HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-08-24, Page 6ce, eat Greater, %an Canada's ie yR' 'AgricuItturist$ Vigit OW - 044 to Study Irrigation Two 'agricul,tural • experts from India have arrived- in Canada and Tvii1 travel from Quebec to • the Prairies chiefly for the purpose of • tBtndying hydro -electric, power in • relation to •agricultural, uses, and, Ike' systems of irrigating arid': ar- 14ip,rn dame projects in the United States. More Land,Under ,Cultivation.., • 'flPestern farmers; need. have 'no'. apprehension ,abont India beeom'ing.. conipetitor. it may surprise adians; ..'horever ;:to be informed that in',a good year India 'grows. more wheat than;the Dominion- We have• come to -regard ourselves as the. world''s granary, ,yet.; last year India produced 902,000,000 bushels of wheat, or' about 55;000,000: more than'Canada. The year `before; the Indian .yield'• exceeded Canada's by' 123,00.0,000 bus'hels...iildia• has about 13,000,000 :More.acres under. cults- ' vation than this country. • India.'Rleeds Her"Grim "Fee :4)wrli • 'Peoples ' Canada; with a population •of • 11,- • • ;500000 must, have export markets, whereas'.India, `with a population • of ..350,0.00,00.0: needs • all her • grain • for' her -own peopi'e.. Occasionally, - • .India'.has entered the export mark - t when ,prices. were high and good • profits ,could 'be;.,•made, but present :' and future prospects are that there gill be no encouragement in that direction.' The reason why hydroelectric° examined is because India is auti . feet to droughts and there.is some times severe :suffering among the natives.. Ali that India' wants is to be self-sufficient and 'to feed . her own people. hPolake : Get Qatteer* 'Regctest! - Mrs. Frank Thissen,. Ellen - dale farm •mother. wrote Police Chief. Frank Forestal:- "I have six smal'l. children,'. It's almibst impossible to .::, Call•-' them. on' a big farrh. • The .offi- cial basketball whistle . hasn't: enough carrying power, Could I get • a. .discarded,, but far reach= ing, police whistle?" ' . :The chief sent her three whis- tles and said,, "take .your .pick." New Reales On. Wheat Marketing a• • Memories of the recent ,royal tour of Canada`.were recalled by. the party of'30 Canadian school.girls who y are at present visiting England, when they visited" the exhibition of royal tour pictures at St. James' Palace: CHEAPER PLASTIC A plTstic ctfmpound made from' the lignin and cellulose of sugar cane bagasse,. one. Of the: country's iiu}portant, agricultural wastepro. ctar . hai be_}en• m,„anufae�cturedhy (, 7 e. 6 1 1.11 7"- a11t.i A"l a-teC)-T+- partment of Agriculture at the Agricultural By -Products Labora- tory, Ames, Iowa. The chemists estimate . that °'this new.' 'compound, can be manufactured for less than half the cost of the cheapest syn- thetic plastic 'compounds: now on the market. -0- VITAMINS. AND' OLD AGE. Evidence that senility and'other. ,symptoms of ' old.' age are 'accorn- -, partied.. by typical signs .of vitamin deficiency was presented recently by Professor ,L.' A. • Cherkes, direc- tor of the Odessa^Institute of Nu- trition,'iJ.S.S.R. Experimentson animals and. numerous-observa_ • tions on patients' shgwed, he. re- ported, that 'the processes taking', place on teeth \ -and bones in old age do, not differ in anything from those resulting .fromm, a deficiency of vitamins in the organism.- The observations have led. Professor Gherkes--to•-conclude .that the d1L- gestive. tract notonly absorbs vi - tannins from food but also trans- forms a number of inactive ,food components into active . vitamins. As the body grows older, this ca- :Provide 'Penalties For Bristol' Of Regulations . Regulations governing the mar-. keting, of•.wheat through the Can- adian Wheat Board `for the crop year 1939, especially the •5,000 -bush el' limitation of deliveries, have • been issued from the. head offices. 01 the board. ' • Under the Wheat Board Act each , farmer or a group of farmers oper- ating as' a unit, may deliver 5;000. bushels of wheat to;'the board. The initial price will be •70 cents a bush- el, basis No; 1 Northern; Fort Wil Hemi. "Sons,r Operating Land for Parents May Participate . Under the regulations, employ-' •ees.and dependents of farmers are not grower -producers and are bar- ' ,sed from delivering ,wheat to' the board, but sons of farmers, operat- • ing land'• for their parents,;may par- ticipate under a lease -agreement • ystem. ' . The farmers will •e required .to' • Obtain permits for marketing their grain and penalties .are provided for breach of the regulations, a fine not exceeding $100 or imprisonment I'; a period not exceeding one '' oath, • In addition to buying from the • grower, the b'oai°d may. buy fro4 landlords; vendors, mortgagees or others "entitled by contract or ' oration ,of law to .wheat grown by someone eine." r Ditch On The Lake • 'f'ftis is the hour when night slips quietly • , Along the flaming edges of the ' Sun; •' ere, on the lake, an opal ecstasy pre, the heavens'' word that p . day is ' done. • A silver niornent as a fish leaps �_..._ Or deer's hoof breaks a twig upon the shore; Then sudden cool, a night -bird's startled cry; . , t'n' the dip ., • �e creak' ot` oarlock, .a o o ; ' f � • "T"h'eygoung people, p le, ofthis na- tion are year by year ;becoming • ees willing to listen to the preach - int of • pessimism,' distrust and i Cit, of confidence,�� -•Sir Edward -„Aeatty. • pacity of `the digestive tract, grows weaker. Many symptoms of senil- ity, hitherto geganded as'man=fg; tations of an. inevitable ,physiolo- gical pocess, he believes, are but a. rt;sult of the; body" not keeping up with its • requirements in vitamins,. which must be supplied in greater" amounts withthe' advance of the years: -o- NEW METALLIC COMPOUND Discovery of a . new• metallic;). compound capable of cutting and smoothing the toughest metals and harder than the \h.ardest. steel . used to manuIaotre fuels was repor•e, to' the American Chemical., Society by Philip M. McKenna of the Mc- Kenna ;Metals Company, 'Latrobe,• Pa- •The material is obtained by heating tungsten; ' titanium . and carbon .in crucibles of •pure gra- phite. the mixture being. heated in a bath of molten nickel to a tem- perature of 2,006 degrees for a prolonged period. The ne*- com- pound •.it only 0.2 softer than' a diamond, the hardest . substance. known; and is expected,. because Of its ability to retain a sharp nut- ting edge, at high temperatures, to increase the ,'speed. with Which ,'stainless steels can be machined, thus resulting in considerable eco- nomics in manufacture. To the farmer 'and prospective .settler, the Annual Husbandry Di- vision of i-vision;of the Exper'i'mental Farms Service,• Dominion Department' of Agriculture, offers the results of many years experience,accruing from the maintenance, of approxi mately 8,000 head, of livestock .on . the Dominion Experimental Farms and Stations in different parts of every province of Canada. ROW TRIP. FARES TO R'1t•ITISH PORTS TOURIST CLASS 118,; * THIRD GLASS ;13•1% Four worths alowtld. Ssbsi* in E,t,•' "Fares sirbefort�y e Sehiapt. cr 24 f . reta"rnlsg ! Travel by a royal Ettepress or in the improved Tourist and Third Class accommodation on a stately Duchess: Fortner' Tourist Class • siccomm'odation On 'the popular' Mont ships has been• eliminated to provide more ample accommodation and larger deekk'pace for Third' Class passengers. Most rooms in Tourist and Thitd•Clasi, on all four Duchesses have both tot and cold;running wager. LOW. BARGAIN FARES Effective Aug. 7 to Oct. 15, 1939 'Front MONTREAL to GLAII W-4ELFAST-LIVERPOOL Sent. tr,Duchessof 1Cork Sept. 2q -thickest of York " 7-Mootro�(Harte, Southampton, p) • 30-boifrose (Havre. Southampton, A ntwerp) „ 9 -chess of " (17• -Duchess of 0ed(cid'Oct. 6-Ducbest of Richmond " 22 -Duchess of Athol! " 13-Duthcss of Bedford From QUEBEC to URG--SOUTHAMPTON Sops. 2 -Em rets oe Anorak Sept.. 23-Emprt:ss of Britain (Southampton Wr) " $p-Empiessoi Australia Sr cressoiBrioi'n 16--Empress,of Australis Oct 7 -Empress oTilniaia (Southampton only)• i Perfall detail's, see year local Havel agent or, -, E.° F. Thompson, Steamship General Agent • isita�aaa Pacirc . amis3o , Always carry to adianPatgeExpressT"vavellersCheques,.,GondtheiporldOver Pave Yu leap ` t . •�• • The Wrong Note A new goverri,oe was paying his first visit to a Gold Coast town. "'.Two banners greeted him.' The first read: "Welcome to -our new,' • help our Administration." , On another occasion, -When the King ,end Queen, . then. Duke' and, Duchess of, York, visied' Mauriti,. us, they- expressed regret that they couldn't stay more .than. thr : s 'days in the island. 'A.local pr_:ar. printed "stay" as "stand". -o Cool 'According to a writer a girl who is:,clever with her needle can make a charming summer frock for: • next to nothing. And in a heat .'wave: that's probably how;she'11' wear it. Dear Daddy hear! Little Mary: "Let's be pals, -Dad- dy, ' dear." . • • • • ' Daddy: :Certainly, my dei.r. • Little Mai'yi-:"Well, how about dumping out the 'cod liver' oil; palsy walsy?n g , Definition Economy means'keeping. . • away. from the neighbours in- stead of .keeping up with them. The latest U.S. church . device for "raising the wind" is what a religious paper describes as "some . .collection :box." •The inventor hails from. Oklahoma.'Jf a member of the congregation drops in a twert'= ty-five-cent piece or a coin of a larger value,'there is silencee. .If it is a ten-ce'nt.piece 'a bell rings, a 'five -cent piece sounds a whistle, and a cent fires back a blank cart- ridge: If any ,one . pretends 'to be asleep• when the box passes, it awakens him with a watchman's. rattle; and a camera takes his por- trait. ' . . -o .4 ' Really "It's nice to see you, again, old man; 1' thotigl;tt you were- ' dead." $h! Why?" 'Well, I've heard several ° people speak well of you late - • , Modern • ° Etiquette 6'Y ROBERTA, LEE 1. -Isn't an envious person un- popular? 2.-Shoulid a girl ever send A gift to a mail whom' she likes': 3. -Who is• usually the last one to: make a speech at -a publicdin - should .. '. 4. -How . ' many 'attendants should a widow have at her •see- tii du;ztaltrlxe is ar`foursome Just ahead'.'of you, haw' •long -should : you wait: before. driving? 6.7 -.When serving tea to•'.guests `.where' tables are hot 'provided;, shouldn't one -avoid serving .any thing that requires 'the use• of a fork? Answers 1. -Yes, always. An old Latin proverb says, "He who envies: an- other admits his own inferiority." And, of "course, it is, difficult for: an inferior person to becothp popu- lar. '2. Net 'unless she is . en- gaged to be .`married ,to' this man, and then the only gifts necessary are at Christmas and on his birth- day. , 3:, -The • guest of, honor, or the most prominent person ' .pres- ent,r'who is seatedat the toast- master'ss right, is usually. asked- to speak `last. 4. -Never more than oneattendant and more often none; 5. -Wait until all four of the players ahead of you are too far :away . for your drive' to ., inter- fere. 6. --Yes; •it is• 'better. ' to avoid.' the fork. • • • . . I. ay ANNE ASHI.EV How .Can 1 p. -How can 1 ' keep '. grapes' fresh for'a long time? A; -Cut a circular piece out of: a pumpkin or gourd, large enough. to insert the hand. Clean out the ' interior thoroughly, place rifle grapes,insllde, and replace the cov- er securely. Keep in a cool' place, Mapped Out Little Donald, aged six: 'lMdth- • er, I'm going, to work hard at this school' and ,get a scholarship to Jack's scliodl. 'And .then I'm go- ing, to get a •scholarshipto the). Grammar School. - Then I shall get a scholarship to Oxford; and after • 1 have ' finished at Oxford, I am going to drive a motor bus." "Most Beautiful City In The World" and the grapes will keep fresh for • a long tithe:, •Q. -How can 1 mend broken' marble? • A.= -To' mend . broken marble; stick the pieces together after ap- plying: Portland -'cement' and water which have been mixed.into a very stiff paste., , Q.=•'.How can I treat tired nerves? • A. -Heat some_iaiik to the ding 'point, • add `- a' little salt, and drink it as hot as possiblee. This .is also. a sleep producer. Q.-H.ow can • I clean a soiled photograph? A, -Sponge it. very lightly with a : cloth • •wrung, from warm water . 'containing a little ammonia. An- other method is to moisten some absorbent cotton withalcohol and rub very gently until the photo - "Everywhere there is something odd or different to be seen. Take -Rio, del Janeiro, for instance. There is no place in the' world' that re- sembles it. Y would call it the '. most beautiful city in the world: Here everything ' is • spectacular. High, mountains ' shoot up from centres of population. Splendid reaches abound on all sides. It is a glorious .place. Nowhere: is there such a combination of sea, shore • and mountain. • "Weather permitting, our •pas- sengers will get _'a thrill out Of „Tristan da 'Cunha, a rock in •the seaand ' a thousand' miles from anywhere. Her potatoes arid fish the -:,f od. ivt' . are eke man: items'gf o 1' eight to .ten score of . people who live there are happy. This is the plate where .girls pray for a good ' shipwreck so they can- get mar- ried." lasue .No. 34 '39 .graph `is clean. • Let it dry . natur- ally, Q --Haw can I prevent silk from cracking or becoming hard? A. -Always press it 'unifier a piece of damp muslin, using a moderately hot iron, until the mus- lin is quite dry. Prevention ` Rather Than Cure Some accidents in the home, can• . be prevented easily -thus saving the harassment of a••doniestic ac- cident and the pain of the :cure. One such accident which is fairly frequent among women is the painful hammering of a thumb • when'trying.to hammer in a nail! Here is a scheme • to. prevent such• a. crushing possibility Next time you.are ready to do odd jobs about the house which involve •;hammer •ing in of nails try sticking the nail through a piece of stout card- board and holding it with this= ' "mis-hits" are then harmless, and youx thumb .remains whole !' . The Right'Idea An •''Austrian baron .of > royal' .• blood, just arrived: in • Canada and .• 'planning` to be a farmer,'announ• - ces that. though he • fought onthe . German side in .the last war, "I will fight for the English people this war, if it • comes:, . ,It will :fight for Great .Britain .because 'I• know Twill be figliting,o'n tkie side which stands. fer,the rights of. people; 1 shall be on •the right side ' Canada 'can 'do with. a lot of • newcomers who feel like -this. SWING' a Obo1fr STANT {EAS {& NS' Sfit URNS TO�S,'8 �HtS ' H a � ,:Aima "When 1':conipare.tb 'state of our armed forces and. • our ability ' • to resist attack as it is today with whatit was only a year ago, I feel we can face the future with calm confidence in our growing • strength." -Prime • Minister Chars- ' berlain. (Dembnstraledby R.C.A. Viclorengineers) What's the future of Television le How does it work? Are the images clear? Are the sets easy to operate.? How far can it be broadcast ? • The Canadian National Exhibi- trop thisyear,offers you the first public demonstrations of Television • in Canada. Superintended by R.C.A. Victorengineersthe demon- stration covers allphases of. television. You can .see people actually being tele- ' vised; Ws really an historic occasion ... don't miss it;i; ,Advance Ticket Sale:171 Bay Street, WA. • 222&: Moodey's, 90 King St. West, EL. 1098. GGe6rga-Brigden -Elwood-A:-Hughes---' rresldent Gcnerat Manager !CAWAWAN NAT1ONAL ' :4 "I • AUG. 25 TORONTO ;SEPT. 9 • , tl .' ' r, AGENTS WANTED • RURAL MAN WITH CAR TO SELL ol,l• among Farmdrs, Threshers, ' Truckers. Splendid opportunity. Write British Lubol Corh.pany, 676 Day Street, Toronto. .• . ARTICLES FOR SA'Li>l QUILTING PATCHES, FINEST AS-. sortment five pounds fon ono dol- lar, postage paid.' E. PUllan Ltd., 480 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. RAGE CIHICIS . BAI)EN WENS P.0 LL E T 5 ALL AGES, GOOD healthy birds' raised on', . free range. Barred Rocks, New Hamp- shire Reds. White Legh'orns. Also yearling hens. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Limited, Baden, • Ontario. ,MEDDLE CRICKS STARTED CHICKS AND OLDER pullets. Ten day old. Bared Rock White Rock, New Hampshire Reda $9.95, 90% pullets $12.95, cocker- els $8.75. Two week old 'add one cent to ten. day old prices, three week old add five cents. • Extra Profit Grade, the kind that weigh 2 lbs. per ; hundred more when hatched, add- one cent. Special Mating add two• cents. Proiinpt de- livery Shipped C.O.D. anywhere. Also free range older pullets, 4 weeks to 24 weelcs. Free, Poultry Guide.-Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Qnt. • Bi(JYCI. \ES AND MOTORCYCLES' FREE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. .New rebuilt, Bicycles, $10 up. Used Motorcycles. Dukes, 625 Queen St.. West, Toronto. CATTLE. DUAL.-PTIRPO'SE 'S "Jlr O R T HO R N Bulls also Heifer Calves; accredit- ' ed, high production., Bayside Perin, Owen Sound, Ont. WOODWORtKiNG BUSINESS. FOit'- SALE NINE 1•11.7NERED CASA' ''I3 if Y 5 country s"Mall chopping mill, wogdworking business, complete machinery, dwelling. Suit handy reti,rirrg• fatryier. ` r, Pearce; -1x nan,. • CHrt1S'rMAS• CARDS assiFied......■ NEW FURNITURE FOIL SALE dvertising.■ SEND FOR .THE' .C,ELr.T1ILATE D "Royal" ,.amble book of Personal Card(,Ahe au tif UI s .1eC turn .of Signs wirch inctudei( six h`nttir3r. - sorag C'alrncare._ E11ntirely, frf e„ Personal Cards, $1.00 r 'doyen • up. 1 -sig r Commdseions j and Prem= • i'ums.,'increased valuee and eictra free cards for ,early .Orders, Very attractive , J.lo)led, Card assort-, •-rn'ents. Elxperien-re or ra'tItal un.. neteesary. Orders 'despatched wl t h - in 24 bre, of receipt. 'Published ov- r'years. ?loyal Publishing Company, 1'.0, tot 1500„Montreal. • EDUCATIONAL ot. ENROLL NOW FOR YOUR FA.J.L course of NOW us about our Practical Ativerttsingcourse. Com- plete your Matriculation "The CCC Way." Canadian Cot•respond• ence College, 501 Ryrie 131dg. To- ronto. Ont.' Established' 1902. I•'REi SILKY ENLARCESI ENT I1t O U N T E r'' 116' EASEL BACK mount with every roll received and 1 deckle. edge Velox printii • 25c. 'I0 reprints 25e. .Your favour- ite snapshot enlarged, coloured, mounted In leatherette frame 39c. Royal Photo Service, Box .5, Sta., Oen F, Toronto. HAiRnitESSING SCiIOOL GIFIL$ WANTED TO LEARN Beauty Cluture. taught In a school chartered by the Dominion Gov- ernment, branches • from coast to -coast. hundreds of successful grad. uates. We prepare you for proVin- • dal and state hoard esa.min•ttions, • rates reasonable. Call or a rite, to Dept. A, Canadian Large•+ school, • Trig Marvel, 358 Canadian, . t, W., ' 'Toronto. . JEitSC'% nUI.i. • REGISTEIIED JERSI.Y PULL FOR ,sale,. 2 years. ,Price $80,06. t P Campbell, Grand Caecapedia, Que COLORED AND MOUNTED SAVE • 20% OR MORE • UN NEW Furniture. Our large •tive-floor .warehouse is stocked with coni- pie,te home furnishings. 13y selling . direct' from, our WAREHOUSE we say6 an average of .20%' and Dass this • big saving on to you. • Term's arranged. Freight prepaid:• . • Write us to•day. Valuablewens- tums.given for sending customers ,' to, ur. • MoKenn'a Furniture' 'Co.. ' . -, Limited. 526 Tiny Street. Toronto. EIVLAR(ii MENT 111 PORTRAIT easel 'mount. Free with each ort. • der. Films developed, printed 25c. Reprints rb for 2$c. Our never fade process and one d0y servlee i assures you satisfaction. Rett Photo Service, Adelaide' St. 'Sta• • tion, Toronto. , ..... H• •EWS shitty. ' AtEN' 1 SHIRTS, WII•IT14 STRIVE!) patt'r-rns, English broadcloth,'at- tached or separate collars, r,is.r,s 13 to 171,i, $1.50 Ties, 3 for $1,00, Davids,179 ('ratg West, Montreal. MINt(s , FrNV, •IDA7tK, 'EASTERN (1t.I:rll r Mink, "kitty br error, 0 Carr r•drrs, Mirp0Arte htrnin, rr.nrn'n, bly priced.' ll or write, • Brighton Mink It tnr•h•, Owrn $Mond Tint. r,. ;"d(l,'Nimy IN MINK. WI•:HAVE ASE. levt herd of three 0119 minis. our tri a 1 e n gUArant,•s•d. I:casonabl, • terms. Stan rialy,.1rnith 1':ells, ()n• lark). aq NEW 'LIFE FOR OLD HAiR LOOK IQ YRS. YOUNGER, NATVR- 011e Hair Restorative - restore grey or faded hair to its natural color -stainless - for six weeks supply send $1.00 Naturelle Hair Itesorative; P.O. Box 373, To- ronto. ON'1`AIt11 ) LAKE HURFI•' PROPERTY .FCR salts on Skeleton Lake, good sand ' , beach, good road to beach. Char» les Stroud,ASpdin, Ont, PRINTING ATTENTION ifIt(y1JSTWIVF]5 •''1 now your Prc erves and Pick- , les., 100 ' Assorted Labels ' 10c, 500 Labels' 25c postpaid. Lewis Print:. ing,'Statlon 1?, Toronto, ('anada• RAH"' i'rs ' ,• ' 13ltI;I7l')tN(; •STOCK, NEEWZEALANI) • White • Rabbits, registered,. pedi- greed, thirty Pent:s pound, New- yealand Fur Farm,, 'Londesboro,, Ontario: "rt»GlsTr;rten rtJrS -REGISTERED, SCOTCH COLLI F7 ' .< Puptr, sable and White, also Tri- colors, . beauties, Albert . Pa"yson Terhuno 'breeding, Malta $8"0'0;' tg- males $6,0'0, Northwood, Coron- ' °Jt.inn, Alberta. S1iOi VT.NG WI'rROtiT CHAit(fl ELIZABETH Bent will shop for. you In Toron- to s(ores. Send Mr deacrintinn ret free service, 45 Iiichttond St. W., Toronto rriiiru AV%) BICYCLES FOR 'SALE • $2 IIP, r;i;A itANTI0161) IISEr.1 ''C,itt•I;S; Bicycles, $10 tip,, Write for liar- • gain pile list. Toronto Tire, 105 l)undns ' btt;,Torento. T SEL4-101.1treitL: ror t. 44444 'f4151,116 . (tir;1) htlrtNI'I`WIN: 8 P1 Iic] 111ntng Suite $15.00; Chesterfieid acmes $20.00 Chenteirfieid Bed Suite tis to; Studio Couches 516.00 9-plece itlning Sullen, lake new, 540.110;: Ilretkfast Suit.ra $20.00. lI,ind 'ds of ler erticles•.,Write uv formiler 'redulrements• ••renins arranged it necessary. Mrlirnttn Furniture r-,,, Limited. • • 626 Ilay s Merest, Tot0,110., • 1•`, t •