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The Wingham Times, 1900-10-26, Page 3
} THE WINGUAJ4 MES,.—OCTOBER 2.61 fell), 'Vie Salchow. From "ranell," t,t►t {•L ' el , col trs to Y pay, 110 l W Y ' t• `1 11 .. i 1, halt(. l little till 3 1 i 111 tt 1(1w1.X A Y l Who says Matra has cora crr-stay? Who takes away illy easy chair a• there," ' 'i5 thet Because rt has no Utistne. , , And r:uly says elle doesn't care? Who say eidie) Hasn't got ti gown, And Fwouts to pltt the horses dawn, And thinks we'd better live in town? Who cotniiandoert; my ouly flack, Returns ,hint with a bad sore smelt, And says the little better is slack Who thinks that 1 least ride sa bike And makes the {ia what I don't like, And tolls me If I don't she'll alike? And when I'm fueling sad and low Who sympathises with my woe And softly breathes, "I told you so?" NO ONE! Mental and physical vigor follow the use of Minor's Oompoau(1 Iron Pills. At Colin A. Campbell's. Whether we havo been absent a, day or a year, we always feel that something of moment mast have happened while we were gone. rK' .f. #, o Diamond Dyes Produce All Mc Now S1iadea, A Rich and Marvellous Variety of Fashionable Colors for . utu;nn and Winter Wear ECU1r'f.kY. The gre prudent W their old dr shawls,.11us„ this month with the view of havlug them oW elted and dyed so as to tit theta fui' autumn and winter wear. Too :i)ialnouri Dyes (prepared specially -for home use) have a wealth of variety, beauty and brilliancy Possessed by no other make of dyes. ,they produce all the new and iashioauLble colors for antrums mei winter wear --colors that will not fade in the strongest sunlight. Every pact(ut of Diamond Dyes is war - anted, and will give peeled results when simple directions are followed, There aro 1thlitattoas: ave"d them if you delight, in good, colors and value the safetyol' your materials, The use of poor dyes Means ruin of goods and loss of money. Tlae Legend of the White and the 311:wi.. A learned German professor ,nus just published a pamphlet contending that the first mall was a negro. This theory is not new. There is. a legend that affirms that Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel were all of a beautiful Liaglc But elle day, in a moment of playful- ness, Cain killed Abel. Immediately the Lord appeared, deuhranding iu a voice of thunder, "Cain` what hast thou done with thy brother?" At this divine apostrophe Cain turned pale from fright, until his sltin.fi pally acquiredits peculiar white, indelible sign that the fratricide has transmitted to his desceudants. So much for the white mall execrated by the blacks. • And now the legend of the Blacka- moor. The Creator has just finished a man, white as snow, when the devil arrived on the scene. Turning up his nose disdalnfnlly at the figure, ho proceeded to 'model ouo from clay. But as all he tou:shos turas black, so to this poor little toy. The devil, visibly disturbed, car- ried it off to tho river to wash it, but at the first drop of water the manikin be- gan to howl. Aud to silence him the devil struck him in the face, breaking his nose and infialning his lips. His cries redoubled, and Satan, to calm him, passed his hands caressingly over his long hair. But alas!, his touch burns, and the hair crimped like sheep's woc1. The RIP of All Kidney Medicines majority of wise and num collect and examine 'sea, skirts, capes, jacltets, ancl's and children's suits Genuine after' Little Liver Pills! Mast Bear Signature of 000/4-ice...e70-0e9 Sea Fac Slnt,lo Wrapper Bc►ow. k Ve;`f, small and u3 easy 50 trar.3 asfr gar. FflE lilaaA6ltCHE., FOR CinitfEsii° r�63 EILI®QiSHEi;S, FOE TOR3'10 UVE% FOE COUTIPAtTIOSI. FOR SALLOW SKIN. F063 VIE COMPLEXION -PriceGra:Im eau cr HAWWA•rune. 35 Cerrt, ls I Stnly eflets3ylo./•�.�ecG IVER CARTER'S 9TTLt;;, P8 WS. v WINGHAM DISTRICT. r , s brought t to t,r, ha U. Field, of J,e(a tier 8 crop of peanuts. ut$. 1nrLtut'ity quite a iiicEl c of p Contractor Graham has complete(. the building of Blytb's grauolttliie lido. walks. R. II. McKay, Walkerton, is the rt)- turning ()Ulcer for D. Bruce at the gener- al election. Prank J, Palmer, of Pert Elgin, has purchased the law business of the lute II. P. O'Connor, Walkerton. For some time past a re -arrangement of the Catholic parishes of Karon has been talked about. The Clinton church and eih t o rt 1 from (i d tr t is t0. sedetached with Blyth will forint a parish, This ar• ran;elticrtt will take effect on January lot when Rev. Zither MoMeniu eft, none of St..A•ugustine,. will take charge. The death of Mrs. John B. Kunkel, who lived on a farm near Pormosa, took place on Wednesday morning, Oct. 17th, rafter a very short illness.. On I1'riday she took sick with acute dysentery, and lasted only a few days. Deceased bad Stratford's population shows alt it1• reached the advanced ago of 70 year's, 'crease of 337 over last year. The cite 'e ! Her ,husband preceded her a number of preheat population is given as 10,4213, } years ngm Brussels tax ;ate for 1000 will be N1 Ci>a Kathleen, third daughter of Rev. nulla. Tizis is a mill higher than last },; Ia, z,:,iilh, foriraerly of l3ayilgld, acid year. (rhe sidewalk builcl,ng kill sistc+r of i'WE,v. la. T;.' wa:ttith, s)f (:f uton, was ' married recently to Victor Corbett, of the iel:otter stall', of Minot, North Dakota. Tho bride had many friends in Clinton and neighborhood who will For uildint* *rauolih,o walk at wish her nu,uy years of happiness and 0.. b g g Clinton this year A. Clrabam lifts re- prUSpUi:ltZ , ceived $3,060. This is only seventy- Richard :.filler, .of St. Helens, met five per cont, of the amount earned, with a serious accident en Monday, Oat, lc resident of 15th, and wee that will confine him to errs, Cimmey, au old Blyth, mother of Mrs. E. Content, died bocl for several weeks, He was driving in West Bay City, Michigan, it Thais- along the Goderich gravel road, near day, dill inst„ at the ago of 78 years.' "Mr. Woods' residence on this side of John 13. Dietuert, a former resident of Glen'e Hill, v,•hcn his horse was suddenly Carrick township died of typhoid fever startled by some pigs on the marl and r out o f Mr. Miller throwing ran away, at Woodstock last week. He was 46 t.ae rig and breaking his thigh bone. years of ago, cud very highly respected. Darin,* the time n1° the Gal*estcn Itobt. DlTsvyii bo of Ethel, has per flood Mr. and Mrs. dames Young, of font S. chased lot eon 2,Cxie i c G y tanxiety as Matthews Mr.Matthews has purchased) Anbnru, experienced intense aux e y kL 203 -acre farm in another section 911(1 will remove to it. Lot 30, con. 3, in the Huron Road survey, Taukor;mith, was sold by auc- tion at the Rattenburj* House, Clinton. The purchaser was Goo. Nott, and the price pair, was $2,200. CURE SICK HEADACHE. 1831 SeveViiR ear, 1901 i NTLMML account for the raise iht the rate. Scrofula in the blood shows itself sootier or later in swellings, sores, erup- tions. But Hood's Sarsaparilla eont- pletely cures it, PAINS' L RY OMPOUNO s litp: big ilii k+ i, n3 .Wise and Prudent" Re Only Agricultural Newspaper • and admittedly the Leading Agricultural Journal of the World. . Every department written by specialists, the highest authorities in their respective lines. No other paper pretends to compete with it in qualifications of editorial staff. Gives the agricultural NEWS with a degree ,of fullness and completeness not oven attempt - cd by others. Best Reviews of the Crops, Best Market Reports, Bost Account BeEverytthi $ng. I.NDIsrurTsAELE To All Country Residents who wish to um. or wi'm TIM TALES. Single Subscription, $2; Two Subscriptions, $3.50; Four Subscriptions, $6; Speeial inducements to Raisers of larger clubs. (VD•°Writo forarticulars on this point. Club agents wanted everywhere. Four Months' Trial Trip 50 Cents. SPECIMEN COPIES y any b t bintte est drienoany v Y in It will pay t Address the y Aaa publishers: send Eor them. LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Albany, N., Y 0 • FOR IME SUBSCRIBERS • O is Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab- lets. A medicine deeigned purposely for the kidney and bladder. One that -once used holds a steady place in every heart and household, curing the terrible pains, aches, soreness and nervousness caused icy kidney trouble; soothing the irritable bladder troubles of the aged, and the nightly troubles of childhood. A medi- cine sure, safe, and pleasant in effect.. One that by its singleness of purpose appeals to the common sense of every reasonable thinking individual. A medi- cine always backed by written proof like the following: Mr. Fred. Inoson, 10 Charles St., To- ronto Junction, says :—Latterly I had been suffering from a constant .lameness in the small of my back, and much of the time it was accompanied by a dull aching across my hips. My kidneys were not right I know; I had much au- noyauce from the secretions. I was not getting any better; the remedies that I had been using seemed to be unable to remove the difficulty. Nearly two mouths ago I heard of Dr. Pitcher's - Backache Kidney Tablets, and got a bottle. I em pleased to say that I had struck the right thing at last. Both the lameness across the kidneys and that grinding pain in my back were removed. Sly kidneys were invigorated, and I am recommending the Tablets to acquaint- ances." Any reader of this paper can test the merits of Dr. Pitchers' Backache Kid uey Tablets free by enclosing, two cents postage for trial package to The Pitcher Tablet Co.,'1'orouto,,Ont. Regular size 50 cents per bottle. If yonr,child is pale, peevish, and does not thrive, a dose of Miller's Worm Powders ocolsionally will cure It It Saves Sleepless, Nervous and Despondent People From insanity, BUILD4 UP T tz 3.-* mrriLITA�T.ErD aAt�ND BRO+�`'�..El�'i-DO 9tM N. to the safety of Mrs. Young's Mother, Mrs. Foxby, and other relatives, who were residing in that city, and it was some timerbefore their anxiety was're- lieved by learning that all wore saved, bat laud lost their hbn1e and property. Siuco then Mrs. Foxby has concluded that life is more bearable under better conditions, and silo has moved to Buffalo to reside. Conn A. Campbell's. W. J. Coulter, of Newry, while on. his Henry Emery, of Guelph, one of the sidewalk workmen at Luckuow while amusing himself in putting the shoulder stone, slipped and fell to the ground, breakiug his left arm at the •wrist. • The fine 200 acre farm belonging to Wm. Fischer, known as the Brown farm, near Crambrook, has been sold to August Fischer. of Logan township, uncle to the late proprietor, for the sum of 9,000. de - T. H. Ashbury, of Blyth, has moved to Oakville to take personal charge of the large flouring mills that he recently purchased in that town. Mr. Asbury had beou ane of Blyth's most prominent residents for a number of years. The Timm has completed arrange- ments for the issue of a very ,handsome CHRIST S SUPPLEe ENT to be delivered or mailed on or about December l4tb. The supplement will be in book form, and. will contain from 35 to 40 pages. It will bo printed on good paper, well bound and profusely illustrated. The reading matter will be inttch above the ordinary, and thowork well worth pre- serving. Size of pages 11 x 15g inches. way to a shooting match in Elma town- ship met with an nufortunate accident. The gun which he wr,s holding exploded at the lock, shattering his left hand and wrist in a frightful manner, the band with the exception of the little finger be- ing blown away by the concussion of the gun, etc. Only the stock of the gnu re- mained after the explosion. The gun was au olcl blunderbuss, as liable to go off at one end as the other, and in this case it went off at the wrong end. 5. 3..Coates, of Carey, Idaho, who is visiting in Grey township, says they had 21 cars of lambs in the Goorliugslhip- anont to Chicago, • 5,851 in all. Five mon were in charge and the journey occupied one week, two° t.tops being made for inspection and feeding. This is the third shipment this season foe the Goodlings. The cars cost $105 each, and with 5 cents a head yardage whcre feeding is done and $10 a car to Coll - Those who aro Wise itre now nsin3 the Must reliable of all. health building med. lollies, and getting back their pruper weight, nerve vigor, good appetite trod, healthy toter. No long, anxious wait- ings and dtsappointments wiitni• a'aa Wt Celery Oolnpvund is used. At this season there are thousands of restless, fretful, nervous, despoudeut and gloomy mere and Women. '.':ivy and. it impossible to obtain restful anti hatural sleep, and, as a consequence, they are almost physical wrecks; seine are desperately near the abyss of insanity. it isnot safe fur sufterers to trifle with thew difficulties. The weakened, ' irri- tated alid nervous syesem Must be toned, strengthened and built up at once. Their is but one reliable and honest remedy before the public, that guar- autees renewed health, and a long lease et life; it is Paihe's Celery Compound, the presciiptiou a a noble ply sician, and strongly endorsed by his profes- sional Confreres. Paine's Celery Compound is now within the rotten of an classes of our people, and it is a very simple matter to test its efficieney; the expense is trifling. As there are miserable imi- tations sold by toile deities, sea that you get "PAINE'S" the kind that has wrought such marvellous cures. Joseph Lmuta, a well-to-do farmer who resided near Formosa, died ou Wednesday of last week, He was 59 years of age and highly respected. FIe was serif in Waterloo county and had been a resident of Bruce county for mission men tho expenses soon rnu up. many years.' They stay from g to a day at fording !,t+:u•t t.tke ),'vi+,t-r the:, "1 Willa* lied- kl.ttai►at t1 tl I ,te•'•!» City pietas. of the pee9li trt,t - ,► veal. m t.web t 1pmirty 'mita to !r:t'x to let olat tIrl for the •dae,'tfls ter that ,U ., , t tnitr)h Wei 4ittea •t rt,,ti l(C .1 benie iuli(1L by ihir`i amid+. 'l be veep a"' nearly tiirnnt;li, the eveleua'a` had all oat the ptniet ` s u•ity+ ante it seemed wakes tet, tut we ,hl• get dnrnagea for this lees of ;its ttt.tsn (+, vent't1',ne O hitt WitLIPK4ekl, , > , • was t f• ei. l�* OW >, ,,t i t in d{ ••t l t, .p1, lh deg, yellow ear. "Did yon Kitt' that time deg wns yellow "" asked the palms taken by en:guise, "Yes, sir," was the reply. Well, this court doesn't propose giving judgment tor the h,s.t of a yellow .coat 41111 w.e: di('t, is reuikri it for defc,ndat:t." The (cturt then uitiuttreedsesSaP Free. else° Were, EAS i' HURON IN 1896. A iliotiier'q. sacrifice. Legends 1a India run that if a woman' stricken with leprosy suffers herself' to be I)011ed alive tate aiUSease will not de, wend to her children, '.'here was in the northwest provinces of indlia. the wife of a gardener on wh'n4 the loathsome malady had fallen. Chit• dreg were horn to her. The disease grew worse. She Importuned' her husband to bury her alive. Fie at last, yielding to her prayers, sumtllnned his son. The two dug the grave, and four neighbors assist• ed at the sepulture. So the woman .died, These facts were investigated, in a magistrate's.00Urt and were proved, The following are the official returas for this riding in 1896: Macdonald Dickinson Blyth— No. 1.... W. H. McCracken, of Brussels, the points. well known exhibitor et Fall Fairs at- A Mies A. D. Bradley was en_"aged to tended seven Shows this Fall and captor_ teach S. S. No. $, Arthur township, ed the following awards :—Listowel, 36; Wellington County, at a salary of $290 Atwood, 34; Brussels, 84; Seatorth, 40; per year. At the cud of the .half year Fordivioh, 25; Blyth, 26; Dungannon, she was let go with a payment of $145, 28. Total 2S3': and trustees claiming that she was not a properly qualified teacher, holding only If the children require physic none acts au extended certificate from the in - so nice as Miller's Worm. Powders; very letLs„nt to take. At Colin A. CAr1p- specter and local board of examiners. bell's. Miss Bradley sued the trustees for a Among a litter of newly bora pigs Mr. of $22 ou her salary, basing her M. McDougall of Bruce Township re - proportioned on the number of days she taught coutly discovered a porker blessed with 1)roportioued to the number of teaching two perfectly developed snouts -mouths, days in the year. Judgment Wes given noses and all. ° In spite of the double in favor of the teacher. feeder, however, the animal refused to Rheumatic Joints.—Mrs. George live more than a day or two. Smith, 6s Charron street, Point St. Charles, Que., says: On Wednesday of last weelt, Arthur caused me sufferings that words cannct in my joints Mitchell, of Bayfield, was united in describe how terrible. I took four bottles marriage to Miss Bertie Oates, the of South American Rheumatic Cure and am a well woman. 1 have recommended it to ceremony being performed at the resi- others with 'as good results. Think the, deuce of Mr. McTaggart, 140 Wham- treatment nothing short of a wonder."—Io clife road, London. The newly mar- ried couple intend residing in Lq',tt4on. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. IsTo majority. 13ri:sseld— No. 3........ • No. 4,... 58 59 44 43 102 102 77 54 76 53 152 107 Majority for Macdonald ....45. Grey— No. 5 • . , 72 No. 6........... 113 No. 7 91 No. 8.. ......• 63 No. 1) 86 No. 10.. 95 520 276 Majority for Macdonald ....244. The total amount of 'taxes to bo col- lected this year in Greenock is $10,420, which is almost the same amount as is on the collector's roll in Elderslie. Mrs. Fred Laine, St. George, Ont., writes: "My little girl would cough so at night that neither she nor I could get any rest. I gave her Dr. Wood's Nor- way Pine Syrup and am thtaukfnl to say it cured her cough quickly." A minister by the name of Turn was recently united in marriage with a young lady of the sauze.name, 'Verily one good turn deserves another, There is nothing harsh about Laxa- Liver Pills. They cure Constipation, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache and Bilious spells without griping, purging or sick- ening. Trico 25 cents. Mr. Malcolm Thompson hes rented his 130 acro farm ou the 2nd concession of Brant to Joe Wilhelm of Carrick. He gots $350 a year for it. HOW TO GET IT Every subscriber who pays all arrears and a "cin in advance, will receive a copy free, rf whopaysra 9 car Every rww subscor U in advance, will receive 1t copy free. The price to non-pay-in-aclvaneo sub- scribers and the general public, 25 cents. Advance and now subscriptions will be received front this dote forward. TIlV MES ffIOE3 WINGIIAIVX Milburn's Sterling, Headache Powders . A correspondent writing to the give women prompt relief from monthly Brussels Post from Ethel, says: —"Mon - pains and leave no bad atter effects what- day evening the political campaign in ever. Bo sure you got Milburn's. Price the East Riding of Huron opened with a 10 and 25 cants, all dealers. largely attended meeting in the Towil- Tao mail carrier between Blyth, ship Hall here. Reeve Turnbull was Auburn, and St. Augustine is named called to the chair and made a very good Moore, and he has only one aril, The presiding officer. There were four mail carrier between Goderiell and Ben- speakers. Dr. Macdonald, the Liberal miller is also mined Moore, and he, too, candidate,• took an hour in dealing with has only one' arm. As neither is related to the publio questions in a trenchant the other, the coincidence is unusual. manner, Jas.'mid, of Brussels, fol- On Wcduosclay, October 10th, John lowed, occupying a half hour. That C. McNeil passed away at tho home of coal oil question still sticks in his "crop" p and he caul apparently see that oil his Quebec stree Mrs. Norman linger- world be clearer if the present Govern- ingstreet, Goderich, after a ]iuger- ing illness, Docessoct was in his forty- meet had ilot reduced the ditty by 2 or 3 third year and previous to his long ill- '•all ri Our old MeadJoltn gess parental the calling of a sailor. He was unmarried. y '1 Pleasant petty,_"When I know anything worthy of recommendation, I consider it my dety to tell it," says Rev, 38 64 31 25 71 47 Howick— &o. ii.... No. 1S Nu. 13..... No. 14.... No. 15.... No. 10. 64 100 03 92 59 116 ...... 64 106 .....• 101 70 t2 70 -105 572 Majority for Diokius::u....163. Morris— No. 17.... ...... No. 18.... ...... No.1').... .... :N o. 2t) .... .. . No. 21 .. , ...... . 127 prisoners wore committed to Owen Sottutl goal for the year ending Sept, 80th. The committals for the previous year were 177. Take Ono of Dr. Agnew's Liver fills after dinner. It will promote digestion and overcome any evil effects of leo hearty eating. Safe, prompt, active, painless and g This effeetivo little pill is sup, pleasant. planting all the old school nauseous purga. fives. 40 doses, to teats.— 3 l chi by 31. L. IInnelton. 05 61 81 51) 1•.4 7, 74 ass 329 Majority for Macdo T utnburry'— No. 22 .:........ til (it No. 23.... ... 1S3 74 N o. s4 .....• . .... 9-) 84 :3`•33 219 Majority for Macclon t1S , ... G 1. Wiugh'm-- 1�10 '�... .... No 26... .... No. 27...:....... No. 28.......... 48 83 43 08 64 41 G4 94 Borne Tics No t)r,awboeli, He—Marie, cin you tear yourself away from .your loving father's rout' and go with me? She—Mereyl Yes. This isn't his roof. We're' just renters.—Detroit F'ree Press, Less than 2 per cent of all the men in America own "fell dress suits,"and Enl- ly seven-vighths of aur American fami- lies have their dinners at noon. -Edward A shore of herrings is supposed to nunhbt't• from 800.000 to !;,000.000. Robt. Brown who lives near Walker- ton has sold his 60 acre farm to John Rothwell jr, of 14th con. Brant, for $2500 Arrangements have ,been completes. for the holding of 700 meetings of Farm- ers' Institutes through the Province dur- ing the winter, beginning November 26th, for which GO lecturers 'of repute have been engaged, who will hold forth specially on the subjects of cold storage and poultry raising. At the Midwinter Fair, which begins in Guelph ou Dec. llth, all the speakers will be gathered nr for a grand union ecti. g. At rho Stratford Aesiz a the :)a+;;a of Upton vs. Irvine, the dere/edger, being Rev. Henry Irvine, of Listowel, was dis- posed of. Matthew Upton, th©'plain-• tiff, the proprietor of the Imperial hotel, Listowel, brought action against Sir..' Irvine to recover damages for slander.. Upton had experienced difficulty tri ob- taining a license for his hotel and Irvine, deeming to lieen. a uiuuuessary, haip i(1 ttr circulate a petition, to be i,resected to the licouse commissirhtere, praying that no Necrose be grautt d, whether :or Upton or for any tenant that might occupy the hotel. Upton claimed that in Girt ulat- ing this petition Mr. Irvine stated tlmi, he (Upton) was not a fit and proper per - sou to run an hotel and made other defamatory statements regarding him and his business. The jury returned a verdict for the defeudaut aid the acti(.n was dismissed with cos -s. r. 103 263 Majority for Dickinson . , .. 71. Wroxotor— a No. 20.... 63 41 Majority for Mactonalcl....27. RECAPITULATION. Macdonald Dickinson 0 0 46 244 Blyth Brussels ..., Grey , Howick Morris Turnberry Wingham .. Wroxeter 17 64 27 • 397 237 Maj. for Macdonald. 16J, Mr. A. ra,ntly Necessity. 106 71 237 Z. Wright, 126 McPherson avenue, '1.'Jr'otrt0, says: -.-"1 0411 `Llti'ayti glad. to say agood worts for Dr C.hase's L Syrup of wsee(1 and '.Curpentiae. It has boon in use in our f:Llhhily for two Collie a ;, O . , yeas, aii.i the have never f.mod i,; fail Leckie, of Toronto, came next and made to dire ouugiu,, eaids,ti.h•t cites:, (rubles. a very' fine address of a half hour, Mr. it is our re„utar stau.t•u),' .,t. eleasa',t Siynup t,t faux cS ,Lid 1` .t•ntentl..ts fsa Dickinson, the Conservative nominee, ttauih, it 1zr laic iiuu; •w 0t C.L1iad.a of Jas. Mnrcloclt, rf IIamburg, Ila. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has cured me ei I filled their p e, • of the Prohibition Catarrh of lve years standing. It is der tempted t1 criticism ttinly magical in its effect. The first ' question. and Dr, Macdonald's vote he I benefited fited rte M five minutes, got a good hearing. no gave a well atacl ti,..) t7uttt (i St t�.t+, 23 .:c.ic.; La bot• prepared speech, taking tip the lino that tlti.. Zeolite au° (,:) eon 5. the Ltanrier Government had not fur= N If ht511at1 trot nt- t ti f"aced better as the Dr, its appl.catton c.h e might have 5o cis, "••`-9 OAS reply r,,thl r totiehat111ir. D. lip It bit geld by A. L. tlahliltUll+ on his sudden conworsion to Prohibition, it'McKinnon, the well ltnowlr Ion meeting was 1111 enjoyable 000 th1G1� "hair of Toilette, 'who has accepted 1 throughout and your seribo e::p ets flint ' ttO Liberal alt rtl nonduatione for llama (his', this division will roll ti )!good 1 ie jortty l ,, t . dativecounty) was formerly in business for that Laui'iur hdnunirtr,tti",t its 'lt Win glum Ito is is brother of D.1�'.'vvere never bitter of io ESI. y tt, ;.t, f i , 1VIoliainn0n, the woll-ltu0w11 merchant of ; history of any party and labor u iia' I31yt 1t' anti of Atm. Mullin, postmistress pjlieY of Laurier has a gootll ilea;; t s ,;u It is ofileially announced that i:ih: x)r:;ss Frederick of Prassi•.L, recently reported ecricusi,; til, is now but of tatnger. at 13effttst, Asliiield. 1 r� 1 ith it, Hurrah' for Dr.i t. dU,htt.:., ette calor 1tlieu)naulsnl. Mr, II. Wil'i:tneon, Stratford, Ont.,. says: "It allot' the 1131121 I.leastiro to stay that I expadettCou gCJ.at relief ft no ioSettatL' Muhl. (r.tte:lia0 .ty petit,: tW „ 01.tit 111 Mita era's ittz.3 tt,l.atiC x :l;1. ' 10t u rt i•) ,V t •.t •t 1`,t i'.1 11,1• i V ilitL, :t, ;ih: alar% in lit.! Y,'un1d b:: tilt ,t uc liis i:.al,?tity to write Lis have. e covet a narnin:^ tient the liver is 1;id or irha,.11ve. More serious. -�":1.:•:s muy iallo+v. For a prompt, ellicluilt cure of Headache and all liver troubles, take While they rouse the liver, restore full, regular action of the bowels, tbey do not gripe or pain, do not irritate or inflame the Internal organs, but have a positive tonic effect. 25o. at all druggists or by mail of C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. PEOPLE RECOVERING 'iron Peetn100tr,, Typhoid or Scare.t t ever, Diphtheria, La Gra pis or any Serious Sichooss \\Ake ate 3 it � N4i�a sea s Require the Nerve Tuning, Blond Eh.. tic',l;n„ heart Sustaining Action of Milburn's Mart and `k:ervc.�il?s. It is well known that niter any sego^as illness the heart *AM nerves are ev:r+yt:lely• weak and the blood greatly impoveri:.hed. For th+.s. conditions there is no remedy equals Mdburo's Hcatt a:,d Nerve Pills. It restores all the vital forces of the body* tvlhlt:h disease has impaired and tw akt`nt'd. Mr. T. Barnieott,Avtnter, (7n'., says"About a year ago 1 1 (td A severe a:that of La Grippe which left my system in an ezttausted condition. I could rot regain 'strength nod was very nervous and sleep- less at night, and got up ill the morning; as tired as' when I went to bed. "1 fled no energy and was in a miser- - ble state taftiea;th. " Milburn's Hertrt aitdNerve Pills, tt'hiab 1got :etRichard's frttgStore here, changed me from rya condiiinr) of misery to good health. They built tip my system, strength- enad )hlq nervt+s, regia ed brisk circulations cf ary Wood, and mod , •. n:nv manor rue, " I Ito:wall.. reser. * e; ti th itn to arty ora L1:' t'i,ti,�"t'1't'i('I the: 511 1 . ' .;;t3 of t~ir.4ppe). or any other a3vet3