The Wingham Times, 1900-10-19, Page 5Low prices make btl;tines,
regardless of any c';n-
ClltitiTls that may prevail'
Come and see tl-e tiny! Oc-
tober arrivals, Quick
selections advisable, as
they are being; quickly
Gents' Furnishing Dept.
Ileavy Canadian Tweed, lust the hind for boys' Patin+, ett',. re; . price
40,s, special at 28c..
ltielt's 50e Tweed Caps, tblide band, r,pecinl ;at 35e.
Men's k'leece lined Underwear, good quality, 'r;11,00 :1 :•sir.
Dien's heavy, all -wool fleeced ulidet'wear, with ovtsr'I'.ek realms, very
special at $1.50 a suit,
Men', wool seeks at 10e, 15e and :The pair.
If you want a bargain in Ready-made or Oralert'I Clothing come to
us and we will give youthe best suit for the rr,ttnllest • itt,'.tnt of money
that you have ever purchased.
Ladies' Dept.
Ladies' fleeced fined vests, special at 25a.
+t Cashmere gloves, at arc.
Fancy Plaids for Waists and t)trildreu s dreeees, special at 18e,
Ladies' print wrappers, were $1 85 and 61,50, clearing ottt at „;1.00,
T11141., \V BA. t1'
r,: ilrteti correspondents Qoniniai 3ieate ,... other
Clipped Irr'ona. Our Exclunages.
What Wirloawa'i,e
Tapioca 5c; Kippered Ilerriug, large tiny, 10e ; b'intlun ]laddie,
10c ; 1000 best matches 5c ; 1 • Ills baking powder and 1 qt. gem 25e.
It_ Gr. GLOP.0„i_
North End General Store,.
-Having re -purchased our old stand,
we are new prepared to supply tho pub-
lic with Wood and Iron Fo'ee and Lift
Pumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders. Gal-
vanized Iron Tubing, Cisterns, Water
Troughs, Sinks, Baths, Pipe Fitting,
Well Digging and everything in con-
nection with water supplies.
Galvanized Steel Windmills for power
and pumping water.
We can do our work cheaper than
others in the busine,ss as we have the
steam power.
Repairing promptly attended to. We
also do well digging and drilling. All
`work is thoroughly guaranteed.
Give us a call.
ants and
of'the very latest material
and cut can be had at
Robt. Maxwell's at lowest
possible prices.
Fancy Worsted Suit-
ings are taking . the kad
this Season.
See our new goods,
In e 0 e r Robb p:ttd our tleho -1 an of-
fieinl visit t u the afternoct► of Oct. 10th.
Two of tho school trustees were present,
Mr,. Robb in his report staled that Mies
Higgins is chief; eet'+:lieet work. The
sczoo roots tine pron)u>e y-
1 1 l s are in a 1"
r,x a:y 'f E>RRow..
Mrs, Sam. Hoiden, of Meadville, Pa ,
nuc; Mrs, B. I. Higgins, of Exeter, aro
the guests of Mrs. Jos. Higgins.
SYhat'a Your Pace Worth?
Sometimes a fortune, but rover, if you
, have a mallow euuiplexiom, a 1au:iet:c:ec
sa'tal:tetorY Fttete, I have grtslttlrleasura °j look, moth patches and blotches on 1110
in renewing the diploma, i skin -el 1kigtie of Liver. 'J'rolabies, Bat
14:r;=. 'Ear's i.t spending this lficek fit Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear
Wiug1nun, • Skin, Ross Cheeks, Rieb Complexion.
.A. number from this vi; itiity etteudod Only 25 cents at Colin A. gautpbell's
Drag Store.
the auniversary services in Vr llituchu cli
on Sunday last. ,lrcrtezrxs. %"
Air. and. Mre. Burehill visited on the t Mrs, Jantes J. Lynn has sold that
0th of Terneo.ry ou Monclay last. 1 beautiful fares property, East Lynne,
to Mr. Peter Haley for the sum of X300
Tho feria contains CO acres and Mr.
Tot Causes Night Alarm. !Haley has secured au a •celleutsbOine at
"Ono night ley brother's baby was areasonable figure.
taken with Orme;writes Mrs, J. C. I " F, S. Scott of Bru se1s, has disposed of
Snider, of Crittendei+, Ey., "it seemed a the 100 acro farm. leztolvn as the Robort-
it would strangle before wo could get a
doctor, so we gave it Dr. Zinc's Nowt son farts, being the S. halves of the N.
Discovery, which gave cpiick relief and halves of lots 25 and 20, con G, to John
Barr, 4th line, for$2,100. Mr, Barr now
has 250 acres. He gets possession .=at
once to• do ploughing,
'1( is finished in this neighbor=
The Misses Nethery of the •Oth line
spent Sunday with their cousins, Misses
Tilly and Annie Henderson.
Mrs. T. Gosmau and Mrs. A1. Taylor,
have returned home after a week's visit-
ing with friends iu Goclerieh, Clinton
and Seaforth,
Miss Amanda Nothery pleasantly en-
tortained a number of her young friends
ou Thursday evening;
Mrs. A, Taylor, who has been visiting
with Huron friends for the past mouth,
returned to her home in Port Stanley.
Mr. Ro1ia'.r't .Leishman, of Algoma
is visiting with Iiurou friends. The
gentleman has been in poor health for
some time and has come to these parts
for a change.
Neil A. Taylor has disposed of his
share in the threshing machine, hitherto
owned by him in partnership with -T.
Gosmau to James Taylor, of Blyth,
per;z)rruent1y cured it. We a1a) s keep
it in t1101011F0 to protect our children
from Croup and Whooping Cough. It
eared hie of chrotiic3 bronchial trouble
that no other remedy wra011c1 relieve,''
Itifellibhi for Conghs, Colds, Throat and
Lung troubles. 50e and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at Colin A. Campbell's.
EMT tvn11'nrruSI.
Duncan McDonald, who has been
• working for Mr. Taylor, Ord con. of
Morris, for the past few years, has pur-
chased aL farm in this township.
Minnie Durnin, • Dungannon Melburn
McDowell, Westfield; henry Martin,
W1iitec1zurch and Mary 3. Clark, St.
He ens, are among the students attend -
the GoderiolL Collegiate.
Tho home of S. ;3, Colo, Grey Town-
ship, was the scene of a• family re -union
the occasion being called for by the re-
turn of Alm G., from Kansas, after an
absence of 16 years, to visit the home of.
his friends and boyhood. By special are;
rang;oment all lnet on Saturday after-
ob t Maxvvell
Iligh Art Tailor, Winghaul.
is•what makes "hoss racin'," said Pudden-head Wilson.
cannot be a difference of opinion as to the value of
noon, Oct. Oth, and Mr. and Mrs. Cole,
sr., incl their 8 sons and daughters .%.
clown to sapper together once more
family consists of John 0., near Abi ere,;
Hansas; S. S., John A., and Alfred L., :
of Ethel; W. H. of.Belgrave; Mrs. W.
a er cr 9s 4th' 7,, i�ate.'�'
Stepped Into Live Coals.
"When a child I burned :uy foot
frie-titfully," writes W. H. Bads, of
Stephenson, near Brussels; Mrs. A. I Jonesville, Va., "which caused horrible
Glazier, near Clinton; and Mrs. S. Po1- leg sores for 30 years, but Backlen's
lard, Constance, The next table con Arnica Salve wholly cured me after
Mined the husbands and wives of the everything else failed." Infallible for
worth of Ready to -wear Clothing for ;Men and Boys, in-
cluding a complete range of the latest styles in. Sults,
Overcoats, Uisters, Reefers, Rain Coats, farts, Stuoeks,
Overalls, etc. This is a specialty in which we excel
from whichever point of view you consider
p►ices. to
t. We
have f'nllest vallet3, finest quality, smallest ,
be found. Tise room in the basement devoted to this
department is up -to date in every respect rand has as
good light as any part of the store which is Al—none
Men's strong Suits
Men's fine Tweed Suits -
Men's well trade heavy suits fir 6.0(1
Men's extra quality tweed suits for 8,00
Men's strong tweed pants for 1,00
Men's heavy overcoats t1a' 6.00
Men's fine Beaver overcoats for 7,50
Dien's fine dress overcoats . for f) 00
Men's fine black worsted pants for 2.75
Men's fin striped pants fen' 2 00
Men's waterproof coats - for :.' 00
Men's waterproof coats, "latest," for 2.75
Men's waterproof eoats,grey or fawn 3.75
of our regular values ;
for $3,75, regular price, $ :.00
fur 4,75 " t;.LiJ
7 ;a0
7 50
t1 .00
8 50
2 ,'0
Besides the above mentioned lines we eta give you equally
as good value in all sizes for boys.
REMEMBER, we keep everythingin hen's and Boys' wear.
The Gents' Furnishing Department is complete with the
latest novelties in Ties, Collare, BreeeeShirts, Underwear,
Gloves, Mitts, Umbrellas, etc. Prices the le est.
No trouble to show you the go')iis Ou' pries speak for
The Cheap Cash Store.
Opp: Bienk of Hamilton.
service in the Presbyterian church, last
Sabbath imir:tiug, when Rev. W. J.
West, 11;t. A , pre+aclledanewcelle,itl,rac-
tical sermon. Till church was
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Brinker mil
children are home from Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pocock, of East
Wawano: h, vieited Mrs. Rutherford; last
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M'Djual1, of
Win sham, visited at Ivir, A n,lrcw
Holnte's on Sunday.
Mr. and a,:ira:. Frederick MCC'r:t• lien
and fat tui:y of Brussels, spent Suncaiy :l,t
Mr. John Gardiner's.
Rev.. W. J. West is engaged ou a
series of Sunday evening seriuone ou the
book of
Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and i The Christian Endeavor branch of the
•Piles. Sold by Celia A. Catnpbelle 26o. ,,,..
. Bluevale Presbyterial) chane i was re
c:aTr.a.t)5s. organized on Tuesday evening of last
On Friday, October 5th, death remov- week. Members are now 011 ou equal
F y' t the distinction c -f
?Le, -V: sovhfoohrnaiserbleyo•nlriveesidahown tho 2nd
ed from his earthly sphere, Edward. Mc- footing, withou
sedate" and "active," and ars not re -
with his quired to take a pledge, as the pastor
thought it better for the members to Co
their best of their owzi ire() 1r ill, "and not
because according to their pledge, they
have to.
Mrs. Christopher Thoroton, of .Wing -
ham, anct Mrs. Win. Gardiner, of Owen
Sound, visited of ilir. John Gardiner'"
last week.
Joseph Warder is improvieg the mill
since he bought it from Mr. Leech, and
expects to make it a first class roller
mill by November 1.
Mrs. Rutherford intends to sill her
property iu the village and remove to
Messrs Charles IIerbert and Robert
Musgrove aro intending to band a chop-
. Miss Bessie Wright, of Jamestown, is
Mrs. Bailey's dress -making assistant this
Mise Caldwell, of 'Paisley, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. David. Ramsay, of the
first line of :Morris.
Joseph Hogg, of the first line of Mor-
ris, has rented Mr. t. J. Denman's farm
on the boundary a little east of the vil-
Miss Maggie Ealfour, ofe Toronto, is
visiting her home is Turnberry.
Dlr. Samuel Anderson has arrived
home from New Denver, B. 0., where
he spent the summer with his son, Wni.
Wm. Weir, flan dealer of St. Mary's,
we, in the village, on business, last
family and the last, R. and Mrs. Mason,;
of Bast Wawauosh, who had just arriv'l'
ed, and tie younger generation, repres •
entire together about 25 persons.. The;
evening was spent iu singing, recitatiou
and reading, closing with reading the
14111 chap. of Johnand. singing "God be
with you till we meet again." •During„
the 16 years of separation there has never
been a serious illness nor a death in the
family with the exception of the sae.
death by accident of S.S. and Mrs. Cole's
only son last spring.
They are thoroughly reliable and sold with a positive
- guarantee. Don't be "handicapped" by carrying any old
thing for a time piece.
Buy a watch from Patterson and be on. time.
Stone Block, next Door to Clegg's Hardware.
lir emelt AVM.
Mals Ovington, Jasper, Ont., writes;
"My mother had a badly sprained arm.
Nothing 1ve ted ttia. her any greed. Theta
father got H:Lgy erd's Yellow Oil and it
cured mothers arni in a few days. Price
dauliter, Mrs. Tougher, on the bound:
ary, since the death 'of his wife throe
years ego. It is not definitely known
how .old he was, some saying that he
was nearly one huuared years of ago.
This much is known that thirty years
aro he was au old man, and at the tiino
feast eighty-five
ne of the earliest
rn %1 ESTOW .
Miss Codetba Combos spent Sunday
with her friends, Miss Aggie autl Rebec-
oa Forrest.
The Misses Smith of Grey are visiting
their stunt, Mrs. Ales Forrest.
George Rattan, of Fordwioh, spent
Sunc.ay with his uncle, Leonard Button,
Miss Bessie Wright Stlndayed under -
the parental roof.
Wat Higgins paid Brussels a flying
visit last Sunday. -
Jas. Hogg and sister, Jennie, were
visiting at Joe Hogg's last Sunday.
Miss Pearl Wright held a birthday
party last Saturday. The little maidens
all report a very oujoyable time.
auris 1lamilton, of Brussels, is lying
•y i11 at home with typhoid fever.
As Mr. and Mrs. Dattlop were return-
ing Home from Gerrie last uday even-
ing, the horse took fright and shied,
which caused Mrs. Dunlop to fall from
"the buggy. She was very forte ate by
just receiving a few bruises.
Having just opened up our new stock of Fall Goods, we
quote a few bargains.
n Fall Dress Goods we show a full range of. Plaids,
Home-Spulls, Tweeds and Ladies Cloth •Suitings, range g
from 4oc per yard and upwards. See our new
s' ckets
of his death he was at
years of age. Iie rya
settlers in Culross.
A special meeting of Council was held
in Tooseveter, on Qct. 0,01900; All mom-
bers present; the Reeve in the chair.
Scott—McFague— That Wm. Wcll-
woocl be notified when the county grants
ase completed so that he may inspect
and certify to the same so that the
County Treasurer can pay the Township
Treasurer the amount of grant.—Car-
Meyer—Jarvis— That Graham Scott
have a ditch dug ou rlie south side of
road 011 con 14, oppose .lel, -ots 19 and 20
providing that John McLean give an
outlet to the river, but not otherways.—
Jarvis—Meyer—That as Mr. Marshall,
Township Engineer has sent hi his resig-
nation a Ld mentis n 1 a Mr. McNab of
Blyth or Seaforth as being anxious to
.be employed as engineer that the Clerk
prepaie a by-law accepting Mr. Mar-
shall's resignation anti also to write Mr.
MoNab for his terms of payment and if
satisfactory to have a by-law prepared
for his appointment stating terms and
that tho reeve call n special meeting for
that purpose.—Carried.
Meitegue—Scott-That the 'Clerk be.
instructed to write to the Trustees of 5,
S. No. 7 who made application for the
issuing of debentures, and we want to
know when they want the debentures
issued as it will require a little advertis-
ing, ..Carried.
Scott Jarvis -That this special meet -
lug of council do now adjourn.—Carried.
Cias, BUTTON, Clerk,
Fawn and Blue Colors. Latest New •York. sty es,
� in Black,
.00 and u .
Also a full stock of Fur
Goods in Ladies' Jackets, ckct�
, Muffs andSee these
Ruffs at prices to suit the purchaser. SL
� �•
goods before purchasing, c:lscwllc:r(5.,Blankets40 pairs Union
See our special value, in B a 1 stock of All -
at $1.65 per pair and up. Also il. full
• l
Wool Blankets at°$4.o0 per pair aucupward.
A full stock of yarns always on hand.
''.Evers the
Architect of his Fortune>'
An archr"i'e't designs, and his plans
are executed by a builder. 7'he • greatest
builder of health is Hood's Sarsaparilla.
If toys a firm foundation. if stakes the
blood, the ba
sis ofIife,
Be an architect of your fortune and secure
d'eed's as your health builder.
6�eadaohes –"Ivas completely run
dour: and vas troubled 'wflh headache
and dizs1ness and pains in my back..
took mood"s Sarsaparilla vuhich in a shott
Hine entirely eared me. Mrs. L. Win
a'erton, drangeet;fllc, tlnlarie.
A Fiendish Attack.
An attack\vas lately nlado on 0. 1+.
Collier, of Cherokee, Iowa, that nervi'
proved fatal. It came through his kid -
net's. Isis back got so hone 11e comicl
not stoop without great pain, nor eh; ill
ti chair exe..ept prepped 11y ouslnous. No
remedy helped hhu until he tried lrA ,t .
trio B lain s which effectu1 sttch tt twee
dcrftl:l Change that he wilt es 110 io i.1il;c
a hely man. This roaivclons ret elf+ "ri.
cures backache and kieney trouble,
puriflos tan blood. :Led braids uproar
health. Only 50e at Colin A. Camp.
bell's Drug Store.
Dr. C. Ambrose Toolekremoved to
Brussels, this week, wherellie will prac-
tise his profession. We are spiry to
lose the doctor and his family anti 'we
wish them prosperity wherever they go.
The doctor says Bluevale is the most
heap ul place he ever saw. And so' it
is. " here has been very little serious
ill ss in this neighborhood for yeas
past, and fevers are almost unknown,
Of course this is comparatively speaking.
It maybe disagreeable for the electors,
but their loss is our gain.
Mi;s Abbey, of Nelwcastle, formetly
of 13:u31v3Lle, is visiting Mrs, l obeet Mug
Mr. Tear). Mill, editor of the Win
1tat:i .4dvan:'e, hely 11 service in the
DI elm taa t•1 iL't1i3, ,.a 1 5 LU1,1tth CVeit•
�y 11 r il't ,IJtat1'.;ln4, � 1.r±a- t•+t1 (:l;der of
, , •i " t .. Dat
r 1
ti"Y Y
, ] fa
, of
1 1
t rgethor With wib:ting br .+, : n from
WiugMtni aacl ' . t:ssta to utt �al;. rlivillc
Children Ory for
M. M. Cardiff has taken over the
agency of the Massey -Harris Co., lately
managed by Cardiff & Best at Brussels.
Geo. Cardiff will be found at the office
for a time settling up accounts.
Geo. Lest is devoting hie time to the
live stock business. M. M. Cerclifi
formerly acted as agent for the same
Stop it with SCOTT'S
EMULSION of Cod Liver
A little coughing is nothing
—the tickling, that makes you
cough once, is some dust; riot
the least harm. You scratch
an itch, and forget it. This
cough is scratching an itch,
But the cough, that hangs
on and comes back, is a sign
of an itch that hangs on and
conies back. There is .some-
thing that makes that itch.
Inflal'llation: a germ; it's
alive ; like a seed in moist warm.
ground; it will grow if you let
1t even in children.
SION of Cod Liver Oil. and
germ will the
'tf you have not tried it, send far ft fret
steeple, its agreeable taste will aurpr1ae
SCOTT & ]1Ow1g2, CMietals%av '1' ;
Sec, and $t.00; all dtugg +