HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-10-19, Page 8n;. H. MCI NDOO '4-I:N.666 NARNGaR.'SaM4i'.R.R w.'MM...'MMPh!' A FINE S Q I O QF k Sr We Can afford t(' talk biz. about our tine showing of B31t . k and t,,l)1t\rt:d press <ae eds. It represent,: novel- ties evel- ties b> the" ...core, c nfined ex - elusively to this store. New Sce't. h Ho'n(.-SPuns, Mixtures in Frime, Cheviot, Veneti(hn E.r' 'ish 'l'wer:el Suit- inn,s, ne\v Lt)t,ltn;; Twills in Black and Blue. 25 pieces Stec-cial Heavy Suitings in all the new colors for fall and winter; to cieer the balance at 25 cents. •sirs and Fur Garments Our stock represents the very latest pend most desirable novelties- in American and Canadian styles of Fur Jack- ets, Capes, Neck -wear, Gen- tlemen's Fur Coats, Caps, Guantlets. In choosing any of the above goods, you are certain of fashion, long ser- vice and economy in cost. Ready -trade Clothing & Mantles Vert/ large stocks of beatiibiful Pall Clothing its Stilts and Overcoats. Ready-made Mantles in the most fashionable styles, spechiat line just in ; thoroughly tailored ; well lined, in black only, at $5.00. Saturday Specials 5 doz. Women's heavy Under vests, reg. 25e and 30c, to clear`at 15e. 50 pairs Women's Fine :Sebes, sites 3, 4 and 7; reg. $2.50, to clear at $1..25.. • 25 doz. Ladies' Fine Cashmere Bose, just io, reg. 40e, Saturday 25e. 15 ends Wool, Brus- sels and Tapestry Carpet, from 10 t.h 20 yards in an end, at special price .t. Sop ea rk y at EticrIDOOT •WINGHAM'S NEW INDUSTRY. A special meeting of Town Council was held Monday evening. All members ` present except Councillor Chisholm. 'The meeting was called for the purpose of hearing a proposition from Messrs. Hanscom and Alden. The proposition was read as follows:— To, Mayor and Council: GENTr xntEx; Whereas our attention has been directed to the town of Wing - barn as a favorable centre fdr mann- faeta.s, and you have advertised to the .affect that manufacturers coming to your town should receive liberal and substantial aid in establishing new industries in the town, we do hereby ;apply for a. loan of $5,000, free water, exemption from taxes, etc. Iu return for the same, we undertake to start the manufacture of hardware speoialties, including malleable castings and run a manufacturing business which -will em- ploy at least 45 Wren for eight mouths the year, for: a terna of tea years. CxAs. 0. AL11x15, 3t. Rkt3DALt, ALVEA. H. Iianscox, Mr, lisnscom stated that when they had the machinery placed in position the plant would be worth $7,000. On motion. of Councillors Bell and Newton, the vroposition of Messrs. Hanscom and Alden be favorably re- oeived by this council and that the Mayor and Clerk have an agreement drawn to be submitted With a eery of by-la\v to- the council as early as 'Jos- sibie. W1itTT,C1tL`ItClt. Sueressfel anniversary services were held in the Presbyterial) church at "Whitechurch on Sunday last. Rev, S, H, l4tnllaaxl, of Fergus, preached itt the tweeter and evening, and Rev. A. Me - Hay, of Lucknow at 2 p. zn The tea Meeting held on Monday evening was s. success. .Harty Wingltantites attended the tea meeting and report splendid. evening's entertainment r. Mullan's lecture on Monday evening rr Ati hour tinder the Old Fag" was very interest- tug. Miss Patterson, of Attbtrn, and Mr. McGill, of Mensal., sounded the vocal part of the programme, both rendering several solos, which commanded the rlf. fection of *11. The total receipts am. =minted to $182, fld ija;tcL TUE STORY OF A WOMAN'S RESCUE PROM GREAT SLII'F INC, FOlt 1.14 ARS 11.•.R LIPS WAS Olin Olins+ B -IXEtt r'inn AND LThZi1S \\'Ot'L1) MELIe k ribiliir 'MIX AND SFAs IIEC lsfil 'tCN- .tn:.h: 'to no UDR I'ot' +X:IXOLD t: Call, Firm the :ntereriae, l;1•i<i.ge'water, N. Fl. 1 .tt is appaiil:ri to tlhitdt of the lumber • cif wgnren throughout the (.'ouutry 'MO i day after day lives a life almost of mar. h•ratoia; suffering but too frequently in aai'.to t, almost hopelessdespair. To such sufferersthe story of Mrs, Joshua Wile, will colpo use beacon of hope.. Mr.:. Wile Ilives about two relies from the the town of 13rid gewatcr, N. S„ and is reseeet>'d :able. rsteenhed by ell who know her. stores t`. ' not '\41th,r+ in one et the local (ling, SAe,.(a h I lc:,g ogo. Mrs fir'iie noticed a number of boxes s of Dr, Williams' Pink. Pills in a ,how case, and remarked. by the pro- prietor. "If ever there was a friend to 1 woutaht, it is those pills." She was asked why she spoke so strongly about tee pills. and in reply told of the misery from wlhlch they Lad resorted lier. Tho druggist suggested that she should make known her cure for the benefit of the t'.hou:e .:cls of similar sufferers. Mrs. Wee, reldied that while averse to publi- city. yet she would gladly tell of her pure it it wonld benefit anyone else, and sho gave the followiug statement with permissson for its publication:— "My life for sone years was ono of weakness, pain and misery, until I obtained relief through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. From some valise, I know not what exactly, 1 became so oitiieted with uterine trouble that I was obliged to uudergo two operations. A part only of the trouble was removed, and a terrible weakness and miserable, nervous condition ensued, which the physician told. zne I would er get clear of. I tried other doe s, but all with the same result—no ettermeut of my condition, The pa'' - finally attack- ed my backend kidney . My legs and feet beoame frigh u11 swollen, and I cannot describe a tired, sinking, deathly feeling tha at times came over my whole body. Ibeca'me unable to do my household work, and lost all hope of recovery. Be fore this stage in my ill. ness I had been advised to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, but like tbousauds of other women, there could be no good Musing them when the medical men were unable to cure me. At last in desperation I made up my mind to try them, but really without any faith iu the result. To my surprise I obtained some benefit from the first box. 1 then bought six boxes more, which I took ac- cording to directions, and am happy to say was raised up by them from a weak, sick, despondent. useless condition, to my present state of health and happiness. Every year now in the spring and fall I take a box or two, and• find them an excellent thing at the change of the sea- son. Other benefits I might mention, but suffice it to say I would strongly re- commeti d Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all ailing women." . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills surpass all i other medicines as a cure for the troubles that afflict womankind. They quiekly'i correct surpressions and all forms of weaknoss. They enrich the blood, strengthen the nerves and restore the glow of health to pallid cheeks. Sold by all dealers in medicine, or seat postpaid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the t)r. Williams Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Cant. Apprentices zwanted art ones, Two yo,a.tur ladies to learn tailoring tf i'G'.slarsxtut & Co. Sale Register. On Saturday, Oet. 20th, Messrs. Don- nelly & 'Wal'ker will sell a number of young cotil'o and sheep at Whitechurch. J. Purvis, auctioneer. On Thursday, October 25th, there will be sold by public auction at the stables rear of Brunswick hotel, the standard bred trotting, 'stallion, Saranac- 415a. aranac4158. Also the stables, lots and other articles. Peter Deans, auctioneer. Ai;o'rloa SALtt.--'John Reid will sell by public auction, on Thursday, October 25th, at lot 34, con. 12, East Wawanosh, a quantity of fart. stock. J. Currie, auctioneer. Jas. Angus will sell by public auction, withotit reserve, on Saturday, October'' 20th, at Ms farm in Wingham,' a quantity on farm stock and ihnpletnents. He will offer his faxen for sale, subject to a reserve bid. Peter Deans, aero- tioneer. Edward Worden will sell a quantity of farm stock, implements and household furniture at lot 80, con. 14, East Wawa- nosh, on Tuesday, October 23rd.. Every- thing to be sold as Mr. Warden is giving ftp ftienting. 12 months credit. Sale at 1 o'rlock. J, Gratis, auctionear, Witt.1iendsll will sell his farm, felrm steak, itliplernbtits,etc on his tartn,north half late and ' l 1 2, eon 1, Rinlass, on Wednesday, Oetaber :4th, 11 menthe eeedit and, sale at 1 o'clock, The farm its offered subject to at resorvo bid and: if not sold will be rented. John Purvis, raltioncer. --Guy Eros, Minstrel Co. 1tl11 be in Wiuglhatn on Nov. 1st. There it nothing harsh about Pills. Theycure (Sonatpin, by epsis, Sick Headache a ,• Biliotts a without ng, purgin •4 " 'sick• ening. Prb3 cents. TUE 1 '1NG1 A.N TIKES, (}tTOBE1t i9 19{)(1 A GENTLE REMINDER. The editor of the Tnilm has read the it gentle reminder" wlticlx appeared in the Advance of this week. Tho article does not hurt our feelings its the Ieast. LISTowtm. lift. and 11Irs, J. A. Hacking left Iast. svixl,. fur Muskoka ort the Canadian. Tic�k- ot Agents' Excursion, About 100 gaests oveul,ie(t the special train. The W. 0. 'i.'. U. of the County of Perth held a eonfereuce iu the Methodist Outwit here Tuesday, Oot. 10. An the in- wresting.feature nf re�tte in the evening was a tuook pa rlia: i;at:,.uh wlhich 43 took. part, Miss Wiggins, of Torouto was at the meeting, Special uhnsie was j rendered by the church choir, . Mrs. John A. Damara and son, Abider. son are spendiu,g a fow days with Mr. Barnard at lateen, —Thos. W. Gibson, who has been sec- retary iu the Ontario Crown Lands De- partment, has been appointed Director of tho Bureau of Mines in sucoession•to Archibald Blue. Mr. Gibson's friends in tide 1o(?A.lity will be pleased to neer of his proniotion, P1LITIQ '. YEETINGS ELECTORS I Cone and hear the questions of the day discussed, It has been arranged by Dr. Macdonald through W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, to have union meetings with E. L. Dickinson, Esq., in the coming contest and the following meetings have been advertised at which Dr. Macdonald, Mr. Dickinson and others will speak. Cranbrook .............Monday, Oct. 22 Wingham; Tuesday, " 23. Wroxeter ... Weduesday, " 24 Duke's School House, Grey Thursday, " 25 Ritchie's School House, Howick Friday, (' 20 Fordwieh Mouday, " 29 Sperain's School House, Grey........ Tuesday, " 30 Brussels, Nomination pay . ... Wednesday, " 31 Walton Wednesday, " 81 Blyth Thursday, Nov. 1 Gorrie ............ ....Friday, " - 2 Lakelet .......... Monday, " 5 Wingharn . , . ' Tuesday, " 0 a.t,the meetings iu Wingham on Tuesday, 63rd lust., and at Blyth, on Thursday, 1' v. 1st, addresses will he delivered by Dr. Macdonald and Robt. Holmes. TheConservative candidate or any one in his behalf will be given an opportunity to speak at these two meet- ings.. All other meetings will he•joint meetings at which both the candidates will peak. All the meetings will commence et 7.30 p.m. sharp. Ladies are respectfully invited to be present. GOD SAVE THE QIJEEN. BirOtttm. f. DOES IT NOT PA's TO CANADA OU NESS COLLEGE CHATHAM. ONT. stands unrivalled. among Canadian business schools both as to its course of instruction end the assistance it awes it' grabates in placing them in good positions. the02 off oeurding minds sectored ec t,recl good positions in Sine'(,. clic` last l>t WAIS lrhoharei, i'vlrii.h a - .Scare>d in a recent issue of this paper, nearly 40 others have beim placed. Preasare of bred- ness has prevented its from getting it ready for this week, but watch for it no t week. Write for cata lo'gue and list of pupils placed, D. MCLACHLAN & CO., Ohatbam, Ont, VIOLA Alt Orr MISS CARRIE at London Conservatory y (if brnsu , It, e e- tl(u ed rafter Oct. 1st to reecho c e> Muth (1 uitt- ber of mins for instruction on Viten are t triter. Residence--uhlao4iteu. U. Church, \'Cirri PIANO AND TUB, + ..)Y. MISS SARA LOUIS ` '' .R£, 14,0.N. enol member of the Ass N gated 1nsletans of Ontario. ig t>ret>ared to re eeive! ft Rooted rum - her of pupas for inr"trneti(>ii on Piano and i't Theory. Special attention given to pupils preparing Yrsexatninations.. Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wingham, NOTICE oCMORCK. NOTICE i1, hereby- given pursuant to B S.R., ('bop. 1'1.4, Flee. 334, that all persons having claims against the (*Unto of RoberrLinton, jaw of the Township of 3..`trnberr•y in the. County of Enron, Vernier, who died on or about talc day of t+eptc n>bc , a., D. 112)0, are pored to ,:enol by post prepaid or to dolly to Richard. Vinadone of the '1'otvn alap am, Solicitor for thone bEwree Puto1).s1')'ta or�hio t aun,ehs, l[atdh(irdaey e and de'eriptronii, and at 'damn( ntof par- ticulars of the r cleims and the rotors of the 'security (if any,1 held by them littly c•ertitied and that after the c;had any the Executors will proceed. to distribnto the assets of the de- ceased anion i. the oah tu•s e+ntitie d thereto, hiv- ing rr aid. only o the claims of which they shall then have notice Datedtlits 16th day of October, A. D. K00. It. VANSTONE, Winnhrm P. 0., Sohurtor for thio Executors. Notice t0 Councillors. We have opened up a cement tile works in Wingham and will keep on band a stale of sewer and culvert pipes cement window sills, arches, briolts, etc. These eoment pipes are bring extensively used. all over r the country, and are giving butter ea tisfation than any other material. 13y using the beat material and workmanship we hope to haveySour trade. If tile ere handled carefully we replace broken ones. Works at the Rink. Wingham Cement, Tile and B,riek works. F. GIT TTHain GE. Men Wanted to Cut Cord Wood I want men to cut 600 cords of wood this fall and early winter on farm adioining Tohn Shiell's farm on 12th eon., Bast Wawaaosh, for which I will paycash every week. Apply at once on the premises. MALCOLM NICHOLSON. FARM FOUR SALE The unde .iined offers for en ing north h W atwanosh, co Ott the farm are horse stable, sheep good wells and a r orchard of 43 a is about 3 ac is about is 2 ono tis farm be - of lot 30, co • ession 13, Bast .aining 09 'es, more or less.. ood - ick house, bank barn,' rid straw shed. Three ni trearn. Also a good e trees alt. uallfruit. There s of bush mostly . aple. There ores of fall wheat sot . The farm es from, Wingham. Full 'deniers cation on the premises or to W n. S. I INELATIOI;, Box 121, Wingham P. O. DR. AGNEW, Physician, ,Surgeon, etc. Office—Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' Drug Store. N'ight,oaI1 answered at the office. AL.UER 8 BUTTON 'UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calla at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School E.oube. Sitrop op- posite Maodonald block. eze 4 IT WILL F .FY R put to attend the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, Lou- dotl, Otit. Practical instruction in pra.ctienl s'titjre•s. For over fifteen years we have been in touch with young people and their needs, and the business world and its requirements. Every facility at command for aiding yotina people both before and after graduation. Wa,ere doing superior work; results prove it. Send for our Catalogtie and College Jourtml. J. W. WESTERVELT, Prineipal, Having completed the disposal of my business to the Ball Bros., I desire to thank the people of Wingham and 'vicin- ity for their kind patronage for so many years The Messrs. Ball, who will continue the business, are young men of energy, and believe v, them to bestraight ar g ht for- ward, upright business men. 1 shall be pleased to have all my customers continue to favor thein with the patronage ac- corded me. 1\.r � , Lutherg Ball who is not entirely a stranger here (haying been in lily employ as assistant about four yers ago,) has had about ten years experience in the undertaking business, and I believe hire to be a thoroughlycompetent un dertaker hold i m i , i na a diploma from one of the embalming collFges. So that in this branch of the business 1 think 1 am leaving in my place a man competent to give entire satisfaction to those needing his services, and I bespeak for him the confidence and patronage of all those who have been mycustomers and the public generally. Yours truly, a M,5 a • '<.....r' ., A . tte lic r 4 ,. Following the above courteous introduction by *Mr. Gracey, we beg to assure the public of our intention to con- duct our business on straightforward business principles, and thus merit the confidence 01 the public. Our stock will at alI times be found up-to-date, and our prices second to none. The branch of our business will receive special attention, and those who favor us with their patronage may be assured of courteous treatment and upright dealing. Night calls attended to promptly. Residence—Patrick St., Mr. Gracey's former residence. A Watch for out adv. next week. AGENCY FOR THE ERCAN =WOVEN WIRE FENCE tflade of Large, Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized. tat . Amply provides for expansion and contrac- tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires , IN(F1 used. Always of uniform quality. ,*aNan Never goes.} wrong no platter how great a strain 28104 Iate, but is put upon it. Doenot moildoes- efficiently turn cattle;gs,and horsespigs, lleo. Men It- 22A NCR �/Q J�3 111 .,ilia r ainio 11:11 .,. h•�� _ . Mf6eEilt�trIM1•p11i11 it'(,�>Itil MIRemnmi Imowoo41Gi1 ya7da`SleamenMint AIM Mal NNWI,t i ^mi,N,.,,.w v>evr it mew.4 4NUL ' e. 3r, 314. ,tuwwuut�wuswwwuuwr¢wwryaN,u,tsw EVERY ROD Or AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED SY THE MANUFACTURERS. Call end See it. Can show you how it will save you money. For Sale by O. CLEGG & CO: 4�,tit-r'"frt�,4t?`�.����c��.�•%�s�.c.�a•�A't::o,'t�r'��syca�►,'�>'s�.►n ..�► a 0 sT \eIItables Cotges Cotton Root Compound I OPEN TO INSPECTION. Id ettooeeditaliy %loci monthly by oyer 10,000 Ladies, Sate, effectual, Ladies oak your druggist for CoMc'r< Ceiten Ravi Ilsi*- rbMss: Taken no other;ae all Mtrttured, pill* and. imrtatldne are doagbrotte, *'ileo, No, 1, 21 por box, I+rd.1,10 degreed stronger, as per bort. No. 1 or 3,.nettled en reoeiptOf prlee end ttio$•eetit Statin'pd. The Cook Oompaay.Witi(teor, Nns.1 and 2 tsoid akin recomatended b$' all respenelblo Druggists in Canada. • 24. l and Nen 2 are feed itt t inctihnrin by A. L r arntlton, .T. B. Maid, A. A. Morrow, Celia A. slantvbr,tl, Drugghste.. FARMERS ant entono hnvine live circuli or otleer ertioles they wash to dispose of, should a'leet'• tiler the Baine for wale in the Tates. Our large eireolhtion tells uric. it will hnstrannte indrecd if vitt der not gree ri ort loner. \'Coni gnnranu'e { hat +o�t wIli Rall lacrousc( yen heap ask mart' for toe artlelo or,ttock than it fe worth. send your inlver•tieenumt to the 11/Dei and try title pan of ctRaltoeiag of your stock and other articled, Perhaps the finest line of FURNITURE aver seen in this town is now on sale here. ' Eve •v pinup 3 ns sonhetbieg; which apecietlty reo'niiinethrlat it. 401ete Will itt- tract by wagon of design, 501210 by beauty of tho wood, t.onhe by their utility, All prove well )aide, strong and dlirabla itt WALT ie', zz BUTTON Furniture Dealers owl 'Undertakers. New pack of IVED Aylmer Brand. t • Always reliable. Why buy the cheap brands of canned goods when Why the you cart get t yc, old reliable brand of Aylmer Tcsiliatnes,. ► Corn, Peas, Beads and Pumpkins at the saltie price as CIiGa(J •goods. . r 3 CARS FOR 25 CENTS. at t3 r c , PIN'S ' -11.4..kce d' teAl.cCll- t.+'kA"->''f.4R-'tfi,.4a,'1'1,allio.VAStithisiic•A,"fil,•1riWihN~411010, , '