HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-10-19, Page 192.00 A YEAR-iN ADVANCE.-. 60c. EXTRA TO U. S.
Fi•r°1...,. � •.",�•
Lostine Barn,Sea-:
Gordon. Barger
• on''s ,Crop •And.:Many :'Implements
. In: 'Thursday: 1Wf orning Fire While
e i In operation McNay'
'Bins,. -Had Separator Burned.
The:;first barn•,fire fir° some :tune"
in • this • ii'nmediate, : district; oeCtirred
last Thursday morning, where, Gordon
la t .. ,
sic : i2 '.Aahfieldx, suf-
Barger, 'Ciarices n . , . , ..
fered the loss of ,a 'fine big barn,
his season's'crop `and ' a number :of
implements: Only. .stock lest in the
conflagration •was, one hog. •
The Outbreak .occurred ahil hresh=-
a in p rogrees, and McNay'Bros.•.
ingw s p
(Alex and Kelso). saw. their thresh-
,ing separator destroyed, after efforts.
had failed.to get • it out' • of• the 'burn
ing building: • •
Threshing, which Ornamented. 'Wed*
nesday": a f t e r.n• c o n :was resumed
Thursday 'morning, and was -only in
progress about.: twenty .minutes, when
. blower,:.
a ,1;x11' of lire' shot ;from thea.
into the straw mow . at, the back . of
'the -barn. Kelso McNay leaped to foe;
mow ' • atteryipting to . .smother the.
Lucknow. . Ont , Thursda:
October 19th, 1939
On the kitchen range' at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. •Bcrt Ward are to he
seen two stove pines that have been
in continuous use for 43, years.And
at that -they, appear to. be "as good,.
,,. , .i .s of rust-'
as nev✓., and s1�4Y;' no..8gn
o 't '' make' 'em Iike:.
ing out. ;They d, 3? , • •.
that today -
Mrs. Ward 'can tell; you the • exact
- ont ' a ,dyear they, were purchased
Month: h, ?l.
at �.Tho.mail< la,wrenee's hp,rdWare in
Lucknow-it'd was 'in -•••November 1896.`
Can anyone beat that record?
flames with a t, but to no avail
Efforts ere then; directed -to. 're-
moving the separator, which was: well
back in• the barn, also the stock, in was situated where ;Mrs. MacKen-
Mr. R. J. Cameron recently
covered an'interesting banquet inva-
Cation, while leafing through , an old
Domestic hydro. bills, issued recent
ly; are for the first time subject to
the Dominion, Government 8 percent
sales taxa This* is .a war tax meas,
in to donnestically used
ure: '•apply lI - - .,
,a. d• 'certain" other •tom=.
liydru power, •,, n. 4 ; a
medti'es, previously exempt:
effective as- at ;Mid-
nighttax ,becamt„, .
night on September ],lth, and �is.'cliar-
ast two, .months bill g_ , It has not y t',eauon+nced at r
ged on the p .. � :� 1 .Rangers Camp', was
-bilia' churches the •poy, , Trai g :he
ing• .. ro rata basis., is, the which. of the• 'vrllag. Y .
coand' .' ber r 29th T uesda :evening in the basement•
trig covers the,moriths of August service .will be held. October last u Y ,
September a total '.o f 61 days• The tats, narks the last Sunday that the . Bat= .0..
the United• Church.
introducers on •September ,11th applre+ ;tery will be at Walloon• as theThe meeting opened :with the Trail
Only on the latter nineteen days of 167' members are being . transferred
•'s,Fa.7�"^*•= rnw.nnxr *a'*�^5"^",+5n'^•^P'7�"TF'°" ,,,,. an^+.-•
Under the commanil of Major E. R.
nd�ct A[►pl
Trail Rangers To Co a •Day
h 97th .Battery R'C A. 03
Dixon the a.
wvill attend . Divine .Service . With Entire Proceeds For` The. Red
in •Lucknow ,on Sunday. morning Oct-
ober 29th.'The Bay wille acccozn-
WalkertonLegion 'Band
nailed by�the .
Cross --• '"lay An Apple Is The
e bythe. Tnicknow Pipe l: Atter,a ` re orga ri±ation meeting,
and joined, her
l ' .embers' of the.. to er 1'Oth' at .tile
Band and<probab m .;, hel : •on • Tuesday, October .. b .
Y Of. the Canadian ; . d • ";Wilford
Wingham ,Branch home of Thompson,:the.,first
'Legion. t: • • ; : '• ow "S•
g 5egular meeting of the L.uekn..
in yet • � ani
'the 'billing ' so that 'the,.local hydro.
The invitation, more . than three
score Years of age, announced "a
Liberal -Conservative banquet to be
held at. Wm. Pascoe's hotel, on. Tues -
da October 15th, 1878 with Sir •John.
day, as -the
A l.Vael)onald,. K.C.B:; M:P.,ban:
speaker. -The fee to the•
but; was'probably
quet was ' 11.00,cted
worth it,'as 'the. invitation' su'gge
that "A Good Time Js' Expected." ,L
S. Tennant was •president;. and Fred
Grundy, secretary. The .Pascoe Hotel
the s'ta'liie:` l lie bra eitne - :-ria•-'-•rrl zee's_ store now sza'nni5
to the 'barn door by .Alex•:.McNay,d
when they'; were about ready to hook.
• the chain on,, a downdraft enveloped
the . machine . and the entire 'interior.
in a wall of flame, , forcing them . to
flee; and abandon the .effort to save'
the ',separator •-
Within about forty 'minutes • the
structure' was'. praiititally bursted to
the found'ation.. Besides the hay, there
.'was several hundred bushels of 'grain,
chiefly ,barley;' and some. forty: loads
of grain still to be : threshed::
The majority' of Gordon's 'imple-:
:ments housed. . in. the'..g'>anarylean-to'
were also destroyed. -The loss rs part-
ially covered by insurance.
The McNay tiros., who devote; more
time to corn -cutting, do 'comparatively
Tittle custom threshing,; and had only
one . more ' such job.. to . do. Insurance
in carried on the separator, only while
intstor-age, and , thus its destruction,
is. a total•loss.
an .
Do You Believe In. Signs?
This year the..beeehnut crop • is nil,
we are told, and• if you..' believe in
signs, this would indicate a mild
(Winter; er at•least a minimum of snow.
Well, . we'll see. • •<5'
Norma Burt of I;:inlough was one.
of the '.twelve., contestants, taking•
gait in lithe, Bruce KConinty• public •
•• speaking ..contest. 'for' public • schools,
• held at' Southampton •on- Friday. night
before a, capacity • audience,
'First place went','te Murray 'Mc,
Gill, IL -R. 22 Paisley, who • spoke on
the subject,. "•Advantages, of Being;.a
Farmer." He now enters 'the seine-
'finals' of the Guelph' dictrict'• and in
'the opinion of the judges, stands.. an
excellent chance of entering the finals
• next ter:. •
IVir Dobson, West truce Inspector,
,stated:after the contest, that' d'uring
his five years' as Inspector, the judges
• had••never had such difficulty in choos-
ing the winners. In • other years one
of- the two contestants .were qutstand -
ing; but this,.year•. dal were on .a par
and .the •'rovinners above. the average
• contest *Innen': • '
Several. reports .have been received
this fall. of •a.' second crop -of rasp-
berries being • ripe, and' comparatively
plentiful. •'• ?
Mrs.. Jaines Cornelius , of White-
church has a patch of ever -bearing
tame raspberries, 'which are. • peeving
• true to thee' name and recently have
produced•sufficient ripe' fruit• to per-,
mit the •preserving of several jars.
. 'Danger Ceremony. 'followed by, pray-,
to Listowel for winter training, er "i,y Rev: Todd, The election of of -
office had the added -.task in issuing
the current billing, of computingthe
of 8'%:• of 19-61st."•of -.the t‘ta1
hydro, bill. .
The tax is :•eharge'd:on the net bill,
payable by the -twentieth • ,Of the.
month: The 10 per .cent prompt pay°
merit' discount absolutely will not .ap-
1 after this date, when , the "gross
amount .of the bill will' be charged.
with the tax also increased, being
based on the gross. brit: •
The Clansmen, at a .Meeting Monday
night, planned, to hold- a • dance land
bingo in • Noyembei'. Apples and chick=
ens were: decided upon.as:bingo prizes.:
The 'Club also discussed ,the possi-
bility of staging a •minstrel, show early
in the New •Year, and* a committee
was .appointed . to consider the matter.
To Bate, Best In',•Footwear
A shoe traveller 'calling at Rathwell•
and Reeds- last week, shad with hint
Standard 'military
shoe now being nianufactu'red for the
Canadian Forces. • The, shoe is •made{
throughout' of the best: of leathers.
The high, cut upper, of the .shoe :lis
a soft. avid pliable leather, muchlike
a dress- shoe. The -soles however are
real heavy with a hobh-nall toe sand 'a
semi-metalplated' heel. They are
waterproof, have . a 'partially: .sewed
tongue, and lin general appear :to be
the last word in comfort, and servic•-
oability. Some 125,000 pairs . are on
order. at 'various factories in Canada
Present .,Newlyweds . • .
Mr:• and Mrs: • Thomas Anderson,
recent' newlyweds,. were presented
with,a silver tea service by -the :Blake
Commzunity last Friday .evening.
ficers ,for the 1939-1940 term. resulted
as follows: .-Chief . Renger-
Thompson; sub chief-IBill Treleaven;
t talley -Stanley Prest; ',cache -Reggie
Ferguson. "
During the business period it was
d to sponsor; an Aliple, Day on
Saturday, October 21st,' `the entire
Elected ',president e e for the Lucknow Branch of
recent :fall gaily of :Angilean : e . C nad'ian "`Red; Cross.: The meet -
At. the. recent th a
Peo le of Bruce. Deanery, held ,•u thenclosed with, the, Trail Rang,-'
Young People Deanery, _ _ __.,, d
'jug _•
t L'• .. 's Bead 1Vliss Dorothy ,Coo:cc • "'Circle • •
Fair gate. • r' ze was woii
The 'Fall Fir P �.
by, L• loyd Bell, R, R. 1, Kincardine:
The lucky ticket was Np.• '1221,. drawn
at the' concert on Fall Fair night.
• The . prize was a lovely china cab-
ab-inet. donated by the 'Lucknow Table'
*. '.. and' far so 'time had'.
>.Company, a � •,
'gone unclaimed. .
g ,,.
.visiting a .
iteecirtly, while vi g.,• t Lang
side, Mr. Bell'. read in The Sentinel•
the •annoOnceigent regarding the lucky
t U on' returning ht5�nie,.the tick
ticket: • p
s * �. he had laid' . away. .
et stub' , iw'hich
proved him to be the winner and Mr.
Bell is - now, in ;possession of the val-
uable prize. .
The October• meeting aR� the Worn
1 on Frid.a last,
en's Institute was held Y
with the motto taken :by Miss' Mary
McLeod and. a ;paper', on historical
research by Mrs. Wesley Huston. The
roll call was answered by "My Fav-
orite. song or hymn''. 7t'Irs,� Harvey
Webster' gave' a. 'reading and Mrs.
Jack -Campbell a report of the dis
trict annual meeting'held at Guelph.;
Mrs. -Horace Aitchison and Mrs. Har,
vey Treleaven 'gave a . demonstration
of meat cooking.• ' ,•
a ion , . er .
of Lucknow' was elected ,president: Remember the change in date for
next week's meeting -Thursday,: Oct
ober .26Th at 7.30'p.m,. '
A.resident of "Guelph for forty -years
Mrs. Janet' MacDonald; wife of the
late" James • :MacDonald, 'died Tuesday
morning, October 10th at their home,
-85 . Edinburgh R'oad., •
Mrs. MacDonald ' who :'has bgen •ill
since 'January, died' on her seventieth
Born at Kinlooss, near Lucknow; 'she
was formerly. Janet MdHardy, daugh-
ter of 'the Tate Mr. and • Mrs. • John
cHardy, of Vancouver., She moved' ,
to •Guelph forty years '`ago, and during
that time; gained, a, host •of friends.
•who learned with :deep • regret • of 'her
passing. -Mrs. MacDonald was a meta-.
ber • of - • Knox Presbyterian ',Church.
in••Toronto Ea � - Deeply ;devoted to.ber home, her •• chief
•interests: -were there.
• • Surviving are ['two • daughters; Miss
Jessie and lira. John., Kennedy,• of
Guelph,. one' son,, Jack, :in; 'Toronto;
a brother, •'Charles.•1VIcHardy, - of Van `,
couver; and a sister, I'Irs: Annie Mor -
tuner. • •
The funeral•, was held at• Her resi=
Berme or Thursday • afternoon at- 2.30
O'clock. Jwas'in Woodiawa. Cern
'IVIr. 'and Mri. Cameron. MacDonald,
MeNals, •Mits., Everett Harris and
Leonard .MacDonaid toWn attended
Softball took- its `toll :last' Thurs-
day nighct.:'Donald. Finlayson. suffered
a . broken bone in his ankle.: and . a
.ruptured 'blood vessel 'during :the: final
inning.: The injured foot was .placed
hi a cast early this week, and ..a'com-
paratively 'quick' recovery •is expect,.
ed. '; , •
Mac 'Stewart suffered a somewhat
similiar. -injury earlier - in the game.
A medical examination , showed two
small ankle bones broken, but Mac
is. back to work 'with ithe injury' well
strapped and rnaking,the best of it.
Phillip McMillan received a crack
on the• side of the face. and has •a des-•
colored optic • as evidence . that ' he
was the .third victim of the; 'night's
sport. • •M
day,. Octoberr 26. Good program. Sup-
per 6 to 8. •Admission 40c and 20c -
The 13ruce County Old Boys and
girls •,Association Of Vancouver, bas
made plans for a PrPgram of social
evenings of cards and dancing in the
• ions are held the Second Friday of
eaeli month from October to April.
' The annual meeting of, the Asseeie
tion is -set fer',..April 23rd, and th4
annual basket picnie st ,Stanley Park
on July 31:st.
the service.
.:„1 lar-A•iN;S in Men's .work clothing,
Mrs. Wm..:MaeKenzie -held an after-
noon • tea last` 'Thursday, afternoon:
in honor', of Mrs. Tom' • MacKen-
zie, a . recent . bride. . Miss `Nary
MacKenzie waited at•the door with
the; hostess and bride receiving. the
guests. `Mrs. Hornell' assisted .in the
living •room,. while Mars G. . A. New-
ton presided at the piano and assist-
ed in. cutting' the ices:
Mrs, A. 'G. Elliott; Mrs. J. S, Mac-
Kenzie,, Mrs. W. L: 1VfacKenzie •'and
Mrs: Clair Agnew poured • tea, while
Misses Jessie MacKenzie; Stella 'Stews.
ard;: Margaret MeeQuillirr and Betty
MacKenzie' assisted at.;tile tea table.'
Work Rooms .Established In •
'Chambers With Three Worts
• ings - Weekly . Arranged.
Socks, Mitts, •Underwear; Pants,
Smocks and Overalls: THE MARKET
tV eet-
Conuni4itees of • the - recently organ;'
rzed local' branch of the' Red Cross,
have. swung into a'cti9ir; ' and ,'p1.p11'3
and activities are being rapidly form-
ulated and becoming operative,
The Works Committee, under'' •the
'convenorship . of ':Mrs A}, . 'E.: MCZcKini,.
'h established. the ' Red •Grass Work
Rooms "in the `.Council' Chamber at
the Town Hall, , where three . sewing
sessions. weekly will be held, commen-
cing at' once, `
These 'meetings will be held , each
Tuesday and 'Thursday afternoon at •
2 o'clock and ' each Thursday evening' 1
at 7.30 o'•clock. The, ladies of the town
and vicinity are invited to come and.
sew. -Materials. , are , all supplied and
cut for.sewing, but each lady .is re.
quired to .bring her own thimble, sci-,
sors and needle.
.Wool for knitting. sox will be „avail,-
able: for *.distribution•the--first.._ of the.
week and'' May be received zit the. •
homes.. of Mrs: Harvey' • Treleaven,
Gough St, or Mrs..A. E. McKim.
Theane'mbershin committee met this.
week to, plan their• merhbership drive
and the finance committee met to dis -
eb.ss. iw'ays ' and means of raising funds,
while the president; Mr.. G H• Smith
has been working in the 17iciuii;y" to'
enlist the eo-operation of other groups:
to assist in- the work undertaken..'
MARRIED IN Dance in the Paramount: Hall ,.en
Two gracluatei of the University of
Toronto were married oa Saturday, at
the United Charch parsonage, Luck -
'notV. The bride, Miss Anna Margaret
*Mrs. Donald L. Strancharrof °Po2.t El-
gin, and the. bridegrobrail Mr: tearge
Gordon Dielby; Is the son of Mr:. and
Mrs. George II. Bielby of Niagaya
Palls: Rev. R. Colin Todd officiated.
, The bride were a frock of hunteris
Friday night 'October 20: Musk by
MacKenzie's orchestra, Admigsion 25c.
Dreised' cluck for a kicky door prize.
The Clansnien will _hold a dance
.and bingo in the ToWn Hall, TuesflaY
NOvembew 7th. MacKenziets orchestra,
Bingo Prizesapples and Chickens.
Directors To Meet • ,.
Directors of .the Lucknow Agricul-
tural SoCiety win hold their first
.meeting since tfie; Fair,- this Friday
evening in the ToWn 'Hall.
One of the -pioneers of Turnheril
passed -away on Thursday, October 5,
in the PersOn Of Colin Eaciie, in his
80th , year, follOwing , an illness of
about six weeks! Mr. r adie 'was born
on "the ferns on. Which Eadie's Church
now stands, the kin of the late David
Eaclie front Whom the church receiv-
ed its,name. Forty-six 'years ago he
was rnarried to Amanda Switzer *ha
Besides big sorrowing wide* he is
surviVed hy two sons and two daugh-
ters, William ef Holyrood, David at
home, ,Mrs. Eldon, Renwick, naar Del-
more, and Mrs. Charles 'Oathers, of
HOwiek, also foar., sisters, Miss, Beat-
rice ,on the honsestead, Mrs.. David.
and Mrs. DlacloWell, of Manitoba.
The serVice° Wag cOndacted at his
d Church of 'which he was .a
ued. member. The pallbearer's Were:
Thos. Wallaee, Thos. Metcalfe Rich-
ard :Oaten, Sam lqitrshall, nos,
wan made in: the Whiglitina Cemetery
Attended InstellatiOn
District, LO.O.F., -'wsi's in 'attendance
TUesday of last week -when the in-
stallatIon of officers for the ensuing
term took place: Officers of Liberty
Rebekah Lodge were jointly instelIed.
, The Luckriow Fire Company, will
hold a Hallowe'en Pince in the ToWti
green with matching French hat, grey
fur jacket, and corsage of orchid's and
Hall on Tuesdaf October 31st. Mae- lily-of-therfralley. There were , no at-
Kenzie's orchestra, ' tendants. Mr., and Mrs. Bielby Will"
• live in Fergus.
The final games of the .soft7 LUCKNOW BIBLE ,INSTITUTE
and next -Taesday. Thursday. October The Bible Institute will begin
19: --High Scheel' vs Tigers, Tuesday, fan and 'winter work on Friday eVen-
Oetober 24thTLLuelty- Nine vs .ing; October 27th. please Wateh.next
'Herds. • 1. " week's Se•ntinel for full particulars,
DANCE AT HOLYROO,D Offering. in 'the 'Presbyterian chareh
' Hallowe'en Masquerade Dance at there will, be no meeting in the :In.
Holyroed Hell on .riich.w petoer, 27, Stitute , this Friday evening.
under auspices Of the Wanien's: Insti-
ball schedule will be played Thursday '
SnoWlflurries last Saturday, that
were coMparatiVely beefy et times,
.gave • indications • that King Winter
is (ow the. march and will be -ready
for a niajer offensive ere long.
lovied, by the snow, concluded a 'dis-
agreeable meek of wet and cool wea-
ther that early this Week brought
decided drop in temPerature.
October of lagt year. was ark:ideal.
fall month, and it wasAnot Until a'
month later, on November 12th, that
'We had our Brit snow.in 19313..
But that was exceptional„ and aat-
urday's inew by no, means .set a rec-
ord ,for &oiliness or 'quantity, •
tute. Sepoy orchestra. General admis-
sion 25e. Proceeds in aid of the,,Red
To 44dres Young, People
Bruce Presbytery will, address the
Young People of all the churches en
Tuesday evenhig.nert in the United
Receives Windbreaker
Goderich. *Liens Club, sponsors .of
the juvenile ball team,' that went
through to the 0.B.A. finala, banquet:.
ed the team on Thursday night. Ross
MacDonald was one of the members
Of the team; all of whoni were pre-
sented%with'windbreakers, and group
WARM NeW ,Comfortable undergar,
The dramatic Society of •St. Peter's' 4-.-
MA.tf.a.ET WORE.
A. Y. P. A. Win' Present their play, .
"Sis Perkins," in the !Town I Hall,
Half the proceeds in aid of the Red •
LECTURE AT ST. HELENS Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie Becemes Noble
Don't • fail to eitend the lecture' ' Grand Of Local' Order. For Current
Club in the Comniunity Hall, St. • •
Officers (of Jewel Rebekah Lodge
Helens, 'this Friday evening; Octabei.
were installed to offiCe at a special
20th at A o'clock, -when Mr. Benson
of Toronto will deal With' the pro- meeting Monday evening., The cere-
' diming and 'Marketiag of poultry ,end 1111°nY was conducted by Mrs., Jessie
b , .her installing team included; Mrs. C.
NOTICE 'Of" MEETING ,, MacKenzie, Dep. Marshal; Mrs. D.
,„,Fisher, Dep. Warden. Mrs. B.. Mae -
the annual meeting of North Huron
in the Town Hall, LucknoW, on ,Thure Mrs T. Camphell, (treas.; Mrs. G.
Honor; Mrs. G..Mahood, Mrs. M. Blair,
will be the guest sPeaker. All clubs
11 Munroe, MOs, Isohel CUYler.
Official records Show that on Oct- are invited to attend: Ladies' please Mr§• ---0
Musitian-Mrs. G. Gaul; soloist --Miss
ober 9th, 19n6 there wag a snowfall !Iting sandWiChes.
,22nd 1925, .snow fen to a depth of 12 TOLL BROS. NEW `TRAVELOGUE ,,,
' Officers installed ire aa follows:
of ten inehes and on October 21st and
Mrs, Christens, Mackenzie; V. G. -
With the best Of still & motion pict Mrs. Evelyn Little; Red. -Sec. -Mrs.
pre eqUipthent the Toll Brother have Jessie D. Clarke; Fin: Sec. -Mrs,
tipentig5 menths in ',Cetitral and 'South Marien Cook; Treas...-Mrs. ' Jean -E:
Arnerica securing' material for a, new Aitchison, Warden-lVfiss Dorothy
Travelogue: TheY' believe tbie Travel, Cooke; . Condiicter-Mrs. R. Johnston;
Edwin rnith, son\ of Mr. and Mrgt
vice-president of the Perth County
Teachers' Institute at the recent con-
L.S.V.G.,-MrS, Clara Nixon; musiouln vention of the assoeiation, held at
-Miss Elva Johnston. '
The death occirred in :Moose , Jew
Hospital on October 1st Of Mr. James
The late Mr: Caesar Was born oh
the family homestead en ti* cpu.7
cession of Kinloss near Langside
February 14th in the,year i860. He
waS the -son of the late Mr." and.Mrs.
Henry: Caesar. ,He spent 'his iearly
manhood in the hOme locality, far,m-;
,ing and ,in: the apple business. Some
thirty years ago he went West tak-
ing up land, bat often returning tO
his former home to sPericl' the winter
Presbyterian Y. P“. S.
The Presbytran Y. P. S. enter-
tained the-socie es of Wingham, Tees -
water and 'Whitechurch on Monday
evening..After Singing hymn 437, the
Scripture' lessee wes read by MieS
the Lord's Prayer was repeated in an -
Jim Henderson welcOmed the •iither
tocietieS, :hopiag that the visiting
Young People would have an'enjoyable
tithe, as Lucknew society had when
Hymn 691 was sung 'and the Bible
was given by Mrs, Mowbray cif White-
cbureb. Mrs, King and 'Miss Jessie
The topie was taken by Mr. Ralph
'Hammond of Whigham. After the of- ,
Whitechureh sang a duet Hymn 60
was sung and this part of the' meet,
ink .was bronght to a close with pray-
er by. Mr. MacDonald:LA Pleasant time
was Spent in ‘ga'mes -and contests, .
condacted by Mrs. Morgan Henderson
and Miss Gladys Mactlenalci. After
the luncb was served, the presidents
of the visiting societieS thanked in
apprePriate Words; ;the Lucknow soc-
iety for a Very enjoyable "evening. •
After singing "God Save The.King"
the gathering:, dispersed,
inonths,, where he alWays enjoyed
meeting with Old acquaintances while
here. The init. time he was home was.
three years ago, when he and his Wife
A few years ago he .pure.hased a
home in Lancer but Still wts always
interested ,in farming, whic car-
ried on in a large scale.
' The last two years health failed
him, but not until the last two Weeks,
when he was removed to the Moose
Jaw Hospital, did , ffiends realize his
condition was' so critical, as he' was
always of a very cheerful end kind
disposition. .
the year 1919 ' he was united. •
Marriage to !Miss Gwendolyn Morris,.
Who survives. He also is survived 1.1s7
a Miter, Miss Leonice Caesar of Lon-
don; two brothers, JosePh of Sinn
mit, New Jersey; John of Lancer,
!Saskatchewan; "his aged stet/Mother
and brother Henry of Langside, and
sisters, Mrs. R. Corrigan, Holyrood.
(Annie) and Mis:-Lockhart (Lily) Of
.Saskatchewan. 'A brether Edward and
a, sister' AnthonY Doyle •predea-
The funeral wakheld from the R.
Morning October 7th. Rev. Father On-
ing. The pallbearers were Mesers
Jos. McMillan, Archie McKinnon, DAVI
McKinnon, John McKinnon, Daniel
' Mrs. Caesar of Lancer, Sask., Mrs.
George of Toronto •(Mrs. Ceasar's
ter) and Miss 1..eonice Caesar of Lon-
don accompanied the, remains hore.
The synanathy of the community
of his 'fernier home district is extend.
announce he engagement ,'&7-11eir
Mr. Francis Steven, youngest son 'ot
, Mr. .gittiOn Leslie and the, late ts.
Leslie of Grariton. The marriage ,to
take place quietly %he 'latter part ot
United Church Evg. Aux.
The monthly meeting -of the Eiren-
nig Auxiliary Vas held at' the home
of Mrs, E. c. Todd on Tuesday even-
ing, with. the president, MiSs • Viola
Kerry in 'charge. The.topic from the --
new study pook On India • "Moving
Millions;” was ably givea by Mrs.
At the conclusion ef the meeting
Bible Contest and soCial half hour,
Was 'enjoyed. '
St. Peter's Guild .
St. Peter's Women'S Guild, held
their onening Meeting' for -the 1:939-e
1940 season at the home of theif pres-
ident, Mrs. Temple •Clarke, Tuesday
evening,- A goodly number 'of the
.Officers were re-elected:. Pre'sident-..
Mrs.:, Temple Clarke; 'vice -president --
good program' ,of work .,Was drawn
up • for the coming year, The meeting
closed' with benedietion by the Rea-,
ed to the widow, the aged mother and
sisters, and hrpthers of the deceased.
Rev. C, H.1 MacDonald' conducted Elected Vice-president
When thrOgITH
They were Marvin Walter, son of Mr.
and Mrs. M. .6-; Orr. rilliarkV4iitheS,
soh of gr. and. Vire, Gordon Fisher
and Joyce Ardonna daughter of fesday November 8th, under auspices
ideal evening's program, which will
enteiitain, instruct and inspire., Cont-
i/1g to the trOWn Liteknow, Wed -
and Mrs. Robert 'Moffat: 'of the W.. A. of the United Churdh.
ton; R.S.V.G.-Mrs..1Viitigaret Sproul.
Attend .Y. Cetiferenee At 'Sarnia
Arnorig thoSd from Huron .attending
the annual ' London Young -Peoples'
eonference:Were Misses Violet Ritchie,
Elmira Alton, Pearl Thompson, Muriel -
Wilkins, Mr.' Fred Andersdri and Mr.
and Mrs.1Wilkins. The conference was
held' in .the Devine St. United cliur,,ch
of 'Sarnia from Friday until Sunday,
the Reverend, Archer Wallace•of Tor-
onto being the, guest speaker. •
Stratford. •
LAMES! tOy your reinairements
Alk Hose before the .big price
Vetees:, Old LoW Prices at the MAR-
KET sToEs,,