The Wingham Times, 1900-10-26, Page 2;soot -it •. s.. •.situs,::tart, Mortality In Voting legs. p,, 11 • t:„ re-tenCelt-leery will Open; ono . tes.eittens' at a;4• sot tintaitty. It will. kw"' °: l,ksp ;t;r..the lrs':tttstlumber Petti • 1'r • •x,rtity 9t'3te i.LVt t5l:�tintiayei. tlnla` ' ta. it . u':t), 1.0-io and 1'J71i. The earl. at t t+..t, a til:•t., spun Mein Easter San v . U..... •r,ur11 In. 'Tile last time it urea r.• t 't 1;;1 . t • 1.;,t1 laid. ! 11(3 latr. t;t 4a t Is ort tent is April 2Z, "It , o. v. ;.:it t+dire ill Ihemining te,,,eoz n • -.i:.• •l t.1.: She tweets- tt;t11 \ - .1 • ...t •. 'le. day4r 9r lat+.salt . t.. •r. ,. • IS weeks. Tao sr/i•.e.{'<'.b ,i t.r.teatry VtU )( 3a.' •• sent b. tii•.;i eclipses iWJ 11en i. •, t•• .ea\t" £.t . tit: v. t, 7 • li; ., is. `4 t:c•re n:ll be • v1.2: r. v.ri .• int . 1..4:5, ie.:), 1;1 •z, .:*ea. i.< -i `..a ci .tn1i:, • 1...re nal be 1:, ..u.,. .. _ : •'L' a.: ;,. tr. It;l, t..•1.^t+ 't1 a 2 �l Ua. Ti. Cts<tt4tr,sx Acid that arises front the stomach a 4d trot -$t strangles, is caused by fermenta:iun o£ the tool in the. stomach. It is a, foretaste c f iutlieestiaa and dyspep- sia. 'Take one of Dr. Voa Stan's Pineapple Tablets immediately after eating, and it will prevent this distress and aid digestion. 6aivab Sola b; A. L. it •minion. llothzll:r nuke-. a woman buy a thirst she doesn't want so quick as to have the clerk act like he thought sing, couldn't afford it. An Irishman, on being told that a certain kind of stove Would save half the Coal, said t'Thcn sure, I'll take two of thine and save it all." Pat's plan would inateriaily relieve the coal miners' strike. Nerv'ousn'ess. Dyspepsia, busies gestion}and kindred ailments, take wings before the healing qualities of South American Nervine. Thomas Haskins, of Durham, Ont., took his preacher's advice, followed directions, and was cured permanently of the worst form of Nervous. Prostration Pr stras off a nd Dyspepsia. s s He has 'recommended it to others with gratifying results. It's a great nerve builder.-xe Sotto by A. 14. Htrrr;ilton. •y,. ....w. t Ns,, l ,.•t rte;. .4 rtes it1`a cenetant strain anal '44c 11 y tinder which the I:.1,iessional man l b,"the irregularity of 1.s Lir B1 d netts of rest that e 1.k. 4 1,ies p••ouliarly sus - c , tihelukidney troubles. l ki 4Tl.ti it's backache, then 2 urinary y difculties, then- unie it's attended to - Bright's Disease and --. death; D�� lo¢a► KL:;, 1''17. r BILKS Stre_i;: lxn and Ir_ - mato the kidneys nee, r £..+1 to g v -e quick relief and euro the host ol;stiur.te erses. Rev. Iei. P. Clttetiljel1, pastor_ of the Baptist, Church, Esees - Ont., says: "Prom my personal use of Dan's Kidney Pills, which I got at Short s drag store, I can say they are a. most ey'eelient remedy for kidney troubles, and I oommend them to sufferers from such co...Wats." L•R Cw' If the blood i bod :- li be heal!. 7P iiat4,., . .ai , 1>Ioort is 1T becomes c l L'k L.00cl forms ')sore It11( into 14.41 t:':Y bloo syst_-'.:1 N. ,. _.1 1..` .I3 GuyCo.,(.. tI }� , rl,eit• B 1'', el. eeeeltent tea the 'Weed til t pd eu ,r r 1iac1 r :c1 .:,sty r :(, titer. t:it1 tee meter mad til• . • well that twon •t'• nett f a•r„ my .W to 1.•j ir..:..tie." pure •. ripure the whole [rrul)ted with its the whole inters trans- :, atery blood and builds up ',not l irk in the 1^ 1 sea. i,fiten iii Mills, '1 have found ode for g (. ,til 3 purifying .1 I T :ek l4rrria•'lu. I es, lint Hone of T. ii.13.15. has feel like a new ut1y recouimend- fere's people Jfree from paint and ,oche Dyspepsia', direful ills. it is because they always take Iletaliar3LIVer PRISM 'these little pills work while you steep, lirithout a gripe or pain, curing biliousness, tetes1ipatiou, dyspepsia end sick headache, and making you feel better 1n the morning, DR. WOOD'S sae hesthelan s NORWAY PINE and cures the 111"f°' uli SYRUP, worst kinds of rsanatara ,roti •haandtolds. Gt That the catty in which the Powe I.fs been fed has an undoubted intineuce en the mortality of young pigs cannot be questioned. With 1:Qw e that are soon to farrow that part of the vvorir eauniot now be tnedi#ie i. Boat it is• equally trite • that sows to Come in the near fixture will rear more pigs when given close at. tendon than whet* not tune cared foil'. Itheiy yuunh pi;; lust weans just set 111lltla profit slat out of ZRittlrns. Is t very one who has a brood sow theta will far. root' soon, says. A tunieun Swineherd, will give her car chin attention, the time so spent will laltqut•t;t1ullably bring in ii XVII rettlrll. I'll:: tliu sow ill Ilio place` where size is le bring fordo her young st,•veral days 1Jefurtt sett is due to furrow. t rfve 11en` C. to t.;t•t1 iii tulles It'ith her sur'roundiingi, tette q it that cold drafts eti:tuut rsaat.a her or 2.xer youug. Have the litter t117, soutane ant nos over- atltlli(latut, (bre4 1e -oft*,foo.i t::at tt'i:l krtslt the (lige:gum. 1 On taking every Intim, tO ttrOit't inilisti; t twit :.curet, try to l,e grudge poet ea ti milli t sive a litter Or eves it is nttessary to ki. Wiwi. \Viten. She en lstl:t.d. .1.10 ltct '8 i'.t L in order to Tart of it litter. If 1 V 44 tilts for a part of a• night,eee tv e t that the body is well eared for, elle$. one has ro speud a hart oil: a cold night au outbuilding, the dtuy of guureeitet .against tend is of g1'uttt moment. P t'uf of nourishment am: tt vvurut dr.lilt is 1 1 do good service ill this nue. Let,rfere but little with sow lir young it ell es .':t well, but if the ftirratvlug S *48OZI sh 11141 prove unduly colli, plot the youzig e1 IL basket, 3111ctid with old garments au covered with the same, and take them x0 a waren place. Every pig saved. at tb.inrrawiug season means several dollursri the tall. Dr. A•greler'tiCu afor elm isfeari acts directly and qui kly, stimulates the heart's rt action, stops smstaa t ePaIn, dispels t s all signs of weakness, fluttering, sinking, smothering, or palpitat n. This wonderful cure is the sturdy sh which carries the heart -sick patient into be haven of radiant and perfect health. Giv( s relief in most acute forms of heart disease inti 30 minutes.-er et 11 by A. L. Hernilto spots on lolly Midis. Y oa will continue tjo haviz white spots off your nails as lottg es you employ your penknife as a'ui nicureinstrument. When you trim your .tails with a knife, yon . bruise. them, ' tied. of course you make the edges nnev n. You should always file your nails You think it re- quires too much tiff , but this objee- tiou will be seen to bti absurd when you consider that two nni4utes a day will be long enough to permit you to shape the edges. The scraping lief the underside of the nail in order to mike it clean rough- ens it. This makes t , white rims that extend a little besoucl the finger tips a good receptacle for dust, says the Chicago Inter Ocean. You should al- ways have a blunt ie. rumeus for clean- ing the nails. .A. lest of orange wood whittled to a point zu Iles a good iustru- meztt. The nail bra 1 is a necessity to every man who desire a well kept hand, It must be used careft ly. so as not to abrade the delicate -kin around the nails. This little rim Retold be loosened every morning when e hand are damp after a thorough wa hing. A little ivory or silver instru a:it shots/ti be run around each nail. . e buffer for high polishing is nut so po ar cos formerly, it is not goocl form t have your nails with a dazzling brillia cy. They should look healthy and wellcared for -that is all. halt nod stn les. T)ottbtless the 1t,niet'y or gapes which is recommended. by our nrrespondeut is beneficial, but our rand rs when, using it must remember tha an excessive quantity of salt will hill will old fowls. Do•not throw it on the rcound. If you use it, limit the gtiantit, says Poultry. Keeper. "While on my' way to`, Union Mills I stopped along the way ,to talk with a lady about P. K., and s e gave isle a remedy for gapes. She t led it and also arcocker p at Door Yii ge, the latter having lost about leo el cks, and aftei treatment the death reit stopped. Ho fed salt --just threw it n the graded and Iet thein pier it (, this lady in- formed me). n-forniedlne). Since the I've lost one, and atiother one had it: I just took a pinch of salt between th mb and finger, open the chick's month, ut in the salt and then held the chick' head in drink- ing water, so as to wash he salt dor-n. and in five minutes the hick was pick- ing something to eat et 1 has been all right since. Now, if the above is w.)rthy of publication, nst publish it for the benefit of P, X. treaders.' _C. G. C noon, /telling Pi Mr. 0. P. St. :Tan, D, or of Steamboats, 246 e onto, weites:-"I stiflerj With itching 'filets kf remedies I:1 vein, I; 148 Cliaitb'l:Oilitnient rind i me." More x'eopin hey piles by using. Dr. 01 than by all other treats It never fails to cure Ilio h's• minionInspect. late street, 'I'or- e(I for /line Vara r trying Many n» to use 1Jr. uentirely cored been Cured of se's Ointment *015 combined. cls,. CAS 11E \ r1XGJtAM TIMES. OCTOBER 241,,, i!011 The mail it rot en -cording to (tdjonrn- .t, ut inn the t•ailneil room on l)ot, 1:ith, noel. ;fS4•n+i;ers all present; the Reeve as ua .'hair, 1S7•inlltes of last meeting; niton toff, passed. A communication from Mz. Jarazetl Crnil;sltazll;; claiming damages for broken vel;ittlo Was received.. C):1 luuti:)n of Code nod Cardiff said dl4141) was hilts over for future coilsidern- tfoii. ;Ulf llloliuu of Jacicsou and Cole, tfr. Shaw eras instructed to have at lots 20 mei 21 on sire tau,. line put in. a proper state of repair, uit motion of Cardiff aril Shaw, the 2.t., t.v • was instructedto have the bridge over Illi+ i,7araiss gree put 'til li proptsr 511(1)0 oL'tepnir. 0 i 1lt141)10n of Carl iif and Code, the :Reeve, C;aua illor She, w and 71r. W. J. Johnston were appointed final inspectors oil t:le (x'e i:nita clrttiu O.1 lllutiol1 of Carditt and Jackson, sine Lone W41)$ instructed to interview* sill parties eorinectod with:the. G.trniss drain re. ±nihil statement, ' On motion of Shaw auc1 Code, tine col- l.ectol's bond as retzd was accepted as sat- isfectury, ,`✓have•-Jackseu -- The allowing e.c counts were ordered to be aid, viz;- John Walker, li window!`hades, $5.00; Ruben Yonhill, gravelling, $20 74; J'as Shurrie, inspecting work, $2.0J; Walter Youhlil, ;ravel, 50 oeuts; Mr. Mason, demises climb, $1.00; gleaning ditch, $18.55; digging ditch, $30.00; $2.00; llzunicipal Wor $2.00; H. Fear, grave' 828.18; John Hopper, George Hansa, iosp Proctor, gravel, 88.00 pairing approach to rtilur Cantleton,. Geo. Redman, Beam, ditoh, d, blannr forms, and gravelling, raveliiug, $21.40; cting. 81.25; A. D. Campbell, re. fridge, $1.50; E, Iaggritt, award drain, on south bound- ary, $20.40; R. Coe terline, repairing - culvert, , �a�.00; Arth r Wyatt, gravel, 75o; Albert Hughes, gravel, $1,00; R. Skelton, gravel, $3.75 Selectors of Jur- ors, each, $4.00; A. ,Brydges, digging ditch and cleaning ulvert, $3,00; P. Cautietcn, digging d ch, $13,00; John Hopper, repairing c vert, $3.00; John Barr, gravel, $4.00; J. Smith, $5.00; George Hendrson, gravel, 70c;• John Ring, gravel, $ 12; B. C. Stokes, gravel, $6,00; Alcock ;i ad Pollard, work on Garniss drain, $2 On motion of Car and Jackson the bouucil then adjoin' •d to meet again on the l0, th Novembe nest. . CLARK, Clerk, Every Stove, tat Efurts When you have • rhe matism, Musoles feel stiff and sore an.' joints are painful. It does not pay to su : er long from this disease when it may 1 • oared so prompt- ly and perfectly by . od's Sarsaparilla. This medicine goes ight to the spot, neutralizes the aeidi y of the blood, which causes rheutna ism, and puts an end to the pain and st ffness. Bilicusncs5 is cured by Hood's Pills. 25c,,' Learning td Milk. When a stranger be ' s to milk a cow, it Usually- results in ome decrease of • milk production, thou 1 he may be a good milker, says the stow Cultivator. The better the cow the ore likely she is to bo of a nervous .mperatneut aad tile more she is apt to e effected by a change in handling, ins ing or surrouud- iu_s. 1r the new milk lacks experience it usually results ill a =anent shrink- age of the milk yield and early dying off of the cow. But it is necessary tliat the boys should learn to milk if they are to remain ou the farm,`s lid therefore they should be set to lean upon such cows as t'<i:1 natural`y dry oisoon. Do act give theta heifers with their first calf, as the heifer should be kep in milk as long as possible to get her in the habit of giving milk n 10 or 11 monthsan a year. Do not give them bard millers or kickers, or the uneasy ones which never stand still. That is too much likeggivieg thein dull hoes or other tools tog work with, that no man would consider fit to use for a day's work. It is cal illieted to disgust them with the busine § and drive them to seek other occupati zts its soon as they aro at liberty to leaveAllome, 'When it is not practicable to .fve them such a oovv, allow them to paktly milk her and then let some experien' cd milker 'finish the job, evho will be s e to obtain. the Iast drop, . Bowel% of Worms. Don't let worms gnaw at the vitals of your children. Give them Dr, Low's Pleasant Worn, Sprnp and they'll soon be rid of these parasites. Price 25o, . hint] to Attar,. Stratford. Oat. 20.-A fatal guts ac- cident happened in the Gore of Downie, Thursday, William Waiter Ballantyne, 20 years of ego, the only son of a widow- ed mother, being the victim. Ballan- tyne has r'eturtlelt from a shooting ex - edition anti 1 w as placing his gun in the hall, when the trigger ettegh11 and the contents' of the gau entered his thigh, severing an artery, and he bled to death before medical assistance could be oh. twined. new, Aft0. 'chart P'lsotolioaina, tet (Ogee .t Yfgiiah Mtn*.$old and reeotntnended by all druggists in Oidiadf. OlilY reli- able medicine diecovered. ,9L Naves Olos'astteert to cure all forrag4 Sexukl Wtie nese, tr•11 affeete of abuse er elt8.es. , Meiitat nanny, ]sxeessitre tee of To- baace, Opium er Sthtie,lants, Mailed on .teelet, of price, one paterege $1, sit. t5. Clio trlittpolcaac,, Kt Wit cure; "Parripnirte free Id env' address, Tim Wood Company, Wind/040a. rot giants nil Oil re1. 'C'oo'rs iehoqphiclinc is sold In win$hntn 1i ' Colin A. Cntpli(it, A. A. llorrodr, .7. 14. Davis, A. L. Enrultton, T3rugs;ists. A. 41004` i.tbi141 y. A trooper of the Dublin Hunt coating, out of the Iwperial Ycontnnvy, who was taken prisoner within any others et Lind- ley,, writes a letter fr;:eu Nooitl;edaell 4, `hien WINS recently pnblisheci in a, Dub. lin newspaper. Re writes:--.''W,oll,la ere I ant in a. eautifall barbell wire 'cage' with time 1,000 other nufarttilnates. Oar clothing is pictures'1ue in the es- trento, A elan with a seat ion his pants is as rare as a Jubilee sive:110e,and when mot with is treated with the greatest deference, Our house is a little sty a- bout two fent high, lnacle of used and roofed with a raggt d ' 1anket. Liter. attire has its votaries, here is a line circulating library, col :Wine of two copies of the 1 alf-Penney Conlin, a year old; three pages from al equally anti - quitted number of Ske'teh, aucl three pamphlets about Dr, Willie1us' Pink Bills for Pale People, paftiy printed in English and partly in Dutch. The fact that these Well-thuua.becl autpitlets bear the appearance of having. eels read and re -read, makes me think Brother Boer knows a good tiling whoa he sees it, and titre axe a lot of us who would feel all the better if we had s01ne of oho pills in- stead of the pill liter, tire, Ilowvever we keep the 'library' in kirmilation, and like Mark Tapley, eude;vor to take as much enjoyment out of ko situation as we can•" ohi1dren y for Oreluard and G rdun. Thick skinned fruits no the best keep- ers. The quince is a great feeder and re- quires good cultivation. One of the best fertil" ere for straw- berries is well rotted sta le manure. Of all f ...rel s t chert ' 1s least 6 test tr u i y' 9 e b to grow. About all it seeds is to be planted and let alone. Rich soil is rather mor necessary for the quince than tie apple, but the quince is more subject to blight, although in localities the fruit is profitable to grow. In evaporating apples it is calculated that one barrel of •greele apples will pro- duce about 15 pounds o evaporated fruit and that one pound of Mese is equal to half a peck of the fruit t efore it is pared or sliced. '''''In planting grapevine, dig deep, but plant shallow. Unless the soil is a heavy clay, plant is the fall. Use only well rotted manure, as fresh i Harare excites growth, and luxuriant git'tOwth does not always insure fruit. A v ue notjpruned is always in a snarl. -St. t,Louis Repub- lic. A Good Pian, A farmer in a neighboring county says he has adopted a plan of advertising in his home papers which has saved him much valuable time and brough t hand- some returns for the'I money invested. He says "When Ism. ready to sell I insert a little fldvertise'>tieut in the local papers, telling what 1 liars to sell, and if live stock, how massy head of each and when they will it i ready.to ship, and the result has been, that the buyers are right after me, eith4r personally or by mail, and naturally :always get the highest market. If I vant to buy a horse, a steer, a cow or tis dozen of each, I insert a little advertiseiiiltient that costs maybe 50c. and instea of travelling over the country inquiri g of my neigh- bors who has this or ths. for sale, the home newspaper does it or me at less expense and those wh have what I want manage to let. me know in some way.'/ CC. f'<.'W. CNA CATARRH CORE • ••25CI is sent direst to thedillseased parts by the mproved Blower. Heals the u ors, clears the air passages, sto l a droppings In the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Paver, Mower free. Ml dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. Aphorisms. Guist has very quick ears to an accusa- tion. -Fielding. Talebearers are juste as bad as the taletnakers.---Sherdan. Home in one form or other is the great object of 'fie. --J. . Holland. He will never have true friends who is afraid of making oneles.--Hazlitt. WO Want no time bot diligence, for great performances. --S muei Johnston, .Any hind that is cap ble oP real sor- row is capable of real good. -Mrs. Stowe. The fortune which lir ody sees anakke EL man happy and anal ed.-Baeon. Happiness does awaywith ugliness and evenmakes the bean$ of beauty.- Atmel. , Never be afraid of wilt is good. The good is always the roadta what is true. -Ilamerton, We hear the rain *Ilk but not the snow. Litter grief is Riad, calla grief is silent. -Auerbach. Itis wonderful what ; ;strength of pur- pose and boldness and energy* of will are roused by the assurane+t that we are do- ing our daty..-Seott, 11 Platterets are but 'the shadows of princes' bodies, The lend thiel; 'cloud' makes tient int'isible,•��r'4�bhtl Webster, '1 ere is no tetnombrdnce which time death does not tornnirt4te.--iiarven- tea. w4 c`_ fir+ .+ 41' .... u,-..._ Castoria is for Infants and Children, Caston, is s, harmless substitute for eastor On, Paregoric, Drop, thiel Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, 11Tori,'hine nor other Narcotic substance, It is Pleasant, Its guarantee is tltxty years' use by Millions of lXotl,lers. Castor's, destroys N'irorn1S and allays Xoevelrisb,- rless, Castoria cures Diarzhceaand Wind Colic, Castoria relieves Teething Trolnilles, cures Coanstilration and 7F l ztnlene;,', Castoria assinellates the Food, regulates the ataneaels and. i OW:1laf of ufallts 1)111(.. Children, giving healthy and zlattlr l sloep. Cantorf t is tlto Children',. Panacea -The Mother's r •iaxrtcl. , Castoria, "Castorlu is au excellent medicine fur children. Mothers have repeatedly told Ise of its good effect upon their children." Da. ri, C. Qs000p, Lowell, llfc;ss, Castorltt Is to well ,.t.uptt•I t•1 c.l:itlrett that I recounnend it tie suucti..r to any pre- scriptlon known to me." II. 41..AIt4IIOu, ill. D. rrcaklyx, .k; Y THE FACS M1L E SIGNATURP . OF Alp APPEARS ON 1-7, F,T' r t,T rRoA PrR. THC .tr rn.,P .R-IAr l,v r muni av 5'l' nr VI" v0R Or'? IWEAK! y�E�CDISE St Thousands of Young and Middle Aged Nen aro annually swept to a premature• grave t%rough early i discretion and later excesses. Se f abuse and Constitutional Blood Diseases h'.vo ru nett and wrecked the life of many a promising young man. Have you nnyof the fello inor Symiptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning; o Arabi - tion. Memory 1 r; .badly 1utiguel Excitable and Irritable: Eyes Blur, -Wimples on L the'rdce; lireun and Drains at Night; Restless; haggard Looking; Blotches; Sore '1•a-o•tt; flair Lo e; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of E.ter y and yore it. Our 24w Method Trealmeni will build you up mentally, phyeioally an t semntly. (h PrttJ on >SVehaatit DR& KENNEDY ) RADWI eft 1 At II years of age I learned a bad habit which almost reined me. I became nervoes and weak. My back troubled me. I could • stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dull, Dreams and • drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Elea- • tric Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me , -+,. no help. A. friend advised me to try 1hs. Kennedy & Kergan, They ?t sent me ono month', treatment and it cured mo. I could feel r ry ,) myself raining every Clay, Their New ,l[ellaorE Treatment ,urea whenL. 1ti i Int t 141,' all else fate." They have cured many of my frienuralds," Dr. Mnnit•rn, lt 11 tt : i 1) , i "Some 8 gears ago z contractor'a serious constitutional blood dal �t isearo. I went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mcrct:ry almost Ir illi tilled me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore, pains in limbs, pimpioa on face, blotches, eros red, loss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. Kennedy& Kergan's New Method Treatment. It cured' me, and I have had no unit -Mame for Eve years. I Ian married and happy. Aa a doctor, I heartily rocomond it to all who have this terrible disease - syphilis." It will eradicate the poison from the blood." Cure,`.. Capt Tti'rrr+ond, 15 YEARS IN DETROIT. i50,OOO CURED. "I nm 83 years of age, and married. When young 1 ied a gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble ifor me. I became vvoak and nervous.. My kidneys became affected and I feared Bright's disease. Siarri»d 1if • was nnsatis- .. g factory and my home unhappy. I tried everything -all failed till ' I took treatment from .Urs. Kennedy and Keegan. Their New Method built me up mentally, physically aad esXuaity. I feni and netlike a man in every respect. Try them." a' No Names Used Without Written. Consent of Patient, (Iu,eu ..n Ow, never fails in curing {�rte Eft NewnnDi lYDiseases ethod ! i'e8�`11kE"i!'� It strengthens 4110 bo:ly, °etopsalt drains and losses, l uri5es the blood, clears the brain, builds up the nervous and sexual systems and restor�s lost vitality tothe body. we Cuarautie to Cure Nerr,rous nebtlity, Falling Int uhoc- , $ypiiille,vrisricoeele, 4trlctnitre, G`Ieet, VII tt.sturat 0 Iscuargee, Weak Palls anti all 1 1C1uey. and Madder a., ieeases. E EMBER Drs. Kennedy & I1organ are the leading specialists of America. They guarantee to eire or no pay. Their ro e- tation and flftsen years of business are at stake. Ton run no risk. Write them for an honest opinio °i, matter Wit') tre•tted you. It may t'1 save you yearb of regret and suffering...) Charges re asonable. Write for a Question List and Bank Free. Consultation Ere.. DRSs KEHNNED ' KERGA 1148Shelby SI. Detroit, Molt �'' 'i r ttrBE S.'4,'':i,°d.'`.t',:S.W�;KC3'i�,'. An energeti ra� tiIa11 to canvas town and country with a staple line of goods. Agents now making $20.00 a week with us, If you mean ljusiness and want to earn good money in a permanent, pleasant employment, write us a once, The Thos, W. Bowman & Son Established 4.0 years. . Limited, TORONTO, ONT. To PATENT- Good Desi TEE MILK may n ahta.afl'lRRcoRi`iaa by HE' TPAtt , OP iUaltiotore, find, "'i,'�'AleTBb -•°• At SIVta TUX oil cu ell cletreeter to,dettve r ondeoltotit in Het on county for oleo t 14t1zbli rltt.,I 'Inarttaemetai,+ whotesele house. seep a year, Pere tses her- esty More time experience required. f lttr re- ference, row built in ttnly city. Eradiate sett- nddressedshunnect envelope. Mmltfaettu,(a4, Third Meer, Mt Dearborn St., Cniengo, HOLSTEJN DAIRY is pure and cold and t�.ial. ts. , • . • . , . a . a Y 8 . . T ixtj ,t CE1t7'1'8 A f1t'll'•A t . A Al Az A Al W Al us Cc or of w