HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-08-31, Page 8PAGE MET'
to -School CL�!fl..1'
MISSES BOTANY WOOL. PULLOVER SWEATTR3---I•o�se el .. 98ein'`'hand-knit effects. Size 29-34. Speelel•
A deputationl.of some twenty-five
residents of ,Bruce Beach'srrmilie.r col-
ony, representing g thetruce •
Associati'n, petitioned Huron .Town
ship Council at, iter"last meeting" to
T. . ,lest .,!, ; m ro,.veinents •con ..
Sidtereac wU ay., ,ga. t
..... .....
CHILDREN'S SILK •PANTEES. Sizes 2-14 yewPsir ....
SILK PANTEES & 1IL.00MERS. .Reg. 50e
..13 utl
CREPE HOSE: •A wonderful •bole f �.schgol •wear
;.slips" a
ttached Regales' $3.98
••• ,� .,, .
esti. $2.98
(Contimted From . Page One)
•.,. o -operate Is this a sample •of the
type of ; eo-operatine' which they have
'to offer? .In concluding the. 'state
'Ment which. the, packers sent out .an,
aouncing - the new ,policy they said:
makntg this 'announcement the
Psalters. of • Ontarip feel they are per-
:forming their natural duty •as the
enyers ••of hogs and confidently expect.
.'.the heartiest co-operation from every
'.person engaged in the; hog, industry
•to facili>yate : this ' very, necess$krjr step
forward'." In . other words, the peek-
' ere decide . a Matter of general :pol
e. c_ or. 't : in. • •.f:'
feet on a certain ,date, and then . eel,
the farmers.'' co operation..in Carrying
it out." That's the =land of cooperation
•which, we bask'.—learned to expect • f rove
Hitler and Mussolini, 'That .does not...
hove -ver, typify the meaning .and sill
-nil: kande Which tlie,•worrd eo=operatiou-
shalt to. the: farmers d,' Ontario.': It
i business are really
the leaden" .Of big
honest about their desire',to have the
farmers' co-operation, \they. cannot ex.-.
, .pest it, and • they•do not .deserve it,
when they put : over s'tsch a .',high
• handed, :autocratic move• as. they have
• done in' .this case:" ... •
The eradication of the poisonivy
*enance and an improvement of di*m ,
sanitary conditions were among thee
reqassts• In the latter'ease"a.,system
atic collection :and disposal:. of .garbage
at leasttwice_ weekl'y, ' was asked.
A third`) and the most vital' matte)
concerned `the opening .of' a road; at
the.rear of the .cottages,' '
A.: number ;of cot
agr gavetheir.
reasons for their- 'demands; sortie of
which` were . personal and others gens
Goderich—Halt a million bushels of
wheat grown this: year in Huron -Coen
ty is now being stored. at' Goderich
• in the elevators • of the'Goderich Ele
vator . & Transit Co., under arrange
merits . _with. the' Ontario ''Wheat
Board, eastern division.. About hal
the quota has already. been deliveredi
bis rail from Wingham, Ilderton and
;,they points.. The wheat is netting, the
farmers 62' cents. per' 'bushel. This' is
he • first: time : Ontario• 'wheat. has been
:stored,.' in Goderich elevators in ,any
•;ruantity. ' ' I
. the' • n ` . of the Goderich
?levator and of the Western Cana ''a
i lour 'Mills, at the waterfront with a
total storage 'of . 5,000,000 bushels;
?'loodlights have been .installed; durine
he pad few' days for use in the. even
utility . of war:; • ' I
-The-hydra-sub-station -and._maniei_
mends,. some of which have not -been
,Mr, 'Robert Stlrt>i of • E•dmont4n
visiting with his !brother%, Messrs.
Jaynes 'arid T. . W. ;Smfith.
Oral, Owings to• the• rise in..the' lake.
water during' the present seas* the
roadway at the water's edge, has .been
'lestroyed. The reeve and members :oi.
the council. admitted the absence' of
a proper -roadway was a handicap, yet
it was rather difficult to arrive at e
solution'. to, the. ;matter because such
a road:would encroach on private pro
nerty. On the•other hand •' the cottager'
were. paying tastes, acid in many cases'
Vere paying a yearly rental to own-
.ees of• adjacent farms for a 'convert
'ent roadway.
When• ' Bruce, Beach was • founded
ome forty .year's . ago a , a'•.suimmer•
escort the
land was' considered free
Por all and the . original., inhabitahts
tad but squatters''. claims, to which
.ash seemed '•agreeable•
However •a't time went'' on ,and ,the
;sttages became more numerous; sligh
^:ttaees became ore' nunieroua,
-light arguments arose .over boundary
of set
led le until'a land surveyor was brought
'n and this changed the' complexion
of things in general.. Taxes, gov.ern-
rnent rentals , and'. private roadway
I•entals , increased thedist to'°cottage
ov.ners;. who then made certain de..
Tor -
r Johnston.
Winnifred Miss n e
onto was a Week -end visitor with her.
parents, Mr, arid Mrs.. P. M. -John
Mrs. , Sidney `i i soy'. affirierti lily'
Sylvia of Vancouver visited `last week!
with Mrs. D. IH. MacKenzie, and Miss
. �
Lees; ' t,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McQuillin
• _J.• G. 'Anderson'.and. Sole'Flax. Mils
has this year ,placed in ,operation n�
"their• Seaforth , mill; • three machines,
• including ,a. flax puller, Ike thresher
-and flax:...acutcher.' .The machines are
' the, first of their} kind to be used in
Canada and were • , imported '.directly
from Belgium. Sonie'35. men are ens
• plob
yed by the •firni, 20.at work in'the'
fields, and! the :' balance. in • the. Mid:
'Some 350 acres were ,planted in. flax
. •.this: year.—Seaforth Expositor.
are visiting • in Toronto'; with their
laughter, Mss. Ilarold Dawson and
:Kr. . Dawsons. .•. . "
1rh • •Masses Mc'Gennan ..of ,T , ,
e -a
d Mis. M
r Mr a.n
titer s:•of Rev.
i'.ennie visited with, Miss 0. A. Mc-
Kenzie this•week:'• •
'Dr. anal ' Mrs. Allister • Finlayson Yof'
,)iiiaha, Neb.,' were. recent visitors
ith their', cousins,•, Donald, .Alex and
Mary MacLean, Ashfield.
'Mr. 'and. Mrs. Harry • Hackett , and
'hildren of Belfast, spent Sunday with
Mrs C H Stu'bbert and. Mr.1 and Mrs:.
' r
•,.Yi, . ' (KINLOUGU 'NEWS
Misses Nellie and Margaret Mal-
colin, entertained, a number of friends
on'Wednesday, of last week at a mis-
' r of .
in honour ►s
: n "
.I cellaneous shower. -
Bess ,Lane, bride of this week. The
r wa beautifully. decorated
st�:R�+. +^':✓Ac: � �7'�'L^ � e,-,..moi;� �":ix'����t,,,i�i.tti."�'i?
tc �r--e• . �t..
etream!ers welch were fastened to: a
table well laden, with gifts. •The bride
took her place beside the' 'table and
s assisted .in• opening the gifts 'by
use a
Mrs... Melvin . Johnston' and Miss•
Margaret Malcolm. Bess . then thank
ell• those present teed invited . the "girls
't•• visit her in her new home in, Muss'
P s .Malcolm .conducted
is .He en
' a.
M s l
!Oka. �.
' llowe •'•.b - a sing -song,
a •,.contest, f,a d .y.
much ,Every person' gets out , .o f life as
as he fiats into it. Nature pays
reo interest . and' 'asks none. The man
who ;puts in honest labour of hand or
head, cheerfulness' of .disposition, an
' felo m.
f' regard
nsel sh g
u i
and a. general decency of conduct .is
a l y sure to receive tin return
reason b y
the respct of his fellows, the .affect--
y4 rv•n
'P " n vr1d
and sive
n a
c lunch
wase d
which ,after.
social ehat enjoyed. •
Mise Jean Lane en.terteinedf a Oulu-.
fiber of .girl friends on Friday of, last
week at a tea in honour 'of her sister,''
Miss Bes'a.'Lane. .'
Congratulations , to Mr. and . Mrs.
Frank Maulden (nee Bessie' Lane)
:whose marriage took ' place' on Wed-
nesday _ of this week. '
Mrs. Melvin . Johnstone and • Miss
Minnie Percy, R.N,, of Listowel, vis -
w a
have a ,,goodly numn , 'aiC(r s jai
greatriches : at least a competence.
o indifferent in
The:Man wlao. is :ia.:cZy r
his work, sour and grouchy'In his dis-•
Position, 'is, dishonest,;• deniands great,
consideration from others'and gives'
little -and that 'geudgingly to .others,
regard the.cencepte
who•has no g. ,
_cent' will be. dispised, by' most of
decency, ei
thous who know:"him, and will have
, .
e nd
ed e �
nds and.
their notp
few Erre Y.
There is no way ,of cheating life..
To get. ' svveetnees out' of this- life'\
'sweetness• . must' -be. put' into it, No,
sowing of ugliness can.ever bring ;a
harvest of beauty, That. which men
are reaping today is what they . sowed'
yesterday. And today is the seedtime
of tomorrows '
ions rolic
abor Day
Mr. and Ries• H. J. Fenshain; Miss teed at their respective homes during (By Edgar N
�'' and Mr. an Diss. H: G. Fen the week.
albb sd Guest) '
I d rather see a sermon
than on, of .Toronto s cut Sunday Mrs.'H. Carefoot.and babe returned : ' ' an hear
sham, all P one. any day,
ith;'Mr. and Mrs, James S'mith.' • home from Ki a e P
• rd, 'rather one.should .walk with me
Illi•: and Mrs. Berwick Sherriff of tr than merely •Pte11' the' way,
11.4inclim and: Mts. R. M. •MacLean, o.l' C The' eye's ' a better` pupil:. and more
Welland, who have .beep holidaying at, willing than'. the ear; '.
'nc "din hospital.
Con ratulations • to •Mr. •and Mrs.
,Donald MeFarlan on the arrival of, a
+►aby boy and to` Mr. and .Mrs. -are•
toot tab '•'girl,
rs.• . a•Y o gins a the mss . -
' te' o Wednesday of last week • to
c"e thrown ,from a load' of grain itis-,
t ' some ribs her 'injuries requir-
ing medical attention:
and .. M'rs: John Hodgins, .a `
1'en • 'were Sunday visitors at Mr.
T. A. Hodgins. • .
Master Wilbur I'nsil ;af ;Chapleau
's holidaying at the Percy home.
3ruce.. Beach,, called ori' friends in a y Port Fine •counsel is 'confusing, but ex -
own. M Ad H d had, ample's always, clear,
Geor •e ' Hunter, of n f And the best of all the preachers; are
Mr. and Mr's.' g
tlamilton and Miss Ruby Shersood
the . men who. live their creeds
urtng ,
Ashfield were 'visitors' last week at . For to see ,good: put in•action: is what
he homeb .Mir. and Mrs: Jame's m..: J h g d rl9 anybody needs. , ,
Mr.. •-
Lyons. .
,al pumping': station, at the; waterfront
Iso are' being floodlighted. The dis-
trim • is visited by provincial police
3ach night to' guard against sabotage,'
and a permanent guard stands by.
easy to takeover over `it$ duties once the.
.;cord' 'is given.
Won Goderich Car •
H. T. Perdue, R. 5,-Wingham, held
•. the winning ticket on the Dodge coach
when, the Goderich Lion's Club draw
' was made during last Friday night's
Mr. and Mrs. Percy lame
Stratford visited at the' home 'of the
former's brother,' Mr. Waiter Roul-
Dream not too m h of what you'll
do to -morrow, '
How well you'll work'perhaps an-
other year;
To -morrow's change you do not, need
to borrow- ; ' •
To -day .i5 here.
met to their satisfaction, The .deputy
tion was strongly urging the arriving'
at some decision and to this ,end it
'.was agreed. to meet the members of
the council' on .the grounds; 'at some
!ate in the near.future, so that . by
next season, an improvement• in con-
ditions' may be effected. ' ,
C. V. Spiith, pri'neipal. of the High
School . at Grimsby.,, who ' owns the
most of the..land.. in the vicinity, on
which summer cottages at Point Clark
'ire built, was present, in the after-
noon.. with a request for assistance
in the building of a smal'l.•bridge a-
cross a ravine ys�p that section, for the
acconiodation of`the cottdeer owners
It was decided to give this due. eon-'
sideration, with a., 'promise' that '1!'
the .present council. were in office
during the next:year, "something would
be done to remedy this. inconvenience.
Boast not too much of mountains you
.'will master,
The while you . linger in the vale
• below;
To dream ie well, but.. plodding brings
us faster
To where we go.
Talk not too much•about some' new
• • You :.mean' to make a little later on;
Who,idles now will idle on forever . '
Till life is gone.•
Swear not' some day -to break some
habit's fetter,
When this' old year is dead' and
passed away;' r
If you. have need of . living, wiser,
stop during the, past week. It• will •
be' remembered that ' in April of this
year, Mr... Roulston met With • a ser-
ious motor' accident in that , city, gas
. a result of which his bddy was in a
cast for period of 102'days. The in-
jury to his spine has now respbnded
to treatment and he has noxi+ made
an almost complete recovery. --Ripley
Transferred to Port Dalhousie
I Mr: Murray Rae, son of Mr., and
Mrs, •Don ld Rae, who has been. on the
stair •of' the ;Canadian Bank of Com-
merce at Baden and who has been re-
lieving for the past months at List•
owes, has received word of his trans-
fer to the Port Dalhousie branch. • '
-Advance Times
Mr: and Mrs. Joilsua Da.tison ..and
Mr. and. Mrs.' Alex Davvsen .of London
motored to the West and" visited
with friends in Winnipeg, also in Mit•
eta and Saskatchewan,
Mrs: John MacLean, and. children..,
Mary Catherine', Sarah' Jane, Donald
and Jamie, and Sarah MacLean, all of
Evanston, Ill., are'holidaying' at tit,'
Maclean home; Con, 12,'Ashfield.
• Mr. .Cls once' Greer was guest' solo
ist. in` the Presbyterian church' lass
'Sunday morning. It is expected thai
Mr.' 'Carrick Douglas 'of New Yor:
will be 'soloist this coming Sunday.
Mrs. :Cruickshank '..returned to 0(
'tawa on Wed;iesday, accompanied b}
her sister 'Miss Isobel Murdie, whc
has sufficientiy.recovered from a ser
sous illness, to make the_trip to tli
Capital city , where she will 'spen,
some time. J•
Towns have a reputation, and' are
commnoly known as live towns'or
dead • towns. Two towns may have
about the same. population and wealth
but one of them may. have an ele-
ment of live action in it which its
rival 'lacks. What con stitutee this
life? It consists first in a willing
ness to 'work, for the •benefit .of the
community. If' the people' •of .a town
won't organize and carry ' on act-
ivities, they can be expected soon to
fall behind. In 'a live 'town,.'people�
are constantly looking out for chance
to get new • • trade, to obtain
new industries,' to encourage the
industries they have to expand, and
to maintain active organizations that
provide home town benefits. Any
town can, become known as a live
town if its people are'active. and en-
ergetic. --Ex.
►erg fills
Visitors on Friday and, Friday. even
Ing with. Mr,. and 'Mrs. Jas. T. Lyons
'included Mr.. and.' Mrs.' George. Fishe,
Hamilton, Miss Frances Moore o
Hamilton, Mrs. • Robert l'ish,er, Mi•:
Mary,,'Fisher and. Mr. and Mrs. N. li
kiedley • and Kent of Lucknow. ',
Rev: R. C. :odd,
SEPT 3rd
a.m.—Sunday School -
i,1 e.in.—Morning _Worship—
Labor Day Message. , •
7. ,p,m.-•-Evening Worship. Sub•
jest—""Fret not because of l . Boer's". •
'fhe minister has returned , from
Vacation and will preach at• both
.ervices. , • •
IS OUR'.FAC) •REDt'�,.
.When our ' Louise correspondent
sent in the news last sveek,•,she said
FAIR • DATES that we - could get a good laugh by
te sous-week,_._so,�_...curiaus as ever 'tee
P. .
reading the Louise news of the1p
Sept. 1, 2 & 4.. looked it' over and .here's what we
Elmira read."A • valuable. horse owned by
Fergus Sept 8 ' 9
Goderich Sep home over the ,,week -end". 'MI Tsk!
Blyth .... Sept.15,16.
' • .. • And . in last week's paper we no-
Lendon' (Western Fair)' Sept, 11-16: :iced where a local groce`r'y store had
Wiarton • • Sept. 14, 15.
Sept: 22, 23. "Firm • -pipe bananas". for . sale.
Clifford • • Move over,Frank Macintyre of the
t • T 8 Ralph Fritch'' of St. Catherines ' was
'Iiu'ss 'I Y� gitarr'° e.r..a
. Mountaineers
,•L '' OR
D NH. a. F
GAMES of 'SKILL, etc.
Its Wheels. Will Go Round 46 •Times
'•A' Second. -
A car' going at . 360 m.Pf h• which
John Cobb hopes,, to achieve in Au
gust Oki•' the ;Salt Flaks ,.'of• •'Utah,
would take less' than three days to.
cover a,:distance equal. to the circum-
ference of the earth, at the Equator.
Strange points about his' all -Brit
ish Railton' are: `•
Its petrol consumption ; is just' over
one mile to the • gallon '
Although..' it weighs morethan
three tons. it isee shaped 'that• .the
h; _,.., i�,ata_pee at 300 m•n.h. is . •
tie same as at .60 m.p.h. for' the or-
dinary car; ••
Every 'minute it eats up enough
energy to 'lift a heavy express train
clear of 'the ground:
Atn full speed ;the tyres.•
are one .
inch-lax-ger--indiameter--ti at _rest.
Every'minute there are 30,000 gas'
explosions in the 24 cylinders' of the
two Napier". engines.: .
The gases :in the pipes from the
carburettors to the cylinders are
sucked .through at more: than three
Inches 'a • minute. - ' '.. •
Sept: 20, 21. t 46 times a `'
Exet�r. .1.•:••••• •
The 'heels go:rotYnd,
Sept, 19, 20: Dundalk . Herald, we're climbing m second. •
Hanover' r . with you' and hiding under the featli-' ' ce `about a minute' the' tyre's' tem -
Hepworth ',Sept 20, 21:
Kincardine Sept. 21, 22. concrete
tick. The, other•day Frank said' a. perature goes •Up to the boiling point
Se t. 20, 21. concrete bride in Mono township, was of water and tends to fly apart.with •
Listowel t washed from its abutments ; by. steel.: a '.force, of about 12 .tons.'•
Meaford Sept. 21, •22.
Sept.'19, 20: • •len waters....Or , 'there's George If. John Cobb succeeds, he will be
Mildmay'. James of the Bowmanville •'States• the'• first man to travel on land at
Mount Forest ,
Seaford!, . .
Arthur • • •• •- ,
Bayfield.... .......
Brussels ....
Lucknow .. • • • •
ept. fir, zc•
man' where they..use "wisecracks'
• Sept._21 ' 22
, as—fillers and the tithes day -Georg;
• • Sept. 18=20 noticed- that under.. the engagement.
Sept. 27, .a "filler" had been used which read':
..-: Sept. '27, 28•
... Sept. 29, 30. as follows; "Sometimes a girl ',doe.
Sept.- 26, 26. a man a great 'favor by.jilting piny.,
Sept: 28, 29. He caught th'e thing before the paper
Sept. 26, 27. was. Printed:. Hanover Post.
Neustadt " Sept. 29, 30.1
Owen Sound Sept.` 30, Oct. 2 & 3.
Paisley • 'Sept. 26, 27.
Palmerston Sept. 26, 27.
Port 'Elgin Sept. :28,' 29.
Ripley Sept. 26, 27.
Wingham ' Sept. 27, 28.
Dungannon . I .. ' Oct. 15, 6.
Corrie Oct. 6, ' 7.
Tara , , Oct.: 4, 5.
Teeswater Oct. 3, 4.
Tiverton Oct. 2, 3.
+' 'lhe Sveptember• meeting of the j''a:
amount Women's •Institute will L.
held. at the home of Mrs. Wiii. W�
. Gill in •Lucknow on Tuesday, Septem
ber 5'th. Roll .call -A memory ver:.
.learned et school. Topic-••Educatio.
by Miss Ethel Martin. ,1temons.tratio:
on "Bandaging" by a trained nurse
Lunch and progrram, Mrs. Wm, Kemp,
ton. and Mrs: Arthur Cook.
PORT ELGIN TIMES ,. Mrs, ' F►•ank ' Fellows 'from Sarni
CHANGES HANDS • is visiting her sister, Mrs. Herb En-
Stewart R. Moore, publisher of the M're. Whitney from ,Detroit' is via
Port Elgin Times for the past five iting • with her- brother, Mgr. Olive
years, has disposed of his newspaper •Barkwell and other relatives here.
bu§iness.and his home in Port Elgin
to Mr. Kenneth Ferguson a native of The day is' past in North Anieric:
Detroit, who has had. wide experience to judge a man's Christianity by hi
in. the newspaper field., religion. ,
'six miles" a minute. •.
The Brampton Conservator gives.
us this story of a "down and . outer"
who'. appealed to a clergyman forthe
price of a meal. The,.cl'ergyman told
him to go to a restaurapt and have
s real meal, promising ;to telephone
the restaurant and fix it up. Later
the man' returned and•`) anked the
clergyman. He . said he had had a
ninety -cent' Meal, and he hoped that
wasn't too' much. As they were talk-
ing, the man ,pulled a' paper out ,of
his, pocket and a folded ten -dollar
bill dropped to the floor.: The clergy
..man. pounced on it. Ile gave the man
quite a 'lecture for •begging ,a, meal
when he had ton, dollars in his pocket.
Then •he took out his puree and gave ,
;he man back' $9.10 with the 'remark:
"You can pay for .your• own meal
the man departed. Later, when the
clergyman tried to' spend the bill; he
was informed that it was a counter- '
felt. ,
'Silence is always a good substitute
for wisdom. • C46
atoll' For Our Sale Bels.
• argains
1n •
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