HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-10-19, Page 1VOL XXVIII.- NO. 1487, ,xegea�,,x 4 ety rIs9l t,'" ALL LINES ON SATURDAY. Business is booming so much with us in Tailoring that it is hardy worth. our while to advertise this branch of our business, lint still we want to remind all -our friends that We shall be glad to see them, and we might mention that we -are selling off the balance of our Sum- mer Suitiegs at a great reduction. In BOOTS and SHOES It is needless too say we lead the Trade. Our easterners have been more than sat- isfied during the past season; the conse- quence is, we have had a largo increase in our sales; we anticipate ,a very large business for Fall, and consequently have bought heavily, and in order to make room for these new Goods we are e• ling the balance of our Spring Stock at a large reduction from regular prices -=don't fail to secure some of these bar- gains. Boys' and Youths' sizes in Boots on Saturday ab COST. We have just sorted up our stock of . .\ CENTS' FURNISHINGS, HATS AND -GAPS In these we have the very latest—if you. want to be up-to-date in Neckwear and Headwear, you must come to us. We have still a ffew +' ^ T (*OEDS ' I A; we are selling them at 50 per cont. on cost—it 'will pay you to buy _#rny- thing we have, even if you don't izee I it just now. The•rest of our Groceries at cost ane ielow. We have not much left, but what we have you can have at your own price. WE SELL CHEAP: Ho ltth &Sons Marriage Licenses batted by rnAxrx PATsxisON, No. 28 Victoria street. Windham, Out. No witnesses required. Send for, our catalogue and be con- rj is do !A- vinced that we f work in busutess education in Canada A� 61l to -day. re j Central Business College Stratford, atYor r Ont. Students from Manitoba on the west, r Newfoundland on the cnst.and Texas. on L the south are in attendance this year.•r- Distance proves . no hitldrance to those ,who desire to got the best, a Several Canadian' colleges (Jit and many large American . schoois jq� �[�' enxplov our graduates as teachers. This le 1^ is n strati{ proof of superiority. Enter i RI 1 now if possible. i2. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Cents pays for the Trmgs till January tst, 1901. 0 Cents pays for the Ttntl;s and To- ronto Daily Stat" till Jan. ,1st, 1001. Ail who sub- scribe for the Star get :a hatidso>tte pietttre of the Queen and Prinee of Wales. Leave your orders early+, at the Thits office, fri If you have :190)) la 4 �'if 4 0 1 Groceries $ call up $ No. 58 N. A. FA QU ARSON'S (The Chine House) yip and want and your orders will be pronrptly:attend- ed to, , GENERAL L0CAL NEWS. See Halsey Park's advertisement, Dr. Butler, of London, *ill be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on the fist Friday of each mouth from 11.30 a. m. till 3 o'clock p. an., for consultation in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Sur:mile L+'GCS.-- William Armour a shipping their sto gentlemen put dow eggs this season time beforehe t las as. Gillespie and busy these days !r of eggs. These an extra number of d it wi}„i be sone shipnenmads. UOLD REsxDEn.'T' DEATH Death re- moved ono of W ngham's oldest resi- dents on Tuesday the person of Mrs. Lucy Ellicott, i her 69th year. +e - ceased bad been respected rest c t of the town for a u ber of years. ; r re- mains were int rred in the Ingham cemetery on Th rsday. WANTED. -400 bags the. Winghamµ Cider G xocl Iirieet pal& eet apples at red Felly mill. Ow rE or R znnlrcn. S. Gracey and family ha` this week moved to Blyth, whore t se* will spend a few months with s. Graeey's mother. l+r.. Gracey ha not decided where will iocate and will trend part of his time, in Winghaxn for the next two months. Henry Ball d ftp ily, of Brussels; have moved in Mr racoy's sidence on Patrick str • et. Waterere Dried +pp :, fowl and butter. We wilt pay • for choice Roll Butter till Nov, 5, • ur stock is large and well assorted, + . KING. LEAVTSG WING S. ra. Lewis, who has been. at Chapman's *glove factory for the past our years will leave for Toronto early November. Mr. Lewis aid his fa ily have been esti- mable citzens of Ingham. aux w ate sorry to learh of t eir departure, .Alex.. McGregor and a ife are also eaving Wingham. Mr. oGregor hes purchas- ed the hotel at altelet ' and will take possession early i November. Mr, Mc. Gregor•has been ectiott foreman on the Winghaxn motto of the G. T. R. for a number of years nd we are sorry to lose himself and Mrs. McGregor as residents Wingham. Pon Satz.—;A, number of Brown Leg- horn hens and roosters; Light Brahma hens and roosters and four good Barred Plymouth Rook roosters. Apply at Tates office. Ni✓w ORA.NGs 13A NEE Wingham Orange Lodge, No. 7 4 has had a new banner made. he ;work on the banner was clone b ,.Miss Graham, of Clinton, and iii spea ing of it, the News. Record says:=-e'Mi- Graham of town has made a very ndsome banner for Win earn Orange odge No. 794. The honer is°iiiade •r sill: trimmed with velvet, satin and cry heavy gold braids gimp and fringe. The one side has the usual portrait of ping William ou .his white charger o .asiug the Boyne as a centre. The otl er has a portrait of tier Mafesty, Queen Victoria. The usual mottoes and . inblenis are tastefully emblazoned in .cid, silver and colors. The woritmansl "p of Miss "Graham on this compares f .vorable with thoseof professional artists. While this is only the second this ady has made, it has elieited praise ffr. rn the very few who have been favor d with a view of it who (regretted that a retiring modesty- aof the artist op •sod displaying it in a inorc public pia e for a day or two °be- fox'e leaving tot n." MONEY To Lam—Money to loan on notes, and notes discoixnted at ream. able rates. Money advanced on retort - gages, With privilege of paying at the end of any year, Votes and accounts collected. Oflice—heaver Block, Wing. ham. 'hoer, Mc1rtnoo. INUNAM WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, (AMBER 19, 1960, A YEAR IN AJVANC1 I ig stock of Fur Jackets, Capes Gaperines, Coflarottes 1, e, at I err's. :iioi re EXTENDED The mail on th the 11.10 a. in. L. II & B. that has been a closed wait to E cardiae since the train eomnlolncexl ru ming there is now open. Mail Ofeek Wright and 011er- head will now go tri ough to Kincardine on alternate clays. , See the Japan.se Silks at I? err's. • I. O. 0, Rif -LIN .....On Thursday 0 evening of last wee the members of 1 Maitland Lodge, N 119, I. 0, 0. F. Won in the Calm. embers of the lodge 1 visiting brethern abers, A splciddicl tiered and refro.h- Iitallrunr Am past ttvo weeks T1 Mfg, Co, havo beet shipments of ,thei maria a huge eh furniture to South load to "Lrngland. will soon be atoll• world; • oan, -- Daring tit Thos. Bell & Sou making some extr furniture. 'alleymont of their line lefriea acid also a ear Bell's flan furniture iu all ports, of the 1)eltt a serial and re -1 oileltawbor. The n awl their friends. an ;;'ere out in largo ai progrea nee was. rex ei tents were served, All who attended report a very plea it time. t1.I Coat and pant makers wanted, Apply to \Vail Jeukius, Listowel, Fon Sete,—Thr home of Mrs. Caro- line Ross, north of the mill, Favorable terms. Apply on the. premises, Oi' SATI,'inn 3,' NTOSITA, —Post- masters in eities a a towns have re- ceived circulars info ming them that int future their offices will r,.qulrc. to! be Open between . 7. 0 and `f;.' on Saturday event .:s, for the receipt •af Saving Beek depo is and tkausaoteon of other Saving B k buslusss. The Winghaxn postman er has received notice and thenew regale tion takes etfeotfratn Saturclay of this w ek. PUBLIO SOHOOL peas are,khat sola teachers will be m For soine years pa payers have been e the keen contpetiti to the .teaching pro changed now. Th+ raising of the stand students to seek o a livehood. A lea was recently thro Ontario estimates thousand teachers uinq of the New will only be nine 1i demand. iA01 ns, -The: pros - for Vablis school Oa higher hereafter. Curai, soliool rate- joying•the'results of n caused by the rush ssion, but this has low, saltcries anti the 'd have caused many er means of earning ng educationist who gh a great puri of rat there well be once vented at the begin. ea; and that there ndred to supply the FOR SALE.—A f ame house en good repair, containing seven ro s besides clothes closet, hal Dud t o shed; good well and stable; ell ou voted garden; quarter acre of and; n the road to station, Bl.ueval . Apply to Mrs. Rutherford, Bltu ale. I .1P0aTAxT ;usr.-Speeiel OfQ er Wrn. laundry ane Chief Vannorman, of:. Winghaxn, Thur day morning of last week at two o'clf k lodged ie. Goclerich jail John Elai•tte . n, alias John Clarklee, alias John , Du alias John, Winkle. The prisoner its lleged to have single- handed stolen d ring the past sixmoixths nearly ies. thou and dollars' worth of cutlery, silvery; a and. merchant tail- ors' furnishing- from stores in Wing - ham, Goderrc . O1' niton,. and Bayfield. Tho officers ha been working night and day' on the cas• since Sept. .11, and al- though they re • vered e, large quantity of stolen goods at iffereut places, the man who sold them .eemed to have dropped out of sight t • til Wednesday of last week, when G anclry and Vaunorman attended the Bl th fair, and there they heard of a mai who had been at' Mr. Crawford's, i Hullett township. They at once at to Crawford's and found their mai in bed. He had in his possession a qu itity of the goods stolen front Goderich, lid was wearing a pair oil, ., •stolen oin Bayfield. • He also lie.,„ 'e dont., e.action revolver, fully boa i ji t. did • ti get a 'chance to use it. Tinehuurglar s were very daring, as the thief only too . the best of everything, and in the Gode 'ch cases taking stuff out of the front vindow in the stores, lighted briiliantl by electricy all night. This is thought t be the mau,who done the stealing at M H, Mclndoo's store. Mr. Malndoc had word from Goderich on 1Vton lay and they say they found a quantity +f goods in .a barn near Goderich on Friel, y morning. Mr, Mc- Indoo is well sati•ei ecl with Chief Van- norman for the a five part he has taken in helping to Clea up this matter, Chief Vannorman has'b en away part of this week working on his case, It is thought that more goods • ay be found in the vicinity of Bruce i eld. Since the above was put in type, hief Vannortnen has arrived home and iuforrnsns that he and Mr. Gundry wore successful in obtain. ing more of the s +.len ' goods at Varna, Brumfield, 1ipp n, Scaforth and the country between these places. Gloves, braces, revolvers into. had been sold in dozen lots to cliff mint people and when the Than was nm ing the sales he always told his ctxstome s that he carried the best of goods an asked them not to par• chase their `tviitt •r's fors as wo would soots have a apt idid stook of therm. He evidently intent• ed to continue his basis WO Of stealing The prisoner appeared before the NH e Mttgittrate at Goderich on Wednesda ° morning and pleaded guilty to nil t o charges'. He did not implicate any person, nor dill he say what hind c f a rig he bad to move the goods froxn r. McXxidoo's store here. He will toe . r before the judge for sea- tence iu the course of two welts, 1 TUE fryrxx lith ._The .i;13•th fair held on Thn;;dayInd Wednesday o last week was the lost t;uccessful yet held, The Standar putts the attendan to have been close t 7004'µfur the receipt at the gate and gra d. stand 'mounted t over $C00. Some ood horse races we. run off on Wedner ay afternoon. Anti Gould won the pen; race and Ilion won inn the 2.30 Jas. McKelvie town had the . ooth eprivilege and he reports a good bt siuess. mid hand uggy for sale, almost neve; also a cutter. Apply to 51111 1 & Pn rnxer.. AccIDENT Ax Fon •wren 0xn Tues- day night Isaac Davi soli, who drives an et:.;g wagon °,x r as. Gillespie, of Winglianx, •• , ut ' ith a very serious accident, .•ins re airs arebeing made on the Fordwich bz dge and a ladder had Welt put aorose the nil of the bridge to prevent any one fr x driving cult The night was dark an no light was sot to warn strangers o fhe danger. Mr. Davidson drove iu o the ladder and the sudden stop three him in behind the horses whore he r eived a severe kick. ing.—Gorrie Vide o, Pon SALrx.—.A. good kitchen stove,. Palace range,, "N , 9 with 0 oles in e f c rectc n' o bio 1 dr n also a go box stove, ,ixew this year. Stoveu be seen at Wnx. Lewis', sec.ud house south. of G. T. R. bridge, Mi ° nio et. W, C. T. U. NNTIAL MEETING.—The 'annual meeting 2 the W, C. T. i3. was held Tuesday a ernoon. The Treas- urer's report sh.wed that $127.00 bad g r been raised. dnrr, the year for all pur- poses, $02.00 of ' hich had been writ to the ludo. Fami o sufferers, and that there was. a hal nee of $x7.10 in the Treasurer's Kan s. The following nipcers we?ie . cd. ted for the, coming yiar;,-.-'President, Mrs. Alex. Loss; Vice -Pres., Mrs. `,:. J. Purely; Cor. See., Mrs. T. C. Gra taut, Rec. Secy., Mrs. W. J. Chapman; Treas., Mrs, Dr. Mac- donald. Any orders for sales left et the Trac es office will receive prompt attention. J. J. Currie, auctioneer. - MINOR LOCALS. Campbell's Ileacl�obe Wafers gum= teed to cure headache, The G. T. R. X.ycar passedthrou;h Wingham on Wed esday, —Vim Gregor shipped a car of onions to London + t Wednesday. —A. ear load of ogs was shipped front Winghaln on Mon ay to Collingwood, —The third nut on the G. T. R. two - dons has been la 1 off for the whiter mouths . -W.F.Vanstoz erected at the re John street. o ---Wm. Gardne and wife, well- s known in this vioin o Teeswater to Owen re --Mr, Dfiainey, le foreman on the L. 01 Mooregor's place o of licit, --Owing to Thur giv'fng day, the T nesday night haste usual. —011 another page found au interestin Africa, written by David Lougheed. is having a kitchen of his dwelling ou Faye GOOD OrrE .—Tho Tates and the Weekly Globe to new subscribers until the end of 100 fcr 40 coats; The Trues and Family _erald and Weekly Star till the end of xe year to new sub- scriiiers for 40 cent the Tains alone till the end of the y ar for 20 cents, to new subscribers; th Tmzns till January 1st, 1909 and a cop of our handsome Christmas sapplerue it to new sabscribers for $1.10; the Tate ° and Weekly Globe till January 1st, 1 02 and a copy of Christmas supple eut , and copy of picture, "The Cana ians et the Battle of Paardeberg" for 1.70 to new sub- scribers. Pick crit he offer you wish to take advantage off, send word or drop into the Titins o 0 and we will see that your order is ronxptly attended to The Listowel Business College and Shorthand Institute opened its fall term withgood success, having received a - plications from five es -pupils of the Central Business College, Stratford, for the purpose of perfecting their studies in Shorthand. . This certainly speaks well for the character and superiority' of the instruction impacted at the Listowel Shorthand Institute. For illustrated catalogue, terms, eto., apply to C. L. aartt Listowel. eak Svcs The diploma we bold from the Optieal insttta'te of Canada is a guarantee of one qualification to give perfect satisfaction in the fitting of gausses. Ottr.tgttiptrient fol' thk work has always teen of the best, but to make. it stilt more complete and tip to date we have jest added rt ''Jobb Opto Ureter," the latest invention in this elm of ittstrtxxtxcrits. Do not let fake opticians and pedlars who have never studied the eyes, tamper with ;yours, and sell you glasses at doubic their value when you can be properly fitted at home. Jo Driuoca `p ANiD OP1`1O1AN8 WINGHAM. ty, have moved from. Sound,. —The L. xi, els 13. a cow near Clinton o ing of last week. had gathered ou the —Mushrooms hav plentiful of late, an have been brought i risers with a taste for —We would be p1 regularly from some dents. If any are us know and new sn —It will be 95 year ne of the section B. will take Mr. the Winglzanx sec - ay being Thanks. is issued on Wed - of Thursday as f this issue will be atter from .South ingham's soldier, orning train killed Wednesday morn - number of cattle ack. • been unusually bushels at them to town by early the fungolds. used to hear more of our correspon- ut of supplies, let plies will be tent. on Sunday next since Lord Nelsona cm shed the combined French and Spani-i fleets and gave Great Britain the sup •emacy of the sea. --O. P. Smith. is ha • ing the lawns in front of his cottages o x John street filled and levelled. • The mprovements on this�,roperty will mak a great difference in appearance. -The ringing of ti e fire alarm on Thursday of last week ;bout 0.10 p. gave the firemen a ru . A burning chimney at C. M. W keg's sidenco °u -as the comae of then ... —A mustard piaster will draw for a time but not forever. Lest year's ad- vertisement will not c aw trade for to- day. Acivertisements, like mustard plasters, must be war. 'to draw. A. Graham, grans thic walk con- traetor, reports to th • Clinton News - ;leotard that this seaso • has been an up - profitable fitable ono for hi and estimates that he has dropped a •ut $4,000. . ont into effect on day. The only in Wingham are Loudon leaves at 5 p. m. train for sat3.10p.m. hard, but now is You want the good agent for the bard and tempered -in -oil, he wade -to -fit any your good monepon get the genuiue for , 85 cents cash. T. —A new time table the G. T. R. on 142 change in the trains the 8.25 p.m. traiu fo 8.10 p, m. and the 3 Kincardine now leav The ground is ver tho time to plow. repairs. I am sol and tough, the dian the crucible cast, plow. Don't wast trash, when. you ea the saute price, viz IL Ross. PER ONALS: We shall be glad this column from an have visitors or perp dro>iband tellas e effect. 25 have contributions to of our readers. If you se going away yourself, send us a note to that Ernie Hammon friends in Toront Dr, Gordon, of Lucknocv was in Winghant en ivo ueiaiay. . Thos. Bali was iti Toronto for a few clays this week ex business. ' is away on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. ing with friends ' Miss Jessie ?or days with friend: in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. t . Maxwell britt child are visiting with riends in Galt. Mrs. 11. Clegg s spending a few days at her perentel h f me in Ingersoll. Miss Ray, of istowet is visiting at the home of her . .de, Thos, Gregory. Miss j. Cum ings was visiting It liarriston, the guest of Mrs. A. Cherie. T. H. Ross sp t last Snndayintrutce• field, visiting w tit his brother 'who iS on the sick list. Mrs, John +icMannus has returned home from her visit with relatives and friends itx Detr f it. 0. E. Bowe , of Stratford, Diatrtct Traffic Agent , f the G. T. R. was in town on Wed esdey. Joseph M tell, of Berlin, was the guest of his r uliter, Mrs. Jas. Collins. afew days 1 t week. ktiss Meg le 1l2cIntyre, of Sault Ste. ]carie, was he guest of her unable, Jes. Collins, out day last week. McKinley are visit- liomoka. 'k' er is spending a few. 1p Now is the season for sersous trouble to occur with the lungs. Build up Ithe systemand strength, .; en the fun °s with DOu as3' : Palatable,' Emulsion' ion of Cod Liver Oil with Hyposphites • It is fresh and the best on the market, • The old Williams stand. �t . Igo DOUGLASS 0414,04,12.",".'Qi/t05,12,4 1 Prop. G. N, W. (11fi.ce. A GREAT BARGAIN in Ladies Night Gowns, in plain and fancy Flannelettes, very nicely made;, quite natty in style, they would be coin eonsided splendid value au some places at 75c but our price while they last is 50e, worthmore to xnalze thein up. Fine fluffy all wool I3lankets—direct from the xnakers--as low as $2.75.. Best pure wool stocking yarns all , shades et cut prices. D. M. Gortnceie The Direct Importer; Mr. and tr d Mrs. of B. B uPicker- ing P' it ing are visiting as t to hone of their daughter, Mrs. R. A. ouglass. Mr. and Mrs. C. It . Walker were in Ingersoll this we r, attending the funeral of M. Walks l'e uncle. Mrs. John iTanua IMO; Master Johla Hanna and Master Leslie Young aro i visiting with friends in Hensel'. Mr. and Mrs. J. . Long,i ofW,.ng- , ham, were guests at . S. Robertson's on Sunday.,-Lueh i, w Sentinel, Geo. A. Bisbee 1 s returned homier from his exteuderd'c ,it with friends inn'. Michigan and Mid( sex couixy. ' G. H. Green, of R ssland, B. C. an& Geo. W. Walker, of Gerrie, were Calling' on Wingham frim( on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. . Hoxnuth have es - turned home fron a visit with their daughter, Mrs. G' ' ord, in,Detroit. Robt. Holmes, t o Liberal 0oltclidatiii. in West Huron u - in Winghaxn een. Wednesday and g -e the Tnn s a call. Gus, MoLau Jx n returned house on Tuesday from In tian Bead., N. W. T. He spent the pa t few months in the West. Rev. W. Free spent part of this week visiting wit x relatives at Beams-' vile and Mrs. Fr ed was visiting with friends in Hespie J. J, Walker, member of Torontoes: police force for a umber of years was visiting with his rather James Wacker this week.' He was also visiting with his parents in Ea Watvauosh, John Eurgess Saturday last fr which piece he •soine time. H as r ecovering fro fever.. returned house ori; m Dauphin, Mau., at as been residing for reports Geo. Morrison Ins at tacit i f 0 typhoid. Mrs. H. B. Rlli`,tt retutned home one Saturday, after spending two weeks with relatives t different places he Michigan. Ile sister, Mrs. (t 3 Morris, of Gageto n, Mich, accompanier« her home aixd wil spend a few weeks itlt Wingham. Ingham's popular Shoe Store. IMP DRY Moro trottl,le than sou a to bnan ixm :terry fl oat veld, damp feet, and these roan. fx oi:a shoes, cotigghs. e'.olclw, anflpnettinoniaotte•it with fatal totttits, originate frfanneglect ofthe feet.. Row all important then to wear goat EL3 zrai antra SHOE 'rhos() that krf i, uhf w toranddntxx ,n,,.s out VR iinve, the best. Wear them and 1.rep tceU.. W. J. GREEK ,tilt kinds of DrunIts and 'Valise! +Atop.