HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-10-12, Page 5•
' THURSDAIF, j CTQBER 12th, 1939
• o -d T I
Lyceum ceum Theatre
Show starts at 8 pan. except.
Saturday. ---_Saturday n ght
two shows at' 7.45. and 9.45 p.m.
MATINEE Saturday ayy 2.30 p.m..
Thursday, 'Friday, Saturday
October 1Z,': 13,..
, So
n rid
• '1'arz • again battles :the tun=
gle beasts and gavages in tins:.
• :cxcitings-story,- that is':being
- ire •ented On the scre;'n ;tor
your 'entertainment. ,
Also' -. "Lincoln in the White
n _
House"; "Sport Subject"
"News-" .
Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday
October 16, 17, .18
"%AI LSe I N''
ail Fa r VrizeList
Fruit ingston, Mrs. T. J. Safaceld, Library
• h M
Baldwins. Lorne W.00ds,W; A. Mil.
ler. Ben Davi W. A. Miller; • T. J.
Salkeld. Culver is -W.. A. Miller. ;Cay-.
uga Red Streaks -Lorne Woods, R. G.
r nereD a Alex Apdr ew, W,
keld, J. W. Joynt. Cranberry Pippins
-J. W. Joynt. Maiden Blushes -W.
A. Miller.', Gravenatems- W S.Me-
Guice, . Herb. Desjardine. Wealthy
Alex Andrew, W. S. McGuire...Canada
Red -Lorne Woods, W. A. Miller.
King , 'of .Tompkins County --Lorne
Woods, W. A%killer. Peewakie=-
actin. Mann p
• s
G:: M A
,Lorne Wood , R
;ee • oods' R. G. Martin,'.
oodsW: 8.
„RrYer°-,•I-poi:ale "W ,
Guire. King pippins=Lorne Woods.
lenheim I' 1 p'P"i'n s -Alex Andrew;
Lorne Woods :.Ribson Pipinns• I<`ornc
Woods. Ontario -1-R. G. Martin, Lorne
Woods.. Rhode 'Island Greenings-
L' orne Woods, •T. J. Salkeld.':.Roxborc
Russets -Lorne' Woods, R. G. Martin.
Golden Russets -J. W. Joynt, R. G.
Martin: Fatneus or Snow --Lorne
Woods; W: A.: Miller, Northern Spy-
T. J. Salkeld, Lorne •Woods. Wagner;
-R. G. Martin; Lorne Woods.• Mc
Intosh Reds -Alex Andrew, T. J. Sal:
keld. Any other fall variety, named•
George Alton, T. J. Salkeld. Any other
winter variety; 'named -Lorne Woods.
T. J. Salkeld. Three : varieties fall-
Lorne Woods, Alex Andrew. Four vac•
ities winter ' apple's -Lorne Woods,,
T. J. Salkeld. Best variety, named ap-
ples -Lorne Woods, Alex Andrew.
Crabapples -Al `rr Andrews Geo. Al-
ton. Fall Pears -Herb Desjardine, W.
A. 1VIi'ller, Winter Peaks=l.oi•ne
Woodsy ,T. J. .Salkeld. Peaches -Herb
Desjardine, Lorne 'Se) ooas. Piaxiirs;-tinere
-Lorne Woods, W. A. Miller, Grapes.
blue -Harold Greer, Herb Desjardine.
Grapes, red' -I,. -Isaac . Miller; T. J. Sal
keld. Collection grapes -T, J. Salkeld,
•Isaac Miller. Quinces-W..:S. McGuire;
Lorne Woods. Cone •of •apples, r any
variety: --T. J. Salkeld;: Lorne Woods.
Hamper of apples -Lorne, Woods, Al-
ex Andrea,. Bushel hamper McIntosh
Red apples -=Lorne Woods,. Alex An-
drew. Bushel hamper Talman Sweet
apples.. -J. W. Joynt, •'T. T... Salkeld.
Bushel hamper Northern Spy apples= ,
Lorne Wee:41s, Mex• Andrew. Best 4,
one bushel hampers of apples,. Weal-
thy, Tatman Sweet, Snow- and McIn-
tosh- Red -Alex Andrew, Lorne .Woods
Recommended ,1st prize for Starks -
Mex Andrew. • • -
table runner•;, -•Mrs. M. E. Leitc , rs•
D; A. Fowler.:Chesterfield• set: --Mrs:
Wes. Huston, • L.. M• Livingston. Tatt-
ing--;Mrs.. D. A. Fowler; Mrs. Sam . Al-
ton. Fancy work bag -Mrs. T.
story •of the women fliers
and 'their speed, planes in whicir-
`they ' risk their necks while
competing for honours in the
racing 'airways. *°
Also" "Musica;l•, Subjects gal •
MATINEE Saturday :2.30 'p On.
Admission' Adults -20c _.
Children - 10c
Miss Mildred Funston • -i's
her aunt,' Miss Minnie Fair. . •
Mrs.. Harrison and babe spent a
• few days With her parents, Mr.: :and
�1VIrs. Dan McDonald',s. • , .. .
Mrs• Long and Jean, spent Thanks-
giving with 'Mrs. Ralph Hill.
• Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Graham spent
;Monday; at Mr. Charles Collin's.
Miss Marville Scott returned home
from Toronto this., week.'
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Emmerson spent
Thanksgiving , with the latter's sis-
• ter, Mrs. Whitely of Crewe..
Mr. ,and Mrs. Donald McCol h' spent
the ,week -end at 'Glamis.•
'Mr. and Mrs: ' Milton Walsh and
family spent Sunday at Bervie.
Mr. and Mrs: Donald McFarlane and
children spent.' Sunday at , Donny-
brook.: ,
ingston. Tea cosy -L• M: Livingston;
Mrs. Sam Alton.
cotton -1.4. .M... Livingston,
Mrs. Phil. Steward, Quilt, 'applique-
Mrs, Phillip Steward;; Mrs. , D. 11. Car-
at LuCknpw; Ontario
Published every Thursday morning
1VIrs. •A. " 1S. MacIKenziae-Proprietor
Campbell Thompson -Publisher
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12th,: 4193.9
Miss Genevieve. Hamil oil o.
onto was home with her parents . Mi.
and ,'Mrs. ' Jas, Hamilton" fors, Thanks -
`giving week -end. '
Mr. Wm, ' Mole who suffered a
heavy paralytic . stroke two 4weeks
shows 'no signs of improving:
1 ue-, "6.,, •
riuthers: Qililt,- pieced ,and apP i9 We. hope. hie condition will .soon take
'Mrs ,Tv; J. Salkeld; "Mrs .p. if, C'ait' turn .for the 'beater.
tin t
k1'. J. . quilt, fancy gnil g Mr, Wm,, Bowers, is,'anotlier .
•. rs,.and
r .. r , D. H "Calrrutlie who. have signed ` up.
Q, ilt Salkeld, .M s .• lads. around,,.-
.` �. .. s--1VI•r,s." Wii3."McIntyre ;unif cin•. W.e:.w�sh
Quilt, t oek ie. ' wearing theo .
' Corxiforter; .cotton or. wool •,filled--- .,been ali'•good,.I'uck. � k '
1VIrs,• M. E. Leitch . Born to, kr. „and Mrs. Goldie 'Car-
33.ed 'Spread's : ; , Nile, a daughter on., October `4•th
Bedspread, crocheted--�Mis. M. E. Mrs. Carter and babe Margaret "Rose
Leitch, Mrs. W. A. Solomon. Bed -are;, at the home of her parents Mr.
4pread, tufted -Mrs: D. 11. Carru and Mrs. George Rivett.
_,hers, Bedspread
Rev G. A. and Mrs, Barnard and
Winnie Barnard were visitors. with'
Rev, John. and Mrs. Barnard at Put-
nam for Thanksgiving.
Rev. Andre*. bane. ,of Clinton will
be the guest Speaker at the .anniver-
sary services to• lee held in the United
church next Sunday at 11 a.m. and
7.30, p•ni.
Visitors 'with Mrs. E. Sproul for
-Mrs, M. E. Leitch. Afghan, .knitted"'Thanksgiving were Mr. and .Mrs, Wil•
-Mrs. T. J... Salkeld,. Mrs; M. • lis Powells, 'Exeter, and Mrs.' -Pearl
Powles, St. Thomas and Miss Clara
Sproul, Stratford.
Leitch Afghan crocheted -Mrs D. A.
• Fowler, Mrs: • Ewart Taylor,
Shower Recent. Bride
Rugs .Mrs. Bruce McArthur and little
Hearth rug,; hooked -Mrs„ Desjar-. daughter Valerie have„returned from
dine, L: M. Livingston. Hearth.rug, +pending a,nionth'with her parents, at,
raised-lVIrs. Geo,: Lockhart, Nti•s• Chatsworth. '• -•
Wes. fiuston, Hearth rug, crocheted- Mr, and Mrs: Bert Wiggins, end lit-
itVIrs. Geo. Lockhart, Mrs., R. -Camp tie daughter, of., Brantford • were
bell: Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and
Cushions Mrs. Thomas Wiggins.
Cushion; wool-Mrs..'M: E. Leitch, . Mr. Heber Eedy has commenced
Mrs: D:' A. Fowler. ' building a butcher shop oyer the site
.,WOMEN'S .ORGANIZATIONS just south of McArthur'§ 1Wdlw are-.
Display, fifteen articles= -White Surh will be a convenience needed.
hunch W, L; Kairshea Club, St. Hel and shoilidd improve main street, and
'n'e W. I, Holyrood W I. business 'section. The work is going
'. -aheadn• nieely .and ' when finished, tnc
exterior will' b'e, white brick.
Mr.' and .Mrs. "Everett Harris and
son George •spent the, week end at
Niagara 'Falls and other points: ill
portrait -=L. M. Livingston; Mre; D., the peninsula:
H. Chrrnithers, Mr. Dayid Campbell' has sold his
' Water • Colours 50 -acre farm south of the village to,
' Portrait -L. Ml Livingston. Animal Mr. Robert Bere' and is .:disposing.
scene -L, M. .Livingston, . Mrd. Jas. o f his stock and implements ;by, peb-
Henry. Landscape scene -L. M. Liv- lie .auction, ' •
ing Ston Mrs .George.Fisher, Still life Mr. -and Mrs: Ed.Scruton are 'niov-
scene-L:' M. Livingston. ' ing to the residence of Dr. H. A. S-
Sketmchea Vokes. ' ' -
Charcoal, crayoor pencil sketch- Mr. Arthur Mersh and dau, •hter
L. M. Lipingston, Mrs. Geo:' Fisher.. Kathleen' have returned to.the. West
Pen and. ink sketch -;-Mrs. Geo, Fisher; after six weeks visitingfriends do
L. • M. Livingston., Poster -Mrs. Jas. this district. Their home • is at Man-.
Henry, Mrs. T. J. Salkeld: itou, • Man.. ' •
Miscellaneous Mr, Melviale Jones has' returned
Collection snapshots =-Mrs.. Ewart from a week visiting friends at Royal
Tailor, Mrs: L T. J,' Salkeld. Best dec- Oke, Mich. , ' .
•crated table, for wedding•-=7VIrs. *Wes. Miss° Winnifred McCabe spent the
Huston. • week -end with her,sister Mrs. Harvey'
Alton. •
'Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hefford, Doug. -
las, Lois.,and;Mr. and Mrs. Hemming
of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. . Wm. McClure for Thanksgiving.
MTS. Henry and' grandson Kenneth
and Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCauley,
Flesherton visited Sunday with, Mr.
and Mrs. • George Irwin.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Dungannon W. M. S. of the United
church will be. held Friday afternoon.-
fternoon,October 13th. On Thursday previous
the Auxiliary is invited to a sister
church (Port Albert) .for their meet-
ing. .
Miss Sally Polley is convalescing'
at Goderich Hospital since her ,fall
three weeks ago. Reports are that she
is' a little betterlately. '
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alton' and
son. Ronald, spent Monday with her
parents, Mr. and ,Mr's; McCabe, Berl
miller. i
.••Mr. and .Mrs. Jack••Richardspn have
rented .the house of thpPentland Es-
tate at south end' of the village.
Born Sunday October. ,lst to •Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Crawford, at.. God-
erich Hospital, a daughter.
Mr. W. A. Culbert shipped two
car loads, of heavy cattle to Toronto
last .week.
men's Institute Was held in the Com-
munity Hall with some ! 30. ladies
Present, and with Mrs.'Ewart McPher_
son'pr;esiding over an. interesting pro-
gram -for which the. roll' call• was an
exchange of perennials. Mrs. Jamie':
Gaunt, Mrs:' Ewart McPherson and,
Mrs; W. A Miller were' appointed
a ,committee .to, enquire into. the Red•
Thep g
din ' ,b• Mts. Be r t,,
iincludled,',. '�'ea gsa• y`
to Nation '.
•Thorri'paon on ; • Motllelrs ' as ,
•Builders"'and by NIrs.•..E, 3; Thorn .on:
"A Merry,,..Iieart Dnithw Good Like
`Medicine";. a•s`olo 'Alby:14Irs„Gaunt-
and a duet, ,by Marie and Dorothy
Swan: The subject: was in charge•'af
Mrs.' Lorne Woods ,and 'a paper" on
"-Farm Beautification" was read by
MrsAllan Durnin. An, interesting fea-
t:ure of the meeting ,was a pumpkin
pie contest with Mrs Barnard,
R: 3..Woods and Mrs. Jas. Gaunt as
judges: They, awarded first' • prize lo
Mrs. Archie Aitchison' and 2nd . to
Mrs•' John Swan. •A '.pleasant' social
hour„I,was . enjoyed when, sandwiches,
and pumpkin pie. were. served by the
hostesses, :Mrs. Ernest 'Gaunt' `and
Miss • Annie' Watson. ' y '
Mr's. D. Todd: is a visitor with her
daughter; Mrs.. D. J. Melntesh at.
Visitors l'iere •for•; the holiday week-
end ,
eekend, included, Miss Anna Stewart 'of
Toronto• with Mr. and Mrs. George
Stuart; Mr. and *Mrs: Wm. 'Dougherty
ail-] , satin. or rayon
Mrs, Cecil Blake held a shower at
her home for'"about thirty friends of
the bride ata Saturday for Mrs. Harry
„Middleton, formerly Iona Swan. The
afternoon was spent in•community
singing followed. by a reading by
Beth McConnell and ,Frances Crozier
read en address while Mrs. Blake
presented her with an umbrella with
verses directing' Iona to various places
where shower gifts were hidden. This,
caused much laughter and excitement.
The bride received many useful and
. -lovely gifts. Iona thanked her friends
in a very fitting manner. Auld Lang
- 'Syne was sung after which a dainty
lunch was served. .
Mr. and Mrs.. 1. M. Durnin left
Saturday morning with a truck load
ss 'of horse§ for Montreal. They intend
spending a few weeks with her people
at Applehill.
A number from here attended the
Teeserater Fait on Wednesday.
Mr.„ and Mrs. Vernon Hunter. spent
Sunday with friends at Crewe,.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fines and
daughter . of Toronto spent the week-
end' with' her brothers, Mr. Howard
and Cecil and Mrs. Blake.
Miss Beatrice' Treleaven returned•
hoirne after spending the past week
with Mr: and Mrs. Wm.Huntet of
Zion `. _
Mr. and Mrs: Aubrey Higgins and
sons Jade and Bobby of Detroit spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. john
• nary
Mr. r. and Mrs, John Watt and Cecelia
spent Sunday with Mr. and ,Mrs.
Thomas Anderson of Mafeking,
Miss Elie Whitely of•Goderieh spent
Sunday at her 'horiie here.
-Misses Lorena Crozier and Ellen
Maize • of Lucknow . High ' School
spent the ,week -end at their, homes
Oils .
Originalportrait-Mrs. D: lei: Car-
ruthers,• L. M.`•t•.ivingston: Animalpor-
trait -L: M. Livingston. , Laiidseape
• Women's Clothing. -
Night dress -L. M.'Livingston. Bed
jaeket-Mrs. Geo. Fisher, Mrs. Wes.
Huston. Slip, sill] -Mrs. M. E. Leitch,
L. M. Livingston. Pyjamas -L. M.
Livingston, •Mrs., T. J. Salkeld. House.
dress -T.. M. Livingston,, Mrs. T. J.
Salkeld. Sport dress -L. M. Living-
ston. Kitchen apron -Mrs. T. J. Sal
keld, L. M. Livingston. Knitted :snit,
wool -Mrs. M. E Leitch.. Knitted
cress,, •string -Mrs. ' Wes. - Hustoh.
Crocheted dress -Mrs. P. Steward,
'Mrs: Wes: Huston.. Sweater -Mrs. T.
J. •Salkeld,' Mrs. M. E. Leitch.
Men's Clothi g • • •
hirt--Mrs. Clark McGillivray, Bar-
bara . Stothers. Pyjamas --Mrs. T. •J'.
Salkeld, L. M. Livingston.. Sweater
,;oat. -Mrs. M. E. Leitch. .Mitts
Ly M... Livingston,,. Mrs. Desjardine,
• doves -L. M. ..Livingston, Mrs. Mc-
Gillivray. Socks; fine -Mrs: Wm. Mc-
Kenzie, L. M. Livingston. Socks,
coarse -Mrs:" Wm. McKenzie, L. M.
Livingston. • • •
and Gwen. of Guelph with Mrs: 'ii. J.
Woods; Miss Irene Woods, of Waterloo
with Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods, Miss'
Dorothy Webster of London, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Smith, Elinore and Yvonne
Miss ss Dorine.Webster.• df Toronto.
with Mrs. John Webster; ,Miss Jean
Webster. of Clinton with Mr. and Mrs.
y�'r1l Webster; Miss Norma: Weather•
head of Stratford 'with Mr. and Mrs.
L.G. Weatherhead; Mr. Neily Todd of
Stratford with Mi. and Mrs. D. Todd.
Mr. and .Mrs. Charlie McDonald
have returnedfrom their wedding trip
and' have taken up residence in Mr.
Jo` ynt's house; formerly occupied 1 by
Mr., and Mrs. Jansen.
Mrs, 'James Gaunt is visiting •with
her daughter, . Mrs. Ward., Shickluna
at Port 'Colborne. .
Miss Irene Woods of Waterloo,
Mrs. E. Hodgins . and . Miss Catherine
McGregor •of Lucknow, Mr. Charles
McGregor of' Waterloo and Mr. Rod
McGregor of. Kin'tail, were Sunday
guests of Mr. and, Mrs. George Stuart
of St. Helens.
Friends Hold Shower - •
Guessing Contests
at the Fair
•ckpow F.dfl
.JUMBfi BAG • WEIGHED '377 lbs, 4 ,oz'.
• Y:�T
• int "PRIZE�>I , . ,
ue ' naw '41,..114.,
• er'uson Cainplieli!;St., L .1F
�avon' by ,Jas, k� .g•
guess was 377., lbs. 7 or: ` • 4 -
PRI 49: 1b. . • ,
2nd �.E-guess
won by 'Mrs,. John Cameron,' Lucknow,• Ont,, whose ,g
.was 376 lbs. 8S oz. -
won by Fraser . Purves, "Lucknow, Ont. whose guess' was
376- lbs. 4 Oz..
THE. TWO LIVE' CHICK1 T;S •WEIGHED -13.; lbs. 15 oz.
won by .Mrs: M. E. •Smit'i, R. R. '6, Lucknow, .Ont. whose
guess was 13 lbs/ 141/2 oz:.
contest on Legislation prepared', by
Mrs. Arthur Graham. The current
events , 'prepared by • Kathleen • Gra- ,
ham were '.read by Mrs•, Don . Mc -
'Cosh•. Mrs. ,Elliott, Sr., favoured' the
meeting• with reciting "The old Vio-
lin". Mrs. ,, Breckles • and : Mrs. ' Aylmer•
Ackert each contributedpleasing
solos. A reading on. the modern'grand-
mother yead by Mrs. •A. Crane.
The. report of the .Area Convention:
Boy's.- Clothing
%cid , • Mrs. R. L. Treleaven, Suit, .hand.
ocks-Mrs. M. E. Leitch.
Girl's Clothing .
. Dress and bloomers -Mrs. McGilli-
vray, Mrs. T. J. Salkeld. Dress, smock-
ed -Mrs. Phillip Stewart. Sweater -
Mrs. T. J. -Salkeld, Mrs. M. E. Leitch.
. Infant's Wear
,Short dress -Mrs. D. A. Fowler,
Mrs. Sam Alton: Baby's rompers-
Mra. T. J. Salkeld. jacket, bonnet,
,bootees and. mittens -Mrs. .T. J. Sal-
keld, Mi,!s. Orland Richards. Carriage
cover -Mrs. M. E. Leitch, Mrs. Wes.
Girl's dress -2nd, Mrs. D. A. Fowl-
er; Girl's skirt -Mrs. Phillip Stewart,
-Mrs. M. -E. Leitch, Mrs. Wm. McIn-
tyre. fioy's trousers -Mrs. Phillip Ste-
wart, Mrs. 1111 J. galkeld.
Cut Flowers .
Asters, red -.-Mrs. Geo. Brooks; S.
C. Rathwell. Asters, white -Mrs. Sol -
G. 11. Smith, Mrs. Geo. Brooks. ASters,
bitie-G. H. Smith, Mrs. -Seleirion. As-
ters, collection-L•G. H. Smith; Mrs:
Soliiinon. Dahlias, eactps-Mrs. T. J.
Salkeld, S: C. Rat:Well Dahlias, dec-
orative -S. C. Rathwell..Dahlias, show
-S. C. Ratlywell. Dahlias, collection„-.
collection -G. H. Smith, SI
C. Rathwell. Gladioli, red toi:
white -S. C. Riithwell; H: Smith:
Gladioli, yellow -G. H. .Smith, C.
Rathwell. :Marigeld, African -Mrs. T.
J. Salkeld, Mrs. SoloMon. Marigold.
French-tMrs. T. J. Salkeld; Mrs. Sol -
onion. Snapdregons-G. H. Smith,
Salkeld, Vire. &lemon. Rest collection
any other varieties -g. C. Rathwell,
Mrs. Solomon. Annuals, collection-
Mre. T. J. Salkeld, Mrs. Soloinon.
ninon, Roses, crimson, Pink or red -7
d. E. Smith, Mrs. Geo. Brooks. Roses,
Toldete comAry, yellow -G. H. Smith,
Mrs,' George Brooks. Roses, collection
-G.' H. Smith, Mrs. George Brooks.
Table bouquet Mrs. T. J. Salkeld, Mes.
Geo. Brooks. Calendula-g; C. Rath -
well, Mrs. T. J. Salkeld., Petunia col-
lection -LG. 11. Smith, Mrs. Geo. Lock-
hart. Gladioli, hest single spike -G. H.
Smith, S. C.i Rathwell.
• Pot Plants
Begonia, Rex -Robert Moffat, Mrs.
Solpnion. Begonia, tuberous -Mrs. W.
Mi•s. Solomon, Begonia, other
varieti--Mrs. Wes. Huston, Mit. Or-
land Richards. Fern-MrS. Wes. Hus-
ton, IVIrs. Geo: Loekliaq; Honed Plant
blooiriMrs. George Brooks, Mrs.
Household Linen . -
Lace table cloth-4arbara. Stothers,
Mrs, D. -A. `Fov.ler. Luncheon cloth-
Mrs,- Sam Alton, Mrs. T. J. Salkeld.
Iltiffetnet-r-L. LiVingston, Mrs. D.
PoWIer. Boudoir pillow -Mrs. D. A.
'Fowler, Mrs. Orland Richards. Pillow
caee,. hemstitched -L. m. Livingston,
Mrs.. Wes -Huston Pillow eaag„,
Mr. Aldon Hasty
Port Colborne spent
his home here.
Who teaches\ at
Salkeld. FilloW-Caie-- lace,
M. Livingeton; Mrs. 'Wes. Huston.
novelty place cards -Mary Salkeld
quest towels -T- M. Livingston, Mrs.
11.A, Fowler. Bridge set -L. VP. Liv -
at Guelph wangiven by Hazel .Percy
and the report of the Meat Cookery
Course at' Holyrood September 28th,
Was • given by May. Boyle.,, The roil,
call`? was answered by your maiden
,name...,• ..The National Anthem was
sung.' •Lunch was served' nd a vote of
thanks Moved to'the hostess and.pro-
: Mr, and • M•rs.` Wm. Cox entertained'
a' number of , friends and relatives
'from, a :distance on Thursday evening
last. in honour, of: their'daughter,
Mrs. Cecil Blake- tained in tionor of WS. Harry Mid-
dleton (nee Iona Swan) to' a shower
of Miscellaneous articles. About forty
old neighbors and schopl-mates were.
An enjoyable afternoon was spent
in sing -song a,nd contests after which
a dainty lunch was served by _the'
M'r. and '.,rs Isaac. Cranston.
Mrs. Charles ;M rrison .and. little
son Billie; of Gode ich spent Sunday
with' Mr. and Mrs. Win.-'!Irviir.
Mr. and Mrs . W s. 'Alton and fam-
ily' . of London , Spent 'the week -end
among. relatives .here.
Mrs. M. McLean and daughter
Miss Evelyn McLean are visiting with
Detroit friends.
'Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Whyie of Len -
don and little Ronnie Bushell. Were
Thanksgiving visiters with mr. and
Mrs. WM. Wall and, granddaughter
Helen Shaumacker of Culross spent,
a few days witn hei mother, Mrs.
Rev. Andrew Lane, Mrs. Lane. and
'family of Clinton .were Thanksgiving
Visitors with relative here. -
Mrs. Rev. Matheson and daughter,
Isobel were week -end visitors at Mr,
Thos. MalcohnfS.
Miss j'ean Lane of Welland was a
'Thanksgiving visitor at her home
�a le . of St
'Miss Hilda Tv! y ratford
Normal and Miss 'Grace'Blake, teacher,
at Dru2ibo, , were home for, the 'hot.,
iday. , •
Miss Mary Al ' . of . Curries • Cor
ners is visiting at the home of 118i
niece, Mrs. Wm, vin -
Mr, and .Mrs. Hugh Menary . and
Irene •spent. Sunday with Mr. Men.
ary's .parents,, M . ` and lvtrs. -Wm..
Menary of Dunga � non.
Quite a number from:. around here
spent 'Friday afternoon at . Dungannon
Wes. Huston.
Sehool Children's Department
Girl's Work (12 tO 14 year inclusive)
Dressed .doll --Doris Taylor, Betty
Taylor: Doll's sweater and tap -Betty
Taylor. Dress4 hanger ---Betty Taylor.
Girl's -Work (15 to 17 years inclusive)
Pillow eas,es•-•,,Mary Salkeld, Mar-
Kairshea Special
Three . articles Made from flour
sacks -Mrs. Wm. McIntyre[0.Mrs. Geo.
• Domestic Science
Nut bread -Marjorie Soloman. Sug-
ar cookies-Marlarie Solomon, Lor-
raine Ferguson. Baking .powder bis-
gnson. Layer cake -Lorraine Fergus-,
on, Doris Taylor. Apple pie -Marjorie
Solomore'1•Lorraine Ferguson. ,,Lenton
pie --Marjorie Solomon. Canned 'rasp.
'berries,. canned plums -Marjorie Sol-
• Six beets --Reg. Fergueon, Lorraine
Fergusen. Six carrots-LReg. Fergus-
on, Lorreine Ferguson Onions -Law-
rence Salkeld, Marjorie Solomon Veg--
etablet, any other---4Reg. Ferguson,
carmen McQuiliiii. Batiquet of garden
flowerse--Helen 'Salkeld, Reg. Fergus-
on. Drawing of your garden -Betty
Taylor, Doris Taylor.
Do'ris, Taylor:
My. * and • Mrs. Rudy Seiloff and
Elroy were 'week -end . visitors at the
with his mother, Mrs,, M. CoX, Con.
Misses Jean Andersen and Ellen
McBiide• attended the teacher's cons -
Mr: and Mie. Chas. Gillespie and
flintily were • week -end visitors at
,Friends from here attended , the
presentation at Horyreod Hall on Fri-,
nay night lor Mr. Harold Smith whc
hes .enlisted . in the Walkerton Bat-
Mr. Harald Hackett spent the week.:
end at • the home- of his parents Mr
and Mrs, . Wm., ' Hackett north of
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Moffat'' and
Saturday with Mr •
and Mrs. Elmer Pliillips.
Mr. Stephen day at the farm. •
. Mr. 'Charles Hiles of Windsor is
visiting at the home pf, Mr. Herb
Mr. ann. Mrs. George Hackett and
family of Cdcltrane were recent vis-
itors with friends in Ashfield.
Miss, Mary Horton ef Arthur Higb
School spent Mr. and Mrs. Charles pearce of
parents Mr.,and Mrs. Tom Anderson,
tercy's *ere Mr.' and Mrs. Neil Mc --
Kan, Mrs. Allan Reybinson and Mrs.
Brown, also Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Barr
and family of Heiyreod.
Mr. and Mrs. Grist and son Barry
of the yest are visiting with Mr.
' I-Iplyeood Women's. Institute is hold-
ing a short course,frorn October 16th
to 20th on '6Planning and Preparing
Mr. and Mrs.. Donald MacDonald
Dunedin, to Mr. Edbert Thompson
'Rushell, elder son of Mrs. Gertrude
Bushell and the .late Russell Bushell,
all. of .Kinlose, .the marriage ao take
place the middle .of Octiohir?-
The Hoiyrood • W. I. was. held at
the home of Mrs. John Colwell on
Thurs,dan of laet week with the pres-
ident in the, chair.. Meeting opened
with .the Ode ahd the Lord's preyer
in unisen. Minutes of previous meet-
ing Were read and adopted. As this
was the Grandmother's meeting a
hyacinth bona was given to , each
grandmother present and some sent
,gtrandinothers who were unable
offered' her home for the November
meeting instead of March, iSililwas
suggested on the earn, It was sug-
ested that a letter be Sent 'to Mrs.
Wyldes, nnperintendent of the House
Rduge, Walkerton, stating• that
our Iristitute do net make their an-
mial trip to the Old Peoples' Home as
the teed is so ;Urge* for Bed Cress
work, and the .help of everyone .
_Aylmer Atkertw
tote. Mrs. Torn Hodgins conducted a
' Mr,. Harvey tasenhy is home after
spending tee past fe,w weeks. working
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Iliggtna and
boys of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs:
Misner and Noln of Toronto *and Mr.
and Mre. Tom Anderson jr., of Ash-
field were recent visitors of ,Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Curran.
Mr. and Mrs. Henr Horton spent
Sunday at Leeharn.,
Mr. And Mrs: Peter Laseriby*„' and
Frank of 'Sarnia visited recently With
Favored . with ideal weather • last ,
Wednesday, Teeswater Fair again re- •
, the largest trowd of ,any. tt;o-day
fair in Ontario.
The News Says 'that a rough. but.
of•$.3,000'veas taken in at the grounds,
thi'S however included admission feeS
granditahd charge. A large number,
reieeived eomplimentary tickets and
'entry pasSes.
.from 1.uckliow
October 21-22 To CHICAGO $12.80
Oct. 21 to WitgISOR $4.45; To DETROIT $4.45
EqUally low fares (rani all ndiecent C. N. it: Stations. For train
service going and returriirtg see handbills or con -suit Agents.