HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-10-12, Page 4lnteed cure for sore, ating and swollen �4T tri Can'ipbe1t' )RUG STORE. THE \TIN(}I1 .M . TIMES,. OCTOBER 1', 1900. with a return of bee et ea "it, hilt tine At such Teen Premier -"The device that I give , . got some of the p le and by the • unto you is Z'nion, Peaee, Friendship time 611:+ had i .u'lied New 40'1: she was and. Fraternity."' { as w. li 's over again. See related tl L=•:T the electors of East Huron. roll up number of tusttilece° iu N: nt(?i h! 11 dl a hondsonids majority for Dr. Mac- donald, Good work will do it. M. DALTON, of Iiin^sbricige is return- ing officer for West Huron and P. O'Connell, of Dublin for South Huron. hers living in Boston who was rue. down 0.8aAnA's foreit i trade now amonuts l rind in a 'wretched condition of health,. but yeas neve tl healthy young woman to (suer a million dollars a day. Electors � Nebo owed tae, filet to the use of the pills. should silppathe Liberal candidates1{ When tire -reporter was taking his leave and help along this 800(1 work. q I Mrs. Foran said; "I etul'very glad to PRiXeilML GRANT, writing in The have the opportunity to testify what Dr. Queen's Quarterly just to.haud, says:— "Laurier is attacked as to English, or' not Canadair enough' blit people only laugh or get righteously angry as they think of such au attack being made in Quebec! It is such a short time ago since he 'was attacked as anti-British!" advised parson, suite ring front chronic eirtplaints to take De. 'W illitune" Fink Ville ttwl always with the best results. Milts mentioned partiertlttrly a pieee o:` 0 ADVERTISERS. P changes must be left at this net later than Saturday noon. copy for changes must be left later than Tuesday evening. al advertisements accepted up sou Thursday of each week. F.STADLISHh.0 157 WWWi.Ni 'funs. THE Laurier Government goes to the country with a magnificent four years' record. of achievement, Never since the first discovery of Canada has it been as prosperous and happy as since the year 1806, under Laurier. The electors of East Huron should retura Dr. Mao- donald and help retain our present pros- perity, HUGH Join' MACDONALD, in a speech at Brandon, promised to use his utmost influence to have the duty on all as i - cultural implements taken off. In this province, Mr. Taylor, chief Conserva- tive whip, says it is a great mistake ever to have reduced. the duty, and the Con- servative candidates generally take the ground that the "N. P." will be re- established as it was prior to 1896. We have thus one more proof of the two- facedness of the Opposition Campaign.— Loudon Advertiser. PrDLIsuEK AND I'EOPILIETOR DAY, OCTOBER 12, 1900. IE FEDERAL ELECTIONS. tesday afternoon an order -in - was passed fixing the date of the nominations for October 31st ing on November 7th. J. A. Esq., of this town has been ap- Returning Officer for East and has had his proclamations and is busy having them dis- g in the various polling sub- s. It is now in order for the s and all friends of Dr. Mac - in East Huron to get to work and 1 up a large majority for the Dr. iron is shaped so as to return a rvative, but with hard work by rs of good government, Dr. Mac - should be again returned. %Mi(11L 11C lt9(A1t1= iRErORTS. Witglialil, 03. 11, 11)00. Floor per 1001bs .... ... , .150 to e 25 I Full 'liecit.............0 613 to 0 (;4 Spring Wheat... ........ . 0 00 to 0 00 . Bats, .. 023to024. • Barley . 0 35 to 0 88 Teas . , , 0 55 to 0 56 Turkeys, 0 09 to 0 10 drawn ....... , ,•p 05 to 0 06 Geese, `( . , ........ 0 40 to 0 6 Ducks, per pair ..., ..... 0 to 0 50 Butter oz, 0 12 to 0 13 Eggs per cord 0 Q0 to 0 00 Woocl per Hay per ton.... . . . 7 00 to 8 00 Potatoes per bushel . 0 30 to 0 35 Tallow per 1b .... 0 05 to 0 06 Lard,. , ..... 0 13 to 0 13 Dried. Apples per 1b 0 0$to 0 03 Wool .. , .. 0 1,7 to 0 20 Live Hogs per cwt....... 5 50 to 5 75 Williams' Pink Pills have done for tee and you can say that I never shall cease to sound their praises, and T bless the good Lord that they were placed in my way at a time when I bad not the hope that 1 could live." TAKE TOUR CiIOXCE. Jonservative party is pledged to the Canadian against the United manufacturer, to transfer to Can- a balk of the hundred -million ;rade that is now clone by the States in this country. Sir s Tupper is pledged not only to the peg that will prevent the l States from increasing its trade country, as it has been doing at an enormous rate, but he is d. to reduce the figure as they now —Toronto World. not hesitate to say that we are filling to take the bread out of the is of our own children to feed those other country in the world.—Sir es Tupper at Montreal. was speaking deliberation, and not e purpose of catching votes, when od there and said that if he was d. he would use all the influence he ssed to have every part of the duty Fed from agricultural implements. . Hugh John Macdonald at Morden. In South Grey Dr. Lauderkin's op- ponent is Mr. M. R. Richardson, a pro- minent merchant of the district. The doctor attended the East Grey Liberal convention the other day, and in the course of his speech 1:e read the follow- ing paragraph from one of the advertise- ments of his opponent, appearing in The Flesherton Advance:— "Fourteen. large cases and bales direct from Manchester, S. S. Lake Ontario.' There has been a substantial reduction of import duties on British goods under the new preferential tariff, and we can confidently ,, promise some unexcelled values all along the line. M. K. Rich- ardson & Co." Mr. Richardson Neill have some diffi- culty in convincing the peo pleom the platform that our preference to British goods is of no value in the consumer. PIP110111100i I�curab�d, Chiclons .... , . 0 35 to 0 40 Easy Iessolls in life Assurance. The mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada, has 1-30 years successful experience. 2—A largo surplus. 3—A low death and expense rate. 4—All the best plans. Enquire rates of ABNER COSENS, Agt. The Mutual Life Assurance Com- pany of Canada, formerly the Ontario Mutual Life A Swindling Scheme. For some years past the treasury de- partment has received from time to time letters from all parts of the coun- try asking for information regarding certain large sums of money which, it is alleged, are on deposit in the treas- ury department awaiting distribution to heirs or persons of great wealth in Europe and America. Among these noted claims is one of the heirs of a man of the name of De Haven, who is alleged to have loaned the government of the United States large sums of money during the Revo- lutionary war. Another well known case is that of the Robert Morris es- tate, the heirs of which, it is said, are entitled to receive from the govern- ment several millions of dollars. The Durkee claim alse'is well known in the department and involves several mil- lions of dollars. The latest one is that of the heirs of Anneke Jans, who are said to be entitled to receive from the United States something like $00,000,- 000, which sum, it is said, has been re- ceived from Holland and now awaits proof of relationship. It is stated at the treasury depart- ment that all .of these claims are spuri- ous and that they are made the basis of confidence games by agents who work upon the credulity of the unin- formed. Agents, it is said, are selling bonds to raise money to prosecute these claims against the government, realizing something like $10 per $1,000 promised in case of success. The treas- ury department is powerless to proceed against these impostors. THE STORY OF MRS. AGNES FORAN, OF, HALIFAX. FOLLOWING INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS A SEVERE COUGH SET IN AND HER DOC - TCR SAID HER CASE WAS HOPELESS—DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS HAVE RESTORED HER HEALTH. From the Recorder, Halifax, N. S. Mrs. Agnes Foran, who resides at 21 Agricola street, Halifax, N. S., tells a wonderful story of her complete restora- tion to health, after a protracted and distressing period of extreme illness, and she attributes her present happy condi- tion, under Providence, to the marvel- lous qualities of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills When Mrs. Foran was called upon by a representative of the Aeadien Recorder, who stated his mission, she cordially welcomed to her pleasant home, where in the presence of her mother and sister, she freely told the story of her sickness and recovery. She said: "A few years I suffered a severe attack of inflamma- tion of the lungs, and was attended by one of the best physicians in the city. I pulled through but was left a com- plete wreck, so that I could not do any work, suffering all the time from palpi- tation of the heart, nervous prostration and a ringing sound in my head. I also had a distressing cough and for months I never knew what it was to have a good night's rest. For two years my life was aperfect misery to me and under the doctor's orders I took emulsion till I was nauseated with the sight of it, but all to no purpose. My life was despaired of by all my friends who were assured by the doctor that my case was beyond the reach of human skill. I was visited by the Clergy of my ehurch and Sisters of Charity, who were very kind and syni- pathetic and looked upon me as one whose earthly race was about run. I experimented with all sorts of remedies for my cough, but without avail. My druggist at last advised mo to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Being, fairly dis- couraged, nevertheless I was persuaded to make the trial, when to the surprise and joy of myself, family and friends, I began to get better, and by the time I had taken seven or eight boxes I was as well as you see me now," and she laugh- ingly added, "I think you will admit that I don't look nnueh like a sick woman. NOTES AND COMMENTS. • . MACDONALD is the man for East n. t WILFRID LAURIER will speak in ;ford on. October 17th. ;E Opposition Leader—"Sir Wilfred ler is too British for me." rE increase of Canada's trade in July August, 1900 was $7,000,000. :TTERs such as the one as appeared. ,st week's Advance from Pat O'Hool- does not cut much figure with the tors of East Huron. Dr. Macdonald proved himself a worthy represen- ve and will again be returned. We use the Jebb optometer" Fond Father's Method, A little boy came homo one day lately after the school bad re -opened, with the following note, duly signed by the principal: "Dear Sir,—It becomes my duty to inform you that your son shows decided indications of astigmatism, and his case is one that should be attended to with- out delay. "Yours faithfully, The father sent the following answer the next day: "Dear Sir,—Whip it out of him. "Yours truly, A Joke on Offenbach. Offenbach, the famous opera bouffe composer, bad an insatiable thirst for success and fame combined with a vanity that occasionally played him a sorry trick. Once he was going down the Rhine on a steamer, among whose passengers was the Duke of Nassau, a fact of which the composer was in blissful ig- norance. As the steamer approached its last stopping place the ban.: of the river was seen to be covered by a dense throng of people who were shouting and waving their hats. A band on the pier was playing a march from one of Offenbach's operas. As the boat touched the pier Offen- bach stepped to the rail and bowed and waxed his hat to the people in ac- knowledgment of this flattering ova- tion. "It is glorious to be received In a foreign land like this!" he remarked to his companions. Ent his self complacency received, a rude shock the next Instant when the duke's adjutant appeared and said, in a rough and unreeling manner: "Get out of the way, will you, and let his highness show himself!" an iustrument for the immediate detection and quick correction of Jrrors in he Eye and fight. This made on • 44 ,catc�� All except lbadones I Beauty and. Education. Why is it that woman bas always been more beautiful than man? In human beings the attractive qualities have always been on the side of the female. Why is it? without wishing to cast any aspersion on the members of the superior sex, we may fairly an- swer that it IS because they have hith- erto been the less educated. But wom- an's ideas are changing. She has lis- tened to the voice of the tempter, whis- pering in her ear all sorts of sweet fal.. ladies about equality of the sexes, in- tellectual development and its . neces- sity, and the like, and she has yielded to the temptation. And the result of this will be that she will lose her beauty. She will suffer in appearance as man has done and Is doing, and in the course of time the extremely civ- ilized races of mankind will be ugly— irretrievably and lamentably ugly.— Pearson's Magazine. instrument is' the latest and most scientific prin- ciples and insures solute precision. We test the eyesight free and guarantee the best possible results. w1ALY PARK A hormone Pearl. The beautiful pearl known as the Great Southern Cross was found In Western Australia in the year 1884. It consists of nine pearls joined together in the form of a cross, in which shape It was found by a man named Clarke. It Is said that the finder and the first purchaser of it buried it for some time, superstitiously regarding It as a heav- enly miracle. • It was, however, ulti- mately taken up from its burial /dace and sold for $1,000, since which time it has frequently changed hands and is now valued at $50,000. At the Colonial and Indian exhibition in England it at- tracted a good deal of notice and is probably the only natural cross ever found. Cannibalt4 and fork, In the New Hebrides human life has been made safe by the introduction of net mother who had been listening to pigs into the island. The cannibals are the tale of her daughter's long illness, said to prefer roast Bork to roast man, added; "It just seems like a dream to and as the porelno tribe increases us all that we once de spaired of her life, among the natives they may give up When we now sco leen the pink of their feasts on human flesh altogether excepting when something unusual happens, such ns entertaining a king of some other cannibal island or on state occasions of rare eeremony, There are hun- dreds of cough medi- cines which relieve coughs, all coughs, except bac. ones! The'medicine which has been curing the worst of bad coughs for 6o years is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Here is evidence : "My wife was troubled with a deep-seated cough on kr lungs for lhres years. One day I thought ,d how Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved the life of my sister after the doctors had all given her up to die. So I purchased two bottles, and it cured my wife'completely. . It took only one bottle to cure my sister. So you see that three bot- tles (one dollar each) saved two lives. We all send you our heart- felt thanks for what you have done for us."—J. H. BURGE, Macon,CoL, Jan. 13, 1899. The People's Popular Strqe We are putting into stock, as fast as possible our Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Every department is full to overflowing with new goods that were bought by us nearly NINE PilONTIIS AGO—thus SAVING you the ADVANC lid PRICE. Nearly every line of our large stock of Dry (oocls is marked at 010 PRICES. FURS i A FEW PRICES Do not buy until you have seen our i Plaid Dress Goods, 24 in. wide, 5o yd geode. Our Furs are the best that ; Handsome Wrapperettos, 27 to can be had and Prices are Right. 29 in. - - 10c yd. Jackets, Capes, Caperines, Collar- Cotton Cashmere, fast colors, 3fc yd ettes and Caps in Astrachan, Sable, inch 15c ycl Goat, El,' Seal, Baltic Seal, Wool ITanclsomo Cropous - Seal, Blue Racoon, &c. Heavy Melton Cloth, 42 in. -�6c yd All %'Tool Serges 25e yd. Flannelette, heavy, 35 in. - 10c yd Heavy Cotton F hirting, 20 in. 12,1 yd We have just put into stock several Union Tweed, 29 in. - - 25o23c y'c1yd hundred dollars worth of Scotch and ' All -Wool Tweed, 28 in. Canadian Tweeds, Serges and Wor- ' steels, for fall and winter suits, to sell at from $10.00 to $20.00 made to your order. Fitguaranteed. ORDERED CLOTHING :READY-MADE CLOTHING Canadian Tweed Suits for Men, $5.00; The newest in double-breasted Coat and Vest, heavy Freize Cloth, $0.00; Overcoats and Ulsters for Men and Boys at old price. SILKS We are just in receipt of a consign- ment of Fancy,Silks from Japan. They are evenlfinished and free from flaws, fast colors and very brilliant. 27 in. heavy, all the popu- lar shades, 50c yard. Also Fancy Embroidered. Silk Table Drapes, Chair Drapes, Cushion Covers, Hand- kerchiefs, &o. GROCERIES Best Granulated Sugar, 18 lbs for $1. Good Japan Tea, 7 lbs for $1. Best Canada Laundry Starch 4 lbs 25. Molasses Snaps, - 4lbs for 25c Broken Sodas, - 6 lbs for 25c EGGS 13c. UNDERWEAR Men's Fleece Lined Shirts, 20 oz.; 500 „ „ Drawers, 500 Men's Wool Fleece Shirts, 75c Men's Wool Fleece Drawers, 75e Ladies' Fleece Lined Vests 250 to 500 { { {, drawers 25c to 500 Boys' and Girls, Underwear in all sizes. GAPS Children's Fancy Caps, 25 to 5000 Boys'° Cloth Caps, wool, Men's Cloth Caps, wool, 25c Men's Plush Caps, Men's Fur Caps, $2,00 to $7.00 Ladies' and Misses' Fur Caps at low prices. Also Plush and Wool Tams, &o. GROCERIES Corn Starch, - 4 pkgs for 250 Pure Soap, reg. 5c, now 7 for 25c Flaked Peas and Beaus, reg. 15c l now Oc Royal Salad Dressing, reg. 30c now 100 Diamond Dyes, new goods, 3 for 25c GOOD BUTTER 18c. Macdonald Block, E Wingham. ,SOA 'WS40, 0/1 41 b0KeWheaoSlW®edWIVO/V40.4), , Now, for th2 first time you can get a trial bottle -of Cherry Pectoral for 25 cents. Ask your druggist. Miss MacPherson • WINCHAM MACHINE SHOP health." Jeweler and Optician 1^`irs. I"oran said that when on a Visit to England about a year ago she eon - Macdonald Block. tracted a heavy cold and was threatened. Wishes to thank the ladies of Wingham and vicinity for their kind and liberal patronage of the past season, and for their kindness in at- tending her Millinery Display on Tuesday and following days. She is now fully prepared to have all orders filled in the most fashionable and speedy manner possible. A Tailor's Talk The undersigned wishes to thank the public for . past favors and asks for a continuance of their patronage in all kinds of Machine Work, Forging, Pattern Making, Iron and Wood Pulleys.' Babbit Metal at low prices. 1 want 25 tons of good cast scrap in exchange for Plow Points. Plow Points 30 cents cash ; 35 cents trade. Castings in iron or brass on hand and to order 1 have now extra help in my shop and can attend to alt work promptly. Works near (I.T.J ., on Josephine street. 3. MURRAY RAY would be ` useless unless the fit, style and quality were apparent to back up every statement. We don't talk volumes, but our suits talk for us, and our prices will suit you. Leave your order for that new SPRING SUIT OR OVERCOAT Photos at Home E.. O. OLARKE Stand next Griffin's Grocery, M. E. Zurbrigg makes a specialty of out -door photography; picnic parties, family grou{ss on the lawn; residences, wedding parties and gatherings of every description photographed in an artistic manner. We deem it a pleasure to go anywhere so don't forget us. We do Picture Framing—and wo do it right too. M. E. ZURBRIGG'S Down floor gallery, opp. Presb. Church. j CIDER AND JELLY MILL. Take notice that the Wingham Cider and Jelly Mill has commenced operations and will run Every Tuesday, Wednesday,. Thursday and Friday until season is ended. BRING ALONG YOUR APPLES, and have them made into Sweet Syrup or Jelly without extra expense. DAVID E. HASTINGS., superior Jewelry. We pride ourselves in always kee4ing in stock the very' best of everything in the jewelry line and although we do not. make as high a percentage of profit as on cheaper lines, we have the satisfaction of knowing that we give good value, and that is what we want. A satisfied customer 15. the best ad- vertisement. We expect to have you for one. Jo R.UNSHAW OPTIC/All ANI d ;igALEIt M