HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-10-12, Page 1VOLS XXVIII.—NO 1485.
Business is booming so much with us
-.in Tailoring that it is hardly worth our
-while to advertise this branch of our
business, but still we ivant-to remind all
'our friends that we shall be glad to see
them, and we might mention that we
:are selling off the balance of our Sum-
mer Suitings at a great reduction, In
at is needless to say WO lead the Trade.
Our customers have been more than sat-
'isfled during the past season; the conse-
quence is, we have hacl a large increase
;in our sales; we anticipate a very large
business for Fall, and consequently
Have bought heavily, and in -.order to
•make room for these new Goods we aro
.seni:pg the balance of our Spriug Stock
at a large reduction from regular prices
---don't fail to secure Some of these bar -
,gains. Boys' and Youths' sizes in
hoots on Saturday at COST. We have
.just sorted up our stock of
In these we have the very latest—if
you want to be up-to-date in Neckwear
.and Headwear, you must come to us.
We have still a few
left; we are selling them at 50 per cent.
on cost -it will pay you to buy any-
thing we hfn,yo, even if you don't need
it,"just now. The rest of our Groceries
at cost and below. ,We have not much
left, but what we haW.yon can have at
your owvrapriee. •c.
Ilonwth & Sons
Marriage Licenses
Tissued by PaA n( PATERsoN, No. 28 Victoria
street. Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
tg 4^r?L-1-r frtaI^"6"u ��,. 1"53 r `'I"^
rSend for our catalogue and be con-
viuced that wa do re
If you ��
and want
cad. up
No. 58
and your orders will
be promptly tittered
ed to.
(The China House)
See Halsev Park's advertisement.
Dr. Butler, of Loudon, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on the first
Friday of each month from 11.80 a.
or consultation
in. till 3 o'clock p. m.,
in diseases of the = e, ear, nose and
Work in businesso-daeduycation in Canada l it
t. Lf
Central Business College
Stratford, Ont.
1 't Students from Manitoba on the west,
the�vsouth fare in attendance and cyear
Distance probes no hindrance to those
,who desire to get the best.
Several Canadian eollegos rd!'
and many largo American schools Lr,
employ our graduates as teachers. This r;a•.
�e is a stron • proof of superiority. Enter 1h
VI now if possible. L
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal,
F2- �ti�7147 . .. iCr`� heti
people of Winghat
evening and deeic
matte club. It is
young people to
play which the
Tixx were fixed fixed •at To
grain east of Per
year. The qual
milted for iinsp
satisfactory, and
better than last
which in many
A number of young
met on Wednesday
d to organize a dna
the intention of the
mance prepairing a
xpect to give early in
Big stock of Fur ,rackets, Capes,
Caperiues, Collarettes ftO, at Taeree.
RATES ON Hams s TDuoa a.—The C.
P. R. has notified .he Ilepartmeut of
Agriculture that he eeforth .carloads of
purebred stock will a carried to British
Columbia at $150 p r car, and $225 per
palace horse ear. 'his is a reduction of
LIVE STOOK/SHIP tater;.--On Monday
there were three car loads of stock
shipped from the ingharu G. T, R.
station. A. alclaa no one car of lambs.
to Buffalo; Barohil as Robertson, oar of
hogs to Collings% od; McDonald &
Loutitt, car of hog to Toronto. On
Wednesday D. St vart shipped - car of
lambs to Buffalo.
Coat and pant malt .r- vad`te l ..p1)t
to Will J'enitius, Lis '. vel. ,
COMING To WI Y- Tho Noble
Stock Co., under t
E. Corneas will app
the week common'
This company is so
best travelling iu C
;ty good list of plays
latest specialties.'
native of Winghai
tion of giving .
tainmeut. 4
Second hand. buggy .for sale, -almost
new; also a cutter. Apply t0man &
]?ETHICIi. C.1riaG you S
report that oar
A VEGETABLE •laioslT1'.' xr. Jabez Donald who hes
Pennington, of tl 2nd con. sent to this improving. • Th
office a few days ago the tassel of a corn ho is a member,
stalk which is a
contained the o
but this tassel c
cluster of sixte
quite small, of
formed and e
of grains. T
is well worth s
andards for this year
onto recently for all
Arthur same as last
y of the samples sub -
tion was generally
u the whole a little
•ear, except in oats,
i stances were rattier
Fon SALE. -The home of Mrs. Caro-
line Ross, north of the mill. Favorable
terms. Apply on t e pre • es.
sou,oue of the Cana fans who took part in
the war in South A Tics was in town a
few days this weel Mr. McPherson's
home is in Galt d he was visiting
friends in this vici ity. While away he
was on Her Majsty's ship, Powerful
and vas in Dight fferent engagements,
ono of which w the relief of Lady-
stuith. He was 'vouuded in the knee
and is now off du., for three months ,
Take your Bi ,ter, Eggs and dried
apples to 11. E. Is d & Co, where you
get the highest p ce and best value in
, theFamilyHerald
k s Issue f
this wee.
and. Weekly Star .f Montreal their an-
nouncement of . two' new pre um
pictures, "Christ in the Temple
"Home from the " ar," th : la
seating the retu of a C
from 'South Afri
one of the most f
World. The
ly Star certainly
ou giving their r
pictures. A tweu
the Family Herald
two suchapictures,
one of the wonders
20 Ce is
pays for the TIMES till
• January 1st, 1901.
70 Cents
pays for the netts and To.
rout Baily Star till Jan,
1st, 1901. All who stub-
scribe for the Star get a
handsome pie"tore of the
Queen and Prince of
Leave yoar orders early
at the Taiga ollfice.
a while
mous pictures in the
ily Herald and Week-
to be congratulated
aders such beautiful
-four page paper like
ud Weekly Star and
for oue dollar is
f the day.. .
management of T.
tr in Wingham for
ig November 12th,
to be oue of the
nada. They have
and inti educe all the
Mr. Cornyn is a
and has the repute-
iublic a good enter -
Sen the Japanosa Silks at Kerr's.
evening while Robt
to town lie was ran
buggy, His bum;
was thrown to the ii
horses ciid steams
escaped what ntay
serious injury,
flnuesr.,:4 F 1.Iit.—
httnutes tock to tbo
day of last week.
that could be desir
show resulted. I
mar. n Tuesday
Ruth was driving
oto by a horse and
• was up vet and he
ouud. Luckily; the
vay and Mr. 1luth
asily have been as
ituiutorof 'Wins -
russele fnir o:a
he weather was all
and a I:11,e01'SSful
is. said that Brussels
never saw as lar; e a crowd ou a fair
WINaustxt LIRE
Wingham have c
up -stairs in the
organization wor
The rooms will b
hc:1d eveniug's
campaign. T
to 1,l on Monda
7.,iberitls and all
government are
tend the raced
,l.s.—The, Literals of
ned committee rooms
tacclnuald bloel, .and
Las been commenced.
opened and nlaetiu�s
nail the eloie of the
e first meeting will be
evening next. All
hose interested in good
ordially invited to tit-
s. i
Friday Barge. u Day, at e New
Store. Specie cut prices for Friday
only iu under year, • iery-, gloves,
corsets, flannel: , dress goods, mens'
vicar, grocerle, boots d% shoes, etc.
Come early. •E. Is 'Z' & Co.
er repro -
n Soldier
e former is
uriosity. The stalk tendance and tl
inary number of ears taken from thei
ntained within itself a Doinald is very t
u distinct cobs 'of corn, ,of the fire comp
ourse, but yetperfectly they have helper
li containing a, number
is freak of Dame Nature
ing.=Teeswater News.
Campbell's Heartache Wafers guaran-
teed to euro headache.
—Thurs;lay of next weep is Thanks-
giving Day.
Regular mee ing of Camp Caledonia
ou Monday even' g neat,
Itispeotor Ri b has teen raying our
school au official visit this week.
—The Mayor, Clerk and Assessor
selected jurors o Wednesday evening.
—A Graham as finished laying grau-
olithic walks iu 'liuton for this season.
—Good. drinki ig watt r is avery scarce
article iu Wing + nn. Mauer wells are
—Tho Blyth f
a number of W'
—Miss Scott,
gaged as teacher
—Dr. W. T.
Vaustoue have
—The regular
land, 0. O. F. w
—Buying coal or the winter is now
far more excitin• than playing wheat in
it was an attraction for
gliamites on Wedges.
f Lakolet, has been en -
in Zetland school for
noway and Barrister
made their change of
eeting of Court Matt-
i be held this (Friday)
e are pleased to a bucket shop.
owiisman, D. ?..•:i:c-
—Mr. and Mr:
been quite ill is now berry, celebrate
Fire Brigade, of which Monday night la
has had a nurse in at -
cost of which has been
benefit fund. Mr. Me
aukful to the members
y for the many ways
luring his ill s.
Apprentices wanted at once.
young ladies to learn tailoring.
. tf WEBSTER & Co.
ago a gold watch
from Miss M. M
a couple of tray
who had stopped
were charged tvi h the theft. There
once against them and
Nothing has since
the watch til] last
workmen, who were
longing to Mr. R.
the long lost .watch
cE.—About five years
incl chain were stolen
re, of this village, and
Hing spectacle agents
ver night at the hotel,
was no direct evil
they were let go.
been heard about
Saturday, when th
moving a barn 1
Mullen, discovere
uuderneath the
The ground is 'very hard, but is
the time to plow. You want ie Brood
repairs. I am sole !igen f the hard
and tough, the diamond iered-in-oil,
the crucible cast, the ode -to -fit any
plow. Don't waste your good money on
trash; when you can get the genuine for
sthe sauce price, viz., 85 cents cash. T.
H. Ross. / 2t
NEW INDUSTR o. Messrs. Hans -
combo and Aldine : ave been in town
for some days and h ve made arrange-
ments to have the fo
esta dish a malleable Hamanoud ........
A spe, a1 meeting of the FIELDING
on Thurscla was h ld Y Infield
o a proposition
gentlemen. Mr.
ho Council, stat -
for Canada for
e articles. While
ingham's adver-
apers and came
cil on the matter.
vor of an industry
proposed. by Mr.
alt of the meeting
Bombe and Aldine
to put their pro-
form so that the
mains of' the hoe R by Adams, daughter
of Mr. J. R. Adams, of Sarnia, formerly
of Wiugham, .wer brought hero on
Monday for iuterm - it, The funeral
took place from the ' ?. T. R. station on
the arrival of the 11
Wingham cemete
Wingham with
time a few years
lived in Teeswatei
number from th
funeral. Decease
ing'sohedulo fterni
the nnmberof gam
earned, •etc by earl
ham elate during t1
Collins .
Skeates .. ....
John Tervitt, of Turn -
.their tin wedding' On
Any orders for sales left at the TIMES
office will receiv prompt attentiou. J.
J. Currie, anctio eer.
—The Blyth ft was held on Tuesday
and Wednesday nd the Dungannon fair
on Thursday au Friday.
—John Hann: has opened up a tea and
coffee store in the building recently
occupied as the •ost office.
—A. Aubry,, a horse buyer from
Montreal was i town on Tuesday and
purchased a nu • ber of horses.
the have left of your
u may accept as that
e unable to get away
Now is the season fair
sersous trouble to occur
with the lungs. Build up
the system and strength -
0 en the lungs with
Doug ass's
of Cod Liver
t Oil with
. ypos .riites
10 a. m. train to the '
—What the
Deceased lived in
r parents, for some ; winter clothes
o. Tho family also portion they w
for some time and a with.
town attended the Mr. R. A.
was 30 years of ageembers of th
NTAGE.--The follow-
ed-to'the T)(13,givc'•b.
$ played, perceutage
player in the Wing -
o past season:— knows positive!
AVeataan. cutest that ever
No. A.B. Hits Per —The Tees`
tunes Cent.1 3 2 633 fasted the scho
.13 61 23 377 the former plac
13 50 21 855 I on Friday of las
ouglass entertained the
base ball club at his
residence, on T1 ursday evening of last
—About 36,0 ,000 babies are born in-
t.) the world eve y year, and each mother
that her own is the
ater football team de -
1 team of Mildmay at
, by two goals to one,
will issne tickets for
y on Oct. 17 and 18
Monday, 22, at single
ariau church choir
fur:'ished the pro rraunne for an outer-
estfield Presbyterian
of the East Wawanosh
in another coltunn.
Locheridge ..... . .
Moore............ .
Hamilton.... .... .
Doyle ..... .....
dry here put in Angus ..
shape and wi
works here.'
Town Coun
evening last to rece
from the above name
Hanscombe addressed
ing that he had pate
several small malleo
in Toronto he saw
tisment in the daily
to interview the cou
The councii.was in f
on a larger scale tha
Hauscoutbe. The re
was that Messrs. Ha
wore allowed 10 days
position in a proper
council would know
what they would .hay
they would give the i
gentlemen have cern
having the old foundr
intend establishing an
will likely have a 'pro
lay before 'the counci
The Mayor is now in co
boot and shoe manufa
Rochester, N. Y., that
in Wingham if they
They would, if they c
CO people te. commence with and would
make a specialty of
ladies' fine turned sho
also in oolnmttniCatiO
mobile Co., of Toron
establish a factory her
inducements, and w
people during the first
is becoming known as
factoring centre in We
the Wield like to see a
industries established 1
have a number Of good
are needed to make thi
gressive town.
WANTED. Any quantity of Dried
Apples. They must be large bright
quarters and thoroughly dried. Butter
18c, Eggs 18c. Our stock of Dress
Goods, Silks and Furs is not surpassed.
tho Weekly Globe to new subscribers
until the end of 1900 for 40 cents; The
lawns and Family Herald and Weekly
Star till the end of the year to new sub-
scribers for 40 cents; the netts alone
till the end of.the year for 20 cents, to
new subscribers; the Veins till January
ist,1902 and a copy of our handsome
Christmas supplement to new subscribers
for $1.10; the Thins and Weekly Globe
till January lst, 1902 and a copy of
Christmas supplement and copy of
picture, "The Canadians at the Battle of
Paardeberg" for $1.70 to neve sub-
scribers. Pick out the offer yon wish to
take advantage off, stud word. or drop
into the TxatEs office and we will See
that your order is promptly attended to.
The Listowel Business College and
Shorthand Institute opened its fall term
With good S1ICCCSS, having received ap-
plications from five ex -pupils of the
Central Business College, Stratford, for
the purpose oferfecting their studies in
Shorthand. This certainly speaks well
for the character and superiority of the
instruction itupaoted at the Listowel
Shorthand institute. For illustrated
eatalogne, terms, etc., apply to C. L.
Ilartt Listowel.
in definite terms
for the assistance
idustry. These
newels' work in
put iu shape and
udustry here and
osition ready to
int it few days.
nnaunication with
turiug colleens in
wishes to locate
;t inducements.
o here, employ
s. The Mayor is
with an Ante-
. They would
if they can g
tad employ 20
year. Wingham
the best mann-
tern Ontario and
umber of good
re. We now
ones, but more
a still more prow
18 53 15 g j —The railway
.12 58 17 820 Thanksgiving
11 43 18 302 good to return o
a 7 2 2Sa fare for the room
.12 54 16 277
.2 8 2 250 —The Presby
9 37 it 218
10 37 6 162
7 • 25 4 160
8 8 1' 125
i " 000
Doyle .....
Pearson ....
Hill .... ........
Ojntfield and lb.
Hamiltou , ..
Harnmend ... -
Dinsley .... .... •
Piton .
MONEY TO LOAN.••= -Money to loan on
notes, and notes discounted at raason.
able rates. Money advanced Oft most -
Mee, with privilege of payhig nt the
end Of any year. Notes and accounts
collected. OtIiCe---Beaver Biotic, Wing -
ha,. Boar. MCINficto.
O. A. E. Ptr
1 13 1 833
t 4 1 88e
2•i 5 837
' 22 12 883
21 10 $03
3 1 800
.81 21 681
0 0 1000
0 0 1000
8 8 912
2 1 000
3 1 2 060
1 1 . 1 666
8 0 2 600
1 0 1 500
0 0 2 000
23 13 6 951
19 4 8 834
eak Eyes
taiunnent at the
church on Monda
—The prize lis,
fair will be foun
'The diploma, we hold from the
Optical Instttute of Canada is a
guarantee of our qualification to
give perfect satisfaetion in the tittitig
of alasses.
Our poiptnent tor thiq work tuts
always heels of the best, t to
it, still to we complete and alp to shite
we hllvo j•Ist addled tI "Jebb Opto
meter," tho latest invention in this
doss Of ineern Monte.
Do Ilett let, fake opticixn5 and
pedlars who have never studied the
eyes, tamper with yours, and sell
you glasses at double, theta' vaitte
when you can he properly fitted at
home j�wM jpg}xp� L/►� y y{�,�{,,�
JH E, DAVImss/1�
It is fresh andthe best on the
The old Williams stand.
Pi Op.
G. N. W. Office.
in Ladies Night Gowns, in plain and
fancy Flannelettes, very nicely made,
quite natty in style, they would be eon-
cousided splendid vnlue in, some places at
75o but our price while they last is 50e,
worthmore to snake them up.
Fine fluffy all wool Blankets—direct
from the makers—as low as $2.75.
Best pure wool stocking yarns all
shades at cut prices.
'Tile Direct Importer..
The list of prize N inners at the Howick
fall fit,ir will appe r in our next issue.
S. Youhill,
salla lot 8 south si
owned by Mrs.
Johnston, of Tine
—In our last is.
Currie credit for
when it should
Currie, jr. We
eal estate agent, has
o of Josephine street,
Ireland to Mr.
berry, at a fair figure..
no we gave Mrs. John
he best made rag stat
have been Mrs. R.
.pologize for the error.
—The Woman
ance Union will u
at S o'clock, in the
block. The m
interested in t.
earnestly request
—The enterta
town hall on Tu
evenings were no
they might have
pictures were very
attended seemed p
—The director of the Taruberry
Agricultural Soci; ty will meet this (Fri-
day) evening at P. Cummiu's hotel.
Business in came tion with the recent
fair will be trans • eted.
Christian Temper-
et Tuesday afternoon
O. F. hall, Chisholm
hers and all who are
xiporance work are
d to be present.
ents given in the
sday and Weduesday
as largely attended as
been. The moving
good aucl those who
eased with the enter-
—The weekly • • ncerts given ou Fri-
day evenings b3 the town Maud have
been wnthdrawu or the season. The
music has been much enjoyed by the
townspeople du . g the summer.
—Persons pure asing post office money
orders, and who re desirous of retain-
ing in their pos ' ssion a certificate of
issue, showing d e and amount of order,
eau procure such • 'thout extra 'charge.
—The auction
with us. The T
orders for anctio
moderate prices.
Tnags when bills
-Wm. Robert
-There is et.gen
ers that turnips a
a small insect. T
nips are sufferin
sown may esra
pest. Tile whit
ed so seriouslsaa,
sale season is again
rens is ready to fill all
bilis promptly and at
A free notice iu the
re printed at this (Afire.
lias agai.'t been tip
rat report from farm •
being destroyed by
o more advanced tur-
most and the late
o the ravages of the
turnips are not attack -
the others.
Saito Register.
AUCTION ,SALE.—John Reid will sell,
by public auction, on Thursday, October
25th, at lot 34, con. 12, East Wawanosh,
a quantity of form, stook. J. Currie, '
sad -lamer:
Jas. Angus will sell 'by- public auction,
without reserve, on Saturday*, October
20th, at his faun in Wingham, a.
quantity au farm tock and implements.
Re will offer his farm for sale, subject
to a reserve bid. Peter Deans, aux"
Echvard Warden will sell a quantity
of farm stock,'implements and household
furniture at lot 30, con. 14, East Wawa -
nosh, on Tnesday, October 23rd. Every-
thing to be sold as Mr. Warden is giving
up farming. 12 mouths credit. Sale at
1 o'clock. J. Currie, auctioneer.
Win. Reucail will sell his farm, farm
steels, implements,etc on his farm,north
half lots 1 and 2, con 1, Kiuloss, on,
Wednesday, October 24th, 11 months'
credit and sale at 1 o'clock. The farm
is offered subject to a reserve bid and if
not sold will be rented. John Purvis,
auctioneer. •
to 1 rl opt r
Llcito t.tta is e
Hunters' c
for Witighant. • arta.% whoin tared go-
ing north to tutu deer this fall ertu se-
euro their keens s front Mr. Robertson.
Wingham's" Popular Shoe Store
Atn exehang r says the people of
Smith's Fails ha e invented a new game
for the winter ev rings. The entertain•
rent is 'called an "onion sociable." Sin
young ladies tail t an onion into a room
and after one of t etn, has taken a bite
out of it a young an is admitted. If
ratter kissing theta , all, he fails to tell
which of them bit a e onion, all the girls
are obliged to kiss inn, It would be an
improvement on t _ gable to leave the
I option out.
The inert modern Shoe mad. laic G
how cheap, but how good.
Prices *12.00, (2.60, f$3.00 and $0.t:0.
Excellence the Chief merit.
Ladies/, don't buy till you see thecae,.
it will pay you.
W. J. j' I - E
AUkihdl of "i'rtutks and Veleta ehasa;r.