HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-10-05, Page 5• THURSDAY, . OCTOBER 5th, 1939.
.Lyceitin Theatre,,:
•••• ne. :,.,RO+,. ...EMT P. ..:. '••y t'y'f'"i,' fM..,^`.SY'W R.':0r.'•` .%`.^,4ie'..q+.,.`...
SATURDAY NIGHT TWO SHOWS AT 7,.45 and "9 45 ;p.m.
MATINEE . SAT URDA Y •.AFTERNOON ; AT,. 2.3.0 p.m.. .
=Furs., Fria Sat. October 01. 7 .
" and
An " mpreasiye picture packed w itli action and excitement.' •They
storyis ahout'the tight betwve`•en the stagecoach and therailroad.'in
the. early .days; T,• .
• "NEWS"
o . Tues., Wed. Oct. 9, 10, 11.
20th Century -Fox Presents
'Production of
1.‘t41` • O N'� A
0.,01C1,6r1es Coburn •
teetbad • . UV
A ^n
Soft' Stone rsotg ldno ,lo •
;twine ••
A Cosmopolitan Production
(Continued FlinnPageOe) •, SWINE
tandem -M. C Best 1939
Yorkshire Pigs ,
elt,s r d by. Romper -Bruce •McMi1- I Boar -Sam Alton. Boar, '6- months
- s •a s".. ` i.f l.` r .-, �t a. S A1•tc l''.
„y..�url�..w�'. :ra�W-.'s,.•ri',y'.,.�r'�"r". � �„•ri ern•.-. ...,,,,, �, ...
by .Craigie Paragon -Jack McKague, Boar, ` ui del ' b "trxon�cra x
Sow that has raised „pigs in 1;9397.
SamAlton. • Sow. 6 Months and 'undoi
12 months -Mare Alton. Sow .under 6
months -Sam Alton: •
Tamworth Pigs • • •
Boar -Sam Atben. Boar, 6 months
".Shorthorn, Ca ,le. 1. End under . 12 months -Sam Alton.
Bull, three years 9r over -Andrew.”, •Boar,,w,under -0 months -Sam Alton.
'Gau'nt, ;WM. MK•e
cnzre, Bull, •.one year So v, that; has- raised ,prigs in 1839
- ^Ar ,Gaunt,.4 aunt Buil calf=-Wni Sam Alton: Sow. •6 ruenths and under:,
McKenzie, A: Gaunt. Cow -Wm, Mc ;12" months Sam Alton: Sow •6 months'
Kenzie, . Wm; *Kenzie, A Gaunt and under 12 • months -Sam • Alton,:
Two year ,old ,heifer -A.; •Gaynt,, 'A. Jas.• _Hackett. it Son.. Sow: :under. 6
Gaunt:`O,ne year old heifer -Win, Mo months=Sam ....Alton;
ienzie ' A Gaunt. 'Heifer •c�a1f:=Wni. ' Clans• 2$: .,
A1bert4Gam1Yi'{e,. Albert Gammie. Best
colt, any. age, sired byCraig"ie Para--
g•on- J. W . Joynt, 'Albert Gammie;
Jack 1V,IcI ague, Albert Gammie. •
McKenzie, WM. McKenzie, Wmti "Mc Best pen of hogs -Sam
Kenzie. Female, any age --Wm., Me- Three. bacon -type .,togs- Sam
Kenzie. Junior herd -Wm. 'McKnzie; ,
A: Gaunt,' Senior herd-Wm..McKen- POULTRY:
zie, .A. Gaunt. Class 26
• Hereford Cattle Anconal cock -Isaac Miller, Isaac:
Bull, three years 'or over -Jas. T. Miller, Anconas hen -Isaac Miller,
Lyons, George Kennedy. Bull, .2 years. Isaac Miller. Leghor'ri :clack -J. R.
old -George Kennedy. Bull, •.1 year Hackett & Son, Fred Martin, Leg -
old -Jas., T. Lyons; .George Kennedy. •horn hen -Fred Martin, Wallace Mil -
Bull calf -Jas. T. Lyons, Jas„ T.. ler. Plymouth Rock cock -Isaac• iiil-
.Lyons. ' Cow -George . Kennedy,. Jas. ler, Isaac. Miller. Plymouth' Rock herr
T; Lyons. Two year, old heifer -Jas.• -Isaac Miller, Isaac Miller: New
T,., Lyons;: George' Kennedy;One. year„ Hampshire cock -J. 'R.,,Bacycett & son.
old heifer -Jas. T. Lyons, George "New Hampshire hen McKenzie Webb
Kennedy Heifer 'calf.-: Jas. T. Lyons,
Jas. T. Lyons, George Kennedy. Fe
male, any . age -Jas. T. Lyons. Junior
l herd -Jas:. T. Ly,cins, George Kennedy.
Senior ' herd -Jas. T. Lyons, George
lt+olieii Angus
Bull; 3 years or over -F. G. Todd
& Sona Bull' calf -F. 'd Todd & Son.
Cowl -F. G. Todd •& Son. Two year old
h eifer -F.. G. Todd & Son. One year
old 'heifer; --F. G. Todd &, Son, Gi
Todd & Son. Heifer calf -F. G. Todd
& Son. Female, any ;age -F, G: Tadd
& Son. 'Junior' 'herd -l'.. G. Todd &
Son. Senior Herd -F. ,G. Todd & Son.
.Holstein Cattle
Biull-Alex Andrew. Cow -Alex An-
drew, Alex Andrew, One year old
heifer -Alex Andrew, Alex• Andrew.
Heifer calf -Eldon Henderson, Alex,
Andre,*. Female, any .age -Alex An=
drew.' Herd -Alex Andrew.,
• Jerseys and .Ayrshires.
Cow=Alex Andrew, George' Alton:.
Alexv Andrew..Heifer--George. Alton,
Alex Andrew.
• Grade Cattle .
two cucumbers -Harold Greer, J. A.
Henry. Citrons Harold Greer, Mc-
Kenzie Webb. Parsnips --Andrew. Cul-
bert. Table carrots, long W. S.. Me-
short-Mrs:George `"�iaFie�r, -ix;rs: --ic:
L. Treleaven. Beets, short -Jas. Hen-
ry, Jas. R. Hackett •& Son. Tomatoes,
red or pink -Mrs. Win. McKenzie,
Mrs. Win. IVICIntylre„ 'Corn, :Golden
`Bantam -D. H. Carruthers; Wm. Mc-
Kenzie. Corn, any other variety nam-
ed=Mrs: Wm. McIntyre, Herb Mc-
�p:illilr. Cauliflower -Geo:. 11., Snaith.
Beans, small :white-Tierb Desjardine,
W.. S. McGuire„ Beans, anyother:;vat;
cety-Herb Desjardine, IHarold Camp-
bell:, . Dutch sets -,-herb •.Desjardine.
Potato ' onions -W. 8.. McGuire,'Mrs',
Wm; McKenzie... .` .Onions, red -Mrs..,
Wm; McKenzie., Herb Desjardine. On-
ions, "yellow, -herb' Desjardine, Mrs,.
Win. McKenzie. Three varieties vege-
tables net otherwi§e mentioned -Har-
old Greer, .Mrs. Wm. McIntyre. Col-
lection' garden produce -Harold Greer.
Orland Richards:
CH1LDItEN;20c -
Kinloss •' Council met on . Monday
September, 25th as 'per, adjournment,.
all members :present. '
• Minutes '• of last meeting were read
and approved. .. •. -
A grant of' $10.00. was given to the.
South Since: Plowman's .Association.
• Sheep claims we1e not as largethis
month, ,'amounting to. $39.00 with in-
spection fees: of $3.05. • : •
The commiliication of Walter Lott
-re Lott 'drain was referred to Turn -
berry Council Tulin -
The commissioner on :the repair;
of the McDougall drain .rendered his
account of work done amounting to
$27.20; which amount the clerk was
in strutted to include in '1939 TAX
Roll. This 'will' require a 4 per cent.
levy, on the original cost of construe-
David S. Carruthers was appointed
collector ,,,of taxes for the year 19:1,9.
The penalty By -Law on unpaid tax-
es . as at December 15, 19,39 will re-
main the, 'same as that passed ..in
• Mr. and Mrs. Iliram Moffat an ,
children of 'Watford •vi°sited last week
with' her mother, •Mrs.' Riehard..John-
sten, ...
• Miss Eda\'Phillips. .has been assist-
ing Mrs: Chas: .1VIcDonagh of Zion
for...the past few weeks. ,
Mr. and. ;Mrs. Eddie • Thompson of
Holyrood spent fast Tuesday with
Mr.. and llirs, George Saunders.
t,111v. Fred Anderson of',. Lanes vis-
ited • on Sunday, with Mr. and Mts..
,iarvey Anderson.
\Ir. and Mrs. 1. M: Kilpatrick vis-
ited on' Sunday' with her father, Mr.
Richard Twainley near Kintail,• •
, Mis Freda. Saundersof ,Zion .spent
tinday at 'her berme..
A 'number froln::this 'line • attended
h( :fah' in Lucknow'Friday afternoon,
also the entertainment in .-the even-
' 'Council then .,adjourned to meet
w.. k again on Monday' the 23rd day Of
October. sit the, usual titre 'and. place.
'Cheques . issued -Herbert • ' •Arkeh,
grant' to S.. S. Plowman's. association,
$10.00'; A° ' E.=.Thompson,' caretakin;;,
• ,6;90, weed inspection, 11.00-47.90; '
. D. Thompson, relief milk, 1.68, Peter
. • Moffatt,'. sheep claim, 8.00;• .Dan • Me
Kinnon, sheep. lclaini, 16.00; J. R,'
. I..ane, postage and' telephone, 3.00:
• • A. E. Wilson and Co., 'extra on roar'
insurance, 17.00; Earl McCoy, paiitt-
-• ing •at hall, 45.00; Rae & Porteous
-_-. ',Ts -paint arid suppl�ietit; "4'4:3-1; Dian 1V'[e•--
Kinnon, sheep claire►, 8.00; L. Mc:Ren--
zie, sheep claim, 7.00, A. Gi•aham
' wok •;on "McDougal drain, 5.75; A.
• McIntyre, 'work on IYIeDougall 'drain,
4.00- N.• Snyder, work on,McDougell
• The• death. occurred on Wednesday,
September 20th; of an. elderly and
highly respected resident. of "Ashfield;
;it the" person of Charles M'urcheson.
The deceased mai. in his,. eighty-first
year 'and. had followed the trade of
'arpentei• until .five :years ago, when
he returned front.the Western States
to residee with, his brother Hugh and
'ister Cliristena'. on the 12th concess-
ten of Ashfield. He was predeceased
y a sister. Mary several years ago
'aid of mere recent years by a brother.
?a.ck •Mur•chesori:.Requiem high mass
va•; ;,rilemit ized in St.-J'eseph's church.
n' Friday morning by Rev, Father.
�lrin'ley, who in. preaching the sermon
Grade'. ' ow -John McQuilliri,,'Herb.
hicQ•uillin.- -Two year old kieifeWru;_
.G:...Keith, D. H. Carruthers. One year
•11d • heifer -D. H. • Carruthers, John.
McQuillin: Heifer calf -John McQuil=
lin; John McQuillin.. • Short' -keep steer
F. G. Todd &Son, D, IT, Carruthers.
One .,year 'old' steer --.F. G. Todd `&
H. Carruthers, Steer- calf-
W,nr. ••G. • Keith, ,Herb McQuillin. -Best
three steers -D. H. Carruthers.
' ' Market Cattle
Pair two year :Old heifers John 1VIc=
Specials • •
8.•' • .:
Homemade bread made from Have
lock flour -=Ethel Martin, Mrs.- Wni.
•McIntyre: Homemade bread made
from ' Buyasask flour -Mrs. Wm. 1VIc-
Intyre Collection pastry baking -
Mrs. D. A. Fowler, Mrs. Wm. McIn-
�:Kenzie . Webb. Wyandotte cock-- tyre. Homemade `bread made' from,
Isaac. Miller. Wyandott hen -.Isaac Alberta Rose flour -Mrs,. Wm. Mc-
Kenzie, Mrs. Wm. McIntyre. 2 home-'
made loaves bread made from'. Robin
Hood flour;. -Mrs. Jas: ,Henry,.' ,Mrs.
Wm. McIntyre..2 hoinemade loaves
Ethel Martin, Mrs. Jas. Webster.
'Bak'ed:' Products
Loaf white . bread -Mrs.. Jas. Henry;
Mrs:=IR. Campbell, °R 6.' Loaf brown
:bread -Mrs. Wni. McIntyre, Mrs:'Wm.
Miller. Drake, Rouens-N. G. 'Mc
Kenzie. Duck,' Rouens-J. R. Hackett
& Son. Drake, .Pekin -Isaac . Miller,
Adana • McQueen. Deck, Pekin -Isaac
pliile-r; Isaac Ville , ',a.'i'
-Adam .McQueen, G. A. Greer' Tur-,
key, lien -G. A. Greer, ,:Adam Mc-
Queen. ,Gander, Toulouse -Fred Mar-
tin, George Alton. Goose, Toalouse-•-
Fred Martin, Adam..McQueen. . Gan-
der, •Amden-G, A. Greet', 'Aihm Mc' •'McKenzie. Fruit loaf -Mrs: Jas. Web
Queen.nose, Amden-G.• A. Greer
.George Alton.`
Chickens Of 1939
• Leghorn' cockerel= -G. '.F: "•Brooks;
J. R. Hackett & Son. Leghorn pullett
G, F. Brooks, J. R. Hackett &
Sen. Plymouth . Rock; :barred ,cockerel:
Isaac 1VI'iller, .Isaac Miller. Ply-
• mouth Rock barred pullett-'lsaae.Mil-
;ler,..Iseac Miller. •New .Hampshire
. 2ockerel-George Alton, 1VIcKenzie_
'Webb. New Hampshire pullett-Isaac?
Miller,. McKenzie • Webb. Wyandotte;
• cockerel -Isaac Milier,: Isaac. Miller.
Wyandotte pullett - Iseee. .Millgr,
Isaac "Miller. Utility •• Barred Rock
Dairy cow -Alex Andrew, Alex An-.
drew: Fat calf -E; G. Todd, Wm. Mc-
Kenzie., Junior herd -Wm: McKenzie,.
Jas, T, Lyons. Bull, reef type -F. G.
Todd; A. Gaunt, Wm. McKenzie. Calf
race -Ross Henderson; Sam McQuil-
lin, W. • Keith, G: Keith: '
-Leicester •
Aged rani -Purves Bros., Purves
Bros. Shearling ram -G. A. Greer,
George Kennedy. Ram lamb -G. At
Greer, Purves. Bros. :Aged ewe -Geo.
Kennedy, Purves Bros. Shearling ewe
=G. A. Greer', Purves 'Bros. Ewe lamb
=G. A. Greer, George Kennedy..
ster, Mrs. Wm. McIntyre.
. Plaint buns -Mrs. Ewart Taylor,
Mrs. • J. Henry. • Currant buns. --•-Mrs.'
Ewart ;Taylor, Mrs: George Lockhart.
Tea Biscuits
Plain, tea -biscuits --Mrs. • A. 'G,aunt,
}Vlrs.. D:. H. 'Carruthers; Cheese tea -
biscuits -Mrs, D. H.' Carruthers, Mrs.
Ewart Taylor. `
• ' Muffins
Bran muffins -Mrs. Orland.' Rich
aids, Mrs. George Brooks.
Cookies and Small Cakes
Sugar caokies-Mrs. Phillip Stew -
cockerel-G;-F-Bi-ooks Fred Martin: f -rd-, Mrs.. 'D _A._Fowler.:OatmeaLcook
•Utility 'Barred Rock 'pullett-George fes -Mrs. Jas. -Hackett, Mrs. Jas. Hen•
Kennedy,,. Fred. Martin. Utility Leg,,rys Ginger cookies -Mrs. P. Steward,
horn cockerel=G.' F.• :Shooks, Fred _Mrs. • Win. McIntyre. Drop cookies -
Martin. Utility Leghorn pullet ---,Fred Mrs: Jas: Henry: . Icebox cookies-'
Martin, Fred : Martin. ' Mrs. Wes. Huston; Mrs, Wm: McIn-
• Mis
o cellaneous tyre.• Doughnfits-Mrs. Wm •McIntyre,:
Best exhibit of `pigeons=-Phillili W ,r. McKenzie; Coco -nut macax-
oons-••Mi:s. Wm. McKenzie;. Mrs, Wm.
.Steward, Jack Treleaven. . Domestic
Alton, Phillip Steward. 1 McIntyre. One cake Scotch short bread
pets-SamMrs. Wes. 'Huston, Mrs,. Wm: Mein
dozen hen's eggs, white -G. F. Brooks �
Harold Campbell. One . dozen hen',s tyre: • .
eggs, brown -Mrs. Jas. Webster, Mrs.
•-• kencrrl Mr-Murehesen-te-St •-•Joseph- : Aged-,ranGtval„McGowan._ .Ram:
:and -.remarked on the honesty.•and.in- McGowan, Purves Bros.
igrity of men who followed •his trade; Aged ewe -Orval McGowan, Purves
interment was made in St.. Joseph's Bros: Shearling ram -Purves Bros..
cemetery.: The pallbl arers • 'were. Ewe , lamb-*- Purves Bros., Purves
Messrs., Michael Hogan, J: P. Hogan. Bros.
Shropshire Downs '
Aged r am --=Orval . McGowan, Jas.
T. Lyons. ,Shearling ram -Orval Mc-
Gowan, Frank Mack, Orangeville.
Ram lamb -Frank Mack, ,.Orval. Me -
Gowan. Aged ewe -Orval McGowan,
Orval McGowan. •Shearling ,ewe-•
Frank . Malek, Orval McGowan.. Ewe
lamb -Orval' McGowan, ,Orval Mc-
Gowan: .. '
• Sbu.thdowns
Aged ram -Frank: Mack. Shearling
ram -Frank Mack. Ram lamb -Frank
Mack. Aged ewe -Frank Mack. Shear -
ling ewe -.Frank' Mack. Ewe. lamb -
Frank Mack; . •'
7V1�y% Other 'Pureed
-Aged rant= -Orval McGowan. Shear -
ling ram-4brval McGowan:,Ram lamb
-Qrval 'McGowan. Aged ewe-Or'val
McGowan, Shearling, ewe=Orval Mc=
t3 an-
. dram 2.00;' ' W McIntyre, work. ort' Wni, Hogan, 'Sr., Clifton Austin, and
Mc ouirall �dlsain, 4.00; A,' flylaciaeod,• •,Cohn and Edward Gilmore. The •corn•
work,op McDougall dram, 11.45; Marl
,Johnston, sheep .inspection, 3.05.
Highway;' ,cheques -Dan McIntyre,
pay list 72, $16.00. Hugh' Sutherland'.
• pay list 73, .8.90;'; Road No. -2-5-7-16.
pay list 74, 37.80; Frank Brown, pay
'list 75; 5.00;• Russell Moore, pay list
76,. 8'00; Frank Johnston, pay.list.77,
9.10; Milton Walsh, pay fist 78,•17.5Q;
Alex McLeod, pay list 79, 17.85; Thos
. , C, unt, pay list '80;.15.00.
J.' R, • Lane Clerk::
-..Eyrgaged_13 Witlker-Stores.-:" ..
Mr. DeWitt Millet has accepted a
'position with Walker Stores limited,
• He replaces Bob Murray who resigned
, to enlist in ,the 100th Battery -Ad -
munit,, extends its sympathy to the
two who wi11 the -'most deeply mourn
his ,loss, ,Mr. iIIugh M•urcheson and.
'.Nips ..Christens Murcheson.
Construction crews are 'building de-
' ent ion
e-'ention quartets for enemy aliens in
he forested area of 'Petalwi'avya• mili-
ai y 'encarnpntent twenty miles north
if Renfrew, it has been officially an.
nouneed. -
The internment camp will be under
.oniinond of Lieut, -Col', . N. E. ,Pense;
.Kingston, 'former publisher of the.
Walkeripn Telescope, and about 200
•diens now under detention tat Old
Fort Henry, on the outskirts of King=
about three wceirs; . ,
• 'Under construction are ditiin.g hall;
administration offices, dormitorie &,
other building'§, 'and the 'settlement
tvill,be enclosed by. a high•barbed wire
The fond, mother wrote te, het• 'cop
.'' ho was on rnil':itary. •service:
• "1 hope that` you have now learned
to get` up 'punctually every',inoroing
•so that you•• do not keep the whole
. battalion waiting for •breakfast,':
D. A. Fowler.'.
, ' • • Cake .
Fancy. iced •cake=Mrs. D. Ai Fowl-
• er;' Mrs. Wes. Huston.. Sponge cake-
GR'AIN Mrs. Wes.' "Huston. Angel cake -II -Mrs.
Fall wheat', , red o.r amber -Herb Wes: Huston; sw rt -Taylor
Desjardine, Andrew. Culbert. . Fall) Chocolate layer cake -Mrs, Wm: Mc
wheat, white --Orland Richards, 'Herb Kenzie,: Mrs, Wes.Huston. White lay
Desjardine. Spring wheat-Mr..`•Clark er cake-Mrs.HWes. • Huston, Mrs. D..
McGillivray.' Oats,, long • white-Alei . A. Fowler; . Jelly '.roll -Mrs. D. A.
DI. Stewart,' Herb Desjardine. Oat,:, •Fowler, MI'S. P: Steward; Dark ,fruit.
any -other variety'. -George. Alton, J. ,cake -Mrs:, Wes; Huston, Mrs.. D.. A,
R. Hackett and Son.. Barley, *any var.:. Fowler. . • 1
=Alex M.. Stewart, . Heti? Desjar- ( ••• Pastry • •
dine. Peas, large -=Herb Desjardine. Butter tarts -Mrs. Wm. McKenzie,
Peas, small-Hb'lb 'Desjardine. Buck- Mi s. George Fisher: Jam • tarts -Mrs.
•« heat -Herb Desjardine. • aFlaxseed-- W`im ' McKenzie, Mrs. *Jas. `Hackett.
J,' R. Hackett and' Son. Timothy-•-) Apple'. pie- Mrs. Jas.. Henry, . Mrs.
Sain Alton, Herb Desjardine. Red clo•-• Sam Alton. Pumpkin. pie -Mrs.: D. A.
ver -George Alton, Adarit McQueen. Fowler, • Mrs, Saln Altori.: Raisin• pie-
Flint Corn=Herb .Desjardine:' • Dent Mrs. Wm: McKenzie, Mrs. D. A.'\Fovel-
rorn-Ael x M. Stewart; -kI•e1ls..Des=--
tardine. Three sunflowers -Mrs. Wni.
McKenzie,' Mrs, Clark McGillivray.
Alfalfa seed=Herb •Desjardine, J., R.
Hackett and Son. Sweet clover seed.
white -A -J. R. Hackett' and Son. Sweet
clover seed, yellow -Herb Desjardine,
George, Alton. .. Collection of: weed
seeds'=T.. J. Salkeld, Sian Alton. Lar-'
gest and best. collection. of grain and
seeds-TSani"Alton. Largest and best
collection of corn; grain and grasses
in straw --George F. Brooks.'
• You wash all potatoes,
vegetables and fruits -before' you
use them. Why? Because clean-
liness is essential for good
health. Because. dean food
tastes better:
Robin Hood -washes every
grain of wheat . that passes
through its great' mills. 'Thou-
sands of: gallons of sparkling':'
water scouraway every trace of
grime and field dirt. ' Only im-
maculate k,ernels with all the
goodness of Canadian sunshine
sealed in their.,glistening coats
go to the rolls to be milled into ..
Robin Hood Flour:
No wonder Robin Hood
gives your bread extra white-
n,ess—extra delicious flavour.
serve -Misr. ' Geo., Brooks, Mrs., Geo. .4.Tr : Desjardine.
Lockhart. Plum' consei;ve-Mrs. Gess,
Brook's,'•Mrs.. Solomon.... '
. Ps int .dairy • but'ter-Mrs: Campbell,
i°Slrs. Wm. McIntyre. Roll dairy butter
Raspberry•jelly-llIrs.: Geo..'l.iacl.=•. {;
-Mrs, Jas: Henry, Mrs.' :Campbell.
Mrs., W S McGuire Mrs Geo' Brook t.iVe., Mrs. Jas. 'i�b' t e s e
r: Chicken. dies
hart, *Mrs. Geo. BiookI T 5. App e felly - . rock dairy butter -Mrs. Wm• McIn
Crabapple jelly -Mrs. , Geo. Breitp6;. =ed,. for 'market -Ethel Martin, 'Mrs.
Mrs. G g.
... Geor e Lockhart. 'Red' currant .r': J, ,McMillan::
jelly -Mrs. •Desjardine; •Mrs• _George, Honey and: Maple Syrup
Lockhart. Black currant.• jelly-Mrs.Maple syrup -Mrs. P. J McMillan,•
Ew.art:-Taylor, .,Mr•s.: George Brooks: Mrs. Wim McKenzie. Honey extract..-;
Mardi lade • • 1I;•s. T. J., Salkeld.. Comb honey--M?a.
Carrot niaxnialade-MES. 0. Rich... f•'! J• Salkeld',' •
aids, Mrs.. Cariipbell: Rhub+rb rearm 'Candy
alade-Mrs. ,George Brooks, Mrs. Gee. .• Chocolate • fudge -•-Mrs. Wm. '•Mc-
1/ A
Best ram -Orval McGowr„ Market
ewe---1'raiitk Meek, Frank Mack. Mar-
ket lamb -Frank Meek, . Prank Mack.
test pen of sheep -Orval Mcdo rztff;
Frank: Mack.
Two varieties potatoes -W. S. Mc-
Guire, Herb Desjardine. Peak early,
potatoes --S.( C.' Rathwell, W. 8, Mc:
Guire..Peck late .,potatoes. --W, S. Mc-
Guire, Bruce McMillan. Mengel, yel-
low -Alex Andrew, Andrew Colbert.
Mengel',-_.r•.ed_--, Obert_ Herb
Lockhart.. ;
_:_£ickles and Relishes
Pickled onions --Mrs, Desjardine.
Cu'onmbers (9=day tickle)-�'Mrs...Geo.'
Fisher, Mrs. George 'Lockhart. Mus Salads, and Supper Dishes ..
tard ,pickle -=Mrs. .O. Richards, Mr•s. 'T tree •indiviiival. plate *, salads, ; as -
George Fisher. Pickled the •ie's-Mr,,, ;or•ted-Mrs:. Ewart Taylor. Jellied ,
'George, Lockhart,' Mrs. 0. Richard•. meat -Mrs:. Geo: Brooks,'Balniari loaf •
Pickled peaches -Mrs. V6'i i. McIntyre, _Mi.s Wi es. Huston,. Mrs. Caiirpbell:
Mrs: George Lockhart. Pickled pear, •'heese •. supper dishMVli s., 'Wni. Mc-
-Mrs° Geo. Lockhart, \li•s. 0. Rich- •trttyre, Mil: 'Ewart Tay or. Salmi, ..
ards, Ripe cucumbol•.sn _Mi•s. Q..'llicll- ,'Jr:essing-Mrs. V�`m, McKenzie, Mrs• •
ards, •MPs. 'Ewart Taylor. Tomato cat., p lVes: Huston.
sup -Mrs. Desjardine, Mrs.
held. Chili sauce-1Vir•s. '0. •'Richard,. COM.•,L. I)E1Y'NEST• WEEK•
•(•-enzie,. Ethel Martin..Divinity fudge -•
-Mrs: Wes, • Huston; 1ithe1. Martin.
Maple cr-eani--Mil: Win. IVIcKenz e,
M. ,Wes.: Huston. .
er, Lemon pie- ,Its. P tewa , Mis:
George Fisher:
School lunch -Mrs. Sam Alton, Mrs,
Ewart Taylor•. Working .man's dinner
-Mrs. Wes. •13uston.; Mrs, P. Stew-
art, Mr$. Jas. 'Webster.
Canned "Fruit •
Strawberries=Mrs.. 1?'e s j eitcr• d' i n e,
Mrs. Ewart Taylor. Raspberries=•
Mrs. 'Ewart ,Taylor', Mrs. Geo. Lock-
hart. Peaches-M'rs. Geo.• Lockhart,.
Mrs. T. J. Salkeld. Pears -Mrs: 't es-
jardi a Mrs. George Lockhart. Cher•,
ries- 1V�rs..t(j • , Lockhart, Mrls. Des-
jardine. Plums -Mrs :Desjardine, Mrs
Geo. Lockhart.
• Canned' 'Vegetables •
Tomatoes •(wh le)- Mrs. •Campbell;
Mre. 'George. Lockhart. Tomatee juice
.L -Mrs, George Lockhart; Mrs. Camp-
. .%
R Moffat bell.
Desjardine, Turnips, swede -•1 -Wallace
Miller, McKenzie Webh„Turnips, any
other variety=lierold,Groer, Sam Al-
ton. • Winter •cabbages'-Tferb 1WIcQuil-
1>n,, Jas. R.. j-lackett° & Son Winter.
Collection of field roots -Herta Des
Jardine,. Andrew Culbert. Large
Squash -Sam Alton, Harold •Greer. -
Largest pumpkin -Mrs. Win. McKen-
Rhubarb conserve .-Mrs. Geo. Lock
it 5, Mit. •Win. McIntyre, Largest 'hart, ' Mrii 'Geo. ,Brooks. Grape eon -
•- _ w jinn
Gooseberry, jam --Mrs•. George Lock-
hart,'Mr's. Orland Richards.' Strawber-
ry'jam-Mrs, P• Steward, Mts. Wm.
McKenzie. Raspberry jam -Mrs. Wni.
VC: o:_::BLCi o •
says JIMMY
No • farm should be
without °a telephone.
It`s "mighty handy”
to call relations end.
' a ° neighbours - and
quick :aid if need be 1
Sam Alton. ,
• 1,
k �? sxs �► •� �� ,. � eked.
ape4 i.
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to go ibo ovr aoee O Vise. c .
'bot ro scit ' s or0. tine _ Cc 1.4; >- :
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ally ocs1li5'c • fast "N 51c• .
o r_oxec3 Ytrex `l4 c oe.c
fti►i�ht4 , rod ,e d
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