Waiting to No easing lioliday at his home heft. ' bow HI. eat 'win nip. Dritish planter. Colonist. 3, NVylie, last waalt. Mr. Ab. IVIcitee visited his sister, Mrs. Ladies of Cana , pray you. aid the WALKEO & BUTTON UN DIATM14011* WINGRAM Night oat priiitvittleek, or rifth door south of Satipol House, Shop op. pointe Macdonald 11,102fit• 7.20 sitar Ladies are r pteeent. GOD SA .Friday, „. 'Monday, " , „ - . Tuesday, " lugs Will commence • Nodally invited to t THE VEEN'. BY ORDER tei By ine ship we hope uthdled carefully w orks at the Rink. Wi nd Brick Works. Here ie the balance: - Fred. eioriey, eaveneed to New York office of Setherlarel limes Co. Tents McMillan with firm in Detroit, Mich. C. B. Struthers; toucher, West Side Bus. Col., Chicago, Ill. Kit Rirkwood, steno, "Westrainister" Office, Toronto, Ont. Bessie Burnaby, steno, G, B. Draper, Grand. Rapids, Mich. Grace Semington, steno, Sweet &Eastinan, Grancl Rapids, Mich. H. A. Coleman, Bkpr Peter Haggart, Pro- duce 1)ealer, Blenheim,'Ont. Elsie Turner, steno, Steele & Dart, Ridge- tewn, Ont. Elmer Smith, Asst Bkpr, Harris Paper Co., Grand. Rapids, Mich. Wm. Allison, asst hkpr, Grand Rapids Cycle W. F. Adams, Cold Blast Feather 00, Chi - Co. cago, .A. D. Skeels, chaneeed from. Troy Blit4 College to Temple Bus. Coll. Philadelphia, Pa. • M. M. Maxwell, R'emington Tepewriter Co., Toronto, Ont. Douglass Stevens, bkpr, • Western Steel Worksf Chicago, Louis Porter, temp. bkpr, Grand Rapids Cycle Co. • Marie Burns, steno, Bell Telephone Co, Geelph, Ont. E. Maude Buchner, steno and nest bkpr, Gee Stevens & Co, Chatham, Ott. Edna Scheviler, bkpr, Clem A Schenfier, Grand Rapids, 141loh. Grace Vanzoeten. (steno, LavidBurne, Grand Rapids, Mich. Bertha Itembling, temp. steno, Grand Rapids Brass CO. 220in ten Menthe ending June 80, 1003. 72 in the IWO months 40 others he VO been placed' in es many days. r- What do you think of it? 1142 Can you afford to go elsewhere? 'Write for catalogue of either department to D. hieLACRLAN .Sc CO., Chatham, Ont. olus.....mramaccraintatosescammaascumecexasmeemat tile works in hand a stock of meet window sills, ese cement pipes are 1 all over the country, tisraction than any the best material lave your trade. enlace broken am Cement, Men V. GUTTER ted to Cut C T. want men to cu. and early wint Shielrs farm 12th eon.. which I pay cash evel7 wee 8.. onee e premises. MALCOLM NICHOLS° E. .orde of wool this fall oining John moah, for ply at be FARMERS jedfia/itel. telaT. IT WILL PAY you to attend the Votest City ttishiess and. Shorthand College, Lon. , don, Ont. Practical. instruction in, practical subjects, Xoor over fifteen years lye have been in totioh, with young . pe p d their needs and the business world and its revirements. Every facility at command for aiding young people both before and after gradnation. We etre doing superior work; results prove it. Send for our Catalogue and College harnal. 3. W. WrSTMVPIT, Prineipal. and clayOlia IWO atoek et other artielee they Wish to distiome of, sluntid (elver- titse the tonne for stile in the TThces. Our large circulation tellm audit will lie atrau go indeed -if too. do not gets enatorter. We can't guarantee that/wet-will lieetutec you. May emit more Ayr bus artriele or stook thenit in Worth. Send yew RAVASIPIPIM•nt to the TiVes mid try thin pleat of disposing of your stock and other srtluto. OPEN TO INSPECTION. Perhaps the finest line of rURNITURE. een ill this town is liOW On sale hove: Everar piece hits sonlethiug which specially room:attends it. Stade Will at-, tract by renson of design, some by barter:sr of the wood, some by theit All prove wall made, strong and durable at WALICtE, & BUTTON vorniture Dealers and 'Undertakers. e A