HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-10-12, Page 617.t"IPP,r
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R. F. ELLIOTT, release nit Asn Thorn= TOR
tICTC,BElt 12, 1900.
prom out. men correspondent.
Catava, geteber 0, 1900.
nee rN'AL inn FOR VOTE, -1,
The z'old-storage tuftnifesto, penned
by Sir Charles Tupper and supplied sine-
ultaueously to a number of the leading,
Tory papers in °dare) aud Quebec, is a
remarkatie cleenin eat in more ways than
o.ue. Sir Charlet; had just completed au
exteuded sta.:aping. tear daring which
be had talked fibiult every imaginable
subject that Was supposed to be of im-
portance to the country or of interest to
the electors, but it any reference to the
question of cold -storage was made at all
it was in the most casual way possible,
and as if the subject was scarcely worth
considering in comparison with such
vital issues as the ulta-Britieh proclivit-
les of Sir Wilfrid Laurier or the resent-
Ilence 62 lingh Jolla McDonald to bis
lamented father.
Having" completed the tour the leaders
held a conclave in Toronto, and in the
seclusion of the Red Parlor at the Queen's
Rotel confessed to one another the utter
failure of their campaign evith its salient
features of racial strife, trade disturb-
ance and opposition to British, preference
Even with the assistauee of a plaster-of-
paris bust of Sir John Macdonald their
chances of 'carrying the country with
ends a policy were Wile r.s calItalleu sky.
to at the eleventh hour a brand new
policy, of which not a hint had been
previously given, is sprung upon the
country, and we are seriously told that
the seven column manifesto in which it
is elaborated is the most important poll-
tieal documeneissued by the party since
Sfr John Maedonald's national policy
pronouncement in 1878, Four -lift] of
this extraordinary production is about
evenly divided between a tirade against
the Governmeut, and an alleged review
of the history of the cold -storage move -
rued, of more than questionable accme
acy, while the balance outlines in a de-
lightful general and indefinite manner,a
volley which so far as it is practicable
and amounts to anything at all offers
nothing more than the present Govern-
ment has been steadily developing dur-
ing the past four years.
The necessitye'of a 'cold storage and
Xast Atlantic transportation system as
complete andperfect as it is possible to
snake it, is not greater to -day than it
was during the eighteen years that the
Tories had every opportunity of estab-
lishing it prior to 1896. The only differ -
*nee in the eituation, and it is aemited-
ly a most important differeace, is that
during the past four years the
gent handling of the agricultural inter-
ests of the country has brought home to
the people &realization of the immense
possibilitiee which exist; in other words
one result ef the progressive work ac-
complished by the Laurier Administra-
tion has been to demonstrate the possi-
bilitiee of the Dominion as the food pro-
vider for the Old County, and having
Blee• ding Piles
•A Prominent BUSitiOSS Man I -satinet to
Min Curs by Rains Dr. Chasa'a
Not a day passas but many people
'volunteer recommendations of Dr..
ChaSe's Ointment as an absolute mire
for every form of plies,
Mr. Jae. Jackson of the Laurie Mpool
ComPanY, St. AleAls des Monts, Que.
!writos:—" 'You may put my name to
amy praise you ean give to Dr. Chase's
()hareem, for it has done me more good
than any medicine 1over used.
"I vas troubled for two years with
that eruel disease, bleeding piles, and
fter using Zr. Chase's Ointment,
tan say I ant entirely rid of It. It Is
treasure to all armoring from plies."
Dr. Chase's ointment is guaranteed
to positively cure any ease of itching,
bleVilizig, or protruding piles. It has
Zevcr yot been known to fell, and eer
%airily will not fall In your eat,
Per many years Bir. Chase's Oita-,
nein has stood alone as the only ab.
tiOlute Una guaranteed cure for pile%
stud !telling Akin diseases; SO tents a
box, at all dealers, +sr rdnianeoti,
3 -bates & Co., Toronto.
rhasoto Syrup of Linseed and
Turpentine has by far the. largest Sale
art any remedy for throat and lung
troubles, 2Z; cents A, bottle.
ereaten the noCeSsity they IWO thawing
lien:selves idly blo to meet the sup-
ply fta• whieh they have meted the de-
mand. The :estuary Ili Content to leave
the Matter ilt the linlide of the men who
luxe evideved eueli excellent resuits
fear Short yearsand is not likely to en-
trust a et:dam:wee of the work to the
tender raereles of theee who did practic-
ally nothing during period nearly five
thaes ee long.
n: neve me eseese watee.
22 any political Dielyins centimes to
have doubts as to Pingli John Maedon-
altrs actual peeitioe in Federal polities
just slow, the eituation should be made
clear by the eieetion of his colleagues iu
the Mauitol a cabinet. Tho reconstruc-
tion of the cabinet consequent on the re-
tirement of Hugh Johnin only tentative,
and is to vontinue ht effect until the first
of January and no longer. Atte Roblin
the new 1.")reznier, holds no portfolio
though as President of the Council lie is
entitled to draw a salary. Should he
draw.the salary however, he would have
to resigu his seat and seek re-eleetion,
Ile does not propose to do so it seems,
but will allow the little matter of pay to
stand in abeyance until the iirst of the
year though his government will doubt-
less see he loses nothing. By that time
the Federal election are expeeted to be
over, and the most prejudiced Tory
sympathizer must see—though whether
he admits it or not is another thing-
-that Hugh John expects defeat and will
thou return to his provincial premier-
ship, Hugh John is "a Tulin of his
word." Re has promised to set things
right in Manitoba, and he is not going
to be so foolish as to break his promise
and lose his official salary .as well—Not
Mr. Gilbert Parker the Canadian
eljst who is in the t hick of the election
campaign, in the Old Country, in the
course of a letter to a New York paper
refers to Lord Salisbury as, "a man
whom the whole world honors as a
statesman of integrity, justice and man-
liuess." Would it bo possible to more
accurately describe in as few . woids the
character of Canada's premier, and the
Position he holds to -day in the estima-
tion of the empire and of the world?
Leaving out the question a handful of
irreconcilable -Conservatives, who would
pick holes hi the character of Archangel
Babriel himself if he should show any
leanings towards liberalism, Sir Wilfrid
Laurier is hold in universal and unquali-
Rea esteem throughout the civilized
world. The integrity which he has held
in all 'natters a policy of national de-
velopment and imperial unity, the
justice witb which ho has dealt equit-
ably with the many contending iuterests
involved in the Governmeut of the
country, and the manliness with which
he has resisted each and every attempt,
whether from within or from without,
to arouse or create sectional orsectarian
strife, have placed him in a position a-
mong the statesmen of the empire which
has never been approached by any col-
onial, and ' seldom_ equalled by an im-
perialleader. To light under such a
chief is to start with the battle More.
than half won, and for Canada to refuse
a renewal of confidence at the present
time to Sir Wilfrid Laurier would be as
inexplicable to the empire as the defeat
of Lord Salisbury would be inexplicable
to the world at large. Neither contin-
gency is within the range of conceivable
The Montreal Star has a clever cer-
toonist, in fact his wit is so keen that it
occasionally inflicts very unkind cuts on
its own friends. One day this week for
example he depteted, Hugh John with
his thumbs stuck in his vest, his hat on
the back of his head, his coat tails flying
and a big club "for Sifton" over his
shoulder, striding along. the road with
all the eSsuratice imaginable, while a
number of unhappy ,looking curs sup -
p bsed to represent the Liberal press, are
snapping at his heels; and is represented
as bserving, "Dear no What .excite -
mutt I1 appear to be causing themes lot
of worry." This conception of the sit -
nation is -marvellously accurate but 28 28
a fatal policy for a Tory paper ta em-
phasis it in this way. Hugh John moat
evidently is full up to the top with an
overweening sense of his own • import-
ance, and he imagines that the Liberal
party is greatly disturbed over his pre -
sone° in the field. Not a bit of it. Is IS
perfeetly true that the supporters of the
Goverment are having lots of furt over
the desperate efforts the Torios are mak-
ing to revivify the influence once exer-
cised by Sir Sohn McDonald, 'by drag-
ging his son once more into the arena,
but as to their being evorried—why bless
the dear man their is nothing to, worry
about; for the Liberals cannot get it in-
to their heads that that Cauadicta oleo
dere aro such duffers as to pay any at-
tontiou to this latest exemphs of a Tolls
inhered veneration for the fetish of
A lltut Case of Asthma
Mrs, George Midden Patinzurville,
Ont.,sey ;—"I feel it mg duty to mama -
mend Dr. Chese'd Syrup of Linseed and
Tarpentine, as 1 had th o Asthma very
bait; could get nothing to do Ind tiny
good. A frie»el of mine persuaded no
to try this remedy, as he had tried it,
and it proved stmeessful, 1 tried it and
it eureeterie, 2 am thankftfl to -day toeay
apt a well woman through the use
of this remedy. T. keep it in the house
an the time, and would not be without
Wealted. the 'DIA roND
DYES, but w induced
by her ficalors to try
auothor make,
A lady writing from a mall town iu
New Branswielt to the proprietors of
Dia:nand Dyes, says:
"Please find enelozea Express Mouey
Order for six packets of Diamond Ayes,
colors as meutioned below. I have been
a user of Diamead. Dyes, for over five
years, aid they have given Me satis-
faction. ee, few weeks ago our zuer-
chant was out of a color I waded itt the
Diamond. Dyes and strongly recent -
mended another luake lio was eellinge
bought the packet with ninny doubts
tea to their -worth: 1 inado an effort to
dye au old cream colored. opera Shawl
with the new dye. The ghastly result
almost drove me mad. There was not a
semblance ofany (bolded color, Now
1 ani obliged to dye it black, and will
do the Work With the Diamond. Dyes,
No more poor muddy dyes for Mo while
I can send to yon for the del reliable
Diamond Dyes.
Intended for last weak.
Column met in Town Hall, Tees%
on Sept e4th, 1800, as per neotiou o
join -amain; enembersalt presout;
reeve iu the chair; minutes of sp
martin were read and sustained.
Scott---Jarvis—That a grant of
given to dig a ditch ou side of road
8 and 9 opposite lots 1 and 2, and
Martin, Meyer be appointed by this c
ell to expend the seene—Carried.
Scott—Jarvis—That as the reeve
read a communication from the To
ship Engineer, re the McDonald cl
eon 15, we respectfully submit for
Engineer's consider.ation:—
(1) That this council did not apply
an outlet for surplus water,
(2) We cannot see how if an ou
could be obtained as now proposed, t
the Engineer should, put the Towns
to the expense of putting iu a oulv
and digging a ditch across the read
(3) Section 22 of the D and W
states that an appeal can be made wi
in fifteen clays of the filling of the
ward and section 24 states that after
lapse of time mentioned the award sh
be valid and binding etc., and as th
was no appeal the awarcl is now bi
(4) That as the reeve states that
belief is that the natural course of t
water is through a culveat put in by t
pathmaster not very far from the 14
and 15th concessions road allowance a
he would. have reoommencled an appe
if taken as now proposed especially
the ditch is lower than the water in t
creek and Mr. McDonald requested hi
in the presence of Councillor Jarvis
have the ditch completed as per awa
so as to give him sufficient outlet. W
therefore again request James Marsha
Township Engineer, to have the dite
known as the McDonald ditch, con 1
completed through lot 25, con 15 as p
award deposited with township clerk.
Carried. •
McKague— Jarvis — That councillo
Meyer procure material for building
sidewalk and crossing in the village o
Formosa; Carricri to do their share.
Scott--4arvis—That as the Engineer'
a Ward states that the nennicipality shal
commence at the termination of Weath
erly poition, McDonald ditch, at. stake
14 and .dig 4.79. chains and Mr. Grier
states there are 6.79 chains, that Mr.
Grier be now paid for 4.79 chains as Per
award and the ,reeve and clerk are here-
by authorized to issue a chequefor the
balance if found to beenore.—Carriecl.
•Moltague—ltleyer — That the Clerk
prepare a by-law enforcing alt unpaid
taxes in each and every year not paid on
the 14th day of December 1900; that 5
per cent will be added after that date,
and that the collector shall have all taxes
collected before the end of the year,—
Scott—Meyer—That by-law No. 34 be-
ing,a, by-law for disposing of the thnber
on 9th concession be now read, passed
signed and sealetta—Carried.
Scott—Meyer—That all tenders for
timber on the.5th side roattcon 9, bead -
deemed to the clerk and marked tender
and the same be unopened anal next
council meeting.—Carried.
Jarvis—Moltagite—That a grant of
twenty dollars be made to be spent, on
eou A, opposite, lots 15 and Itt, and that
Martin Meyers be appointed to have the
same expendect—Carried.
Scott—Itleyer--That by-law No. 85 bo
now teed, passed, signed and sealed. --
Jarvis—Meyer—That by-law No. 37
being a by-law for the purpose of levy-
ing school money, to now read, passed,
signed and sealed.—Carvied,
Meyer—jarvis—That the Colleetor's
bond be handed to the Treasurer for safe
f ad -
25 bo
elm -
un -
vexeleoe iterate'.
Mr. Erin, gravel, Tiernbetry to pay
hrod,;42.40; M. Pringle, gravel, 0.12;
M. SchresteI, for gravel Culrose share,
51 cents; John Ileching,repairing advert
-Opposite lots 25 and Xi aix gEth sideroad,
$1,00; John Armstrong, putting in eons
erete pipe aerates gravel mid, hits 15 and
la eon 2 and 10, $1.50; Robert Giant,
repairing approach of bridge kite 15 did
1(1, con 13 and 14, i$5.00t A, Priebarget,
vatting bridge boientlatee ,of Calraes
and Greened: lin .(Irceil0011 to. pay
0.).CI,I; allies Whitman, groxed,
Munteipality of Oarviele use -of
lead ga ader 1 ' day, fee,00; 1, Nary,
gravel, 01.00; Jam*'s Dutton gravel, $5.-
92; letevicipal World, tediecters roll, 30
sheets, $1.45; jellies Thompson, work
on ditch and culvert coma mid 13 op-
posite lots
20 and 'al, $4,50; Ileary Hain-
enby, gravel, $1.20; David Steel, wad
medithe g days in beat e9, eel,e0;Wui
Grime Cillos portion of ,Aaltell ditch
part payment, *13.:101 Geo. Greuache,
drawing 1 load concretepp2u,e3,50,
Meyer—Melrenguea-That the fitamee
report as. just read bo adopted mid
elle:nes issued in payment of the same.
Seett—MeICegue—That this
do now adjourn to meet again Monday
Nov, I WI, in the Tom' iU,Teoswater,
at 10 o'eloejz a, in.
Om.Beereox, Clerk,
Good News For our Iteaders
Who have scrofula taints in their blood,
and who has not? fecrofula in all its
forms is cured by Hooa's Sarsaparilla,
which thoroughly purifies the blood.
Thta disease, which frequently appears in
childreu, is greatly to be dreaded.. It is
most likes, to affect the glands • of the
ueck, which become calmed, ernptione
appear on the head and face, and the
eyes are frequently aireeted, Upon its
first appearance, perhaps in slight camp-
tfous or pimples, scrofula should be
entirely eradicated from the system by
a through course of Hood's Sarsaparilla
to prevent all the painful and siekedug
consequences of running scrofele, sores
which drilla the system, sap the strength
and make existence utterly wretobed.
Where the Man Rules.
The uew German civil code contains
some amusing clauses concerning the
management of the kousehold. in cases
of dissension between man and wife it is
the husband who has the absolute right
to fix the hours of meals, their compostticm, the order of the service and the
umber of servants, The code also deals
with the right to open letters, whicls it
declares belongs exclusively to the man.
—"Le Soir," Paris.
A Mania for Operations
Most physicians are anxious to try the
eurgeon's knife and recommend an
operation for piles. A less creel, less
expensive and less riskey method is the
use of DraChase's Ointment, a prepar-
ation that has never yet been known to
fail to cure piles no matter of what form
or of however long standing. Don't
think of risking an operation when you
can be cured in your own home by the
use of Dr. Chas's Ointment Th
physicians use it in their practice.
Children Ory for
Another Mystery.
"I have never yet" she said "heard of
an•elepement that turned out for the
"Then" ho answered, "1 suppose you
would never consent to elope for, Of
course, you WO
ulcl not wish to rush in-
to unhappiness vvibli your eyes open."
"'Well" she murmured you know it is
always the exception that proves the
rule." ' •
A. Clo my
Made Bright, and Health and Vigela, Re..
stored by the Use of Dr. Chases Nerve
Headache, backache, sleeplessness,
despondency, and Irregularities are the
result of an exhausted condition of the
body and nervous system..
No treatment was ever so efficacious
In restoring. health, strength, vigour,
and vitality as Dr. Chase' S Nerve
Food, the great blood builder.
Mrs. J. M. Bradley, 100 Jane street,
OttaWa, states;--" For several years
have been gradually running down itt
health. I , became nervous and weak,
and worried greatly over my fIlture,
" Hearing of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
and the wonderful results' it has ac--
COMPlished in ethers, 1 obtained a box
and began using it as directed. e be-
gan to improve immediately, and am
now restored to full health and vigour,
" Dr, Chase's Nerve cod is an ex-
cellent remedy, and I can recommend
It to all who are weaz nervous, or Min
down in health."
. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, the world's.
greatest blood builder and nerve re.
atorative, 50 emits a box, at ail dealers
or Edrnanson Bates and Co., 'r...00nto.
A neat carriage thi
e that snakes tiding
on all roads a pleasure—ecouomical, too,
for it dem; away With the vibration that
shekes Ana breaks the carriages,
A Y-shaped space between the
rubber tiro mid the steel flange
prevents the creeping and cut.
ting which other tires are sub -
ex to, See the exhibit at the
big fairs,
Send at once for Free Tire Catalogue,
giving prices of all sizes,
Dunlop Tire Co.,
TORONTO, laumn.
Witofreno. /,,f0sPetutAL,
serviced lit
11 a in and 7 p an, Sunday Maxi at
2,11 p. ie. General prayer eneetieg
oxx WeaneEday evenings. Rev. W.
Vrecal purger. W. J. Chapman, S. 5,
.1).leernoneet thanton—Sablettli :services
, at 11 a nt mei 7 p itt. Sunday Seined at
2:80 p in. Epworth League every Mon- •
day evening, General prayer meeting
Weduesdtly evoulags. R v, Richard.
Hobbs, pastor. Dr, Tender, S. S. ehre-
Paesurriatrax Outtiton—Sabbath ser -
view at 11 a an and 7 p in. Sunday
Seheol 1211 e ii0 p General prayer
meeting021 Wednesday eveuiugs. Rey,
1), Ferric, pastor aud 5. 5. Superinteli-
Paters's Onttacie, Itenseozer.—Eatb-
bath sondem at 11 as in aud 7 p in. Sun-
day School at 2:30p ut. Nonoral prayer
meeting on Wednesday ()voltage Rev.
Win. Lowe,. ineurebeut, F. Shore, S. S.
CoxenigoegioNea GITURCIL---Sabbilth
services a11 a nx dila 7 p ni. Sunday
School at 12 in. Midweek meeting:on
Weduesffiy .evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavin
Wileon, S.S. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor,
ROMAN Clamor= Cuonoix — Every
fourth Sunday. Mass at 10:80 a in, ser-
mou and benediction at 7 p ni, Rev.
P., McMenamin, 'P. P.
Saleveanex ,A.lim.Y—Saviee at 7 and 11
a la and 8 and 8 p 211 011 Betides*, and
every evening daring the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks. •
—Meetings as follows: 5. S. at 2.30 p.
in. Fellowship at 4 p, 311., and evan-
gelistic at 8 p, in,, every Sunday in
Ritehle's Hall, Victoria St.
POST OPPIOE—In Macdopald
Office hour e from 8 a ni to 6;8v p 321,
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
letatataxpes' INSTITUTE—Library and
free reading room in the Town Hall,
will be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:45 o'cleek and every evening from 7 th
930 o'clock. Miss Millie Roberteou,
TowN Couxote—Wne Clegg, Mayor;
Wm. Holmes, H. 0. Bell. 3. H. Chis-
holm, G. A, Newton, Rolland Beattie,
Geo. McKenzie, .Councillors ; 3. B. For-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel
Youhill, Assessor; Win. Robertson, Col-
lector, Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each month, nt 8 o'clock.
.souoor, BoarED.—C, N. Griffin, (chair-
man), Thos. Abraham, H. G, Leo, J. 3.
Hamada Wm. Moore, H. Kerr, Thos.
Bell, Wm. Button. Secretary,
Robertson; Treasurer, J. 13. Perguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Oornyn, Miss Vaustono, Miss Matheson.
and Miss Reki,
Boum) or HEALTII—Mayor Clegg,
(chairman), C. 3. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Kenndy, 3. B. Ferguson, Soe-
retary, ; Dr. Towler, Medical Health
Two Coat
Two Pant
• Queen's Block,
Caveats and Trade•Marki obtainecl. and all paten:
business conducted for MODERATE PEEN. Aty
office isin the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office,
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model, skotch or photograph of invention, wit%
description and statement as tdadvabtagea claimed.
bliP-,?to charge is made for an opinion as to
patentairiiiith and my fee for prosecuting the
application tuf/L nob be vatted for until.- the
peter* :it allowed. "Itanteroes' Guinn," con.
taining 201 inforthation :ant free. An 2021111111110
ratious Considered as Strictly Confidential,
y wAsnrogovoy. n.
50 YEA ns,
COPV21214T2 &a. t
Aftsforie sending it sketch and description refe'
quickly ascertain our opinion free wilethet an
invention is ptohnbly pnttitithblo. Comtnttnian.
Winn Atrial cOngtiontia Handbook on Yawata
50011r/20. °Mot agency for securingpatents,
Patents taken throtigh Munn Zo co, receive
apediat %aim, WithOtth charge, 10 the
cientific ilittericaft.
A handeannely Illuotrated weekly. Largeattir-`
cabals/I of any neleattfict icurnal. Terms, 8a
Year; 120,1 poritiat, 51. 0014 by all,Z0M4(Italor2,
MUNN •et Co.lommadwtv. Pia Yr
ur.ndli Woo. 585 P 8A.tVectiolien.11.0.
zw.t9.4-41,18:fai.1) 1872.
1111E tiriVilIM TINES.
The Thus Oilleet Deaver Mock
WINtilIAM, 01.Tnl2o,
Tpuras or FT IMO vt.r 112010111 In
131.5.0 if not paid. NI, imp" tx,„lh11,
tinucti till ail 111 1(1(11 are rit:cl, eivetlit at the
option MI the publirimi••
AliViiiertsm.;* Tlval tool other
vostut 1 ittivti'iist 11'())2ti. 'l' 20 r N(41))111710 1111, for
fast fit:eat:tee :a per nue fur elaa ewer qUeat
53 Ivor t!stments in Meal eolunins pre ilarfwa
10 0:4. 11110 tor frst insertion. end ;icons
per line fire melt sat (nava imerlion.
Advert isements or Lost, Voinid, Ptraved,
Fiona; for Salt or to Ili nt,,spd it; miler, OM fr
ilt St month and Ali 1 Ms l'or thelt scostlittexili
I12'215--Thr,fo0lowingtobie Nbows
our rates for the 11(121 111.31 of ialVetilrenients
for rilyrifivil ;nu lofts :—
RPM' 1 vit. n*0. 11.210, 1 Aro,
Ono C'ttittmi ..... „ ...4170.00 *2,00 1100 ;$6.00
Halt Column. ..... • 1:1011 MOO 10,00 4.00
gnarl.? vohono 10.00 10,00 0,00 i4.00
Advertistment': whin Alt 81)0(4.00 1is, etiORIS
Wili 1Mi1ISPrt4 (1 tilI 101.1):(1. n5i 011.1141111 aceord-
ingly. Transii tatvertisements 221201 be paid
for in advmee.
"Tau 3011 Dee.8Terelteree 1 4/ °eked with an
e*steasive assortment of 011Yequisit foryrint.
log, ;am ding' &Oldies not equalled m the
county lin 11J03( out first t s o ork. Large
type tout impropriate eats for all styl114 of Post-
ers,.Ihnal and the latest styles of
choice hawy type or the fmer classes ofprint,
Proprietor told Publisher,
Capital. $2,000,000. Rest, $1,284,120
Pres-lee:at—sons- see:area
. Vice•President—A, G. Rors..4.Y.
John Proctor, Geo. Tioneh. Wm. ((ibson, 21.3?.,
A. T. 'Wood, M. P., A, l3. Lee (Toronto).
Casbier—J. TURNBULL.
Savings Bank—Norms 10 to 8; fhttuydaY,
to 1. Deposita of 01 and upwards recetved and
interest allowcd.
Special Deposits also received tit current
rates of interest.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United.
States Bought and sold.
Travellers are notMed that the Ben]( of Rain
initon and its Brooches issue Circular Bates o
National Provincial Bank of Enulartd, Limited,
whieh can be combed without charge or 511.011-.
ble in any part of the world, •
B. L. IDIOH2NSON, Solicitor,
Amon AM.
General Banking Business transacted.
Money advanced to farmers and business men.
on endorsed notes and collateral.
Farmers' Sale Notes. Cashed ).
Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of
Canada and the United States.
Wetes and accounts collected on reasonable
T 1 1'51112Y, M. i.. M. C. P. S. 0
e -P • (Member of the British Medical As(ocia-
tion.) Gold Medallist • in Medicine. Speciali
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
ren. °Rice hours -1 to 1 p. in.; 7 to p. m.,
entre Street
Winglann, • Ontario..
..*1 •
Private and Company frinds to lotm, at lowest
rate of interest. No commission:charged. Mort—
gages, town and farm property bought and',
sold. Moe, Beaver Bieck, Witigham.
Winghain, Ont.
Solicitor to Bankof Barnilton. Mtheytoloan.,
OMee—Meyor Block, Winglinm,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Mee
over Post 013Ioo, Winghtlul.
V v
Special attention to the care and regnlation
of children's teeth. Moderate Prices, and all
work carefully and skilfully performed. &dee
in Beaver Blockl Wingintm.
At Gorrie every Monday. •
Winghata, Ont.
for the County of Huron, Sales attended
1111y part of the County. Charges moderate.
J01111 CURRIE, WitronAm, Onx.
Sales of Vann Stock and 1101121 /raplernents a
Ail orders left at Tnia Trams office promptly•
attended to. Terms reasonable.
0 n th, Camp Caledonia, No. 40, meets
Os tirst and third Monday in
every month, In the 49cldfel1ows Hall, Visiting •
brethreurvelcome. 12. &el:waits!, Chief ;
Elliott, Rec.- Sec.
ineluding Books, Painphlet, Priqters, Bill
Heads, Circulars, (1c.,&., executed 111 the hest
style of the art, at moderato prices, and on
short notice.
fare pleased. to announce
that any Books or labgazines left Ninth tit; for
Binding, will have our prompt attention
Priem for Binding in any style will be RiV011 021
2114211.01122032 20
vIry zuns opnon,
Grum) TBEElt IlAxrAvAl* SYSTEM.
TItAINS L1141vn von
Palmerston0,173 8,55a.rn,
London ..aro non—. 0.26p.fn.
Hincardie..11,10 a.m.., 8.2u pea.... 8.08p,rn.
Xineardine a.m.. 8.05 a.m.... 8.i5 D.711.
1,3(12(D)11 11,10 7.11213.211
Palmerston., 2.45 p.m. . 8.88 p.m
J. II. IIORDON, Agent, Winglunn.
J VItAT213 I.EXV1.1 1?0/t
l'oroittu 211(1 East...". • f3.ni MP() P.m -
A1t21411 D5014I
Tt,r7tiVtttOr 0.12(15,211 13 Dam
Turcuto and East . 1 (33p.M.
J. ir.BEDIniz, ,A gent, Viriuglieni,