HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-10-26, Page 6ereet ��. B`;"'ABLIt+''lb%D 1.72. Winn, r `i i pa1H �s•y � ' J;P � Yt ,�a 1 r`i'! 3i:�.' 1,:1,° Ail.�•IPaa H.13.r^•,LLIOTT,P ninsnInt AND P aepaneree .F+.lulDA.Y, OCTOBER 26. 1000. lf•It (.) TX.il .: LJ1.,1TEII. cOUupare('i w,tlt 1803. In the former ,year these 1'itte; u firm; empleye : ;in ag- gregate ot I,1lt(tmoo, t'a-'tray they give work to t',8;, or an increase of 76 ,her cent. The most of the men are machinists, eugineers, boiler makers, etc,, whew wages would avere e t.r least i,,k'd a day. Eight piano factories in the same city entplayell 712 Caen in 180, to- day they have over 1,200 er an increase of more than oe per cent. Other wanu- facturinh tr;uka have developctl in, like proportion, awl this under the admiilfs- tration which. according to Sir Charles Tupper was bound to bring dieaste: and ruin to Canadiat. industry. Elven SUP - pose for the sake of argument that there was any truth in the Tory: claim that the Liberals ar.. continuing their policy un- changed, these figures aro to moat con- elusive argument against auy change of Government, for it is most evident that if this is the result of the Tory policy the Tories themselves did.notknowhow to work it properly, , It is clear that the country is benefiting just now from a happy combination of the right policy the' -•g • a it,mal it and right men to work ( eteato eettert, would bo the craziest Mud of folly to. Atariff under wliic i every industry (,tango either. i has prospered as never before, udder GOOD GOVERNMENT ATTRACTSPOPUL-tTICN win• ch. our artisans have obtained steady It is not net eseary to wait for the employment and generous wages, under census returns nest year to prove the which the natural products of the country claim of the Laurier Government that have been converted into dividends for the exodus has stopped 'and that the the eapatilist and cottages for the work - tide has set in strongly in the opposite inemen, is a tariff which speaks for itself direction. Departameutai figures show far more eloquently than the most beyond. question that at least 10,000 act- complished orator on either side could ual farmers settled in the Northwest last speak of it. You see its effect in the year, and this present season is proving throng of well-dressed, well-fed school one of yet greater activity though the children in the most crowded parts of official figures aro not yet compiled. our cities and towns. You see it on a From 1897 to 1E99, 100,000 settlers came public holiday in the faces of the work- iugmou, as, with their wives and families they speed away on the street car .and raiiw£Ly for a day's enjoyment. You see it in the long freight trains seeding i ports.You see it their way, to Atlantic in bank ledgers, in discharged mortgages in our registry offices, in railway divi- dends in century funds running over the millions, and in a few weeks you will see it in the ballots marked by an ap- preciative and coutented people.—Hou. Geo, W. Ross, at Glencoe. From ory own correspondent. Ottawa, October 2J, 1900. un'r OUT T1Th C.TE. Barely afortnig;ht more and the fight will he ever. Most of the talking has been done, enc. a vast amount of solid work utcolnplished,all of wlitchhowever into the country and one direct result of is leaelM tip to the grand elude on polling this tremendous influx has been that in day. ••ir.)tteat the vote„ meet be tate two years under Liberal,fxovernmeut :Liter, al watchword on is uvcmber 7th; there have been 10,700 entries for land • and until the door of the polling booth in the west base against 9,000 in the last isclosed :tad locked n 0 earnest t Liberal, , five years of Tory rule. It is a si mf - no supporter of clean and capable Gov- cant incident worth recording in this aceoupt, must consider that his task is connection that in place of losingthous the 0tiplial..ti. It matters dark whether ands yearly of the best of our population the outl:lalc is bright or c=irk in your driven by adverse circumstances to seek own particular constituency, or whether a livelihood iu the States. 9,000 people the Liberal candidate at the lest election came from the Republic to settle in was to ,us ahead of, or hundreds be Canada in 1898, followed by 12,000 in hind his ouieii ut, he is entitled d at the 1899and 8,000 more in the first half 'of present moment to your best serdioes, 1900. At the same rate of increase for and to every vote that can be secured in his favor whether he appears to need it the balance of the present year, this or not. will make a total in three years of at ,, least 40,000. These, it must be remem- • O C :LRS; un'S TO L'11ITI::%I. bared, are not the despised "foreigners." Sir Charles Tupper has declared in the —who by the way are turning out most Province of Quebec that Sir Wilfrid admirable settlers—but English speaking Laurier is too British for him. One can immigrants, who have tried their for - readily believe that ho is speaking tho tunes across the line, and are well satis- truth, and that had he Glared he could, gad that the prospects are far more inn - with perfect honesty have repeated this voting here, under the improved condi- . criticism in Ontario. Daring the last tions brought about through Sir Wil - year of Tupper's administration the total f fid Laurier's statesmanlike administra- export of agricultural products - and tion. animals and their prods cts from Canada • ALL LIARS SP' arm IIAVE TI;EIR; PART. to Great Britain. (that is in. 1890) was to Among the most- significant signs of :the value of $421000,000, This year `finder Laurier's "Too British" policy', .the total has risen to $72,560,000. NO wonder, when Sir dha):1es has to face these figures before a jury of Canadian farmers, he is lead to declare that Laurier is too British for him. EXCELLENT CAMPAIGN LITETtATGRE. THE \Y1NGIIAM Ti.MES,. OCTOBER 61 woo,. (tltiWa sT-4'aV eta.N hire Our old frieni ; Sir Charles Tupper, is never tired of telling IA how ho ,•tis, practically without I:t>sisttanee either from Providence or his fellowman, brought abcut cont'ederatiou, worked, out and put into otreet the fatuous—or is it infamous --- National Policy, built the Canadian Peciiie railway, and is entitl- ed either directly o' indirectly—•grin• eipa,li- the former"—to till the crctc1it at- taching to every development that has been made for the Advancement ofCanada during the last forty-five years.Inorder to remove any doubt that may possibly ex- ist as to the justice of these claims, it is only fair toez::ll attentinti to Sir Richard C:artwright's rcmarhs et I.'eterboro the other day when he observed that the. contribution of Sir Charles Tupper and his associates to the construction of the 0. P. R. was to make it cost neatly twice as much as it should have cost to the people, and to fool away an empire in the west for less iuouey than it would have cost to make•a survey. No wonder: Sir Charles is pleased with himself, Sir Hilbert Tupper,. previous to the last election, referrer, in. a speech to the question , of the annual expenditure, He stud: "In taking the responsibility of saying that whither any: party or the outer party be successful at the -next election, I have not the slightest doubt that the cnpeuditnre of this ceuutry will increase instead of diminish. And I will go farther and say that, lirovided wig- doni presides over the system of meet agement the expenditure will iuerease instead of diminish, This pantry as it grows, this comitry.• as it successfully (levelope, oertaiuly this country as it accumulates a larger population, will, and mutt, require a larger amount than forty inilllow to year for its govern - anent. Spralnccl firm. Mary Ovington, Jasper, Ont., writes: " My mother had a badly sprained arm. Nothing we used did her any good. Then father got Hagyard's Yellow Oi1 and it cured mother's arm in a few days. Price 25c. TOWN 11.Ll IIIEUT0.R'Yt B A.vrisT Ori main-•-•Snbbnth services at 11 a nt and. 7 p nt. linnelay School at 2:30 p iu, General prayer mooting on ?1`edneeday evenings, Rev.. W. Freed, pastor. W. J. Chapman, 14, S, Onnermteudent. bii:•rUoIns'r 0tltrltczi•--'Fabbath tee:vices at 11 a m and 7 p Di, ,Sunday Sei.col at 2:80 p ni. 11;pworth League every Mon- day evening, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Riehard 1';Ioblts eriiitel,.(LpastorOiit. Dr. Towler, 5, 5, Sup- . PiteenYTERIA•N CIIUROII--Sabbath ser- vic+es at 11 a m and 7 p in. 8W1(hty Seltaol at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev. D. Perm, pastor and S. S. Superiuten- dont.. ST. PAUL'S 0iivacIt, EPlscornir---Sab- bath services at 11 a ni and 7 p nap Sim - day School at 2: )30 p 2u. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. Win. Lowe, inouiilbont, F. Shore, 5, S. Superintendent, CONGREGATIONAL. CInlRCIi.—Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sunday School at 12 in. Midweek meeting 'on Wednesdry evenings at 8 o'clock, Gavi'h Wilson, S.N. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor. Ronaw MamIOLla Caution — Every fourth Sunday. Mass at 10:80 a m, ser- mon and benediction at 'i p m. Rev, D, P. McMenanlic, P. P. SALVATION Artery—Service nt 7 and 11 a ni and 8 and B p m on Sunda, and every eveniu during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. CIIhtISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE. —Meetings as follows; S. S. at 2.80 p. in. Fellowship et 4 p. in., and evan- gelistic 'at 8 p.in., every Sunday in Ritchie's Hall, Victoria St. POST O'rsoa In Macdonald Block. Office hours from. 8 4 m to 6:80 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. MECHIA.NICS' INSTITUTE—Library awl free reacting room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 0:80 o'clock. Miss Millin Robertson, librarian. Towie CoUNoIL--Wni. Clegg, Mayor; Wm. Holmes, H. 0. Bell. J. H. Ohis- hohn, G. A. Newton, Rolland Beattie, Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. For- gason, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Youhill, Assessor e Wm. Robertson, Col- lector.first Monday r moats even- Board 1 ing in each month at 8 o'clock. SCHOOL BOARD.—C. N. Griffin, (chair- man), Thos. Abraham, H G. Lee, J. J. Homuth, Wm. Moore, II. Kerr, Thos. Bell, Win. Button. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. r, PUDLIO SCHOOL TEACHERS.—A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss Ironstone, Miss Matheson and Miss Reicl. BOARD or Haetertr—Mayor Clegg, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B., Ferguson, Sec- retary, ; Dr. Towler, Medical Health Officer. Tits Mitchell Tteeordcr gets off the following which is too good to lose: 'Strange it is that' we hear nothing n'.)w. of the Flush John boom. It is a tinth that wherever XIngii John has appeared the bubble has broken. and the boom has "burst," In an undertone of disappoint- ment litany a Tory is asking himself `what's is a name, after all?' This re- calls the story of the d arkey who was on his way to R•ichnnond to deliver a tame coou. • When the big darkey arrived at Rielurtontl and eaetnt to deliver his charge, lie opened the box and called to ctoby' to come out. To the surprise of himself and the bystanders the little clarkey crawled out. In his confusion the elder (lackey exclainxod, 'de same name but not de same coon.' Hugh John might acid this to the stock of stale yarns that he told on the platform through Ontario. His hearers would'see the point iu it without any difficulty." NOTES AND COMMENTS. Dir. Macdonald a the nnaan fdr East Huron. "TILE device I submit to you is union, peace, friendship and fraternity.". -Sir Wilfrid Laurier at Sohmer Park, Sept. 20. ALux. MONEILL, Conservative M. P., for North Bruce, said in 1890: "Sir Chas. Tupper is unfit to be the leader of the times 1U' the present Federal cam -1 any party;" paiguis the cold-blooded and deliberate I.I AticE HT1 the full responsibility and all the duties of my British citizenship." —Sir Wilfrid Laurier in Sohmer Park, Sept. 20. way in which the majority of the , Tory newspapers appear to be conspiring to mis-report the meetings and proceedings of their opponents. Aside altogether from the question of morality, it is the worst possible policy to persisteutly mis- represent one's opponent's and to mis- state facts; more especially when the misrepresentation is so clumsy as to bring conviction on tight. It is not pretended that Liberal papers are so absolutely free from the temptation of party bias that their political reports are entirely without prejudice, but to their credit the general statement may be safely made that their news columns are trustworthy and accurate.. Nothing can be more encouraging to the supporters of the Government as indicative of the desperate outlook for the Opposition as recognized by the Tories themselves, than the systematic perversion of the facts as they appear from day to day in the Tory press. The reply which Hon. Sidney Fisher. :has issued to the cold -storage manifesto :of the Opposition leader is characteris- tic of the man and his departmental work, — businesslike, straightforward and effective. It is mainly taken up with correcting the more glaring of the numberless misstatements of facts which crowded the columns of Tupper's pro- duction. Indeed to call attention to that fact alone is to give a convincing answer to Sir Charles Tupper's position. There is always room for differences of opinion in politics, there is no room for deliber- ate inistatements-of fact, and then the leader of a party finds it necessary or expedient to so deliberatly misstate the situation he most obviously confesses to the desecrate weakness of his cause. As has very truly been said the Lib- erals could not want better campaign literature than Tupper's manifesto and Fisher's reply published side by side. THE CRAZIEST BIND 01' FOLLY. Fifteen firms engaged in the iron trade in the city of Toronto have been inter - 'viewed as to their position to -day as c,�'..,...m......-,,. • ..� tee., ,.,T,., Kidney PJtaty►.—It is the particular function ot the kidneys to filter out ,poisons which pass through tllecn into the blood, When the kidneys are diseased they cannol do their whole duty, and should have the el andstrength that South American help g Kidney Cure will afford in any and all forms of kidney disorder. It relieves in 6 hours. -14 Sohl by A. L. Hamilton. It is said that by eating rats the Chinese woman stop the falling out of hair and make the locks, soft, silky and beautiful. Rats! Those Worrying Piles i — One application of Dr. Agnew's Ointment will give you comfort. Applied every night for three to six nights and a cure is effected in the most stubborn cases of Blind, Bleed- ing, or Itching Piles. Dr. Agnew's Oint- ment cures Eczema and all itching and burning skin diseases. It acts like magic. 35 cents.—i5 Sold by A. L. Hamilton, George Arthur Pearson of Hamilton was sentenced by Mr. Judge Rose to be hanged on December 7th for the murder of Annie Griffin. St. Vitus' D<cnce rapidly cured by Mil- ler's Compound Iron Pills. At Colin A. Campbell's. It is the easiest. thing in tho world. :to get along with servo people—if you al- ways let them have their own way. Ohiidren Ory for CAST' j` IA.. .1 Nearly halt a million. dollars has been expended in building and improvement in Owen Sound during the year 1000.• i!ft Tlt33LIt3I 33P 1272. 1Sb � q t '11)'" 11k'ef" • ,,, t.,, , el . 1. Jt`I:,, it w .,II i. EVERY FFU DAY MORNING Tllo Ti4ios tlfllee, paver Block. Wile (W Y, oeeeeteo, "As far as Sir Wilfrid Laurier is con- cerned, he is too English for me withhis program of Imperial Federation."—Sir Charles Tupper in La Presso. Tcrdd L J.r e ath 0 'Xn:i?tsoI SiusenlaaloN—(1.0aperannulsin., ndvanre, 51.W11 not o pupil. 1r•o paps r• disc'on- tinuccl+111 all urr.• 1`L •t.•t' prod, eaeuvtatthe oe1iYn of t).o 3lLU i:`1 •1'. A3,4"�:."Iii P v) 20 . -^ Legal :ma other canted adv.: i1,•t•mvi is t.e perNonparieliine for fhc t l t: ertlon, 0n ter iii e for vatdi suLsecluent in•.or,ian. Adyerti seinents in local et:imams are charged 10 vb.'. per line fur first rose: rtic.t, untl 5 cents per tine for melt :.til aluent'nsa rtion, ,i4verti cluc.lts of Lust, bound, Strayed, Farms for Sale or to Dent, and sinulni 21.00 for ltrt.t 2210,1111 1121(1 t,•U mints tor each subsequent 231011111. ('ci;a•xtA e% RATIN—no following table shows our rates for the 'nt'eI•tiolr of advertisements fur speeiflt tl 1,ti1uds:-- t+x 1 vit. l nto. 3 uo. 1 aro, OneCuhtmn.,,.•.,....' 0.Ut) ti.(0 .0.1"..00 $0.00 i lnlf (ulunt 0.00 15.00 10.00 4.00 15.UU lU Quarter Uo)t in10.00(1,00 2.00• ll Ads ertisementr, It itiiout sPc•eific direction will bo insert( d till forbid and charged accord - Transient advertisements roust be paid •for in udvauee. Tett: Jou DSrAaTuSNT i c stoeked with an ostensive assortment of all requisites quiites for print- ing, affording utilities not equalled in the county for turning out first class work, Largo typo and. tikttSilos of ost- rs,aBils, (ta.,a (1. tts heent styles of choice fancy typo for the finer classics of print - Mg. H. B. ELLIOTT Proprietor and Publisher, of HAMILTON i WINGNAM. Capital. „2,000,000. Rest, $1,234,120. President—Jomr setrene. vice -President— A. G. R msn.Y. ' DIRECTORS John Proctor, Geo. Roach, Wm. Gibson, M.P., A.' 1'. Wood, M.P., A. 35. Leo ('Toronto). Cashier—.T. TURNBULL. Savings Bauk—Bours 10 to 3; Saturday, W' to 1. Deposits of $.1 and upwards received and, internist allowed. . Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and tho United. States Bought and sold. Bank Travellers are notified that the Ba It o f Ham futon and its Branches issue Circular Rates o National Province:. Bank of England, Limited, Which calx bo cashed without charge or trou bee in any part of rile world. W. COBBOULD, Agent E. L. DIC_TK3,NSON, Solicitor. "IF we were in power we would raise the duty on agricultural implements to 45 per cent., and there would be no fret binder twine or barbed wire."—Geo. Taylor, M. P., Tory Whip, to Alegi:. Saunders, Goderich. Son. Wain, the annexationist, is the Conservative candidate in North Essex. If such a candidate were selected by the Li berals in any riding the Tories would make life miserable for the rest of the party all over the country. JonT GENTLES has stepped out of the arena in West Bruce. This decision is based upon domestic causes. .A. Con- servative convection was hold. at Kin- cardine on Friday, when John George, reeve of Port Elgin was nominated. For over Fifty Tears. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs W inslow's SoothingSyrn • has been used for over fifty years bym?slionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures d wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world.. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be sure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. And Biliousness Made Life Miserable for Three Ycar9— health Rest ored by Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Kidney—LiverPills. Having a direct action on the liver, I)r. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills aro in- itartably successful In curing liver com- plaint, torpid liver, and the headaches and stomach troubles resulting there- trona. • Mrs. Faulkner, 8 Gildersleeve place, Toronto, says: After doctoring with- out success for biliousness, liver coin - e for over /errs, X am1ck glad toateint, and stify to mythap- preciation of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pilin. At first they seemed a little strong, but being both searchh;ig and thorough in their action, amply repay say inconvenience by after results. 2 act feeling better in every way, and my headaches have entirely disappear- ed. Dr, Chase's Kidney -liver Pills are certainly the best I have ever used, xtni I freely recommend them.' The liver. Is responsible for very nanY ills of the human body. It is al• grays matte healthy, active, and vigor - Owl by using Dr. Chase's Itidney-Liver Pills. One p111 6. dose, 25 cents a box, let atI1 dealers, er Edmanson, Bates and ., Toronto. er mt A Sufferer From Weak Blood and Ex- hausted Nerues fells of His Cure by Using Or. Chase's Merv() Food. Mr. A. T. P. Lalamo, railway agent at Clarenceviile, .Que., writes:—" For twelve years I have been run down with nervous debility. I suffered Much, and consulted doctors, and used medicines in vain. Some months .ago I heard of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, used two boxes and my Health improved so Sm WitrRID Lanai= made a neat p oint by quoting the Conservative as- sertion, that, although the country was prosperous it was due to Providence, and adding that if Providence was willing to use the Liberal government as an in- strument that was no reason why the people of Canada should withdraw their confidence from the administration. FOUR FOR 1&,75,000; THIRTY- .1IIMT:i. FOR $50,000. Sir Charles Tupper declares that the cold -storage facilities now available to Canadian shippers of perishable goods to the Britisli market are inferior in q 1ality and in sufficient for mend the demand. As to the quality, practically all the machinery in use has beeninstalledbythe self -same firms that have built the Australian sys- tem which Sir Charles praises so highly and which has proved absolutely satis- factory, and as to the amount available there has scarcely been a Case at the port of Montreal this season Of the coid•stor- 'age accomodation being entirely taken x . Up by Canadian shippers. In addition to this, wo have the fact that Tupper's fast service 04189E would have provided four steamers to one port at a cost of $75,000 a year, whereas un- der the present Liberal Administration cOltt•storagc Itas been provided in thirty, three steamers since 1800, to five differ- ent ports, at tt COst of about $30,000 a year for the steamship part of the tol(d- storago system. THE Bruce Herald publishes 17 reasons (?) why the Laurier Government should bo turned out. If all of the reasons are as•flimsy as the last the people in general will take little stock in them, It reads as follows:—"That the Laurier Govern- ment, through its general incapacity, has prevented Canada from obtaining its dot share of 1r s ex ty prevailing ailin b throughout the world," There never was La period when Canada was as pros- perous as it ie at present. Surely it can- not be that the wave has not yet struck the I•Iorald office.--Teeswator News. "As to Sir Charles Tupper's policy of a preference from England, they might as well expect a shoo of the cheese of which the moon is made as to expect . i present timer under that the English const eOnditions was going to grant anything of the kind. Tho sting that galled Sir Charles and his followers lay in the fact that the disloyal Grits in four years had done more to 'convent the unity of the empire ani, bring about a right understanding of the Eritish people than the Conserv' ativcs did in eighteeteyeats,'r .--Lieut.-Col. O'I3rie3, at tho Iorth Simone Independent convention. rapidly that I ordered twelve more. " X .can say, frankly, that this treat- ment has no equal in the medical world. While using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food b could feel my system being built up until now I ani strong andheaithy. I cannot recommend it too highly for weak, nervous people." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is a tonic and restorative of inestimable worth. It makes the blood rich, the nerves strong, increases the weight, and cures all weaknesses • aktresses and diseases of the nerves and blood. In pill form, F0 cents a box, at all dealers, . or Edmanson, !sates and Co., Toronto. WANTED ! AT ONCE. IA. E. SMITH Two Coat Makers. Also Two Pant Makers. A•INOHAII. General Banking Business transacted. Money advanced to farmers and business Hien,. on endorsed notes and collateral. Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of • Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts collected on reasonable terms. T P. KENNEDY, bl..0.. M. C. P. S. O el • (Member of the British Medical Associa- tion.)Gold Medallist in Medicine. S eeiaL attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m. ; 7 to 0 p. m. W.3qBSTER 8D CO., Queen's Block. ' DUNI SOLID RUBBER ap u CARRIAGE i* Caveats and Vrade•Marks obtained, and all patent 'business conducted for 'MODERATE FEES, My oficc}s in theimmcdiate vicinity of the PatcntOficc and „yfacilities tor securingpatents -tre surpassed Send mbde1, sketch or photograph o h ption wit s description and statement as to adv.. In 4}t claimed. .&a? -No dm ran is arcade for an op neon as to patentabilitti and my fee for prosecutingthe application ward nob be exiled for Until She pmtenb -s allowed. "Ira me•roes' Goma„' con. taming full information sent free. All Coalmlu5L• nations Considered as Strictly Confidential. FRANK0. tP° gem 1? v oet. WASHINGTON. Ib. a1 - DR. MACDONALD, entre Street Wingham, A n6w cerriage tire that makes riding on all roads a pleasure—economical, too, for it does away with the vibration thilt Shitites and breaks the carriages. A V-shaped space between 11111 rubber tire and the steel Range prevents the crooning and cut- ting which other tires aro sub. 1 iect to. See the (>:tl ibi t at the big fess. Send at onto' for Free Tiro Catalogue, giving prices of all sizes. ZEtl't Diudop Tire Co. TORONTO. hitt 1`Ei). fur. a0Ttd1'- wX,V,tores:,• 11toortn1CAL, Ontario., T► VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort Lags, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beevor Block, Winghanh. 7 A. MORTON, . U BARRISTER, &c., Wingham, Ont. 'V L. DICSENSON, BARRISTER, ETC. 1 Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Blaney to loam.. Oillee—Meyer Block, Wingham. • -,4 53 YEAS* TRADE MARKS ", DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description roar tither an whether n fico nr opinion o p muddy ascertain noes it probably en patial. Handb. Conran Patents tions etrlctiq confidential. IIandbtletc on Pntonta Sent free. Oldest agency for /securing ,,patents.'., Patoilta. taken through r Mun t& co. receive a,,eetaiarotic8, ivithout ob a , Clenl1f��°@C��. ,nr est etr- °elati norf nn i3setenitcid iv trent. ' R t:nlation of any Holentifin j.lur,ml. !forms, $3 yens: fear nionttre, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & C13,Oi3TTroa'v41' NOW ¥orii Ise tech 0tllee. 021 t• 4".. wa.ht...11ea. 11 L. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor 6f Dental Stirgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal. College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Moe over Post Office, Wingham, W T. HOLLOWAY, D.D,S4 L.D.S. Special attention to the care and regulation of children's teeth. Moderate prices and all - work carefully and sldlfully perforinea. Office in Beaver Block, Wingham. At Gerrie every Monday. JOHN RITCR M, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. • p• DEANS, Jit. LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the Cottnty of Huron. Sales attended in any part atlas County. Charges moderate. I PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN ME TIMES R l i J OHN CURRIE, WINo11AM, QNT. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stook and Farm Irnplements a specialty. All orders left at Trtrl TIMIIS offfeo lir omptly attended to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. S. al 0a Cattttl1ep Caledonia, No. 49, meets • 0.9 ■ •_„-thcliret and third Monday in every month, in the Oddfellows Ilall. visiting - brethren welcome. D. STl'wATIN, Chief; H, B. Elliott, Rec. Sec. TOB PRINTIPIG•, room .dint' hooks, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, &c., &C., executed In the best style of the art, at luodercto prices, and on.. short notice. BomtnisDtN(i.--V a are pleased to anllounco. that any Books or Magaiines left with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention Priem tor Binding in any style will be given on., application to TIIE TIMES 'OFFICE, 'Wi11glialn, RAILWAY TIME TABLES. WAND AN TRU,N l; 1U iLWAY Vf rltAtxs 715AVI: iron Palmerston 0.53 a.m.... 8.15a.m. 3n London 0 f A a 825.ni. p Kincardino..11.10 a .m... 31.25 p iii.... 8.1lSp.ni. ARtatV11 1'1t014 Itineardille —.0.49 .0.40 a m 5.55 n m.... 8.25 fi.m London,. , ..., 11.10 ann.... 7.235 p.m. PalnerstoJ 11. 2.45 p.m.... Winam. °ANAE/Ala PACIFIC 1tAILWAY, rtsi x l i LEAVE NOR Toronto and East 0.53 8,151.... 8.00 p:in. Teeswatel ...., 1.13332.m....1U.:8 p.m. •Slav,: T'oeswater...... , 8.110 *Jr) 8 31.13. Toronto nn J. H. Di%�: M.E1t, Agent, p.m. .10.48 t. <,P V: ;4' 1 4 �F •A: •-'we 'teasel dent c' you g purpol their to has .we c •rush, >that b "We •in bis anoth "Cel .going -other while Have Tom.? my, ,suppq beau. som.el first,'' Eel Sed •C1ose, •"yon buss •, the 'rence soon •swe Tc was cbial Drai M Trow ctj his e.", .pelf li es H her awe one ver, the .pin Pea bac the win 'tilt ,Sul He lac r. Me Ca Br tri; 1 Tc co la 3v tin tic to is tU 51 is tt U