HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-10-19, Page 6^ws ter..
��+ R� 11i��,'�'e TRES.
II t i i >3:,,a1� � i RES.
11111:00 weeks till die will be east and flee
verdicts of the sllprtua s) tribtuial of the
people recorded at the ballot boa~. Not
the least of the benefits that this Govern,
,liieltt leas conferred upon the eoiuttry is
that of a short election campaign. Suf-
Admit intimation of the pro]iinity of tau
eleetien 1U (1. been given to negative
any idea of saratobug a snap
Vir(.ictt the counter is
r. ady for the fight, anti nodding could. be
more beneficial, as causing the least pos-
sible disturbance to busiizess, titan a
short campaign and a quick settlement.
Probably the most str'iiciett e haracteris-
tio of the situtitiou is the lack of :tidy
business disturbratco, a disturl)auco
which is ttlways dreaded by the solid.
commercial iuterests of the ecuutry.
This isnot because the people are tap-
etbetio, an iuteiligeut interest in pnnblie
affairs was hover snore goueral than it is
to -day but the people are satisfied. with
things As they aro. There is no reason-
able idea of any onstage at the present
ntouieut. The sober iutelligenco of the
country is prepared to take the only sen-
sible course mad let well mangle alone.
Tho Government has clone well ie. its
four years of office, -.--no reasonable man
could expect Tho opposition to do butter,.
-and consequently there exists that
confidence and repose which is the • uu-
erriul indication of contented people.
The sense of the country is with the
Government, and nothing but air inex-
cusable ovorcouvineed, causing; Liberal
workers to relax their efforts, can put
the result iu any possible doubt. Good
citizens, old Liberals and young Liberals
must not be content with believing the
Government will win, every man must
keep it up at the top pressure till the
pall closes, and the result will be a vic-
tory that will be worth whining, and a
fitting tribute to a grand leader and a
grand cause.
c .R i UOrranrOln
GI .ttP' AND �'
H. R. EL T,
ooToBED, 10, 1900.
From our own Correspondent.
Ottawa, October 13, 1900.
Q. Lesse eno.x CRBAT nnr..LAIN.
The elections in Great Britain, result-
ing as they have done in an overwhelm -
lug endorsation of the Government, fur-
nish an object lesson, of more than pas-
sing interest at the present moment, to
every patriotic Canadian. The manner
2n which party and personal predolietions
have been laid aside, and a rote east for
the Government as representing the ein-
pire against the world accounts for the
tremendous increase in the vote polled
by Government candidates in the great
majority of the most important constit-
uencies. Local and personeliasues have
probably n..ver had as little weight as in
this election, -for the nation with mar-
vellous unanimity has appreciated the
imperial issues at stake and has nobly
risen to the occasion.
So too in Canada, the supreme issues
before the electors are of national, yea
rather, of imperial importance. The de-
velopment of an intelligent progressive
trade policy, which in its workings dur-
ing the past four years has had every-
thing to do with the present splendid
position of the Domhuion; the preferen-
tial clause in the tariff, the reducedpost-
age rate, the prompt and spontaneous
aid tendered the empire inSouth Africa,
has done everything to place Canada
where she stands lathe estimation of the
empire, and of the world. To this latter
moreover must be added the strong re-
"spousibility of tho Premier, than whom
no Canadian statesman, not even Sir
John Macdonald himself, has ever made
one tenth part of the impression upon
the heart and heads of the statesmen and
the people of the empire.
Surely Canada cannot afford to change
all this, to turn out a Governmentunder
-whom so much has been done, and put
in its place men who are pledged to re-
peal the preference, to demand conces-
sions from
oncessionsfrom England whioh at the present
moment are admittedly impossible, who
are auti-British in Quebec and ultra-im-
pearilistic in Ontario, who would revive
the religious controversy in Manitoba so
Happily set at rest by Sir Wilfrid Lauri-
er, who world think with existing trade
couditions under which the country- has
not only enjoyed unparallel prosperity,
but also a feeling of confidence, and
security which had been unknown since
the introduction of the National Policy
twenty years ago created a perpetual
feeling of uncertainty as to tariff condi-
tions; men in fact who, however contra-
dictory their utterances may be in other
particulars appear to be united in the
iconoclastic principles of pulling to pieces
all the beneficial legislation of the past
forte years. It is between these that the
country must ehoose oat November 7th
The agony will soon be over. Within
What You P y
F r edic ne
In the coarse of an election address
two Government candidates in an Eng-
lish borough this election declared that
to the Government"we owe the strength-
ening of the ties -with oar colonies, and
an almost unparalleled prosperity in
trade, besides the passing of many
measures tending to the social advant-
age of the people," What howls of
ridicule and execration arises when, a
Liberal candidate in Canada even sug-
gests that the Laurier Government is
entitled to some measure of credit for
the prosperity which, by a significent
coincidence, the country has enjoyed
ger since the change of Government;
end yet here are steady -going unimagin-
ative English Tories claiming credit for
"an almost unparalleled prosperity in
I trade," as though it was recognized and
universally admitted fact, that the Gov-
ernment, by wise legislation had had
much to do with it, -and so it is with
all intelligent men who arenot absolute-
ly blinded by party bias.
Talk about broken pledges --here is a
sample which is to have more weight
with the farmers than all the unsuport-
ed assertions contained in Sir Charles
Tupper's voluminous manifesto. The
Liberal party pledged themselves to se-
cure freer trade with Great Britain and
and the United States, the trade with
Great Britain has considerably more
than doubled, the trade with. the United
States in cattle alone has increased from
hundreds to tens of thousands. In 1894
only 250 animals were exported to the
States, their value being$.3, 700. In 1897
36,000 head of cattle were exported of
the value of $509,000; and in 1899, 92,-
800 head of the value of $1,300,000. The
wildest Tory partisan twill not claim that
this stupendous growth is due to good
times. It is admittedly the outcome Of
judicious negotiations on the part of the
Minister of Agriculture which led to an
amicable adjustment of the quarantine
regulations resultingin such tremendous
benefit to our farmers.
Hon. Sidney Fisher's comment upon
Sir Charles Tupper's cold -storage mani-
festo putsthe situation into le vat -shell.
He says. -"The only practical part of
of the scheme he (Sir Charles) advocates
to -day had been and is to -day in perfect
working order and this is the reason you
are getting for your butter 20 cents a
pound, instead of 10 or 17 cents as in
1806, and that, 'with the other measures
we have adopted, is one of the rersona
why yon are getting I0 or 11 cents for
your cheese instead of 7 or 8 cents, as
when Sir Charles Tupper was Prime
Minister, This is the reasonwhy to -day
our Canadian• dairy produce and our
poultry and meats are enjoying the re-
ptntation and commanding the high
prices they are receiving on the English
7e no Test 01 ate Curative Value -Pre.
soriptlons Versus Dr. Chas's i(idney.
Litrer Pills,
Th. Chase's TCldnee-Liver Pilin s.re
just as rn ieh O. doctor's prescription. as
any formula your family physician can
]give you. The difference is that Dr.
Chase's Kidney -laver (''ills were per-
fected after the formula. had proven it -
nett of inestimable value in acorea off
hundreds o1; eases.
3)r. Chase wo», almost AS much Taolsu+
7slrity from his ability to nure kidney
disease, liver complaint, and backache,
with this formula, as he did from the
publication of his great reclps book.
The idea of one treatment reaching
the kidneys and ''Iver at the same theta
Wes original with Tyr. Chase. It ac-
counts.for the success of Dr. Chase's
I,:idney-Linea' I'ille in ,curing the mast
'complicated ailmente of the filtering
+organa(, and every fent of baekeehe,
As a family tnedicltie ill'. Chase'e
litldneplavot Pella are unapproaehed.
q'Itey.deep the kidneys, liver, and bort•
els healthy', active, and regular, and tide
prevent and cure dine+tenthli of the
ills to nwhtclt hutta$trilty is subject. Ons
Frill a dose, 28 cent* a bol, at all deal-
+s'rs, tit Veltnareson, Itates & Ce,,, To.
.Ver Over 7rii'ty Years"
An. Old and Well -Tried ItemedyMrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrnp, has been used
for over fifty years byniillionsof mothers
for their childreu while teething,with
perfect success. It soothes th1d,
softens the gullet, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarl'hcea. It Is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is Incalculable, Be sure you ask
for Mrs.;Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Not .mingl untutored in suffering, 1
barn to pity allose in affliction. -•-.'Virgil,
Children Cry for
r1tF'A"i tK r'.41
Laurier and ehmatlian unity.
I ' 1::o1ca1 as if the export of Irmlte? is
about to show as rapid au expansion `a•8
that of butter. In 1893 x;418,000 worth of
poultry meat was sunt to S'raglautl, Last
year the value was 4210,000, and the re-
turns indicate that this year the figure
of $500,000 wilt be reached.
x.l:lt. I+'cisrles, would exclude.. the teem
intplein tats zloty imported, Thigh jail
:electloe:11a would let theta all conte in
free, awl tate world would have Perini -
meat regulate the pace, .1�4vidently- it is
not ferns implements bat office that, is
worrying Conservativepolitieians..
Wee it a wise th:h)h to settle tbe Maui-
taba school question? Is the preferen-
tial terii7 au advnntegoo to Ceuade? Did
the Giovorunlent not wisely. in extending
the Intercolonial railway to Montreal
and rnnuiug it on a paying basis? Is
the reduction of postage from 3 to. 2
cents and the establiehment of .an Im-
perial rate of value to tbe ratepayers?
Has trade improved, prosperity returned
and the exodus ceased? Are our manus
factures, business mon thriving and the
ferniirlg counnlunito prospering? If
these queries eau be answered in au
affirmative then there should be a rally-
ing to the polls Gar Wednesday, Nov. 7,
and a hearty enthusiastio support aocorcl-
ed the Liberal candidates. If the Gov-
ernment can make the record they did
in the term closing they bid fair to out-
do it by long odds in the coining parlia-
Mx. EL H. Cook, at - one time Liberal
M. P. for East Simcoo, has published a
letter of eight closely -printed columns
giving a number of reasons why he cast
no longer suppport the Liberal party.
The letter is a sort of collection of the
charges made by the Conservative
journals .(airing the last two or three
years and coutaius nothing new. It will
become a part of the campaign literature
of the party wnioh for so many years
attacked Mr. Cook in the most scurril-
ous way. It will probably befouaid that
the reasons set out in this bulky doc-
ument have nothing .te, do with Mr.
Cook's discontent. He' conceives that
he has not been fairly used by the Lib-
eral party, and he hakes this means of
showing his reseutnient. Such little
family jars will occur in. the most har-
monious of parties,-Torouto Globe.
Tms Toronto. World publishes daily
a column of political skits tender the
Beading "Politfeal Intelligence." Hero
is a sample: -
"It was stated on the street yes-
terday by a man from Wiudsor that
the reason William McGregor, M.P.
retired from the political contest
was that he took Hon. dames Suth-
erland's letter as a personal slight.
Readers of the World will rememb-
er that Mr. Sutherland wrote to the
leaders of Liberalism in Ontario,and
advised them not to antagonize the
Protestants by offensive nominees.
William McGregor, ex -M. P., is a
Roman Catholic, and by all right
had the call to the nomination in
North Essex. Mr. Sutherland's let-
ter, however, gave him umbrage and
he resigned."
Mr. McGregor,who was born iu Lamb -
ton and has always resided in Essex, is
a Scotch Presbyterian, and Mr. Suther-
land never wrote any such letter. If
the rest of the "intelligence" dispensed
by the World is on a par with this sam-
ple its readers are being badly fooled. -
Forest Free Press.
Tile New York Evening Post, and
there is no better type of Journal in the
United States, says :-"The possibilities
of a general election in Canada before
the end of the year brings Sir Wilfrid
Lamer again prominently before the
notice of the newspaper -reading world.
That Sir Wilfrid Laurier will lead. the
Liberal part in the Dominion to victory
again is ro
ded generallyas a cortanity,
Canada ii der his administrsitionhas en-
joyed more prosperity than ithadknown
for 30 years. previously. The foreign
trade of the country has increased re-
markably, and the Conservatives who
held power so long are prantieallyy with-
out an issue to offset the good acaom-
plislled by the Libeaals ander the sag-
acious and patriotic guidance of the
present Premier. Sir Wilfrid Laurier is
the first French/Canadian who has held
the high office of Prime Minister of the
Dominion, and while he holds .'ranee
and French people in high esteem and
never fagots his ancestry, in ideas and
practice he is a typical Briton, Re is
regarded as one of the broadest states,,
men on the Ameriean continent, He is
besides a, Mau of great culture and wide
Tee is a sin„tltar th1n,that the news-
papers that supported the Conservative
Government should oppose the present
one when it is so readily observed that
this Government is a vast improvement
upon its predecessor, They used to talk
of good 'times, as if the Government of
the day had etude the times good. Mens.
tared in this way this Government is
greatly ahead of th'e previous ono, for
there is unprecedented prosperity in the
country, Cabinet ministers formerly
devoted themsolves to rantine and the
interests of their friends; the present
ministers are strong in initiative and tint .
have carried, Oa Many' T)rojeetff that
'were formerly talked about but hetet
dated-sttcln pus two cent postage and
preferennoe to British goods, the bring-
ing of the Tntercelonial to Montreal, and to. iota, Nextegxego,
many odder thing% some small if con-
sidered alone, but great in tlao aggreg-
ate, The only way to tate:omit for the
failure of the OdJttson'vakivo press to ap•
'weenie: geed government when tlrey,
are blessed with it, is ea tido th oty that
they are,' olitieally, like the tial fish,
whiol). is. said, when youuh, to have arra
eye on each lido of its head, but as it
grows older eau eye gradually worlds
across to the other eido. Aftcx that it
call wily see 000 way, ---Toronto Ntar.
Thotlsa/lcls l i to Teat1nioliy.
Letter upon letter pours in from every
point tai Canada testifying to the mar-
vellous power of Dr. Piteltor's Backache
.Kidney Tablets to cure kidney awl blad-
der troubios both of tate young, whittle
aged, and aged, and soelh ether troubles
as find thea..' origin iu a faulty kidney
action, azar. they dere tunny, Such a nnaRs
of evidence puts its power to cure these
sanctions beyond a .doubt, and shows
that the Taablet is the right thiu;; in the
right Plato, i
This is width Mrs. $. W. Hutchins, 82
Portland St., Toront ' has to say; "I
cannot say too zuuch for Dr, Pitcher's
i h he t � �s, Before oxen
Backache o .i�ldn y 1. ab t e ,,
thein I hada gnawing )sin is the back
all the time, and an acute latnouess
across the loins. 1 bad not so much
aching in my ,head as between nay
shoulders and iu the back of my neck.
Since using the Tablets .nay back is as it
used to be, and the rheumatism in the
shouldors has disappeared. Formerly
when I did my washing T was utterly
tired out, not having a bit of energy left;
this morning I did any washing in two
hours and I did not mind it. I have no
hesitation in recommending Dr.Pitcher's
Backache Kidney Tablets, and I never
had anything do ane so much good."
. Any reader* of this paper eau rest the
merits of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney
Tablets free by ouelosiclg two coots
postage for trial package to the Pitolier
Tablet Co., Termite, Ont. Reguiar size
00 cents per bottle.
Gams of Thought.
The Devil is always good to begin-
The worth of a thing is best-known by
the want of it.
Miller's Grip Powders Cure, Seidl y
Colic A. Campbell,
They who have the oredit of soon ris-
ing may lie abed all day.
Two things we should never be angry
at, 'what we can't help, and what wo
itching, Burning, Creeping,
Crawling Skin Diseases relieved in a few
minutes by Agnew's Ointment, Dr. Agnew's
Ointment relieves instantly, and cures Tetter,
Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema, Ulcers,
Blotches, and all irruptions of the Skin. It is
soothing and quieting and acts like magic in all
Baby Humors, Irritation of the Scalp or Rashes
during teething time, 35 cents a box. -7
E'bld by A. L.'Haaufiton.
What distinguishes us from. one an-
other is our various relations wth infin-
You have read of the cures by Hood's
Sarsaparilla, and you should have per -
feet confidence in its merit. It will do'
you goo(..
Nothing in superior to the human
mind save Him alone who mace it. -St.
:The quality of the life of everyone is
the same as the quality of his love. -
It:hng `� e
A Fearfully Sad Case -Much Paiai anti
Acute Misery Front the Terrible Itching
-Cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment.
It Is doubtful if any remedy ever re-
ceived so much grateful, unsolicited
testimony as Dr. Chase's Ointment.
The reason is not far to seek, for it is
the only preparation known to man
which never fails to euro piles.
Mr. P'. G, Harding, a retired farm-
er, living at Nilestown, Middlesex:.
county, Ont., `writes as follows:--" I
have been troubled with bleeding and
itching piles for four or five years, and
suffered intense agony at times. 1 had
tried almost everything, but cottld get
nothing that would give relief. On
hearing of 1)r. Chase's Ointment I pro-
cured a box, and it only required • part
of it to completely cure me. I am re-
commending it to all afflicted as I
was "
Suelx incontrovertible evidence trout
responsible persons Cannot, for a mo-
ment, be doubted. A few applieations
Of Dr. Chase's Ointment will convince
the most altepticai of ifs wonderful
healing and soothing influence. A box
or twowill positively cure the most se-
vere case of Hiles; 60 cents a box, at
all dealers, or Hdrnanson, Rates E, Co„
A new carriage tiro that makes riding
oafs all roads a pleasure -economical, too,
for it does away 'with the vibration that
shakes and breaks the carriages.
A 'it -shaped some between the
rubber tiro sad the steel flange
flrevente the or j pping' and cut-
ting Which other tires are Hilb-
;feeet to. Sea tho exhibit et the
Send at once for Ivrea Tiro 'Catalogue,
giving prices of all sites.
Dunlop Tire Co.,
}y� y.,�y.•, r�ey�/w,
t,�� )1{�1�1�.�( rittx'x,
TOWN 1)1
Bearreer eine :It-tlabbath earvit•t•iiat
11 ra Ilr teal 7 1) x0, Sunday Sehool tit
n ln. General prayer meeting
lila \ edlnoedtiy evttziiigti. Rev. .W .
li'xoefir pester, W. tt. ( mpxxuux,
.iiia xIapxs'r t ixttItoxx _ abbatlrt s, iecs
at 11 a la alai 7 p alt. tu lity Sehcol at
2;3011 ut. l+apwortit League every Mon-
day ovoider,. General p yee meeting
tin Wetlnest'tay evennin as, 1.4ov, kitehiart.
Hobbs, pastor, Dr. Towler, S, S. Sup,
erinte d -i '
t 1n 4. t,
Pamir -r = N CxiunoI•r-feat,btxt11 see-
es e, at 11
a n awlf
1 tai 7 p in. Sunday
School at 2:30 p in. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev,
D. Perrio, pastor said S. S. Superiuteit-
ST, PAM'S Cxrvxit zz, Ez'zscoPAT4---S11b-
bath services at 11 a in and 7 p in. Sun-
day School at 2:? 0pm. General prayer
meeting; on We chat sd ay oveiiiug. Rev.
Wine Lowe, incumbent. 0'. Shorn, S- S,
CoNuixEGATIONAL Cuuxtoxz;,-Sabbath
services at 11 a zit and 7 p m, Slmaay
School at 12 in, Midweek meeting„on
Wednesdry evenings at 4 o'clock. Gavin
Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A, E. Prior, pastor
R•oeters• CATnoLto Cxwitcxa -- Every
fourth Sunday, Mass at 10;30 to m, ser-
iron aucl benediction at 7 p an. Rev. D.
P. McMenamin, P. P.
SALVATION Ausee--Srrvice at 7 and 11
ax nn and 3 and 8 p in on Siuidayy, and
every evening duriang the week at 8
o'clock at the barraicbs.
Ckx1t18TIAN AR Mr em:ge i ' ALLIANe!E.
Meetiegs as follows: 8, S. at 2,80 p.
in. Fellowship at 4 p, itx„ and evau-
gelistic at 8 p, m., every Sunday in
Ritchie's Hall, Victoria St.
Pose Orrxoe--In Macdonald Block.
Office hours from 8 a in to 6:30 p nt,
Peter Fisher, postmaster,
Mec texixos' IeierieUTE--Library and
free readies' room. in the Town. Hall,
will be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:45 o'clock_ and every evening front 7 to
9:80 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson,
Tow Coirrclz,---Wm. Clegg, Mayor;
Win. Holmes, H. 0, Bell. ,T. H. Chis-
holm, G. A.. Newtou, Rolland Beattie,
Geo, McBeuzie, Councillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and. Treasurer; Samuel
Youhill, Assessor; Wzn. Robertson, Col-
lector. Board. meets first Monday even-
ing in each vxonth at 8 o'olock.
Smoot, BOARD.—C, N. Griffin, (chair-
man), Thos. Abraham, H. G. Lee, 3, J.
Homutlt, Wm. Moore, H. Kerr, Thos.
Bell, Wm, Button, Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening an each
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss Vaustone, Miss Matheson
and Miss Reid.
BOARD or HEALTH --Mayor Clegg,
(ehairinan), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary, ; Dr. Towler, Medical Health
Two Coat
Two Pant
Queen's Block.
Caveats and Trade•Mark-s obtained, and all patent
1 tsiness conducted for MODEM 111 PEES. My
office Is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent 0f$ee
and any facilities for securing patents areunsurpassed
Send model, sketch' or photograph of invention, wit's
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patent '.tafoulea. “Iteve-n•roas' Gu,oe.,” cote
taining feta information scat free, An lignin uttl•
cations Considered as fitr'lct1J Confidential.
VA k' Sweet. IvAstiSIecreGN, ». e
130 YCiG►Ctu'
CoPYnnGHl•s &G.
Anyone sewing sketch an description
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Sent free. Oldest AgRency for eeeuringcoatents. st
Patents taken through Munn ttr , recetve
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A handsomely lnluntrated 'Weekly. Largest etr
nniation of any ecientlae 1.ltlrnal. Terms, $3 a
mu*: four inontha, *1, Bold bgnli ftewodoalors,
1l JN &. ,3etC3rohdviai,NOW Ylrn. vn,;'trn,:a„u, 1), L.
RIEV.i,'f1.13LISIi"'0]] 1672. ..r_.
111/11 WrikritTAII/
Ira TT'1;I,Ik b
/ V'
The Times Wilco, .leaver 13loek_
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ti not ec n In iithe-
for turning out inn wt c icnss work, La Large
typo and a', n'oprtut1, cuts for all style's of Post -
era, Bund Bills, etc., and the latest stylus of
chalet) Miley type for the Saner classes o ptint-
Proprietor and I'ublislher,
�rt K of M1tT N
W X N G H A .
Capital. $2,000,000. Rest, 51,231,120'
President -JOHN FaIT.&itr
Vice -President -A. G. IttEasAr.
.Tolrn Proctor, Geo. Roach, Win, Gibson, SLP.,
A. T. Woed, M. P., A. B.Leo (Toronto).
Savings Drink -Hours 10 to. 8; S'ntnrcltay, 18'
to 1. Deposits of :;1 and upwards received, and .
interest allowed.
Special. Deposits also received at current
rates of interest.
Drafts on Great Britain anti tate United
States Bought and sold.
Travellers aro notified that the Bank of Rain
baton and its Branches issue Circular Rates o
National Provincial Banal of England, Limited,
which can he cashed without *charge or trot--
bie In any pact of the world.
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
General Banking 13usinos3 transacted.
Money advanced to farriers and business men
on endorsed notes and collateral.
Farmers' Sale Notes Cashellt)'
Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of"
Canada and the United States.
Notes and accounts collected on reasonable
1 P. Its,NNEDY iso.. i 1.. M. 0. P. S. O
(Member of the British Medical Associa-
tion.) Gold Medallist in Medicine. Speciate
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. an.; 7 to 0 p. m. •
entre Street
',Private and Company funds td loan at lowest
rate of interest. No conuniesion charged, Mort-
gages, town and farm 'property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block, Wingham.
Winghain, Ont.
Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton, Miley to loan...
Office -Meyer Block, Wingham.
AnTECTIR J. IRWIN, D. D. 8., L. D. S.
Doctor" of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Ro_yai.
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. OSice
over Post Office, Winggtham.
`Special attention to the care and regulation
of children's teeth. Moderate prices and all
work carefully and skilfully perforated. Office
.in Beaver Block, Wingham.
At Gorrie every Monday.
Winghant, Ont,
114/ DEANS, Jn.
for the. County of Huron. Stiles attended In
any part of tho Countye Charges moderate.
Sales of Vann Steel( and Farm Implements a
All orders lett at Till: Trains offiee promptly •
attended to. Terms reasonable,
S�++Cam Caledonia, No. 40, meets
rti7. tj. Or—the first and third Monday in
everymonth, in the Oddfellows' Hall, Visiting •
bretren welcome. D. STEW RT, Chief; H. R.
Elliott, Rec.- See.
JOB 1'XxThT 1NG,
includin nooks, 5 Pani
, Posters,
A ,
Hnad it ,
4, C polars, ,.tCo., �c., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on
short notic
BoouIJlNne.rt.q.- We are nloaseci to announce •
that any Boosts or Magazines left with us for •
Binding, will .lave our prompt attention,
Pricett ,
casae n
application toy g i1i
any styli will bo given ort.
THE vans OF'FICIa r
Palmerston ... . 13.88 n,ni ..• S.t!n,m,
London 0.00 a.m.- 8.28p.m.
I{incardine.,11.10 mm - 1125 p• n,... 8.88p.tn.
Amain; incest
Kincardine ,...(1.4011.11k. SSA a.m.... 8.26 p.m.
London.......,.. ,11.10 a.1n .., a ,66 p.rit
Pialtner„tott 2.45 pan ... 8,38 p.m
J.11. OOIUDON, Agent, Whigham,
T1141.88 '1'x14188 L0;Avl1 003
Totems unit BAN: O.C,Silt.nt ... 8.00 p.m.
Teesw'ntce ... 1
a 1 9 1
nitrtty s 5ROiI
Teeswnter .,, 0.08 an.1111.10
Toronto and East 181 p.tn 10.46 p m4.
J. It, B ,ED40R, Agent, Weigham.
,Y R.Lt.?
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