The Wingham Times, 1900-11-02, Page 1VOL, XXVIII
NO 1489.
for the purchase of fall and
winter Suits is at hand. We
have a magnificent range of
Tweeds, Worsteds, etc.,' Im-
ported. and Canadian goods.
from the best makers. Please
do us a favor by .looking.
through our stock.
Do You Want an
Overcoat ?
or fall or winter Suit. If so,
J. J. Homuth & Sons is THE
Place where Quality, Price
and satisfaction can be found
combined within reach of all.
.Soots anal Shoes
In this line our stock is
large, well-assorted,a andCorn-
prised of goods from the best
makers. Our prices touch
rock -bottom.
Call and inspect our goods.
tIi& Sos
rarringe Lieonsos
Issued by FRANK' PATiinsorr, No. 28 Victoria
Street. Win;hani, Ont. No witnesses required.
Send for our catalogue and be coin- 51
winced that we do
r work in bu.5rnes4 education in Canada r
Central Business College
Stratford, Ont. P
?l Students from Manitoba on the west, U i
Newfoundland on the east and Texas on
he south are in attendanee this year.
Distanne proves no hindrance to those
twho desire to get the best.
Several Canadian colleges ,
and many largo American schools
17 employ our gralduates us teachers. This u
j�ei is a strong, .roof of superiority. linter lir,-.
al now if possible,I
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, E1
r r'` gt-Jr`'.. , 97 -1. mrd
today. •
15 ents
pays for the TIMES till
January 1st, 1901.
.70 Cents
f - pays for the %Inas and To.
lrotlto Daily Stag till Jan,
1st, f901. Alt who sub,
scribe for the Star get a
handsome p'lotnr a of the
Queen and Prince of
Leave your 'orders early
at the Timm elute.
and Toilet Sets.
Now goods arriving daily,
Watch for bargains in all lines
of Crockery.
(The China House)
Seo Halsey Park's advertisement.
Dr, Butler, of London, will bo at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on the first
Friday of each month from 11.30 a.
nn, till 3 o'clock p. nn., for consultation
in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
Mrs. Rs A. Douglas enter wined the
members of the tows band on Friday
evening last, at their come on Diagonal
street. The boys s obey spent a very
pleasant evening:
SOLD'BLAOn TEA, -,-Last Friday, J.
E. awaits sold his . ne team of black
driving horses. zees McEwen, of
Stratford got one nd John Gentles;
of Kincardine, spcur d the other, Mr.
Sweets has parted w )z a good team of
driving horses. .
WANTED. -400 bags of sweet apples at
the Wingham Cider and Jelly mill.
Goad prices paid..
Mama Orr teM,-Ja bKling, former-
ly of Wingham has sol his hotel in Sea-
forth, the Hawkshaw house, to James
Diok of that town. he, price paid was
$8,000, which include the property be-
longing to the old Di hotel as well as
the Hawkshaw prope ty. Mr. Dick took
possession to -day. e understand that
Mr. Kling intends go g to the States.
WANTED.—Tried apples, fowl and
butter. We will pay 20c for choice Roll
Butter till Nov. 5. Our stock is large
and well assorted. G. E. KING.
Tris Pz. "SAPIi0.' —The Australian
Comedy Co, were n t greeted with- a
good house here o Monday evening
last. Some versions o the play "Seigle,"
have received a so what undesirable
reputation in some quarters, and the
people of ere lead to believe
that this company was not what it
should be, hence th small • attendance.
The Australion Co dy Co, is a much
better compauy tha ordinarily play in
small towns 'and sl ould have received
better encourageme t. Those who at-
tended on Monda aro of the opinion
that better actors ver before .appeared
in Winglnam. Sh uld the company ap
pear here again the would be sure of a
bumper house.
stook of plow castings I will s for the
balance of the season pro nits at 25c,
cash, or 30c, trade. 'VP's anted second
to none. Twenty tons of cast sorap
wanted at once. .1011X MURRAY.
During the last ye • over three thou-
sand farmers in 0 ario have been car-
rying on experime is in agriculture nn -
der the auspices of the experimental
Union of the Ont "io Agricultural Col -
loge, These ex erinnents cover many
brauches of agr" uitaral work iu the
Province. The r suit will be reported at
a meeting of the Union to bo held at
Guelph during t mid -winter fair in
December. All t e prominent agricul-
turalists in Outer will be present and'
the discussion of the experiments will
undoubtedly be f very considerable
value to the fari ers of the Province.
Prof. Henry, of isconsiin, will also be
present at the ane ting Of the Union and
deliver addresses.,
AUCTION SALT ®3 Monuui Ilan:anoLi7
FtRN etntee---The undersigned has re-
" oeived
e-"ceived instructions from Rev. J. W.
Gelling who is leaving town, to sell at
his residence, Patrick street, Wingham,
tent Wennesdlay, 14th. Nov., at 1 o'clock,
a quantity of valuable articles eompris-
ing one Handsome parlor suite uphol.
stored in plush, bed room suites, 1 three.
roller mangle, base burner coal stove
with oven, other stoves, lawn mower,
Armstrong' road cart, pictures, cooking
utensils, and many useful articles too
nnunnerotis to mention, A largo qua,itity
of bee hives etc. Terms cash. PJ TI 1t
p1t t;vs, attetioneer.
See the J'apansse Silks. at Herr's,
POLITIOAL Mawrn 'z. -.--The last pQlitl.-
eal. neetingof the ca ipaigrz lit EastHn» nz
will be held in the 'own Hall on Tues.
day evening nzext. The meeting will, 'be
a joint one, and sp oelzes will bo deliver•
ed by Dr, Modell ld, E. 1�ickinson,
.Aron Hyslop, M. • P. a others.
AT THE SALT B. cit, he repairs n t
the salt block hav been completed. and
operations were c nnmennced on Monday.
last. Mr. Spar n; has done consider-
able fixing at the look. new pan has
been built, new re p1 es, new brine
tanks and other r pairs vhieli puts the
block in good slial o
Any orders for sal dR4 left at the Tietna
ofileo will receive prompt attention. J.
J. Currie, auctioneer
employees of Chap
glove factory- pre
their fellqw employe
easy rocking chair a
respeots and kind re
previous to his de
next week. On S
boys in Mr. Lewis'
gatienal Sunday Sc
Rev. Mr. Prior, c:
presented lana: lith
gifts .' slurie , t
that have existe
and his fellow e
School scholars.
line Ross, north
terms. Apply o
very prevalent i
at present;.: Th
weather has bac
water supply
villages, and t
fever in Ontario
Wiugham has b
regard to fevers.
one case of typh
season. `.Che w
physiciae say thi
believe Wingham
typhoid fever in t
is one of the
found in Ontario.
Monday last the
an's tannery and
ited Wm, Lewis,
with a handsome
a token of their
rds to Mr. Lewis,
rture:for Toronto.
urday ovoniug, tho.
class in the Cougre-
ool, accompaui
ed at his horn
a water set,
tI by
o kindly relations
between Mr. Lewis
ployoes and Sunday
o home of Mrs. Caro-
f the mill. Favorable
t the premises.
u.—Typhoid fever is
many parts of Ontario
recent long spell of dry
a great effect on the
i many towns and
re are more cases of
now than ever before.
en very fortunate in
We have only lied
id fever in town this
ter heard a Wingham
week that he did not
had had ten eases of
n years. Wingham
althiest towns to be
FOR SAtu.—A number of Brown Leg-
horn Bens and roosters; Light Brahma
hens and roosters and, four good Barred
Plymouth Rock roosters. Apply at
Thins office.
DEsrnosxno BIR:
are fast becoming,-
law by which they
stringently enforce
come when these n
creatures will no lc
their cheerful note;
the Province of Ona
for any person to
any native wild
crows, black birds
and game birds, or
eggs of any nati
hawks, crows, bla
sparrows, and any
law is liable to ash.
$2 ) and not less tl
days' imprisonmen
The native birds
-tin et and unless the
are protected is more
the time will soon
oh prized feathered
ger fill the air with
'By the laws of
Carlo it is unlawful
hoot, kill or injure
irds, except hawks,
nd English sparrows.
to take the nests or
wild birds except
birds, and English
Gerson violating this
e of not more than
n $12 and up to .20
for default in pay --
MONEY TO LOAN.—Money to loan on
notes, and notes discounted at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on mort-
gages; with privilege of paying at the
end of any year. Notes and accounts
collected. Oifce—Beaver Block, Wing-
ham. olir. MCINDoo.
the Battle Creek Moi
October 20th, refers t
Miss Anna Louttit,
of James Louttit:
Hamlin avenue, Wed
Anna Louttit, of Ont
Baird, a Well known 3
city; Rev. H. A.
Temple, officiating.
ceremonies the gues
dining room where a
Supper was in waitin
The house was to
presented 'a very h
new -wedded pair w
many handsome a
from their friends
The bride and gr
their own newly fur
they were married,
keeping right awe
home to theirfriend
well-known and tru
B. °Tapp, the lumbe
ploy he Inas been for
The bride is an est
who during her elm
has made many frie
them in her home i
withins in wishing
pleasant and happy
8 following from
ing Enquirer of
the marriage of
ungest daughter
'Married at 542
esday night, Miss
rio, to Mr. -Fred
oung man of this
zzell, of Grace
fter the marriage
adjourned to the
ountiful Wedding
for the company.
ily decorated and
ppy scene. The
e the recipients of
d Costly presents
and well wishors.
om entertained in
-shed honne where
ommenoing hoose-
, and are now at
Mr, Baird is a
ed. employee of L.
nuan, in whose em -
the past six years.
nabie young lady,
stay in this city
ds leaving a host of
Winghann who join
e newly couple a
nrried life."
The' Listowel Business College and
Shorthand Institute opened its fall tertn
with good success, having received ap-
plications from live ex -pupils of the
Central Bilsiniess College, Stratford, for
the purpose of perfecting their studies in
Shorthand. This certainly speaks well.
for the character and superiority of the,
instruction impacted atthe Listowel
__ illustrated
Shorthand Institute. catalogne, terms, etc., apply to 0. L.
Second Band buggy
new; also a cutter.
PET1U g.
Winglnam have mad
give the .election ret
hall on the night of
(l(Spatahcs -will be
Alex. Roes, the local
Telegraph Co. This
be greatly appreciatcc
icily, who do not wish
naittee room, as bus
previous occasions.
0r sale, almost
ly to SnIT &
The Liberals of
=augments to
res in the town
veniber 7th. The
'eccived through
cut of the C.P.R.
rrangement will
by ladies espec-
o stand izz a conn-
been the camInn
'o admission fee,
i unsorxnn Now.—The Toronto Week-
ly Globe and the TIMES will be seat to
any address one year for i1:00. Au
subscribers paying in advance will get a
copy of the Taxes Christmas paper, and
all subscribers to the Globe get the
beautiful picture, '-The Cauadiaus at
Paardeberg," Now subscribers get the
TIMES and Globe for the balaueo of the
year free. Send in, your subscriptions
uow. Clubbing list will be found in
another column.
Big stook of Far Jackets, Capes,
Caperines, Collarettes &o, at Kerr's,
HUzton MunIc,IL s'N.—The regular
meeting was held in e town half here
on Wednesday, wit slim. attendance.
The program as a 'ranged, for was:
Antisepties in surg 'al operations, Dr.
Robertson, Strat rd: professional
fraternity, Dr. Woce s, Bayfield ; diseases
of the eye with case , Dr, Scott, Clinton;
eases in practice, D Bethune, Seaforth;
medical examiner h life suranee, Dr.
Dinsmore, Strat d; a paper on
ganization of Phye ans' Supply Co.—
Clinton New Era.
PRISONER, OF Zn meznbers
of the Wingham Fi e Brigade are to be
congratulated on ti success of the en-
tertainment given the Town Hall on
Wednesday evenin "The Prisoner of
Zemin," as prose ed by the Messrs.
Shipraan's Co, w s one of the best
plays ever given iu Wingham and was
very muoh. enj ed by the large
audience. Elmer ffmau took his part
in such a way as to -in much applause.
Every member of the company did
splendid. The fir nen did. not make
.any mistake whoa they awned the
stoek of plow ca. tilt avill sell for the
balance of the. s 11 plow points at 25c,
cash, or 30o, trade. Warranted second
to none. Twenty tones sf cast scrap
wanted, at once.
GOES TO WOODST 14 people of
Wingham were sorr to: 0 pn Satur-
day last that J. H. ordoii;-the efficient
agent of the G. . had. received
orders to remove to Woodstock. Mr.
Gordon has acted a agent for the com-
pany in Winghana or upwards of twb
years. He was on of the most obliging
He made a hest of riends in Wingham
who will be sorry hear of his removal
to Woodstock, b will be pleased to
hear of his promo hick he was
thoroughly entitle e can heartily
recommend Mr. ordon to the good
people of Weodsto k and. cart truly say,
what is Wingham loss is Woodstock's
gain. Mr. Gordon eft on Mouday after-
noon to resume hi new duties. Mrs.
Gordon and da,u ter eaill leave next
week for their n home. Richard
Sutton, of Bru els, will take Mr.
Gordon's place at he G. T. R. station
here. Mr. Sotto is no stranger to the
people of Wingha , he being a former
Winghamite and received his early
training in raih•o work at the station
here. The TIME is pleased to hear of
Mr. Sutton's aslant cement and we have
pleasure in wale...sing him and his
family as residents .2 the best town in
this seetioti of Ont
The diploma we bold from the
Optical institute of Canada is a
guarantee Of our qualification to
give perfect satisfaction in the fittiag
of glasses. •
Oar equipMent tot.blbis work has
always been of the best, but to make
it still more coMplete and no to date
we have jest added a "jobb Opto
meter," the latest invention in this
class of instrattents,
kibt let fake opticians and
pedlers who have never studied the
eyes, tamper vvith yours, and sell
you glasses at doubie their value
when you can bo properly iitted at
Apprentices wanted at once. TwO
young ladies to leoxn tailoring.
12 WZDSTRIt 47 CO,
result of the manna h. squash corapeti.
tiou held by WM. 11 ie, seedsmau, of
Toronto has bee announced, 02
twenty-three squas ranging frOM 203 to
mid Goderich make a splendid showing
Iwith, the first and eoad in the whole
list, Win, Warenek ' first with a 322
Ipounder; John S. wrie is second with
one weighing 313 i pounds; G. 11.
with a 220.pounde to his credit, and
James Henderson of Wing/aam, is
sixteenth with one eiglaiug 212 pounds.
A. boon to the affioterl; he is cocain
again. T. P, Smith, Eye Speoialist, will
be in Winghaan at Coliu A, Campbell's
drug store on Wednesday, Nov, 21st,
noue day only." If you have any de-
fect in your eye sight it will pay you to
call and see him. . Examinatiyu free.
Ono day only. Call early and avoid the
Nominations w e duly held, Wednes-
day la 208 of the 213 constituencies of
the Dorainion. There were but two
elections by• ace' maim, otte going to
the Liberals in. e nebee, where La-
vergne was n opposed in Drummond
and Arthabask and the Conservatives
securing the se ond in Ontario, where
Mr. Seagram. s as declared elected. for
North Waterlo , ha the abseuce of an
Nippissiiig Oi toxin, Yale and Cariboo
and. Burrarcl in laritish Columbia, and
GitSpe and Chic timi ia Quebec, all of
them. of vast ent, and eontainiug
each many point difficult of easy excess.
The acclamation are fewer thau usual,
there being gene ally three or four. In
1800, there were four, two Liberals, one
Conservative an one Independ.ent.
There were no special surprises, in the
uominations. u Quebec Liberals and
or twice, and South Huon, West
Elgin and Nort Norfolk there are two
Liberals in the eld. Mr. Goo. Mc-
Ewen is contesti g• South Huroa with
Mr, McMillan ; I West Elgin Mr. Geo.
E..Casey and. Mr. McGuigan, Liberals,
and Mr. Jebel Robinson, Patron, are
contestieg, and in North Norfolk Mr.
Charlton is beia opposed by Mr. C.
Li Quebec Sir Adolphe Caron, who
was crowded ou of Three Rivers, is
standing for Ma. zinOnge, making it a
Though not co meted, with the Fed-
eral contest, it nr y be added that the
Ontario Govern it also carried a seat
by acclainatiou Veluestiiiy, namely, in
North Waterloo where the Liberal
candidate, Mr. L. J. Breithaupt, was
declared elected i the absence of of au
Returning 0 oer Morton received
nominations at 13 issels on Weduesaay
for East MIT011. Dr. Macdonald was
nominated by t Liberals and E. L.
Dickinson by th Conservatives. Dr.
as his financial ag t and P. N. Griffin
will am as finaucil gent for Mr. Dick-
inson. A. pablic n etiug was held after
the close of the nominatione,
when speeehes we made by the caudi-
dates and others.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to care headache.
—H. M. WattiOn, auk of Hamilton
Inspector, was iu ugliam last week.
--Camp Caledoni
its regular meeting t Monday eveningi
—The boys of
any Hallowe'en
—The Bank of
branch office in
Gordon as manage
Clinton, formerly
removing to Ileis
Tuesday, isiov. et
Chisholm block,
r,r-Whengettin nt your fall
let the TIMES sup ly you with biilhetals,
all sizes, envelo s, letterheads, note.
heads, memos, et .
--After the st of NOVernbei• era.
ployees Of tba pa, al serNice will be paid
every two weol ingead of once a
month, as at ptese
Political news •vvo luta first plate
in the eel -rams of Tikts for a feW
Weeks. Oar Tea •will not have to
hoar this sorb of thing much longer.
ingbam aid nob do
milieu las opened ft
undelk, with Mr.
S. IL Mel -lardy, of
of Viringhain, intend
C., in the near
V'. wilt meet on
A full atteudance is
Now is the semon for i
sersous trouble to occur ilk
with the lungs. Build up
4. the system and strength -
0 en the lungs whit
/ ,
ao of Cod. Liver
Oil with . 1
i Hyposphites ,t
it is frosh and the best on the 0
The old Williams stand.
Ladies Night Gowns, in, plain and.
tancy Flannelettes, vary meely made,
quite natty in style, they would be eon- .
consided splendid value in some places at
550 but our price while they last is n0e,
worthutore to make them up.
Fine unify- all wool Blankets—direct
from the locators—as low as $2.75. °
Bese pure wool stocking yarns all
shades at eut prices.
• The Direct porter.
Read H. E. Isere Co's advertise-
ment on page five this issue.
—Regular roe ting of town council.
will be held on endear evening next.
The Sabbath School and Epworth,
was held yester ay in Rattenbury st.
Methodist churel • Clinton.
—Miss Sanders n, daughter of. Post-
master Sanders° at Wroxeter, is taking
charge of the po office at Fordwiele
until a new post ster is appointed.
—Chas. M. Hay. general Manager of
the Grculd Trunk ailevay Company has.
resigned fold has ac epted thepresideucer
of the Southera P cifie Railway Com-
—Morgan Dalton Reeve of Ashfield,
and Returning 01110 r Tor West Huron,
is laid up with typh a fever. His work
will likely be done by his Clerk, W.
Lane, of Goclerich
the Fordwich Rec 1 last week, an-
nouncing, that he wet cl not be a candle
date this year for Clot ity Cemutissioner
for the 8th
for Wilmot townehip attead the tune
end of his uncle, Mal .1m Allan.. Mt.
Cochrane will spend few days evith
The many friend. m this vicinity of
D, a and Mrs. John . Nicholsou, of
Toronto, will be stage to hear that they
have lost their five ar oid. daughters
Miss Agnes Jame he child died of
—A political meeti: g the interests,
of E. L. Diekinseu the Conservative
candidate in E.tst 011, will be heid
the Town Hall this (Friday). eveaing.
C. C. Robinson, of T ronto, will be the
principal spealter.
—The Odclfellows' the Torontis
trice hove appoiotecl t committee to look
9115 for a farm of 10 sores, whiele eau
Oe rug as oh ate t • •)14 inembets of the
erder, ee:11 stele to more or less work.
The committee ho to be able to got te.
place near OakVill
Wiogham's Popular Shoe Store.
from cold, damp feet, and these come from I lad
shces, -cotton., von% tout pneumonia eiton with
fatal ruftctits, otigitteo. front avgleet of' the feet.
How All impoutuutiltro. to wear good
_These that ltoop the wat..r sudden) pue,is out
An kinds afTtunics and Valises vbeap.