HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-10-26, Page 1VOL. XXYIIL—NO, 148S.
Business is booming so much with us
'in Tailoring that it is Ini rdiy worth our
while. to . advertise this branch. of our
business, but still we want to remind all
our friends that wo shall bo glad to see
them, and we 'might mention that we
are selling off the balance of our Stun -
mer Suitings at great reduction. In
BOOTS and sr-io.CS
It is needless to say we load the•Trade.
Our -Customers have been more than sat-
isfied _luring the past season; the conse-
quence is, we have had a large increase
in our sales; we anticipate a very large
business for Fall, and consequently
leave bought heavily, and in order to
make loom for these new Goods we are
selling the balance of our Spring Stook
at a large reduction from regular prices
—don't fail to secure some of these bar-
gains. Boys' and Youths' sizes in
t COST. We have
Boots on Saturday a
just sorted up our stook of
Xm %° s
anti Toilet Sets.
New goods arriving daily.
-Watch for bargains in all lines
of Orockery.
(The China House)
Seo Halsey Park's advertisement.
Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham.'
on the first
Friday of each month from 11.30 a.
m. till. 3 o'clook. p, m., for consultation
in diseases of the eye, , ear, nose and
See the- Japanese Silks at Kerr's,
,—Tile polling places
o election on Novettl-
ws:—Ward.1, J. B.
Warcl 2, Wm. Gan-
: 8, Town Hall; Ward
iu Wiugltain for t
ger 7th are as fol
ainu aiug's shop •
nott's shop; War
4, T.l'hes, IIoltnes'
Comm= Roo ts. Tito meetings at
the Liberal coni nittoe rooms in the
Macdonald block are being largely at -
Waded. The .00ms are open every
evening and all rientls of the Laurier
Government and Dr, Macdonald are in-
vited to the meet ergs.
Pon St.LE.--T1 e Monte of Mrs. Caro -
lino 1 -toss, north of the mill. Favorable
tonins. Apply ou the promises.
Thanksgiving Da;
Wingham, Ne
business were (los
in, the Presbytoria
Paul's churches i
who enjoy a good
their time in thee
In these we have tho very latest—if
you want to bo up-to-date in Neckwear
and Headwear, you must come to us.
We have still a few
left; we are selling them at 60 per cent
.6t beret tit' ill' lay ion tie buy any-
thing we have, oven if you don't need
it just now. • The rest of our Groceries
at cost and below. Wo have not much
left, but what we have you can have at
your own price. •
Blg stock of Far Jackets, Capes,
Capexines, Oollarettes lC t at Kerr's.
I+b,7az3ezr, MATor I `rho 'Wine:ham
football team went er to Midway on.
Thanksgiving Day tad played, a tie
gain with the boys, .hat village, the
score being 2•2. be boys went over
with a, team of ltsee front )cattle's
livery and shortly at er their arrival in
the village one of th horses died.
sr Last Thursday,
was very quiet in
�ly all the places of
U. Service was hold
), Methodist and c t.
the morning. Many
day'rt hunting, spent
elections have rt
matters off the i
This is the year f
the county count
that Matthew Lo
Wawanosh and
councillor of We
the field as -candid
coMprising Wing
West Wawanosh.
Part n and St
sent this division
Coat and pant makers wanted, Apply
to Will Jenkins, Listowel.
Monday next there ill be introduced in
the Opera House here, the famous
Australian Coined Co, a high class or-
gauizatiou direct f m Australia. This
company left Au tralia in December,
1898, and have b n on constant tour
since that date. his is the third town
only that they ha o thus far played in
ire from the West.
"Sapho," an entirely
ly adopted for them -
•e now ou sale at
rTERs.—The Federal
her taken municipal
Inds of the electors.
r electing members to
1. We understand
hart, reeve of Fast
John Webster, ex-
t Wawanosh, are in
rtes for the division
am, Blyth, East and
t is Nicely that Messrs.
art, who now repro -
'will be in the field
Ili; Gar SieV4N EAIt:i.--Tho tnan,
,Toni Patterson, v,
Godorioh jail last
stealing from stor
ton, Godc rich a
Pleaded. guilty b
trate ab Godcriel
for sentence on
sentenced to se
tiary at Kingst
Second hand buggy for sale, almost
new; also a cutter. Apply to Snrr
OLEAN TIM On ;sIxos.—Every time
there is a sbower of rain, the street
cl state. Wingliam
grauolithio walks,
uch satisfaction in
if the front street
t clean. Wo have
yers making com-
ut the dirty state
lie Council should
are cleaned after
wo shall be glad to have contributions to
tins column from any or our readers, et you
]rave visitors or purpose going away yourself,
drop in and toll us, or send us u auto to that
Rev. J. W.
Radolph, 'Vt..
J. E. ,5'warts was i
days this week,
:;rzMiss Annie Lou
lto was lodged in Creek, Mich., this v
c•eok, _charged with
• in Wiugham, Clin-
cl Bayfield" and who
More the Police Magis-
eatuo before the Judge
'riday last. t He was
n years in the paniten-
crossings got in a b
has tulles of spleud
but there is not t
having the walks,
crossings are not ke
heard several rate
plaints this weeks a
of the crossings,
see that the crossing
every shower of rain
this town appeared
and Magistrate Mcg
week, charged with
another boy in Beatt
He pleaded guilty to
account of being so
ing the first _hang
was allowed to
sentence. The lad a
bail ,to appear for
ever commit another
and Magistrate McK
boy a. good warning,
has his eye on other
who had 'better be
they willhave to
theatrical event of
Messrs. Ernest en
elaborate production
of Zeuda" which. i
here ou Wednesday
apices of the Fire
scenery and costume
tinny of players.
events of Mr. Danie
cal career has been
seutation of tlii
Anthony Hope's m
and it is due to th
Shipman, who have
to present it in Can
States, that wo are
in our theatre.
Douglass' drug sto
DOG LOST:—A larg valuable w e
Newfounclldnd dog wa lost on Tu -day
on Teeswater road b ween gham
and Jas. Wray's far Find will be
liberally rewarded on leaving informa-
tion at W. G. Patters 's jewcry store.
Donald, well-known i Wingham, and
who conducted the tation hotel at.
Listowel for a numb
Thos. Armstrong.
take possession in the
Gus' BROS. Coa
Minstrels will appear
Thursday night, Nov
new show and coma
new acts, notlTli'itt the
saw before. Com
double quartette sin
This alone is worth tl
WANTED. --400 bags of sweet apples at
the Wingham Cider and Jelly mill.
Good prices paid.
Brucefield on Thursday
M. Ross; a brother of c
H. Ross. Mr. Ross
typhoid fever and was
& Solis
Ontario, having
r of years, has They win present
rob hotel from new play, cspeei
McDonald will solves. Seats
drug d o stbro.
ear future. > Do
Svc+,—Guy Bios.
n the Town Hall,
'1st, with an entire
, all new people,
season you ever
and hear their
the "Holy City."
price of admis-
Marriage Licenses
other complications set
Issued by FnAN& PA'TERSON, No. 23 Victoria
street, ire am, age and unmarried.
above stated. Deceas
w H Ont.No witnesses required.
end for our catalogue and be con- l
vinced that we do
/ •-__./
work in business education in Canada l
to -day, fit
Central Business College
Stratford Ont.
Students from Manitoba on the west, Lin;
Newfoundland on the east and Texas on;t
the south aro in attendance this year. tal
Distance proves no Hindrance to those Ct-
Several Canadian colleges
(Who desire to get the best. C
and many large American schools }i
employ ours graduates as teachers. •Ther 3"
jnot strong of superiority: ii
W. J. ELLIOTT. Princip�al,
l,01 •
pays for the TIMES till
January tat, 1901.
There died at
of last week, R.
r townsman, T.
zad au attack of
reproving, when
in and he died as
1 s 40 years of
elections there will ha
American continent
pent] before, namely
elections on three spec
Presidental elections
States will be held on
ber, the election in t
Canada on the 7th, an
land elections ou the 8t
WANTED. --Dried apples, fowl and
butter. We will pay 20e for choice Roll
Butter till Nov. Ii. Our s ook is large
and well assorted.
Rosi. MenooD DEA
ceived in. town last w
Robert Mahood, ,po
wick, who died
Deceased was a broil
braith of this town a
ing health for some
on Thursday of 1
ducted by members
of which. deceased
FOIL SALE.—A number of Brown Leg-
horn hens and roosters; Light Bral Ota
hens and roosters and four good Barred
Plymouth Rock. roosters, ,s+ Apply a
In the way of
en on the North
hat never hap -
three important
ssive days. The
in the , United
e Gth of Novena-
e Dominion of
the Newfound -
TrtfEs oifioe.
of this town was cal
Owen Sound on Fr
her father's funera
died very suddenly
no intimet .on of
Struthers will have
many frie s here
meut.ie Owen
recording Mr. Stru
"An old resident p
day morning in th
ander Struthers, '
deuce, Poulett str
Tho deceased has
some time owing t
his death was quit
twenty-one years
Sound from the 1
and has since the
business of woo(
specialty of refrig
native of Ayrshir
children of the laxf
eleven now reside
70 Cents
l` pays for the TrtttEs and 1'o.
ronto Daily Star till Jan.
lst, 1001. Alt who sub-
seribe for the Star get a
handsome ptetare of the
Queen grid Prince of
Leave your orders early
at the Trans office.
Ball and family, w
Wingham from Bru
with a complimen
nealty framed pho
church at Brussels
ing of the removal
"Mr. and Mrs. Bal
over 24 .years ago
have been closol
various departfiie
They will be gra
carry with thorn
largo circle of frier
at Wingham td
this week,"
. E. KING.
!Word was re-
ek of the death of
tmaster of Ford -
October 15th.
r of Mrs. A. Gel-
d had be in fell-
a funeral
t week, was •con -
f the Orange Order
as a memb)r,
have removed to
sels were presented
ary address and a
0 of the Methodist
The Post in speak -
this family, says:—
came to this locality
nd they and theirs
identified with the
is of church work.
ly missed but they
o best wishes of a
s to their new home
Bich they removed
Mr. and Mrs, J.
last weekvisiting i.
,—A young lad of
fore Mayor (.]egg
nzie one day this
tealing $5.00 from
Bros. livery barn.
he charge, but on
ung and this be -
against him, he
ou suspended
o had to give $200
utence should he
Mance. The Mayor
zie also gave the
Chief Vanuormau
ad boys in town
ve themselves or
pear before the
Wm. Guest atte
the late Mrs. Coll
week. '
Miss Lewis, of
with her parents,
Mrs, Harry Jeff
visiting her parents
the week,
R. Hill and Miss
erten are visiting wi
this week.
Mrs. (Dr.) Macdo
giving with relati
Mrs, Lind. of Low
turned home from
in Atwood.
James Dawson, of
couple of days this
parental roof.
is visiting in
Toronto for a few
it left for Battle
Cline spent part of
le't the funeral of
us at Ripley last
orouto, is visiting
and Mrs, Wtn.
y and baby were
u Seaforth during
rlie Hill, of Walk -
.h Wingham friends
LD -Miss Struthers
d to her home iu
day last to attend
Mr. Struthers
his daughter had
is illness. Miss
he sympathy of her
u her sad bereave-
ouud Advertiser in
hers' death says:—
seed away on Thurs-
person of Mr. Alex -
ho died at his resi-
et, in his 71st year.
ecu in poor health for
stomach trouble, but
unlookecl for. About
o he came to, Owen
wnship of Glenelg,
time followed his
vorking, making a
eters, He was a
, Scotland. Four
grown-up family of
Owen Sound."
MONEY TO LOAN.—Money to loan on
notes, and notes discounted at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on mort-
gages, with privilege' of ' paying at the
end. of any year. Notes and accounts
collected. Office—Beaver Block, Wing -
J. Maxwell, recent : adnate, in Theology
rte with the Presby .ry of Maitland iu
Knox church, Riple , on 16th Oct. inst.,
and passed a credit' le examination on
the subjects presori ed for probationary
trial. The Presbyty at the afternoon
session, after, an a le sermon by Rev.
G. M. Dunn, ordain, d Mr. IVIcacwell to
the offico of the Ho y ministry and in-
ducted him into the pastoral charge of
the united congrega one of Knox ehurcli,
Ripley, and Knox c urch, Bervie. Dr,
Murray presiding a= Moderator, pro tem.
The court extended ith fraternal greet-
ing, the right hand f fellowship to the
newly inducted mil 'sten whereupon
he was addressed i suitable terms by
Rev. Mr. Miller r arcliug the duties
and priveleges of hi. calling. Rev. Mr.
MacKay delivered a orcible and appro.
priate address to ' the congregation.
Tho addresses were faithful, elear end
pointed exposition o .•the relative oblige-
Hous of pastor and ople. It is hoped
they were received 'n trite loyalty to
Christ and humble d1 pendanee on Divine
guidance and grac and that signal
blessings from God i ill rest on: minister
and people. Among ' e strangers present
were Rev. Mr. Sat of the Methodist
. W. D. Rlliso»,
. A Ilendersol .
ald spent Thttnks-
s and friends at
.—The interesting
ie season will be
Fred Shipman's
of "The Prisoner
booked to appear.
ening next, ander
rigade•with special
and a plaited com-
ae of the greatest
Frohman's theatri-
he successful pre -
dramatization of
t wisely road novel,
energy of Messrs.
ecured sole rights
la and the Eastern
abled to witness it
an of hall at R. A.
5. Gracey and Mis
spending a couple of
in Essex county.
Mrs. Jos, Bradwi
relatives and friend
Blyth during the w
Frank Powell, of I
few days this wed with friends iu
Wingham and Turn -rry. .
Mr. Scott, of East n awanosh, was in
Southamption this w ek, attending the
funeral of Ms brothe Dr. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Fra Arscott, of Lon -
n town during the
Now is the season for
sersous trouble to occur
with the lungs. I3uild up
tthe system and strength -
$0. Douglas's
t Emulsion
• of Cod Liver
• Oil with
en the lungs with
Wiughare. has re-
visit with friends
amilton, spent >t
week under the
Della Gracey are
veeks with friends
was visiting with
in Stratford and
It is fresh and the best on the
The old Williams stand
G. N. W. Office,
incardiue, spent a
in Ladies Night Gowns, in plain and.
fancy Flannelettes, very nicely trade,
quite natty in style, they would be con- •
consided splendid value in some places at:
76c but our price while they last is 50c,
worthmore to make them up.
-c e
is --direct.
Flip fluffyall wool 1 J31ank
frotri the maers—as low as $2.75.
Bdst pure wool stocking yarns all-
llshades at cut prices.
The Direct Importer.
Any orders for sales left at the Teams
office will receive prompt attention. J.
J. Currie, auctioneer.:
wee]: to chronicle the
pioneer of Tnrnberr
person of Hueston Gi
had been on a vitit to
villa, and on arriving
He was able to be aro
but inflammation of t
he was confined to hi
to be up on Wedn
thought that he took
Wednesday evening.
in his G8th year and
resident of Turnber
Ho was a member
Presbyterian church.
lathes and friends
pathy of the oommut
will leave his late re
8, this (Friday) afte
for the Winghare ce
The Listowel Business College and
Shorthand Instituto opened its fall term
ons fromeex
-pupils having
pupilsivof the
Central Business College, Stratford, for
the purpose of perfecting their studios in
Shorthand, This certainly speaks well
for the character and superiority of the
instruction impacted at the L1stctvol olitirch, ltiploy; R
Shorthand Instituto. For illustrated
aerologic, terms, etc., apply to C. L. Southampton C�n d.
don spent a few days
week, the guests of 1\ .r. and Miss. R3bt.
Trios. Bell was i
Week looking after a
that came to that po
Son Mfg Co.
Benj. Willson, of • Vancouver, 33. 0.,
formerly mauagcr of the Bauk of Ham-
iltoii he?e,• is caIliii: on old Wingham
friends this week.
J. F. Money, of
town on Weclnescl
tionsnfor Money's
Perth and Middlese.
t3, have this
dtitliaof an old
township iu the
sou. Deceased
friends iu Belie -
home took sick.
nc1 for some days,
a lungs set in and
bed. He was able
;day, when it is
old and died on
Mr. Gibsoii was
d been a respected
for many years.
of the wiugham
The bereaved re -
i11 have the sym-
ity. The funeral
deuce, lot 20, con. oo at 2.30 o'clock
oat load
t for the
—Geo. A. Camp
finger on his right h
in the crusher at the
—About 9 o'clocl
morning the fire a
small: fire at Bell's fa
of tho alarm.
—Lawrence Trace
1a0 -acro farm in Tur
this years to Joseph Char
of lumber
T Bell —We have rece.ve
mium list of the
Winter Fair, to be he
December llth to 14t
11 had the first
ucl badly jammed..
ax mill on Wed -
R. Holmes, of
candidate in West
partied by Mrs. Hol
on Monday and dt
town were guests c
M. Gordon.
112r. T. Showier, w
Lambtou, Out., .
Thanksgiving holid
of his old friend,S.
Showler's first vis'
vas pleased with t
ly -kept little toe
of our manufac
He left for hom
morning train of
Hatt Listowel.
ngersoll, Was in
rectory of Huron,
es while in town
lug their stay in
Mr. and Mrs. D.
Arkoua, County
here spending his
s at the residence
ouhill. It was Mr.
to Wingliam; he
compact and neat-
]. with its miles of
and the magnitude
ing "establishments.
on Monday by the
G. T. R.
Clarupbell's He
teed. to cure heada
—Fall house-cle
—Deer huntin will commence
November ist.
January ist, 1002.
—Regular meeti
ache Wafers guaran-
ning is now in order.
will be All Saints'
—Collector Robe
0 delivering his tax
—Twelve new
the Trans subscrip
—Some repairs h
—Noininations 01
Weelt. Polling ou
ber 7th.
The diploma we hold from the
Optical Institute of Canada is a
guarantee of' our qualification to
give perfect satisfaction in the fitting
of glasses,
Our equipment tor this work has
always been of the best, but to make
it still more complete and up to date
meter," the latest invention in this
Class of inStrilttlentS.
Do not let fake optieians and
pedlers who have never studied the
oyes, tamper with yonrs, and sell
you glasses at double their value
when you eau be properly titted at
J. 1E, DAVI1Ss
the Trans until
g of Court Maitland,
y) eveniug.
tsou has been busy
tices this week.
bscribets added to
on list this week.
ve been made at the
,josephine street.
12crednesday of next
Paying the prize mot
found at his reside,'
—Look at the' laUt
see if your subscri
vanes,. If it is not,
to have yon ma.ko
on Wednesday -
*my was the cause
name of ft'
heretofore known as
changed to Newton,
being two and a ha
—Morris township
the election figures f
1896 aud other iuteres
ter will be found on t
this issue.
—A neve time table
the the 0. P. R. on 0
only change in the tr
8.20 p. me train for T
has rented his
erry fora term of
ill, at au annual.
a copy of tile pre-
ntario Provincial
'd in Guelph. from.
treasurer of the
1 Soeiety is now
gy. He may be
on Feances street.
on your paper and.
tion is paid in ad -
e would be pleased.
label read "1 Jan.
R. J. lehteMath, of t
partnership with E't
one of the pioueer
Huron county.
—The Prisoner of
highly praised by tl
pany will arpear in
Wednesday evening'
of Fire Brigaie. A
Plan of hall at R
—The apple evn orating factory at
Dangannon was d troyed by tire on
—Quite a large st
in town on Fridley 1
the election in East twou.
—Win. Ross, of rt Perry, a brother
of Mrs. M. B. Mil 00, is the Liberal
catulidate iu Smith ntttrio.
—The Prisoner &Aida itt 'the opera
house on Wednesd evening next, un-
der attepices of Vire Brigade.
C. Howlett, f this town has plw-
rimed Wm. Sim on's 110 -acre farm on
the 10th con, of Gr y for 0,400. The
farm. is tanned ng the best Groy
township, Mr. wlett will take pos-
session on the fir f jauttary.
of money was bet
t, leu the restilt of
lilleank, has been
Millbauk village
f miles from the
council minutes,.
East Huron in.
ng reading mat -
inside pages a
eut into effect on.
tober 15th. The
us here is that the
route now leaves
n, has gone into
=ball, of Clinton,
reap builders of
Amide Company are
press. This corn -
the opera house ore
ext, under auspicee
ission. 25c and 500.
A. Douglass' drug
Wingtam's Popu!ar Shoe Store.
fie eo'd, damp feet, and these come from bad
shoes. coughs, ( olds, and pneumonia often with
fatal results, originate from neglect of the feet.
110W unimportant then to wear good
atminms and -SHOES
Thme that keep the water anddampuess out
We have the best. Weer them and keep well..,
I A kinds of Trunks end Valises cheep.