HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-11-02, Page 2• THE 1 Atit `.1J ES, NOVEMBER 4) 4.4 1:H)U 'a •it'rt':l,tr. cough. ugh. WINGa.HAM DISTRICT. :174, "1 1c. 00,111, l+:ar tlllro't, l)llt. H,tt , f •,tt:Cil.. n, nwniL'1'. Pot- tI;'ti+tt,lt.• `tittd': :'Ill •Y' t . t lnknr.a* and MY t i 'It l , t i :'lit it' \:'+. t 11 MIA I:1t* t+l k31y „,xa\;' t 1 t r, I 't:1e r 1r'.. failed, Dr. in ie s. e tato .t e rep c'tuttlldc•tele3 entee. nes en. St. St.',i Mese's Ste:tate—silt iiie sermon nn +4"tuulay restentttg the Lev, Me. Iit•,Itlt r eon ren11r1S '.1 that the + \Ct' . t6 t;othi many i stat tl :I; t* 1,1 1 n ` wilt: ,„ ';li: 11 to'.f:rrl the s rttt Wien -tints k:t+no t,t- trrx:tti, t tt17 t„• : hoses,. line the hour's 1 , , asees eratstiealiy tell:l ed by the ti;.neet +rr tnt,:c:„.cd v1'ilatn:::•tti,•llt; iu tr..‘ t..1,,s:.6: , :Levh,!='tit,: Mit went -are ie afile: i t's patient wiva's and. lovi ' tt mothees It'uw ettly taro well. it e child:te , gr etc tip ilt:o men anisl women they wiii :in'.tnteeta 4.1 g t.ekt:Nis situ their ltdeure aleteaste, q -t.' -'e it no` t••'i':. fort' \141.1 that tetanus :dwell t7;;” t the helm! as attr erirtl a' peestltle i them new. .I `., . t smile roam au tie• insese tt n x'.,', l tr 'e van have it i.;4)t. 'tulle a id even Whit: oetiAs. whitens 1_e- ing setuane led at. st there Lie a alma t wlwhere»t Mare t". t`:nt play at lkl:t,i• ' , 12•:t" e'n l ling t 't l i j k. t:m i' , drtie el tt Srithour tt, r:t a �'+1 alt tri In h, t w boots 1.ae,, kart t't teark.s at rik-ktse Bet- ter marks o.t. t.t.' ,:xr.o tri; 'k sorrow in. the hE'atrt. t;.b: n;i:titu':t tt:Ul 1 tk);S and papas ;`or he children's le::enres. Eu- cotu<'ng.' tis::;t t k br 11.j C:1.:'C friends it: for tri•. est .., r:. They will not always be obi"drtau. I: F:m„ re is anything the wayfarer t Ae, r, i' is a hottstl were the best ftuni.t,:ci:t w::atj:p..ii ati swaddling, clothes and. wl era the parlor is only opened for 1:ct:r!:11 ser. itk,.,airs or state visits, L t e\; ry rooms in t'.o house be a "living roe:ai, ;711 ::t, . This is a fruitful sc:.rje:.r end will r,:.wru to it ag, Ttn. 1t.Scott, of Mt l,''u, cSt lk':li nparlett tt rte ,;?:?'.Tall store to +I. i 'ktktlw., ?:act's, ftlntketlt° of Clinton and t:OW of O atrla=l'i:t, Nem, was rt't'etktiy tarried to Itliss M. 13. tenby, of that ;lase. Wee t tl:ttu , -1, of Morrie, hats dispos- e; t 1' is lits 1t' fere to John Mc- Call, et 1:,r1, n.1tl, for the suet of five cer A lel dollare. h:1-tn'sf;:4ttPowders Ono. Ar Celia iliac skit :a;:elr-e'u•a;ee,tt!t highly respect- • ettr,:'.nofIateknowteliedon'i.'tlestdny u:.usi. tit c't'k. Decease had reached the ripe nem of tti':: years. Cep;•. ,t_ tretttllt leas purchased the ! `were hetes and also it lot, at tint nn _ levee anis a halt, known s the old Stitt i ate. +'ry pee e ty in Br: J011 II Weal?, of l:zc • -Last's'. Wet M:trsitail's'. Joseph: Rntiellge, nk st highly re - j .t,t .,5, you. 9, :.l.orei5, specter? resident of tit Matron road died , :e :;t.r,00.) red he get f ou Snudttr, O t. )Jst after tu' illness of rood has pltr- 100 n' re farm, he price paid. p `session iu ' At. the residtelll; e ut lfobtu't Dixon,. Ns( Ilion-le/es, on 1Vetltkes.l:ly, Oct. 17t1k, ids }daughter, Meet i nuia l\1 y Dixon wait zikttrrfet. to D,ir. \Yak, J lithmom , of tClwhit. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S. E. Marshall, if Clifford, I There were about 101 guests' wile 'Nero treated to a grand supper. IThe beide received many beautiful pees - eats. 1 St, Jatn' s' ebnroh, Seatorth, rat as early hour on Tuesday, O. t 2i, St Was the !Rene of a very kkl t'1'E'ti:iil{; e'eut, 3 iI tvItiele one of ctratt ere meet popular mut rrtlnkieiner you Ineta. played an i:ltll'l' tent realer. The twat -ion an the 1 iese sate o.' ASis:t Jet do McDonald, of E:Se:forth, only (laugh r c: the late Chas , e:Sonalcl et Irtr. Jtl res r.C. lrurl;:e, of Snen feed. Children CAS y or ,l.,rrt... Mrs. &ones Parr, of 4 trey township 1:011 on Sash -lay, (Seto er 20th. Mrs. lI.'.:rr ,t t,. Only i:z her 11:I year andtkluch. sympathy is e;.'te:ided fol the bereaved 1 -'1 ,7 \'1 i :•r•'r and Stomach Trouble's cured y :1 1:o 's Granules. .t .t Colin A, " a1" ” 'sof' { ' .:rt•,tr -;:'s. J 4 S dr. S } • �. , i Rl. �.4epltall, OL Listowel 11tLS looms :eli ting front 1e stroke of paralysis ' -ire•e the eteuing of Thanksgiving clay. One ;title is completely .paralyzed, and see is unable to speak. :11 Ctletou, ou Saturdt pa,seat quietly away to 1 person of Mrs.:aoderiek earliest settlers of the tow ,, ley at the ripe ace of 7t, ye • The resilence of Dr, M L teknow, was the scene of t `-t: ii yj •1 .6. event on Wednesday, Oct his daughter Alice, was mai mage to Mr. Douglas Bauch [e I- 15 5 1 •3 11ziE lk. �V,t �.i James McCoy, a resident f Luoltnow for nearly thirty years died n Monday, Qct 22nd, after an illness o nearly two years from liver trouble Deceasete, leaves a widow, five so s and two daughters. No Worm Medieine acts o nicely as Miller's Worm Powde'rss uo phy sic rem -tired. At Colin A, Ctthgbe11's. Dr. Knetchel, of Winnipt4g, purchased the 100 acre farm of Geo. ;Tercet, 14th con. of Grey. The farm w 11 be worked by Robert Moore, the Dr's‘ brother-in- r Nw.d.it il,.,Gr ' t t,^ • s teas rafrei 'we r�-L•�•t,.l r Oct. 20,there rest in the ss, meta tike Ship of Stmt - s. Connell, of very happy 7th, when d in mar - sof Detroit If people would only tre colds in time with Dr. Pine Syrup, there would desolate. The severest toughs and slnrl croup, and trio first st ties yield r*-..,ii.y to tri -}ren Prig reme,'. v. Bead what lira Time, Ont , says: "i can. et e •settl•A on Iry zh .r;-;, an Could scarcely speak alba also had a terrible comet thought eveuld send re tried differeut remedies zee any good until I too t coughs and rod s Norway fewer homes olds, bronchitis ges of cousump- poworful, lung- rter, Northport, vere cold, which lungs, so filet I ve a whisper. 1 rhich my friends to me grave. I Fat all fai ,'d to do Dr. • stsoort's Nor - Way Pine fsyr up, and tI a contents of one bottle completely euro d ~le." A r �r t gesso Mr. Stephen We nett, Freeport, N.S., gives the foil \'iti f experience with Burdock moo Bitters. rc I was very much aria, down in health and employed our local physi- cian who attended r`e three months; finally my leg broke, cut in running sores with fearful iturt.ing. I had thirteen running soles at one time front my knee to the ton of my foot. All the rlictlicine I ktok asci me no good, sty I threw itslue and tried B.I3.L. When one- wit" :he bottle was gone inote c' a change for tI tk.i •:.-.,':.„,- 'A ti..i?l better end 1:, the ;. time 1 hr tl a ri stied i two bottles rale kg was perfectly heal.- ~t_. ed and my healtl greatly improved. A DAUGHTER'S DANGER. A Chatham Mother 'felts how Her Daughter, who was Troubled with Weak Heart Action and run Down System was Restored to Health. laverymother Cvho has a daughter droop* ing and fading --pale, weak and listless— whose health is not what it ought to ho, should read the following statement made by Mrs. J. S. Beath, 39 Richmond Street, n Chathat t dui:: "Some time ago' got al box of Milburn>d Heart and Nerve Pills at the Central brute Store for my daughter, who is now 13 years of age, and had been afflicted with weak action of the heart for a eonsiderable length of time. " These pills have done her a world of .�g000d, restoring strong, healthy notion of or heart, improving her general health and giving her physical strength beyond our expectations. "They are a splendid remedy, and to any ons* sufferingfrom -weakness, or heart and stews trouble1 cordially recommend them.'' Milbarnle Heart and Nerve Pills are ]loch. : box ar S for $1.24 at all druggists. , law. Mr. and Mrs. Forest 'will continue to occupy the residence. There passed away on Fa day Oct 19, at the home of her parent: iii 6th con. only a. short time, at the age of 70 years and 0 months.. He cause to this oouutry about trite;; ear 1$32, setting ou the lest whittle has ever since been his home. He was a Mau of sterling character and a good neighborhood. His wife, one son and four claugilte s survive, who have the sympathy of the eutire oomnarulity. [ If a child eats ravenously, grinds the I tooth at night and picks its nose, you ! may almost be certain it has worms and should ndnkiuister withotkt delay Dr, Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, this rem- edy contains its own catlkal'tio: There passed away, ; t the home of her sou -in-law, A. Wi on, of Albert St. north, Clinton, ou Mo chest, Oct. 22nd, au aged and respected ettler of Hullett, in the person of Mrs, E ea Wilson, relict of the late Robert Wils u, (who prede- ceased her by about 1:3 ears.) Deceas- ed was until a short titre ago a resident of Loudesboro. Mrs. Wilson was a native of Yorkshire, Eur and. A family of four daughters is lef to znourn the loss of a loving mother. Sneeze and 2n1e . That is what You mus do when you have c'atarch in the head The way to cure this disease is to pu sifts the blood with Hood's Sarsaparill This need - due soothes and heals 11 inflamed sur- faces, rebuilds the delio o tissues and permanently tires cater 11 by expelling from the blood the s anions .taints upon which it depends. • e sere to • get Hood's. The non -irritating e. hartic—Hood's Pills. a:. Bad Xusee Pest. Oue of the worst peg that the apple grower has to fight is t erailroadworm, celled also the pulp worm, and the apple maggot. The fruit growers of Vermont Kinloss, Miss Lena , fiftlih daughter of are unanimous in giving this insect the Mr. and Mrs. Lena Fraser, at the early first rank among their insect enemies. age of twenty-two year and ten months, It is worse even than the tent cater- very ranch regretted. by a largo circle of ! pillar. That can be entirely overcome friends. 3 by spraying, whereas spraying has no Miller's Compound Iron ills; only- 25 effect on the railroad worm. cents for 50 doses, At Co A. Camp- p The railroad worm, of apple maggot, bell's. - kp is the cause of the p y,,punky con - Alexander McLeod, aged 08 years and dition of the apples as a find them now 5 mouths, died in Wroxetezt ou Tuesday in the stores? fruit and 'n that offered of last week. Deceased w' a native of for sale. The eggs are j id just under the Highlands of Scotland. and had re- the skin of the apple by . smallfiy. This sided in Wroxeter for neat yy forty years, fly begins ber.work in re and keeps it He leaves behind .a tvidoty, seven son' t t i 11 er so that titers andfivedaughters. ? in the apples. Last week the tG0 acres sknow as the ce for sweet Taylor farm. in Grey was fold to Samuel y ruined the Burke, of Brussels. There is consider- • ar. Still she able timber on this plate and it will as well as mal=e a good dairy or Reeling farm. Mr. s of dollars' t pelymus P., s c a sum platy aro worms of all age She has a strong prefere apples, and has practie crop of Tainkans this y works in all varieties, so sweet, and causes hundr•4 lass to the fruit grower. We have consulted the Vermont experimeut stat frankly admit that no sal of dealing with it has b They say that considerai accomplished by keeping in the orchard to piclr up These windfalls are usual maggots;, and the hog out of existence. Experiments are being ors places in the United eventually to know some way of dealing with the the present we riust rely tice of destroying the Taylor is the postnxast'r at London Sontdk, Middlesex County If your stomach is witak it should have help. Hood's Sarjaparilla gives strength to the stomach did cures dys- pepsia end indigestion. '" On Wednesday of last veek, Mr. Pet- typiece, of Whitechurch underwent an operation ^at the Clinton f vital for mal- union of the knee cap which was fract- ured about six months ago, The parts were united together and It will not •be long before he will be around. A field of wheat was swami the farm of Mrs. Thomas French, Logan, in 1899. When the crop matured in 1900 one ear produced 2,102 grains ;:of fine wheat. Mts. French has recently sold avert' fine ! change. spark of heavy draught llorses to a Strat- ford mar for the Engliet nenaket; price about e830. On Monday, Cot 22nd, Miss Elizabeth Backer, of Cranbroolt: and Joseph Ryan, of Walton wereunited in marriage at the R;. O. church, Brussels. After the service was concluded the wedding party returned to the home of the bride's par- ents and partook of a beautiful repast. The presents were both Ivalttable and numerous. If yott itiati to quit being a weather prophet, have your• rheumatism cured by Milburn's Rhennkt'ttic Pills, a guaranteed remedy for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Nett- rulgia and Lumbago. ?ripe 50c at all l the small colonial .force ander the coni - dealers. mated of Colonel Fiore: +,Then we were On Tuesday of this Wee?? William A. ! turned off here to relieve Colonel Here, Edward, of the 5th cofteerd$ion of Gado- late of 111afeking fame Clio has been be - rich township, died from the effects of a E sieged here, by nbont 3,000 Boers with kick received from a horse; the previous! several guns, the Ilritisix troops being day. At noon on Monday`Mr. Bdwarcl only 6(:0 and an obsolete 7 -pounder went into the stable with til pail of water muzzle loader. Col. Bore's force was for one of his horses, wit the the animal entirely colonial, chiefly Australian and kicked and struck hien its fthe abdomen. ! they matte a magnificent defence. They Medical assistance was at:once summon- I made a ?Lager with wagons and biscuit ea, but the blow proved fatal, Mr, Ed- be:is-s, and dug theinsOves trenches, all ward passing away on Tttesdayr evening. tinder a fearful fare, and there they hold The deceased was highly respected in the i out on it perfectly bare hill, commanded colnmuzaity, and his sad taking away is! front all points. The first day more the cause of deep regret. ; than LOCO shells were fired into them, lanthorities at re, and they Estactory way en discovered. e good can be doge or sheep the windfalls, ty frail of apple digest them ado at vari- tales, we hope more effective est. But for ion the prac- windfa11.—Ex- a. Heart relief to half ah A lady in New York State, writing of her Cute by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the heart, says :" T feel like one brought back from the dead, so great was my suffering from heart trouble and so almost miraculous my reeover yy through the he agency of flus power - int treatnteut. 1 Owe any life to it." ----19 Sold by A. L. Hamilton. 'rite Gallant ACstraitans. A correspondent semis the following extract from a private letter, dated Elands River carne, August 18, with res ference to the gallant defence made by When RhourtnAtistrt doubters a MAP up physician and sufferer alike lose heart and often ilespairof a cure, but here's the exception; Wm. Pegg, of Nor- wood, Ont., says: 41 I. was nearly doubled up with rheumatism. I got three bottles et Sontlt American ltheurnattu Cure and they cured rake. it's ihetteic;£est acting medicine I ever saw,"~... -s$. bold by A. II, I:att'ittt;at. :,orate men who tvez'e also itt Mafekiu;, my that the first two dap; how levee worsts than anytlking there. The horse and ox lines are a svc'1' ferful and hor- rible sight, All the etlste ore lyints (lend in rows just as they were pie,teeed, all kill by shell, chiefly otn-Porth. Tht. hoopital shelter is riddles withshrapnel and rifle bullets, and one lay whoa the E1oct lr was amputating ats arta, tile cor- poral, who was s helping hila, had Itis jaw shattered by a piece r f shell, Alto- gether, this is. about the moist brilliant defence of the war, TI were very glace to see ne, I can toll tn; they lost fifteen killed and about fi'ty wounded. Thu Beers were under Del rey and were very keen to get the largo commissariat stores these people were guarding; a fearful sell for them, as they have ex- pnurleti 50 tench annunukition, of which they are short," ?t Eyes mutt ;Vose Iran Water.— C. G. Archer, of Brewer Maine, says: " I have had Catarrh for sev ral years. Water would run from my eyes nd nose for days at a time. About four m laths ago I was in- duced to try Dr. Agnew's : - atarrhal Powder, and since using the wo derful remedy 1 have not had an attack. It relieves in ten minutes." So cents.--ry Sold by A. L. Hamilton. The ()Amen as She Now. Rumors are cokltinuou in circula- tion regarding the health Queen Vic- toria, and every now and t en the most alarming reports appear from • some source or other. In view o ' these con- flicting accounts it is inter ting to read from M. A. P. that: Her Majesty was neverivall her life better in body and mind tiian she is at the present moment. Tier powers of waIlting have, it is true, in 4 great meas- ure failed, but otherwise sit is as strong Its ever she was. The rep is with re- gard to the state of her yesight are much exaggerated: At he ago it is im- possible to expect that her eyes will be as strong as when she -as a young woknami; but the fact rentgins that she cannot do a groat deal of ivritiug nor of reading. But uo compiicttted operation is necessary or thought of4andeven now the Queen writes most o4 her private and family letters with hdr own hand. The most remarkable thing about Her Majesty is the wonderful nnanner in which she has preserved the full fresh- ness and readiness cif her ruind and memory. Her intellect is undoubtedly as clear and strong, and ler memory is as retentive as it was f1 tys years ago. Sometimes 'she , astonis es even those who know her well by ie minuteness of her knowledge with r gard to any in- dividuality prominent any depart- ment of national life, it what is even more remarkable in her 7ajesty's close acquaintance with tike mvements of the modern world outside those favored classes. S he watches, f 'r the instance, with great interest ever new departure either in Iiterattire or jo ualism. Men- tion to her any man or Sv man of letters and she will iminediatel prove to you that she knows a great ' deal not only about'their works and ' ndencies, but about themselves parson y; their ohar- atter, adventures personalities. There are some people who picture her Majesty living in seclusion and isolation, of spirit as well as of existence, and either ignor- ant of all that goes on outside certain small circles or indifferent to them. This is to entirely mistake her character and her conception of her duties. She thinks herself bound to be keenly alive to every- thing that goes on; to move with as well as to watch the tinges she never thinks allowing her Intact to rest ox; grow narrow or intolerant car unwilling to ac- cept new ideas. In f t in the highest sense of both, terms, t�e Queen is a new woman as well as an ld woman, CR. A. W. CHASE'SH CATARRH CURE .I. & C. 1.5 Sent direct to theedisessed parts by thh tntproved Blower. heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh an Hay Fevers Blower free. Alt dealers or Dr, A, W, Chose Medicine Co.. Bente and Buffalo. The Listowel 13usitiess College and Shorthand Institute opeticd its fall 'terra With good success, bavkflg received ap- plications from five ex -pupils of the Central Business College, Stratford, for the purpose of perfecting' their studies in Shorthand. This certf,i'ti1y speaks well for the oaaracter and superiority of the instructton impacted a.4 the Listowel Shorthand Institute. Ror illustrated catalogue, terns, etc., I apply to O. L. Ilartt Listowel. sere' mer, 'Good's Zion laoaifto, The Great Etlptish Remedy, Sold and reeommefided by all druggtsta lit Canada. Only reit. Ibte medicine discovered. ,SJx pekoe* ptatOtaterd ter etre all formaof Sexeal Wellkftess, all teases of abhao Or ereosd, Mental Worry, Ezeeastyn ues of To baceo, Opiuni or Stimulants. Mailed on .eeeipt of price, one paskstEai1,six, t5. One tont_»kat tilt tofu cure:. Pamphlets free to SAY address. The Mead Otilnk 4023ff Windsor, Ont. iV'ocxl'e I'ltoa htdirto lir aotd in \vinR horn by (lalin A., Cnnipbir'tl, A. A. bloater*, J, !t, nnatn, 11. L,1 amiltoit, Drugghlts. LN.>' i ie's:eiesuatele'Jk'X.:rillii,:M" s -344'44+',+•e ►►,'tf[ , Ls 4 Castoria is for I1ttitnkts and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute fon. Onstor Dil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups., It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers, Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish.. tress, Castorita, cures Diaxrrhha✓n, and. Castorin, Teething Troubles, x clieTE)s ,1"r4ettx.Rk;� e•zres Constipation and Flutulcxtey, C,ustorin, assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and, 7i;ozvels of'Infants and Children, giving.' healthy and nkatnrid sleep, Castoria is the Children's lPanacca--The Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told me or its good effect upon their children." Da, C. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, ,If'ist. V41415tor,La . "Castello. Is r o well ac:npletz to children that I reconuneud it as superior to airy pre. scription lcuowu to ate." II. A. A,ncitan, M. D. Broot:lyrn, ll. X THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE' OF APPEARS ON ENE Y WRAPPER. rte. may'. 1 ,e oF"TAlln an,pANY, 77 v. JHHAY 87H,:5T. N ,SW yncol CIT.! 4NJl , uyt',T?F i?irl- .'.• hi .-Yi R .r., ' s _ . •R,. `.,t'...a ' X'Ti •` 11" WEAK, NERVOUS, DISEASE5 RIEN 2505000 CURED IN 20 YEARS. 'CURE;' GGUARAtilTE�EO±±®ppR NO PAYa MOOItUt1�E1FoR A CA,SE WE CANNOT CURE OF SELF-ABUSE, EPUSSIONS, VADiCO- CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT- URE GLEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTED PARTS, LOST MANHOOD, IMPOTEN- CV, NERVOUS DEBILITY, UNNAT- URAL D1SCr1ARGES,oETC. In:rvocs ivltsci , The New ilethoti Treatment is the Greatest Discovery of the Age FOR CURING THESE DISEASES Thr i,at'da 'of F'ntng and middle aged anon aro annually swept to a premature 3 rravo through It A...!1.11 1vt►ISCRETdeNS. EXCiISSOS, AND BLOOD DISEASES'. It ou Etas i rt,y of i:.ti,rol:owjnia symptoms consult us before it is too late. Are You per- ,- rout ;.eta week, dvspcndont and gloomy. spooks before trio oyes with dark cirolos under ktheta, e,o-t+; lut^,k, Lid:,nys irritable, palpitation or the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, n"diment in urine, pimples on tho rare, ores sunken, Iloltow checks, careworn ,F osis(: -inn, i .r17moh1nrr, ltr.siess, distrustrut, 'auk energy anti strength, tired, morn- - nes. T•'.- 1l,'t.., 11 I:11 1;41 el:an,naldo moods, wor..k manhood, stunted organs: and mama- , taro ties...,. inn.' froths, hatrloose, sore throat ere. 1 you !HAVE SEMINAL. WEIK`MFS'S f t i.i'i ; NEW ,1. Trtot) Tt6t'IATttiEi 1T alone can tom you. crdut Ito a man of you. Soder its hula - 001.0 Om brain bou0mtts active, the blood purified re that all 1 ii lrleq blotches and ulcers disappear; '{ the do -es i1 call strong as steel. a0 that nervous- ;: i rtti i t,O.,lt r lis u c cod rt sl:nndrncv disappear; it,::?:h,r. ,r.t •' , 1ht, the hi •n full rad clear. I , •t, ., . AA! - ,n •t l:T.l,at:, n,t, l lir• moral. physical i : Ir � t ,s tis are fnvt;or+•,ted: ad tlranatl I • ',•t.l•41. 1, „1o1.ot1.17,4W1.''l;r,.:1 rho eyzii„m. Tho ' wi t './mi t'--'ino 1'nittrf1 and manly. You , ' .t .,.it a mart +tntl Itnou• marrt ipo cannot be i ` -:orfs 4,.,0 in IV t,Cit 1 ll" a;lrctol to consult lis .'tr WI1,•'•:11} 101f` 0 or chantey. nnn'tletn,,001 s roti re are est you ; your hard earned dollars. +1<'L t'. •c>iu.t l.r':10 Jig, :;i::, f ;i._ I31(K) DB—EN DISEASED? 1 S•Y:'illi, y is the meet prevalent and most serious 3:_U.)tt tll-r t-.,•. It 1p- the very lits, blood or 111e ,a ". '"ti .4 , 1 vtoti.^,1 and 1,1,1^QisOnr ttlycraratA tedfrom thosys- ,, 'nrtwill rt::.;.tLila o." rkiltg. .tlewaro of Mercury. n ultra 1,M m..00nDxstAII&7, ,t m'y suppresses tltotsymptoms—our NSW Me•rkiob y i nsitivoi cures it for ever. ,.• 1 tm )NO OR 'virDU L'-AQE'D MAN—rou'vo led a gay DM, or indulged in the follies • r youth. Soir.abuee r Iater excesses Hero broken down Sour system. Tou Snot trio t symptom,: stooling ov r rou. Mentally, physically and sexually you aro not tho man . got. used tore orsh0u d be. Lustful practices reap rich harvests. Will you heed the ' 'dsignals. yet a victim? Have you Inst hepe? Aro you contemplating marriage? . 1. i; Iles yot r blood been diseased? ?lave you any weakness? Our Now:Method l Treatment will euro yo t. NV/tat t at it has done tor others it will do tor you, Con ttaion ieu Na matter who ?las treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. (Merges reasonable. ooks Free,—"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), en Diseases of talon, /otiose postage; 2 cents. Sealed. noek'on •+Diseases of women" li'reo. No names on bo"S ES or eavelepes. UTEverything confidenttali RQuestion fist eandi cost of Treat- '•, ment,•FREE. 4a No. !4 SHELBY' ST. DRS, (LNNUI bb c® Y tXr KEROAN 'DETROIT, t ° � , a'l't, t -t. !see* ;tits -i:\'Iei .'.-.'Oil. Ylf An energetic bean to canvas town and country with a staple line of goods. Agents now making $210.00 a v with us. Week If you mean business and want to earn good mane in a permanent, pleasant employment, write us at once. y The Thos. established 40 year, Bowman To PRTENt Good heat may he scented by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, fialtirna're, M4. lirelTEr) —ACTIVE', MAX o5' c;dgU co`untyhfo a oIdt r stabliwlii l ci anufa turinn wholeattlohoutie', *105 a year, i:u,,'tiny. Hon- esty more bunts experience l rtluirt'it. Ottr I'e- airPaf'r mcg, any batik In any cit,•, l.n dcelom, relf- sr�detatn ,ori foredoom tbrnntlfnrtukPrrr 'llkird b'Ioor,13 1)tarlforri i ram ., ettict.i;o• Limited. TORONTO, ONT. THE Mita O HOLSTEIN DAIRY �itsq pure and cold and 'Int yC+OStyg++�,,��Y++vAA..i,,y,i, itt Y /V{9y�Y y445 1 'r,'Intl/ en VS A /i W A