HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-10-19, Page 4ro `I THE.1.0 KNIOW' NT'INEL7. • MA NG • ,,, •,.c•. LL r •ct.wec. •••,0rr+ J. ,,,,:•:='� ,•A•hFu va...r'W.w of . V . . now is visiting with her .niece ,• rs..• Riehard. Johnston. . Miss. Phyllis Blake spent laat,wee'k visiting with her sister Mrs, Ha41d Webster'of •Ebeneser, , Miss :Jean Anderson return tae week from a delightful trip to e' YOU. Mr; Harvey ,Laaenby asstate Alex A•ndrewg if ` Lincknow n :da two last week . -we are sorry to:: report,` no improve>"; e r me Godfrey Ilall�s :condit lt 111110: ion.. Hearty coitgratetlations I are •exf'ert- deed to Mr; and Mrs. Cecil Johnstosi; me who were mgrried' Saiuirday •.EJetober; Ten 'Tuna in the •fn'.st end 'six in the Curries 14th: ,They are `"honeymooning" at third innings,.` settled the'•issue and .let"-D'ungannosi. press and on {their rets will ro`• the Kinlough .,nine •coast' along to an • K plough ,Spence McFarlen, Frank. Lucky Nine ' iINLOIGH WINS EASILY- . •:FRONT ,DUN CANNON "'Wildcats" ' ed'the"m- '. The Standing, To Oct. 17 • Knniough asslnr � •qr, ,,t,,•'. T P:. Selves of .a softball .playoff.berth, by •° • l e , • L 1 • dofeati; 'Dungannon "lastWednesday' ••Zion . , •:•. 1 0 ni • ht by ' the score of 23• ta: 5. R*lough ":. . ...,� .• 2 1" .1 :. gCo ra 1 0 3e 0 ��W. ta t. THURSDAY,OCT0 �E.11 ° 19th, 1990. -teams are no* Playoff contenders. The Outlaws scored "all° of their 'runs , in the ftret .1°11'•:. . non, JIM. Webster; i. Finlayien, 3. Fisher, B.: MelrttQsh, ' M.: Solomon: Jack Calliplell•, M.;'Pearhn an. r Die Ii •'.• -,:-. MacDonald, H, John- e stop, A, M!eintosh, -C..'Webster. A.. • • ' Aitchison, F Milne, .G. Hassel, D. Aitchison, R:' McKim. Score by.' Innings "- lyie-Herds . 102 101 .002— I T 0 It'E N T Comfortable 6�room house; : town.' weter,`'Temple Clary. FOR SALT;--Titdhope:Anderson cook :stove' in good shape. Apply. to Mr. W. P Reid. Outlaws .�r 303 400 OOic�-1&1 �Y • Fr . .•.Yasfcel like sereamin-but yo u can't ? yo»• lb s`• iltY;77-yen feet as if .yron were.choktngwth aPTO'. :tension=- ,our heart isp-punding;:pounding ;poundwg—`.: Y o Then from the. burning .chaos. of wltat,,;�ow when'. tho t. �.I•ve got your Mind, springs a clear,.sparkling ug_ h ow 've ' • . YBefore. you know to telephone for:•help:' � built happened, .all the' vast organization. labonunsly andsigorously maintained by, your: cominuntty:feen s• . polibe; 'h ambulances, ospitals :instantlp1ecome 'oneto inyOur JUL tlte . ' ... house --and to emergencies u s proms:. rt' e • • • Telephone service :is widely used -because it is .courteous, efficient, yet 'surprisingly expensive:. Nothing else yields so mush for what it costs! side on the groom's farim•in Ashfield - We welcome Mrs Johnston to aplZ,. midst. • Mr. ,and Mrs. Ed. Thoanpson of Holyrood 'visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George •., Saunders Mr. -S.• B. Stothers of Arthur was in the neighbourhood on .,Monday. Mrs. Milton Kilpatriek'•s father. Mr. Richard Twamley. of Kintail is quitea low at present. Mrs:. Isaac Andrew . of Zion' spent a. i eek. with her sister': Mrs.. "art of last a Part Sam Kilpatrick..', Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blake ` motor= ed to London' on Saturday: mle• an• d Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twa Y family and.Mrs.. George Twatniley Sr called on' Mr. -and Mrs. James Dren- nan of Kintail , on Sunday. • Mother. "Betty, . step over attd see Parent "No i you see haat old! Mrs, Harris: is this. morning."' to play .in the aisles." tri ( er. return): "Seventy- •-"r- three ars-, six months and. two days, sho 'theatre Attendant: "Haven't you : ('tickets fol: ,,t'our two little boys?". • , they prefer p easy a91in• BRUCE IS\UNIQUE, While Bruce County is• one of Ott - i aria's finest and most prosperousit is ,probably' unique in Old Ontario among counties of anything approach- ing its size in that it has.not a single. town of. twenty five hnndred people. or -.'a city of any size at all.' The town nd villages of -Bruce with their, pop-`• letion`last year were; owns= -Wier ton,' 1,723;• Walkerton, ,442; South= _ampton, 1,441; Kincardine, 2,470; ghesley; 1,815. Villages—Tiverton, 262; Teeswater,842; Tara, 474. Ripley, 442; Port Elgin, 1,324 Paisley, 729;'. Mildmay, 754;' tucknow,. 1;Q34 Lion's Head,, 398, . and :Hepworth, 352. L T.P. 3 0 1 1 10 spring:calves: , 6 , months' credi�. 1 I Matt. Gaynor; • Axle. WHEN PAINS ARE TORTURE from heu atisrn'' . iatlea,: Baolkache; use, Rumaeaps-.Their: Two Way Action attacks' the cause. ''McKIM'S DRUG -STORE, �� ..• • WANTED TO ';PUROHASE—White • Leghorn :and .Barred Reek ,'Pullets. Send full particulars \ and' number for sale. SAM PATTISON, Fergus, Ont ' SALESMEN 'WANTED home wants one or: more, of our Every hiti :`Make - 200 daily guaranteed •recess ,es • ' easilybecoming the. Faniilex 'lei: . ttyy . ,our ,section l4o.. experience • eti'ler in. Y. , .0er': required. 'Ambition, 'energy ' and' p • , severance' Only conditions. to, reach top:, WE' HELP,.YOU. 9 )0`. dealers make. their" way. Let's show you` how: to be ' ' successful •and • independent' in. a' busi- ness of .your'own..ASK CATALOGUE ' : without OBLIGATION..FAMILEX,• 570 St. Clement, MONTREAL. `AUCTION SALE of ,70 • head• of Cattle at John' MacRae's farm, Lochalsh, .thin' Friday, October.20th at one o'clock. 60 choice Year=old heifers 'and steers. t 2 1 Thompson, Weir Eckenswiller,.Harvey Tigers Harold Haldenby,.Harold High ,. School , .... 2 1 Cassidy, � 1 3 ;. Greer', Frank• Colwell, Toin M cFarlan,'.Outlairs :..a, . • .. • • . • • "0 3 Angus` McLeod , , .. I Die -Herds Dungannon -•--R. Currie, P. Eedy, T Hedy, G Reed G Moore; H. Culbert, i • "'When a man. thinks 'heCan fool, too many people," said Uncle . Eben, "he attracts so much attention. oat a lot o' folks get interested • in . foolin' him." • \• \ Ubscriber I IF YOU ARE NOT NOW ,A SUB-. scRpBER. TO THE. ^LUCKNOW SENTINEL YOU ARE NOT GET- TING'. THE NEWS OF .THE', VIL-I LAGE. AND DISTRICT. . • - PAYS FOR THE PAPER UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 1939. ,JUST THINK! YOIJlt SAVINGS ON THE PUR- CliASE OF ONE ARTICLE ADVER-. TISEb IN . THE SENTINEL WILL PR:OBAFI.Y MORE THAN' PAY THE PItr.CE OP TIIIS BARGAIN INTRODUCTORY OFFER TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. LticknoW Sentinel. fl.- MORTGAGE FOR•SALE--Would sell $3,500 mortgage -on good' 200 -acre fa.rni, with good buildings, and modern ' equipnient Or 'would exchange for 100- UPc'aere, farm with ibuildings, Apply at e , Sentinel Office... ?" AUCTIOhi SALE—of hodsehold Turn- I... iture, at•the home of Mrs;, R. D. Cain- * on Sat- urday, St,L ., . `r n'� Havelock ii' e 0 , sharp. ¢lock .t o • 1 st a 1 urday, October 2 'Terms cash. No reserve• as •the house'' D ,Parkes, 'B. Wiggins, F. Culbert. . I ' '<All I get at her house was a. Score By Innings of shamrock tea," remarked th Kinlough....:;. 1006 214 000=23 young fellow.. : Dungannon , .. , 002 .100 . ,,011 5 "What oh .;earth's • shamrock tea nio a n his � cam . , . asked s I► Vii SCHOOL OUSTS . UTLAlts, . "You- know the kind made t p TIGERS' ' ' 1ea'res", was the reply:. • LUCKY NINE BEAT three In the first game of the .double...: say nor, do that thing, that has been; sold. Wellington Henderson., header played last Thurtday night, •' angr'hrompts you .to. Never ` . in .aid of the lbehl Red Cross Society, 6 the High School edged .out, a 12 to •11 .*.tory over,. the Outlaws in a thrill- ing •The' loss eliminates'\ the Outlaws from a:play off position, but in spite of the. fact. they lost three games, they ,were stiff opposition. and iwith. ;a little luck would • have. , been ; in the , play-offs. •- THE CHURCH IS NOT, (Bowmanville Statesman) 'The Church is not. made up of peo- ple who think they are \ , r than the rest!' but of people , , .know they ought to be better than they are, and belong tothe Church because it . is . trying' to help • them to • be . bet- ter: • - • The Church is not mads nip of. peo- ple who thing they are perfect, but. of people • who are sure that they have found die perfect ideal in :Josue of Nazareth. c < •• ;The Church is net made up of peo- ple who think they never make •mis- takes, but of people • who have recog nized their wrong -doing and have joined the Church in the belief that it will help them avoid wrong -doing: • The, Church is not trying to tell people What they must believe, but it le trying to tell them what they can believe, and what a. difference it will make in their life' if they, do believe • these . things: • ' , The Church is, not trying to take the joy out of life, but it is trying_to 'Put •a joy into every, man's like that' will , last through all of time. Up . one run going, into the last of the sixth inning, the high School add- ed four :more but .the: Outlaws cable back strong : in 'their 1st, • of the 7th to score :an equal number of rune, failing however to ,get the tying coun- ter:.. ' It was an expensive win for. the H. S. . as their catcher, Donald , Finlay- son had 'a bone in his ankle broken, in the last inning:- • • High School—Donald Finlayson,N• S. Calvert, D. Aitchison, J.' Cook, R. Richards, J. Leith L.Wylde, W Pin- nell, A. McKinnorit Outlaviws—H..Treleaven J. Hender- son; J. Fisher, 3.• Can pbell, • P.. Me- Millan, D. McKinnon, rB`. McIntosh, J. Webster, M. Solomon.. Score By Innings Outlaws • 013.120 4-11 High School... 302 214 x-12• Lucky Nine and- Tigers If the first game turas a thriller, the second. was the apposite as : the Lucky Nine and Tigers battled for first : positi n in a,.listless game, with the LLckies scoring ken mins in' the last inning to romp home, with the victoryand the league leadership. Up until' that point the game had at least been even so far as the score was. LAUGH IT -OFF There comes a time when the only way ' out of confusion for the wise man is to "laugh • it - off." We fancy that time had arrived for the twriter of these lines on the ' vari'oua eco- nomic set-ups which 'are today bear- ing.down on the world: . . - SOCI•AI.ISM—Yon have two' cows -yoix give ,one to your neighbour. onceriedt • Lucky, Nine' -J. K. Mackenzie, II. Greer, B. Lloyd, -•F. Steward, R. 'Mc- Kim, .G. Fisher, Mac Stewart, Cam. McDonald, Fred McQuillin IL Thomp- son. `tigers=.i: McNab, C: Thompson, . C. Johnston, A. McCartney; : V. Hunter, J. Ross, R. Finlayson, C. Greer, L. MacDonald. Score by Innings Lucky Nine COMMUJNISM--You• have two cows —you give both to the Government. FASCISM—You have tviio cows— You keep the cows,' give the Govern- ' ment the milk, The' Government sells. part of„the milk back to 'you: NAZIIS'M `You have two cove-- government ow --Government shoots you,..takes bath cows. NEW DEAL—You have two coiv: :—Government shoots' one .cows milk'” the' other co'w and pours .the mill' down a sewer, CAPITALISM—You have two Cowl, -You sen one cow and buy a bulb 230 303 ,10•-21 Tigers 431 001' 2-11 Umpires—Jack MacDonald, N. S. Calvert. . 'DIE-HARDS •ELIMINATED'• IN LOSING TO OUTLAWS • • Inspite of •a make -shift line-up, George Hassal's Die-Hards made- a strong bid to ' keep an the running for a softball playoff berth on Tues- day •night,' but unsuccessfully. They dropped a 10 to 7 decision to Jack Caitipbell's" Outlaws and neithet • .. Aue. T:. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST WILL BE N L.UCKNOW -EACH WEDNESDAY , 9.30 A. M. To "9. P. M. ' AT Wit SCHMID'S STORS — � �•i'ng CB®' A MILLION DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS DENOTE CONE N Ar CANADA' Here is a Iettetfrom agctiool' teacher "recently received along numerous .,others &y one ' of our branches observ- ing .the SOth anniversary of its ' establishment:. ONEER branch qY ratula--- 'tq. song te the C- elebra.tion of pits "write•th.e G the Bank . O. Montreal Ond to, .wish i�t continued jubilee anniversary;- . . ; and suooess. ositdrs in Your prosperity d'ep "As.one of .the.' -smaller for moat of the`. Ae enrolled there. 1 have been appreciated bank and have certainly -appreciated staff, fifty years; and' friendliness of the sale 'Bank. of the courtesy Safety which then J Celine °f s to • me': � • the, f always' meantbe eQualTy Hontreal' has may • fuxure relatl.oris ds may be added ..aping our new friers and that many. pl0asant► • to your list. c�"I am,- , BANK "'107'a very sincerely. s.E,. • MONTREAL OF ESTABLISHED• 181T Lucknow Branch: V. N. PREST, Manager ..A BANK INHERE SMALL ACCOUNT ARE WELCOME" one of, theni. gets everit,fifteen minutes tolee how. it seietik the uthernne, then asks yell te send up the niitic Can, the churn, and doee not smell too bad, the matt nre, in the mearitiniO you go on relief CHEER 11P. Shrhe day the 'C4oC, ig \Obis to \Warp, th' „the Sliust \srt , man i German • Postcard Says R A. F. Prisoner Safe Rritoseefnngenenyoft ioftItarte • \‘ ea We 41 einbeater nab 6efinbt WV: non Vet eat tottbe 14 In bet smote !taw tt: AS.9440 sastiII slit* top 144$6, flafigli-cirte.E 4 -A • 0411111•044 iti W=6,1,614.1 • 611.1044'4 Proto a Gertnitil, peisOn cattiP has come `Tam postord" to tell ed) as a 'German. im'soner of war And iion in toed 'hands. (I.Norill be the father of Plying Officer' A. B. Thenipson of li,he it! A. F.• who' tiiketty frote here (.te.-another place) .in the next few days' (the ad- . lives in Petletanguishene, that; his soir has been interned there. The dress of which) I will write to you. (1 *01 itllowed telt, receive ,iattitmight,it!' et rtie,i4 et the with aft &cm you there aryl w0Lbe able invite to yen.) wtithes.." • •