HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-10-26, Page 8I. H.
a di ts
and Dress Goods,
The Best Time to choose is Now.
At no other time will it be quite so
easy for soil to Tet just what you want
as right now, as people are letting their
Coats, Dresses and furs as rapidly as
Fashion Pawls Flannel Waists
and we have a splendid assortment of all
the different colors Tend: combinations of
Clothing for Men. and Boys
Good Clothing. This storeguarautees
pure wool fabrics, faultless styles azz&
• workananship, but holds then right,
down to the lowest price. Will sell olx.
Saturday 50 odd snits ranging troni
$7.00 to ,'`10.00. Choice au Saturday,
to clear at $1.75. worth $6, $7 and $8.
Coats in white and colors, reg. $3 and $4,
choice for $2.75.
50 yds. of Fancy Braid for Trimming.
Large asst?rt:xlent to clear worth Sc, 10e,
15e, Saturday 5c.
50 pairs of fine, shoes, odd sizes, J. D.
King's make, good styles, reg. $1.50,
$1.75 aucl $.2,OJ for $1.21 Shop early at
,. MO
n.L'UK•a A ae..
Obituar,On: Friday lastRobert Jef-
•fret' D r�tssed quietly away at the ad-
vanced a�e of ninety years. He was one
of the oldest settlers in this neighbor-
hood. itIr. Duff bad lived with his son,
31r. R. N. Duff, for the past ten years,
the last few years of which was not very
robust, but nevertheless was a very
strong man. For three weeksprevious
to his death he had been bedfast. He
was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in Sep-
tember, 11i1O. In 1845 he married. in
Euglaud, Isabella Gerrond. They emi-
grated to Canada in 1848, first settling
at •what was called Carnochau's Corner's
in Hallett township, and, afterwards, in
1856, were among the first settlers of
Turuberry, the
kation being the 6th.
s. Duff, who was a sister
of 1frs. WI'fi. Sproat; and Miss Jessie
Gerroncl, formerly of Seaforth, died in
1877. Sanzetime afterwards Mr. Duff
remove(. to High Bluff, Manitoba, and
in the fall of 1890 returned. to Bluevale,
where he resided since, He leaves two
sons;. William Gerrond, of Crystal City,
Manitoba, formerly of Seaforth, and
Robert Nelson, of Bluevale. The
funeral took place on Saturday after-
noon to thee Bluevale cemetery, where --
he was laid to rest beside his wife.
Wedding.—Miss Jane, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Lachlin Fraser, of the first line
of Morris, was married on Wednesday
evening of last week to John Mustard,
of the second Ithe, by Rev. D, Rogers,
of Bluevale. Over one hundred guests
were present. The bride wore a cream
dress striped with silver. The wedding
presents were minerals. Mr. and Mrs.
Mustard have tire good wishes of a large
eircle of friends.
.A. union Thanksgiving service was held
in. the Methodist church on Thursday
morning of last week, when Rev. W. J.
West, IYL. A., preached a suitable ser-
Miss Maud Roberts,
eldest daughter
of Mr. end Mrs. Williain Roberts of
Merriam, formerly of Bluevale, was
married at her father's home, oto Wed-
nesday of last wd.ek, to John Quincy
Adams, who is engaged in the ltunber
business' itt Mttsiioka, and who is A de.
Beonciant of John Q.uinev 'slangs, sixth
President of the 'C7rnifn ,States. Miss
Roberto w:il b3 ronnoxlit red by many
about h<,rd„
Rev. W. J. West,14r. A., gave anad-
dress at the Presbyterian teia•rneeting
Belgravo on Monday evening.
Mist Mary Scott tipent 'T'hanksgiving
h friends at 13Iakc,
0. AulbroseToole wf.n' presented
K pars' of moneys by his fe1lotif
lxae•nbt'rs of 131uerale Council of th
Cziznadiau t)rdeeof Chosen Friends, b
fore leaving for his lzew house itx Hsu
Mrs. Joseph Pugh spent Thana.sgivi
with Mfrs. and Miss Pugh, of Clinton
Auction stiles fere very rare in tlxis
loeality this fall.
Miss Agnxes Sunnite and Miss Alic
Duf, who fire atteudingGoderielz Mode
School, evert' home for.0 fete' days las
Jaant's M elzartly ;,overtly waltzed his
wrist while working at a threshing, on
�. tic}ueseay weak.
of last e k.
,7..seph Yoe, third maax on this section
is d'tL the road fur the winter. The
Grime. Trunk isgiving these men leve
of absence about two menthe earlier
than usual, this year.
Win. °aruoebae, of • Seafort ht, and
David Sprout of Bolgrave, attend e:1 the
funeral of the late Robert Duff, emacs,
on Saturday,Ira Etcher cut his hand with as axe
one day hist week,
Mrs. Freak Patterson. and Miss Veazey
Patterson, of Wiugheou, were in the vil-
lage on Saturday,
Miss Jessie leubertsen, of Wroxeter,
visited friends in the village this week.
Edward Bryans, of Jamestown, visit-
ed the village on Sunday.
Newton and children, of Ailsa
Caul; we visiting Mos. W. J. West, the
furulur's sister.
It is not area that we sea daudelions
Til biuolu in October, hat this year we
mock e they are among the second oro
John Burgess weut to Brantford on
Thomas West, of Grand 'Valley, visit-
ed over Sauday at Mr. RobertDuncan's,
Mrs Andrew Holmes is seriously ill.
Mr, Habkirk aucl Albert Patient', of
Blyth, visited in the village on Thanks-
giving day.
Mrs, Collie ,spent several days this
week visiting Wingham and Wroxeter
There are few wells in the village that
contain any water.
Miss Cousins, of Trowbridge, is Jos.
L,,oech's clerk in the post -office.
Robert George Casomore removed to
Newbridge on Monday to run a general
store there, He took the stock also from
the store here. He has conducted the
post -office store here for the past five
years and was always pleasant and oblig-
ing. We recommend him to the people
of Newbridge and vicinity.
Four years ago last Friday, the 19th
of October, Robert Black says he was
drawing wood from the bush with a
John Gannett and family have moved
into the house whichhe bought from Dr.
The good rain which fell en Monday*
night was very welcome.
John Murray, of Wingham, was in the
village on Tuesday.
The joint political meeting iii the For-
esters' hall on Tuesday evening of last
week was highly interesting. The hall
was crowded. Joseph Leech. was chair-
man. Dr. Macdonald was splendid, in
the best of humour, and full of energy.
He was logical and convincing.
o• Rev. A. NeNab, its. A. formerly oAm um ,istMVel.f
s.. VTliitec'laurrh will take charge of tits
Welton eougregation far as: mouths.
At the Baptist Assooiatiozx convex).•
tion iaz W uudstoek last week it oouuuitteo
appointed to prepare a hyalin book.
Notwithstaudiug the contributions
to the :0th eeutury In which 1101V
oNeeeds $000,000, tine receipts of the
Methodist Missionary final the past
seer Stxuountded to 0,000 over that of the
previous year..
The eangregation of St. Paul's church
tall as . ovy successful social on Thanks-
giving (keening. During the evening a
si'leletlid musical and literary programme
was Tendered az$ n very happy awning
was spent together.
Mr~:. Scott, wife of Rev. Jolau G. Scott
pastor of King st. Metltodxtt church
Ingersoll, deel on Tzuserbty of last week
We unclerstuud that Mr, Scott fornterl
lived near Gerrie and his friends ia this
locality will be sorry to hear of ids ber-
Tire Harvest and Thanksgiving ser.
vices held in the Congregational clturc
lust Sunday were voiy pleasant, The,
°hatch. was tastefully decorated with
greens, frnit,s vegetables, etc. The coxn-
niittee cieeery e nmch praise for them,
work. It was delightful to see socia
large and attentive cougregetionsmorn-
int; rend evening.
Th t
The pastor of the Congxot3atiolaa
church will preach owning Sundt
morning and eveuing on the following
subjects: "Kindling the Fires," and
"Three Steps to Hell," We read of
there being "Steps to Heaven," why
not steps to the other place too? Stran-
gers who worship with us are earnestly
requested to make themselves known.
Do not leave the church without giving
us a chance to take you by the hand in
greeting, Seats are all free and every-
body welcome,
Western Ontario- Congregationalists. •
October 16th, and 17rJz, tho Congre-
gaatieunliets of Western Ontario, held a
very successful associatioual meeting in
the Horton St. Congregational church of
London. Irl point of attendance it was
the largest representative gathering of
the kind for sometime. The people of
the Horton St. ehuroh spared n0 pains
in making the stay of their guests piee-
sant and profitable. A. remarkable
feature of the meetings was the propene'
sterane of the younger men in The
offices at the disposal of the Association.
The papers.and a.dresses were all good
and well received. Some of the papers
were warmly discussed; notably the one
on "The Cauoniiity of the Sang of
Songs." This paper touched sonie�
what on "the sphere" of the Biblical
critic and on the iAspirtation. of the
Bible—themes Satre to provoke discussion
ie. a religious gutheritig of thinkingmen.
Revival work received no little consid-
eration, and it was generally felt that
the Congregational churches and minis -
tern were somewhat negligent in theme of
evangelistic: method for building tip the
church and kingdom of tlio living God.
Rev. Prior's address on "The Pastor in
Revival Work" was well received. It
was regarded as being somewhat radical
in its s'tatemen`ts re "the need or la& of
the church" and of the responsibility of
the minister to provide for this need,
yet the practical and suggestive in it
seemed to appeal to alt, and ninny words
of appreciation were hoard. Rev. F.
Maeallum, our Missionary in Asia, de.
livered an interesting address on Turkey.
He rwfes ie. the midst of the Armenian
re,asstuare,onewho has suffered rtruchvyith
the native Christians. Mr. Unealluni is
a elentr-voiced, sympathetic speaker.
iris address Wee worth going some ears•
tanoe to hear. Ire has consented to
give the Winghorn.peaple an evening,
and may be expcoted soon. Many Other
features of the sheeting are wvorthy of
notice bat space al1oweth not. The
London Tree frees contained fuller
Apptontieee wanted at once. Two
youngtf s
ladies to leans t orinrs Co.
their j.,rowivg^ tltinghtt'x':3 use Ilr. \ '.1- I
liams' hints fills oecasiortally,riolx blood,
strong nerves, and good health would
follow. If your dealer sloes riot keep
these Bills in stook they will be hunt post I
paid at 50 conal a box or six boxes for i
V'4,50 by addressing the Dr, Williams"
Merlieiue Co., i]rockvi le, Out.
�,� �<►lt1Q,
'ANIntt:MS Tn Wingintm, ma Qetoit'r tOt0,
t . wife of Wal. aradkteet,, a sett.
1'sit.E Sit Wingleteeest Q,•;tober 21st, the
wife of W.: P. Bisbee; a son. fee
1to0P Rso w-ln Morrie, un (Metier leth, the
}kite of T. O. Rogerson; a daughter.
b leeselt— Ire gest Wawtlnose, on October 20ti1,
floe wife of I), A Fraser; a daughter,
letntcreizen—In Cuiroes, on O: t.1', the wife of
Win. ieirlchanel, s ),011.
BAYr,tt vooi).—In Clifford, cit Oat. 10th, to
Mr's. Cora 1Iawlewoocl, wlctols of theltete Ira 51.
Ihrele wood, a daughter.
It ala^teeac--B aaeratt.-.•At tlae Omitted Motile-
church, Woodstock, oil ()et. tilde, by Rev.
S. Sellar v, ka.:1), kir. O. It. Remick, of Byte,
to Miss L'' lorence,L'cticel' of Wocel steel -
a Coi'Aes—Reim'.—At tin, resititaxro of the
bridles paavents, Howiclr, on Ooc. lltlt, by Bev,
li',Meyer, Mr, Copass, Township of ).Minato
y Miss Catherine lteidt, daughter of Henry
S frit,
i'VALoott--Scoter'.—In Ertessebs, on October
17th, by Rev, To,ha Roes, B. A., :Pater 'Letson
til TdissJanet tteott, a111 of Brussels.
MUs'Ann-Fna4.sien.- At the residlonco of the
bridles parents, Morris, On Octob:+r MIL, by
Rev. D. Rogers, John Mustard, oe Marrs. , to
h Miss Jane, daughter. to Lachlin Fraser, aser,
BAYttn--Tilou,— At the residence of John
Caicmore 2nd line of :Morris, on O: t. ''.2nd, by
Rev. W. Lowe Thomas Baird to Miss Sitrnit
Thom, both of'.tkirnberry.
MANialtt.—In Wingham, on Oct. 18, Florence
ls.aabel, slaughter of %Ir. and hit's. E. Manuel,agt'n i year and 0 months.
Ktivcz.—:[n Oulros.'t, Ou 0o ober 2 nc1, Annie
erphy, wife of Edward Hing, raged 69 years.
1eUeae.—In Bluevale, on October 19tih Robertetroy Duff., aged e0 years. '
Gruseiv—In Turnberry, on O tober 2411h,
Huoston Gibson, nged 03 years
The funeral will leave lids 1a residenec , lot
20, eon 8, this (Filthy) afternoon, at 2,80 o'clock
for the Winghere cemetery.
HArD$IQny,—In Culross, Oct. 16, Norman
Halclonby, aged 19 years, 4 months and 26 days.
red, daaughter 1oifeaWM', Yottng aiged.0montL
and 17 clays.
MAROOD. In roz'dwicla, u Out. 16, 1900,
Robert Mahood, aged 70 yearn,•
Guttemr.--In West Bay City, Michigan, Oct.
lith, Mrs. Gurney, formerly of Blyth, *teen 78
CADS,—In Blyth, en Oct. lSth, Annie Knott,
beloved wife of Mr. Martin Cade, aged 72 years
and 6 months.
Herints• In Kinloss, on Oct. 18th, Joseph
Holmes, aged 85 years.
Gro _ Girls
Rosy cheeks, bright eyes, au elastic
stop, and a good appetite, are the birth-
right of every girl. These are the con-
ditions that bespeak perfect health. But
unfortunately this is not the condition
of thousands of growing girls. On every
sidle maybe seen girls with pale or sallow
complexiou, languid, stoop shouldered,
and listless. Doctors will tell them that
they are anaemic, or Mother words their
blood is poor, thin and watery. If fur-
ther questioned they will tell them that
this condition leads to decllne, consump-
tion and the grave. What is needed is
a medicine that will make new, rich, red
blood, strengthen the nerves and thus
rester() the vigor, brightness and hope-
fulness of youth. For this purpose no
other discovery in the annals of medicine
can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pill for
Pale People, and .thousands of r e hope-
less girls have been evade br . it, fictive
end stream` through their . se. Among
these who have been ! ght back al-
most from the tr. e the use of this
medicine is Miss 1 e. Marceau). of St,
Lambert de Levi Que., Miss Marceanx i
says•"It gives me the greatest pleasure to
speak of the benefit I have experienced
from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
For scene years I resided in Wisconsin
:with a relative, where I devoted my'
titne stadying English and music. in-
tending to make the teaching of the lat-
ter my profession. I was never very
strong, and my studies fatigued log
much. When about fourteen I became
very pale, suffered from severe • head-
aches, 'and weakness. I consulted a
doctor, and acting on his advice, rett;ru-
rad to Canada. The fatigue of the
journey, however, made me worse, and.
finfalIy I got so weak' that 1 could not
walk without help. I was extremely
pale, my eye -lids were swollen, I had
oontiuttotis headaches, and was so nervi -
ons that the least noise lvotild set xny
heart beating violently. 1 almost loath-
ed food and nxy weight was reduced to
ninety-five pounds, Neither dootar's
naedic•ite nor anything else that 3 had
taketz tip to that time seemed of the
I,liihtest benefit. I tuts Confined to bed
for neatly a year and I thought that
nothing but death could end nay stiffer.
ings, Happily an acquaintance of rosy
father's one day brought tune a box of.
Tie. 'Williams' Pink Pills, and urged nie
to try them. I did so, and I thought they
helped me seine, and tarty" father got
more. After /had used a few boxes all
rely irioiids conld see they were helping
me, and l y the time I had taken lune
boxes I was enjoying better health than
I ever had in my life before, and had
gaited fifteen pounds in weight. 1: tell
you this cut of gratitndo so that other
girls who may be weak and sickly tnlayr
now :know the way to regain their
Girls the are just entering wonteel-
hood are at the most oritieal pettiod of
e's. Ihoou the care 'received
ars their fut1ire happiness. Neglect
rrta tx tither ,e �.grawe or a life
of moor. iC i n "„ Wald insist that
Applications will be received' .y, the under-
si ed for a female teaclt.r 5. Union School,
N Turnberry and Mo ri {Junction) tip to
N rubor 15th. Applie p to state salary and
experience. Duties to o a mence Srst of Jan.,
1901. .
W..1 HENDERSON, See'y,
Winghahn P. O.
Come and hear the questions
of the day discussed.
It has been arranged by Dr.
Macdonald through . W. H.
Kerr, of Brussels, to have
union meetings with E L,
Dickinson, Esq., in the coming
contest and the following
meetings have been advertised
at which Dr. Macdonald, 'Mr.
Dickinson an .t others will
Ritchie's School House,
Howick Friday,
Fordwteh ' Monday,
Speraan's School House,
Grey. .'...... Tuesday,
Brussels, Nomination
Day . , , .. Wednesday, " 31
,Walton ...... Wednesday, t' 31
Blyth . Thursday, Nov. 3
Gorrie . Friday, `'" 2
Lakelet ......... .. . Monday, ' d 5
Wingham.............!Tuesday, '' 0
as 26
"' 80
Tito meetings tit Blyth on November
1st and the one in Wingham on Novem-
ber 6th, are not joins, meetings. Dr.
Macdonald anclRobt. Holmes will speak
at Blyth. De. Macdonald will be as-
sisted by other good speakers at his
tneetiiig in Wingham on Nov. 6th.
All the meetings with commence at
7.30 p. in. sharp.
Ladies are respectfully invited to be
1.rt'atit:Rt6KrR,, Wit'idHAM.
Night sells et Cluttnu Bleck, or Fifth
door Booth of Sehoot House, Shots op-
poaite Mttcdonaid block.
Cb k i$ btto •bot m of
n C �� o p. ad
Ts aiaeoessfutiy axed monthly by' oyer?
10,000 Ladies, Safe, effectual, Ladies sack
Y�our druggist for Cbek•s Cotton Root Coed-
poand.'Tektite ether, ha all Mhttures,pille and
imitations are dangerotte. *Pries,, No. 1, $i per
box; No. 11,10 degrees stronger,E3 per box. NO.
1 or 2, Mailed On receipt of price pee two a•eent
tstaenpa. The Cook, Oompany.Windeor' Ont.
rearponsibleDraggista W Ostia *.vended a i
No.1 nand leo, 2 are sold in Winaliam by A, L
j. E. Davie, A. A. Morrow, Colin A
cavemen, Druggists.
and anyone having live stock or other
nrtlelos they wish to dispose of, should adver-
ting the pante for sole in ttho'hete;s. Our large
cireuletion tells and it will bestrartge indeed -if
you do not get aetre tomor. We can't guarantee
then Ott wilt Reil beeausls yea may ask more
for the article or :stork than it ie worth. Send
your adverti,emetet to the TtshalIe� azsd. ter this
potlat of disposing of your sedtrk and other
is a .most important tisk. We are fli)W in full
swing, and solicit your custom,. ' Our stock of
is most complete cind prices 1iI. right.
careful and prompt attention,
Ten years of practical work in this line enables us to
speak with confidence, We have gradu ttcel from Toronto
School of Embalming, and the public may depend on receiv-
ing satisfaction.
Night calls receive prompt attention.
Bes dente—Patric St., Mr, Gl, ace ''s former
residence. ,
uM W� ii/ V Vim' A Y � Y7 `V��r 61 �•"�FiY'�{Q•-SIM �p•,M. •/Y 'W �Y "� `
We also keep the Waltham and Elgin Watches.
Our Jewellery is all new and of the lateet designs,
Our line of Spectacles is now complete. We call
suit any eye. Don't forget the stand, now in the
• Stone Block.'
The Watch Doctor, Wiughaux.
lecke '4• east CYCWtole/tyte"4 A fir' , ekes teeve"i1iAL'tteRteas •
Physician, Burgeon, etc.
Office—Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis'
Drug Store. Night calls answered attho office.
of London Conservatory of Music, wilt be
pre -
Pared after Oct. 1st to receive :airlifted num-
ber of pupils for instruction on Vidlin and
Residence—opposite R. C. Clhtuch, Wingham.
and member of the Associated Musicians of
Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited rhnn1-
ber of pupils for instruction on Piano and in
Special attention given to pupils preparing
'for examinations.
Residence—opposite R. C, Church, Wingham.
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O.,
1397, Chap. 189, See. 83, that ail persons laving
claiins against the estate of Robert Linton, late
of the -Township of Turnberry in the County of
Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 19th
day of September, A. A. 1000, are required to
shod by post prepaid or to deliver 5o Richard
Vanstone of the Town of Wingham, Solicitor
for the Executors, on or before the 15th day of
November, A. D. 1500, their names, addresses
and desori tions, and a full statement of par-
ticulars of their claims and. the nature of the
security (if any,) held by them duly certified
and that after the said day the Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the de-
ceased among the parties entitled thereto, hav-
ing regard only to the claims of which they
shall then have notice.
Dated this 15th day of October, A. D. 1000.
- R. VANtSTONE, wingliam P. 0.,
Solicitor for the Executors.
Notice. to Councillors.
We have opeped np a cement tile worlds in
Wingham and will keep on hand a stock of
sewer and c vert pipes, cement window sills,
arches, Meeks, etc. These cement pipes are
reielbtlaiedtnaand agivnggete sts o than country,
other material. By using the best material
and workmanship we hope to have your trade.
If tile are handled carefully we replace broken
ones. -Works :it the Rink. Wingham dement,
Tile and Blick Works.
Men Wanted to Out Cord Wood.
I want men to oat 500 cords of wood this full
and early winter on farm adjoining John
Shie11'4 farm on 12th con„ :East awanosh; for
which I will pay cash every week. Apply at
once on the premises.
fol nislieti the best testimony which proves its
claim to this proud distinction. Here it is: -
290 of our puelle secured positions in ten.
months ending Jelly let, 1000.
72 pupils were plccoed during the months of
Sung and Autzuet,1900.
40 others have since been placed in about a4
ninny days. •
A Brand total in a trifle over thirteen months
of 842. What do you think of it?
Here is the first half of the 40 placed; the
other half will appear in an early issue:
Bon Burgess, steno, Pulp and Paper Co.,,
Sault Ste Marie, Ont.
Maggie Hartland, steno, Bantling Office,
Sault Ste Miele, Miele,
CMha. i3 WetleOnt.ei•, steno and bkpr, Grebe
E. Kelly. steno, Shaw Advertis
Ran, Met Walker,. st no;
Co., Grand Rapids, Mi
DetroStaaitBogart, Bit
o, Grand
mercial Credit
A Harvey & Sons,
LondonIlorbort, POntarkinson,• -kpr: Win. Gard & Co.,
Luella Jeeeup, steno, Commercial Credit Co,
Grand Rauidie, Mich, . ti
Lonisee tllelis, steno, McCormick Harvester
Co, Greed Rapids, latch.
Etta. McLachlan, cashier and steno, firm in
Scotus:, W a h.
Riis, blcpr, Foreman & Co., Chat -
Frank telitoppard, bkpg, W. S. Duggan, cit
Springs. Ont.
Elsie Wursburg, steno, Smith Premier Type-
writer Co, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Be teNe,Hagens, steno, Wotverino Moto
Cor• z' ,Blips, steno, A. G. Gralntm, Grand
Emma Harfteastle, Consumers' Tobacco Co.,
Leamington net.
Ella Behu`tue, bkpr, Grand Rapids Blectro-
ty Co.
Lauren Snow, steno, W. E. Barrett Lumber
Co., Grand Molds, Mich.
Ttosennel. Meeeringe asst. bkTir and steno,
la's-rstek & Canfield, CirandRapids, Mich.Willinnt 11r•ttaltc', asst bkpt, Daniel Lyneh,
G,•a,ntl Rap dao, Suttle
If yo„ wind even more convincing evidence
than this, write for catalogue et either depart-
ment to
Chatham, Ont.
you to attend the T`orest City
Business and Shorthand College, Lan-
don, Ont. Practical instruotion
praetieal subjects. 5'or over fifteen
years we have been iix touch wvith young
people and their neecle, and the business
world tend its recittirorents,
Livery ei1ity at command for aiding
yoting people bath before • and after
Wo are doing superior work; results
pr we it.
Send for bur .Catalogue land College
3o zrxltllr
Prinneil al,
'orhaps the finest line of
ever a seen la this town is new on sale
here. Bvery piece Itaas somethingwvinioitt•.
specially recclnweads it. Some will at-
tract by reason of design, sonlle by
beauty of the wood, some by their
All prtve well made, strong and
daratla at
WA/At+ f. & M D'"PON
Fttrniture Dealers and Undertakers.