HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-10-12, Page 8'n, M. H. MIINDOO A FINE SHOWING OF Dr Gm S We can afford to talk biz,. about our rine showing ai Black and Colored Dress Goods. It represents novel- ties by the score, confined ex - elusively to this store. New St:eptch Home-spuns, Mixtures in larifte, Cheviot, Venetian English 'Tweed Suit- ings, new .Cooling 'T'wills in Black and Blue, 25 pieces special Heavy S t 1 rl for fall and winter; to cie .r the ;Ills rin:List'on is only 10 cents, balance at 25 cents. ,1,eei•.1 Htirrest Thanksgiving services Wt reit. Itliit St. Pat't1'shohnreh on Sunday ;est, The church was artistically decor- ates with grain and other farm produce. Our stock represents the The rector, Rev. W, Lowe, occupied the very latest and most desirable pulpit both morning and evening and the choir furnished special 'nuke. Large congregations were present at both servieee. On Sunday, October 14th, anniversary services will be held in Whitechurch Presbyterian church, Rev. G. Mullan of Fergus will preach at' 10 a. m. and 7 p. m., and Rev. A. McKay. of Luekno at 2.30 p. m. Special collections in aid of the building fund. On the following Munttay evening a tea meeting will be held, 'Sunder 'with W'iui;hain frien'ls trini'tit'[l. • Saba Wait 10;tolkmour`ayni' in• • lug for Gnelph, Laving' Lae slltiluhoned there ou account of person Willis serious illness with typhoid fever. 'We .are pleased to learn that Mr.. Watt is now improving. L#UVRQ11 ,figTA , Bev, Mr. Davidson was inducted as pastor of Varna, and Blake Presbyterian churches on.Tuesday last.. R.w. R. kl;ri bs !reached in the Methodist church tit Wiertou last Sun, day. , Rvv, A, X. 13rown, I QI S y v , of Whitechurch to')k Lis work here. ' Ata 11k'etiug of tio, executive of the Godorioh district Epworth .Leagues at Clinton it was decided to gall a eQrtWn- tion to meet at Clinton Collegiate ea, November There was a Lope congregation at the Presbyterian eh:well on Snhtclay evening. The pastor. Rev. D.Perrie pr.mclied practical seeruou to young nten and his remarks were listened to witli interest, The Salvation ..rmliy will hole! their ;jenioh• jnl,ilee in the baarraeks on Tutes- :tav't '.•h1i1h;; of net week, t1 good time i,: expected, The programme will cense t of hand drills, par -!hell drills, fhicrtiol, rout,*s, solos, deetts, recitations, LIl Ings to It t t e new colors .,t'+. 7 ea served after the programme. Furs and Fur Garments novelties in American and Canadian styles of Fur Jack- ets, Capes, Neck -wear, Gen- tlemen's Fur Coats, Caps, Gantlets. In choosing any of the above goods, you are certain of fashion, long ser- vice and economy in cost, Heady -Made Clothing & Mantles Very large stock of beautiful Fall l Mottling in Suits and Overcoats. The anniversary services of the 13e1- Ready-made Mantles in the most 'grave Presbyterian church will be held fast/iouable styles, special line just on Sunday, October 21st. Rev. J. S. +in,- tnoroughly- tailored ; well lined. in black only, at $5.0U. Henderson, of Hensall, will preach the sermons, On the following Monday evening a tea -meeting and platform Saturday Specials meeting will be held. The Winghanf Presbyterian choir; will furnish the 5 doz, Women's heavy Under- I musical part of the programme. vests, reg. 25e and 30e, to elear at 15e. 50 pairs Women's Fine Shoes, sizes 3, 4 and 7, reg. $2.50, to clear at $1.25. 2.5 doz. Ladies' Fine Cashmere Hose, just in, reg. 40e, Saturday 25c. 15 ends Wool, Brus- sels and Tapestry Carpet, from 10 t.. 20 yard -5 in an end, at special :Peine•,, ire tp early at h. iso `nui N D O'e at1iO80L 1fUs1.1t1.1. • The regular monthly meeting of the School Board was held ou Tuesday even- ing. Membei s present — Chairman Griffin and Messrs. Moore, Kerr, Bell and Abraham. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The Principal's report for the month of September was read as follows:— Dei .. Boys G. Total Avg. •- • 1 2 8 PERSONALS. 4 5 We shall be glad to have contributions to b' this column from any of our readers. If you, have visitors or purpose going away' yourself, i 8 drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. Jadge Doyle, of Goderich, was in town toff Saturday. Miss Newton is visiting friends in Holnaesville. Angus McLeod went to Goderieh on Wednesday. Miss Brown, of Clinton, is a guest at P. Cummins. Mr, Geo. Walker, of Gerrie, was; in town ou Saturday, Jas. Fos, of Brussels, was calling on Winghaln friends on. Wednesday. .' Miss Ethel Williamson, of Ingersoll, is the guest of John. Wilson, V. S. J. B. McLaughlin, of Brussels, was Visiting Winghahn friends this week. Miss May Field, who has been visit- ing friends in London, returned home last week. Hugh McCall, lately of the Goderich Star. was in town Saturday, and gave the Tr.,r:Es a call. Mrs. Jas, Fox and children were visit- ing relatives at Wingham during the p week. --•Brussels Post. `. Davis leaves this morning to spend a week withrolativesand friends in Lon- don, Sinteoe and Iininilton, " Mn. Dinsley and Miss Patterson, of Winghanr, are the guests of btrs. J. Boleti, --Ingersoll Chronicle. lide:'ssra. Jaa. Angus, John McLean and War. Robertson attended the Howick fair in Fordwich on Saturday. Mr. Marshall Bell, of Vancouver,. 1'3. 0., is visiting his relatives and friends in town, after an absence of fire yearn, Eo t. llZelonogh, formerly of Wing. halm and now of Owen Sonnd will take situation in A. 3. Sebat+tian's barber tihop. Mrs. E. W. M0rehoiise and baby Wade has returned to Providence, R, after a couple month's visit with lier p nts, srzf. and Mrs. Geo. Wade. M. Walker has returned froth a sateessfnl trip through Manitoba and the West, where he hod been in the bberesta of t ViTingham furniture factories. Mx'ft. W. t a i '0an and Master W t e waste the gee of Winghant friends front Sat=day till Monday...,.Mr. 'Wesley. Volker and Miss Maggie Sloan spent 14 ,22 36 31 14 28 37 32 24 ' 30 54 43 25 20 45 41 25 .26 51 47 28 28 51 45 31 21 52 46 89 37 7t1 li,•>l 195 207 402 347 Schoot was open 19 days and teachers were all present. Respectfully submitted, A. H. MUSGROVE, Principal. Kerr—Bell—That the Principal's re- port as read be adopted.—Carried. The accounts read were R. H. McKay, glazing, $2.05; R. R. Mooney, work on ehin1ney, $4. Bell—Abraham—That the accounts as read be paid.—Carried. A circular was read from Cooper & Co„ Clinton, giving prices on a number of maps, The Principal reported that he had purchased a good map of the Dominion. Applications were read from the fol- lowing members of the teaching staff for re-engagement for 1901: Misses M. Robertson, Edith Matheson, 0. I'argn- harson, Margaret Vanstone, B. H. Reynolds and Hattie A, Reid. Bell--Moore--'hdt A. H. Musgrove i.e re-engaged as Principal for 1901, at the same salary.—Carried. • Abraham— Kerr— That Misses it, Robertson, Edith Matheson, C. Farqu- harson, Margaret Vanstone, 13. IL 1teyuo1ds and Mattie A. Reid be r'e- engaged as teachers for 1901, salaries to be salve as last year, except where in- crease is due. -Carried. te11--Moore-That Jos. Coad be re- engaged as janitor for 1001 at the same salary. ---Cached. Moore-Kerr—'that the teachers' and officers' salaries for September be paid. e --Carried. Board the adjourned. hetet atnem—In. Lower "%le item, on t)et Aih,,t1n. wife of Robert Lacket•hI'get a soft. M Tmcl n r.TrGStvsuJ•-At the English (•hurclt, r.tieknow, on September 26tH, by Tien, C. C. Owen B. A., Mr. W. .T. Mitchell, f lytli, to )418-1 Adult Grandy, of Lucknow. L.n7-fh--DAmri-•At the Methc,T[ist „therrlt Ge pie, en'lhnr yday, Sept,:Fitli, by Tarr. Ade: Ay Llay assisted ►Vieszirvt: it. Garbutt, obMistw Mag gie D , slaughter of 3dr, SYhn. Done, (ionic.. DJ NO. VANNotcrrAN. TnBt t1T on Sepstember! SOt Vi► . le son of f . c e4 7 M mut Ales. Frank Ira an, aged tl years, 4 months end 20 days., ADAMS. --In Sarni_ on October Iit}1 flub Adams daughter Of Mr. 4, 14. nits, former - 1 , Rain hum as 1'eIre g , 1r l Sitlb vette, A:rnxrtos.--At Hlfrrlalterl, ort lith Mk, Ellett Wilkie. ratio* of the late [#e°. Anti'rsotr, aged so years, THE TIMER„ OCTOBER 2, Vette% Words i bird which reeelves ft scolding * made as miserable and unhappy there- by ea a child would be. To illustrate this Onr Dumb Annuals tells the fol- lowing story: A Massachusetts wolman had a few years aga a beautiful -canary bird which ciao dearly loved and to which she had never spoken an uukiud word in her life, One day the church organist was away, and she stopped atter church to play the organ for the Sunday school. In consequence of this the dinner had to be put off lin hour, and when she got home her good husband was very an- gry, and be spoke to her unkindly. The things were put on, and they sat down In slience at the table, and pres- ently the bird began to chirp at her as it always had to .attraet her attention, To shame her husband for having, spo- ken so she turned to the bird and for the first time in her life spoke to it in a "most violent and angry tone, In less than five Minutes there was a, Mutter- ing in the ease, She sprang to the cage. The bird was dead. Mas. Hendricks.. the wife of the late vice president of the united States. said that she once killed a mocking bird in the same way. It annoyed her; by loud singing, To stop it site spoke in a violent tong and pretended to throw something at it, and within live minutes It was dead. OLITICAL MEETINGS ELECTORS.! Come and hear the questions of the day discussed. It has been arranged by Dr. Macdonald ' through W. H. Keir, ref Brussels, to 1 ave union meetings with L. Dickinson, Esq.. in e coming contest •and t following meetings hay een advertised at which Dr. Macdonald, Mr. Dickinson and others will speak, ETHEL, Itil.onday, Oct. 15th, 'BLUEVALE, Tuesday Oct. 16th. GLEN A N NAN, S cott's School House, Wednes- dcy, Oct. 11,7Va. MORRIS, Town Ilan, Friday, Oct, 19th. Dates for future meetings will be duly givc>t- .A.II the I:metih els will commence at 7.30 p, in. sharp. Ladies are rtlspeotfuliy invited to be present. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. BY Ounrn. Notice to Councillors. We have opened up a cement tile works in Wingha, and will keep on hated a stock of sewer anti culvert pipes, eemeat window sills, arches, bricks, etc. These cement pipes aro being extensivclt' used all over the country, and areivingg better satisfaction than any ether material. By using the best material and workmanship we hope fo have roar trade, If tile are handled carefully .vs repteee broken ones. Works at the Rink. Wing:Mita Cement, Tile and Brick Works. G't7TTEAID GE. Men Wanted to Cut Cord Wood I went men to cut 810 ('Deena of wood this fall and eerie winter on farm arljoinfl,ls ,Toltn Sh.ic Il s twin on. 12th eon., East w,,wnnosh, for which l wilt pay catslt every eyes. Apply at once onthe:.re:i,i f+, MALCOLM 1'I0 tOLS011. FARM FOR SALE, The ant nt•d offers for t, his farm, be- ing north lul .f int 3.n . u•rNs1at1 18, ast Wirsvanew)t. cent • 11 t eros, ttie TO or iels. On the farm area rc It Heir bons+ , bank barn, ihtptl estli)lt•, s}tt rp. n .(1 straw shed. Three Coral wcdts aud, Inning t'oam.. Also to good oie•lta-elor44 pre trogrAll 41111111 fruit. There is about t. s ru of bush mos • maple. There is nood a,l1esoftall wheat s: wit. Thodnrtn is `134 es front 1Ving'anln. 1i'c ntrticulars nth. riit•at.on on the tr , inisc's or to M S. T.INKLA Bog 121, Wifhghnn Cil, AfrrNlo W, Physician, Snr,urotl, rte. , O;Tlr'--ttutlntuald 13fotic,. over Deta; stere, Night veils answered „t til,•otiit:t. it I.l(E t 84 W TTI i4 UNrif.AtAitt.h*u-. wlt4ra14itM. N-1,tht calls ttt l:iutr*•u ileee , or Patti duet en 11, of si' hnel it n,.r• ;hep laic, pestle' 143 aearn, srl.t hlerr:w. T r4.3'S 'TO :900 ,.,0 13148 7014 RESIIILTS RESULTS aro the best test to apply to the ivorlt of any.school and it is on this basis that CANAIRAOUSIN.ESSCOLLECE CHATHAM, QNT, Wishes to bo judged, by the prospective Busi- ness or Shorthand nt lil.. 1n n 1 e rent issue itfithis palmy we gave a list of Fig out of .2 pupils of this 511tool who were !deceit in the months of July and A.tt;;nst of this year. Wo hear give you tho remaining till of the ,., r ATDeGraaf, shorthand teacher Aemo 1311,1. Colt„ Seattle, Waslh, Meed. Aiitlhouse, teacher Sharpe's Bus.. Coll., Berlin, Ont. [Teo. Carroll, teseiter West Side Bus. Coll., Chieneo. Ill, i?i. W,1: ox, bkpt. Win. Gray SC Sons, 011athara, Ont, A. C. Adams, Canada Iron 1furnace Co, lea. lan, Ont, .A.nclnn Toanston, steno B. 0, Dann & Oc,, erralia, Mich. Vennda l4cMiltnptdsn, likitr with Mr, McMaster of ltidgotow 1i, Ont. 1 lorenco MeI onuld, with a 2rnt in Detroit, Mgt,' bl' O'Connor, steno Semple y rrittu•o Co., 1:1ran Rapids, Mieh. 111(1115 Reid With the 6intcoo Canning Co, 14ihucoe, Ont. Ethel Sandison, steno Beane, Houston & Saone, Ohathaut, Oat. Cressy Geer, t teno Stowe Paper Co, Grand Rapids, Micah.l A.11. Grialum, with N Y Life Ins 0o, Toronto, Ont Chs, a Gibson, steno G 12 Match Co, Grand Rapid M eh ccs it. Pot to 1, steno New York Biscuit Co, Grand Rapids, iadlelt. Bello Wae1ls, .dtclgl'tou'2t Canning Co, Ridgo- town. Ont. Addie Ingram, bkpt. Stoeio & Dart, Ridge - town, Ont. Elsie Wnrzburg, steno Houseman & Jones, Gland Rapids. Lich. Minn, Symms, steno Tontine Surety Co, Detroit, Micah. Hattie Nichols, steno Young & Chaffed, Grand Rapid', Mich. Maggie Havfland, steno General Hospital, Sault Fite Marie, Mich. Bertha Hagen, steno Young & Clhaff°, Grand Rapids. Mich. Jennie Ball, steno Siostz Gas Engine 0o, Grand Rapids, Mieb. Elmo Pennock, steno Reynolds Roofing Co., Grand Raeicls, Mich. Maggio Walker, steno Xent Mills, Chatham, Ont.. Wn1.Hagons,bkprAmerican Laundry, Grand Rapids, Mich. Ruby Davids, steno Mr, Durham, blwyer, Grand Rapids, Mich. Rodney Smith, Custom House, Ottawa, Ont. Maggie Howie, steno with a firm in Detroit. Corm Harmer, steno with a firm in Detroit. Margaret Burns, steno G lr Brush Go, Grand Rads, Itd Npiora Pariclh.nell, steno with a limn in Detroit. :Melt Jarvis, steno (temp) Wm. Gray & Sons, Oha, LaliaathBmrafOut,ord, American .Jew ellry Co, Grand Rapids, Mich, AmerieantMar Machinery Co,lGrn3!fl 'Raids,;Michi. No other business school ,,i Canada ncr.per- hnps on th•. continent, is in a better position to do as nhtlelt forits pupils as we are doing. These suecesses are simply the RESTJLTS of the thorough course of training which this school has been giving its pupils during the past 24 years, and which has gamed us the con- Edence of the business public and enables us to 'ranee ninny of our pu ails with the best business houses. What we g;,t we hold. Wltat wo have no* got, we're eft et. Wepay the railway fare of stucl.enty from a tlistence, t ievdr d it does not exceed $8.00. Board for ladies *2,00 per week, for gentlemen Write for one of our catalogues. It also is Al co3111'0101 n of RESULTS, and is believed. to be the !handsomest issued by any business school in Ain e. as. T. McLACHLAN & CO., Chatham, Ont. ITWILL, PAY you to attend the Forest City Business; and Sbt`,rtliaixl College, Lon- don, ,Cut. PratltieaI instruction in practical selrleols. For over fifteen years we have been in touch with young people and their needs, fend the business world and its require:nems. Every frieility n.t command for aiding young people both before and after grad uatiou. Wo are doing superior work; results pr>re it. Send for our Catalogue and College Journal. , J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. ti: 1 Cha ess. e Having completed the disposal of my business to the Ball Bros., I desire to thank the people of Wingharn and vicin- ity for their kind patronage for so many years. The Messrs. Bali, who will continue the business young men of energy, and we believe them to be straight for- ward, l upright business men. I shall be pleased to g nay customers continue to favor the have all them with the patronage ac, - corded me. Mr. Luther Ball who is not entirely a stranger here (having been in my employ as assistant about four rs ago,) has had about ten years experience in the undertaking business, and I .believe bun to be a thoroughly competent un- dertaker, holding a diploma, from all of the embalming colleges. So that in this branch of the business Ig g in tht nl I am leaving 111 tinny place a man competent to give entire satisfaction to those needing his services, and I bespeak for him the confidence and patronage of all those who have been lay customers and the public generally. Your truly, S. G I2A C E Y. ord t Following the above courteous introduction by Mr. Gracey, we beg to assure the public of our intention to con- duct our business on straightfocw.;rd business principles, and thus merit the confidence at the public. Our stock will at all tildes be found up-to-date, and our prices second to none. The de t branch of our business will receive special attention, and those who favor us with their patronage may be assured of courteous treatment and upright dealing. Night calls attended to promptly. Residence—Patrick St., Mr. O-racey's former. residence. Watch for out adv. next week. 5. AGENCY FOR THE MERICAN SELWOVEN WIRE FENCE Fade of Large, Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized. .rues Amply providesforexpansion and contrac-49iH 11Rilas"' tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires . A;l e,a used, Always of uniform quality. all eta nnnot Never goes wrong no matter how "1"" great a strain 26,4CH i JS put upon it. any :za,xcn 11111111111111111111111111 Does not mutt- 1; i> tate, but does t il 1 t•il• ti efficiently turn Ii-I+w ii:i l cattle, t rrli+ttat !!Dears.;tibawee . ..!wtirj.l..q .l...t.rtri. ii.u.ii wrs.K nttlt hogs and pis id r sn.. .f . .....,.a.ia n...ismiii ri t .s,{ ii,. • A1Mt JIG. atikwiYW;woW'uY YlWWY4fwvYleaWYUY7¢wYN.'IdetiatriJN4 :Si Yh' 1L'4rf'lL.f7t4iW6wW..nktiU ((i'l EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED • EY THE MANUFACTURERS. Cali end See it. Can show you how it will save you money. ForSale by MO. CCL GG & CO. 1, 4-11. r.4 nvt 411--11,ts .;se is Wt ,4i 5 -' ---+cal i-s5tu' e t>' 1►,w O+ f PE' l ICS lt't P OT1Os;; ilclhapa thce fittest line of FURNITURE ever seen 111 this town is now on sale, ore. Every piece has something which pecially recommends it. Some will at. Coles Cotten! Boot Corepontid A Ts suatteaSfnlly lilted monthly by over 10.000LAdles. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask. TARO druggist for Cork't Cottoc Root Cotfr- tmitAttonit are clanger'i us. lll 'r ab No.1, $iopet box, No.11, 30 dngroan stronger, til per box. No. 1_br 2. maned en receipt of pried and two 11 -Cent stATYt 9 '1'lin Conk Colnpa»y Windeor Ont. l> r Nos.1 fond 2, .aid arta reeommCnded bye all rarpOTvatbla Druggists tit (Attads. ftnintlfmeti.ffi. Davviis f 1A A. Win low, Conti A Campbell, Drugl;ieta', tract by reason of design, solno by beauty of the wood, some by their utility. All prove well nmade, strong and durable at ' . rat & BUTTON Furnitrtro DLalert null tTiidertalcers. JUST ARfflV New pack of F ned \fegetables Aylmer Brand. Always reliable. ea brands f Why buy the cheap ocathed goods when you can get the old reliable brand of Aylmer Tomatoes, OIIIaCOns,. t• Corn, Peas, Beasts and Pumpkins at the sante price els cheap goods. CANS FOR 26 CENTS. at GRIP IN S y'r l4PPIAryrxt+s- v ,s't rt w3Pt wigs, ` tAlWie a:14-0:' ivl gas`4Wt rr; lrctr: