The Wingham Times, 1900-10-19, Page 4A. guaranteed cure fur sort, Sweating and swollen AT Colin CampbIj!s DRUG STORE, TO ADVERTISeRS. l"''otiee of amigos must be Ieft at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy frr changes must be left not latter than Tuesday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week ESTABLIBIIED ans.. TUE WIN lArti TSS. E.11. ELLIOTT, Pmrmatasrn n Atari PROPn U rOR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1000. DEVET,,Or ai.CN r SINCE 1805. Brantford Packing Company—New. Brantford (another just completed)--•- 7ew. l;larriston Packing Company --New, Palmerston Packing Company—New. Stratford, the Whyte Packing Com- imany—New. Peterboro', Matthews Packing Com- iany---New. ' Ingersoll Packing Company—Enlarg- ed. Coll ngweod Packing Conipany—En- 3argecl. Toronto, William Davies Compauy— Donbled. Toronto, Park, Blackwell Company— Trebled, Toronto, George E. Martin Company �•-Enlarged. Aggregate amount involved almost `$1,000,oc0. "Our trade is four times greater than iu 1895." --Charles S. Blackwell, Man- ager of the Park, Blackwell Company, Limited. "We have doubled our capacity with- in the last five years."—Joseph W. Fla - 'mile, Managing Director of the William ?avies Co., Limited. "Our export of eggs alone is four to fire times as large as in 1895."—An- drew Gunn of Gunn Brothers & Com- sany. "The preferential tariff has promot- ed a business fellowship between the mother country and Canada." --James T. Madden, Vice -President and Man- ager of the William Ryan Company. The William Davis Company had six 'branch retail stores in 1806; now they lave eighteen. In. 1895 shipments to Great Britain 'were almost invariably on consignment; mow the tables are turned --orders are Tiled at the primary market. Ten inches of rain has fallen in New 13runswick, and floods are reported in almost every section of the Province. Truth is as impossible to be soiled by outward touch as the sunbeam.—Mil- ton. Muscular Rheumatism.. Mr. H. Wilkinson, Stratford, Ont., rays; "It affords mo much pleasure to day that 1 experienced great relief from I4lusoular Rheumatism by using two boxes of Milburn's Rheamatio Pi11s " Price 50c. We use the "Jobb Optometer" an instrument for the immediate detection and quickcorrection of Errors in »the Eye and Sight. This instrument is made on the latest and most scientific prin- ciples and insures ab- solute precision. We test the eyesight free and guarantee the best pos,ible results, HALSEY' PARK jeweler and Optician Macdonald 131t ck N01.11'3ii.:YXm Vtt;'+Iil:t;NTS. 11.)e• niletteaald ttm the xttn» Erna* glIst IIIC><>?lt'c►>la� Tug three Enrolls will go solei for good government on Nov. 7. ELECTORS of East Iluron will do their duty in voting for lir. Macdonald. Will you have a Government of sur- pluses or a t,. Government of deficits? A. vote for D. Macdonald nud Rob«. Uolnnes is a vote for „ oodgovermment, Tun campaign is now in full swirl,;, and its the swing of victory for the Lib- eral party. South Huron Conservatives meet to- day to nominate a candidate to oppose John McMillan, Ronnie 1.1..X.a deserves the hearty support of the electors of West Huron. He makes a good representative. fox. Mn. Tanen will make a tour of Ontario after Sir Wilfrid Laurier has finished. He is likely to speak at Lis- towel. Joux GENTLES, of Kincardine has been nonni;lated by the Conservatives of West Bruce. Mr. Gentles is well-known in this locality. D11. MAcrno t .D is cue of the ablest men in the House of °ominous and he will have the support of all lovers of good government. TILE most encouraging reports compo from all sections of East Huron. The present indications are that Dr. Macclon- ald's majority will bo increased. • lemma deposits at the chartered banks of Canada have increased at the date of $2,500,000 per mouth during the last 3 years,• that is to say, under a Liberal ad- ministration. Joux MCMILL.:ar was made the unan- imoas choice of the Liberals of South Huron at their convention in Br-ucefield last week. Mr. McMillan has been the member for South Huron for a number of years. A contemporary says Sir Charles Tupper might write another manifesto Iike this: "Should you return my party to power L will either abolish, the duty on agricultural implements or double it. 1 run not sure which." Electors of East and West Huron should remember the political meeting to be heldiu the Winghain town hall on Tuesday evening next. Dr. Macdonalcl, Robt. Holmes and other good speakers will address the meeting. The Liberal Committee Rooms in the Macdonald block are open every even- ing. Some ;cod meetings have been held and good work is being accom- plished. All friends of Dr. Macdonald and the Laurier Government aro invited to these meetings, All the legislation the temperance people have obtained has been from Liberal Governments. The Conserva- tives have never given any legislation along this line, nor have they promised any. Would it not be better to stay by the Liberal party than support a party that has promised nothing. The forged issue of the Toronto Globe, referred to by Mr. Sifton, at the Bran- don meeting, is being circulated in every part of Canada, and has reached London. The type is similar to that of a Montreal paper.—London Advertiser. It is likely this leper will reach East Huron. Hectors should watch for it. Dr. Macdonald and E. L. Dickinson, the two candidates in East Huron, are holding a series of joint meetings throughout the riding. Successful meetings were held at Ethel on. Monday. night, and at Bluevale on Tuesday night. Dates for future meetings will be found in 'another column of this issue. The Conservative managers in East Huron have had the report given by the Advance of Dr. Macdonald's meeting put in Circular form and aro distributing it through g the riding. The statements in this article have been denied time after time. We do not consider this a fair fight. Why not give the denials on the same circular and• then the electors would have both sides of the story. There never was a Government that struck such ringing blows on the anvil of prosperity as have the Laurier Government. There never was such a splendid achievement by the Conserva- tive Government as the preferential trade arrangement. They ask, "What privileges does Great Britain offer in return?" Why, men, over in that coun- try they open their doers free to every article you send to Great Britain, eat- sept your whiekey.—Sir Louis Davies, A lansrx;ur of Opposition papers are greatly exercised over Dr, Macdonald's views on Prohibition and are foolishly snaking statements that the Dr. emphat- ically denies in relation to thissubjcet at a meeting recently held in Wingham. Dr. Macdonald's record on this question is a good one as he was a teniperanee Mall long years before he went into politics, If the Conservative press would give a, report of what their party did for. Prohibition when hi power it would make interesting reading but it would, necessarily be very brief.. -. Brussels Past. Prior to the elections of 1833, we heard something like this, "All the factories will close down, the windows will be boarded up, cte, etc., if Laurier is re- turned to power," What has boors the result. The factories in Wheels= were never as busy nor in a more prosperous ooudntiou than since 1i'i1)0, Additipi e have been built and mere bande are employed.. This eaino state- of Weirs is to berm, found in all parts of Ira1)4d4. Electors oY 1`lnst Heron shoald make a note of this and quark their ballotsin favor of Dr. Macdonald, the popular candidate. Tim Vault •a.::presst—"Daring the Federal election campaign of 7:8913 there were about one hundred vacant dwell- ings and thirty vacant business sterids iu Sault Ste. Marie. • During the present Federal election campaign there is ninth- er a vacant cTsrellipg nor a vacant store in the town; in filet there is rota even x vacant room, and the local Conservative Association are having great difficulty in finding a plaeo in which to bold their committee nxeetiugs, Who would go buck to the conditions of '90?" Mr. Derbyshire, of Breokville, the groat Ontario cheese shipper, says; "There is moo clanger of low . prices or slack markets while Laurier is in power. Everything is booming, and the people know it, The Govermment will carry Qucbeo from end to end and will gain many constituencies in the l'r'Maritinle Provinces and Ontario. This is only a natural result, as rho elcotors vote for their own interests when they vote fcr nurier. There should be no oppositicn --the Government should be returned by acclamation." Mr. Derhysbire has many opportunities of observing the trend of political conditions and is not far astray in this matter. ai'i;14 triti 1$14.1-1) N.F xtx,x'oatrst. 'a' in(,lnalu, Oct, 10. 1900, near per 100 lbs, 1 50 to f3 25 1-+ar11 Wita,ut „ , ,., 0 0a to 0 01 spring Wheat.,. ..,a, 0 00 to 0 00 Onto,..... 0 23 to 0 21' Barley r ........ ........ 0 23 to 0 e38 1'c418 • .... , .0 55 to 0 55• . Turkeys, s, drawn . , .'.�.�. ... , 0 09 to 0 10 0 05 to 0 00 Ducks, per pair ,., , 0 40 to. 0 50 13utter .,. 0 10 to 0 18 'Bugs per tion ... . . . ...... . 01;3 to 0 13 Wood per cord ..... 2 00 to 2 00 Hay per ton..,. ,.., 7 00 to 8 00 Potatoes per busiul .... 0 25 to 0 23 Tallow per lb , . , , , , 0 05 to 0 00 Laird .. 0 18 to 0 13 Dried, ,Apples per lb . , . , .. , 0 03 to 0 03 Wool , 0 1.7 to 0 20 Live Hogs, per ow t.. , . , .. 5 50 to 5 75 Cinchonas 0 35 t 0 40 Easy Lessons in Life Assurance. Tho Mutual We Assurance Qo. Of. Canada, hats ,1---20 years successful experience. 2—A,. largo surplus. 3—A low death and expense rate, 4 --Ail the best plans. Enquire rates of ABNER OOSENS,. Agt. The Mutual Life Assurance Com - pally of Canada, formerly the ,Ontario Mutual Life .... ..'. .. - ..1,4PIAN4M/,MiMWMf?FINMMVlMdtAFFNerA aN MiIp4,,Yy�,. The Pe�pIe' Popular Ste We are putting into stock as fast as possible our Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Every department is full to overflowing with new goods that were bought by us nearly NINE MO S AGO ---thus SAVING you tilt. ,t M I f f , Nearly ede}ry lint: of our large stock of Dry Goods is marl e:d at OLB PBI m°ES. FRS Do not buy acid you have seen our goods, Our Fars are the best that can bo had and Pries s are Richt. Jackets, Capes, Caperines, CJollar• sttes and Caps in Astrachan, Sable, Goat, El, Seal, Baltic ;peal, Wool Seal, Blue Racoon, &c. ORDERED CLOTHING We barye just put into stock several hundred dollars worth of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Serges and Wor- ste:ls, for fall and winter snits, to sell at from $10.00 to 520.00 made to your order. lett guaranteed. COMMUNICATION. BARN, T. ..An. -42 'Whitewutcr, Man., on 004 4, i to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A, Millar, a soca, te Monwmry—on 2ad eon., Grey Tp,, Al002, 15, he 1 lie of John McEwen elf a son. ' ETSTox—Moinxsox, X LOhicago, Sept. 2001, MissBello Iioiriso^OfWingliam, late of Cin- ty cinpatti, Oldo, Mr,`Thos, D, Elston, of Loudon, Ens Wiugbam, Oct. 15, 1900. To rho Editor of the 'nri±is. DUI/ Sxn,:. Iu the issue of the Wing - ham Advance of Sept. 27th, the state- ment is made that after the close of Dr. Macdonald's meeting onthe 24th of Sept,, the following conversation occurred be- twoen'Rev. Mr. Freed and Dr. Macdon- aid:— Question—.•How many prohibitionists aro there in the house? Probably about fourteen was tho reply. How Many of these asked•. Mr. Freed could Mr. Laurier put his finger on and know they would vote for prohibition from. principle aside from party. Not one replied the Dr. • As we heard all thi conversation we are in a position to state that these ques- tions were not pat, and therefore were not answered by Dr. Macdonald�.j PARK. Aar. Jas. A. Cram. F. G. Sr &nLxnG. Guo. Molf.miztu. CiZ RCE[ NOTES,. Rev. J: Maxwell was inducted as, pastor of the Presbyterian churches a Ripley and Bervie on Tuesday of this week. Special evangelistic services are being held in the Wingham Methodist church this week. The services will continue'. for a few weeks. ZRev. T. J. Murdock has resigned as pastor of the Baptist churches at Clinton and Baso Line. His resignation takes. effect on January 1st next. The death of Mrs. (John) Learoyd occurred on Friday last at the family residence in London, after e. illness of several weeks. Mr. Learoyd was pastor of the Lucknow Methodist church for two years. The annual convention of the Ontario and Quebec Baptist Aasociation is being held in the First Baptist church at Woodstock this week. Postmaster Fisher is representing the Wingham Baptist church, Rev. J. S. Henderson, of Hensel", was elected president, and A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, secretary -treasurer, of the Pro- vincial Christian Eudeabor'Union at the Guelph convention. Brockville was. selected as the next place of meeting. The appeal of Rev, Mr. Pring, through Rev, Dr. Rose, against Rev. Dr. Han- non and others, regarding a ruling of, the London Methodist conference, was heard at the Methodist (burnt of Appeal sitting at Kingston, last Week. The ap- peal was not sustained. It was recommended by the mission board of the Presbyterian church at its recent tweeting in. Toronto, that the week beginning 28t13. October, should be set apart as a week of prayer through- out all the church in the United States and Canada, and a committee was ap- pointed to prepare a circular letter to be issued in time to be read from the. pul- pits upon that day, It was also asked that; special contributions be made Burr- ing that week or subsatuenaly, in order to reestablish missions that have been destroyed, Last Friday the annual convention of the Epworth Leaguers of the Wiimghain district vas hold in the Methodist church, Gerrie, and was largely attend- ed. A. Butcbart of Teeswater occupied the chair. A live rand varied pi+ogratnme was presented, The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:-. Honorary President, Rev. D. 'Rogers, Blaievale, Chairman of the district; President, W. it herr, Rrtisscls; VIati - Presidetnts, 11: Ci. Tsylor of Luoltoot,. G. I#. Awde of Winghann, Miss Gertie 'iln,an of Wingliam, M41iss Alke Fisher of iiitncardine, i4ftss M. A. Mttteh of Gerrie; Secretary -Treasurer, A. Brut,. chart, T"eesavater; Delegate to 'Confer/ Vide, Rev. W. Sawyer. DYED. 1auscoin,—Ln Wingham, on Orb, 15th, I,ucy 114ieobt, agecu Oai'years, O months anti 11 days MCGTza.—In dulroals, Oct, 5, nd}vard Mc Gue, aged 88 years. Cr p.m u.—$1 Grey. on Qat. 10, Aman Elliott, beloved wife of John Clark, :aged, i5 ye)ara, 8 month and 15 pays, BEADY -MADE CLOTHING Canadian Tweed Suits for Men, $3,00; The newest in double-breasted Coat and Vest, heavy Freize Cloth, $9.00; Overcoats and Meters for Men and Boys at old price. SILKS A FEW PRICES Plaid Dress Goods, 21 in. wide, 5o yd Handsome Wrapperettes, 27 to 29 in. - - 10e yd Cotton Cashmere, fast colors, 80 inch ' - . - - 15e yd handsome Crepous- 800 yet Meavy Melton Cloth, 42in, 25c yd All -Wool Serpa - 25c yd Flannelette, heavy, 33 in. - lee yd. Heavy Cotton t"hirtmug, 29 in, 12i y4 Innen Tweed, 28 in. - 25c y d All -Wool Tweed, 28 in. - 23o yd UNDERWEAR Mien's Fleece Lined Shirts, 20 oz.; iso ra50c Men's Wool FleeceDShirtswers,, vie Men's Wool FIeece Drawers, 75o Ladies' Fleece Lined Vests Oso to 50e " " drawers 25c to Goo Boys'sizesand. Giris, Underwear in all We are just in receipt of a consign - 1 anent of Fancy Silks from Japan. They are evenly finished and free from flaws, fast colors and very brilliant, 27 in. heavy, all the popu- lar shades, 50o • yard, Also Fancy • Embroidered Silk Table Drapes, Chair Drapes, Cushion Covers, Band - kerchiefs, &o, GROCERIES CARS Children's Fancy Caps, 25 to 30o Boys' Cloth Caps, wool, 25c Men's Cloth Caps, wool, 25o Men's Plush Caps, 50a Men's Fur Caps, $2.00 to $7.00 Ladies' and Misses' Fur Caps at low prices. Also Plush, and Wool Tams, &o. Best Granulated Sugar, 1S lbs for $1. Gooch Japan Tea, 7•lbs for $1. Best Canada Laundry Starch 4lbs 25. Molasses Snaps, 4 lbs for 25c Broken Sodas, - (i lbs for 25c GROCERIES Corn Starch, - 4 pkgs for 2110 Pare So4p, reg, Sc, now 7 for ' 25o Flaked Peas and Beaus, reg. 15o now 10o Royal Salad Dressing, reg. 300 now 10o Diamond Dyes, new goods, 3 for 25c EGGS 13c. GOOD .BUTTER 18c., *ortuameriaorsOtwereJ i . There's nothing So: bad for a cough as coughing. There's nothirii so good for 4'a cough as Ayers Cherry Pectoral. Macdonald dock, Wingham. �sb'�►�i�4���rb?a��4lt`i�b'�,�vvr�ID�r"aZ�r•'�`<w'�+�*J�4'a� Miss Mac Wishes to thank the ladies of Wingham and vicinity for their kind and liberal patronage of the past season, and for their kindness in at- tending her Millinery Display on Tuesday and following days. She is now fully prepared to have all orders filled in the most fashionable and speedy manner possible. �. 0 The 15 Cent size is just right for as ordinary, everyd4 cold. ;The 5o cent size is better for the -tough of bronchitis, clou , grip, and hoarseness. The, do Iai• size .ia the hest for chronsd Coughs, cs in consumption, chronic bran- t, thitis, astlxtna, etc. WINCHAM MACHINE SHOP 'The undersigned wishes to thank the public for past favors and asks far a. continuance of their patronage in all kinds of Machine Work, rorging, Pattern Making, Iron and Wood Pu11eyg. Rabbit Metall at lots prices. f want 25 tonsr Of good east serail in exchange for Plow Points, Plow Points 30 cents t;,rsh,• 35 cents trade Castings in iron or brass on hand and to orales 1 have now e&tra:'help In to shop u,nc't can attend wall work promptly. Works near G.P.it,, ort Josephine street, '�`, .i4. 3. MVnnA.., alk would be useless unless the fit, style and quality were apparent to back up every statement. We don't 'talk volumes, but our suits talk for us, and our prices will suit you. Leave your order for that new SPRING SUIT OR, , OVERCOAT E. O.. OLARKE Stand next Griffin's Grocery. Photos at flame M. E. Zurbrigg makes a specialty of out -door photography; plonk parties, family groups on the lawn; residences, wedding parties and gatherings of every description photographed in an artistic manner, We deem it a pleasure to go anywhere so don't forgot us, We do Picture Framing—and tvo do it right too. M. E. ZURI. 1GG'S Down floor gallery, app. Presb. Church: CIDER AND JELLY Take notice that the Winghar Cider and Jolly Mill has commenced operations and will run tvery Tuesday, Wednesday" Thursday ttii4 raids until season is ended. DRXNG ALONG VOtTlt APPLES and have them rade into Sweet Syx-up. or Jelly without,extra expense, DAVID I• HASTINGS.. uperior ' eweiry: We pride ourselves in always keeping in stock the ver y bast of everything in the jewelry litre and although 1i we do not make as high a percentage of profit as on cheaper lines we have the satisfaction of knowing that we give good value,lines, that is what we want, A. satisfied customer t vertisenrent. We expect ect tois the best ad. p have you for one,. (*WIC/ Alt AND W