HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-10-12, Page 5'it11I,, WINU1IAM TIMES, OCTOBER 12, 1900,
Olir Nigger '' ead
Tweet( suits for hien aro attracting lots of attention Take an Eng`
Usti black nigger head tweed, make it up with double breasted
coat, put in good linings and trimmings, and you have a suit that
always has a good appearance and wears splendidly, in order to
put these sults within the reach of all we have marked] then, at
and of course you know it is no trouble for its tc, show you what
we have.
Soon bo time for heavier underwear. As usual we have bought
the best line money could possibly btiy to sell at
Nice fleece -lined goods, always a pleasure to wear them—never irritate
your skin or your temper.
IR, a_ GI-Q:1Ra: CD:1T
General Store, Button Block.
7M! WM
Having re -purchased our old stand,
we are now prepared to supply the pub-
lic with Woocl and Iron Force and Lift
Pumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders. Gal-
vanized iron Tubing, Cisterns, Water
Troughs, Sinks, Baths, Pipe Fitting,
Well Digging and everything iu con-
nection with water supplies.
Galvanized Steel Windmills for power
and pumping water.
We can do our work cheaper than
others in the business as we have the
steam power.
Repairing promptly attended to. We
also do well digging and drilling.
work is thoroughly of e
Give us a call.
Pants and
of the very latest material
and . cut can be had at
Robt. Maxwell's at lowest
possible prices.
Fancy Worsted Suit-
ings are taking the lead
this season.
See our new goods.
1V'hut •Wictoawalt;e memos Correspondents Comr umnate ---• Other
Items Clipped From Our. g :clrnn;os,
Tho people of Fordyce, wholravo
'itherto only had a tri -weekly mail
service from Whitechurch, will be glad
to know that Mr. Holmes, M. P., has
secured for thein a motels better and up•
to -date service, Fordyce has been added
to the Lucl.inow, St. Helens and Belfast
route, and as soon as the necessary ar-
rangements can be made, will have a
daily service. This is a decided improve-
meat, which o people will no doubt
The Methodist people of Brick church
purpose giving an up-to-date fowl sup-
per on Thanksgiving eve,, Oct. 18th.
Supper will be served from 5 o'clock to
8. After which will be rendered an ex-
cellent programme of music, singing and
recitations. Also three sublime speak-
ers aro being secured for the occasion.
Admiseicn 13 and'' e5 ets.
Woodstock, m)va:l here this week,
and will live iu one of Mr, Joseph
Leech's houses, which has been repaired
repaired and improved. _for them, liar,
Warder will massage the grist mill whioli
is now under Mr.Leech's control, Mr.
Warder was formerly a 131uovttle boy.
Rev, D. ilogrs commenced evangelis-
tic services at the Bbeoeeer appointment
on Sabbath last,
Rev. W. J. West, M. A., and Mrs.
West, spent Friday last in Belgrave.
Cluistian. Brinker is visiting at C.tr-
souvillo, Michigan,
Mrs. Somerville is visiting in Detroit
at presout.
Miss McEwen and Miss Smith, of
Monkton, were visiting at Robert Mc-
Pherson's, this week and last.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gardiner. visited
over Sunday at their daughters', Mrs.
Frederick McCracken, of Brussels.
Mrs. Pilkio and Buohanau, of Wex-
ford, visited this week with tho fortn-
er's sisters, Mrs. James Messer of Morris -
bank:, and Mrs. Win. Messer, of Bine-
Mrs. Andrew Holmes has been iu poor
health of late.
John Hall is having his house newly
sided and has put a 'new stone, founda-
tion under it.
Edgar. Coultes, of Ripley, spent Sun-
day et his house here.
Goo. McPherson, of Paisley, is visit-
ing at Robert McPherson's:
Miss Eliza Messer returned home from
Ypsilanti on Saturday last.
manse -ALE. • Miss Annie Rutherford is house from
Owing to special Forester's service Toronto for a rest as site is in poor
next Sunday at 11 a.m. in Presbyterian health.
church the service will be withdrawn in ; Inspector Robb visited our school ou
the Methodist church, but Rev. Theo.
Hall, of Wingham will conduct service
p.m. in the Methodist church.
As the result of the recent visit of
John Torrance, of Listowel, Organizer
for the Canadian Order of Foresters,
eighteen young men have joiued Court stock of general goods. The doctor has
Douglas, and four more will join next not yet decided where ho will locate.
'Ho has sold
Gannet t.
Six good dog have died in the village
in a few weeks' from. a very bad type of
distemper, and in Wingham many dogs
have died, some iu spite of vaterivary
According to a ver.; prevalent super.
stitioir a second growth' or crop, in one
•season, of flowers or fruit, is a sign of
death to some member of tbu family to
where they belong. If all the second
growth raspberries, strawberries and
roses in Huron this fall; will do what is
expected of them there will be some fat
churchyards whether we have a green
Christmas or not. But "we don't know
'ow •it is" people are not nearly so afraid
of the fruit as they are of the flowers..
Jackets and
A Thousand Tongues
Coelcl not express the rapt -aro of Annie
E. Spring: t r, of Philadelphia, Pa., when
Dr. King's New Discovery cured her of
a L• aching cough that for many years had
made her life a burdens. She says:
"After all other remedies and doctors
failed., it scon removed the pain in nay
chest and I can now sleep soundly some-
thing I can scarcely remember doing
before.. I feel like soeudiug its praises
throughout the Universe." Dr. King's
New Discovery is gu.arantecd to cure all
troubles of the Throat, Chest or Lungs.
Price e0e and x;1.00, Trial bottles free at
Coin A. Campbell's drug store..
High Art Tailor, Wingham.
We regret to learn that two good
citizens are about to remove from
vilivage-, Dr. C. A. Toole and Robert
Caseurore. Mr. Casemore intends going
to Newbridgo, where he has purchased a
night of meeting; a very good record in-
deed, fur about four days' work. ,The
membership of Courttglas is now
one hundred and five.
The Chosen Friends another benevo-
lent society, represented in our village is
also growing.
Court Douglas, Canadian Order of
Foresters will attend Divine service in
the Presbyterian church, next • Sabltth
morning at eleven o'clock, when Rev.
W. 3: West, M. A., will preach.
Miss Jessie Gannett, of Wingham,
visited her graudmother, Mrs. J. Mess-
, last week.
William Duncan, son of the late Wil-
liam Duncan, of Bluevale, died iu Low-
er Wingham,on Sunday, September 30th,
and was buried in the Wiugham ceme-
tery, on Tuesday of last week. Mr.
Duncan had been working iu Lower
Wingh. i and was forty-five years of
is what makes "hoss racin'," said Pudden-head Wilson. There
cannot be a difference of opinion as to the value of
They are thoroughly reliable and sold with a positive
guarantee. Don't be "handicapped" by carrying any old
thing for a time piece.
Buy a watch from Patterson and be on time.
Stone 'Block, next Door to Clegg's Hardware.
ew Fall Goods
Having just opened up our new stock of Fall Goods, we
quote a few bargains.
In Fall Dress Goods we show a full range of Plaids,
Houle-Spuns, Tweeds and Ladies' Cloth Suitings, ranging
from 4oc per yard and upwards. 'See our new
Ladies' JcLets
in Black, Fawn and Blue Colors.
Perfect fits at $5.00 and up. �Jackets,Capes,
Also a full stock of Fur Goods in Ladies' .,�
Muffs and Ruffs at prices to suit the purchaser. See these
goods before purchasing elsewhere,
See our special value in Blankets ; 40
Blankets at $1.65 per pair and up. Also al full
Wool Blankets at. $4.00 per pair and upward.
A full stock of yarns always on hand.
George Nicholson, of Wingham, was
C, last week. He intends
ng into tr house in Wroxeter, which
he purchased recently from S. B. Mc-
Kelvie. Mrs. Nicholson, her friends in
Turuberry will be sorry to, learn, is not
improving any. et, is quite helpless
with rheumatism.
A. McEwen, as principal, and Miss
Jean Black as assistant of our school are
both re-engaged for 1901.
A great many fields of turnips in this
district have been very much eateu by
an insect which loves turnips even as we
like fruit cake, and, as a consequence the
uneaten portions are rotting, so that,
passing a turnip field, even a long way
off, or sitting beneath ones' vine and fig
tree, so to speak, the wind brings au ex-
ceedingly disagreeable smell. Sonte are
of opinion that disease may arise there•
from. In the Old Country the law re-
quires that such turnips shallbe destroy-
ed,butiu Canada we do not know wheth-
er there is a law providing for such a
ease or not.
A largo number from this neighbor-
hood attended Brussels Fair on Friday
last. Brussels alwaysholds a good show
better than some larger places do. Their
weather this year was brilliant.
Mr. Joseph Warder and family, of
is attractive home to John
Latest New York styles,
To A
pairs Union
stock of A11-
" To 93e or
/ot to 93eo"
7'hai is the qustfon that concerns every
mortal: gohether it is better to be half ill,
nervous, 'worn out, or to be self, strong,
cheerful and useful. The latter condition
quill be yours if you take Hood's Sarsapa.
rilla, America's Greatest Etf od 1Gledicine,—
there is nothing equal to 11.
After a Cold —"1 vas completely
run detun by a catch My son persuaded
me to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and after
the use of save bottles 1 found 1 'was
getting an appetite. When I had taken
three bottles Ives cured," L P. Ferns,
/12 Champlain Street, Montreal, Can.
• Astounded The Editor.
Editor S. A. Brown, of Bennettsville,
S. C., was once iilnuensely surprised.
"Through long suffering from dyspep-
sia," he writes, "my wife was greatly
rue down. She had no strength or
vigor and suffered great distress from
her stomach, but she tried Electric
Bitters which helped her at once, and
after using four bottles, she is entirely,
well, can eat anything. It's a grand
tonic, and its gentle laxative qualities
are splendid for torpid liver." For In-
digestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach
and Liver troubles it's a positive, • guar-.
anteed cure. Only 50c at Colin A. Camp-
bell's drug store.
g�% j
Neer b,i$ ,bport,t,
We have just opened up a large .shipment of the
latest styles in Ladies', Misses' and Chrildren's Coats.
Prices as low as the lowest,
ress a ries
. New Dress Goods for present wear at rut
We are showing the latest effects in Homespun '•lilt•
ings, Ladies' Cloth Serges, Plaids, Cashrheres, etc.
Every lady should see our stock before making her
New Gloves, New Hosiery', New Un-
derwear, New Corsets, new Blouses, new Skirts,
new patterns in Prints and Wrapper Cloths, new
Lace Curtains, New BOOTS and SHOES.
Everything new and up-to-date at the New Store.
Matches 10c '
10 Bars Laundry Soap25c
Corn Starch. 05e
Tapioca 05c
Sago 05e
Household Ammonia 10e
Swiss Breakf•tst Food 15e
Tomato Catsup 10c
Fresh Salmon l0c
Large Tin Sardines 10e
Kippered Herring10c
Bird Seed 00e
Laundry Starch 05c
Choice Japan Tea.. 20e
Choice Pickles... - .... , 15e j Toilet Soap, box
Our motto—Small profits and quick returns.
Opp. Bank of Hamilton.
Miss Teeny McKay, of Whitechurch
was the guest of Miss M. Gray last week.
Mrs. Hinter, who has been visiting
her niece, Miss Bessie Carruthers. re-
turned] to lies home in Ayr last week.
It Girdles The Globe.
The fame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
as the best in the world, extends round
the earth. It's the one perfect healer of
Cuts, Corns, Berns, Bruises, Scalds,
Boils, Ulsers, Felons, Aches, Pains and
all Skin Eruptions. Only infallible Pile
cure. 25c a box at Colin A. Campbell's
drug store.
Maggie Walsh is visiting friends in
Toronto at present.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith, visited friends
at Molesworth, last Sunday.
Harvey, son of Mr. John Cutt, is on
the sick list; Harvey is not improving as
rapidly as his many friends wish.
Miss Bessie Wright has gone to Blue -
vale to assist Mrs. Bailey in the dress-
making; we wish her success.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunlop visited
friends in Gorrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Shaw entertained
a number of the young people last Wed-
nesday' evening.
Mrs. Thomas Stokes is able to be a-
round again after her long seige of i11
mess. -
Misses Greenaway and Galloway have
returned after spending some time with
their friend Miss Rose Wheeler.
Miss Eliza Smith spent a few days
with her friend Mrs. Hamilton.
Miss Caldwell has returned to her
home iu Paisley.
A child of Mr. Robert Cutt of Gocle-
rich accidentally fell down stairs, severe-
ly injuring his back. Mr, Cutt will be
remembered by his many friends as he
he was once a resident of Grey.
The W. F. M. S. of Knox church, Bel -
grave, held their anneal Thanksgiving
meeting on Friday of last week. Tho
church was tastefully decorated with
plants and cut flowers, Mrs. (Rev.) Hall,
of the society presided over the meeting.
Miss A. Cline of Wingham, delighted
the audience with two excellent solos,
Miss Ross acting as her accompanist,
Mrs. J. L. Geddes, Misses Morrison and
Porterfield of Belgrave and Miss Camp•
bell, of Riversdale, sang a quartette, a
trio by Mabel Geddes, Tessie Halliday
and Rhoda Bell was also very much ap-
preciated Miss G. Anderson presided
at the organ. The principal feature of
the afternoon was an address by Miss
chase, B A., returned missionary from
di Chase gave a very graphic
description of the work carried ou in
India, closing with atvery touching ap-
peal to the workers in the homeland.
Mrs. (Rev.) Brown andvlrs. Jas. Wight -
man took part in the devotional exorcise,
tea was
i lesion of E
Atthocoic „
served in the basement and all seemed to
fully enjoy the social part. The eollee-
tion mounted to nearly i10.00.
Ohi d, .,
rei Cry fo
_......--..- ,.
killed by lightning, $65; A. Butchart„
application forms, y12.—Carried.
McDonald—Ballagh—That the claim
of Wesley Boyle for lamb supposed to ba
killed by lightniug be not paid, as he
has not complied with the conditions of
his policy.—Carried.
Donaldson — Ballagh — That hay*inn
carefully examined the applications tak-
en by the different agents .and fiat theta
Satisfactory, the President and secretary
issue policies for the same.—Carried.
Set -t--D)naldson—That this Board do
now aojouru to greet again on the last
Saturday in October at the usual time
and plane or. at the call of the President.
D. McINTosu, Secretary.
For the second time thio jury has die•
agreed in the Stirton•Gunnner case at
The executors of a fernier will of the
late Joseph Sifton have issued a writ
Soebing to sot aside tho ono made the
night previous to his death in favor of
Mary MeI.+"arlane, on the grounds that it
is a forgery.
A Poor Millionaire
Lately starved in London because he
could not digest his food. Early use of
Dr. King's New Life Pills would have
saved him. They stye gthen the stomach
aid digestion, promoteassimilation, lm -
appetite. Price 25 cis. Money
back if not satisfied, acid by Colin A.
Campbell, druggist,
The directors of the Cairose Mattel
Fire Insurance Co. met lathe tows] hall,
Teeswater, on September 20th. All
members present and the President in
the chair. Minutes of previous meeting
wore read., approved and signed.
Seott*Mcnounld---That all rtplilrr ;
tions for insurance teh`m by the differ-
ent agents be laid before the board] 'ki'
exa1 t•inatiou.--Carried.
hold—xylenol aid—That the folldlwing
accounts be paid: ---War, Mitchell, cow
ill 1. b 11 1 thin $35; .Iblin Goy colt
The death of George Lemmas took
place in Port Hurou on Sept. 26. Some
years ago he was a resident of Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Spoariu, of Blau -
shard, returned last Friday from au ex-
tended visit in Manitoba and the N.
W. T.
Christian Gingerich, an old gran . liv-
ing in Tavistock, was thrown out of his
rig on Thursnay last and his shoulder
was dislocated.
of Cod Liver Oil is the means
of life, and enjoyment of life to.
thousands: men women ana
N�Vldren.flen appetite fails, it re-
stores it. When food. is a
burden, it lifts the burden.
When youlose 1'iesh,it brings
the plumpness o health.
f e
When work is hard and
duty is heavy, it makes life
It is the thin ' edge of the
wedge; the thick end is food.
But what is the use of food,
when you hath it, and can't di -
`est its'
a Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil
is �rood that
t m
you forgot yOu stomach.
iv you have not tr i it, .tr:ehd for
t'resSample, ltaraareoRbletaste will
sow. .°r�orornt o. Chttm'likts.
1 Oc. and $1,00 i all dt`uf ittits.