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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-09-21, Page 1VOL, XXVIII,NO, 1483,
40414 .44:42 io
Business is booming, so much with us
•in Tailoring that it is hardly'*.north our
5yhile to advertise thie branch of our
-"business, but still we want to remtnd all
-our friends that we shall be glad to see
them, and we might mention that we
are selling oft the balance of our Sum-
mer Suitiugs at a great reduction. In
It is needless to say we lead the Trade.
'Oltr eustomers have been morn than sat-
Isfied during the past season; the conso-
eauence is, we have had a large increase
'in our sales; we anticipate a very large
business for Fall, and consequently
leave boughtheavily, and iu order to
make room for these now Goods we are
selling the balance of our Spring Stock
at a large reduction from regular prices
-don't fail to secure some of these bar-
gains, Boys' and Youths' sizes in
Boot on Saturday at COST. We have
.just sorted up our stock of
In. these we have the very latest—if
yoif; event to be up-to-date 'in Neckwear
.ands hieadwear, you must come to us.
We e,still a few
DR "GooDS -.
.left; wo are selling them at 50 per cont.
o1i cost—it will pay you to buy any-
lthing we have, even if you don't need
it just now, The rest of our Groceries
.at cost and below. We have not much
left, but what we have you can have at
Tour own price.
uth SOBS
Marriage Licenses
Issued by EnaElt P&TEtasort, No. 2$ Victoria
street. Wingham, Ont. No witnesksrequired.
Send for our catalogue and be con- Ce
• winced that we do
work in businesso duration in Canada
Central Business College' E
Stratford, Ont,
J Students from Manitoba on the west, r
Newfoundland on the cast and Texas on
the south are in attendance this year. r
Distance proves no hindranoo to those
iw o desire,to get the best. a,
• S neral Canadian colleges -_..
and many largo American schools
=Ploy ourgradua.tes' as teachers. This
Bilis a strong proof of superiority. Enter,
Mg now if )OSl..ble.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal,
20 Cents
pays for the TIME; till
Sanitary tst, 1901,
,.70 eats
pays for the TIMES and To,.
ronto Daily Star till Ian,
1st, 1.001, All who sub.
scribe for the star get a
handsome picture of the,
queen and Pritten' of
Leave your orders early
at the'TIMMS dike.
If so you should use
nothing but the
Wilson's Pure White
Wine Vinegar is acknow-
ledged to be the best.
You can get it along
with pure spices at
(The China House)
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the
Queen's .`Hotel, Wingham, on the first
F idayy of each month from 11.30 a.
till 3 o'clock p. nz., for consultation
diseases of the eyo, ear, nose and
- FROM D. Loud •, BD.—R. G. Gordon
received a Letter f m David Lougheed,
the young ming' . left Wingham some
months ago to do uty in South Africa.
We were please + to learn that Mr.
Lougheed was joying good health.
The letter diel no contain anything of
public interest,.
COAL WILL Go es—The big strike of
the coal miners in he Pennsylvania and
surrounding distri ts is likely to make
an uneasiness >at e coal. markets, The
daily press says, , . at it is nos probable
prices will be'iiz. diately advance, but
it is likely that ha . octal will go up to
$7 or -$9.a.ton befoa tl e hater is over...,
Tem NEW ST' nra,# Messrs. H. E.
Isard & Co., the ew merchants have
been busy. this • eek unpacking their
stock of dry goods , groceries, boots and
shoes and will be =ady for bzisiness on
Saturday of this week. They have
their store,.opposi e the Bank of Hamil-
ton, nicely fitted ; p. Their announce-
ment will be•fo d. in another . uinn
of this issue.
FOR, ,SALE. -The home of
line Ross, north of th
terms. Apply on th
boast of mine doctors,
fifteen insurance age
the physical, mora .•
gists of the people.
of granolithie sidew
more manufacturing
fewer lawyers than
county, and no matte
go we are sure to h
New Era.
rs. Cara''
: Favorable
gham now can
ix ministers, and
ts, to look after
financial inter -
o have more miles
k, faster horses,
tablishments and
ny town in the
how the elections
e an M. P. in
once in Clinton
BeseEe-h'osTau RE 'Ions -From the
Carsonville, Mich. Inpendent we learn
souze particulars of he Bisbee -Foster
family reunion at tha r place last week.
Geo. A. Bisbee of thi town was One of
those present. Re esentativos to the
number of 80 were pr sent from Canada,
Michigan, Indiana Wisconsin, and.t
better• lobkintg, more ntelligent or more
jovial lot of people i would be difficult
to be found. A m happy time was
spent by.ail those ho were in. atten-
dande. The TIME hopes Mr, Bisbee
may be spared to a tend. many f ily
Furnished rooms wanted b two or
three youn • bachelors. M be Well
heated and centrally 1oc ed. P. O.
Lox 284, Wingbatn,
TUB 1110/TIONS. --- The Toronto
papers, more especie, ly the Star have
been raising the roof ith the Industrial
Fair managers for th way in ;which the
fair has been run. T ev claim that too
much attentionisbelt paid to side shows
and other attractions a not enough at-
tention is being .paid the ngrictiltural
part of the fair. aro of the Janne
opinion as tine'lcoront papers and think
a change is aecessa or the Toronto
Fair managers will s a laxgea drop in
their receipts than th y experienced this
year. One of our exo iuiges in spent:Mg
of this (natter sty s “Women with
whiskers and num wi h rings in their
Inose are all right, we , appose, in , their
plaee, but they have no 'ight to the chief
place at an :agriculture fair."
Monnit ro Lo uv.—Money to loan on
notes, and notes discounted at reason-
able rates, 111oney advanced on wort -
gages, with privilege of paying at the
end of any year. Notes and acoountf
collected, Office—•l1eaaver Meek, Wing -
1 A' 'ROM t MeD nno.
Big stool. of V er , aelceta, Cape
Capeeines, Clollarct . r.c, at LAWS..
l ftee.INuuy Or;e;; ,cis.—Tho Wingba
milliners annouuc their full opeuine
for Tuesday and ft Mowing days of ne
week. The Italie of town acid vieiuit
will be out in ImpttumU4rs next we
to view the now at -les in fall beadge a
TIIEY ARD 'Wi 'Tits. Tho phoin
horses owned by J. E. Seven; are sti
doing good worn' across the hues
Walter K. won see nal in hi:, race la
week anti Harold , (lid not rice. Mr
Sevarts weut to oluribus, Obio, on
Satarday last. H avid H, woe his;race:
in Columbus ou 'ueeday iu straigli
heats. His best ti se was 2,11? i.
WANT?,D AT Oxon.. --A good, bright,
active youth to learn the store-l:eepthg
business. Apply to D. 4. GORDON,
Winghan .
IN Tun OLD Sr., SD ` On Saturday last
A. II. Carr pur hased J. H, Young's
flour and feed bu .Mess. and took posses-
sion the same da , Mr. Carr formerly
owned this bu = iess fund •should feel
thoroughly at h me in the old stand
His. maw friend • will be pleased to iearu
that he intends ).:miming in Wingham.We ntderstaual s r. Young inset • tak-
inga course at usiness cone
Black w Drutr and ltoe Worthing-
ton's; Stock Tot' ; it i t e best on the
market. The . est g • des of flour and
all kinds of mea s always on baud and
delivered on she test u• ' 'Phone 32.
AT This SALT : LOC s ' 'Workmen ere
busy ab the salt lock getting things in
readiness for o r rations'. The pan.: is
being thoroughl overhauled and a now
fire place is bei built. Mr. Sperling
has this week r, eived a car load of Sire
brick direct ,"o • Scotland. Ho has also
received re• car loads of cooperage
stock: s' he block will be ready for
operati a within three weeks.
s, Second hand buggy for xle, almost
A.rpky to Warn
new; also to cutter.
New RESIDENT 1Sfr. JohnFtonof the
yt flint of Cochrane '-Jnbneton, marble
dealers, in moving t town from Erus-
Hk sols and w ill aoeupe the dwelling next to
,. Patterson's flour a I feed Amen Thiswill snake two fam' its that aro 'moving
from Brussels to-nebam, W. P. Ven -
II stone will trove int the house vacate
' by T. L. Jobb in to few days: " e
Testes welcomes tl . newcomers.
Tho Imperial and Nations
names of the latest pair of
they are a wonderful pa'
tiou at T. H. Ross' -.
the Dunnville C'.
refers to the ]nary
Graham of this
joins in hearty 001
wishes for a long
nxl mall• stylish
home affair was giv
Barry 0. Killina
'furnished residence
Liilias Darham, on
John Durham, who
noon was united
IVIaleohn. Graham
Promptly at three
attended by his b
Graham of Uxbride
ing room and took t
of the officiating. 'el
Gourley, M. A., pa,
They were followe
bridesmaids, Edna
Gardner, who ear
fio tvers. Then oft
Miss Birdie Montag
bonnie bride hersel
of her father. She
comingly in a
Cheviot cloth, witl
silk and cream ap
later, when takin
the 6.45 train wes
brown straw, wit
]Wings. About 25
friends witness -
After the us
the guests
spacious dining r
tunas de jueuer w
handsomely laid,
have ' done credi
Among tha many
a china tea set froi
of Knox Chureh
token of their appr
she has done amon
good wishes for her
present which will
by the bride -was th
pupils of her Sand
china salad dish sic
original little note
signed "John P. In
has been employed
Sottuct for about
Which he wua a tri
ed einployeed of
millerss,, here, for s
laic stay in Dunnr
warin friends. 't
higher terms of his
to say thti no More
was ever !Wedded it
one of his ilshoiee,
of J. A. rteIndooa
1 illlnns, waterers
head clerk and bo
many friends. . T
to 'V°Viughain, the 1
Bather, for it bri
they VIII take 4t
Sound. A, largee
to eestenid good wts
few pounds of
Cornet i3aiitt t
rousing serenade.
are the
wius and
On •exhibi-
lethent ware -
The following frost
onicle of Sept. 7th,
eofa. sou of R. A.
awn, and the Teems
ratulatious and beat
d happy life:—"Au
•edcling for a quieiq
n by Mr. and Mrs.
t their beautifully
to their friend, Miss
y daughter of Mr.
u Weduesdayafter-
marriage to Mr.
of . Owen Soun(
o'clocl. the groom;
other, Mr. James
, entered the draw-
eir position in front
rumen, Rev. Jas.
or of Knox church.
by two dainty little'
South and Bessie
d bouquets of Cut
c the nn:ticl of hotter
e, followed by the
, leaning on the arm
was dressed most be -
ng -away gown of
a vest of turquoise
ique trininaings, and
their departure by
she wore a turban of
blue and fawn trim-
elatives and intimate
1 the ceremony.
al congratulations
repaired to the.
ens, where a sump
s served. The tables
d the service would
to it city caterer.
autifal presents was
her fellow teaohers
unilay School as a
ation of the work
them, and of their
appiness. Another
ng be remembered
t from one of< the
Sehool ekes 'of a
onnpanied by a cute
ritten by himself,
Wu." The groom
miller in Owen
year, previous to
Worthy and honor-
ney cC Middaugh,
O title. Daring
le he made ,many
o cannot &peek in
valuable bride than
justly popular bride
Dunnville than the
bile in the employ
d later with TI. 'C,
d confectioners, as
kskeeper; she made
ie happy couple went
ane of the groom's
stay, after Whielt
resitlonoo in. Owen
wd, was at the depot
es sand ineidentaily it
-the Ideal Silver
Milo tendering a
I.'OX;;DELt Dist )0ATuD —Ono of the
Bring Bros. who neve been hero with
horses front Danns: „ had the misfortune
to have ono of hi shoulders dislocated
on Saturday last, Ile was trying to
eatuh a horse an was thrown in acute
way with the ab• a result. He left for
his house in lunsas on Saturday.
Fifteen of their zoites were sent to Mt.
Forest this we and will be sold by
:motion on Sat day.
Housn FOR S .—Any person desir-
in) oto purchase a good comfortable
use in good to ation on easy terms of
system, can learn partioulars by
applying to the r mums COM
DEATH or Mu . RU1LB 1LL.—The wife
of Mayor Fre oriole G. Rumba'', of
London, died • a Wednesday morning,
after au illness . ' over a year. Mrs.
Ruuibali was in filer 45th year and pre-
vious to her ma 'iae was Miss Agnes
Ailtenhead, of B 'ucefiekl. Besides her
husbend she lea vs a family of three.
Deceased was :Il -known in Wingbam
and vicinity an her friends here will be
sorry to hear of or death.
WIWI NEW r . •ERS.—J. W. Whit-
lock, of Walkerton has purchased the
Advocate and News, published at Paisley
and that town ill now be supplied by
one paper. I e Fergus Canadian has
been sold to- a s ndiesnte and Fergus will
now only have • me paper. These are
instances where 1 was known • dist the
field for newepa ers wary ..overcrowded..
The Kincardine Review s:iind Brussels
Herald are 'sonde mg this week.
ANNUAL . CoN • NTIOL—T he Huron
Gp%unty Woman's'hristian T tnperance
IN= will hold heir annual couven-
n at Blyth iii S ptember 25th, cora-
acing at 9 o'lo, k a. tugs , Rev. R.
obi, of Wtngba ,will 'address the
ing rte emit ,s--: SA a -4 0g- jvho'
won a silver nied 1, s a contest in
Goderich, given by t e W. C. T. U. is
also on the program e for a recitation.
All interested in tem rause aro cordially
011 SALE.—Hou
n Patrick Street;
cellar, garden, w
kitchen, Healthy
present occupant,
the Weekly Ole
until the end of 1
TImmno and Faini
Star till the end
soribers for 40
till the end of th
nett/ subscribers
1st, 1902 and a
Christmas supp
for $1.10; the'
till January is
Christmas su
picture, "The
scribers. Pick
take advantage
into the nuns
that your orde
and lot tenth stable
seven roomsees good
fished and summer
situation. Apply to
nes. J. W. GoFFIN.
RS.—The TIMES and
e to new subscribers
00 for 40 cents; The
Herald and Weekly
f the year to new sub-
lets; the TIMES alone
year for 20 cents, to
the Teems till Jauuary
copy of our handsome
anent to new subscribers
BLEs and Weekly Globe
1902 and a copy of
lenient and copy of
uadians at the Battle of
r $1.70 to new sub-
set the offer you wish to
if, send word or drop
office and we will see
is promptly attended to.
FLOUR AND • ED.—Having pttrehased
J. H. Young's Sour and feed store
at the corner,of the market
square,. I will be peased to sec all his
old customers and tis many new ones as
will favor me with a call. x intend
keeping in stock the very best grades of
flour that motley can buy, Have now
six different mills flour, ranging from
$1.50 to $2.75 per 100 lbs.
2t A. IL CAitn. ,
See the Japanese Silks; at Kerr's.
Tun PoIC1INz,I5 PLAY, -,-Tho play
"Itiehelieu," ire in the opera house on
Friday evening la t by Edouard D'Oize
and kris company vas not very well at-
tended, owing o doubt to its being
sprang on in too : tort notice .and not be-
ing properly ads rased. Mr. D'Oire
took bin part wel and is a good actor.
More bane is neer KI to advertise an en-
tertaiutnent of ti *.-; kind.
NortrII-Wr;,,TN \ FAIR.—Tlte North.
Western Fair to 1 a held in Wingham, ort
Thursday and iiday of next week,
promises to be a : y ahead of any pre-
vious fairs. The 't r:retary has already
received it large 1i t . f entries. On the
evening of Thursc ay, a programme will
be given and an .tdznission fee of 10
cents will be char ;ed, The speeial at-
tractions for the
include horse race
trot or 2,3Q pace a
The two fast Can
K. 2.143(, and H
by J, B:6,8574691.1;
, Swarts) t
in the U, S. by w
Which. they start
circuit, aro expo
give an exhibition,
teats record of 2.1:
will not compete i
Thera should be a
the fair this year.
will be in attendau
Wm. Robertson, so
Wilson's office ou
receive entries.
A BUSINu ss Creels'E,. s ,will bo seeu
from the asuman anent iu another
column, S. Gracey has made a sale of
his business to Mess J. J. and Luther
Ball, of Brussels, tw , young nneu who
come to Wingham h hly recommended.
Luther Ball has had n ue years experience
in the furniture and nudertaking busi-
ness and should. be • le to give entire
satisfaction, J. J. B 11 has had several
rcantile business,
well in his new
r. and family will
ice in Wingham
The Teems is
Ball family as
and trust the
wits success it
econd afternoon will
d a 2.50 trot or pace.
diau pacers (Walter
old H. 2.15ei, owned
ho caused a sensation
/suing every race in
d in. the Lake Erie
tett Inane, and will
v beat the Canadian
ten These horses
any of the races.
he Wiugham baud
on tne second day.
etary, will be at 3,
ednesday next to
years experien in m
which win s e him
business. see Ball,
take up t eir reside
seTtes tune next mouth
plgased to welcome, th
;residents of our ton
.Youug men will meet
*heir business. iffr.
resident of Winghara
and he has not yet d
future plens aro to be.
in town for soxne we
founcl as usual at the ca
Graeey is the kind o
Winghain can ill afford
hope he may be abl
things as to not break
ne our town.
Frances streee, was the cue of a pretty
home wedding on We nesday, when
Campbell was married to A. Waite,
bookkeeper and manager or R. j. Score
& Sou, of Toronto. he ceremony
was performed by Rev. 1 icharcl Hobbs
at 10,30 a. m. in the prese ce of only the
relatives and near fri cl of the con-
tracting parties. bride looked
beautiful in ss o white silk
organdie over brocaded tin, trinamed
with lace and pearls. Sh. was attended
by her sister Miss Mettle ampbell, who
wore a dress of pink aside 'te organdie.
Little Maggie Hiscocks, neice of the
bride was flower girl ang s attired in a
dress of pink brocade silk, rimmed with
chiffon and lace and carrie a boquet of
white roses. W. Birchar , of Toronto
was best man for the groon . After the
ceremony was over the hap y party sat
down to dinner. The watts were
very beautiful ami Maui. The groom's
present to the bride bear a purse (f
bride's travelling suit b of dark
green French covert cloth, rimming of
greeu silk aud white sins vast. aud
wo weeks in Muskets/1 the newsy-
Stedded couple will take uo I:081;1011W su
heir already tarnished non o Totauto.
na Tents Joins with the satyr ihiends
happy fatttee in their Ile re
The Fell term of the st )wel Easi.
ess College and Shorth lid Institute
las opened with a ,geed. at Mance from
College has made au ex tAlene record
during the first yearns opt, -anent, gradu-
ating a higher pereetertge
tablisheci by the vatioas roeorts of the
different Basiuess Colic s. The new
qtatrtets of the College levelled
°Weide the city of Tor o; are cone-
neoctiotts, well lig ed =Mated, fatly
egaipped end et acmes. Its ad-
ditiou to the .Prinmpal, who devotes itia
entire time to class room inetruction,
there ate three very able and efficient
assistauts, The rates for tuition charged
by the Listowot College Etre eonskier.
ably less than those charged by Final=
institutions elsewhere, end it would
Wein tO 11S very advisable for our young
people !,ce take advantage of ettch an tee
portututy to wore a good business
education. Illustrated eatalogue, with
full descriptiote can Le had upon app.e.
etaitsitoolzvetio. the Principal. C. L. Hera,
4! For the B:est and
g come to us,
We will please
Ours are fresh and
our prices
The aia wiriama strata.
We aro just .passing into stock about
175 Ladies' Cloth and. Fur Jaeltets; also
Fur Lined Capes and Wraps.
The above garment; have been im-
ported direct from the most celebrated
makers in Berlim Germany. and for
steles, materials, evorkmanship, tumid
prices svill easily take first pine° in the
trade of this western section. Do not
buy until you, have examined very. care-
fully these beautiful and seasonable gar-
ments. It will pay. you to see them be-
fore giving your fall order.
The Direct Importer.
WANTED—At once, 103 Tubs Butter.
See that window of $1.25, $2.00 shirts.
Your choice for 75c, G. E. XING.
the year for electin the County Copia
cillors, and no don municipal matters
will be more intere deg than usual. We
se have not heard an IIMMCS mentioned in
Stuart and. Patt aon. have been the,
representatives om the Winghana
district in the uty Council for the,
past four years.
a citizen that
tO SO arrange
p his r• sideuce
The diploma We hold front the
Optical Institute of Canada is a
guarantee of our qualification to
giVO perfeetsA.tb,ittetion the fitting
of gift S$C8.
Oar eqnipment for ibis work Ino
always been ot the best, hut to make
it still more complete and up to date
we have Jam, added a "jebb Oeto.
meter," the `latest invention in this
eittlY8 of instruments.
DO not let fake optieians and
pedlers who have never studied the
eyes, tamper with yottrs, and sell
you glasses at double their value
when. yon eati be properly fitted At
J. E, DAVib0
111:111dOilins AND OPTICIAN.
front the old Isom and equally appres
ciate the heme r. Therefore if you
are wondering ivh to send a,bsent ones,
try a year's subscr tion to the TIUEs.
Then thiuk of the umber of letteee
evill save you writ' g, and the asitranit
of news you will g v your friends, The
Texas to any taldr ss until Jautuner 1st,
1.901 for 20 cents.
GOODs RecovEnEe.—We were pleased
to learn. on Tuesday that M. H. Mind=
had recovered upwards of $100 worth of
the goods that where stolen. from Isis
store seine mouths ago. There tecovery
happened this way. A man was stop-
ping at one of the hotels in, Brumfield
and was selling goods, similar to Mrs
MeIndoo's, in s lots to varlets,*
parties about the tel. Deputy Sheriff
Grundy, of Goder' heard of this and.
paid a visit to Br afield, but the man
and left for p rte unknown. aud
left the goods behind him, The
articles vvere re anted to Wingham
as his property. Where the rest of
the goods and th guilty man aro is yet
a secret.
Wingham's Popular Shoe Store.
Tt =lug things npside down at our
taianee of sullies stock must go to
make room for Pall Goods,
These offerings should stir up every
thrifty shoe wearer.
13oysi and Girls' School Shoes ht
Vull stock of Children's end Tants.
Come Along with your ordered work
dna repidting. Yours,