The Wingham Times, 1900-10-19, Page 2Vertu motes. 1 WII'tGHAM Dl8TRIOT. I When we wont t f school we were - - -- taught that ten men Mid a certain Jas. Lloyd, sidewalk coutractor has pias of work in one day, one man could fluished his worts in Brussels for this do it in ten days, but we were taught by season. ey. p` erit'neo that arts would not apply to Clinton Library issued 978 books dux - Lig September. `.Cho Library has a ulenti.Llate t• of 448. weed lulling and other bite of farm 'wroth. In hoeing a field large enough to keep tern men :oing all day, it would take a meet man to get it nolle all stun - vier. The growth of the weeds ahead o£ him worth" make teach clay's work sulal- ler se that behind Mint they would grow rao that he would. find those places he hoed the first day :rail% be in need of hoeing again before he reached the cern. This;, of coarse, applies to rich laud, 'where" weede grow caul, and rapidly. Therefore it will pay to get extra labor to finish a field quickly when it nei: tl:* hoei.u.. Ittent:til'+'er too, that the With 'Who lost hi!l re:.y:Ly train salt' ala an taloa. fast eltt)ue;ii but Ca,' tion hue was he di" i The tciw),:-i:ip of !.bb. ,eget has an area not start aim's eu.nLglt. Begin, in season. of to sig ly e5,0,F f acre.. and the taxes One can g-, over a field that does not . repre.st:'uted eii the Toil •inionti'v to tttbout need hoeing ia belt the time lie could : %�, JO• one that needs it t:ic.' :aequeut cuitiv t kyrch. Salida, the resected Treasurer tion is good for the growth of the plants 1 of Gelber t• towrusltap lies held this re even wheu nut here's t1 Y to destroy t S`),,)iSil,:� „mufo;' 11U 1454 tl:tttr h:3 setas weeds. Bicep the horse lava ruaniu conti11U.)ualy. Wet.:: tVittie, of mile, hast purchas- ed a let iu Goderieh #tun will build a TILE WINGIUM ' I ES, OCTOBER 141, 1900 allow Aro Tom lorveay iileade but the clefa hes ti rainy If they are weal. and you feel nervous leaded guilty: • The aggregate flocs and easily " flnstrrted," caws sleep, and rise iu tate uiornrng unrefreslled, year blood is poor. Strome nerves ilepeucl upon rich, nourishing blood.. Hood's sarsaparilla makes the Nerves strong by enri(bing and vitalizing the blood, ht gives sweet, refreshing sleep and com- pletely cures nervous traubies. Begin, taking it to -day. tlulouutud to r00 or iu default of pay, meat ten months ii.iprisounueet, but it is thought the fines will be suepondcd if the liquor selling is stopped on the premises,—Bt:assels Herald. 'Richard Treleaven, sr., one of the early 1;iolleers of Ashfield direr ori October Otlt a. the ego of 7) years. P,Sartiu Dtucharine, oue of 'lay towlz- sliip's oldest pioneers has passed away tc the better land 1 at the age of 75 years. Riots, red blued is procltim:1hrMiller's Oteueuulltl ,i.tuu :'itla. Sold by Colib A�.. Ottutphctl. Mr. and Avers. Jlts.'31tshill, who havo bean rertlerts of Bruseela for a lumber or Yeats. a.'e rotllovih>; to Ypsilauti+ Oa Woduesday evening, October 10th, the spirit of Auli Elliott, wife of John .. Clark, of eon. 5, Grey township toot+. its Nausea, indigestion flight. Deceased had been 111 for over 2 Hoods fills. years with dropsy Dud heart weakness. and there will be bnt littl@ week for the Band hoe.— -rte rTia 1i Cultivator. She wns•borri in Co. Fermanagh,. Ire• are cured by ANOTHER WHEAT REST, 1"L, ud anal was united an marriage to her . now bereft partner,., in Tuelt:ersmitlr .. White (irttb whiell ,Injures Wheat township, over Se years ago. Ill addition •wk orating; 1n oto stave. to Mr. Clark, who is 77 year of age, Wheat in western vxew York has been there aro two souS (georgs in Dakota, furiously injured the ipast spring by a and Isaac ou the Jird epo£ Gray) and white grub that works" in the stalls. Tho four daughters (Mrs. ,Ino, Imlay, Ethel; grub apparently star tsiieav the base and Mrs. Matt. Oughtou,a Manitoba; Mrs. bores the full length, frim the roots to Wm. Hollinbock, l tlie1; turd Miss the head,, When fall (owhr, it measures Margaret at home.) Airs. Clark ryas in about half an inch in 1 gtli,'jt;Thero are her 70th year and waa'Ihighly esteemed no markings on the' bo( , but the head by those who kitew her, is pale brown. Patrick O'Brien, housekeeper at the .tsefore chaugiug to tl Parliament baildiugS, Toronto, has a grub cuts the stalls nen picture which he pririe highly, because point very near the surf of the remit; death oftllou. A. M. Ross. It is a picture of the Ontario Cabinet taken in 1887, of the sixth parliament of of the province of Ontario. Dr, Baxter was Speaker at the tim• In the photo- graph, Sia; Oliver Mowatt, Hon, A. S. Hardy stud Hon. G. W. 'Ross are all to right lathe order uamei% To the left hand there are Hou, T. hi, Pardee, Hon. C. F. Fraser and Hon, A, M. Ross. By a strange coincidence tie Inch to the right have all held the premiership in that order, while death has removed each of the men to the left iu the order in which they are in; the picture, Hon. A. M. Ross' demise cdinpletiug the chain. by Two Veers Alien.—" For eight years awt•i.I f iler(rou next summer. els and I suffered as no one ever did with rheuma 1 Ili.- I. luta' it.teuat retrieving to Goderich. tism ; for two years I lay in bed , could not , ow l(r hats sold his veterinary praettce iu Clinton to Dr. Freeman. Dr. Fowler has accepted a position on the lecturing stair of the fwuterio Veteri;iary so much as feed myself. A friend recom- mended South American Rheumatic Cure. After three doses I could sit up. To -day I am as strong as ever I was."—Mrs. John Cook, 287 Clinton street, Toronto. -2.. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. College. 15lilburu's Ste rling,Heaclache Powders To repel one's Cross is to make it ! "'ire wringer; prompt relief from monthly pilli`+ ; atlas 1, tLw a DO b ad ai'ter effete s what- lieaw -••Andel. ever. 13e sure you get Milburu's, tree Tha wi'holc efi21,0:)0 worth. of Walker- 10 and 25 coats, all dealers. ton Binder Twine stock has been sub- Mr,. L. 'Tscharhart, of Chicago, wife scribed. Thera are 4,749 stockholders, of the architect of the Vendome hotel, most of wl,o a are farmers. Between Teeswater, died there on Tuesday of last eighty and ninety per cent. of the stock week -The body was brought to Mild - is may for interment. held by the farmers. ' It is reported that Donald Stewart is about selling his property at the north end of Brussels to Jas. Oakley and that ry he will remove from that locality after nearly a life time spent there. D. D. Wilsou and wife left Seaforth on Tuesday for Scotland, where they will remaiu until January. Mr. Wilsou will devote his time to the interest of his firm in Glasgow, Liverpool and London. tat what you like. --Give the digestive organs some work to do. These functions need exercise as much as any part of the human anatomy, but if they're deli- cate, give them the aid that Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets afford and you can eat anything that's wholesome and palatable - 60 in a box, 35 cents. --8 These r i11 s cure al l -diseases ns es And dis- ordehs arising,. from week heart, worn out nerves or watery lid, such ns Palpita- tion, Skip P••ntA, ".'' i.1,bing, Smothering, We ..it s, •ritorl iaiutSpells, Anaemia, Nelymtsa"- ls"p •"'siness, Brain Fag, General f!t p,il:t; anti. Lack of Vitality. They are a true heart tonic, nerve food and blood enricher, building up and renewing all the worn. out and wasted tissues of the body and restoring perfect health. Price 50e. a box, or 3 for $1.25, a all druggists. ite Watery Pimples. Five years ago my body broke out in white watery pimples, which grew so bad that the suf- fering was almost'unbearable. 1 took doctors' medicine and es ,or twoYears various remedies but they were of :little benefit, whenever I gotarmed up or sweat the pimple would come out again. A neighbor advised Burdock Blood Bitters, and I am glad I followed his advice, for foar bot- tles completely aired me. That was three. years ago and there has never been a spot or pimple on me sinde. James Lashouse, Brechin P.O., Ont. e papa stage the ly in two at D ce of the ground. AIN,' icy••3"k, .+v'*'tea :,•..;.. ,,•,w, - t?, nmuaum,norma+naattpp;apgppltnplIWcaminimw. n 110111,1 AVegetable7PreparationrorAs- simitating tlteToodattdRegtlla- ting the.St4ruadIS andl3owels of THAT THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE - 0 F It then passes down el the laic and forms a case of thin, al ost transparent, material, in which the transformation to the pupa takes place. Infested wheat lodges badly, but there is a, marked difference in the appearance of the fallen wheal infested with the grub and that infests 1 with the Hessian fly. The former bel, ads just above the not and lies fiat on the ground, while the latter usually bens at a:point high- er up on the stalk.hd heads also are well developed and the kernels plump, which is not usually the case with wheat attacked by the Hessian fly. The life history of th4s insect has evi- dently not been fully Worked out, and as we have not yet seen the adult it is im- possible to determine 4lie species. We have the insect under,_ observation and find that the grubs aro, now changing to pupio within the sta ks close to the base. Judging from reports the insects is well distributed in wdstern New York. In the vicinity of; Getjevaj some of the fields have been injurdd seriously. As the grubs aro naw in the straws just below the surfade of the ground, deep, fiat plowing will doubtless result in crushing many of them and other - wise preventing the . development of many more. Rolling: he stubble might also have some effecti also burning if practicable. Althogh it is not im- probable that the adult insects will not escape for some time, tide safest course is to apply the' remedy t'it Duce, writes V. H. Lowe .of the • New Fork station to Country Gentleman: PROF. MUNYUN'S„ IW DENTURE Sold. by A. L. Hamilton. Miss Lucy Coro, passed away ea Satur- day,r. The 78th October O�li'',in her year. deceased lady iv/is for a long time a with resident of Clinton and had lived ww rte her brother Walter Core for the pest 33 years. Two popular young people of Moles- worth were married ou Sept. 26th, when Rev. Geo. Ballantyne united Mies Ellie Jane Elliott to James Sangster. The young couple areaway on a trip through Manitoba. During last week several houses in Lackuowv were burglarized and money a:ld other articles were taken. A man named Bradd was arrested at Blyth on Fair Day. He appeared before Thos. Lawrence, J. P., a d was allowed bail for a week. • Mrs. Jacob McGee died at Egmond- ville on Monday of last week, aged '77 years. She and her husband, now de- ceased, emigrated to Canada 58 years ago. They resided in Kingston and Peel county before moving to Tuckersmith 20 years ago. • Crowds 'Visit His Bili+ Establishment on Broalkway. (From the N. Y. Pr 1G'sa, Oct. 2, 1200)11 " 1 certainly have lio reason to com- plain of my reception, in New York," said Professor Muny on, yesterday after- noon, as he stood nearle main doorway of his splendidly appoi teal now medical institute, at Twenty- ixth street and Broadway. The spacious salesroom and offices du the grauud floor were crowded. Thousands had passed through the wide doorways iu Broadway and in Twenty- sixth street, all anxious: to have a peep at the well-known features of the dis- tinguished Professor, who has done so much to revolutionize" the old-time methods ot treating the sick. "I have opened this establishment," said the Professor, in an Weresting .chat with a reporter, "simply because my business demands it.: As you. well know, I havo always maintained a med- ical institute, with a corps of skilled physicians in this city, :but I have now supplemented this by bringing here my business headquarters,'• advertising de- partmeut, laboratory, ;etc. The labor- , the • ist io :led lie oral I have that op Ped a labor- atory y includes "' h now fourth of a series, wane Philadelphia, Toronto and London, but which later will takein.Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, New Mexico, etc. But don't let me talk abou4 this Nowv York venture, look•arotmd (tad speak about it. yourself." • The huge plate glass windows give the passer-by a splendid view of the offices. Bat one has to inspect the department devoted to Munyoh'i's Doctors to get a correct idea as to just what this i.nstitte tion means for the ,sick of New York. An generous share of the ground floor space of the mamihoth establishment has been surrendered to the medical branch. His physicians ask no fee for either examination or advice. They simply give the patints the best advice of knowledge and drill, and show them how to get well. Ili many cases a sim- ple remedy is •all that is needed. Then, again, if the visitor has nothing the matter with him, he is told so frankly. an h am 8 greatsatisfaction when It is a has been examined from head to toe by a competent thysidian, and then told "there is nothing the matter with him." Prof. Muuyon's great success is due to tireless energy, unce#teing thought, and an abiding faith in :ilns system .of Im- proved Honioaopatlhic Remedies, a, sys- tem which enlisted tthe best thoughts and skill of the most eminent specialists and chemists of the world. Muuyon was not prejudiced in favor of any one school of . hnedicine. He believed there was good to be found in all; in fact, he knew it. His niission was to take the proved curative, the best thought of all the schools, aid combine them in one. Has remedies aro not "cure-tills"—he has prepared a senerate cure for each disease.' • DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYAUP. At the Division Court held at Luck - now, Geo. D. Morrison, of Kin.cardiue, sued the township hi of Kinloss for some $50.00 for injuries done to one of his horses by breaking through the covering on a bridge near the Black Horse in August last, Judgment was reserved until November 1st. Catarrh for twenty years and cured in a few days.—Hen. George James, of Scranton, Pa., says : " I have been a martyr to Catarrh for twenty years. constant Ostt hawking, dropping in the throat and painin the head, very offensive breath. I tried Dr. Agnew s Catarrhal Powder. The first applica- tion gave instant relief. After using a few bottles 1 wa's cured. 6O cents.—Z Sold by A. L. Eamilton. On Wednesday, October 8rd, Miss Henrietta, daughter of Mr's, McCandlish, of Teeswvater, was married to Matthew B. Baoker, builder and contractor, of Sarnia. The knot ryas tied by Rev. Gerald 'Willoughby in. the presence of a number of guests. The young couple have taken tip their residence in Sarnia. Apo Stowe erre for all Throat, Lung SIM Bronchial dieeeses. nettling and soothing In its action. Pleasant to take, prompt and effee- alts. liniis ren t,Ia Ur. Chat. Johnson, Bear Rivett, N.S., writes: " I was troubled with hoarseness and Beret throat, whith the doctor pro- nounced Bronchitis and recommended me to try llr, Wood's Norway Pito Syrup. I did se, and after using three bottles I 'was entirely Cured." Take h l,a,xa=T.ivdr Pill before retir- ing. "Twill work while you sleep with- out a gripe of pain, euring biliousness, constipation, 'sick headache a.addyspep- stek acid make you feel better is too rstornil:g. Price ".k. DEL A. W. CHASE'S .CATARRH CUR ... , is sent dir ct to the diseased parts by thImproved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the alt passages, strips droppings in the throat and Iperrnanantly cure Catarrh and lay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, r Dr. P.. W. Chase Medicine Co.. To onto and Buffalo. The two most iinportatit properties of sou). are simplicity and mmortality. Rosmins. ? . • Beware of \Neaps. Don't let worms gnaw 't the vitals of your children. Give th m Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Sprup an they'll soon be rid of these parasites. Price 25e. The intellect . is develbped only for earthly things and by eat'thly things.— Du. Pref. • 'Promote s'Di ;estion,Clieerul- tress andRest.tontainsneither Opaum,Morphtne Igor Mineral, NOT NAC OTIC. Rego cFOldilrafeDEL R ?wnpkin• Sad - ALx.Scruia Realer& Sala Agfa soca r •7tep.^M7inl - 1240na2Scda. 1/17nrced alaldud :war • ilfahry Fairer: Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion., Sour Stotnach,Diarrhoea, Woms gormulsions,Feverish- nests and LOSS or SLEEP. 'ac Simile Signature of NEW YORL. IS ON TH A�� 3 ,.E i , BOTTLE EVERY BO -d- 1 LE O . Castoria is put up in ono-oiso bottles only. It is not sold is bulk. Don't allow* anyone to roll you anything else on thoiploa or promise that h is "just as good" and wilt answer every per - •0t Boo that you got C -t1- T -0 -i3, -I -A. eXACT COP'( OF WRAPPER. vera tPkita?.>r , ,t',S?i: e'''t:ter 6''"'}3.*is!'',i Atc,:rt' 'felt! Tho fso- pi �S10 pigs taro ai Isaac Sanderson, who formerly run a blacksmith shop at Gerrie, and wile had a paralytic stroke a year ago took another one at Lueltnow on Wednesday of last week aI1d dropped dead. He had been. working with well=drillers in Luck - now and visited his home the Sunday previous apparently enjoying his usual do and one i w Ile rear eta a �, health. daughter to mourn is loss. T. It. ilarris of Durham, license in- spector for South Grey, carne here last week and secured evidence against Geo, 1, eXitn of Walton for selling liquor without a liaenso. In all five charges 'three fo geliin liquor Willi., were laid � g f Ott a license and two for having liquor on the premises for sale. The cage comes before A. Holter, J. P., on Wed- C .,. STORI it For infants aria :Children. The fat. simile signature et eevery 4 stepper. Think Before Sou Strike. creature Think before yell strike any that cannot speak. The following little story is quite true.. When I was young I worked for a farmer,eand was given a span. of horses to plOw with, one of which was a four-year-old colt. The colt after walking a for steps would lie down in a farrow. The farmer was provoked and. told me.to sit on the colt's head to keep him from rising while he whipped hits, to break flim of the notion, as he staid. Bat then a neighbor came by. He said, "There's something wrong here, let him get up and let us find out what is the natter." He pat- ted the colt, looked at the harness and theu said "'Look at this collar ; it is so long and narrow*, and carries the harness AO Nigh that when he starts to pull it slips back and chokes flim so that he can't breathe." And So it was, and but for that neigh- bor, we should whipped as good. a crea- ture as we had on the farm, because he lay down when he cotild not breathe. Always remember that till animals are dumb, and Canner mike their wants know. Think before you strike any creature that cannot speak/ A Mandarin's Wife on American Marriages Saturday Evening Post: Margherita Arlina Hamm, the well-known traveller and author, called when in China upon the wife, or rather, the wives, of a great Mandarin. Her visit partook of the nature of a festival, so novel was the ex- peraenoe to the Chinese wonien,whose lives are passed almost entirely within the wall the walls of their yamen. They examined her clothing and were partly pleased and partly 'astonished at it. They were shocked by her shoes, and especially by the fact that her feet were not confined by bindings. Finally one of them said, through an interpreter: "You can walk and run just as well as a titan?" "'Why certainly." "Cann you ride a pony as well as a man?" ,t , , O fr,o u1so. "Theft you must be as strong as most men." "Yes, I thinly Lain.", "You. wouldn't let a man heat you, not even yotir husband, would you?" "Not at all." '' The Chinese wolhiitll imaged, laughed, earl then Said: "IloW, / understand why foreigners never take more than onwife. They etre afraid to." WEAK NERVOUS DISEASED Wi 250,p00 CURED IN 20 YEARS. l CURg'S GUARANTEED OR NO PAY ! lan After. �ri� �`e �''� Wood's PhoaphoN f The Great FIngiish henteety,. b Sold and reeommendcd y all druggists in Canada. Only reit• able medicine discovers . Eft Imokagca guaranteed to ours all forme o Sexual Welknees, all effects of abuse or Manuel, Mental Worry, P./coedits nee of To- b iaodP Opium or ettlnnlante. Mailed on receipt 0! pricey one naoita si, eta, Is. OAS tent Ptoaet. fttoifidure. 'Pamphlets free to an ;addreee. Thal Wood compaty, wt1u1 or, Ont. 'v''ool's Plio+lphidine is solea In win lanm by Odin Hamilton,�Druggists. A. orrowy J. .l)ntIs, A. $1000 IN 10LD FOR A CANNOTCURL OF SELF-ABUSE, EMISSIONS, VARICO- CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, ST121:CT- URL GLEET, SYPHILIS, STUNTED PARTS, LOST NJANHOOD, IMPOTEN- CY, NERVOUS DEB/1.1TV, UNNAT- URAL DISCHARGES, ETC. The New Method Treatment is the • Greatest Discovery of the Age A Venom psnvotr., w N .. t DISEASES FOR CURING THESE �•p IVH . Thousands of young and middle aged men are annually swept to n premature - - . grave through EARLY INDISCRETIONS. EXCESSES. AND BLOOD DISEASES. It • you haveanyof tho following symptoms co salt us before too it t 18 tooh late. o Areasnnner- vous - vous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks them, woak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in ursine, pimples on rho face, oyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor indm' ry, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired morn- ines, restless nights, hangeable moods, wen's manhood, stunted organs and promo, tare decay, bond ptitus,t Batt loose, sore throat etc. YOU NAVE SEMINAL WEAKNESS 'OUR NSW NCBTH0h3 THEATNMENT alone can cure you, and make a titan of you. Under its influ- ence that the pimples, blotches and ulcers disapp ars alio nervbs become. strong as stool, so that nervous- ness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; xr :ere oyes become l,••tght, the face. full rant clear. ! (•nrrgy returns -to the body, and thoninral. physical V.,andsexual systems aro invigorated; a+! drains coast, -110 more vital waste from the system. The • • miens organs e‘become natural and manly. You of Yourself a i an and know marriage cannot bo lit s, LLiln to. Vo 1 vito all the afflicted to consult us •r) confidentially alt frno of chareo. Don't let quacks ,...i and fakirs rob y of your hard earned dollars. in We tit./ ca: a yea or��g•lo pay. :AS YOUR. BLOOD BEEN DISE.a°SEDr ;,,,,i SYPEIL' S is tlio:most prevalent and most serious .. i, t3LUOD disease. 1t saps the very life blood o1 the (4„; victim and upsas entirely eradicated fromomthe s- IIlREII2TAtY MOOD tem will af(oct the M"spring. Beware ot Mercury. . It only'alippresses the symptoms—our NEW ME PROD pnsitively cures it for ever. ( YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED MAN—You've led a gay life, or indulged in tha follies f1g et Tooth. Sear -abuse or later excesses have brolten clown your system. You fpe1 the symptiuns stealingbvor you. Mentally, physically and sexually you are not the man 1you used to he or shputd be. Lustful practices reap rich harvests. Will you head the danger signals. ) tF �• Iy r p I Are Ion avictim? Have you lost hope? Are you. contemplating marriage? kid Vi . 4 LIT 7Iaa tone blood been diseased! Have yen any weakness? Our Now Method 'treatment will curd you. What it has done for others 1t will do for you. Consultation • o "rc5e. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion oe of Ch argo. Tr i Oltargos reasonable. Beaus Preo —"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases of Men, Inclose postgo, 2 cents. Sealed. Book on "Diseases of .Women" Free. I iun-NO NAMES U ED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No medicine sent C.O.D. No names on be,9s o envelopes. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of Treat. •r t ent, FREE. n DRS, KENNEDY 85 KERGAN, NDETROI ELM CH.T• TE An energetic man to canvas town and country with a staple line of goods. Agents now making $20.00 a week with US. If you mean'` business and want to earn good money in a permanent. pleasant employment, write us at once. The Thos} W. Bowman & Son Co., Established 40 years. Limited, TORONTO, ONT. MONEY. To PATENT Coed Ideas b May he seamed Y v our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, M4, IATANTgb •- ACTYVIt MAX OP (:boll chnraetor to deliver and copier in Huron County for aid established fitunttfneturing wholesale house. 1..20011 y ens, stirs pay. 11on. sty more than a eperienon required, Otto re. Pernee, any bank in any city. Ettelose ti( lf Tddree9od stamps e lxmerit., Chicago. fnfstaters, Third Moor, THE MILK OF THE 1..,a, HOLSTEIN DAIRY is pure and cold and C`Oss.,..`W.. , TlttEE CENTS A TS 423 AItT.