HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-08-17, Page 8=At :THE LUCKNQW ,SENTINEL... easings 'Biting, Rlthrnet1C NINTH INNING• RUN ELIMINATED DUNGANNON Walkerton eked out a 10 to 9 tin COL U1I'I l �1 Less. Than Three.. Weeks Away r. • ILDREN'S DRESSES -Gayly .printed circular skirts, new neck ..,•'....«,........ -lines (Jean Gordon, Sizes : 8 to"14" years 98e • • ' DRESSES -...T1410 Season's CLEARING LINE;OF CHILDREN'S styles, Sizes 10 & 12 only, R,T9c• eg•, $1,00, Special , FOR THOSE WHO" SEW -=-We' have,-* rangeof materials, Prints.. Linette, . Sperva, Piques, Woollen and Silks ryTa air CHI.'L1M ENCS" SOCKEES— LAstex 1p.•P . t liplzb�d cotton stripes un cuff Size 7y: to 1J `�:�',der-k:.,:.� ,a ��.•Gr,...� ,;�•suk'�.�ear��.:.�r«. _.__,__.='�a.�_�. xa Regular -'25c. ` Special : •' oven. Dungannon Juniors on Monday to eliminate the later team from the Bruce League. Walkerton now meets Kincardine for the 'group champion ship. - -Monday's game was a thrilling fin i.eh. Walkerton went into the .lasthalf` of 'the 9th with the *Cori 'tied,'9 all. With two away and the count 2 and 1, Bob•Craig 'pitched one down the .alley' to - Joey S Carusor who pasted a ,drive, dower the first :base line, scoring tht evinning rdn: from second, 01! ti► a,.bad'start Walkerton Nay leading 6 to'2-nt the end of the•fourth- a ybod , s game. front there on les went the full three 'ganw todlittleto winner, with .. ethe, choose betweenthe two teams. Dun- •gannon Won the .opener last Thursday 10 to '5, dropped Saturday's game. in Walkerton .8 to 4, and then on Mon-, day lost the 10 to 9 heartbreaker; that e MISSES ,SYRINGE PULLOti ERS -•=A real blouse e for sarate skirt pa 9�� or suit.: Wash well 'and retain their. shape. • . ton x Miss Mary Bruce. of Newark, New Jersey, is visiting with Miss Katherine MacKenzie. ; , • Master Bob. Fox of Hamilton is vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Donald .111a0Donald. ' put them on the., sidelines,: Assisting the Dungannonteam,•. were 'fauir local boys, • Jack MacDonald, Donald . Finlayson, Doug.;.. Aitchison and Jack Cook. - ardWare dsummer 11 it only Miss Mary •.Cray, BN., of Toronto visited • the past two weeks ,with Mr, and Mrs,. Wm. L. • McKenzie. ' Mrs. ,(DO Karr and IIis§ Alice' Little of , Ridgetown were iezien ;meets of,M.r.'.and .Mrs. G. H Smith.' • .11Ir and Mrs, Cordon .Grossett,. (ane. 'Mary Modntoth) ad daughter Patsy eiids.: here. ," Miss. Helen Doupe and Mr.: Hat oh •Doupe;of Port Credit,and formerly of Lucknow, have been visiting with fri ends here. , PEARLM ANT'S nave; just received the, first{ shipment of new Fall presses, Call and See them, - Mrs. Collyer; Ted, Stuart, Keith. and June are' visiting with Mrs. Colt yen's ,brother. in Ottawa: ' Mr. ,and Mrs. G. Hodgins •of Wood stock visited last week With Mrs. E. N. Hodgins, -Mrs. J.. Mather* and .sen.of Toronto are visiting with her *parents, Mr an!i Mrs.- Burgess. • - . • : Mr. and, Mrs. Harry Parnell -of Tor onto .were ;visitors at the home of the. latters'sister, Mrs, W. J, Spindler. Week end. visitors with Mr. ,;;Alio Mr: and Mrs. Herman V.oaden,Mls 'Arthur Voaden and Miss Veaden fron' Port Stanley spent ' Sunday' with Mr and Mrs.: • J: S. , Kilpatrick. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CLUB' The Club will meet this Friday eve- ning as' usual at 8 P.M. Mr. A. 'S. Miller from Windsor, Ont., will bring the message. ,Please be out and bring your Bible and a friend. . • VARNISH _CO. LTIL; • We • Are, Able •TO .DIfer,-;;;. 200,y .-Gationsi :Extelltnt ' ..Quatio, COLORS WHITE • • COLORS Attended Brother's Funeral Mrs. ..161in Spindler has retnined &Mae after attending the nera her brother; Mr. Hugh Cameron of Detroit An older brother died in Sep: • Mrs. ;Glen Moore "of' Hamilton wha. has' been visiting with her mother 1Irs. E. N. Hodgins; returned hbm With .Mr. Moore, who anent the .week end here: NleDiarmid were 'Mr, and. Mrs.. D. R. d.,' onald Cleveland,'" Ohio"�°p Jj Vasitora with Mi. and 1Virs. Burgess over Sunday were Lloyd Burgess,, J. Mather* and Wm. Russell, all of Tor- onto. Vi itors this week' With Joe +Irwin are his brother, William James Irwin. of Pittsburg and .Mrs. Robert.Philiips of. Goderich. Mrs.; Wm. • Robinson of Belgrave and her sister, 'Mrs, Cahill,. of Paris. are visiting here this. week with .the formers daughter, Mrs. ' J. S. Kil- patrick... '• Mrs. Nellie Ibbotson and sons, Jed and Billy and ' little ,.daughter; ' Joy Lee. of Flint, Mich:,, are visiting-witI' her parents, 'Mr: "land • Mrs. Joseph' England: Mrs.. Martha -Smith, who: is making her home in Sarnia with Mr; and Mrs Frank Irwin; ' :'suffered a stroke on Wednesday, of ]asst week and '' is , not very well . at • present. •'` Visitors at the honte. of ' Mr. Jas: Forster last week -end were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Morrison,' Mr. and Mrs. David Callender and,Miss Laura Mor- rison, al lof GuelPh. Mrs. Forster returned to GuelPh for a week. RROWN RED quicu DRYING' VARNISH • CARD, OF THANKS The bonny of jhe late WM. Percy wish to express their grateful thanks. to friends and neighboers ;fer kind acts Mid exPrensions of sympathy tendered them in .their bereaveinent The 'family of the late Mrs. James Howey wish to express sincere apr Preciation to friends and neighbours for their kindness during her long' illness 'and for-- the-niany----kind-acts- end expreasions of sympathy at the time Of their bereavement. • Mr. and Mre Win ,Johns o called on Mr John' - ,uncle, Mr. Spindler, .ani] his ,cousin,. Mr. W. Spindler,.Athe fit: of the week, Mr.. Charles Drisco,,teaeher on the High School: • iltaf at Powassan sent a few days with Dung. Clark, who will teach in the :J uiblie School in that town for another' term. 1,1RIVUSLUA. P""r 1,17311, 1%19 ilorne's Restaurant How UNDER tiEW MANAGEMENT Soda Fountain Service'. United Cigar Store, -13illiard ParlOur ESSTER'S .RESTAURAjtil "WE'LL SERVE YOU -WELL" ing e" post -graduate course ''at 'the ,Eye and Ear Infirmary 'New, yort City, is holidaying with his parents DO' YOUR PAINTIN.G NOW. YOU WILL -NEVER DO -IT FOR 'LESS. FOR INTERIOR Olt EXTERIOR -UM -L.-- ' Pearlman's Mitt - Summer Salle Ends Tlikis Sat. ..; FINAL CLEARANCE OF SUMMER DRESSES—Sheers with . Slips---Washabre cottons nnd crepes—All latest styles—Sizes EVERYTHING - IS STILL ON SALE TILL SATURDAY. This is your final chance to save real money on quality merchan- B. PEARLMAN LUCKNOW, ONT. 'PHONE 85. BORN Hospital, , on Frida§, Auguat lith, to Mr. and ,Mrs. Gordon 'Fisher 61' Luck - how (nee Winnie Nixon) a son. 'ALTON—At Walkerton Hospital,. Saturday,'July 29;1939, to Mr. and Mrs:. W. Alton, &son,. Thelma Rod- ,GRAHAid Monday', July 31st,- to.Mr. and Mrs. -Archie Graham, Sec.- ENGApEMENTS Mr and Mrs.,,John R. Lane an- nounce the engagement of their. elder daughter, Elizabeth Andrena ' (Bes- sie), to Frei& Henry Maulden, son of the late Mr. end Mrs. Robert Maul: den, Ipswich, England:. The marriage to take place late in ingat. " Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Train .arinonnce the engagement, , of their daughter. Miry Crichton, to Mr. Alton Byion Adams, son of Capiain and Mrs. Wit-, liege will take place in Westminster - Central -Church,'Bloor Street; Toronto at 6 o'clock on Saturda§, September the secOnd. • suNDAr 2.10 P.M. Song' Service Begins At 2.30 p.m. At THE OLD -SWIMMING POOL Entrance, Throifgh The Drive -Way Leading To Mr. Mel* Bilter's -Home. Parking -Space -Included -by_ hring Your Lunch And. Plan To Stay For The Evenmg Service To War EVANGELIST BRUCE STALLWOOD• of Rible Institute, Springfield, Minsouri. WILL PREACH AT 8 P.M. in the Pentecostal Mission.. Your Last AT. 'KINLOUGH Service Every Thum:. 8.30 PI M. In The Orange Hall: CHURCH Pastor AUGUST 20 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—The Service Will Be 'In Charge of Rd. De 'Witt Cousins, Of Essex.. MT« end Mrs. Edward McQuillin, Mr, ish arid Mr'. and Mrs. Harold DawsOn ind, son of Toronto recently enjoyed Visitors from tewn Spent a pleasant day recently with Mr.• and Mrs. Ian 'MacRae at Strathroy; includ- ed Mrs: A. q. tiliaft, Mrs, Wm. Mac- Kenzie, Mre. W. J. Little, Miss Helen Doupe, Miss Kiitheiine MacKenzie and Mr, Herold Donne. Mre. E. Hall of Hamilton, the latter foritierly Wilemine Kilpatrick, called other Mends recently. It** about 25 years since 'Mrs. Hall-jeft ,Luck- . With Mrs. Peter MoCall as "ciiinp mother", the followirig girls spent the past ten days at the Stewart Cot- - tage at. Point Clark; Bessie Stewart, Anna Finlayson, Jean Cidbeit, Aud- rey Campbell, Etta Belle MacDonald Marjorie Hoffman, Mani Fisher, Jane Hornell and Louise Greer. Dr. and Mrs. P. J. MacGregor of Louisville, „Ill., Mrs. C. Campbell of Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mac- Aregor of Waterloo, R. MacGregor of Mr !and- Mrs. Glen Moore 9f Hamilton and Mrs. G: N.• Stuart of St. Helen's were callers at the ithte7, Gregor home on Sunday. Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. -JosePh Enkland were, Mr. and. Mra. Thomas England and twa ions of 'Gelt; Mr: and Mrs. Robert Dyell of Wingham; Mr. and Min. George Scott and family of Wing - ham; Mr. and Mrs, Sack Swan and family of St Hkens; Mrs. Jim Eng- land of- Lanrier; Mr. Harry Middle- ton and Miss, Iona- Swan. •• • • Calithurnpian Parade Prim, Draw 3 BANDS allthuncolati.rarade Rem School (rounds Akt.7.00 Sharp MEN'S FANCY COSTUME 2 MEN'S „COMIC -COSTUME 2 1 GIRLS' FANCY ,COSTUME .. BOYS' FANCY COSTUME .. 131:0V COMIC 'COSTUME 1 BOYS' DECORATED WAGON OR. TRICYCLE , 2 , 1 GIRLS' bEC. -DOLL CARRIAGE or TRICYCLE . 2 1 ANCIENT HORSE DRAWN VEINCLE, providing Prize Draw. At. Midnite 3 .PRIZES' 88 -PIECE Wm. A. ROGERS PILVER IN WALNUT CHEST -CEDAR CHEST witfi DRAWER MOSSFIELD BLANKET prizes .On Display •At Buston's ,Barber Shop. Tickets 10e, or 3 • fer 25c. Now alienable from all Club Members. ' asnessonrStreet DanCe ,F1,04-ENcE • SAUEIr5 6 -PIECE Orchestra — JITNEY Dancing CARNIVAL Gars ON RAIN OR SHINE