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The Wingham Times, 1900-11-02, Page 6
• c . Pi`t( 4r�'a' u• t st ing. with Mattes so far away." lt'.:ITE1::tiE; : IN THE FIELD. Osw of the most hopeful features of the present catapMgil is the vastly int- proved calibre of the et u11idates in the . li•>Id o8 both aisle of politics. In revery 1 men •>• n1E best s t part Eif the country the very c are coming to the front tind what is even the . feat at tE • r is ti in i aG. alit hilt is 1 TX more x E, , sununfaoturiist;, twit other commercial interests etre mach more 'largely repre- sented than of yore. our yearn of Liberal rule have made a vast difference in the importance et Canada's cu1:a- ntarelal interests, a1t1 these demand to- day intelligent representation in the uaCioual it;,,"ielature as they have e llerer ,.before..i of toe the italieta c1`..i..l ouly dons favorable to the appearance of many new luau who will measure up to a high etaudard, but they are egnall favorable to the disappearance of several mei. whose absouce will be slnall loss to the country . . THE l! INUI 1iM. iJ 1,1/ NC) lr I011iE1t , 1900'.R Itee>wy i)e;k1h Irate, > foe Mixed The Septealber moral:ilty figures- for 'Under the `1.oX3'.ttl(+; prices �). ',. the 1'roviueo dil;clos�l the feet, that i 6 A i r. Oulu i►t September of last year, * '1 100 for g,h)i) and 1,0t1i for fig - mos h'�ila,., ,., 1609. The aplleudod 3Tr::lx'e«t, showing deaths fa•xa eentagiuus lliseaee5 espitdu Xttl it 'cit the h ( tot z the i:,rrcastl but Itttlt., !L. is th:.t the tryiw aunt eeefluce d hastened > A bx �,. tt.11l ( T M extended to 1 1 \tE .L c. I(hl en, ' to lhl death of many aged proploLui � as fol. The eontt):sr:stivtt flg it s file lows; Wino, atop l to C«L1Lasaan Led Clop. t •,1 iter(, ,t,u>,lc died the f e the !tenth t\\.s , Omits 5( l the its! per 1b. 1010 181410 ................ 14 1-2 10 • 189112 1803 ...... ;) „ 1 1S94• ( A.ver'ate, 11 3-8 cents.for ()lhhitria Uhler I.4tberal rale; prices (=Oven/meat twine, made of para Manila and advertised in q16 of nit\ve,- sa la .It tb'! \l etl t'�!.....1'i,.,f it .L' ii '1d �, :ts.t i B. E)a1.iOTT, Pt1111,1y:titn ANI) Pntt1'Y.xI Toht le.k1,11)AY, NON=•a3131 R '2, 1000. Cli.'a OTTAWA LETTER. papers; Cents per lb. (i 1;>tl i .." 1.2 G 14 117118 ..,.., ...... , 9 1-2 1 o• 18119 ,.•,,......«. 11 't . crag(. $ 3-8 mute. erreesereaseentsresseeesna N(xr °il:i tuaaOONsTI:UC'r is Never did a political party rt y so M u ch deserve, never did Lr political iart3st muoh need, a beating, as the Conser- vative party deserved and needed one at the time of the last Federal election. The Conservatives were distrustful of each other, d.sloyal to their leaders, and amore; thorn. wore men who were quite right to distrust each other. Before long there must be a greater recOTr ec- tion of the Couservativo party, and he exigencies of the situation may as well bis recognized at once. Soiue of tbo old leaders can never be loaders again, and now is the time to get rid of them. If the Conservative party is to command the respect and confidence of the country it must have leaders worthy of reslroct and confidence. The reconstruction will involve not only the getting rid of the old leaders, but the selection of now Ines. -Montreal Star, July 21, 1893. e STORAGE'+SUCCESS. COLI> Evidence is daily coming to hand of the thoroughly satisfactory character of the Canadian Cold Storage system. The most tender of Canadian fruits are now bring landed in Groat Britain in the best of 'condition, as is shown by the following cablegram from Mr. Dupuis, Sec. Canadian Commission, Paris. Paris, Oct. 15; 1900. Hon. Sydney Fisher, Ottawa. Fresh fruits have arrived in splendid condition, four additional gold medals received by Canada. Prof. Drummond, writing front • London, warns the De- parture at Washington that it must wake up, as Canada leads in quality and quantity of dairy products. Its saper- iority ascribed to aggressive governmen- tal action with modern sciehltific ap- pliances. Signed, DUPUIS. What better evidence is 'wanted of the success of the Cold Storage arrange- ments made by our present Government. This is another evidence- that the elec- tors of East and West Huron should vote for Dr. Macdonald and Robt. Holmes, on Wednesday, Nov. NO TI:,11; FOR A CHANGE. •'i'.A.'vtrE. Tho aggregate trade of Cauada in 1893 was less than wi248,000,000. In 1800 it had dropped to $ 239,000,000 the total for the four years being :d952,000,000. In 1000 after four years of Liberal Goveril- meut, the trade has gone up to $1180,000,- 000 anti the total trade for that four years is +1,205,030,000 or au increase of years over a .. s 03 per cent iu the last four yo actual decrease in the previous four years, So much for the dire disaster which was to follow the accession of the "the Liberals to power. The men with instinct for government" -as the Tories coolly described themselves -have cop pletcly dropped out of it. They ve given place to men who in every direc- tion have seemed results, never oven dreamed. of before. Is it likely the country will entertain any proposal to change all this? Not much, A GR.i.TUITOUS INSULT. The latest development in the patriot effort of the Opposition to stir up animosity between the various national - itis, of our people is the assertion now P going the rounds of the Tory press that S'rem. our own Correspondent. October 0tth C, 7 ,, lbtx .-, 190 0. U• 'X\ • 1 t. \ t , A. TOIV' ESTIMATE.. Straws are said to indicate which! way the wind blows but straws areof lit le e use in the face of the present of public opinion in favor of Liberalism. Giant oaks are beading before its ir- resistible force. Take Le Presse for example. La Press() is, by long odds, d respected iufluontial an the most French -Opposition paper in Quebec Province, and its correspondent, "au old. Ptlrliamoutary hand," after care- fully sizing up the situation it Outaria declares: -"There will be no change of ibe e l- swill ;:,,1;t„ 1893, Sept., 1900. Total Cleatls;, ., .....1,t1(l; Rate p r 1>OJ0 10.00 F3emi:ttilt^,,., ,•, +• + 10.i Dipthe i:a..... . • • 0 • T t ... r whooping G;a Typhoid ......... 190 Tuberaulot ie ..... . TOWN 1)11►ECTOItYrt B,\1''IR-T ("IitTl101t..4 a1;tit1so is t ae School tit rviees :'« 11 at m.aandX 1, i•i' 1 u1i14Ceer meeting 1..)11 p ill. (,E1L h Rev. ()11 WedlteFatl�j' eColi,11 ,N. 19re('d, pastor. \V'. i. NY nstus, itilp01 iurel'd(lit" i--1'.tltl,lLtgl tl('r r testi polis i;i:+v011:1tl at 11 a tsflo 2:1 0 p 1trth vogue every Seined. on- day evening. Gametal ira„ meeting :as: pis \'1'et1;Ws;tay eY0iii)hry}i. y11'Vki.LL?«, hard ul'bs iailll- . p;mtor. 1)r�, l(,\\.Y( , Hobbs,. txt n tt n( 1 otit 2,490 figures in Ontario. .The keep a majority of 10 to la, position. It is useless to beat about the bush. Ontario will. be Liberal,” That the Province of Quebec will also be Lib- eral with as great emphasis as it was in 18913 is practically cencedecl by the Tories. It is safe betting that the Gov- ernment will gain in the Maritime Provinces, anti the reports from the West are becoming more confident every day. All this however must not betray the supporters of the Govern - anent into the condition of false secur- ity or undue confidence. Every vote must be polled, and while it may not be possible to adopt the suggestion to "make it unanimous," there is no reason in the world why this Government should not receive the votetoelming which plurality of the popular its record justly entitles it, and which it will receive if every man takes the trouble to vote as he honestly behoves. THE REASON OF IT ALL. There is a sentence or two in Mr. Sifton's speech when he replies to Sir Hibbert Tupper at the Tory meeting in Brandon the other day, which have struck a responsive chord in the heart of every fairminded man. "I am proud," said Mr. Sifton, "that from the first day 1 entered his Cabinet, Sir Wilfrid Laurier has been my friend; I am proud he has given me his complete confidence. It is some little satisfaction at least, in the midst of abuse, that Sir Wilfrid. 'Laurier, the most distinguished of Canadians, the most distinguished of colonial statesmen living to -day, has given me his complete confidence and friendship. I have been there for four 'years; will this gentleman (Sir Hibbert) point out where 1 have erred? Why do they not lay their finger on something in the administration of Manitoba or the Northwest Territories with which they •can find fault? Up to the present time they have been unable to do so. Does it not seem strange that after spending many years in Manitoba without a spot or stain, and for four years administer- ing millions of dollars' worth of property, that they have to go to the Yukon to find anything? The advantage Of this 'course is that they can go as far as they like from the truth, when they are deal- , 13,1 g •,3N 2Q 59! 172 cla1^efl itvS to 6 nights.' Ono application gives relief. Dr, Agnew s. hn• .. Piles,or 1 isa boon on for I tc Ointment Blind, 331ecding Piles. It relieves quickly andpermanently. ermanently. Ili rain eruptions itstands without a rival. Theusandsof testimonials if you want evidence. 55 cont,. -=-23 Sold by A. I.,, Hamt::ton hn.t is the i there is nothing iinproble in Mr. Gook s charge that he was offered a Senator- ship at a price -a charge, in support of which he has not attempted so far to produce one tittle of evidence -because it is a custom in France to pat a trade value on titles and sell'them in the open market, and the custom has been hn- ported into Canada. Now suppose for arguments' sake that this were . true, what possible good purpose would be served by offering such a gratuitous in- sult of oftvo fifths 'de \ 1 pride ' lona suit to the I.at p our people. The reverse however is the fact, for itis in the knowledge of every lean who has taken au intelligent inter- est in current events that not many years ago, men in the highest ranks in France were ignominiously hurled from .power by the force of public opinion, because they were proved to have participated in the sale of titles and decorations and even the presidental chair itself was tragically effected by the incident. If the Tories of Canada had ever shown a tenth part of the re- sentment against crookedness in high places when their own friends were con- cerned, as was shown by the French. nation on this occasion, their reputation for probity would stand infinitely better to -day than it does. aysiaRE'S HE GONE. .5:13 1A./IIa1(b311:Ii 3.t 72. TN wk at. 1� 1` fK 1'.'l•iilt-1f:'l i UIt)AY MOE' RING rvany The Tilite8 AMae, Beaver Blealt '1'r',l.lti1L Y, (}PiT1il+0. 7 t1 xtt mai p lis. 1$us (t,i„ vices at 11 U -t ntid prayer Swwul nt :r,30 �gi 111. , .shin xs• 11ty. lntvst.itia;11111Yettnes:itly t t� �u n'riutcii• D. perms pastor and y, 1 delft. 'Or. P: nags Ontll on, laal'iseasetlt^--Sale bath services at 11 it in alift 7 p in, San - day School at 2:430il.u. General prayer hooting on NVetils" qdevening, ,t nnit;. Rev. Wm. Lowe, incumbent, L'. ,`i1tore, i.>, S. ,''ai iperintendent. • rt 1' l ,1.i. Golwcli,T:(IATIO:tini, CIlU)It11I, � a services at 11 a xlt anal I p in. Sunday Seliool at 12 in. Midweek t 8 o'clock. 1 g 01t 'Waclnesdry evenings Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A.1'). Prior, pester. 1.oseast OATi0'iao O smart a nt,Every ser- mon fourth Sunday. Mass mon anti bemalictlout at 7 p in. Rev, D. P. McMonainin, P. I • t i and 11 SALVATION AnrzYr'-Scrvic0 a a in alit! 3 and 8 p in on Sunday, and every evening, the week at 8 o'clock at t h blu CHRISTIAN ,AND 1\CISSION.\13Y AI.I•I1.N(•R. -Meetings as folloWS: S. S. at 2.80 p. in. Fellowship at 4 p, in., and evan- gelistic at 8 p. irt., every Sunday in Ritchie's Hall Vietoritt St. Pon OPpICi: Iu Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a in to G:30 p in. Peter Fisher, postmaster. 1\71rcuANICs' Ir;sTrruxi:-Library and free reading roux in the Town Hall, -len o o afternoon from 2 to will ry v .l r t t 0 from 5:45 ,evening y�d ail o clack every 9:30 o'clock. Miss Milli Robertson, librarian. TOWN Couelon..-Wm. Clegg, Mayor; Wni, Holmes, II. O. Bell. J. H. Chis- holm, G. A. Newton, Rolland Beattie, Geo. Malienzie, Councillors; 5. B. Foe Clerk: and r.Creasurttr ; Se nxuel Leeson, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing 18 each. mouth at 8 o'clock. (chair- men), BOARn.-C. N. Griffin, (c ' man), Thos. Abraham, H. G. Lee, 5. J. Homuth, Wm. Moore, H. Kerr, `.rhos, Bell, Wm. Button. Secret:ley,Win. in. Robertson; Treasure; 5. B. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. R'itltNS oft tiff (:n1X'^'lo:.• "l.ln)1 mm�tt in advents', ,1.t.0 i; not ru l t ?. 2 '' paper tie con- tiitttt d rill tilt arr. «,1., .,,t I t cl, accept at tlw 1 , i , bl . h 1.1; • t.4tt.•,t ,fCint[(. i(r•«- �,•A't, t ,,t . tr,t( t••,t*'nal ud, alter a1:t 1,(p1161' :Jr.lt,£orf t tG sat ;eu,n,,(e pt 1 w iia trait cul„t clam ,. 't i t,rta .rlJvertiitrinelits in )oct:l.r e, +nor,: are charged, • 10ete.per low Sul bast in eton,,putttrmade t per Bee *or eve t ttb'er,n,' ,•t (eta, Advertisement( a I.t•.tt, Foust, Strayed, Turn,,. for Sale of to r tent, mut r. ntilar $l.le for firstnlott end GU tents viii emehs,tl,:�cquout nlotttlh. CoN'rl A(1 P vre.4-The fullov,iu:;table thctws our ratos tot tie, lure rt,ul of ntivc:ls,nittolts fur t•,pec iLIt tt a' Q1Ir eelf (t't oU!il11Llll .,. ............................................... .w(c' `1'' ,:\0:'L.}tt "il, 0•1r'-e.wn)U a0iu0Ue...x0U 1's/42,'0A a (Azud•vlcer1'th1<i'rnitts \, itllun t t peoiflc directions will be irl$clto(L rill turbid and catargva accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for 313 ad7ltne(', This ,.Ton DiiI A8' nese is ;toe^Iced with an t ( for print- ing, tt.tic ,..ui1 u t 1 - lltt< ] the (t a(upl in{ , afi<trd,nts f u liltl 1 comity for turning outfilt alnMi\rotk. Largo type and appropriate eels fur OAsty 1<.s of Post- ers, Hlantl Bills, etc., and the latest styles of t•Ilolee fancy type for the liner classes of print- ing. H. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher. ,t tag sone. It 15 not &!ways best to judge a young sow by her first litter, says the St. Loris Republic. ,ill most cases if she is a good annual each succeeding litter, for the first three or four at least, will be better than. tate last. No more serious mistake can be made by a farmer dials to allow a young sow to farrow one litter of pigs caul then fatten her for meat and use young sows for breeding. Keep well »natured sows as long as they farrow good pigs, dis iardiug thole only when they lie ginte fail. South Arrnosioar't Kliciney Cure is the only 1(idno, treatment that has proven equal to correct all the evils that are likely to befall these physical regulators. Hun- dreds of testimonials to prove the curative merits of this liquid kidney specific in cases of Bright's disease, diabetes, irritation of the bladder. itdel ymatiion, dropsical tendency, Sold by A. L. Hamilton. BANK HAMILTON WING I -IAM. Capital. X2,000,000. Rest, P4,234,120 President -3'0m Ftru ti i. Vice -President -A. G. 1RADMSA '. DIRECTORS'. Jahn Prortar, Coo, 'Tench, R ». Gibson, P . , A. T. Wood, M. P., A)3Lee (Toronto). Cashier -J. TUItiBULL. Savings Bank -Hours 10 to 3; Saturday, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 end upwards received and interest allowed. Special' Deposits also received at current rate;, of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States .Bought end sold. The Ontario Fruit Growers' Associa- tion will hold their annual meeting in the city of Briutford, the first week in December. The total amount on -the roll of the collector for Derby township is x;7652.35. It is astounding how quickly Mr. Hugh John Macdonald appears to have dropped out of sight. His eutry into the fight was quite dramatic, designedly so. Like a meteor he suddenly appeared in the political sky, he swept .across the heavens and has once more disappeared. That he has been a distinct failure so far as accomplishing anything for the party is concerned, is fully admitted on every 'hand, indeed the only thing that appears to remain to give distinctive character to Hugh John's shale of the campaign up- to-date was his undertaking to work right in the deadliest opposition to the most prominent plank in his party's platform by endeavoring to secure the abolition of the duty on agricultural implements. PUBLIC. SCITOOL TRACIiins. rA, II. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, 11Th, Reynolds, ' Miss Vanstoue,gMiss Maths on s Cornyn, and Miss Reid. BOARD OF Ilea ma -Mayon Clegg, (chairman), 0. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- rotary, ; Dr. Towler, Meclical Health Officer. Travellers aro notified that the Bank of }lam imton and its Branches issue Circular Rates() National Provincial Bank of England, Limited, which can be cashed without ohargo or trou- ble in any part of the worlts. W. CORBO'CILD, agent E. L. DICH.1N80.1\r, Solicitor. Chronic) Indigestion. By far the most important part of diges- tion tastes place in tnomtessaues anti it is folly to expect stomach. medicines to cure a severe case of indigestion or dys- pepsia. The kidneys, liver and bowels roust first be made regular and active. and the_ ; only remedy which acts directly on these organs is Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. They are purely vegetable, act pleasantly mid s - P psia , biliousness aand nsd stomach troubles. One pill a dose, 25 cents a b^x, take no substitute. Fred Adams has sold his farm in Elma THE RETURN tllOVE1tII%NT. When Sir John Macdonald presented his National Policy resolutions to the House of Commons, one of the affirma- tions contained in them was that it would stop the exodus of Canadians to the United States and repatriate many of these who had already left. This prediction was never realized; on the contrary, the exodus continued to in- crease. It remained for a Liberal gov- ernment to inaugurate a policy which is not only keeping our own people at home, but is bringing into the country large numbers of settlers from the United States. Take the following items, which we clip from the latest re- port of the Department of the Interior, by way of illustration: Mr. V. McInnes, of Detroit, reports that a party comprising 200 souls, head- ed by an ex -mayor of Detroit, have gone to make homes in Western Canada. They are all n well to do, one having $10,000. Mr. McInnes reports that in all, last year, 3,023 settlers, with $548,- 000 of cash, and $301,500 of effects left his territory for Canada. D. L. Caven, from Saginaw, Michigan, reports that 1,431 settlers from his district camp to Canada last year,' with $100,000 of cash, and $43,000 of effects, for Manitoba and the Northwest. James Grieve, of Mount Pleasant, Michigan, reports 819 more. C. F. Broughton, Chicago, reported another 230. T. O. Currin, from Steven's Point, Wisconsin, reports the removal of 284 persons to Canada, taking with them $217,550$217,550 in cash, "besides many cal- loads aloads of house hold furniture, stock tigd far me nts. le i m ua p Benjamin Davis, from St. Paul, Min- nesota., reports 1,001 from that State, with 1050,280 in cash and effects. W, H. Rogers from South Dakota, re- ports that 520 persons, With 105 cars of effects, and about $450,000 ' in cash', trekked into Canada last year, and that he batt 200 more waiting for the spring. Another eneotarging sigh Is the large hick is 'pan capitalW marl E A m nt o e invested iii this eettntryin mining, net pulp manufacture. "t a flr if p 1) In a he capabilities of the northern half of this continent are 110W thoroughly under- stood by' the Atnerieans, most of whom e Li'ko that 'worthy young man of De- troit, Who knew at geed thing when he Saw it EezrnahIts rst r two miles north of Atwood for 0,100. There were 4S•aores in the farm and the land is among the best in Elma. a aaok Covered With Blisters ---Terrible ltohing - NO Sleep PosSible Ch ase s Ointment 31 nl N arvoilol s in Its Curative Powers. 1fr. Sotto 1 e11), 19 Trinity street, To, ionto, In ,an interview, made the fol• lowing verbatim statement: - "have been troubled with eczema In almost Ito Worst form, for the past three years, At times my back and shoulder blades were literally covered With patches like water blisters, and these, accompanied with terrible itch- ing on my legs, put steep out of the daestion. I tried various well-known Ointments is (names my ntioned) , and aid everything possible to obtain telief, but 'with little success. 1' had frequently beard of lir. Chase's Ointment, but meeting with Se many disappointments, i had not tried it. Seeing the advertises meat one, day I concluded to get a box. • I Since using Dr. hast,is Ointment, ate Tike a new being. Its soothing and dealing properties are slmpIy marvel- lous, andI ate honestlygrateful to 5t)r. Chailei,s Ointment for the release from long suffering.' I)r. t,hase is Ointment, a poeltive cure for all !truing !skin diseases), 90 cents a CO,boli t all dealers, ealer , of Edinansoil, Bate/ or Imlay of Wood ANTE + ! AT ONCE. • E. SMITH t\'Inannyl. General Banl---cing Businoss transacted. Money advanced notes and collateral. business men Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed;,), Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts collected on reasonable terms. P. KENNEDY X. ll.. in. 0. P. S. 0 1' • (Member of the British Medical Associa- tion.) ssocia- tt GoldMedallistin Medicine. e. S ,ecl al attention paid 1disases of Woman and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. In.; 7 to 0 p. in. DR. MACDONALD, 1� entre Street Two Coat 'Makers.. Also Two Pant Makers. A Frequent Cause of Consumption, Heart Failure and Other Constitutional Dis- oases-Dr. Chase's Herne Food • as a Blood Builder. The heart, the lung's, the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, and bowels can- not perform their functions and repair wasted tissue when supplied with blood that is deficient in nutritive dualities, and sooner or later the weakest organ succumbs to the attacks of disease. The indications of thin, watery blood are paleness of the lips, gums, and eye- lids, shortness of breath, weakness of heart action, and languid, despondent Peelings. Tedebe nervo nervoorns usness, sleeplesse - ness, by »ass, and general weakness of the body. It is positively useless to doctor the symptoms, and injurious to use opiates or stimulants. Cure can be brought about gradually and certainly by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, which contains in condensed pill form all the elements required for strengthening and revitalizing the blood. As a blood builder and nerve restorative, Dr. Chase's Nerve rood is of inestimable value. In pill form, 50 centS a bo:c. at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates ea Co., Toronto. For Over Fifty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mr's Winslow's SoothingSyrun has been used for over fifty years•bynailllonsof mothers for their children while teething,, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the guilt's, allays all pain, cures wind collo, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Ito Value is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other hind. Wingham, Ontario" 'PANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate es, town and No p property boughtd. iand� sola. Office, Beaver Block Wiuihitm. WEBST R. &7; The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture has just issued a ptiplieation that is exceedingly complete and valuable, It is a book giving all the acts passed by the Legislature with rospeot to egricti b tore. Irt gives the law as to the grants that aro given to fanners for various undertaltings, laws alt spraying, the manufacture of butter and cheese, an everything else that has connection wit agriettlture. CASTOR! ittfanti alma mato. Alguluf6� It UUMIOP SOLID RUBBER URINE Queen's Blocks. TiRE C R (6 Caveats and i'radc•Markh obtained, and all patent business conducted for MOI)EIIA'fK FEM. bly office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Qfficc and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, with description and statement as to advantages claimed. Aar. No charge is made for an opinion as to patentability, and my fee for prosecuting the application eta roe so mallet/ for until the patent. .a allowed. "lavasTons Guinn," con- tusierStitCiltu if Con- taining As free. oniel. FRANK ,U.N H. HOUGH 9212 k Srfeet. WAt3 UWG'i'ON. a). 40- 41 4 t 0 .1( 7:41.51S' s. NA/ eSC(''ei,limH0s' • +h • •t A. MORTON, ' BARRISTER, &c., Wingltam, Ont. E . L. DICKENSON, 1J BARRISTER, ETC. Solicitor to Banker Ile tilton. Meney to loan.. Of lce _Meyer Block, Winghanl, ANTRIM J. IRW IN, D. D. S„ L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery' of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Offico• over Post Office, WntSham. W T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. Special attention to the care and regulation of children's teeth. Moderate prices and all, worlc carefully and slcilfttlly performed. Office inABtGerrieleveryMonday. A now carriage tiro that makes tiding too, a on all roads pleasure -economical, for it does away with the 'vibration that slakes and breaks the carriages. A Y-shaped splice between the rubber tiro and the steel MUT o rovents the or(Oc n„� riio teat; ting topics othor ti t fb i at the icdtio. tiro the . big fairs, Send at once for Ivrea Tire Catalogue, giving prices of all sizes. Dunlop Tire Co., 1 ex..roti'ir• TORONTO. L1M1TEli• 1VI2t til 11G. )rrileTI IlAr,. TRADE M IKS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone :lending a Sketch and description map qutakY aseeetain our opi nt O n free 0 w , eth o r an iaveritfan.is probably patentable, toltstttetlyconfidential. Handbook on Patents sentfree.(ieaaetg�rg'rei Patents taken throouhMuin&4a ceve Medanotice, without charge, in the QQ $$ yy++ifit g9me NltandsoflicetifdtuinlI.rent3 yrtofifaolinc"1nrmrcis, V. Bold by all newsdealer~. MONN &C0 I;01 nroadway, ;w Yeti( tra,rtOma. C51• t.\.,-.a,;t�t JOHN RITCHIE, JOHN INSURANCE AGENT, Wingltam, Ont. 13 DEANS, Jit. L ' LICENSED AUCTIONEER fort part of the County. (Merges moderate in any P JOHN CURRIE, WXNdnAn, OiiT. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Fenn Steck and Farm implements a specialty, o A11 orders left nt Tun Timm office promptly attended to. 'Terms reesonablo. SOCIETY MEETINGS. (� Minn Caledonia, No. 40,meets. 6.. ®. , 1.-� tho first and third Moeda' in every month, in the Oddfellow s Hall. Visiting • brethren rel S ,`3. mo. D. Tk:'A1re, Chief; II, B. noioif OB PII,INTING, ineludinq 13oolt9, Pamphlets, Pastors,. Bill Heads, Circulars, &e., &c., executed in the best style' of the art, at moderate prices, and on ,. srt notice. ho cl to annottneo are Ycrse t —• t 1Nts. w Bt'any Nnp that tiny Boosts or T,Iegisltws left with us for Binding, Will Have our prompt attention PrioeS for Binding in any style will bo givon (Au application to THE TIMES OFFICE,.! Wingham, RAILWAY TIME TABLE$. GUAM: TIrtn1•II BAYLWA`k' S'itSTl0l '. 'MAINS nn2t.vF1 reit, Palmerston .............. 0.53 n 114.... 8.56aon, London . 6.50 ton.... 3„snt .. ,Y Iiincnrtlino ,11.10 a in 0.22...r p.m.... 8 (i3p.1n. AIM b 14tity in Kinaard(ae ....0.49 a.m.. 8,53 a n . 1124 ,.in London 11.10 ttn , , 7.55 pati Palmerston 2.45 p.1 8.3.1 p,1n. ,1.11. (JOIt•DON, Aga. ,.Winghnm' — 0ANADIAN PACIh'1ORAM V 'TRAINS r.rAvi rot Toronto and East (us ea' Tecswatoi 1.92 pa ATtntv): Molt' Ter.water 053 min s p, IT PAYS ro AvVLRrIst IN THE TIMES.. . 1, Toronto a1'd E t't . • .... 181 p J, II.1ll? 1.MEE, Age 8.00 p.m. 10.431,.m. .....10.43 ingllantr THE Thera wzerys Ifai Shaari evo .Always 1 '"I tltinit,'" ”"I like,' From morn filer school! U Toc It teach Icorcrpare•'"1' "Rely me, I 11 IlaEO zn ve m' Or, i sbaUl The fairies Theyrougeaht Attu nurse Th Aad in hi A broad, "iltc.mcc, wlth ro; The !hila At first Tint slle c And t'. She »sal i ilei i'h P«cr p8'm To !tent she grew d 111' An It ottme c 'Thou "� And cacq dote hi Wthatsi \thy, c. 00000000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 00 0 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000000 I once WI my ouly ae similarly n the gentle name on sot then. neglect he rade a opinion, am make it gt particularly gess, who sel'rloni give not lWtiVCn G2 acts and tak0s ailo\v of the 21. pi scenes. •bot number. here, anti 1 If I ate not beginning was not a act aero C(11 one act t11 and when. 1 it \cvas3 • \ t fi u i 'kl • dt longer of the laurs neatly colel pub Usher. sad experi mouth to agents ret authors; tl prfse(I to .after anal .printed let formed n play. Th( pressed, 1 the third that -that ing about find sent i The sa 'that the MS. not "blockhea first. and But th tune yogi it aside it Sone ti large to\v acquaint ter, who gave e hitt rtaAnsostahceioicaal ised me t He Ie; petted, 8 was deli( bring it require } mula fol marks 5 ager, the How i the ro«v). would al Ipaysthncoul3; e pc the mon into contain ltearsai next dap should I, • Sowed The d •(Set for I evening slug's " tory of obscure stupido: 9 I eou went at ed tip • theater ns far took a Oh, t It :hip' i gibed lit sp, thelf al betweel tv}ts hit stood n ttislon, An t 710ertty: tt tI o1 worse. Veatic'n Ito sen tlo net !try 'e01 A cs Iloon. Eve A et< Art I And Anot ©_ BY K )