HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-11-02, Page 5THE \171Nltil1AM TIMES, NOVEMBER R 2, l'JOO.
Low prices make business,
regardless of any con-
ditions that may prevail.
Come and see the new Oc-
tober arrivals, Quick
selections advisable, its
they are being quickly
Gents' Furnishing `Deft.
Heavy Canadian 'weed, just the kind fol' • boys` snits, rte.. rein. price404, special at 28e.
dolt's 50e Tweed Ceps, •title hand, special at 35e.
Mee's l"ieece•1ined Underwear, good quality, 121..00 a suit.
Men's heavy, all -wool fleecedunderwear, with OV( lock soains, very
special at $1,50 a suit.
Men's wool scci:s at 10e, 15e and 25e pair.
If you want a bargain in Ready-made or Ordered Clothing tomo to
us and wo will give you the best suit for the smallest amount of money
that you have ever pureh'ased.
Ladies' Dept.
Ladies' fleeced lined vests, special at 25e.
" Cashmere gloves, at 25e.
Fancy Plaids for Waists and Children's dresses,. Special at 18e,
Ladies' print wrappers, were 81.35 and 81,50, clearing out at $1.00.
Tapioca 5e; Kippered herring, large tins, 10e ; Finnan Haddie,
10e; 1000 best matches 5c; 1;• lbs baking powder and 1 qt, gem 25c,
North End General Store,.
What 1 ideawaiso `1'IYnes
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14 petite • at this
Baked Beans.
you require a
. g all sizes from two to eight quarts
Correspondents C'i'JmmuniMato --''Ocher
Items ClippedI coin Our Ikeelteneee.
etc 7;Z:aF. �. _ Mrs. David B3•scheridge is on the sit•]:
Mrs. MacDonald, of Tomtit() is vit•ft- list. Wu soon hope to see an improve -
big at the home of her brother, Chao'.. meat.
Catupbell. 111essrs Par1.a.3 tux. aampbt:ll
3I1,. and Mrs, Cr. I''yfe spent E3'U11- started e33 'Monday n:l;ht to drive to
day* last with Mr. and Mrs. . uree Loudon wish his eu d.i e to get it repaired.
P'.: B,. at Y,farnoeh. fur next years threshing. He espeets
Ttrnxll3 tti.a. I to be home Satur .a1 night. .A. -tote; diiv.'
On Wednesday, Oot. 17th, at Mae on)vrainy night, G•i:Peon.
o'clock a. iu., a very pleasant event took
place at the home or 111r. John G-enimill,
Pilot Mound, Man., it being the leer-
riago of his (laughter Miss Esther E. to
Mr. John A. Rascal, of Delcraino, The
Rev. Mr. McQuarrie, of Cartwright es -
slated by Rev. B. W. Allison, Pilot
Mound., performed the ceremony. The
bride was given away by her father and
looked very pretty in a white figured
lustre, trimmed with white lace. She
was supported by her sister, Miss Bell,
who was gowned it white muslin and
valencienno lace. The groom was sup-
ported by his broth', Mr. Walter Rob-
son of Deloraine. liter the ceremony,
dinner was served and the happy couple
left on the 2 p. in. train for Brandon
and other points. Wo joie their many
friends in wishing them a long life of
There is nothing so delicious for the ap-
season of the year as Boston
But to make them properly
Bean Can. We have them in ',;
Su.erior R ewe ry.
We pride ourselves in always keeping in stock the very
best of everything in the jewelry line and although we do not
make as high a percentage of profit as on cheaper lines, we
have the satisfaction of knowing that we give good value, and
that is what we want. A satisfied customer is the best ad-
vertisement. We expect to have you for one.
Astounding Discovery.
Prom Coopersvilie, Mich„ comes word.
of awouderiul discovery of a pleasant
tasting liquid that when used before
retiring by any ono troubled with a bad
cough always ensures a good night's
rest. "It will soon cure the cough too"
writes Mrs. S. Hiutelburger, "for three
generations of our family have used Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
and never found it's equal for Coughs
and Colds." It's an unrivaled life-saver
when used for desperate lung diseases.
Guaranteed bottles 50o and $1.00 at
Colin A. Campbell's. 'Trial bottles free.
Ne .. F, 11 G
F-Iaving just opened up our new stock of Fall Goods, we
quote•a few bargains.
In Fall Dress Goods we show a full range of Plaids,
Hoole-Spuns, Tweeds and Ladies' Cloth Suitings, ranging
from q.oc per yard and upwards. See our new
Vixen Lemuel Jacklin and J..lin
Parish wero returning home from Mr,
Dunloi s party their horse took fright
at Janes .fiysL.ip's gate. As their horse
was going along the road it ran
into George Hyslop's buggy pitching.
Georgs and his sister out of the buggy
No serious acoldonts happened but
both buggies were badly damngetl,
Intensie t for 1a:4t wec+k•
Mr, and Mrs. Elija JaCkliu of Grey
were visiting the former's parents. on the
boundary last Sunday,
A large number attended the squirrel-
hunt last Wednesday evening at David
Moffat's jr, They all report a lively
Will Laing, of Grey, entertained a
cumber of young people last Wednesday
evening. A load of young people from
Brussels wore in attendance. Mr. and
Mrs. Dunlop also entertained a number
of young people on Wednesday evening
in honor of them taking their departure
to Gerrie on Thursday, the clay follow-
Sandy Messer is very busy threshing
out the grain on the 1st line of Morris.
His now engine works very well,.
George Coombs, Wm.. Holt, John and.
James Cutt have all laid'cemeut floors
in their new stables.
Mr, Melvin Willits Luis returned home
after spending the summer mouths with
Douglas Bros., and Wm. Holt.
Mrs, Hammell is in every serious con-
dition. She seems to have lost her sight
and hearing,. Her memory is also badly
Miss T. M. Walden is on the sick list
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wilson are
visiting in Shakespeare at present.
Miss Jessie Montieth, of Exeter is
visiting at John Mowbray's..
0. Willard, and Mr., and Mrs. Will
Rintoul, of Wingham visited at Charles.
Campbell's on Sunday.
We ore pleased. to hear that Hiss'
A:gr'ti Scott is improving nicely.
iss Jennie and Oliver Anderson and
mos Taylor spout Sunday at Calvin.
Will Naylo intends going to Winghan
in the near Eture it a.ocomplisb hon
in the bakery business.
James Noble,oho has been seriously
ill of appendicitl?4s, after an exceedingly
critical operation, doing nicely. Doc-
tors Gunn an McAsh performed the
Mrs. Alex Morton is visiting friends in
Miss Alice Tisdale and Miss Annie Nay-
lor are learning the dress -making at
Mrs. Nixon's in Wingham.
"Three cheers for Holmes."
Ladies' Jac eta
A. n Black, Fawn and Blue Colors. Latest New York styles.
Perfect fits at $5,0o and up.
Also a full stock of Fur Goods in Ladles, Capes,
C p ,
Muffs and Ruffs.at prices to suit the purchaser. See these
goods before purchasing 'elsewhere. lairs Union
S eour special value its Blankets ; 40 1
Planke s at $r.65 per parr and up. p. Also a full stock of All -
Wool °laulcets at $4.o017ei` pair aud upward.
A Ull stock of yarns always on hand.
That Throbbing. Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and build up
your health. Ouly 25 cents. Money
bark if not cured. Sold by Colica A.
Campbell, druggist.
Miss Dora Simpson has returned home
from visiting her friends in Ayr.
Sandy Roe has returned home from
visiting his friend in Sault Ste Marie.
Milton McArter Sundayed under the
parental roof.
.John Davidson and Robert Simpson
visited the former's home last Sunday at
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McIntosh
were calling on their friends au Jame -
town on Monday.
Mrs. Thomas Gibson and children, of
Wroxeter was visiting her friend. Mrs.
James Simpson.
George Graham and his sisters, Jean
and Maggie, of Howiok were calling on
their friends last Sunday.
Steve Taylor, of Howick was visit-
ing friends in Jamestown. What's the
attraction Steve?
Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler and daughter,
Maggie were visiting their son, Geore on
1 '
WO Etre doing our busineai on ai. certty:n pet tentage of profit
large enough to enable 114 GO tto welt, and smell enough to rne.,ke
it'to your advantage to do untie than look.
Spetiatl opportunities in baying Make it possible for us to. cher.
BARGAINS wnieh would otherwise beinpossih e.
This 1311L1:111. P. is w $t•.,re is lilted frotti one et d, to the other
with NEW f'nshien,tt,Ie up to -date goods. NO OI.I) STOCK TO
:3111)'1V YOU, .J'tilhsl', `l'IIR. STORE 13Y STOCK AND'
We ale c'ttwieg th•t l tr en/t1 and most teeny ete stock's/Melee mei ts„ya' lia3dy tAw
,,,oar Cltltning in went. Every gee.
meet l$ 'Well frit 1 r,hor ttughty up ro date itt
Mn'3c; finita rtt%,'iu� In It -ice ftduti - +2'.00 to $12.00
Boys' Stilts, " " -
Men's Overcoats, " 11
Reefers, "
Men's Pants, 11
Boys'' Pants,
Men's vests, "
Misses' ,jackets in Ftieze or heavy Beavtr, - ::fib tt, 4 5,C0
Ladies' Jaekets in plain or curl ekth,
iminfrALF„ •
It is reported that Dr. Agnew, of
Wingham, will visit Bluevale profession-
ally every Tuesday and Friday,
Wm. Powell, of near Ripley, was vis
iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Powell, of Turnborry, last week. Mr.
Powell is wall known in Bluevale.
' Samuel Scott, of Auburn, was in the
village last week. Mr. Scott formerly
lived in Bluevale.
Mrs. Sollars was ill with a very bad
cold last week,
Miss Herrington, of Dungannon, form-
erly of Morris, is visiting at George W.
Tnrvey's and other friends on the sec-
ond line of Morris. .
September and October cheese was sold
for 113-8 cents. It was shipped on Fri-
• Mr. Wood, merchant of Molesworth,
was in the village on Saturday.
Mrs, Robb and Miss Christena Robb
are home from Boissevain, Mrnitoba,
where they spent -the summer visiting
The threshers expect tq be through
with their season's work this week.
Threshing is over unusually early this
Samuel McLean, son-in.law of John
McCracken, of the Bluevale road, and
well-known in Wingham, has recently
been appointed bailiff of Dauphin, Mani-
A local weather prophet says that Nov-
ember will be generally wet. The rule
from whence comes this prediction, is
that the kind of weather we have on the
last rriday and Saturday of a month
will predominate during the following
1 nidnth.
'+Never Quit Certaittf
Fop Hope. s r
You may faire Hood's Sarsaparilla for
all diseases arising from Or promoted by
impure blood 'with perfect confidence that
it will do you good. Never take any subs
dilute. In Hood's Sarsaparilla you have
the best medicine money can buy. It
tyres, - completely and permanently, -
'when others fait to do any good.
Tonic --"I have taken fl'ood's .Sarna-
paritlla as a tonic and general builder of
the system valet excellent results. If
stoes vitality, drives ohneythat tired feet,
Ing, quiets the novo and brings refreshing
steep/' John Y. Patterson, Whitby, Ont.
On Monday evening of last week when
Mrs. Wm. Jaeklin, of the third line of
Morris, had _inishecl milking the cows,
she missed her two year old child and
could not find it Mr. and Mrs; jacklin
and their neighbors searched all night
and early nest morning found it in a
back field. The child was out in all the
heavy rain that night, but as far as wo
can learn, is n ne the worse for its little
3 r Banbury, Richard Arm-
s 1 ri![se 1, bn c
Messrs ry,
strong, Wm. and Wm. Garniss, of Mor-
ris, and Robert Yeo, sr., Robt. Itoo, Jr.,
of Turnberry, and several others loft on
Mnnday, for Muskoka, for the hunting
s ,Mi.
W1i1 John L
ltt s, and little
soli, of
Morris, near Beigrave, were eon3iug to
Bluevato station for tile, on Wednesday
of last week, his team ran away and
throw him out, injtrringhim very severe-
ly. The little boy had a wonderful
escape. no horses to the side of //the
road near the fence, and whena Itag-
gon strt ell a stone or knoll tho jt pitch-
ed the boy high in the air but fortunate-
ly he alighted in the wagon. This was
r thio
1 0 v
rat titres n
rep :Med novo 15 g
rough izround,but firinlly he dropped out
of the s golf and was picked up liar
hurt. o must have had arottghride as
the hind wheels came off the waggon
when the hoises lead tat a short dist°.
�.UO to 5.011
:!) i t:ir 12.00
2.75 t, 5.00
115 to 3.50
50 to L50
1.00 to 1.50
ti,00. to 10.0O3
Lodiec' heavy cloth or curt Capes, - :3,75 to 9,50
Good'strnng Corsets well -trade. regular price 3: e, our pr'ce.
25e, Other hues .at 40e., 50,,, 75e, $1.00, $l .25.
Ladies', Misses and Ohildren's Underwear in all sizes and
prices from 10e to $1.25..
A'erge stock to select from at prices to suit all buyers -
81.00, S1,25, $1.75, ;?2.50, 8:3,00, 4;3.50, 84.00, 84.50. t
We are sole agents for the celebrated Florida Blankets. t:
We are showing a large stock of Ladies' Misses' and Child-
ren's Hose. See.our leader, extra value at 25e.
18 lbs. best granulated Sugar, $1.00, large tin Sardines hoe,
Tapioca 5e, Sago 5e, Corn Starch Sc..110 bars Launday St ap 25e
20 ib. 13right Coffee Sugar 81.00, Fre;h Salmon 100, Kippered
Herrings, 10e, Tomat i Catsup 10e, Laundry Starch 5a, Choice
Japan Tea 20e, Matches 10e, Toilet Soap per bnx 10e.
A quantity of Feathers for sale. Farm produce taken in exchange.
The Cheap Cash Store.
Opp. Bank of Hamiltop,
A. special meeting of the Council was
held iu the Town Hall, Teoswater, Oat.
22nd, 1000, for the purpose of appointing
an Engineer and other business; as in-
structed, the clerk had communicated
with the engineer, who was present and
made application for the position; the
application being accepted by the council
it was moved by McKague-Jarvis-
That the Clerk is hereby instructed to
prepare a by-law for the appointment of
Mr. McNabb as Engineer tor the town-
ship of Culross. -Carried.
Scott -Meyer -That as several fences
along the gravel obstructs the
road in the winter and the owners have
refused or neglected to remove the fences
off the' highway when requested, that
Mr. McNabb, Township Engineer be
employed to run the west line along the
gravel and put stakes down at each cor-
ner and at blind lines on each side so
that we can get the fence removed off
the highway. -Carried. °
Scott -Jarvis- That John McKagne
attend the Engineer and employ two
smart competent men to get and drive
stakes,eto. Thursday first is the clay ap-
pointed by the Engineer. -Carried.
Scott--Jarvis-That as Mr. ] oss,own-
et of lot 25, eon. 15, has not completed
the ditch, known as the McDonald ditch
according to award making the road
clangorous for travel, that Mr. McNabb,
Township Engineer be employed to have
the award completed and if the ditch
dug by Mr. Ross is not satisfactory, or
dangerous, to have it filled up and that
Mr. Ross be notified by the clerk that he
will bo held responsible for any damage
or expenses connects therewith.-Catn-
MoKagne-Scott-Tat by-law No 88
be now read, passed, signed and sealed.
Scott -Jarvis -That by-law No. 30 bo
now react, passed, signed and sealed. -
Jarvis--Meyer--That by-law Vo 40
being tby-law ap
an engineer
bo now read a first second and third time
passed, 54 red and sealed. -Carried.
Moyer -McKee -tie -That l.y.l tw No.
41 be now read, passed, signed and seal-
ed. -Carried.
Jarvis -Meyer -That as the culvert
opposite lot 11, tort, 5, has br:ik« tr,1.,it rr
that Wm. Dosoinau be allowed "$2.00 for
hauling tile ard potting in the Baine...
i'LIANcix itln'oltT.
Wm. 13'oxton, lease of land for
snow fonee opposite gully on eMt si.do of
lot 28, con. 1, $10.00; WM. d 'W"m. 11.
11J11iott, 80 8 inch Lilo, $8.80; ilfunidipal
"World for advice ro IVIoDonald ditch as
per gecko 1' oitity, $1.00; Hobt. C&Mut.
ray, repairing culvert eon. 11, opposite.
lot 1a,2; Wm. Grier, balance of pay -
ment of tch 25th side road, con. 15, V3;
MCKague-Meyer-That the finance
report as just read be adopted and eheq-
nes issued iu payment. -Carried.
Meyer-Meangue-That this special
meeting of council duo now adjourn to
meet again on the next regular day,Nov.
19th at 10 a.m.-Carried.
The most beautiful thing in
the world is the baby, all
dimples and joy. The most
pitiful thing is that same baby,.
thin and in pain. And the:
mother does not know that a.
little fat makes all the differ-
Dimples and joy have gone:.
and left hollows and fear;, the;
fat, , that was comfort and
color and curve -all but pity;
and love --is gone.
gets little one gets no fat
from her food. There is some-
thing wrong;itis either her food
or food -mill. She has had no-
fat for weeks; is living on what
she had stored in that plump
little body of hers, and that is
goner She is starving for fat;
it is death, be quick!
Scott's Divulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is the 'fat she can
take; it will, sage her.
The genuine ltas this picture eft
It, take no other.
1 i as hav,e not wed. 11, Vat far lrree tmtttpte greeable
taste tent sutp3 se you.
$CoT 1N3c3"VI/rt�. NE 1'
Sig. ak[t"t'ci040