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The Wingham Times, 1900-10-26, Page 7
s; 'A 101111 .,,•,;71...;7 , .p , ,'�•, : �r , '� ,, • r •w•, i `�i,,.. � ,. �► .. � .. �' . � .. ,wp . • "Wen,'• sale 3t1ss &uuvind, releasing "lint Wj1y—wily should we not men - 'herself, with a laugh. from Tdm's ar- tion her name? Does she suppose that dent embrace, "yotl are a ft•audf DId 1 ,ant going through life with bayonet you get all that put Into the paper on set torun amuck of any than or we - purpose to Scare two women out of nen two mentions Clarence \Vest- thelr Wits, Toin? Not that I'm sorry over's wife in my presence? I )lave to have my foreign trip cut 1n two, but accepted the luevltable." 'we certainly d1d leave Nice with a "Oh, my! Well, 1 just don't care— rush, Pin sure half my things are at I just must—1 am dying to—i'mr going •that hotel yet." I to"— "We?" ,lore echoed, with a little catch It While bliss Malvina held this spas - 'in his voice. ,"We?" be repeated, with,' medic colloquy with conscience in :another catch In his voice, + audible jerks,Tom watched her aux- "Certainly. You don't suppose I was i iously, Was ":Mother" SPillman's ,going to leave that poor child on the I"queerness" going to descend upon her •other side of the Water all by herself daughter? while 1 came stere to look after you! ! "Tom, clear, if anything pleasanter Have you really been laid up at all, 1 tllau the 'inevitable' should be offered ';Tom? You loo': so—so—splendid—and, for your acceptance, would you em - my, what a lot of lovely flowers! I brace it'?" suppose now, Tom, you area great IIe knitted his brows comically. beau. Perhaps you are engaged to „How very mysterious you are. Amiss -somebody, But about your accident \inte!" •fust,' He laughed down into her eager face. "Several weeks ago I had a pretty eeiose call, but I am able to attend to VE l 8 p �Gl�le M�>•—�It14A^^-•-4Cs ,0 BY JE RE T TI it, WALMATIL Copyright, 1$99, 11r J•eaunotte II, 'VTalworth. efeeNkt '"You are the wisest woman to the world." business now, as you see. I saw by •, the Mandeville paper that Mr. Clar- 'Nence Westover was expected home soon with his bride." "Yes; be crossed with me. She is the •sweetest little thing!". Tom's brows contracted gloomily. It vas scarcely -worth while for Miss Malvina to come there to sing Olivia's praises to bim at this late date. Miss Maivina slyly shot another. ar- row. "And he is just as much in love with "Wouldn't you—don't you know 01 - de is not Clarence Westover's wire? Don't you '.now she's just been daft ever since she heard you were hurt?' He turned very pale, but seated him- self by her side before making any sort of reply. He had perfect control of himself when he answered: "No; 1 had not heard anything. You see, I have been very touch cut off !'ronl my old acquaintances out here. Where—is—she, then? You said you did not leave her on the other side of the water." "She's down stairs." "Down stairs?" He bounded to his feet, then stopped irresolutely. hiss Malvina laughed fretfully and gave hire a little shove. "Mercy on me! What between you and Olivia 1 feel as if 1 was trying to work two mechanical toys with all their machinery out of order. It's a jerk forward and a jerk backward. Please go down stairs. Tom, and have it all out with 011ie one way or the other. Take my word for it; she loves you dearly." And there were no more backward jerks on his part to complain of. When he entered the dark. stuffy parlor, he could scarcely discern the slim figure seated to Its fartbest corner. He still limped slightly from his accident. but Ids progress was reasonably rapid. "Olivia!" He stretched out his hands eagerly. "My little friend! Why, i thought. you were on the other side of the ocean!" Her hands were in his, and she was looking up at bim with a light in her eyes that fairly illuminated the ob- scurity for him. "And I thought you were in n sick- bed with broken legs and things. and I expected to kneel down by your bed- side and whisper all sorts of 'contrite and comforting things into your poor ears. and here you are strong and well and bigger than ever!" "I am very sorry," said Tom meekly, and then they both laughed. Still hold- ing her hands in his. he drew her to a sofa by a Window. "So am I," said 011ie. catching her breath as one does when about to take a daring plunge. "for it makes it hard- er for me to say' what I have come all the way. back from Nice to say. But his wife as any sensible man need to ` "Doubtless. But tell me about your - '.self. Cough all gone?" "013, I'm all right! I have forgotten I ever had a cough." Her beat".gvns sinking like lead in her faithful i3o44m. She was under sworn obligation 011ie not to he the 'one to iutroduce her name into the. con- versation. !.17.:.=. se,. up and walked to a window that looked out upon one of those dis- mal town views where wet clothes flap- ping in the wind excluded every other feature of the landscape. What right had he to question Miss Malriaa as to the welfare of Clarence Westover's wife. He stood with his broad back 'turned toward Miss Malvina until his quick ear caught an unmistakable sob. He turned and cane back to her, his face full of solicitude. "My dear old friend! Why, Miss Malrina, tell me what troubles you. Can't you trust me. the last of the Broxtons, as entirelye as you used to trust my forbears?" Miss Malvina was in total eclipse be- hind a very large pocket handkerchief. Tom, bending his head low, could catch but one word. fractured by sobs, "Po -or!" "Poor! What. and you did not let me know? Now, do you call that be- ing a friend? Wby, haven't you heard What . a famously rich man my Inven- tion has made of me? Come, now, Clear old friend! How happy it will • Make me to Become your W he is there but you to share my good for- tune?" Miss TIalvina emerged into view With eyes full of perplexity and aston- •1shmeet, "Thomas Broxton, what are you 'talking about?" "Didn't you say you were poor; and Wasn't that what you Were—were"— "Blubbering about? Well, upon my word and honor! les, 1 did 'say poor, but. I . wasn't talking about myself. 01—she—would never let hoe lack for anything. She is as good as an own daughter to me." "She?" "M-tnh 1" "1 suppose you Mean Olivia by "Thank goodness, at last!" She looked at him radiantly and pock- eted her big handkerchief with a tri, lumphant 'flourish. Tole looked per, 1)1e:ted in hie turn. "Thank goodness for What?" "You will bear me witness, Toni, you slid It—I didn't." "I'll bear yen 'vitneSS to anything," Said Tom, With a great laugh, "If you'll only be a little More lucid." "01110 said 1 'wasn't on any terms to being her name into the conversation unless you mentiohed It first, and 1 be' gan to think you never would do it:" A cloud settled on Tom's bright face. longed for with tt lolleing unappens- ttbl'ttntl unutterable. All things else 1 litter. said .I would have. Yon alone were. re. the umattainalhle through f'or'ce of tall, 'l'Ue oopromo good of my litre hail to Corn% to use flf a free gift from tills beloved little luted," ;inti a golden slletiee fell between tht'w. When Clarence Westover. then winter - Ing in Florida t41th his Itaudsoute Clementine, read In the liiantltavllle pore that that 'Phomas Broxton nod Olivia Matthews had been quietly tnarrietl at the home of the bride and immediately t•elnoved to their future rectdettcet, Broxton 1lnll, be laughed find mailed the paper up to mall to ,leanue, OI) Its margin be wrote; It was Tom, sed not me, she cared for o1) along, only It took her a phenomenally tong time to make the titacavery. I.ove lots round the mu to make good all losses to splendid 'Tont ,Uroastou. trek: PND. The Cootir-uoeas Show's. The funniest farce ever writ ten could not be doue at vendevflle houses .1r it had any of the earmarks of Lite cling In vogue at many of our first class the. ntel's, . Said a lately to tete: "'They (the vatudeville theaters) are the only tlaeatire In New lore Where 1 should feel absolutely sato In takiut; a young girl without tnnklug prelimi- nary inquiries. Though they may of- I'end the taste. they never offend one's sense of decency." The vaudeville theaters may be said to have establish- ed the commercial value of decency. Tltts is their cornerstone. They Were cofc'eived with the• object or catering to Indies and children, and, a•irauge to say, a large. If not the larger. part or their audiences is always men.— "Vasudeville 'Theater." by Edwin Mil- ton Boyle, In Scribner's. horse Weighed, 8.000 I'oande: The weight or the heaviest horse ever known Wats :1.000 pounds. This Clydesdale horse was exhibited in New York in 1880. It was :.'Oa1/s hattels high. and. although only ri years old, meas- ured 45 inches round the stifle or knee joint: 93 inches girth, 841/, inches round the hip and 11 feet 4 Inches in length: It was of perfect proportions, with u head,3( inches in length. MATRON AND MAID. Ai L/I: M.ad TO 'tHli TQQTHACHFI. )ly maw upon the yellowed stung 1'l1at sheets my tortured guns along Ad through nn lir.A )les atenY tw ie. WI' gnawing vengeance, Twine liket�ruel.ln,iome iletter tti engines! When levers burn or n;rae freezes, Ititrumatics gnaw or colic squeezes, taut nct::hbor's sympathy may ease us, w1• pitying moans, Out thee, thou hell o' a' diseases, Aye mocks our vests.'. Admen my heard the slums trickle, t'throw the wee stools o'er the mlelcle As around the erg the piglets heckle, 'To see me 10up, While, rating mad, I wish a heckle Were in thelr done. 0' a' tho numerous human dools, . 111 hnr'ets, deft bargains, Cutty stool% Or wmttty friends racked i' the inoole, Sod sight to reel The tricks o' knaves or lash o' fools, Thou bmr'st the gree. --Robert Duras,. JAMES PAYN'S UNKNOWN, MULLEN'$ POULTRY NETTIXR Device by Which ftp Antnteur. Writer Deceived time Novelist.: "On several occasions," onee remarked the late James 1'ayn, uovelist and maga- zine writer, "I 'tad some very bright sketches of country life from a young sportsman, Who, although he was mostly on horseback, seemed to have eyes about hem for outer things than horses and hounds. Then he sent the a short story of military life. a little erring, as was to he expected in a youngster, upon the side of fastness—too much cigar smoking and IGo fenny brandies and sodas—but very. graphic and entertaining. As my people were mostly military it interested me more, perhaps, than it would have done, and it interested them—which it was rather diflictilt for any story teller to do— and thereby proved its genuine character. "I was rather 'pleased when the young fellow wrote that he was coining up. to towel, to see me, scud l made him an np• pointment for that purpose. At the hour arranged for Lovas annoyed by my colt• tidentinl clerk bringing in n card with 'Miss Norman' on it. 1 said, '1 do not know this lady. and you are well aware that 1 do not See people who have not an intraduc•tioe.' "'She is very Ladylike, sir.' he answer- ed, 'and pretty.' "It 'vats a wrong remark for him to mala, of course. since, it almost suggested that good looks were a passport which should be reserved fur true merit, but I said 1 would give her two minutes. "Aceordiagly she was ushered. into the hall of audieueo. an apartment. by the tray, on the third !lour, and always In n state 'of litter, She was comely enough, but 1 at once .explained to her that my time was precious and that 1 had made an appointment fur that very hour. 'You will shciw Mr. \la rcltmont up when be comes at once,' 1 added to the clerk with tgnifiranee. "'But 1 am Mr. Marchmnnt; said the lady. "You might have knocked me clown with a feather. Nothing she had written had given me the least hint of tier being of the fair sex: nay. what would to my mind have done away with all suspicion. had 1 entertained any, was that she had always taken my a Itera thins in her sketches with the greatest good nature. As a rule, if you venture to hint that this or that falls, short of excclleuce in a la- dy's contribution she is surprised and by no means pleased.- Any other fault she could, have imagined in her cbnrpositiva, but—you must creme her remarking-- the emarking—the paragraph in question was written with; particular en re. and if excised the whole article would be spoiled. \Liss Norman had acquiest•ed in every sugges• tion, and never reuotnstrated, even at a deletion."—Youth's Companion. Acts. Mary P. Ston o is chaplain In t Wyoming state penitentiary. Miss Ball Caine, sister of the novelist, Is playing Polly Love in "The Christian" in England. Adelina Patti has taken up the zither banjo and ploys. her own accompaniment frequently when singing before her. inti- mate friends. Lady Tennant of London has borne a daughter to her octogenarian millionaire husband, Sir Charles Tennant. whom she married last winter. •Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt has sent to the New York police pension fund her check for 415,000; in recognition of the services of the police on the occasion of her husband's funeral. Florence Nightingale, now over SO years of age and feeble in health, recent- ly wrote a noble letter, upon the anni- versary of Balatklava, in aid of The, Daily Telegraph shilling fund. Miss Eva Grace Snell, granddaughter of Amos J. Snell, the Chicago millionaire, who Was.murdered ten years ago, is go- ing on the stage. She is 20 years old, beautiful and has a fortune In lir her own right. perhaps you don't want me to say any thing at all." -The very sound of your dear voice brings healing with it, Olivia." "Then—then—oh, Tom, it's perfectly horrid of you to make enc say it! But I deserve some sort of puuishnteut. Did you think I asked you to take me—just because I was sorry for you? Did not you know I-1 love you? lnau•t you know, Tom, I've always loved you? No. You poor dear, how could you when I only found it out myself that day after you got up and went from me without once looking back?. You see, Tom, you treated me too well at first. But-but—lf you love me, Tom, it will all come right at last. I said 'No' to you once when I did. not know my own mind, and you said `No' to me when you wanted to punish me for being such a frivolous weather- cock, I did a silly thing. Tom, and you did—a—cruel one. But all the world knows, Tom, that two negatives make an affirmative—that is, you know. dear. where they really and truly love each other. 1f you love me. Tom"— "If I love you? 011ie, my own little Olivia.. at last! Your Image has never Maine is not generally supposed to be within the watermelon belt, but Mrs. Miles Simmons raises an abundant sup- ply of this fruit each year in her garden at West Rockport. Mrs. Simmons has melon for dessert at her Christmas din- ner. Miss Ellen Irwin of Baltimore has turned over to the board of trustees of the Peabody institute 4;15,000, which her sister bequeathed. and the iuemue of which is to be used to purchase paintings to be added to the Peabody collection as a memorial to the late George 0. Irwin, brother of the Misses Irwin. Although Mary A. Livermore has near- ly reached fourscore years, her interest in public work is not abated. Site re- cently presided at the fortnightly' meet- ing of the Massachusetts Woman Suf- frage association. of which she is presi- dent, and site has resumed' her lectures for charitable and philanthropic objects. Mrs.: Oliver , Iselin thinks she would like nothing so well its to be the skipper of a vessel. She is expert with the tiller and knows snore about navigating a yacht than any wontat.in the country. She studies every detail of nawigatiou and would not have the least trouble in passing the most crucial examination on the subject. One of the special correspondents of the London Mail in South Africa is La- dy Sarah Wilson. the aunt of the Duke of Mariborough•tand. wife of Captain Wilson, who was ordered to Mafeking some time ago. Recent dispatches from Cape Town spoke of a journey of 200 miles from .Mafekhtg mode by her ou horsebacc in an attempt to get mews for her journtll. "Ottetalar Ire gcatferl� U out MI hattda grown dim in mer faithful heart. You are the one thing ie life th:ft 1 have THE ROYAL BOX. and imPii N.CtiOtNall aro not rttrpnssetl in tho WOULD. �, ,� � •. Their. Woven Wire V a•nein,ts here stood t ; r , .,F• stood over ltiteen years of very r.uceosatn% testt1i, on FARM and RAILWAY. SD°einl nil'ers made this y'.'ar on %LOe VEN 4.1 Thesegoods are all lnattui'acrered by The Ontario Wire Fencing imited of Pinion Co.,1 f t Cot, ! ?or sale by the I3ardwaze Merchants and General Dealers tilroti 'rout Canada. .Also by the Can. Hardwaro Jobbers. • 0.0n, Agents—The 13. Greening Wire Co., of Hamilton .and Montreal. Agent for Railway Fencing—.Tames Cooper, :Montreal. irsr-Corresponclence with the manufacturers invited. CANADA'S S • OPE AE©E.eTp Just An authentic account of the Canadian Contingents in the South African War. By T. G. Margie, 13. A. Introduction by Very Rev. Principal Grant,'"LL.D, Baser' on the oilieetll de- spatches of Lieut -Col. Otter and other eommandrug officers at the front. Cotnplete in One Volume, foo pages, ri:rltly Illus- trated, only $11.50. Agents. Cdiuing Money, GET PR13E PROSPECTUS. THE Itlit ABLE VAN-A11TSON CM, Limited, ItatANTf O1tD, `,;;rYt ' ,.'c %t4i'. Acne'. ' The Saltpeter Man. The saltpeter man of the first half of the seventeenth century was halted even more, if that be possible. than the "win- dow peeper" of those more recent days. when light was subject to heavy taxa- tion. Before the importation of salt- peter''!S+glit abroad, as an important in- gredient ill the manufacture of gun- powder. it vas crown monopoly, and agents, popularly known as saltpeter men, were strut all over the country to seek for it in stables.. pigeon cots, pig- sties and indeed y inalmost all other places the soil of n h.i:1i, was supposed to .beimpregnated with h a l matter. The rut pre"na injury these men did and the irritation they caused by digging up floors and pull- ing down fences were great. No house• holder was free from their visits. which wort: rendered especially odious from their being empowered to impress carts and horses for the purpose of carrying °away the mineral and the utensils em• ployed in its manufacture. This galling domestic tyranny—though, of course, not to be compared with things of far greater moment—Was 110 doubt one of the factors iu the national irritation which made the civil war pos- sible. The monopoly wit's put an end to by parliament in 1030.—Athenaeum. It is it curious fact that Queen Vic- toric should have an equal number of grandchildren nttd great -grandchildren - 32 of each --which, together with her -8sen children, makes the number of her descendants 71. The Princess of Wales, who bas been for some tune the guest of the Duke and Duchess of Fife at Mar Lodge, Aberdeenshire, has arrived at Sandring- ham for the winter. The Duke and Duch- ess of rife Follow her to Sandtang h m. The sultan of Turkey Is about to have the cinematograph btougjlt into use for the purpose of enabling him to 'survey his railroad works in Anatolia without the trouble of moving from his chair. The 110 kiiotnetet's of the line are to be photographed and reeled off before his majesty and the court at Iarildiz kiosk. The (Irand 'Duke Constentjne has translated "Hamlet" into Itussintt verse, and last 'season parts of the play were, erfortned at his palace, he playing the part of Mullet, The sent" has now in- tltnntod that be wishes to see the play acted in its entirety, so the performance Will take piece when the court goes' into half mourning. THE TIMES announces the fol- • lo‘. -view, clubbing offers for 1900-1901 : Times till end of 190I, - Times and Weekly Globe, with picture, "The Can- - adians at the Battle of Y:tardeberg," '.till Jar-. Ise, 1902, - Times and Weekly Witness, Times and Family Herald premium Times and Weekly Mail and Empire, Times and Western Advertiser, Times and Weekly Sun, Times. and Daily Globe, • Times and Toronto Daily Star, Times and Farmers' Advocate, We could extend the list, but can give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published. Every subscriber will receive .i copy of the hand- some illustrated TIMES Ct-1RISTMAS SL) ('PLEMENT. The advance in the price of paper, having to pay postage and having a higher rate from publisher, the clubbing rates have been increased in some instances. The above are our FIXED rates, marked down so as to admit of no reduction. .There- fore there is no use asking for cheaper rates. When we can afford to give cheaper rates to one we can give them to all. and Weehly Star with $1.10 1.6o I.6o 1 75 1.75 1.40 1.75 '1 2.75 I.90 it is -lot necessary. \+Ve The Blind Nevelt! Dream of Seeing. Everybody dreams more or less, but have you ever reflected upon the fact that people who are born blind have only "hearing" dreams? [n other words, their mental eye sees nothing; they only hear sounds. This interesting point came up before a scientific society the other day, and it was found that of 200 blind persons who had been gnesttoued on the subject those who had been born without sight and those who had become blind before their fifth year ,never saw things or faces its their dreams. On .the other hand, of those whose sight 'vas lost between the fifth and seventh years some did and, some did not see in their dreams, while all those whose eyesight was destroyed after the seventh year hada quite as vivid dream visions as seeing people. Blind perdons, it may be observed, dream just as frequently as do normal people. ,Cfader n Ilnnynn Tree. The first parliament house of the Boers was under a banyan tee, under which the rulers of the Trenuvnnl gathered to the early days of the republic to discuss questions affecting the cotlntty, ttntl the tree has thus become known ns the "liryt volksrand of the'Pransvaal." The Boers tall the spot VV'ondcrbioon. It is a few miles outside of Pretoria. at the en• trance to a cleft In the niminbtin. (lust An .Around. "i'ou'll have to give tip drinking on to,- cotuit of your liver;" said the doctor. "Awl 1 Worth) advise that you step snmoking hemmer of ,pew eyos mut heart." "Doctor," groaned the 115tie'tit, "dn.t't you 'th!)tla 1'd bt'ttet' give up eating be - Mime' of niy'atetnaelt?" TIMES OFFICE, W g.ghan, Ont. TPAly'• Doctors� A Go Pres eripti Forma Tett for five eents,at bruggsas Grocers, Restaurants, Saloons, News -Stands, General Stores and Bathers Shops. They banish pain, induce sleep, and erolong life.. One gives relief l No natter what's the matter, one will do you good. Ten samples and one thousand testi. tnonialt tent by mail to any addrest on receipt of price, by the Ripens Chemical Co., tgSprttce St,, New York City.