HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-10-05, Page 8ell .A,VjSe
e . : intoifl1ug
esent:• prices as
tock lasts.:
after ,t
is :exhautst_
If •history repeats itself, we 'need
net •expect another safe cracking job
.in Lucknowfor another sixty Years
tea: �oxima - that length- of
. time si
. , .
experience of: that "kind, until last
Sunday night, •' :
We have • M'r. W. J. -Little as auth-
a story
' "le
ority: for a:detai d.
!'of Lucknow's; first safe burglary.
Charles I Secord, general store mer
chant; was ,the victim at that time
r '
P. S. . et on
err n'' P. S .m
da evening. ilt the lecture room,
;` and this is the. story.. Y •
7 Two Detroit. Strangers arriving in
town, , toolc.ei roontin the.West note]
where, Mrs., litecKenzie's Grocery 'b
now located, and- directly opposite'
the-Setord. • stores.where the Geddes
Building _now stands.:
This pair .made numerous tobacco,
purchases at Secord's studying busi:-
Deas conditions, the store layout' and
the position of the safe. Leaving town,
they returned again a,. few'. nights
after and unobserved got off the
back of the train.
At a.. convenient time during the
night they ' broke. •info - the Cameron
sb tersan Y - and Miller blacksmith shop, and stole
Pre y Y P a sledge with which to punch. in the:.
rt ed ' The Presbyt burglarize the 'Secord
s solemmz combination and b g
was co
LOCAL and GEN,.)
Miss Rosezella ` Mullin is visiting
with friends at Orangeville, .
. Monday is Thanksgiving pay and.
will be observed ' as a public holiday.'
o w e'ks' vacation
,�.. •n�-�al�, aa�l�ng�t� ,,. �
at lir
ed- to' Owen Sound `on • W'ednesda f.
Mr and Mrs. William Johnston rel
teamed last 'Week froth a. two -weeks'
visit iR ; ;Imira
"withwith their: son Jack
rind'` Mrs. • Johnston,
'Arthur . Andrew, of the Spruce , Pulp.
and Paper Mills'.at' Kapuskasiiig t .
iolidaying°•;wit �biS parents,. Mr. and
Mrs. W. Andrew..
Everybody's going to the Firemen's
Dance in, the Town : Hall, • Monday
night, October 9th. Music furnished by•.
llacKenzie's orchestra.
A' sure w .. ..
Sep ember the -that- Mon Y res-
oa Satµrda _ �, the- . hunch with the 1st vice -P .safe of $75.00. They were' .professional
ai h
elegy o'clock :.in she Ashfieldaf the c ' le 'in the chair: After burglars, with a complete kit of b
tech. at Dr. Litt
class" tools.
The robbery was dircowere'd ;about
train ' .time; early , , that morning,, in
time' to contact (by "telegraph from.
down,'town:) the,; train conductor at the
local depot, to learn..that ..two' strang-
ers had boarded the.train, when it
"• t tank north 'of'
:United. church- parsonage when Dor- t ident, r Yn :mn, .Norman. Taylor
U.aited the • opening -hymn, 4.
` otby•. Annal►elle;• .elder daughter o .�
t • 9 Curran, 1 read .theS Scripture lesson, the ' first
1Kr. '"and 1rs: � Herbert: � •ha ter, of: the Gospel of and
1. d, I•became the bride of Themes,' c p . ' wos St. Johnd and ., M l vin .. . g.:of Mr. ,and. Mrs. Alio Lord. s prayer read and
Thom second , on r unison. The. minutes were
Thos. J ;pj,,nderson; Of Ashfield... Rev. 'adopted and ;the roll was ' called
as'rWilkins; ofnciated The bride. wore
«�ti. • . d the .,_,_,•matters of ; business e
midnight blaer a ,,•, deat with. The i e szu y' '- ",
matehin .. accessories -'` and carriedwho introduced
' hey iwere attended bY, Mrs. V. Mowbray;
lay t e bird 's sister, Y Alma Cur- the new Study .Book and pointed out
ra he bride's 'S b r, the :relation of 'the old "Testament to
ism; :and the. grtione ,brother; ' M New in the 'book a •... Genesis:
.'derson. ' After the cere the • ' .the
.e duet.
Gordon wedding.
e. i Mary and. Euni e Carter.
,mony•.a; weddurg • dinnar. wag served and.� . reading ,Was given by, Madeline
the home 'of the • 'Bride's parentsa Pe MacDonald Played a
to. 'Caesar. Peggy • -immediate farriiy. and Mrs. Phillip Steward-
to the piano solo,
,. Mr; and Mrs �lndersod left on a:, sang•'a solo..; "The topic; "The Making
port. trip on their 'return will Christian" was taken by john'D.
s., ofaC
. reside on "the '' BrQoin0a farm in 'Ash* Ross ..and a, discussion period follaw=
' field. ed.' There was ' a marked. increase in
the attendance:. After, the. offering
YN;==MacLEAN• d Mrs. .y'q ' Donald' closed
MART and a hymn,:.
prettywedduag was 'solemnized with rayer. Guild•, will be held on
' A anal P
• at DOnald Allan. Mao'Lean's on -th`. Tcesday 'evening,' of next week, ah
• south of AM: plus ' 1 Dater Highway, :zccount of Thanksgiving:
Kerley, At .. eight: thirty O'clock. SSatur•
venin September 23rd, Oben. ' Presbyterian .Choir rte -organized -
day a eningaugh
their, only triage er,''IDonal; was un The Presbyterian choir held a meet=
Ad • in •marriage ' to Donald' Nelson int
in the basement 'el 'the cht>sxh.
Mphtyn; .youngest "son. of Roderdcic , an Wedriesdag last With a' good at-
th late .tire.
•Mrs.' .'Martyn,. a ay s members. dAfterat-
Rioyn_and a teridan. sof
Ripley, Ontario.' Rev, Re Es1ei . practise . •of the anthems the choir
of Ashfield Presbyterian Church con -'re -organized` for the. _,
coming year.;
ducted''" rile cerein°ny► before an arch President—Mr. George Douglas;
'Of. spinate beautifully • decorated and:'sec•-tress:, Stella_ 5tea,ard; flower'
banked with falt'floivers: committee -•=Mrs. Phillip • Steward,
The bride, who was: given. .iii mar:,mar:,Mrs: Horace' Aitchison; social commit -
:Wage' hi her ..father, was becomingly' : ee-Helen" MacDonald, . Mrs. Horace
` gowned• inpink net over taffeta, with Aitchison, Mrs: Robert Douglas, Mrs.
a wreath of pink irosebucis in her hair.
Cameron, MacDonald, Dorothy Nixon,
She carried a bouquet ,of . Tallisman Elmer Aitchison, with Mrs. A.D. Mc=
roses. • • Kenzie as organist and' Mr. Horace
'Only itnn4ediate relatives were pies- Aitchison . as choir leader:
eitt. W. and Mrs.Martyr" will reside After the business had been con -
in London. auded a social time was very mush
w"r••% '' +ctrl°"" L'" ' E Alloyed all' with Mrs. Horace
I : � , �n o ed by
• MacDONALD=REID Aitchison as hostess.:
A', quiet wedding was 'solemnized
on Saturday, 'September 3Oth at the - LRQ.iS ; .CORNERS
United church parsonage, Lucknow, %Aiand Mrs. Jas. Wraith and Ger-.
!when .Rev. R., C. Todd united an, mar- Mrs: in
.i rage . Rirby Irene, ' second eldest rig Mr: and leant the week-endMrs: is Toronto re-
daughter • of Mr. and Mrs. 'Samuel ently' visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
• Reid•and Hugh Charles; eldest son of Gently'
Mr. and ,Mrs.. Colin MacDonald ofKnight.
M and Mrs. George Bell, visited,
- St, Helens. The ...bride was attended •.
by het Doris and Norman Mac- .n 1Ki canone Mose onayolast eck , and
Donath ,brother bf • the :groom,' was.
best man. The bride 'wore a dress Mrs Emery sof Cuyahoga Falls spent
of fuschia crepe while the brides a . couple 'of days recently with Mr.
maid Wore a dress of wisteria crepe. Ind, Mrs. :Earle Hodgins:
,.After the ..ceremony. a dinner was Mr, -- and
as. Alex apentWhytork, Mr.
served --at the. _..home . of the bride . and
atents ' to immediate relatives.'The with fries i`n Winghain:
p Mrs. Ilarry Pinnell is spending • the
happy couple left on.a short honey- With her daughter in Luke
moon, to points south. On their re-
turn they will• reside,�at St. Helens.
MRS, R., J •DEAGIIM.1,':Nt'
This the' third and last of a.
e I
et -1 i r' xQk.•. ci,-, i',,,,,,ej 4.,4�¢ ;=y, r.. ,r,i..l,
The Editor)
Mrs, Wm. MicKenzie' of town, Alex
end Katherine MacKenzie of Toronto
end Miss Isabel :.Macintosh. of 'Ham-
ilton, Motored . ' to Shurriacher last
.week to attend the MacKenzie -Cooke
rays Official Visit
Charles Cook, D D.G:M•, of :Bruce
District . No 10, I O.O.F.. paid 'his of-
ficial 'visit' to Underwood lodge en
Monday evening. -He, Was accompanied
by K. C. Nl urdie, . Wm: Lockhart arid
;lames 'Smith.
Although prices .o:
merchandise h:avo
sect buying
‘doe to adva
�y/�.:a 'sti�.�l purchase .your -.
.�,, yX. Mw -.ate.+ +aumfi444. *.uom �y e.
Sweet cern .groows stale :.very quickly'
es ecially if the husks, have'been re-
moved arid it is. therefore, important
to can the same day,as picked if pos-
sible. "'
,Corn , develoPs a •bacteria. !stitch is
hard to kill,. and will not sterilise
short . of three. or . four . hour&. If the
Product. is at all tough or 'stale it
"should'" receive the • full , four hours.
-!returned • From Scotland _
• Miss Mabel McClure; .formerly of
k h last term taught schoo'
Remove tbe ears from, the jars and
Water as soon as. you open• a jar and
do not reheat `for .the table in water..
Roll •each ear in •a pane of• melted but-
ter, and when'slightly buttered,' heat
in a steamer.
Corn on the Cols--Hnisk and • strip
$fall silk..Blanch•for ten minutes in
boiling water and cold •dip the ears•.
Pack the ;ears in half gallon jars,
butts and tips alternating. Add one.
teaspoonful of salt',to each half gal-
Ion and.fill up the jars with boiling
water. Put on rubbers and tops and
seal partially but Tait tight.. Put jars
in' the•.'boiler and.: sterilise for three
hors: Do not add" more water' to the
• jars and do not let them go off the
for: the
Old• ' Low !rices, at
Luc now, '.w o as oil rd . during' , ,thy entire.
in : Glasgow,' '• Scotland, . under , the ,boil.. •H,
turned sterilizing 'period. Tighten •tops and
•teacher eic'change arrangement,
too Toronto in' August; to' re-
sumer .hey teaching duties 'there.
.the depot.
Keeping . a watch on the two, the
Conductor wired from:. Wingham t ar
With 'ideal ...weather preva
countless cars from this. district pas-
ed through the village on. Wednesday;
air. had tickets for Detroit is doubtless bound ,for Teeswater ]!'air,.
the P
.Listowel: Local . authorities notified •
L'stowel • police, who'.arrested them,
at the'' point of; revolvers , 'opon ar-
rival at !.Listowel; .
They were• returned, hat night to
Lucknow,,had their preliminary hear-
ing. here the next dayand were com-
mitted for trial at Walkerton, where,
so -far .as memory serves him,' Mr.
Little believes they ' received senten-
ces. `of 10Years each'in. Kingston Pen-
tentiary. One of Sthe pair was released
before . serving iris; full sentence, due_
to suffering from tubelrcrilosis •.that
caused' his early death.
The ;• Lucknow Pipe Band. was also,
in attendance, .es,' it 'was at the `local
fairweek .which, we omitted to
fast , ,
mention in another • article.
Upon arrival;. back at ' Lucknow. • of
the• arrested •pair, • a crowd of 'file
hundred• .persons. were ' on hand to
greet . 4irem with Gyres _of.... '"Lynch.
them". ,The 'burglars were terry ,
'by:. the reception and clung to . the•
that th
Fred Jackson, of Lochalsh, was in
town on his' way. home after'.'a peri-
lous trip across 'the Atlantic by S.S:
Duchess .of York, The ship was accom-
panied' part'of the way by the S.S.•
Duchess' of Athol, the two, vessels be-
ing convoyed by two :British destroy;,
ers:' The ; first might out a submarine
appeared forward. of the• two'heavily
laden passenger ships, brit happily.
the two destroyers got in their work
and after firing depth 'bombs' hoists:.'
-tifili ac, flag signifying -that the sub-
marine sen •
. been
• a •ins hap 8
m r d
ers ° had observed a great explosion
'Corn off the Cob—'Can the . same
day as picked. • Husk . the ears, and re
move .sift W ne'h gat kernels
minutes and Cold dip: •at .knife,.
from cob with, a thin' sh p
Pack tightly in •the jars until quite
full. Add .sufficient hot ;water to fill
all crevice' and 1,'teaspoonful of salt.
on rubbers and tops, partially
For the purpose of organizing. a branch
of the Canadian Red'Cross Society
in know
The ' Town Hall
. t
r�da Otto.
ME ;.
police for protection;• fearful.t a e, of oil, Many of the rescued•Athenia'e,
crowd meant. it. passeegers' were aboard the ship Mr
tighten and sterilize for three, hours
cobs and' boil 'for 20 minutes. Dram,
cold . dip and drain again thoroughly,
removing any bits of silk' or chaff
which may : still ..be amongst it. To
each gallon of corn add one cup of
salt, and mix .thoroughly. Peek in
Talton crocks to within .a few inches
rf •• the tap: Place over it muslin
loth big•. enough to hang'fi Ver' the
sides. Put about an inch of salt on
top ,;of the muslin and store crocks
in..a. cool,. dry. place.
When wanted for table use, remove
the_ muslin, scoopout the desired
and quickly replace the cov
quantity q Y
er..Rinse.the cern thoroughly in cold
,water to remove the excess • salt.
Sometimes it will be necessary to
heat it. in the water (without boll
ing),to remove the salt.,After remov-
ing the salt the' corn is quite different
to the ordinary scanned product, re-
taining the odiginal flavour to , a
Marked degree. '
• Mr. and Mrs, J. R. McNab and Mrs.
Hamilton were in Fergus last week
attending the funeral of his cousin,
Hugh Wilson.
winter advantage of • these classes:
wood. , .�.�....
•Anniversary services will be held
in Calvin United, Church on Sunday,
October 15th when Rev. Andrew Lane
of Clinton will. be. the guest speaker.
Mrs.' Gordon is spending the week
at the home'of her brother, Mr. 1.
W Salkeld; Goderich' •
indispensible to the- housewife. A.var-
which. has few seeds _is •best for
iety -
'canning. •This point' should.' lie re-
eth in choosing seed ,foif
membered b
antin and In buying the't omatees
Pl g• h�h is
for• canning. •Choose fruit ,N it _.
Corn stored . in Crocke—'Cut• from' fine grained rich. in coloring and firm
fleshed., Tomatoes.. with 'large1,•' cells
for. seed 'will • break up ,more easily'
-than varieties, which: are- heavily flesif7'
ed. 'Do not use over -ripe, .fra'it..Over-
riipe. tomatoes:wile require a few min
utes longer• to sterilize 'than "those in
• •rime • condition. Tomatoes are them-
'selves • 94 per cent,, 'water .,and. it is
therefore. unnecessary •to add further
water:when canning them.. •
Canned Tomatoes for General Pur-
poies---Blanch for 2 minutes in boil-
ing ;
oil•ing' ater,. drain,and cold dip, then re-
move_the__skina, 'pack them as whole
as .possible in ,sterilized jars, adding
broken pieces ,or some strained tom-
ato juice to completely fill the jars.
Add. one• level, teaspoon' salt' to each
quart. Put on rubbers and tops and
partially •. tighten tops. Place in the
boiler and sterilize for 25 minutes.
'Tighten tops and remove from. hotter.
Store in the dark.' •
Canning Tomatoes Thick—Blanch twc
minutes • and cold dip, •remove skin•
and put in the preserving kettle: Boi -
until the desired thickness. Pack. it
sterilized jars, filling the jars '. com •
pletely'. Add one level teaspoon •sal•
to each quart. 'Put on rubbers ant.
tops and partially tighten tops. Ster.•
ilize for 20 minutes..Tighen tops,'re
move from boiler and store in the
dark. •. '
Canning Tomato pulp—Cut up tom
atoes but do not, peel them. Put in
' 'herr
the preserving
until • quite soft: Press through- a sieve
keeping out skins and, seeds. Pack it
sterilized jars adding one teaspoor
salt to each quart. Put on rubbers and
tops and partially tighten tops.. Ster-
ilize in the boiler 20 minutes. ,Tighten
tops- and remove jars:
• Canning Whole Tomatoes• --Choose
Bina con i. o firm meaty tematees;'Atast:big-enough-
tables that. a good • supply is almost to enter the mouth of the jars. Blanch
Jackson *as'on, and ',they slept all
the way over in the lounge . in their
clothes. Though an .Englishman born
Mr.. Jackson remarked that he was
happy to get his fee?,again on the
soil of- Canada.—Signal-Star.
Mrs. Samson -of Peln3erston is a 1
nisi or with ' her • niece, Mrs: l ar•1
Gau�it. . . •I.
F. G. Todd -and Son exhibited' their I,'
cattle at: Owen Sound Fair 'the first,
of the week.
Extension 'Classes
The University of • Western Ont-
ario is conducting extension classes in
Wingham pwblic school, beginning,
_this Saturday., October 7th,. which will
be of interest"to teachers in the dis-
trict who may Contemplate taking
Rev. R. C. Todd,
1,1 a:in.-Service of Thanksgiving.
Cli:ldren's sermon••• --"Using Goers
(slits." -
3 p.m. ---Sunday School.
7_p,.,;._'•FtITI ZN',)2-.LIKE , PROP -
Corn and 4ror4ato (Combined)—
Corn., canned with a vegetable 'like
Tomato which contains a high per-
centage of acid, will be more, easily
sterilized than when . canned separ-
ately. Blarich,on the cob for•ten min-
utes and colli dip. Cut corn from the
cob cutting downward from the. tip.
Blanch tomatoes 2 minutes, cold dip,
remove skins, and.chop coarsely. Mix
corn and tomatoes. thoroughly, and
pa,:k in sterilized jars, adding one
level teaspoon salt to each quart Put
on robbers and tops and partially
• tighten ,tope. Sterilize one and one,
half hours. Tighten tops and store
'Use two parts tomatoes and one pert
Canning Tomatoes—Tomatoda can
be used in -so srrany ways •and in com-
bination wither -many` other vege-
Hydro and .telephone poles. have.
been hard hit the, past week.• At •noon-
'last week
hodr.•one,;,day, ,
ster,' in retrieving a pencil•which- had
ro ed en .the floor of : the car, had
d Pp
the vehicle' leave •the pavement and
crash into a post, at ,Chas. Steward's
.•esidence. The: pole was. brs'aken, in, .
;he impact. and the car damaged ,some-,
what. ' : ••
On Friday evening .Pat McMillan
►f Kinloss,. struck a hydro pole just
ast •of the village,•.snapping 'off the.,
pole, while the car' was extensively. •
.lamaged and the; driver cut by shat-'
tered glass. • •
This Friday evening from 7:80, p.m..
to 8:00 p.m. a Fellowship prayer•
meeting •will be held in the Club
rooms. On account of the Red Cross
meeting the - regular program of the
Christian: Fellowshiji •club will be can-
celled for this ;week._ Please .watch,
the Sentinel for notices concerning.
the Fall and Winter: work of the
Bible Institute also the Junior Bible
one and one-half minutes and cold dip
:hem. Remove skins and drop the to-
matoes without 'breaking; into the jars.
3ut up some tomatoes and put, on to
boil in the preserving '•kettle, when
;oft rob through a sieve and pour the
strained juice boiling hot over the
whole tomatoes to completely fill the
jars. Add 1
teaspoon 0
quart. Put on rubbers and tops and
partially tighten .tops. Place in the
boiler and sterilize 15 minutes. Tight-
en tops and store. -
Tomatoes canned in this manner
.411 'be found • excellent for serving
Whole, in salads, baked, staffed or
breaded; or in any way iwhere fresh a
-ones-are used, -.while -the straine&juiee •
is ideal for soups and sauces.
Bargains in Every Section of The Stare
Bargaifls In Men's and
Boys' ^ Work Clothing
arm ' n �ergar'n-
eats For All The Family
, ,A
11, .0
•..‘e • \'@� \I
1,,41 tt iib ;lily
\N\t \\Ii\,