The Wingham Times, 1900-11-02, Page 4guaranteed cure for sore, sweating and swollen Can p, Carnpbefl's DRGJG STORE, NOES, AM/ cQ Ht+lt vire;. i per. Viten business has adjusted itsel DZ. Itiaeillfiliald ' Ia the MUM i prosperoudy to the new tel its conditions for FAO lllainron. it is wise to let Tapper iu to meddle and Volk; for D. Mac(lon old and secure i muddle? Better leave very well oltoegh co'itinaed prosperity for Canndia.• alone. 1 In 1590 Canada wagm doing busesa call The attacks of Mr. H. II. Cook ou the a back. street; ---Bone W. S. Fielding. Government are somewhat discounted A vote for Dr. Macdonald or Robert by tilt) aalicir eimkc' tt of tlio Presideut of the Plast York Reform. association Holmes is a veto for Sir Wilfrid Laurier. of Mr. Cook land solicited his support Hein the popular Candidate in Hut for the Liberal eaudidaturo no later than Hared, lar. >llaedaulalcl on Novemberfor day before the holttug of the couveu- 7th. tion .muscle gave the nomination to Mr. Electors of West Huron should we '.owell, and which was only a few days that their candidate, Robt Holines,heads before Cool: issued. Itis attack ou the goo.- floc pall on November 7x11,, ernment, If Cook had got a Senator- "Tho Government will be sustained, ship, or even the Liberal nomination for but we must show fight," is the conies- East York, it is porfeetly safe to say he sion which candid Conservatives make. would never have attacked the Govern- Geo. McEwen, of Hensen, is iu meat.' Attacks from disgruutlod otllee- the field as an Independent Lib- seekers are eomon to all parties, and piauttlo weight but Cook's being oral candidate to oppose John McMillan carry lespecially transparent aro unworthy of in South Huron, the slighest consideration. The Conservative press have had room The Conservatives of. East Heron are, fah their columns for almost anything, as stated in the TIMES two weeks ago, but not room for anything about the peddling a fly sheet, being a report pub - encounter between Sir Mackenzie Boweil dished in the Advance of Dr. Macdonald's and Hon. John Haggart. first meeting iu' Wingham. Tho Brus- Less than one week to election day. seas Post in speaking of the fly sheet, The friends of the best Government says:—"It is rather comical to see some Canada has had for 20 years ought to men hauling the fly sheet out of their arrange to have every vote polled for pocket and Ditching into Dr, Macdonald Dr. Macdonald and Robt. Holmes. when the party they adhere to never put a lino of progressive Temperance legis - wereelectors of East and West Huron lotion on the statute book, and in some were never more prosperous than then caseswe know the peddler of this screed aro now. They can continue to be pros- to be diameteioally opposed to Prohi- porous by,castiu their ballots ou Nev. bition by both precept and example. 7th for Dr. Macdonald and Robert we wonder how many temperance votes Holmes. has tho Doctor's opponent oast or what the Tun World says that the Liberalfor the cense'? If Government has caused an increase in work has he ever done a campaign on teor ace lines rho price of Canadian coal oil of ten alone is wanted the result would not b:3 cents. But all that the Government has a matter of any question in this riding, done was to reduce the duty on coal oil. and those who are so busily defaming The farmers are not to be deceived by Dr,Macdonald are not strengthening that kind of clap trap.—Toronto Star. their own cause one whit, as they will Tim Dundas Banner says:—lt is wise ascertain most certainly on Nov. 7111, If in politics, as in most other things, to instead of attempting to chastise the let well enough alone. There is a tomb- members of Parliament the electors who stone in an Italian graveyard on ' which profess to bo so aUXIOUS for Prohibition it says: "I was well; I wouud be better; would give some proof of their willing - here I am." At present the country is ness to enforce existing laws and thero- TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. ESTABLISIIED 1572. TUE WIN Ii So B. B,11!i,Ta1OTT, PURLTsnnn A1w PROPRIETOR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1900. DOMINION ELECTION. l ominatiou ..Wednesday, Oct. 31 Yohai,ag ............Wednesday, Nov. 7 T11E TIMES T Premier, Hon. East Huron, South Huron, 'West Huron, North Perth, North Wellington, East Bruce, John Coumans West Bruce, John Tolmie. well. It never was better. Let it alone. Sir Mackenzie Bowels, hes broken out against Haggart, one of the nest of trait- ors! How unsafe to give over the in- terests of the farmers, wage-earners and manufacturers into the bands of a disor- ganized party which cohld not possibly present a stable government! Vote for Dr. Macdonald on November 7111. ICKt T. Wilfrid Laurier Dr. Macdonald John McMillan Robert Holmes G. Goetz Jas. McMullen W1NGlistat 111411EET 1<''ORTs. Wh gbern, Nov, 1, 1900. Fiona pc r 100 lbs . P .. 125. to 5 00 Fan Wheat ... P0 02 tct 0 0a ;Spring Wheat heat ......... a n 0 00 to 0 00 Oats,........... 0 20 to 0 23 Barley .... 0 35 to 0 88 .... 0 50 to 0 55 Turkeys, drawn0 08 to 0 09 Geese, 0 05 to 0 06 Ducks, per pan 0 40 to 0 50 Butter .. 0 10 to 0 18 Eggs per doz , . , . , ... 0 14 to 0 15 Wood par cord ..... 2 00 to 2 00 Hay per ton , .... 7 00 to 8 00 Potatoes per bushel .. 0 25 to 0 30 Tallow per lb . , . , 0 05 to 0 00 Lard ...............0 13 to 0 13 Dried Apples per lb 0 03 to 0 03 Wool ' 0 17 to 0 20 Live Hogs, per cwt, 4 25 to 5 50 Chickeus....... ..., . 0 35 to 0 40 GET OM THE VOTE. Barely a week more and the fight will be over.. Most of the talldnng has been done, and a vast amount of solid work accom- plished, all of which, however, is lead- ing up to the grand finale on polling day. "Get out the vote" must be the Liberal 'watch -word on Nov. 7; and until the door of the polling booth is closed and locked no earnest Liberal, no supporter of clean and capable Government, must consider that his task is accomplished. it matters not whether the outlook is 'bright or dark in your particular con- stituency, or whether the Liberal candi- date at the last election was hundreds ahead or hundreds behind his opponet, leis entitled at the present moment to your best services and to every vote that can be secured iu his favor, whether he appears to need it or not. by pave the way for further steps in ad- vauce better results would follow." If the literature displayed in the Wing - ham Conservative committee rooms is to be taken as a declaration of the platform of the Conservative Party it can be tru- ly said that that once great party has descended to the making a burlesque and a ridicule of government by the peo- ple. The Goderich Signal heads the follow- ing from the Wingham Advance, "A Sample Tory Lie" :—The pleasure yacht was at first leased. by Mr. Tarte at $125 per week; but after one week's experi- ence Mr. Tarte liked the yacht so yell that he bought her and she cost Canada X$20,000. It is about time for she campaign roor- bach to make its appearance. Falsehoods which the makers dared not utter when there was time for disproof are held till the last moment. Let the voters not be deceived by such efforts.—Hamilton Times. Electors of East and West Huron should not be deceived' by roor- bachs. TA1 J8 :i0 CI3AN'Es. "Don't Stop the Growing Time," has Appeared more than once among the mottoes prominent at Liberal meetings, and it conveys advice which Canada cannot afford to disregard. Trade and commerce aro always exceedingly susceptible to outside influences. This is amply demonstrated by the marvel- lous developement brought about by the improved conditions which followed the change of Government in 1896, and in as anuob, as the only definite, policy which fir Charles Tupper has so far announced on behalf of his party comprises a re- -aersal of the change which brought about the improved conditions, the in- excusable folly of taking any chances is apparent. Truly it will be the part of -wisdom not to stop the growing time. Dit. Me,cDORALn has few piers either On the public platform or on the floor of the House of Commons. Electors of East Huron should vote for him on November 7th. Easy lessons ie Life Assurance.. The Mutual. Life Assurance Co. of Canada, rias 1-30 years successful experience. 2—A largo surplus. 3-.-A low death and expense rate. 4—All the best plans. Enquire rates of al .BN ER OOtSENS, Agt, The Mutual Life Assurance Com - Daily of Canada, formerly the Ontario Mutual Life ' organs followed suit. Further examples innumerable might be produced in proof of the utter disre- gard for truth, honesty, and fair play in which this campaign is being conducted by the Tories. It is inconceivable that any decent self-respec ting man, how- ever strong his party leanings may bo, can give his support to the present ag- gregation of politicians who aro dragging the fair name and fame of Conservatism in the mire in the hope of gaining per- sonal advantage. Moreover these are the men—and the only men—who have the audacity to charge the Liberals with breaking faith with thet country. "A CLEAN CAMPAIGN." Hugh. John Macdonald rehashes an old allegation against the Minister of Interior and pretends to quote from the Ministers speeches in proof thereof, but he cuts off the quotatibn in the middle of a sentence thereby completely chang- ing its purport. Sir Charles Tupper persistently de- claresthat in the campaign of 1896 Sir Wilfrid Laurier while advocating free trade in public was privately assuring the manufacturers that he would protect them, even by increased duty if neces- sary. Sir Ckarles has never attempted to produce proof of this manifestly false statement nor has he found ono manu- facturer to endorse it for him, The 'Minister of Railways is charged with placing orders for locomotives for. the Intercolonial with American manu- facturer and refusing to give Canadian firms a chance at the work. The admit- ted fact is that every Canadian firm possessed facilities for handling the con- tract was asked to tender but they al- ready had more work than they could turn out, and in soma cases were then working on Government contracts which were months behind.. We use the "Jebb Optometer" The warning cough is the faith- ful sentinel. It tells of the approach 432 consumption, whichhaskilled more people than war and pestilence cam.•-, bined: It tells of painful )e.hests, sore lungs, wreak throats, bron- chitis, and pneu- monia. Do not suffer another day. It's useless, lior there's . a prompt and safe cure. It is a ;P The People's Popular Sfpre EVERY DAY BARGAIN AT THIS SNE. ..,.ao®.an.,...m..4,.n. 101.1..,...1r..4tP.,®.n,..isu.,,P .n,,,w.aw.,..., 13. A 11 ew Lines r1io Clear At Less Than Wholesale Prices. IM1V,A1411,1 Shoe Blacking, 1('g. t oc ,box for 5C „ 5c 3c Inanaelinc Shoe Past;., loo box for - , 5c r Eze Washing Cotnpound, ioc pkge for - - 5C Eze Washing Compound, 5c pkge for - - 3C Electric Soap, reg, 2y'c, now 14 bars for - - 25c Wonderful Soap, reg. 5c, now 8 bars for '- 25c Kerr's Pure Soap, reg. 5c, now 7 bars for. 25c Flaked Peas for Soup, reg, i 5c, now 1OC Flaked Beans for Soup, reg. 15c, now - loo Royal Salad Dressing, a super- ior dressing for Fish, Colcl Meats, Cabbage, &c., reg. 3oc bottle for - zoo Catty.muv+[' 26 dozen Lawn Handkerchiefs, drawn work in each corner, regular price Ioc, now 5c each. 250 yards of Plaid Dress Goods at 5c a yard. Terms Spot Cash. Goods delivered prornptly. Macdonald Block, NV -Ingham. TAM=�uMIP MvosZ, The statement circulated by the Con- servatives,to the fact that Robert Holmes opposed prohibition in the House, is ab- solutely without foundation. He spoke in favor of it twice, and but for an ill- ness in his family threatened to be fatal, necessiatiug his presence at home,would have voted for it. He has been an ab- solute prohibitionist in practice for 801 years. BItOCEVILLE Recorder says:—Hugh John Macdonald, at Brandon, says the duty on agricultural implements must be swept away: Sir Charles Tupper and Mr, Foster say these duties must be raised. George Taylor (the Conser- vative whip) says the party has pandered long enough to the farmer vote. Wil- liam McLean says Hugh John Mae- donaid does not speak for the Conser- vative party. an instrument for the immediate detection and quick correction of Errors in the Eye and Sight The Mail and Empire charges Mr. Mulock with sending the militia to Val- leyfield to coerce the strikers with bayo- nets and rifle ball. The day before the Mail stared that the militia were sent in response to an appeal from the civic authorities in the usual course under the law which has been many years in the statute book and therefore Mr. Mulo&. had no more to do with it than the man in the moon: The Montreal Star, Tupper's chief Eng- lish organ in Quebec, publishes a bogus copy of the Toronto Globe with the de- liberate intent of making it appear that the great Liberal organ was against the Government. When called down by re- spectable Conservatives the Star profes- ses to treat the whole matter as a joke and declares in its own columns that it did not mean any harm and only want- ed to be funny. WEN' the elector hears from the Tory campaigner that the Government has increased his taxes—(he is not likely to k; now it in any other way)—he should bear in mind that if the national policy tariff that the Tories profess to be so proud of had been continued unchanged, the consumers of the Dominion would have paid $4,000,000 a year more in cus- toms duties than they have done since the change of Government. But in spite of this substantial reduction, the steadily growing deficits which marked the closing years of the Poster regime have, under Mr. Fielding, has converted into substantial and ever-growing sure pluses, a portion of will& is being ap- plied to a reduction of the national debt, Vfor the first time since Confederation, This instrument is made on the latest and most scientific prin- ciples and insures ab solute precision. We test the eyesight free and guarantee the best possible results, ALSEY PARK, jeweler and Optician Macdonald Block, H. H. Cook, ek-M. P. charges the Government with attempting to sell hien a senatorship and professes to have proof thereof. The Premier for himself and The undersigned wishes to thank his colleagues absolutely denies this and the public for past favors and asks domande the proof. Some three weeps have passed and the proof, which should be availed at a moment's notice, is still lacking. Should pretended evidence be produced at the last moment whetx it is not possible to examine it, the electorate %vi11 know what it is likely to be worth. which cures fresh colds and coughs in a single night and masters chronic coughs and bronchitis in a short time. Consump- tion is surely and cer- tainly prevented, and cured, too, if taken in time. A 25c. bottle for a fresh cold; 50c. size for elder colds; $1 size for chronic coughsand consumption. always keep a bettlo of A} er's Cherry Pectoral on hand. .Chen every time I get cold 1 take a littlo of it and 1 am better at once." J.U,1E8 0. BuctuoR, Oct. 19, MS. El Paso, Texas. write the Doctor. If you have any complaint whatever and desire the best medical adv(co, mite the Doctor greedy. Addressf Dr. J. C. zn, Lowell. Brass. WINCHAM MACHINE SHOP Having re -purchased our old stand, we are now prepared to supply the pub- 1 lic with Wood and Iron Force and Lift Pumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders, Gal- vanized iron Tubing, Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, Baths, Pipe Fitting, Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water. We can do our work cheaper than others in the business as we have the steam power. Repairing promptly attended to. We also do well digging and drilling. All work is thoroughly guaranteed. Give us a call. The London Advertiser has shown that in II industrial establishments alone in London, nearly 1000 more hands are employed thanbeforo the tangier Gov- erallnent began to rule. Let merchants, manufacturers and mechanics think what it would mean were all those and t5ler thousands thrown out of work by the change of policy threatened by Trip. for a continuance, of their patronage in all kinds of Machine Work, Forging, Pattern Making, Iron. and Wood Pulleys. Babbit Metal at low prices. Sir Michael Hicks -Beach the imperial Chancellor of the Exchequer declares in the course of a speech in Liverpool, "that it was impossible for Great Brit- ain to be other than a free trade country and that he sympathized with Sir Wil- frid Laurier the Dominion: Premier in this opinion that an imporial zollvorein Was unatainable without free trade within the empire;" The press despatch containing these :words was received in the ordinary course inevery daily news- papers offices. Liberal papers published it as it wasreoeived; the Mail and Bpi - pito out the paragraph out entirely, the World mutilated it so as to omit all re- ference to thehre►ni.er, and other 'gory D. SHOWERS & SON. A Tailor's Talk i want 25 tons of good cast scrap in eitehaiage for Flow Points. Plow 'Points 30 cents Bash ; Cents trade. Oactings in iron or brass on hand and to order. X have now extra help in tiny shop and can attend to all work promptly. Works near G.T.u., ori Josephine street. .a, would be useless unless the fit, style and quality were apparent to back up every statement. We don't talk volumes, but our suits talk for us, and our prices will suit you. Leave your order for that new 'ALL SUIT 011,OVFRCOA.T nits Pants and Overs ars, of the very latest material and cut .can be had at' Robt: Maxwell's at lowest possible prices. Fancy Worsted Suit- • ings are taking the lead this season. See our new goods. Robt. Maxwell E. 0. OLARKE Stand next Griffin's Grocery. High Art Tailor, Wingham. PhotoAraphs Photos of every description made at M. E. Zurbrigg's in the down floor gallery. Our photos, nothing but the best for all, Try us and you will see, as the photos speak for themselves. M. E. ZURBRIGG'S Down floor galley , opp. Presb. (Jhuroh, CIDER AND JELLY MILL. Take notice that the Wivghaln Cider and Jelly Mill has commenced operations and will rine Ev'er'y Tuesday, Wednesday, 'JI.'hnrsday and Eriiday until 8055011 is ended. I3It2NG A1,dll'G `2OVIt APPL1S and. have them made into Sweet Syrup er Jolly without extra expense. DAVID y■p,y�.�y■ .yy. �;. HASTINGS. .yPy�w� 1•y■. �y.yy t AVID ..+,i H AS W I GS.