HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-08-17, Page 4IELD . . es":Marjory • Bissett,. Sa;ie Far- •COwart and *where Pat,i • :be% t are :spending...their vacation sat Point Cisik. • Mr.- Stuart Robertson, of Lucknow, Dor. and :Mrs.. N. G, . MacKenzie and 71,14. were in, Fort Huron mi Weil the, of „ ;last, week attending _ , fuiierat of -their uncle, Mr. Wm. Rob ert2on;, Mrs. E stm .of Pot Hope Dor and. . a , .._an r are holida ing ..aniong relatives here. . y • The' tedcherers:. have .returned from 811a4mer Schoof and lire reparia for wheel term, the; nater schl p 'of Loii Ditr • and Dtrs; .S M,c• intyre. Annie . ••• do>i-.arQ,VisrtrYig wath•Mi'sa M c. a Iutyre.. Y • ' Mrs..:Moffat is visiting• amongher ii%mtl iat'eTeeawater. y The' farmers are ver •y busy:'tFhresh-• • big' is. the order of: the day: The .Gibson' H 1patitck combine is working at Mr ' T. BuglaVs farm. • Mr, Cliff Lloyd of Tonawanda, N. visited with his mother during the. Mr, and Mrs. ehadie "G'illiespie,' Don and Betty. of St. Thomas And MO. Peg Borthwick of St. Cather - Ines were recent visitors ,with their parents.. Mr. and Men., Jab, Hodginis. s 'Ethel u Che is, 'v sitieg with `friends in • Merriton find will. attend, the C. N. -.E.. Toronto, ,before returning to : her hone 'here.. • Miss Jean' A,ndorsn visited over the weekend• with Misses Edna and 11ay B.oyle,.. ; number..frosit here attended, the floes O • �s: Re•untbu •at Teesviiatgr. 1d. Miss Winnie Pere R:N ,' :'ender- Went.•".:a tonsil operation in `Kincnr- rine General tlospitai on Wednesday �f Fast 'week. , Mr., Jaa..'>nahis it returned to ho mc' at' Chappleau' atter ` visiting ' with friends here:'` Mr. and Mee• . W. Barry returned to their home in' Toronto after spend - 0 THE:i.KNCN�IN: • ing the past weeis Haldenby and Mrs. RannA Mays; E J they. Mr, and Mrs."Cliarlie Dobson, Shit. ley , and Billy .df Windser are ,holiday- ing at the home' of the former's sister, Mrs. Yin. Pinnell. ' Mrs. Neil MacKay returned to, her home at Glamis after spending days with her Sister, Mrs, Wm. Percy • Mr:. and Mrs. •Syd ,Parry andfain were .recent visitors at, the home of Mz' and Mrs, .John Hodgins, Billy' Ruth and Jack •remained bare on bol r, idays. , Mr. Albert Bell anti 'friend'of Buff Y,, spent a • few ,days •with' the fo#'mer's parents,.,Mr, and ,M& Harry Bell and' other relatives. here. Misses Anna and Belle 'Wise en. tertaxned Ate. Hol food Wo3ne n's; stitute'.'on Thursday.af last week; li& Mrs; 'Petersen end'. Betty .,•returnee. to Forento after :a two week's vae$.t.= ion 'at the holiie :of Mrs M. • ::Mae ean. MiesHi ida 'Reid o f Reid's. Cornet . . was the guest of Miss Marx Co over the week -end. • • Mr. and M'rs. Cliff. Armstrong viss- • • • ated ,.4ittr.ing 'the week with relatives here Mrs. Jack 'Schpniacher lapid Ueleu ;of Culross are spending, e. few (weeks. with her grandmother Mrs. I. :. 4. Haldenby. Qn � .Sunday last August •- iath, the. 'Anglican Cangtegat on Marked the 5th ,anniversary of their chukeh trit1 'two ,special services. llev F. G, Mo Ritchie,. rector; • had .charge atboth services, while' the guest apeakers *were Rev.. Wm. D. Davis of Otyassa, Michigan and .Canon Wm. A..Toawaas-' head of London, both former rectors under the,leader'shi The ,choir15i of • r. ii ' t .Ort bu - s C tr t Miss Edna .Boyle, qak, na ., , ... ed an anthem. at each of the services, Miss •Wijnriie Percy, R.N., returned this week to her ;duties in' 'Listowel Hes 'tai. • . p. c Mr. SantHodgins, BruGa v idt, ied Sunday , with his..sister, Mrs.Neilir Ft soca,' • `ss ' r, ce • •and` •Jean Ehtott Mt , es � alt , • s returned to' their.' hoin.e near Londor, after holidaying with their sister. Mrs. Karl, Boyle. -.Rev. Wm. D, and Mrs. Dennis„Mr, anti Mrs, 1091414t*' Ow[q,, igen w aklad y 14140.11 with'. e4 1 4 k Mr. Akh IEI! ttlelibbr ehildren. of 'Toronto aro °tatldtlarilrg with relaBvee t 'Misses Bea*. hnd ;WA f; 'ail#gt the° week-eUd Ill! Toronto.. • »' Misses Nettie and Margaret Mal-' e9hn,,.:entertoIitl ; 'the Guts' W. lw., S. also they Glrta' W A, en Sats last at. a miss•lant11: gn Ming; . M'enibers, from, the Anglican. W.. A, attended the attteiyteoai :tea, at the Rectory en . Wednends. afternoon, Miss , Grata Hudgeon ' and. Mr. Wes, Wlkyteof T,att oa spent a) few; days 'with the form r'% veaifte.. Mr, and ' M s.'J. B. ,l ., kinsou. w , i Ma 'r •,. I Ona . $ wit r .: Bo6irthWick'i , St. Catharines, • ' Meet. Jimmie D1 dgii a in visiting. this° week With randMrs; flak eettipiece; , Langside. The W. M. 'S. of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs.. J. R. Lazne on , Wedvesdn_v'••- 0116.rnoon. 4. • because _moist_cars te---Ir Safi smoothly on a good regular -priced gas! • lf7our car did not :knock. when new,. but ,knocks nowon the same grade of gasoline—blame it On the motor oil. Many oils form hard carbon inside the motor . after only a few thousand ,miles. The result is knocking and ; lost power. In •the long, run, the best and most economical cure for knockitng • is to have the: carbon removed, then use Sunoco, the: Knock -proof Motor Oil, exelusively. It's your safest .profeetion againstaknocks' and lost power! OTOR OI Sunoco Knock -proof Oil is one oil that you can . depend upon to keep your motor free of hard carbon, the cause of many knocks. Therefore; ifyour motor knocks ... look to the motor oil,:first! , HEfE'S % IRY - MANY MOTOR. OILS CAIrSIE` KNOCKS As the piston tt►o*ee upward, ; the mixture iia• comprrased to one-sixth of its foriner.volurne. In other words, the 6 ulnas • of mixture have been reduced to one unit. (Compression ratio, 6 to 1.) While compression ratios vary, most modern cars' have high compression engines. Modern; high compression,motor cylinder showing piston at bottom . of stroke. Inthis position there is ample space for the gasoline Or. mixture which was fed into the cylinder after having been -nixed in the proper propor- tions by the • carburetor. ' a d r �VrU►iu�g Q 1��fota�ns hard..._ear.:bon. i_,.the-.:bring. chamber. By reducing this space, bard carbon increases the cotnression and heat so that the &is iii tturr cant burn evenly, but instead, nausea a , sudden sharp explosion. In other words, • the motor knocks, of pings n. I • v '4k • ' THURSDAY AUGUST 17th, ' 1939 P tFo1Z.'`SAI44ear iotntoea and koi otables,, Jori, Burger, north of T, W, Sr:lith's mugs. , FOR SAL+E-7:1 Holstein Gave lust f horsed . 1 -work horse. -, A E ( REAv1N, FOR aiku&•,-English Pram its good caNiditata; ' area • 8 year guitar course ., . guaranteeid front il: S. School-of,,Musx is F. EMBERLI'N. a n FOR SALE --2 ll F,:gas is a engine, la, in aod woeking°cn idon Cash pric e 20.00,• Apply to J, E. RUTTbE; R. i,ug knovv third lane, west Belfast. C • TWD -WAY ACTION on the TKid-.< neys; antiseptic and invigorating.;' Runiacaps ''attack the cause of Rheu- matism, Sciatics,.. Luinbs o cE M' ._. DRUG STORE.' • ATTENTION SCHOOL ,PUPILS As we . are opening our `home for School Pupils this. term and will take either Roomers or Boarders, it will be to 'your interest to get in touch' with usas soon "as possible. Please phone 150 w, Liycknow or. call. at Express Oifice,'. Lucknow. RAPID CITY • Mr. and Mrs. Tom' England of Galt spent the neek-end"with''11ir. and Mrs; Joe England. • • Mrs. Alex 'Ibbatson of . Flint, Mich., ie also a visitor` with her parents for a Mr. Howard . Reed left two. weeks ago on 'a ,noto r trip to the West..; Mr. Nelson" Carter, who underwent an appendix operation several weeks agb'Js able to be home again. Visitors at the home' of Mr. W. G; Red Sunday were Mr.and Mrs. Peter Cook 'and children of 'Zion, and. Mi`. and Mrs. Benson Brown and Shirley of .Port Albert. • Mrs: ' Relit.` McNalf spent. a day in London recently.: •, Must Have Had An Orf -Day • It must have been an orf -day, that's the only way' we can ..:account for it, for upon returning from a holiday; about. the first "news"' we heard•was that. Dan MacLeod; and Henry Carter lost a game of 'horseshoes to a couple of so-called "recruits," Victor 'Barrot and Mel Johnston, by, a score of 21 to -It-wasn't lend. •ago that ' aD n wan a notablevictory and when a'"champ" losesone,,; it immediately becomes "news." But were •pulling for Dan that they can't do it again. KINL.OSS COUNGYL MINUTES Kinloss °Township Council met on,. July 24, 1939, as per ,adjournmen.t. All members present. J. McIntosh—• Hodgins, that the minutes of the last regular meeting as read. be approved: and signed. , Sheep claims of Thomas McFarlane; Pharis . Mothers, Rode McDougall and Lauchlan. McKenzie amounting to $55; were paid, also Inspectio'n; Fees, of $6.45. J. McIntosh --Hodgins that the Clerk write yilingham General Hos- pital, and the County" Clerk—Re-Nel- son Carter' indigent. J. Mclnt'osh—McKenzie that the Clerk write. the Township of ' East Wawanosh— Re— Kenneth Weaver's complaint on the .McKay—McQuillin Municipal Drain: • A. •McIntosh Hodgins that order beissued in payment of all Bills and Accounts passed at this meeting. McKenze—J. McIntosh that we de now adjourn to meet again on 'Monday the 28th' day of August at the usual d: place: Chtimeequeans Issued • • Thos. McFarlane, ' lamb killed by dogs----$8•QO';' Pharis Mothers,' lamb killed by dogs—$7:00 Rod McDougall, lamb killed by dogs -$5.00; John Ken- nedy, Insp...Matlter's 'lamb—$1:.20; Harold. Stanley, Inap. McDougall's lamb—$1.35; A. E. Thompson, weed Insp$8,10, Caretaking, $4.25---$12.3$ Municipal . Worid, Supplier-.$t•0,5.t.. Lucknow Sentinel, Voter's Lists and Adv.—$84.4; L. McKenzie, Shee'.Ii Claims- $3:5.00; "Mark Johnston, Insp. above -43,90; Duncan Thompson,. Re- lief and Rent --38.04; Thos: Gaunt, Postage, rte.;; -$3"00; J. R. . Lane, Postage, late --$3400., Highway Cheques ..• Fred Sandy,•,' Pay List .50;—$709.93; t� I& 3 4 6 At, Si; 1-1, 1.8-~Pay-I;tsf'. 751-1128.80; Harry Levis, Pay List 51? - $10!"¢0,. Russell Ross, Pay List '58-. • 39,00; Alex' MacLeod, . Puy List 54— $33:00; Prank Johnston, • Pay List 65• ---$97O1,•. Dan M'elutyre,'1',iy List 58-- $13.50; Roy Melones, Pay List 57.-. - $5,00r Road No. 13,, Pity List 58, $4,50; Parrish Moffat, Pay list 69— $10.80. 1. J. R. d ANP, Clerk. NoTiCE • The annual meeting of the LucknOw • an ; Limited will, IT Elevator .Comp.. y. •, ► •. held in the office of ,George, 11.:Smith, Lueknnw,. on Wednesday evening, :Aug. ' 80th at 8 o'ctock. Eleetioli of officers and,basinss• to be'other regular e. transacted. ' . • • TT President: J.�MES ItAC,KE , ',President: • ALL Y AeIR -INCOME'selling large • li ' '. s `ices .. xtrtcts .:toilet requisites, stock', and other.. farm .products::. Our .combination offers open every door. °a No''experience needed Pleasant work._ !teddy .rap eat : re` eat orders from' old. and new customers ,, A. small amount pats you : in business ' for . yourself. NO ,RISK cellent iorttiniity to right - party. For free details and catalogue without obligatipn. FAMILEX CO. 570 St, Clement, Montreal; NOTICE TO CREDITORS, ' IN THE MATTER OF THE ES.- CATE OF SAMI1E1 SMITH, -tate • of he 'Village of L.ucknow in the County' of'' Bruce, Retired • Farmer,' deceased. '.: NOTICE IS 'HERE'BY GIVEN, our., suant to The ; Trustee Act that all • creditors. ,:and ' others having claitns against the Estate of the late Samuel " ,• Smith,' are required to send :particui • ars 'of their •claims, duly verified, •to J.' VP• Bushfield, the solicitor for the executor of the' said estate: on 'or''be- • . lore the 26th :day of August, A. D., 1989, and that after such date the ex- -Bent:7x will -to .4C tate--ih•L'tn L`'he.. said Estate, having regard onlyto the ;claims of which he. shall ..then have. had .notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this •i9thday of July, A.D, 1939 ' J. W. BUSI1FIELD, • 'W.inghanm, Ontario.. Solicitor for the •Executor. . CL>i:Itii'. :NOTICE OF FIRST POSTIN-G..OF' VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists, •1939, Municipality of•. • Township of Kinloss;' County .of Bruce. • Notice is hereby given 'that L have complied with Section 7 of The Vo,. ters' Lists Act and that 1; have post- ed up et tory office at R. 2, •Holyrood, sn the 31st day of July, 1939 the list`" of• all persons entitled to 'rote in the said municipalityat Municipal Elect-�. ions, ,and that such 'list remains there ior inspection:- And nspection ;And' I hereby call upon AT voters .to take immediate proceedings to have :iny ,errors or omissions corrected , ac-. ,ording.to.'law, the last day- for appeal ')cuing 'the 21st . day 'of. August, 1939. Dated this 31st day of July,.1939. , J.. R. Lane, ,clerk of Kinloss. JOHNSTONE and.. ' MacKENZIE FUNERAL :SERVICE AND FURNITURE COMPLETE REVISION OF' 'PRICES Ambulance Service ;.Day or :Night ' 3 Phones, 76. F. T. ARMSTRONG ' OPTOMETRIST ., WILL BE IN LUCKNOW EACH WEDNESDAY 9.30 A. M. To 9. P. M. AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE BUS SERVICE;, (tom, LUCKNOW 'LEA•VES'Lucknow South daily; except Sundays' and hol- idays, 7 a.m. SUNDAYS & Holidays -4 p.m. NORTH' to Kincardine Daily. except-.Jundays_and ,boli —Jays. 9.10 pan. :SUNDAYS' &, 11 olida ye,:10:50 134n. For .Further Information See • ,. • •'• Local • Agent. SMITH'S' GARAGE Western'. Ontario Motorways •x x