The Wingham Times, 1900-09-14, Page 8TH '1 fl G1tA I TINS, SEPTEMBER 14, 19(}() Peter S. Fisher, sols Of rOartinSter ri:11.•:, leaves to -Morrow for Deixver t`ol. Peter is t> very obliging, and honest young peon and we Hope be may :awe leo trouble i11 securing a good posi- tion in his new home. His many Wends in \'i''iughan will wish hila success. 1 I)r, and Mrs. Towler left oe, Tuesday ar.oruillg on their trip to the O1(1 Laud: Tlu.'y will spend 1. the winter- in England and will visit the Pairis lar.po:ition. We wir11 them a safe voyage and a, most pleasant time clarion their stay. Their permanent address will be 100 Du :ton .Boats, Stockport, I.rugland. I'1•esbytcia• of 'alaitlanil. The Preebytery of Itit itiaud Mei; at Teeswater, Sept. 0th, 1000. Rev. W. J. West was appointed Mocler0:tur for the eusuiug term. Rev. F. A. MawL' euuau, Clerk pro -teal. Minutes of Ass(embl ` + and reports of \'V.I''.M.S, 'were distribut- ed. The change of date of meeting from. 1Nth to Oth Sept. t0 suit Rev. Dr. Camp - (7,3 bell way approved. Rev. Dr. Campbell ift,I '� and hes. , t,,�,,,� �,a�.�,,.� Colin Campbell twerp invited to sit ee corse:ending members. • Com- missioners to the General Assembly Rev. Rod.. MacLeod, B. D., Rev. W. 3. West, M. A. and Mr, H. D. Henderson First Peep at Fashion's repnrtud their diligence which was appruve(l. In the same connection Secrets for the new ( cvnlula.uieation from. Hon. Judge !±`tt.bes, ;et. Juhu, N. D., and Mr. S. Halifax, weie received. I i.r. u.iapbe11 the agent of the Century ,..et eenvt.•red an u:lpreseive and in - Le. a.unes3 str.,ugly urging the euurkletiun of the eauvaes and especially urging that generous contributions be gireu to the Common Fund. The following resolution was passed on motion of Mr. Malcolin and Mr. Henderson; -That the Presbytery com- mend to the congregations the carefully considered arrangements for the com- pletion of the canvass on behalf of the Century Fund and that they be espec- ially and affectionately pleaded with to give that liberal help to the Common Fund which is so desirable in the inter- ests of the church's great work and which will be a source of divine blessing to those who cheerfully and liberally come to His help. A cordial vote of thanks was tendered to Dr. Campbell for his assistance in the matter. The list of aid -receiving congregations was considered and it was agreed as follows 1 -That $31.25 be asked from the Augmentation Committee for North Trinloss, Riversdale and Euuiskillen for the present half-year and thereafter this charge becomes selfsustainiug. That $75.00 be asked for Pine River till October 3 st and $100 per annum there- after. That Duff's church, Walton, supplied by student receive nothing. Dr. Murray presented a unanimous call from the united congregations of Knox church, Ripley, and 'Knox church; Bervie, in favor of Rev. F. J. Maxwell, licentiate, accompanied. with a guarantee of stipend of $850.00 per annum with use of manse. Stipend to be paid iu semi-annual payments. The call was etixgported by Commis- sioners Messrs. Peter MacDonald, Angus 11lartyn and Wm. Henderson. The call with relative documents was ordered to be forwarded to Mr. Maxwell. Provisional arrangements were made for Ordination and Induction. The Presby- tery will meet in Kuox church, Ripley, on Tuesday, October 10th, at i0 a. m. to hear Ordination trials and at 1 p. in. the public servine will begin. The Moder- ator to preside. Mr. Dunn, of White- church, to preach. Mr., Miller to address the minister and Mr. MacKay the people. The officiating minister will read the Edict in Doth churches oil two Sabbaths preceding Induction. season. +ki for your inspection. The stock is wonderfully complete for eo early in the season. NEW AUTUMN MANTLES (Yglt.pught to see.) Tailor-made 'in the top notch of style, colors, Black, Fawn, Gray and Tweed Mixtures. Men's and Boys''Clothing. Most complete stock of new fine goods in Oaercoats, Suits, Hats, Caps, Hosiery and Gloves, Carpets, Curtains and Rugs. Stock finer than ever. I. H. Mcl 00'S tC • 111. las .• • tar'iR SONALS. ':ire eontr;butiens to • air re.;clers. If you ojng tinily yourself, 11s a note to that Wesley Walker, of Blyth, spent Wed- nesday in town. • Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis With friends in Clifford. Mrs. A. E. Simmons, of London, was visiting in town this week. Mrs. (Dr.) McKenzie, of Monkton, is •e, guest at the home of Geo. McKenzie. Mr. Wait, of Toronto, was a guest at Duncan Campbell's a few days during the week. Malcolm Graham, of Owen Sound, 'was visiting his father, R. A. Graham this week. Mrs. Geo. Allen, of London, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. McKenzie, Lower Wingham. Mrs. Thoe. Parker, of London, has been visiting with Wingham friends this week. John Leslie, of Winnipeg's largest furnit ure store spent part of this week in totv;l. Dugald McKinnon, of Copper Mines was visiting with Wiugham and Luck - now friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. Eobt. Maxwell spent Sunday iii Listowel, the guests of Mr. and Mrs Will. Jenkins. Geo. Thomson and Rev, A. E. ]3. Thomson, of Godericli, were calling on old Wingham friends on Saturday. James Cochrane, who has spent the past two months in Manitoba and the Northwest returned home on Wednes- day tight. Miss Kittle McKenzie, of De troit, who has been visiting her sister for the past five weeks, returned to Detroit on Sat- urday accompanied by Mrs. McIver and Babe. G. A. Bisbae, of town and his brother, 3.13. Bisbee, of De 'seizes, Middlesex County, accompanied by the Tatter's wife are attending a re -union of the 'Bisbee family at Carsonville, Mich, this week. Sohn Gillespie left on Tuesday morn- ing for 'Regina, N. W. T. , fTo intends spending a couple of months lithe West on a prospecting tour and may locate there permanently if he can Lind seine - thing oatitable. Will. Alien, who, loft Wingham to number years ago for too West, is now `visiting with Wingham friends. Mr. Allen Juts been in the hospital for a slumber of weeks, having been badly hurt In a railway accident. 110 is slots only tllr10 to get around with the aid of of erare w.ls, spent Sunday ( rip rnN At the ltec tory, 131L411, on Sept. daughter. 1th, the y f nk ltev lkorgu l c( uillill; tl 1TArd,Avt -In Ilowick on Sent. 2nd, the'. wife of Nr. 1l11 Hallway, of a claui;;hter,. •11111?Mkf'e1? •ltr r l:Nn-Kut` At the residence of W. Kew, W hitec bore% by Iter, Mr, Leech, and Tier A.I. Brett n, We duesday, Sept. 16th, J. A. S ;idini, of Shelburne, to Miss Annie Hew. ir,,olv--StilainaLANO.^ :At the home of the wide, Mir cone c ssieli of .'hast Wawanesli, on $entemb^r 12th, by Ilev. i'Vin. %cove% tiro. SVilscin, of 1i U4t Wawancralt, to Miss Caititerme l ei' bethryonllgest daughter of Wen. Suther- Nol. Nt I111nr••-At the residence of the bricks pere•nta on September 12th, by Bev. (.ce1; c McQt ilhn, ;Tames E, Noble to Sara Ellen, daughter of vcua(4 Nethery, all of East Watwalursh, T10inr - Tii Gies, on Sunclnt, Sent. to D: it.D01il, i'gtel 70veaisend 10months, • e 7.AenAirr In \Viugliam, en Seem m�}�er 10th Catherine McTaggart, aged t+5 years,tYr' Mc(rowAN 1u Blyth (111 e ptoalt,er lair, Hers lone Mc t owaii, aged 77 years, 8 rncnths and 1. clave. Kris --In Chien go. en September 7111, Ceoi•go Iain t•on et 'Wm, Xing, of East Wattnnosn, aged 42yea is. previa -en Morris, on F1( teMber times Crcmm. aged 713 years and. 11 in �tl S, tilt:, STRAY SSE Strayed from the pc - ewe of the under- sicncd, lot 4. c•onccssio: Morris o11 or about the lire of September, Sive a fg eel most. The tinder will be s«urablr rewarded. WARWIOII, Wiughain 1', O. •TEAWANT A t,:R^11er for U. 8.8. Ne. 7,:Aland. Second or th1t. chug ee ti irate, p ieatious, stating salary, to be sent to the ' 'e .tory 011 Or horore the i,t11 <rf Scptcnlhel, ' . Duties to com- mence the.tirst of It 01 GAVIN WILSON Oce'y, Box 4'2,'W gluon, EUI S E. Lot J Congo scion 8, tier( s, is offered. Tor sal bank b .rn amd geed 1 of repair A Hover -f 1,11r•.v, containing 100 the farm Is good e hOUse, in good state ng curing runs across the farm; also a good ,)odes orchard., The Piave is situate 11� miles from Te, swater and 3 miles from Belmore. For terms, etc„ apply to P. 0, ilox 157, Wingham, • STRAY SIDE', .ltraycd 021 the premi s • the undersigned, 01d Town Plot, 'Wing,'one ewe and. two lambs. Owner is reg1 ed to prove property and pay charges. 'W. H. CAMPBELL. • DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Omce-Maedonelcl Block, over J. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered atthooffice, Mr. R. A. Cranston and Mr. Hastie,. students, were certified to the Senate of Kuox College and Mr. A. O. Mac- Donald to Princeton College, N. S. Mr. W. C. Smith is recommended to the H. M. C. for Missionary work as a Catechist. It was agreed that each session hold missionary meetings as found con- venient. Dr. Murray reported that the Presby- terial Young People's Association met at Teeswater, Sept. 5th, that they allocated e5 to the Indian Famine Fund. Next regular meeting of Presbytery will be held At Winghatn, Tuesday, November .20th, at 10 a, m. Joule MaoNann, Clerk. Lucknow, Sept. gth, 1000. . ( 1UEi &. BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night oalls at Suttee Block, or Fifth door smith of School 1lotase. Shop op- posite itlacrldnald block."' w ANTED -ACTIVE MAN OP GOOD character to deliver and collect in Huron County for old established manufacturing whole solo house. $900 a year, sure pay. Hon- esty more than experience required. Our re- ference, any bank in any city. Enclose self- addrersiieclstaunped envelope. Manufacturers, Third Ploor, 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. . A Mien Wanted at Once To engage with an 010 reliable firm in a plea- sant, profitable and permanent business in own county. Good pay weekly; exclusive con- trol of territory. 'Only those whomeanbusiness need apply. Enquire of N. CHENOWETH, 449 Spadina Ave., Toronto. NOTICE. ender i •tt o eat I am again in my old stand apposite the Post Office, 'end can supply all kinds of Fresh. V ure d tAg- ; -•t3. i Wirei.4-1 • `:'.4 7A CO , ' f» 'r 4 •.TG1"t'..-PMARA-.. !•tip'; P! V.'i1►i Vie.-1►,'c; I r China Cups and Saucers at I have On lzancl a stock of Long Clear Salted Pork which will be sold at a reasonable price. Don't forget,. the old stand when in need of anything in the way of meats. M. DIA tl Notice is hereby given that a C rt will be held nuu•snant to the Ontario Vote 'Lists Act, by His Honour the Judge of the ' ounty Court of the County of Huron, in the ouse of Daniel Geddes, Belgrave, o T. sday the 27th da - of September, A D. 1000, at 10 o'c1oel, in the form.o , to hear and de- t(•rmine the several -. uplaints of erToi a and - omissions in the Voters' List of the Munici- pality of the Township of East Wawanosh for the near 1000. An, persons having business at the court are recluredto attend at the said time and place. Dated. at .Marnoch P. O. in • the TotVnsliip of _11:Is1 Wawanosh, the JOth day of Sept., 1700. P. PO..TEmI'BOLD, Clerk of the Township of East Wawanosll, an 1 Clerk of said Court. AUCTION SA LE/ elc?hle Farm Proper ;tomes Tae.Donald and Angus b'acDonald, execrators the will of the lade • lliam Mac- Donald, ha • instructed .7. Currie Auctioneer, to sell by U. ie suction sublee : to a reserve bid, at Queen . Hotel, in the illage of Bel - grave, on Thurscta.y, Sept. •th, 1900, at 2 o'cloc in th afternoon two iia .els , f land. L Part 1. Containing ., acres more or 1esc, 1 north 34 of the North' of Lot 34 Con. 0, East wawanosll about 45 a Ts of cleared land. IBalance in bush; ah. use, fra vie barn acid fruee stables, a ed or. ard, about s4 of a mile from P. O., a a d near to chool and church. Tins lot is wall . appliecd wit good water the year round. Part 2. Be' g part of the Nor 1,34 of Lot 33, Con. 9, Ees Wawanash, contai ng 28 acres mere or 1e ; all bush, Tic as or SALE. -Ten per cent..2 the1�ur- e11asi n ne y to be paid on day of . Ale. al - once ' 30 clays. Further particul.. s, made luso .•t on day of sale, or by applyi to the Ex .r iters. 1 ,tecl this 16th day of August, 1900. JAMES MacDONALD,Executors. ANGUS MacDONALD, CURRIE, Auctioneer, St. elens'P. O. Wingham. CHUUCI[ NOTES. The pastor of the Congregational church will preach on the following sub- jects next Sunday: Morning --"Doing the Will of Ged the Father." Even- ing ---"A deceitful plops." Rev. R. McCosh, formerly of Wing - ham, rector of Christ Church, Clinton, who has been seriously ill for the past two weeks with a dangerous complica- tion of diseases is steadily improving, and is now considered out of •danger. Misses Bella and Maly Scott, daugh- ters of the Rev. Dr. Scott, formerly Melll:sclist minister of Wingham, now supei'iuleedolt of missions in Japan, have arrived safely itt the hone of t11a1r malt, Mrs Malden, of London. They have come to Canada to avail thou - selves of educational advantages not to be secured in Japan. Tho new secretary of the Congrega- tional 1Ir:ino Mission of Canada.., who :ills the vacency oceesioned by the re. renlovol of the Itev. A. 1a'. McGregor, 1). D. to the States, ie the Rev. Win. McIntosh, of Ottawa, Mr. McIntosh has been afait hfeland settees fulpastor, and will bring to his new offline the zeal and ability which Savo market hie min - wry, FORTY PONDS (E QUALITY and an immensurable co mnfort .is contaiued in these 'MATTRESSES we are selling. - Ttrey aro fine mattresses covered with satin ticking, .In one or two pieces as desired: The mattresses are worth and usually sell at ;16.00, but we are offering them at $4.60, and $4.50 Mattresses at $3.50. WALKER- & BUTTON Furniture Dealers and Undertakees. it will pay to be cert glad as a student in the CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE amount of every one of CHATHAM, ONT. Many of the students of our Shorthand and Basin s' departments during the last term, ware oroll:a excellent positions before com-, bl;tino' their courses. Wo 11ave supplied the Ia ges cooperage 0oneelRr on the continent s�p*�i�l�t. rr't W)OIi•KEEPLRS and. STENO- W1APHERS. RESULTS ARE THE TEST to apply when you 1301110 to decide where to talo your course. 147 cities town and villages in Canada and Newfoundland l 20 counties in Ontario; Parry Sound and Muskoka, Alberta, and sirs states of ter Union were represented last year, OUR QUARTER-CENTURY session opens So %t. 4. Gooti beard for gents at 62.00 per week, and for iadies 62.00. Vire pay. railwav fare to the exte•it of 69.00 to students from a distant*. 7a"or theiin(st college catalogue iia Canada, write n. ;IMCLACiHLAN & CO. Ooolt'o Cotton loot CompouDci, Td suooessfuify used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies, safe, attune'. Dunce ask er r� dqour druggilt for Co.k. CMt.s ROM Coti- porni. Tar no other, a9 all hiixturee, pills and imitationsors danglroue. I'rIse, No. 1, Si pox box, No. 7t, i0 degree( tronger,;s per bolt. o. 1 or 2, mailed on reach(of price tend two 8-Qond ineti�mp�9, Tlaa Ceok ()elute( ay Windsor Ont. tespontible Druggists tee estates. inaladed > all No.1 Ines Xe. 2 art.'o:d in 'W'ie1^,linin Muni' te•i 110. Dave,. A. A. Mo pox, (,Dula A 0. an. ;ti a'li. Dm:gists. (;gists. THINGS NECESSARY s.(Q r{1,ylVChina cc u et cc (3 43 et Mustard Pots Teapot Stands Cream and Bowl • Oatmeals Jugs Spoon Holders i6 PICKLING SEASON to the saccessful.tailor are: A stock of Superior Cloth,Know- ledge of his Business, Skill in Cntting and Fitting, and prices which are low enough to attract without being low enough to lessen value. The possession of these essen- tials makes res confident of our success iu pleasing every patron. We guaarantee satisfaction. Robto Maxwell High Art Tailor, Win haw. WHOA MANN E SHOP Try our Grape Wine Vinegar, the only gar for pickles. Absolutely pure. NOVO The great antiseptic soap for cleaning. t Ita.ti..� 5C IOC 1 3C 15C IOC 1 5C 7 3C 1 5C 15C perfect vine - 9.171 • FARM ER.F.9 and anyone Having live stock or otherdyer. a i C oetiv / articles they wish to dispose off should itdver• GCda �G�'• tise the same for solo in the Timms. Our large i -` oimitation tells and it will be strange indeed if d OIV't'. you do rt will ells because We you. may ask bola®0� (lett Yon will soli because you may ask morn for the article or stook than it is worth. iieud �. yni o vedisposing a meei t to the Tams and try this praielea. p ' your stock and other Photos at Ho e • M. E. Zurbrigg .makes a specialty of out -door photography; picnic parties, family groups ou the lawn; residences, wedding parties and gatherings of every description photographed in an artistic manner. We deem it a :pleasure to go anywhere so don't forget us. We do Picture Framing -and we do it right top7p.� E. {s. T R }�{� ���4 C lf1 . E. .CJ�/ RBRA V1 VI'S Down floor gallery, opp. Presb. Church. The undersigned wishes o thank the public for past favo and asks for a. continuance of t r patronage in all kinds of' .</1��aohine y ork, Forging, Pattern Making, Iron and Wood Pulleys. Babbit Metal at i'ow priees, i want 25 tons of good cast scrap in e7tehaege for Plow Points. Plow Points 80 Cents Cash u5 cents trade. Castings in iron or brass on band and to order. I have now extra help in my shop and can attend o sir work promptly. Works temp G.T.B., nn. Josephine street. WINGHAM TLW PUMP RX TI.1 ENLW Ri�WAY ALLTEEL �U Pi1�GitIL L - r ni- 12- T1ILL IS MYtWNA1ACoM•o `TN Having re -purchased our old stand, we are now prepared to supply the pub- lic with Woocl and Iron Force and Lift Pumps, Brass and :Iron Cylinders, Gal- vanized Iron Tubing, Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, Baths, Pipe Fitting, Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water: We can do our work cheaper than others in the business as we have the steals power. Repairing promptly attended to. We also do well digging and drilling. All work is thoroughly guaranteed. Give us a call. D. SHOWERS & SON. The best equipped business and short- hand school in Canada is the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, Loudon, Ont. Large enrollment and strong faculty. Hundreds of students in good positions. Years of excellent work at its credit. Catalogues of either couese free. Correspondence invited. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. r's would be useless unless the fit, style and quality were apparent to back up every statement. We don't talk volumes, but our suits talk for us, and our prices will suit you. Leave your order for ,khat new SPRING SUIT OR OVERCOAT E. C. CLARKE Stand next Griffin's Grocery. nownle A DIFFERENCE OF OPINIOM is what snakes "hoss racin'," said Pudden-head Wilson. There cannot be a difference of opinion as to the value of .�yatterson's atches They are thoroughly reliable and sold with a pasitive\ guarantee. Don't be "handicapped" by carrying any old k thing for a time piece, ' Buy a watch from Patterson and be on time. , W. G. PATTERSON Stone Block, next Door to Clegg's Hardware, Wasissamssmigli WANTED A man to represent us at Winghatn and surrounding; country, • in the sale of our choice Canadian grown Nursery Stock. A permanent paying position with chance of advance- ment. Arrangements will be made with a suitable Iran tc;, SELL, DELIVER atld COLLECT. ' Good ray weekly. We ,also handle sprayers, large and shall, the best made. Write at once for further particulars to The Thos. IV. o ma , & Son Con, Established 40 years. ,.. Limited, TORONTO, ONT.